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'Super food'
'Super food' madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)
Regeneration of Malaysian rice variety MR 219 via somatic embryogenesis. Journal of tropical agriculture and food science, 39 (2): 11. pp. 167-177. ISSN 2289-9650 (2012)
3D Printed Natural Fiber Composite
Pretreatment Studies and Characterization of Bio-Degradable and 3d-Printable Filaments from Coconut Waste. International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, 13: 13. pp. 137-148. ISSN 1985-5761 (In Press) (2020)
Regeneration of Malaysian rice variety MR 219 via somatic embryogenesis. Journal of tropical agriculture and food science, 39 (2): 11. pp. 167-177. ISSN 2289-9650 (2012)
Acid sulfate soil
Applying Limestone or Basalt in Combination with Bio-fertilizer to sustain rice production on an acid sulfate soil in Malaysia. Sustainability, 8 (7): 2. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2071-1050 (2016)
Acid sulfate soils
Improving the Productivity of Acid Sulfate Soils for Rice Cultivation using Limestone, Basalt, Organic Fertilizer and/or their Combinations. Sains Malaysiana, 45 (3): 8. pp. 383-392. ISSN 0126-6039 (2016)
Adat persawahan
Penanaman padi secara tradisional di Kedah - adat persawahan di negeri Kedah: kayu tenggala. [Website]
Penanaman padi secara tradisional di Kedah - adat persawahan di negeri Kedah: memelihara pokok padi. [Website]
Penanaman padi secara tradisional di Kedah - adat persawahan di negeri Kedah: piama (musim) bendang. [Website]
Penanaman padi secara tradisional di Kedah - adat persawahan di negeri Kedah: turun ke bendang. [Website]
Penanaman padi secara tradisional di kedah - adat persawahan di negeri Kedah: masa turun ke bendang. [Website]
Agen pendebungaan
Kajian penilaian ekonomi lebah pendebungaan. Economic and Technology Management Review (e-ETMR): Sosioeconomic Study. pp. 21-39. ISSN 1823-8149 (2017)
Development of Malaysia’s agricultural sector: agriculture as an engine of growth. In: ISEAS ‘Conference on the Malaysian Economy: Development and Challenges, 25-26 January 2007, ISEAS Singapore. (2007)
Agrotek Kosmetik enzim nanas. [Video] (2020)
Bingkisan proses pembuatan kerepek ubi kayu. [Video] (2017)
Bingkisan usahawan tebu. [Video] (2016)
Dukung Anak. MyAgro.
Durian belanda punca guru bersara awal. [Video] (2016)
Jerami padi bawa rezeki. [Video] (2020)
Kacip Fatimah. MyAgro.
Kelulut sebagai produk agro pelancongan. [Video] (2020)
Kerepek ubi jadi tumpuan dunia. [Video] (2019)
Kunyit hitam cegah penyakit- 4 produk tembusi pasaran. [Video] (2017)
LGM sedang laksana rekod jual beli getah online. [Video] (2019)
Langkah EU boikot kelapa sawit terburu-buru. [Video] (2019)
Lestari agro: varieti salad di Malaysia. [Video] (2019)
Lidah Buaya. MyAgro.
MARDI Perkenal Klon Baharu Rambutan AG-28 dan GB-44. [Video] (2018)
MARDI perkenal varieti baharu ubi keledek ungu. [Video] (2017)
Manual pengurusan teknologi tanaman padat nanas Moris di tanah mineral. Manual. Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Kedah, Kuala Kedah, Kedah. (Unpublished)
Naik taraf kebun kepada agro pelancongan. [Video] (2019)
Nangka Temerloh ke London. [Newspaper] (2019)
Pamplet prosedur pendaftaran Pusat pemprosesan untuk eksport. [Phamplet]
Pembukaan ekonomi semarakkan kembali industri minyak sawit. Astro Awani Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (2020)
Pengapuran tanah penting bagi jamin kesuburan tanah dan hasil tanaman. [Video] (2019)
Pengeluaran nanas meningkat kerana permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2019)
Penyelidikan klon pisang FGV bakal tampung 30 peratus permintaan negara. Astro awani, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)
Pisang. MyAgro.
Potensi pokok kesum jana pendapatan. [Video] (2015)
Projek tanaman kontan bantu pulih kewangan Felda. [Newspaper] (2019)
Rambutan. MyAgro.
Strawberi Putih, Agro Highlands, Nutrima Mardi Cameron Highlands. [Video] (2019)
Sumber kekayaan baru: Kelapa. [Phamplet] (Unpublished)
Sumber kekayaan baru: Nanas MD2. [Phamplet] (Unpublished)
Tanam serai pun boleh berjaya. [Video] (2018)
Tembikai merah. MyAgro.
