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Jump to: 3D | 3D geospatial | 3D point cloud | 3R | AHP | ANUGERAH Pereka Muda Asia (AYDA) | Ablution units | Accessibility | Accident | Accident Costs Ratio | Accuracy | Acessibility | Action Implementation | Action plan | Active Aging | Active fire protection system | Adaptive reuse | Adaptive reuse criteria | Adaptive reuse museum | Adat perpatih | Adoption | Advantages | Aesthetics | Affordability | Age-friendly city | Ageing | Agencies | Aging | Aging population | Agricultural | Aided-architecture | Air pollution | Airborne particulates matter | Alam | Alam semula jadi | Alam semulajadi | Aliran air semula jadi | Ambiguous provisions | Amenities | Analisis ruangan | Analytical Hierarchy Process | Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) | Analyzing | Ancient building | Anjung Tinjau | Annual value | Anthropometrics and Ergonomics | Antibacterial | Antifungal | Apartment | Aplikasi mobile | Application | Appreciation | Arbitration | ArcGIS | Archictecture | Archipelagic culture | Architechture | Architechure | Architect | Architects | Architects Act | Architects Act 1967 | Architectural | Architectural design | Architectural drawing analysis | Architectural heritage | Architectural identities | Architectural perspective | Architectural practice | Architectural profession | Architectural revolution | Architectural styles | Architectural technical | Architecture | Architecture Awards | Architecture Legacy | Architecture Scholarships | Architecture Sign and Symbol | Architecture design | Architecture identity | Architecture studio | Area | Arkitek | Arkitek Landskap | Arkitek Landskap Malaysia | Arkitek landskap | Art | Artefact | Artificial Lighting | Artificial intelligence | Aset tanah | Assessment | Atmosfera | Atmospheric | Atriums | Attire | Attributes | Audit projek kerajaan | Auto dependency | Award | Award-winning developer | Awareness | Awareness and compliance, | BIM | BIM Execution Plan (BEP) | BIM's skilled workforce | Bahan binaan | Baik pulih | Balrall pozzolan | Band ratio | Bandar Damai | Bandar Mentakab | Bandar dinamik | Bandar islamik | Bandar selamat | Bangunan MITEC | Bangunan MITI | Bangunan anjung tinjau | Bangunan bersejarah | Bangunan hijau | Bangunan komersial | Bangunan tinggi | Barriers | Bathymetry | Batu laterit | Belia Malaysia | Benefits | Bidang seni bina | Big data | Big data analytics | Binaan Bangunan dan kursus Kelestarian Dalam Senibina | Binaan kayu | Binary logistic regression | Bio Indicator | Bio monitoring | Biodiversity | Biodiversity conservation | Biological process | Biophilic design | Biosfera | Blue ocean strategy | Boundary | Brightness | Brownfield sites | Budget overruns | Buffer Zone Concept | Buffer zone delineation | Buffer zones | Building | Building Information Modeling | Building Information Modelling (BIM) | Building Automation System (BAS) | Building Characteristic | Building Condition Assessment | Building Construction | Building Defects | Building Design | Building Information Modeling (BIM) | Building Information Modelling | Building Information Modelling (BIM) | Building Information Modelling (BIM) Education | Building Layout | Building Maintenance | Building conservation | Building construction | Building defects | Building designs | Building envelope | Building environmental performance | Building life cycle | Building maintenance | Building management | Building pathology | Building performance | Building preservation | Building refurbishment project | Building safety | Building sector | Building standards | Building surveying | Building sustainability | Buildings | Built | Built Environment | Built Form | Built environment | Bukit Fraser | Bumbung Hijau | Bumbung limas | Bunga-bungaan | Burglary | Business performance | CIDB | CPTED | Cadastral | Cadastral survey | Cadastre System | Calligraphy | Campus | Carbon sequestration | Carbon sequestration calculator | Cartography | Certificate of completion and compliance | Challenge factors | Challenges | Challenges of maintenance | Children | Cities Problems | Citizen group action | City planning | Civilization | Claims | Classical Malay | Classification | Cleanliness | Client | Climate change | Cloud-based | Co-working space | Coastline | Cokriging | Colonial influences | Colonial building | Community | Community approach | Community building | Community engagement | Community perception | Competency | Competition | Competitive Advantage | Competitive strategy | Competitiveness | Compliance | Composite walling | Composition | Computational processes | Computer data | Conceptual framework | Concrete | Confirmatory factor analysis | Conservation | Conservation Legislation | Conservation Work | Conservation and restoration | Conservation reserve | Construction | Construction industry | Construction Claims | Construction Industry | Construction Project | Construction Safety | Construction companies | Construction contracts | Construction dispute | Construction health and safety | Construction industry | Construction knowledge areas | Construction pollution | Construction process | Construction project | Construction project life cycle | Construction project performance | Construction projects | Construction sector | Construction waste | Construction works | Consultants | Contemporary | Content analysis | Contract | Contract management | Contract prolongation | Contractor | Contractors | Contractor’s Awareness | Control | Conveyance systems | Coordinates | Corporate real estate sustainable management | Corporate sustainable objective | Cost | Cost control | Cost data | Cost of Living | Cost of element | Cost overrun | Cracks | Cretiria | Crime | Crime Cases | Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) | Crime and design | Crime geography | Crime prevention | Criteria | Critical path method (CPM) | Critical success factors | Crops | Cross ventilation | Crowding and order | Cuaca buruk | Cultural | Cultural affiliation | Cultural enclave | Cultural heritage | Cultural landscape | Cultural studies | Cultural sustainability | Cultural value | Cultures | Cycle lanes | DOSH | Dasar Pembangunan Luar Bandar | Data filtering | Data structure | Dataran Bandaraya Ipoh | Datum | Daylight | Daylighting | Debu kuari | Decoration | Decorative elements | Defects | Deko raya | Delay | Delay and cost overrun | Delphi method | Demographic Transition | Demolished Concrete | Denmark’s hospital | Density | Density planning | Design | Design Students | Design and development research | Design approach | Design changes | Design factors | Design technology | Design works | Desirable layout | Deterioration | Developer | Development | Development control | Development cost | Development plan | Development pressure | Dewan serba guna | Digital economy | Digital map | Digital maps | Digitalisasi industri pembinaan | Dilapidated bridge | Disabled person | Disaster risk management (DRM) | Disease | Dispute resolution | Distance | Doctrine of privity | Documentation | Domestic waste | Drainage | Dron | EIA | Ecology | Economic | Economic benefits | Economic carrying capacity | Economic influence | Economic life | Economic valuation | Economy | Economy life | Ecosystem | Ecotourism | Ecotourist | Edge metrics | Edu park | Edu tourism | Education | Effective wayfinding | Effects | Ekonomi pembandaran dan rebakan bandar | Elderly-friendly | Elements | Elevation point | Emerging | Empowerment | Energy | Energy consciousness | Energy consumption | Energy performance | Energy usage | Energy-efficient features | Enterprise risk management (ERM) | Entertainment Facilities | Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneuurship | Environment | Environmental | Environmental Management | Environmental Planners | Environmental Quality Act 1974 | Environmental Quality Act 1994 | Environmental benefits | Environmental degradation | Environmental design | Environmental impact assessment | Environmental issues | Environmental management | Environmental pollution | Environmental preference | Environmental setting | Environmental sustainability | Environology | Epoxy Flake Coating | Escape route design | Estate Management | Estate agency | Estate agent | Estate management | Ethical | Ethics | Ethnic enclave | Evacuation | Evaluation tool | Excavation | Experiential landscape | Experimental study | Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) | Extension of time | Extension of time and performance | FSPU | Facade | Facade design | Facade maintainability | Facilities Management | Facilities management | Facilities, Mosque | Factors | Factors Influence | Fakulti Rekabentuk dan Senibina | Fakuti Rekabentuk dan Senibina | Fear of crime | Feasibility | Federal Territory (Planning) Act 1982 (Act 267) | Federal Territory Mosque | Female professionals | Field measurement | Field work | Finance | Financial cost | Fine art | Fire safety management | Firm competitiveness | First generation | Flood | Flood disaster | Flood victim | Flora and fauna | Foamed concrete | Foreign architects | Forest mapping | Form | Form and pattern | Fotogrametri | Fruit replica | Function | Functional | Fungsi Landskap | Furniture | Future outlook | Futuristik | Fve-foot walk | GBI | GIS | GNSS | GPR | Gabungan hiasan | Galeri J.M Aziz | Gamuda Gardens | Gantt chart | Garden Landscape | Garis panduan | Gazebo | Gazetted areas | Geo energy | Geodatabase | Geographic information system (GIS) | Geographical information system (GIS) | Geographically weighted regression model | Geomancy | Geomatic | Geometry | George Town | Geospatial | Geospatial Data Types | Geospatial data centre (GDC) | Geran agroprenuer | Global positioning system | Global warming | Gold medallists | Governance | Government green procurement | Graduate architect | Green | Green envelope | Green Architecture | Green Building | Green Building Index (GBI) | Green Building Insurance | Green Buildings | Green Construction | Green Landscape | Green Open Space | Green Technology | Green affordable housing criteria | Green approach | Green architecture | Green building | Green building assessment tools | Green building index | Green campus | Green cleaning | Green construction | Green development | Green edu-tourism | Green home | Green housing project | Green infrastructure | Green network | Green projects | Green roof | Green roofs | Green space | Green technology | Green tourism | Green transportation | Greenhouse gas | Grid-like layout | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | Groundwater | Habitat | Harga hartanah | Hari Landskap Negara 2021 | Hartanah | Hartanah kediaman | Hazard | Hazard identification | Health | Health care | Healthy living environment | Heat flow | Hedonic pricing model | Heritage | Heritage Buildings | Heritage Mosque | Heritage Property | Heritage Trees | Heritage building | Heritage building conservation | Heritage city | Heritage indoor | Heritage project | Heritage shophouse | Heritage trail | Heritage village | Hiasan perabut | Hidroponik | Hidrosfera | Hidupan liar | High resolution | High resolution aerial imagery | High rise | High rise building | High-rise architecture | Higher dimension knowledge | Higher education institutions | HigherEducationInstitutions (HEIs) | Highland | Highway landscape | Hillside development project | Hilly Area | Historian | Historic Building Information Modelling | Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) | Historic building | Historical Building | Historical Town | Historical characteristics | Historical evolution | History | Holdings | Home buyer | Homebuyers | Homeowners | Hospital garden | Hot spot analysis | Hotel ikonik | Hotspot | House | House price | House prices | House rents | Housing | Housing Dilemma | Housing affordability | Housing and transportation expenditure | Housing compound | Housing demand | Housing design | Housing development | Housing oversupply factors | Housing quality | Housing relocation | Housing supply | Hujan luarbiasa | Human Behavior | Human activity | Human behaviour | Human behavioural | Human well-being | Hutan tropika | IBS | Iconic architecture | Iconic landmark | Identiti Bidayuh | Identiti melayu | Identiti reka bentuk | Identiti setempat | Identity | Illuminance | Image and identity | Image segmentation | Implementation | Implementation and management | Implementation difficulties | Incentive strategy | Indeks harga rumah | Independent landscape design | Indigenous People | Indoor Environmental Quality | Indoor Physical Environment | Indoor environment | Indoor environmental quality | Indoor natural ventilation performance | Industri besi | Industri pertanian | Industrial 4.0 | Industrial Revolution 4.0 | Industrial Technology | Industrial revolution 4.0 | Industrialised Building System (IBS) | Industrialised building system (IBS) | Industrialized Building System (IBS) | Industry | Industry Requirement | Inflation and | Influencing factors | Information Exchange | Information Technology | Information System | Information systems | Information technology infrastructure | Infrastructural landscape | Infrastruktur | Innovation | Innovation City | Insentif | Insurance policy | Intangible cultural heritage | Integration | Integrity | Interaction of space | Interest rate | Interest rates | Interior Design | Interior architecture | Interior design | Interior designing | Internet of Things (IoT) | Internet of things | Interpolation | Interviews | Inverse distance weighting | Islam | Island Community | Island Ecosystems | Isodata | Istana Balai Besar | Jaringan Pengangkutan Awam | Jawatankuasa Perumahan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) | Jenayah jalanan | Johor | Johor Bahru housing market | Joint venture | Juruukur Professional | Kaedah komunikasi | Kampong Bharu | Kawasan hijau | Kawasan pinggiran | Kawasan strategik | Kawasan tumpuan | Kayu berkualiti | Kebajikan | Keberkesanan | Keberkesanan komunikasi | Kebersihan | Kebolehaliran | Kebolehkerjaan | Kebun pelancongan | Kediaman | Kejuruteraan | Kejuruteraan Kos | Kelestarian | Kelestarian alam sekitar | Kemudahan awam | Kemudahan rekreasi | Kepakaran pembinaan | Keretapi Berkelajuan Tinggi (HSR) | Kerjaya arkitek | Kesan alam sekitar | Keselamatan | Keselamatan pekerja | Kesihatan | Kesihatan pekerjaan | Keunikan seni bina | Key factors | Key success factor | Keynotes address | Kinabalu National Park | Kitchen | Knowledge | Knowledge and Skill | Knowledge management | Knowledge sharing initiative | Kolam takungan air | Komponen Landskap | Komunikasi | Komuniti Melayu | Kongres Sedunia IFLA 2020 | Konkrit prestasi tinggi baril | Konsep | Konsep Boho | Konsep kesenian Terengganu. | Konsep moden | Kontraktor kelas A | Kos pembinaan | Kos penyelenggaraan | Kos pinjaman | Kreativiti kakitangan | Kriging | Kualiti binaan | Kutai House | LRT | LUPTAI | Labor force | Labour force | Laluan khas | Land cover | Land cover change | Land matters | Land title | Land use | Land use activities | Land use change | Land use suitability | Land use transformation | Land uses | Landfill | Landfill development | Landscap | Landscape | Landscape Architect | Landscape Architects | Landscape Architecture | Landscape Assessment | Landscape Elements | Landscape Preference | Landscape Typology | Landscape alteration phenomenon | Landscape architect | Landscape architects | Landscape architecture | Landscape assessment | Landscape character | Landscape characters | Landscape ecology | Landscape functions | Landscape planning project | Landscape preferences | Landscape sustainable | Landscape values embodied | Landscape work | Landscaping | Landscaping Components | Landskap | Landskap Buluh | Landskap Edibel | Landskap Hijau | Landskap Komuniti | Landskap Mini | Landskap Miniatur | Landskap Ruang Kecil | Landskap Sayur | Landskap Sungai | Landskap Taman | Landskap hijau | Landskap lestari | Landskap sungai | Lanscape art | Lanskap | Lanskap Balkoni | Lanskap Edibel | Lanskaps | Laser Scanning | Late payments | Layout | Leaf area index (LAI) | Learning style | Legal | Legal and regulatory | Legal framework | Legislation | Leptospirosis | Levelling | Liability | Liberalization | Library | Library Architecture | Library Buildings | Life Cycle Cost (LCC) | Life cycle cost | Life cycle costing | Lifestyle architecture | Lighting | Lighting Design | Lighting requirements | Lighting setup | Limbang | Limestone | Linear system | Litosfera | Livability | Local agenda 21 | Local authorities | Local authority | Local community | Local plan | Local town | Location housing affordability | Location