Analisis Dasar Pertanian: Peranan Sektor Pertanian dalam Pelan Induk Perindustrian. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 26. pp. 95-125. (1992)
Tanaman kontan boleh tampung kejatuhan harga sawit,getah. [Newspaper] (2019)
Kelapa sesuai ganti kelapa sawit dan getah. [Video] (2018)
Agribusiness in Malaysia: some facts and emerging issues. Journal of Management and Operation Research, 1 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2682-8243 (2019)
Rezeki cili gantung. [Newspaper] (2019)
Pertanian bandar pupuk muafakat kejiranan. [Newspaper] (2020)
Inisiatif inovasi berasaskan getah asli. [Video] (2015)
Positioning Sarawak in the global market. [Newspaper] (2020)
Kajian penyelidikan ubi keledek ungu MARDI. [Video] (2017)
Pertanian mapan: cabaran dan strategi pembangunan dalam sektor pertanian di negeri Perlis. Society, Space and Environment in a Globalised World: Prospects & Challenges: 5024. (2003)
FAMA sekat cili dari Vietnam di semua outletnya. [Newspaper] (2019)
Tak peduli harga sayur turun, naik. Berita Harian. p. 21. (2019)
Kerajaan sasar eksport 43,000 tan durian ke China. [Newspaper] (2019)
Belimbing. MyAgro.
Jagung: Serangga perosak. Portal Rasmi Jabatan Pertanian Melaka. pp. 1-9.
Jambu Batu. MyAgro.
Tanam cili merah kaedah fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)
Putting Mersing on economic map. [Newspaper] (2020)
FAMA giat promosi hasil pertanian. Sinar Harian. p. 32. (2020)
Pelajar UiTM tuai hasil tanaman cili fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)
Sarawak berpotensi untuk pengeluaran hub baharu nanas. [Newspaper] (2020)
Cili Siam fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2019)
Sumber Perundangan Pembangunan Tanah Pertanian Menurut Perspektif Islam: Dasar Pertanian Negara (DPN). Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 19: 281. pp. 35-52. ISSN 22896325 (2018)
Proses pengambilan jerami padi. [Video] (2016)
Agribusiness management
Agrobazaar online FAMA catat jualan RM1.8 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)
Jerami padi bawa rezeki. [Video] (2020)
Langkah EU boikot kelapa sawit terburu-buru. [Video] (2019)
Nangka Temerloh ke London. [Newspaper] (2019)
Pamplet prosedur pendaftaran Pusat pemprosesan untuk eksport. [Phamplet]
Pengeluaran nanas meningkat kerana permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2019)
Penyelidikan klon pisang FGV bakal tampung 30 peratus permintaan negara. Astro awani, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)
Kelapa sesuai ganti kelapa sawit dan getah. [Video] (2018)
Tak peduli harga sayur turun, naik. Berita Harian. p. 21. (2019)
Kerajaan sasar eksport 43,000 tan durian ke China. [Newspaper] (2019)
Proses pengambilan jerami padi. [Video] (2016)
Agribusiness marketing
Agrobazaar online FAMA catat jualan RM1.8 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agrotourism: jom durian-savour the king of fruits. [Phamplet]
MARDI Perkenal Klon Baharu Rambutan AG-28 dan GB-44. [Video] (2018)
Nigeria di jangka tingkatkan import minyak sawit Malaysia- MPOC. Astro Awani, Kuala Lumpur. (2020)
Pembukaan ekonomi semarakkan kembali industri minyak sawit. Astro Awani Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (2020)
Penyelidikan klon pisang FGV bakal tampung 30 peratus permintaan negara. Astro awani, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)
Sumber kekayaan baru: Kelapa. [Phamplet] (Unpublished)
Sumber kekayaan baru: Nanas MD2. [Phamplet] (Unpublished)
Jabatan Pertanian sasar 50 peratus pokok Musang King menjelang 2022. [Video] (2020)
FAMA giat promosi hasil pertanian. Sinar Harian. p. 32. (2020)
Agricultural sector to receive slightly higher allocation. [Newspaper] (2019)
Nigeria di jangka tingkatkan import minyak sawit Malaysia- MPOC. Astro Awani, Kuala Lumpur. (2020)
Overview: Malaysian Agricultural Biotechnology. Documentation. Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2009)
Improving the yield of ‘Chok Anan’ (MA 224) mango with potassium nitrate foliar sprays. International Journal of Fruit Science, 14 (4): 6. pp. 416-423. ISSN 1553-8621 (2014)
Hubungan antara industri bagi sektor pertanian di Malaysia. Prosiding PERKEM VII, 1 (5): 2. pp. 269-276. ISSN 2231 962X (2012)
Agricultural Storage
Pemprosesan pertanian. [Website]
Agricultural Economics
LPNM bantu pasarkan 160 tan nanas. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)
MOA tingkat usaha cari tanah untuk tanam nanas. [Video] (2020)
MOA tingkat usaha cari tanah untuk tanam nanas seluruh negara. [Newspaper] (2020)
UNSPECIFIED, ed. Panduan pengesanan anak benih klon: Varieti nanas. Panduan Pengesahan Anak Benih Klon (4). Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia, Putra Jaya, Malaysia. ISBN 9789830472065 (2014)
Agricultural Intelligence
Parlimen: FELDA Mempaga jadi 'sandbox' pertanian pintar. [Newspaper] (2021)
Agricultural Mesej
Ministry works with entrepreneur to develop Mesej – Ewon. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agricultural Product
Pengusahaan pokok cili - majalah 3 UTM (25 april 2018). [Video] (2018)
Agricultural Research
Tropical fruits and vegetables in Malaysia: production and impact on health. In: Fruits and Vegetables for Health Workshop, 15-16 August 2006, Seoul, Korea. (2006)
Agricultural Sectors
Peranan tanaman padi dalam pembangunan pertanian di Malaysia: analisis sejarah dan kontemporari. JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9. pp. 189-212. ISSN 1823-4127 (2004)
Peranan jurutera pertanian dalam pemprosesan kelapa sawit. [Video] (2020)
Belia usahawan tani siswazah: isu dan cabaran. Working Paper. Institut Penyelidikan Pembangunan Belia Malaysia (IPPBM), Putrajaya. (2007)
Agricultural Technology
'Smart Farming' Pandan Jaya, pertama di Malaysia. [Video] (2019)
Agricultural Trade
Kemajuan sektor pertanian di Kelantan. Discussion Paper. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH. (Unpublished) (2016)
Agricultural broadcast
Agricultural radio talks and drama: Malaysia early development experience. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 28 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2012)
Agricultural commodity
More demand for palm oil from easing Covid-19 lockdowns, resumption of activities: MPOB. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agricultural development
Agricultural radio talks and drama: Malaysia early development experience. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 28 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2012)
Agricultural economics
Strawberi Putih, Agro Highlands, Nutrima Mardi Cameron Highlands. [Video] (2019)
Agricultural economy
Mengenali varieti durian popular di Malaysia. [Phamplet]
Peranan tanaman padi dalam pembangunan pertanian di Malaysia: analisis sejarah dan kontemporari. JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9. pp. 189-212. ISSN 1823-4127 (2004)
Beg medium sebagai asas penanaman cendawan kukur. Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 11: 3. pp. 19-26. ISSN 2289-9642 (2017)
Belia usahawan tani siswazah: isu dan cabaran. Working Paper. Institut Penyelidikan Pembangunan Belia Malaysia (IPPBM), Putrajaya. (2007)
Pengurusan pertanian lestari di luar bandar: kes projek agropolitan di kawasan terbiar. Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia Ke VIII 2013, 2 (4): 5. pp. 790-795. ISSN 2231-962X (2013)
Agricultural entrepreneurship
The factors influencing agropreneurs’ intention using TPB: a study of fertigation programme in Selangor, Malaysia. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 1 (1): 4. pp. 41-49. ISSN 2637-0859 (2022)
Agricultural land use change
Agricultural land use in Malaysia: an historical overview and implications for food security. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 60-69. ISSN 2534-983X (2013)
Agricultural management
Pengurusan pertanian lestari di luar bandar: kes projek agropolitan di kawasan terbiar. Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia Ke VIII, 2 (4): 5. pp. 790-795. ISSN 2231-962X (2013)
Agricultural markerting
Malaysia eyes agricultural modernisation to revive the sector. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)
Agricultural marketing
MARDI Perkenal Klon Baharu Rambutan AG-28 dan GB-44. [Video] (2018)
Agricultural matrix
Effects of in situ habitat quality and landscape characteristics in the oil palm agricultural matrix on tropical under story birds, fruit bats and butterflies. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24 (12): 13. pp. 3125-3144. ISSN 1572-9710 (2015)
Agricultural practices
Penanaman kelapa sawit lestari dan impak ekonomi. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 10 (1). 057-080. ISSN 1823-884x (2015)
Penanaman sawit lestari dan impak sosioekonomi. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 12 (1): 5. 057-080. ISSN 1823-884x (2015)
Agricultural production
MoU beri lebih peluang ke peringkat global. [Newspaper] (2019)
Pakej teknologi mekanisasi ladang bagi pengeluaran nanas di tanah mineral. Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 9. pp. 139-147. ISSN 2289-9642 (2016)
Agricultural products
Pemprosesan pertanian. [Website]
Agricultural programme