of Bodily Injury | Lokasi bersejarah | Low income group | Low Cost Flats | Low cost | Low cost flats | Low cost house | Low-carbon blueprint | Low-cost Housing | Low-cost carrier terminal | Low-cost housing | Lux reading | MOOC | Magnesium oxide | Maintenance | Maintenance Cost | Maintenance consideration | Malay | Malay House | Malay architectural language | Malay architecture | Malay gardens | Malay heritage | Malay heritage Building | Malay heritage preservation | Malay landscape | Malay motif | Malay royal town | Malay settlement | Malay sub-ethnics | Malay traditional building | Malay traditional house | Malay traditional kampong | Malay woodcarving | Malay-Islamic town | Malaysia | Malaysia Higher Education Institution | Malaysia bus crash | Malaysian Construction Industry | Malaysian architects | Malaysian construction | Malaysian construction project | Malaysian perspective | Malaysian standard form of contract | Management | Management style | Managerial | Mapping | Maqasid al-Shariah | Margin pembiayaan | Market Value | Market value | Marketability factor | Masjid | Masjid Al Qadim | Masjid Muhammadi | Master plan | Material | Material Culture | Material flow | Materials suppliers | Matrilineal Malay | Meaning | Measurement | Measurement of building | Mechanical cooling system | Media | Mediation | Mega projects | Melaka | Melaka world heritage site | Membrane | Menara Merdeka 118 | Mental health | Merantau | Mercu tanda | Merdeka | Metaphysics | Metropolitan growth | Minangkabau | Mini Landscape | Mitigation | Mixed methods | Mixed land use | Modern Malaysia | Modern architecture | Modern rural | Moisture | Monetary policy | Money supply | Monitoring | Mosque | Mosque development | Motifs | Motivation | Mould growth | Multi professional | Multilayered Parcel | Municipal solid waste management | Mural | Muslim Malay mosque | Muslim Visual Privacy | Muslim enclave | National parks | Natural ventilation | Nature | Neighborhood cohesion | Neighbourhood | Neighbourhood Park | Neighbourhood Watch | Neighbourhood park | Neighbourhood quality attributes | Noise pollution | Nursing | OSC online system | OSH ICOP | OSHA | OTTV | Occupational | Office building | Office buildings | Old manuscript | Online sales platforms | Openings | Opinion of value | Optimized hot spot analysis | Organisasi projek | Orientasi | Orientation | Orientation pattern | Ornamentation | Outdoor Spaces | Outdoor learning environment | Outdoor recreational activity | Overhang | Oversupply | PPE | PWD | Pakar rujuk seni bina landskap | Pandemic intervention | Park | Park management | Participatory planning | Partnering | Pasang siap | Pasaran hartanah | Passive fire requirement | Passive fire safety | Patch density | Pattern | Pedestrian experience | Pedestrian satisfaction | Pedestrian walkway | Pelabur tempatan | Pelaburan | Pelan Landskap | Pemaju hartanah | Pemandangan tropika | Pembandaran | Pembangunan bandar | Pembangunan berdaya tahan iklim | Pembangunan hotel | Pembangunan transit | Pembeli asing | Pembeli rumah | Pembelian hartanah | Pembelian rumah | Pembinaan | Pembinaan masjid | Pemetaan | Pemprosesan kayu pain | Penanaman sendiri | Penang transition | Penciptaan inovatif | Pengawasan bandar | Pengetahuan | Pengurusan | Pengurusan Landskap | Pengurusan Lanskap | Pengurusan bandar | Pengurusan hartanah | Pengurusan maklumat digital | Pengurusan projek | Penilaian Landskap | Penjagaan alam sekitar | Penjanaan teori | Penyelidikan | Penyelidikan altitud tinggi | Penyelidikan landskap | Penyesuaian iklim | People and plans | People with disabilities | People’s Housing Programme | Perabot | Perahu | Perak House | Perak Traditional Malay houses | Perancang Bandar | Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah | Perancangan bandar | Perceived Sensory Dimensions (PSDs) | Performance | Performance parameters | Perkampungan al-quran | Perlaksanaan | Permeability | Perparitan | Persatuan Arkitek Perunding Malaysia (ACAM) | Persekitaran pekerjaan | Pertandingan | Pertanian moden | Pertukangan rumah | Perubahan gunatanah | Perumahan | Perumahan lestari | Pest diseases | Photogrammetry survey | Physical Environment | Physical elements | Physical features | Physical impacts | Physical landscape | Phytoremediation | Pinjaman bank | Pinjaman gadai janji | Pixel-based classification and support vector machine | Place making | Place of work | Planners | Planning | Planning and design | Planning and utilization | Planning approach | Planning approval | Planning aspects | Planning permission | Planning phase | Planning reform | Planning system | Planning tools | Plant | Plant species | Planting composition | Planting design | Pola pemilikan harta tanah | Policies and programs | Policy and procedure | Politics and Architecture | Population density | Post occupancy | Practices | Pre-war shophouses | Precision | Preference | Premis | Preparation | Preservation | Preventive | Preventive Maintenance | Price ceiling | Price prediction | Principal submitting person | Private dispute resolution | Problem of maintenance | Proceeding | Profession | Professional architect | Professional women quantity surveyor | Profitability | Program NKRA Bandar Selamat | Program berimpak tinggi | Project | Project Management | Project Manager | Project contract | Project performance | Projek | Projek bermasalah | Projek hartanah | Projek perumahan | Promoting factors | Properties | Property | Property Development | Property Insurance | Property Management | Property Manager | Property Market | Property Market Report | Property Review | Property crime | Property developement | Property developers and agents | Property development | Property indices | Property management | Property market | Property oversupply | Property stock report | Property tax | Property tax revaluation | Protected Areas | Protected areas | Psychological Response | Public building | Public housing | Public outdoor space | Public park | Public participation | Public space | Public spaces | Public transport | Public transport and integration | Public transportation | Pulau Tuba Langkawi | Purchase decision | Pusat komersial | Putrajaya | QLASSIC | Qualitative method | Quality | Quality Improvement | Quality design | Quality housing | Quality in-use | Quality management | Quality of life | Quality of life | Quality performance | Quantity Surveying | Quantity Surveying Firm | Quantity Surveyor | Quantity Surveyors | Quantity surveying | Quantity surveying consultancy firms | Quantity surveying firms | Quantity surveyors | REHDA | Ragam hias | Rail transports | Railway Construction Project | Railway station | Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) | Rainwater Harvesting System | Rainwater catchment | Rancangan Fizikal Negara | Rancangan Kawasan Khas | Rangkaian kereta api | Rare tree identification | Rasch Measurement Model | Rating | Rating tools | Readiness | Readiness model | Real Estate | Real Property | Real property | Rebuilding Community | Recreation | Recreational | Recreational activity | Recycle concrete waste aggregate | Recycled Concrete Aggregate | Recycling | Recycling behaviour | Redevelopment | Regional plan | Regional planning | Regionalisme | Regulation | Rehabilitation | Reinforced concrete beam | Reka bentuk | Reka bentuk 'biophilic' | Reka bentuk dalaman | Reka bentuk lestari | Reka bentuk persekitaran bandar | Reka bentuk projek | Reka bentuk rumah | Rekabentuk | Rekabentuk barok | Rekabentuk blok | Rekabentuk estetik | Rekreasi | Rel penghadang | Relationship | Reliability | Religion Building | Remote sensing | Rental | Repair and maintenance | Repurposing | Resettlement | Residential | Residential Location Choice | Residential Mobility | Residential Preference | Residential Satisfaction | Residential layout | Residential mobility behaviour | Residential mobility intention | Residential projects | Residential properties | Residential satisfaction | Residual income model | Residual space | Resort-Style | Restoration | Restorative environments | Retrofitting | Ridership preference | Rifle range renewal | Risk | Risk management process | Risk Mapping | Risk analysis | Risk culture | Risk management | Risk management plan | Risk taking | Road network | Road problems | Road safety | Road transport | Role model | Roles of