Issues and challenges of sustainable agriculture in the Cameron Highlands. Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management, 10 (2). pp. 89-114. ISSN 1511-7855 (2009)
Agricultural sector
Agricultural sector to receive slightly higher allocation. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agricultural studies
Hala tuju bidang pertanian. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Hala Tuju Pertanian. Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-129. ISBN 978-967-363-173-5 (2010)
Agricultural technology
Land evaluation for oil palm cultivation using geospatial information technologies. Oil Palm Bulletin (67). pp. 17-29. (2013)
Agricultural waste
Penghasilan vermikompos menggunakan bahan sisa buangan pertanian. Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 10. pp. 29-35. ISSN 2289-9642 (2016)
Agritech — pioneer industry to reap 5G benefits. [Newspaper] (2020)
COVID-19 impact: Young blood needed in agriculture for continuity. [Newspaper] (2020)
Cendawan tiram kelabu berpandukan Malaysian Standard. [Phamplet]
Export value of Malaysia’s tropical fruits on the rise — Ahmad Hamzah. [Newspaper] (2020)
UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan pembangunan pertanian tanah bercerun. 1 ed. Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-047-265-2 (2020)
Hala tuju bidang pertanian. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Hala Tuju Pertanian. Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-129. ISBN 978-967-363-173-5 (2010)
Kaedah Pembiakan Pokok Oleh MARDI. [Video] (2016)
Khabar Dari Sabah: memajukan industri koko Sabah. [Video] (2019)
MARDI bangunkan teknologi tanam kubis bunga di tanah rendah. [Newspaper] (2020)
Pembukaan ekonomi semarakkan kembali industri minyak sawit. Astro Awani Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (2020)
Penyelidikan klon pisang FGV bakal tampung 30 peratus permintaan negara. Astro awani, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)
Projek tanaman kontan bantu pulih kewangan Felda. [Newspaper] (2019)
Sungai Tunoh basin can be major rice production area, Masing says. [Newspaper] (2015)
Tomato MAHA18. [Video] (2019)
Wong seeking collaboration in agriculture. [Newspaper] (2019)
The oil palm industry in Malaysia: thriving with transformative technologies. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 29 (4). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1511-2780 (2017)
Tanaman kontan boleh tampung kejatuhan harga sawit,getah. [Newspaper] (2019)
Willingness to pay for crop insurance to adapt flood risk by Malaysian Farmers: an empirical investigation of Kedah. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2146-4138 (2017)
‘Set up food processing industry in Sarikei’. [Newspaper] (2016)
FELCRA Berhad Bintangor, Bunut: black bunch counting. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Sarawak, Mukah, Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2019)
Potential antifungal activity of dioscorea daemona (ubi gadong) tuber extract against pyricularia grisea pathogen of rice blast disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (01). ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
Peranan tanaman padi dalam pembangunan pertanian di Malaysia: analisis sejarah dan kontemporari. JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9. pp. 189-212. ISSN 1823-4127 (2004)
The transformation of agriculture based economy to an industrial sector through crowd sourcing in Malaysia. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research, 3 (1). pp. 34-41. ISSN 2348-120X (2015)
Rezeki cili gantung. [Newspaper] (2019)
Pertanian bandar pupuk muafakat kejiranan. [Newspaper] (2020)
Tech-driving growth in Sarawak’s agriculture. [Newspaper] (2018)
FELCRA Berhad Bintangor, Bunut: weeds management. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Sarawak, Mukah, Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2019)
FAMA sekat cili dari Vietnam di semua outletnya. [Newspaper] (2019)
Peranan jurutera pertanian dalam pemprosesan kelapa sawit. [Video] (2020)
Malaysian Standards Crop Commodities in Agricultural for Sustainable Living. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222. pp. 485-492. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)
Pepper: Sarawak’s king of spices. [Newspaper] (2018)
The Importance of the Agricultural Sector to the Malaysian Economy: Analyses of Inter-Industry Linkages. Pertanika Journals, 21 (S). 173 -188. ISSN 0128-7702 (2013)
The importance of the agricultural sector to the Malaysian economy: analyses of inter-industry linkages. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (S). pp. 173-188. ISSN 0128-7702 (2013)