safety officer | Roof | Roof eaves decoration | Roofing | Roofing material | Roofing tiles | Rules | Rumah | Rumah Melayu | Rumah hijau | Rumah limas bumbung perak | Rumah tradisional | Rural Areas | Rural infrastructure | Rural planning | SBAS | SDG | STAMP | Sabah | Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) | Safe | Safe cities | Safety | Safety Management | Safety and health cost | Safety and health factor | Safety hazards | Safety management | Safety requirements | Saling kunci | Sanctity space | Sandwich panel | Sarawak | Satellite imagery | Satisfaction | Sayuran hidroponik | Scaled model | Scenic | Scenic Highway | Schedule | Sculpture | Security | Sektor seni bina | Self-healing concrete | Seni Hiasan Dalaman | Seni bina | Seni bina Melayu | Seni bina bangunan f | Seni bina campuran | Seni bina landskap | Seni bina nasional | Seni bina rumah | Seni bina serumpun | Senibina | Senibina Melayu | Senibina Nasional | Senibina islam | Senibina warisan | Sense of place | Separuh sfera | Serambi villa | Serenity | Service quality | Services costs | Setbacks | Setia Alamsari | Sewage treatment plant | Shading device | Shenzhen Bougainvillea Show | Shop house | Shop houses | Shophouses | Sidewalk cafe | Signage | Simulation | Singgora | Sistem Fasad Kaca | Sistem akuaponik | Sistem binaan berindustri | Sistem pertanian bandar | Site | Site inventory | Site planning | Site suitability | Site survey | Skilled workforce | Skills | Skyscraper | Small medium | Small towns | Smart City | Smart Healthcare | Smart Home Technologies (SHT) | Smart city | Smart grid system | Snatch theft | Social Cohesion | Social Environment | Social carrying capacity | Social distancing | Social engagement | Social entrepreneurship | Social facilities | Social impact assessment | Social transformation | Socio Culture and Economic | Socio-economic | Socio-economic condition | Socio-economic impacts | Soft landscape element | Soil Organic | Soil fertilization | Soiling defects | Solid waste generation | Solid waste management | Solid waste minimisation | Southeast Asia | Space management | Space management at construction site | Space syntax | Spatial | Spatial Metadata | Spatial Social Interaction | Spatial analysis | Spatial development | Spatial planning | Spatial temporal | Special area plan | Specification | Sprawl | Stack effect ventilation | Stakeholder's perspective | Stakeholders | Standard | Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) | Standard Service category | Standard form | Standard procedure | Standard tolerance | Steep Slope | Stesen keretapi | Strategic networking | Strategies | Stratified residential building | Street life | Street pattern | Streetscape | Streetscape-streetspace | Stress level | Structural equation modeling | Structural insulated panel | Struktur | Struktur bangunan | Struktur binaan | Struktur haram | Student Review | Studio | Studio design and organisation | Studio work | Sub-contractor safety performance | Suburban | Success Story | Success criteria | Sungai Perak | Superstructure | Supply chain management | Supporting facilities | Surung | Surveying | Surveyor | Sustainability | Sustainability Construction | Sustainable | Sustainable Architecture | Sustainable Development | Sustainable Development Goals | Sustainable SWM | Sustainable architecture | Sustainable communities | Sustainable construction | Sustainable design | Sustainable development | Sustainable energy | Sustainable facilities | Sustainable office building management | Sustainable residential | Symbol | System safety | TV Program | Tadahan hujan | Taiping | Tambak Johor | Tanah rizab | Tanaman sayuran | Tangible assets | Tapak pembinaan | Tasseled cap | Teaching and learning | Technical Requirements and Standards | Technology awareness | Teknologi | Teknologi Hijau | Tenants | Terminal makanan | Terminology | Terrace house | Terrarium | Terrestrial Laser Scanner | The Green Building Index (GBI) | Themes | Theory of planned behaviour | Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) | Thermal | Thermal comfort | Thermal conductivity pipe | Thorium | Tile | Time | Time and cost time model | Time control | Time management, | Time overrun | Tipologi Landskap | Title | Tokong | Tonggak jalan | Topoghraphy map | Topography | Tornado analysis | Tourist destination | Tourist satisfaction | Town | Town & Regional Planning | Town Planning | Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172) | Town and Regional Planning | Town management | Town planner | Town planning | Traditional | Traditional Dwellings | Traditional Malay house | Traditional architecture | Traditional building | Traditional house | Traditional malay houses | Traditional settlement | Traffic planning | Transformation | Transit Orientation Development | Transit Oriented Development | Transit oriented development | Transit ridership | Transit system | Transition management sphere analysis | Transport planning | Transportation | Travel behaviour | Tree Preservation Order (TPO) | Tree crown | Tree health | Tree management | Tree species | Tree vandalism | Trenches | Trend | Trend analysis | Tropical Montane Cloud Forest (TMCF) | Tunnel construction | UAV Images | UiTM | Ukiran kayu | Uncertainty | Underground soil | Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL) | University building maintenance | University campus landscapes | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | Uranium | Urban | Urban & landscape planning | Urban Design | Urban Heat Island (UHI) | Urban Life | Urban Planning | Urban River Corridor | Urban Setting | Urban Village | Urban architecture | Urban change | Urban decay | Urban design | Urban design principles | Urban development | Urban forestry | Urban green space | Urban green space (UGS) | Urban green spaces | Urban growth | Urban heat island | Urban heritage | Urban indicator | Urban indicators | Urban lakes ecology | Urban landscape coridor | Urban landscape planning | Urban livability | Urban park | Urban parks | Urban planning | Urban policy | Urban profile | Urban public spaces | Urban residential area | Urban space | Urban tourism | Urban transformation | Urban trees | Urban underground space | Urban vegetation | Urban-industrial centres | Urbanisation | Urbanization | Usability | Usability evaluation | Usahawan wanita | Use pattern | User experience | User preference | VARK theory | Validity | Valuation | Valuers | Variables | Variation order | Vegetation | Ventilation | Vernacular Architecture | Vertical greenery system (VGS) | Video Games | Virtual galleries | Virtual tours show units | Visitors’ perception | Visual Comfort | Visual elements | Volumetric Parcel | Volunteerism | Vulnerable community | Wall Painting | Warisan | Waste | Waste management | Waste quantification | Wastewater | Water Depth Measurement | Water efficiency | Water flow | Water quality parameters | Waterfront revitalisation | Wear and tear | Weather | Well-being | Wilayah metropolitan lanjutan | Wildlife-oriented | Willingness to pay | Window glazing | Women architects | Women in social entreprise | Wood Carving | Woodcarving | Work package | Work-life balance | Work-related stress | Workshop | Writing Styles | Yearbook | Young professional | Young Architect | Young professionals | Zero waste concept | Zhongshan Shipyard Park | Zoning | architectural designs | architecture | building elements and systems | building performance | carbon foot print | city competitiveness | conservation | construction industry | cultural | cultural architecture | e-government | e-hailing | e-submission | flexural strength | flow and decision making | globalization | greenhouse gas | historic building | human factors | incentive | infrastructure asset valuation | intangible assets | kedaerahan | knowledge sharing | landscape | lighting | location housing affordability | low and middle income | marginalization | online distance learning | performance of property marke | physical observation | pindahmilik harta tanah | property valuation | reflective practice | resettlement program | safety analysis | senibina | single-family houses | socio-economic | street network | sustainable development | transportation expenditure | urban sprawl | zoning characteristics | İndicators
Number of items at this level: 2615.