Tanam cili merah kaedah fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)
Development of Malaysia’s agricultural sector: agriculture as an engine of growth. In: ISEAS ‘Conference on the Malaysian Economy: Development and Challenges, 25-26 January 2007, ISEAS Singapore. (2007)
Pelajar UiTM tuai hasil tanaman cili fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)
Belia usahawan tani siswazah: isu dan cabaran. Working Paper. Institut Penyelidikan Pembangunan Belia Malaysia (IPPBM), Putrajaya. (2007)
Penglibatan belia dalam pertanian komersial dan perkembangan industri pertanian di Malaysia. SIPATAHOENAN: South-East Asian Journal for Youth, Sports & Health Education, 1 (1). pp. 99-108. ISSN 2407-7348 (2015)
Cili Siam fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2019)
Galak usahawan muda ceburi bidang pertanian. [Newspaper] (2020)
Pengurusan pertanian lestari di luar bandar: kes projek agropolitan di kawasan terbiar. Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia Ke VIII 2013, 2 (4): 5. pp. 790-795. ISSN 2231-962X (2013)
Agriculture Technology
Wong seeking collaboration in agriculture. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agriculture and Food Industry
Subsidised fertilizers for hill paddy farmers. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agriculture cultivation
Malaysia eyes agricultural modernisation to revive the sector. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)
Agriculture economics
Hala tuju bidang pertanian. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Hala Tuju Pertanian. Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-129. ISBN 978-967-363-173-5 (2010)
Manual pengurusan teknologi tanaman padat nanas Moris di tanah mineral. Manual. Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Kedah, Kuala Kedah, Kedah. (Unpublished)
Nanas MD2- Pilihan pengusaha nanas di utara semenanjung. [Video] (2019)
Nanas mudah kupas, potensi terbaharu majukan petani Kelantan. [Video] (2020)
Pusat penyelidikan nanas terbesar di Malaysia. [Video] (2017)
MARDI bangunkan teknologi tanam kubis bunga di tanah rendah. [Newspaper] (2020)
Petani usahakan variasi nanas cobek. [Newspaper] (2020)
Tidak rugi berbudi kepada tanah - Bakal jutawan nanas. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agriculture mechanisation
Malaysia eyes agricultural modernisation to revive the sector. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)
Agriculture product
Pusat pengumpulan, pemprosesan dan pembungkusan produk pertanian beroperasi 20 Januari 2020. [Newspaper] (2019)
Teknologi pertanian: sistem Penanaman Secara Fertigasi. [Video] (2019)
Lapan pusat pengumpulan, pemprosesan dan pembungkusan akan ditubuhkan di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)
Agriculture sector
COVID-19 impact: Young blood needed in agriculture for continuity. [Newspaper] (2020)
Quality assessment towards VHT Harumanis mango for commercial trial to Japan. Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, SE. pp. 77-90. ISSN 1985-3890 (2010)
Agriculture subsidies
Modern Agrotechnology and Subsidies in Malaysian Agriculture: Are We Using Them Wisely? Project Report. Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), Kuala Lumpur. (2011)
Agriculture supply chain
Pertanian mapan: cabaran dan strategi pembangunan dalam sektor pertanian di negeri Perlis. Society, Space and Environment in a Globalised World: Prospects & Challenges: 5024. (2003)
Agriculture technology
Sarawak sees three-fold increase in exports by 2030. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agriculture tourism
Putting Mersing on economic map. [Newspaper] (2020)
Malaysian agritech — will 5G reap what NB-IoT sows? [Newspaper] (2020)
Agro Pelancongan
Ambil madu terus dari 190 sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2021)
Agro jurnal
Agro jurnal seharum pandan. [Video] (2013)
Agro makanan
Hala tuju kementerian pertanian & industri asas tani. [Video] (2019)
Agro-based Industry
Ministry works with entrepreneur to develop Mesej – Ewon. [Newspaper] (2019)
Agro-food policy
Kegiatan pertanian dalam pembangunan dari perspektif Islam. Ekonomi Perancangan Dan Pembangunan.
Dasar Pertanian Negara Ketiga (Dpn3) & Dasar Agromakanan Negara (Dan): Analisis Terhadap Makanan Asasi Beras Dan Padi Menurut Islam. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 14 (1): 195. pp. 32-50. ISSN 2289-6325 (2017)
Agrobank komited laksana segera inisiatif Belanjawan 2021. [Newspaper] (2020)
Perangkaan Agro makanan. UNSPECIFIED. Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani. (2018)
Kayu manis. Laman Web Rasmi JPSM.