A conceptual framework for managing higher dimension knowledge in BIM environment. Malaysian Construction Research Journal: RISM International Research Conference 2020, 9 (1): 20. pp. 237-248. ISSN 2590-4140 (2020)

3D geospatial

3D geospatial technique in analysing the Malay heritage building structures. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

3D point cloud

A review of data structure and filtering in handling 3D big point cloud data for building preservation. In: 2018 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC 2018). IEEE, pp. 141-146. ISBN 978-1-5386-6327-1 (2018)


Recycling intention and behaviour among the Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) community in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (5). pp. 206-219. ISSN 1675-6215 (2021)


Site suitability for public park using analytic hierarchy process and geographic information system. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 2 (1). pp. 121-136. ISSN 0128-326X (2017)

Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique to study land use changes in Pendang, Kedah. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 226-237. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

ANUGERAH Pereka Muda Asia (AYDA)

Dua pelajar IPT raih gelaran juara AYDA 2021. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ablution units

Anthropometrics and ergonomics of the female elderly ablution area. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Perak, pp. 350-352. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


An analysis of the needs of elderly-friendly neighbourhood in Malaysia: perspectives of older and younger groups. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (4). pp. 144-157. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

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Building Construction

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Building life cycle

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Building management

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Challenge factors

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Co-working space

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Community perception

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Composite walling

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Conceptual framework

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Construction companies

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Construction contracts

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Construction dispute

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Construction health and safety

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Construction industry

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Construction process

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Construction project

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Construction project life cycle

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Construction project performance

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Construction projects

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Construction sector

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Construction waste

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Construction works

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Content analysis

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Contract management

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Contract prolongation

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Contractor’s Awareness

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Conveyance systems

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Corporate real estate sustainable management

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Corporate sustainable objective

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Cost control

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Cost data

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Cost of Living

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Cost of element

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Cost overrun

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Crime Cases

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Crime geography

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Crime prevention

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Critical path method (CPM)

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Critical success factors

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Cross ventilation

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Crowding and order

Rethinking density in urban planning: policy directions in the post-covid-19 era in Malaysia. Journal of The Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Cuaca buruk

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Cultural enclave

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Cultural heritage

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Decorative elements

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Deko raya

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Delphi method

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Demographic Transition

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Demolished Concrete

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Denmark’s hospital

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Density planning

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Design and development research

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Desirable layout

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Development control

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Development cost

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Development plan

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Development pressure

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Dewan serba guna

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Digital economy

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Digital map

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Digital maps

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Digitalisasi industri pembinaan

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Dilapidated bridge

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Disabled person

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Disaster risk management (DRM)

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Dispute resolution

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Doctrine of privity

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Domestic waste

Exploring the theory planned behaviour to derive the factors of human behaviour for domestic waste recycling. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 238-249. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)


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Economic benefits

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Economic carrying capacity

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Economic influence

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Economic life

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Economic valuation

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Economy life

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Edge metrics

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Edu park

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Edu tourism

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Effective wayfinding

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Ekonomi pembandaran dan rebakan bandar

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Elevation point

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Energy consciousness

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Energy consumption

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Energy performance

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Energy usage

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Energy-efficient features

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Enterprise risk management (ERM)

Conceptualising risk culture on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) implementation in construction companies. Built Environment Journal, 17 (1): 5. pp. 58-69. ISSN 1675-5022 (2020)

Entertainment Facilities

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Environmental Management

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Environmental Planners

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Environmental Quality Act 1974

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Environmental Quality Act 1994

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Environmental benefits

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Environmental degradation

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Environmental design

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Environmental impact assessment

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Environmental issues

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Environmental management

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Environmental pollution

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Environmental preference

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Environmental setting

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Environmental sustainability

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Monitoring energy performance in higher education buildings for sustainable campus. Malaysian Journal of Real Estate, 5 (1): 3. pp. 18-25. ISSN 1832-8505 (2010)


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Epoxy Flake Coating

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Escape route design

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Estate Management

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Estate agency

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Estate agent

The signification of estate agent as role model. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 65-69. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Estate management

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Ethnic enclave

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Evaluation tool

A systematic evaluation tool for heritage shophouse facades. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)


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Experiential landscape

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Experimental study

Comparison of leaf area index from four plant species on vertical greenery system in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Science & Technology, 28 (2). p. 735. ISSN 0128-7680 (2019)

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

An exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis for green affordable housing criteria instrument. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 11 (4): 2. pp. 9-21. ISSN 1832-8505 (2017)

Extension of time

Ambiguity extension of time provisions in standard forms of contract: an analysis of PAM 2018 contract. Malaysian Construction Research Journal: RISM International Research Conference 2020, 9 (1): 18. pp. 208-227. ISSN 2590-4140 (2020)

Extension of time and performance

Performance of contractor: project delay. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 52-56. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


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Facade design

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Facade maintainability

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Facilities Management

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Facilities management

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Facilities, Mosque

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Government green procurement

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Green Landscape

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Green Technology

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Green approach

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Green building

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Green technology

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Heritage shophouse

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Incentive strategy

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Landscape Assessment

Ciri-ciri senibina landskap sekolah di Lembah Klang-Langat. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 10 (1). pp. 118-129. ISSN 2180-2491 (2017)

Landscape Elements

Users preference of the Malaysian north south expressway landscape elements. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Landscape Preference

Users preference of the Malaysian north south expressway landscape elements. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Landscape Typology

Ciri-ciri senibina landskap sekolah di Lembah Klang-Langat. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 10 (1). pp. 118-129. ISSN 2180-2491 (2017)

Landscape alteration phenomenon

Experiencing trans-cultural ethnic identity in urban residential areas of Malaysia: a case study in Puchong, Selangor. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Landscape architect

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Landscape architects

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Landscape architecture

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Toward sustainable development of a landfill: landfill to landscape or landscape along with landfill? a review. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 27 (2): 14. 949 -962. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)

Landscape assessment

Users’ preferences of highway landscapes in Malaysia: a review and analysis of the literature. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 36. 265 -272. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

Landscape character

Working communities’ significant heritage urban river corridor landscape of Melaka city. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (3): 1. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Landscape characters

Users’ preferences of highway landscapes in Malaysia: a review and analysis of the literature. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 36. 265 -272. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

Landscape ecology

Anugerah arkitek landskap Malaysia kali ke-8. [Video] (2016)

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Landscape functions

The functions of landscape in school learning process. PLANNING MALAYSIA: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners VOLUME 18 ISSUE 4 (2020), Page 191 – 202, 18 (4). pp. 191-202. ISSN 16756215 (2020)

Landscape planning project

Investigating the current risk management process practice in Malaysian landscape planning projects. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (1). pp. 48-63. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)

Landscape preferences

Campus landscape preferences: a favorable planting composition in study area. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 2 (1): 3. pp. 43-57. ISSN 0128-326X (2017)

Analyzing the criteria of planting design for visual landscape quality in campus. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 39-47. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Landscape sustainable

Landskap lebih lestari. [Newspaper] (2021)

Landscape values embodied

Experiencing trans-cultural ethnic identity in urban residential areas of Malaysia: a case study in Puchong, Selangor. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Landscape work

Toward sustainable development of a landfill: landfill to landscape or landscape along with landfill? a review. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 27 (2): 14. 949 -962. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)


SPM: idea segar landskap di Malaysia. [Video] (2016)

Landscaping Components

The functions of landscape in school learning process. PLANNING MALAYSIA: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners VOLUME 18 ISSUE 4 (2020), Page 191 – 202, 18 (4). pp. 191-202. ISSN 16756215 (2020)


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Landskap Buluh

Arca buluh indahkan Dataran Bandaraya Ipoh. [Newspaper] (2020)

Landskap Edibel

Cipta suasana harmoni. [Newspaper] (2020)

Landskap Hijau

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Landskap Komuniti

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Landskap Mini

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Landskap Miniatur

Hiasan tanaman dalam balang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Landskap Ruang Kecil

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Landskap Sayur

Cipta suasana harmoni. [Newspaper] (2020)

Landskap Sungai

Program rehabilitasi ubah landskap Sungai Kim Kim. [Newspaper] (2020)

Landskap Taman

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Landskap hijau

Kelestarian atasi kemusnahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Landskap lestari

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Landskap sungai

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Lanscape art

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Lanskap Balkoni

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Lanskap Edibel

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Laser Scanning

3D geospatial technique in analysing the Malay heritage building structures. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Late payments