Agricultural land use in Malaysia: an historical overview and implications for food security. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (1). pp. 60-69. ISSN 2534-983X (2013)
Toward Malaysian sustainable agriculture in 21st century. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 18: 6. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1755-1315 (2014)
Malaysian Standards Crop Commodities in Agricultural for Sustainable Living. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222. pp. 485-492. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)
Protecting the agriculture sector during the Covid-19 crisis. KRI VIEWS, 27 (20). pp. 1-14. (2020)
Factors influencing perceptions of local community on ‘kelulut’ honey as agrotourism product. International Journal of Business and Society, 19 (SI). pp. 66-78. ISSN 1511-6670 (2018)
MOA peruntuk RM300,000 untuk dua jeti nelayan di Sabah. Utusan Borneo Online. (2019)
Galak usahawan muda ceburi bidang pertanian. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agropreneur Lada
Ceburi industri hiliran lada. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agropreneur muda
Galak tanaman impak tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agrotek krim anti kulat dari ekstrak kulit rambutan. [Video] (2020)
Angkara Covid-19, pengusaha tadika jadi peladang. [Newspaper] (2020)
IoT has huge potential in agriculture, says deputy minister. [Newspaper] (2019)
The little farm that could. [Newspaper] (2020)
Pertanian pintar guna teknologi IoT. [Newspaper] (2021)
Tackling food insecurity in the midst of food security. [Newspaper] (2020)
UMT, Big Bee join forces in strawberry farming. [Newspaper] (2020)
Agrotek: penuai kerang Ergo, BPTN Nanas (kluster nanas lestari). [Video] (2020)
Durian sumber kekayaan baharu. [Video] (2018)
Misi D197 durian musang king. [Video] (2018)
LPP galak ahli tanam durian. [Newspaper] (2020)
Projek Wakaf Dusun Ilmu, idea bijak UiTM jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2021)
MARDI lancar empat kit kesan pencemaran dalam produk pertanian. [Newspaper] (2020)
Galak tanaman impak tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)
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Earliella scabrosa
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Eurycoma longifolia
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Fertilizer application
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Food Security
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Food supply
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Forest ecosystems
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Forest patch Omnivorous
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Fresh fruits and vegetables
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Fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV)
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Fresh produce
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Fruit juices
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Fruit positioning
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Fruit vegetables
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Gene expression
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Genetically modified crops
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Genom sawit
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Genus Heterotrigona
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Geospatial information and technologies
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Getah asli
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Government publications
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Government roles and initiatives
The implementation of contract farming of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables(FFV) for smallholders in Malaysia: government roles and initiatives. Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, 3 (1): 1. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2550-2018 (2017)
Grafted plant
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Green Hourse gas
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Green Technology
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Green environment
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Green technology
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Hab pertanian
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Habitat complexity
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Halal food
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Harga semasa komoditi
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Harvesting procedure
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Heavy metal
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Hepatic antioxidant enzyme
Dietary postbiotic lactobacillus plantarum improves serum and ruminal antioxidant activity and upregulates hepatic antioxidant enzymes and ruminal barrier function in post-weaning lambs. Antioxidants, 9 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2076-3921 (2020)
Herbal plant species
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Heterotrigona itama
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High conservation value species
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Hill farming
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History of commercial agriculture
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Honey bee
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Honey industry
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Hybrid pineapple
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Hybrid variety
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ITS region
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Ibadah korban
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Ikan Air Tawar
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Ikan air tawar
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Ikan patin
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Financial analysis for selected land use options in Malaysian agroforestry system. Gading Business and Management Journal, 10 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 0128-5599 (2006)
Industri asas tani
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Industri kelulut
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Industri kelulut negara
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Industri kenaf
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Industri kulinari
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Industri lebah kelulut
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Industri madu kelulut
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Industri penternakan lebah kelulut
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Industri perladangan
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Industri pertanian
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Industrial sectors
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Industrial training report
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Influencing factors
The participation of Malaysian fresh fruit and vegetable farmers in contract farming. Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, 3: 5. pp. 75-84. ISSN 1985-3890 (2010)
Inhibition zone
In vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina in vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts against pathogen of pineapple heart rot disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (01). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
In vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts against pathogen of pineapple heart rot disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (1): 2. pp. 7-15. ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
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Kembara UMP bantu masyarakat Kapit. [Newspaper] (2022)
Inovasi pertanian
UNSPECIFIED, ed. Pakej teknologi tongkat ali. 1 ed. Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-047-266-9 (2020)
Hubungan antara industri bagi sektor pertanian di Malaysia. Prosiding PERKEM VII, 1 (5): 2. pp. 269-276. ISSN 2231 962X (2012)
The Importance of the Agricultural Sector to the Malaysian Economy: Analyses of Inter-Industry Linkages. Pertanika Journals, 21 (S). 173 -188. ISSN 0128-7702 (2013)
The importance of the agricultural sector to the Malaysian economy: analyses of inter-industry linkages. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 21 (S). pp. 173-188. ISSN 0128-7702 (2013)
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Insentif Pengeluaran Getah (IPG)
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Insentif program tanaman
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Institut Penyelidikan Beras Antarabangsa
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Integrated wireless sensing
Stingless bee colony health sensing through integrated wireless system. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 77 (28). pp. 85-90. ISSN 2180-3722 (2015)
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International Trade
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Internet Of Things
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Internet of Things (IoT)
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Financial analysis for selected land use options in Malaysian agroforestry system. Gading Business and Management Journal, 10 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 0128-5599 (2006)
Ipomoea batatas
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Islamic Jurisprudence
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Isothermal amplification
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Isu buruh paksa
Sekatan AS jejas reputasi minyak sawit Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia (DOSM)
Pengeluaran getah asli Malaysia naik 36.7 peratus. [Newspaper] (2022)
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Jambu batu
Jambu Batu. MyAgro.