Late and non-payments issues in the Malaysian construction industry: perspective of building material suppliers. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 6 (1). pp. 39-56. ISSN 0128-326X


Settlement form and layout design of Malay traditional kampong and social relation in Johor state. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Leaf area index (LAI)

Comparison of leaf area index from four plant species on vertical greenery system in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Science & Technology, 28 (2). p. 735. ISSN 0128-7680 (2019)

Learning style

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Designers approach in managing legal design risks in Malaysia. Built Environment Journal (BEJ), 12 (1): 5. pp. 34-49. ISSN 1675-5022 (2015)

Legal and regulatory

The legal and regulatory landscape in Malaysia and Asia at WBS Malaysia 2019. [Video] (2019)

Legal framework

The development of policy and legal framework for social impact assessment in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (3). pp. 295-305. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)


Fire safety policy and procedure at government hospital: case study Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 196-201. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


The evaluation of spatial risk factors for leptospirosis outbreak using GIS application. Built Environment Journal (BEJ), 11 (2): 5. pp. 63-75. ISSN 1675-5022 (2014)


Development of a mobile application for levelling survey calculation (Levelingdroid). Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis. (2020)


Liabilities of designer towards variation cost in commercial buildings in Kuching, Sarawak. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 276-284. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

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A study on user’s satisfaction of physical indoor environment towards building design at library. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Perak, pp. 378-380. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

A study on users’ satisfaction on lighting in libraries. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Perak, pp. 395-397. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Library Architecture

Mould prevention strategies for library buildings in tropical climate. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 4 (1). pp. 183-196. ISSN 0128-326X (2018)

Library Buildings

Mould prevention strategies for library buildings in tropical climate. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 4 (1). pp. 183-196. ISSN 0128-326X (2018)

Life Cycle Cost (LCC)

A study on quality of cost data in life cycle cost analysis of maintenance during the in-use phases of university building. Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ), 30 (1): 1. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1985-3807 (2020)

Life cycle cost

Key approaches of life-cycle cost in green government procurement (GGP) for green projects. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 27-38. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Life cycle costing

The practice of life cycle cost in Malaysia construction industry: a review., 11 (2): 4. pp. 47-62. ISSN 1675-5022 (2014)

Lifestyle architecture

Engaging people through lifestyle architecture. [Newspaper] (2020)


Lighting and performance : an analysis on lighting efficiency of architecture studio. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 1 (1). pp. 92-105. ISSN 0128-326X (2016)

Lighting Design

Lighting Efficiency and Effects on Human Activities in Library at Universiti Teknologi Petronas. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

Lighting requirements

Lighting Efficiency and Effects on Human Activities in Library at Universiti Teknologi Petronas. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

Lighting setup

The composition of usability evaluation in assessing quality of the display case lighting. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (Submitted) (2018)

A study on users’ satisfaction on lighting in libraries. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Perak, pp. 395-397. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Improvement of illumination in architectural studio workplace through fenestration study. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 390-391. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


Entertainment facilities and the tourism industry: the Limbang, Sarawak context. Malaysia Architectural Journal, 2 (1): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2716-6139 (2020)


Introduction to self-healing concrete via biological process. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 430-433. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Linear system

Early town planning system of small towns in Perak. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 16 (4). pp. 55-67. ISSN 1675-6215 (2018)


Penerokaan indeks pengetahuan kelestarian alam sekitar fizikal dalam kalangan belia Malaysia. Journal of Techno Social, 12 (2). pp. 48-59. ISSN 2229-8940 (2021)


Green technology design approach for liveable park of Tasik Biru Kundang, Malaysia. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, 3 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2514-751X (2018)

Local agenda 21

Local agenda 21: action plan for sustainable development-case study of Shah Alam. In: Seminar Proceeding, UMRAN2012: Green Wave, 3 Mei 2012, KAED Gallery, International Islamic University Malaysia. (2012)

Local authorities

Investigation of impediment factors in property tax revaluation practices. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 150-159. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Local authority

User awareness, impediments and proposed improvements to the One Stop Centre (OSC) online 3.0 system. case study: municipal council of Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (4). pp. 259-270. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Town Planners’ involvement in the planning and design process of green building projects in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 27 (2): 16. pp. 977-985. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)

Local community

Community perspectives on buffer zone for protected areas: a preliminary study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 85. pp. 198-205. ISSN 1877-0428 (2013)

Local plan

Public participation: KL draft city plan 2020. Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies, 1 (3). pp. 32-40. ISSN 2398-4295 (2016)

Local town

The tourists’ spatial behaviour and tourist movement pattern in Muar Johor. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 275-286. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Street network design, pattern and characteristics for Malaysian local town. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 17. pp. 193-205. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Location housing affordability

Location housing affordable: a quality of life indicator in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Quality of Life, 3 (13): 329244772. pp. 98-106. ISSN 2398-4279 (2018)

Location of Bodily Injury

Accident cost ratio of bodily injury in railway construction projects. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 5 (2). pp. 81-96. ISSN 0128-326X (2018)

Lokasi bersejarah

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Low income group

Location housing affordable: a quality of life indicator in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Quality of Life, 3 (13): 329244772. pp. 98-106. ISSN 2398-4279 (2018)

Low Cost Flats

Flat Layout Affecting Social Interaction. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

Low cost

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Low cost flats

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Low cost house

Addressing issues on quality in low-cost house construction in Selangor. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 32-37. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Low-carbon blueprint

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Low-cost Housing

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Low-cost carrier terminal

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Low-cost housing

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Lux reading

The composition of usability evaluation in assessing quality of the display case lighting. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (Submitted) (2018)


The Shift in Teaching Pedagogy for Independent Landscape Design During The Pandemic: An Analysis Of Student Performance In ODL. JOURNAL OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS, 19 (2). pp. 131-140. ISSN 16756215 (2018)

Magnesium oxide

An innovative Structural Insulated Panel (SIP): evaluation of durability properties and structural performance. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 456-461. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


Analytical review of maintenance criteria for green roof in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 3 (2): 2. pp. 31-45. ISSN 0128-326X (2017)

The practice of life cycle cost in Malaysia construction industry: a review., 11 (2): 4. pp. 47-62. ISSN 1675-5022 (2014)

Maintenance Cost

Factors affecting housing maintenance cost in Penang, Malaysia: apartment Idaman Lavender 3, Idaman Lavender 4 And Tunas Residence in Penang. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 163-170. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Maintenance consideration

Façade maintainability for mosques: a review for maintenance consideration. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 11 (2): 3. pp. 21-24. ISSN 1832-8505 (2017)


Abdul Wahab, Mohamad Hanif and Awang, Mohamad and Awang Lah, Nor Aniswati and Abd Hamid, Abu Bakar Malay traditional kitchen furniture: a form and function. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Administrative Science and Technology: CoAST 2013 . Springer, Singapore, pp. 167-179. ISBN 9789814585453 (2014)

The similarity of Malay architecture terminology: perahu and house. Social and Management Research Journal, 14 (1). pp. 34-50. ISSN 1675-7017 (2017)

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Malay House

3D geospatial technique in analysing the Malay heritage building structures. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Properties of traditional clay roof tiles manufacture in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. Built Environment Journal (BEJ, 11 (2): 2. pp. 17-34. ISSN 1675-5022 (2014)

Malay architectural language

Identifying the parameters of the Malay classical architecture. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 6. pp. 59-72. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Malay architecture

Architectural design evolution of the Malay traditional houses along Sungai Perak. Borneo Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2682-8235 (2019)

Malay gardens

Malay garden concept from the traditional Malay landscape design. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222. pp. 548-556. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)

Plants in landscape design as a catalyst for Malay cultural heritage. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (2014)

Malay heritage

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Ragam hias masjid warisan: tinjauan ke atas Masjid Muhammadi, Kota Bharu Kelantan. Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 34 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2590-4302 (2021)

Malay heritage Building

Using terrestrial laser scanner for malay heritage documentation: preliminary approach to Istana Balai Besar, Kelantan. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 7 (6). pp. 1886-1897. ISSN 2186-8662 (2018)

Malay heritage preservation

Using terrestrial laser scanner for malay heritage documentation: preliminary approach to Istana Balai Besar, Kelantan. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 7 (6). pp. 1886-1897. ISSN 2186-8662 (2018)

Malay landscape

The interaction of culture in shaping the traditional landscape of Johor’s Malay landscape. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (2014)

Malay garden concept from the traditional Malay landscape design. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222. pp. 548-556. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)

Plants in landscape design as a catalyst for Malay cultural heritage. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (2014)

Malay motif

The variants and meanings of Malay motif ornamentation in the urban context: a case study of Putrajaya. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 19. pp. 219-230. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Malay royal town

Image and identity of Malay royal town in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 206-218. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Malay settlement

The orientation setting of buildings in the traditional Malay settlement: a case study of Kg Seri Tanjung, Sungai Udang, Melaka. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 15. pp. 170-180. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Malay sub-ethnics

The interaction of culture in shaping the traditional landscape of Johor’s Malay landscape. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (2014)

Malay traditional building

The attributes of ‘papan meleh’ -roof eaves decoration in Baitul Rahmah (Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia) with the Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) application. Journal of The Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 181-192. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Malay traditional house

Decorative elements of traditional Malay houses: case study of Rumah Limas Bumbung Perak (RLBP). The Journal of Social Sciences Research, SI (6). pp. 105-115. ISSN 2411-9458 (2018)

Malay traditional kampong

Settlement form and layout design of Malay traditional kampong and social relation in Johor state. In: IFLA Asia Pacific Congress 2014, 25-30 April 2014, Pullman, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2014)

Malay woodcarving

Heritage identity conservation of the woodcarving placement and design composition typologies on Johor Malay houses. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 1. pp. 12-23. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Malay-Islamic town

The derivation of urban design principles in Malay-Islamic town of Kuala Terengganu. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2). pp. 243-254. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)


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Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2009. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2009)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2010. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2010)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2011. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2011)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2012. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2012)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2014. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2015. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2016. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2017. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017)

Pasaran Harta Tanah Malaysia Separuh Tahun Pertama 2020. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Property Market Report

Laporan Pasaran Harta = Property market report: 2018. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Property Review

Hartanah tetap jadi tumpuan pembeli semasa PKP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Property crime

Analyzing the spatial temporal of property crime hot spots: a case study of Kuching, Sarawak. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (4): 1. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Property developement

Who’s addressing the state of the property market? [Video] (2021)

Property developers and agents

PropertyGuru reaches out to developers with TechCare. [Newspaper] (2020)

Property development

Laporan Pasaran Harta = Property market report: 2018. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Laporan status pasaran harta tanah, kediaman, perdagangan dan industri = Residential, commercial and industrial properties status report: H1 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Property indices

Indeks Harga Rumah Malaysia 2013= Malaysian House Price Index 2013 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Indeks Harga Rumah Malaysia 2014 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2011= Malaysian house price index 2011 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2011)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2012= Malaysian house price index 2012 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2012)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2015= Malaysian house price index 2015 Q3- Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2016= Malaysian house price index 2016 Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2017= Malaysian house price index 2017. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2018= Malaysian house price index 2018 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2019 = Malaysian house price index 2019. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Indeks harga rumah Malaysia 2020= Malaysian house price index 2020. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Laporan Pasaran Harta Wilayah Pantai Timur: separuh pertama 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta 2019= property market report 2019. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Property management

Effects of Covid-19 on local property market. [Newspaper] (2020)

The crossfire of corporate real estate sustainable management with corporate sustainable objectives in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 186-198. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Property market

Laporan pasaran harta 2020. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Malaysia. (2020)

Laporan pasaran harta wilayah Malaysia timur: separuh pertama 2019 = East Malaysia region property market report: first half 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta wilayah selatan: separuh pertama 2019 = Southern region property market report: first half 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta wilayah tengah: separuh pertama 2019 = Central region property market report: first half 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta wilayah utara: separuh pertama 2019 = Northern region property market report: first half 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan status pasaran harta tanah = property market status report: 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan status pasaran harta tanah, kediaman, perdagangan dan industri = Residential, commercial and industrial properties status report: H1 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Pasaran harta tanah Malaysia separuh tahun pertama 2019. Technical Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Who’s addressing the state of the property market? [Video] (2021)

Brownfield sites and property market sensitivity. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 121-130. ISSN 0128-0945 (2017)

Property oversupply

Oversupply causes of double storey terrace houses in Johor Bahru. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 11 (3): 3. pp. 31-36. ISSN 1832-8505 (2017)

Property stock report

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2014. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2015. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2016. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2017. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2018. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: H1 2015. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: H1 2016. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: H1 2017. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: H1 2018. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: H1 2020. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: Q1 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: Q2 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: Q3 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: Q4 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan stok harta tanah = property stock report: 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan stok harta tanah = property stock report: H1 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Property tax

Investigation of impediment factors in property tax revaluation practices. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 150-159. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Property tax revaluation

Investigation of impediment factors in property tax revaluation practices. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 150-159. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Protected Areas

Spatial adaptation of protected area buffer zones in urban setting: impact on human and conservation agenda. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 2 (5): 683. pp. 65-69. ISSN 2398-4287 (2017)

Protected areas

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Psychological Response

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and occupant’s perception in Malaysian green office buildings. Built Environment Journal (BEJ), 10 (2): 2. pp. 15-46. ISSN 1675-5022 (2013)

Public building

The variants and meanings of Malay motif ornamentation in the urban context: a case study of Putrajaya. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 19. pp. 219-230. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Public housing

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Public outdoor space

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Public park

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Public participation

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Public space

The contributions of public space to the social sustainability of traditional settlements. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (5). pp. 192-205. ISSN 1675-6215 (2021)

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Public spaces

Volunteerism activities towards place making: case study pitt street, Penang. Journal of the Malaysia Institute of Planners, 18 (3). pp. 14-24. ISSN 0128-0945 (2020)

Public transport

Moderating effect of service quality on public transport travel behaviour and antecedents. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (4). pp. 80-91. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Public transport and integration

Public transport planning: local bus service integration and improvements in Penang, Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (3): 14. pp. 179-189. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Public transportation

Factors influencing ridership preference in using LRT service in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 250-256. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Pulau Tuba Langkawi

Demographic transition and challenges for sustainable development in Pulau Tuba, Langkawi, Malaysia. e-Bangi, 3 (1): 7. 1 -22. ISSN 1823-884x (2006)

Purchase decision

The factors influencing purchase decision of residential properties in Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 57-64. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Pusat komersial

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Qualitative method

Tornado financial development cost analysis for green project in Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (1). pp. 143-154. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)


Addressing issues on quality in low-cost house construction in Selangor. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 32-37. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Determinant factor for quality green open space assessment in Malaysia. Journal of Design and Built Environment, 18 (2). pp. 26-36. ISSN 1823-4208 (2018)

The relationship of human happiness and neighbourhood planning: case study Puchong Indah housing estate, Selangor, Malaysia. PLANNING MALAYSIA: Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, XIII. pp. 51-64. ISSN 0128-0945 (2015)

Factors affecting quality in Construction Project Life Cycle (CPLC). The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 322-355. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Quality Improvement

The Readiness of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application in Quantity Surveying Firm for Quality Improvement. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

Quality design

Usability evaluation via accessibility design. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0128-326X (2016)

Quality housing

Principal submitting person (PSP) roles in delivery quality housing. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 11 (5): 2. pp. 11-17. ISSN 1832-8505 (2017)

Quality in-use

The composition of usability evaluation in assessing quality of the display case lighting. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (Submitted) (2018)