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Kelapa Sawit
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Kelapa pandan
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Kelapa sawit
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Kelulut farming
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Kelulut honey industry
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Kelulut honey industry plan
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Kemajuan Kampung
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Keselamatan makanan
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Khasiat halia
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Knowledge and skills
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Koloni Kelulut
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Koloni lemah
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Komoditi sawit
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Kumbang buah
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Labour shortage
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Lactuca sativa
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Ladang kelapa sawit
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Ladang madu kelulut
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Land Analisyis
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Lebah kelulut (Genus Heterotrigona,Family Apidae)
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Lebah madu liar
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Lipid peroxidation
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Local fresh fruit
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Low production
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MR 315
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MSPO certification
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Madu Kelulut
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Madu kelulut
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Malaysian Fruits
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Malaysian agricultural issues
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Malaysian cultivar
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Malaysian economic
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Malaysian honey standard
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Malaysian superfood
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Mangifera indica
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Market structure
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Market supply
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Marketing practices,
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Marketing strategy
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Material mineral
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Menternak madu kelulut
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Mentor mentee
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Mesocarp Fibre
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Metabolomic study
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Metisa plana
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Mineral soil
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Minimum inhibitory concentration
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Minyak Sawit
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Minyak sawit
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Model Kejayaan
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Modern agricultural
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Modern beekeeping
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Movement control order
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Multi-roles of agriculture
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Musang king
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Musim penanaman padi
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My Bee Savior
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Nanas MD 2
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Natural Fibers
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Negative perception
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Oil Palm
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Oil Palm Biomass
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Oil Palm Frond (OPF)
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Oil Palm Management
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Oil Palm Trunk (OPT)
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Oil palm
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Oil palm plantation
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One stop center
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Optimisation of inputs
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Organic agriculture
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Organic soil
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Oryza sativa ssp. indica
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Paddy cultivation
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Paddy straw
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Paddy yield
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Paddy/rice industry
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Padi bukkit
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Pakej rangsangan ekonomi
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Palm Kernel Shell (PKS)
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Palm Oil
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Palm Oil Mill
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Palm oil
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Palm oil industry
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Pandemic effect
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Pasaran Madu
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Pasaran tempatan
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Pekerja tempatan
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Pembenihan ikan
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Pemetaan tanah
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Pemimpin pendapat
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Pemulihan koloni
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Penanaman Padi
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Penanaman nanas
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Penanaman padi
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Pencemaran alam sekitar
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Pengairan pertanian
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Pengeluaran getah asli
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Pengeluaran minyak sawit
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Penggandaan koloni
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Pengurusan lestari
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Peninsular Malaysia
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Penjagaan tanaman
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Pensijilan MSPO
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Penternak kelulut
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Penternak madu kelulut
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Penternakan Udang
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Penternakan kelulut
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Penternakan komersial
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Penternakan komersil
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Penternakan lebah
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Penternakan lebah kelulut
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Penuai Kerang Ergo
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Pepper industry
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Pepper production
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Perataan tanah
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Perladangan Sabah
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Perladangan organik SRI
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Pertanian moden
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Pertanian pintar
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Peruntukan dana khas
LPP bantu tingkat ekonomi peladang. [Newspaper] (2020)
Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi
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Pest repellant
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Phytochemical screening
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In vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts against pathogen of pineapple heart rot disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (1): 2. pp. 7-15. ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
Phytophthora species
MPOB bags gold, silver awards for innovations at ITEX 2020. [Newspaper] (2020)
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Pineapple Industry
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Pineapple biomass
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Pineapple heart rot disease
In vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina in vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts against pathogen of pineapple heart rot disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (01). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
Pineapple technology
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Pineapple varieties
The MD2 ‘Super Sweet’ pineapple (Ananas comosus). UTAR Agriculture Science Journal, 1 (4): 3. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-957X (2015)
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Piper nigrum
Pepper: Sarawak’s king of spices. [Newspaper] (2018)
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Plant biotechnology
FELCRA rintis teknologi dron, robotik untuk model pertanian pintar. [Newspaper] (2019)
Plant pathogen
Kaedah nanoteknologi dalam pengesanan patogen tanaman. Buletin Teknologi MARDI, 3. pp. 107-113. ISSN 2289-9642 (2013)
Plant science
Citizen science helps rice farmers to move forward. [Newspaper] (2021)
Plant tissue culture
Regeneration of Malaysian rice variety MR 219 via somatic embryogenesis. Journal of tropical agriculture and food science, 39 (2): 11. pp. 167-177. ISSN 2289-9650 (2012)
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Plantation Industries and Commodities
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Plantation estates
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Plantation management
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Planting Industry
UiTM Pahang breeds stingless bees to produce high-quality honey. [Newspaper] (2020)
Plantlet regeneration
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Platform digital
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Pokok Tin
Guna sistem teknologi fertigasi. [Newspaper] (2020)
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Post-weaning lambs
Dietary postbiotic lactobacillus plantarum improves serum and ruminal antioxidant activity and upregulates hepatic antioxidant enzymes and ruminal barrier function in post-weaning lambs. Antioxidants, 9 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2076-3921 (2020)
Potassium nitrate
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Precision agriculture
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Production system
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Production technology
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Produk koko
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Quantity supplied
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Reproductive performance
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Sustainable Agriculture Practices
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Sustainable Development
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Sustainable palm planting
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System dynamics
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Tanaman getah
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Tanaman halia
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Tanaman herba
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Tanaman kenaf
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Tanaman organik
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Techonology Agriculture
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Teknologi Hijau
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Teknologi SureSawitT
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Tenaga kerja
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Timun tikus
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Total organic carbon
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Trigona apicalis
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Tropical agriculture
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Tumbuhan ubat-ubatan
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UiTM Pahang
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Uitm Melaka
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Ulam ulaman
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Ulat bungkus
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Urban Sustainability
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Usahawan tani
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Usahawan tempatan
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Vegetable production
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Ventilation Topping
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Vernonia amygdalina
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Vitamin E
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Wakaf Dusun Ilmu
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Whole of Government (WOG)
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Willingness to Pay
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Wireless sensor networks
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Wood degrading fungi
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Young entrepreneur
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agricultural development
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agricultural productivity
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agriculture economics
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beekeeping industry
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cash crop
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cash crops
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chilli plant
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cointegration and causality analysis
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crop improvement
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economic dynamism
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economic sustainability
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farm mechanization
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food crops
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food processing industry
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future of agriculture
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hill paddy
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Infestation status of invasive coconut leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on coconut palms in three different locations in Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science (JTAFS), 47 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1394-9829 (2019)
ipomoea batatas
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kelapa sawit
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low production
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natural fibres
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organic acids
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organic fertilizers
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organic wastes
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paddy planting
Sabah, Sarawak hill paddy can be premium product, penetrate wider market. [Newspaper] (2020)
palm oil
Malaysia turning to food crops as palm oil price falls. The Star Online. (2019)
peat soil
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pembiayaan bank
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penanaman padi
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pertanian bandar
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petani bandar
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phenetic analysis
Molecular identification of Malaysian pineapple cultivar based on internal transcribed spacer region. APCBEE Procedia, 4. pp. 146-151. ISSN 2212-6708 (2012)
pineapple heart rot disease
In vitro antibacterial activity of vernonia amygdalina leaves extracts against pathogen of pineapple heart rot disease. GADING Journal for Science and Technology, 1 (1): 2. pp. 7-15. ISSN 2637-0018 (2018)
plant biotechnology
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plant breeding
Genetic Diversity of Upland Rice Germplasm in Malaysia Based on Quantitative Traits. The Scientific World Journal, 2012: 416291. pp. 1-9. (2012)
plant fibres
A Review on Pineapple Leaves Fibre and Its Composites. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015: 950567. pp. 1-16. (2015)
plant protection
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Dietary postbiotic lactobacillus plantarum improves serum and ruminal antioxidant activity and upregulates hepatic antioxidant enzymes and ruminal barrier function in post-weaning lambs. Antioxidants, 9 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2076-3921 (2020)
poultry farming
Stories of youths at paddy fields. [Newspaper] (2020)
product development economics
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sago starch
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sektor pertanian
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stingless bee
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stingless bee honey
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synthetic fibres
A Review on Pineapple Leaves Fibre and Its Composites. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015: 950567. pp. 1-16. (2015)
tanaman kontan
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teknologi perladangan
Stories of youths at paddy fields. [Newspaper] (2020)
teknologi pertanian
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usahawan tani
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‘Chok Anan’
Improving the yield of ‘Chok Anan’ (MA 224) mango with potassium nitrate foliar sprays. International Journal of Fruit Science, 14 (4): 6. pp. 416-423. ISSN 1553-8621 (2014)
‘Chok Anan’ clone
Improving the yield of ‘Chok Anan’(MA 224) mango with Potassium Nitrate Foliar sprays. International Journal of Fruit Science, 14 (4). pp. 416-423. ISSN 1553-8621 (2014)