Quality management

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Quality of life

Living conditions in Orang Asli resettlement project (PROSDET) of Pantos, Pahang, Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222. 143 -150. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)

Quality of life

Characteristics of and quality of life in a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) of Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Kuala Lumpur. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 234. pp. 498-505. ISSN 1877-0428 (2016)

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Transportation and quality of life. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (3): 4. pp. 35-50. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

Quality performance

Constraints in implementing qlassic for stratified housing. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 171-176. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Quantity Surveying

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Quantity Surveying Firm

The Readiness of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application in Quantity Surveying Firm for Quality Improvement. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

Quantity Surveyor

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Quantity Surveyors

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Quantity surveying

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Quantity surveying consultancy firms

Strategies for quantity surveying consultancy firms to achieve profitability: research proposal from a Malaysian perspective. Malaysian Construction Research Journal: RISM International Research Conference 2020, 9 (1): 15. pp. 175-181. ISSN 2590-4140 (2020)

Quantity surveying firms

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Quantity surveyors

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Ragam hias

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Rail transports

Does rail transport impact house prices and rents? Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 141-149. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Railway Construction Project

Accident cost ratio of bodily injury in railway construction projects. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 5 (2). pp. 81-96. ISSN 0128-326X (2018)

Railway station

Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) concept implementation in Perak’s suburban areas. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (1). pp. 155-165. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)

Rainwater Harvesting (RWH)

Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) installation for buildings: a systematic review and meta-analysis approach. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 6 (1). pp. 89-108. ISSN 0128-326X (2019)

Rainwater Harvesting System

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Rainwater catchment

Costing of rainwater harvesting system for three types of houses in Seremban. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 353-358. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

Rancangan Fizikal Negara

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Rancangan Kawasan Khas

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Rangkaian kereta api

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Rare tree identification

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Rasch Measurement Model

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Investigation of impediment factors in property tax revaluation practices. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19 (2). pp. 150-159. ISSN 0128-0945 (2021)

Rating tools

The green building assessment tools for water efficiency criteria in Malaysia: an analysis. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 2 (1). pp. 161-176. ISSN 0128-326X (2017)


Green approach in road construction. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 102-107. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2015)

Readiness model

Readiness of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) concept implementation in Perak’s suburban areas. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20 (1). pp. 155-165. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)

Real Estate

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Real Property

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Real property

Indeks Harga Rumah Malaysia 2013= Malaysian House Price Index 2013 Q3-Q4. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

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Laporan Pasaran Harta Wilayah Pantai Timur: separuh pertama 2019. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta 2019= property market report 2019. Project Report. Pusat Maklumat Harta Tanah Negara (NAPIC), Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2003. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2003)

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Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2013. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2013)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2014. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2015. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2016. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Laporan pasaran harta = Property market report: 2017. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2017)

Laporan status pasaran harta tanah = property market status report: H1 2020. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2014. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Laporan stok harta tanah = Property stock report: 2015. Project Report. Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2015)

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Southeast Asia

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Space management

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Studio work

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Transport planning

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Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

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Tree crown

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Urban heritage

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Urban indicator

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Urban indicators

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Urban landscape coridor

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Urban landscape planning

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Urban livability

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Urban park

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Urban planning

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User experience

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Wilayah metropolitan lanjutan

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Window glazing

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Young professional

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Young Architect

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Zero waste concept

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building performance

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carbon foot print

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city competitiveness

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cultural architecture

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flexural strength

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City competitiveness and urban sprawl: their implications to socio-economic and cultural life in Malaysian cities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 50. pp. 20-29. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

greenhouse gas

Carbon footprint assessment at Universiti Teknologi Mara Seri Iskandar Campus, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 2 (1). pp. 59-72. ISSN 0128-326X (2020)

historic building

Post-conservation evaluation (PCE): financial performance of adaptive reuse museums in George Town, Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (3). pp. 25-34. ISSN 0128-0945 (2004)

human factors

Developing criteria and variables for evaluating the effects of vegetation on single-family houses. Built Environment Journal, 12 (2): 1. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1675-5022 (2015)


SME Go. [Website]

infrastructure asset valuation

Tangible And Intangible Factors Incorporated for Infrastructure Asset Valuation. JOURNAL OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS, 19 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 16756215 (2021)

intangible assets

Tangible And Intangible Factors Incorporated for Infrastructure Asset Valuation. JOURNAL OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS, 19 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 16756215 (2021)


Reka bentuk rumah tradisional Negeri Sembilan dipengaruhi oleh adat dan kedaerahan. Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse, 15. pp. 113-136. ISSN 1675-3410 (2016)

knowledge sharing

A conceptual framework for managing higher dimension knowledge in BIM environment. Malaysian Construction Research Journal: RISM International Research Conference 2020, 9 (1): 20. pp. 237-248. ISSN 2590-4140 (2020)


Urban greenery as the city’s green infrastructure. Land. scape.: Malaysia landscape architecture industry, 28. pp. 10-11. ISSN 2180-0944 (2018)


Influence of Lighting and Colour Usage In Higher Education, a Case Study Of an Architectural Studio. In: 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Built Environment and Technology 2018 (USBET2018), September 2018, UiTM Cawangan Perak. (2018)

location housing affordability

Housing and transport expenditure: an assessment of location housing affordability. Journal of The Malaysian Institute of Planners, 16 (2): 327604778. pp. 99-108. ISSN 1672-6215 (2018)

low and middle income

Housing and transport expenditure: an assessment of location housing affordability. Journal of The Malaysian Institute of Planners, 16 (2): 327604778. pp. 99-108. ISSN 1672-6215 (2018)


The effectiveness of resettlement of Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia. Environment - Behavior Proceedings Journals, 4 (10): 330659668. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2398-4287 (2019)

online distance learning

The Shift in Teaching Pedagogy for Independent Landscape Design During The Pandemic: An Analysis Of Student Performance In ODL. JOURNAL OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS, 19 (2). pp. 131-140. ISSN 16756215 (2018)

performance of property marke

Significance And Performance Of Property Markets In Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 19. pp. 460-471. ISSN 1675-6215 (2021)

physical observation

Cleanliness inspection of the ablution spaces of the federal territory mosque. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 17 (2): 1. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1675-6215 (2019)

pindahmilik harta tanah

Pola pemilikan harta tanah masyarakat Melayu di Bandar Seri Iskandar dan Mukim Bota. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 1 (1). pp. 125-151. ISSN 0128-326X (2016)

property valuation

Tangible And Intangible Factors Incorporated for Infrastructure Asset Valuation. JOURNAL OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS, 19 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 16756215 (2021)

reflective practice

Arising issues in the execution of built heritage conservation projects in ireland: reflection from case studies. Built Environment Journal, 12 (2): 2. pp. 12-23. ISSN 1675-5022 (2015)

resettlement program

The effectiveness of resettlement of Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia. Environment - Behavior Proceedings Journals, 4 (10): 330659668. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2398-4287 (2019)

safety analysis

A physical study of passive fire safety requirement at academic building. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 202-208. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)


FSPU UiTM penuhi keperluan profesional tempatan, antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2021)

single-family houses

Developing criteria and variables for evaluating the effects of vegetation on single-family houses. Built Environment Journal, 12 (2): 1. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1675-5022 (2015)


City competitiveness and urban sprawl: their implications to socio-economic and cultural life in Malaysian cities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 50. pp. 20-29. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

street network

Street network design, pattern and characteristics for Malaysian local town. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 17. pp. 193-205. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)

sustainable development

The acceptance of green technology: a case study in Sabah Development Corridor. In: International Conference on Applied Physics And Engineering (ICAPE2016). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Physics and Engineering, 1785 (1). AIP Publishing, Penang, Malaysia, 030001-1-030001-7. ISBN 978-0-7354-1555-3 (2017)

transportation expenditure

Housing and transport expenditure: an assessment of location housing affordability. Journal of The Malaysian Institute of Planners, 16 (2): 327604778. pp. 99-108. ISSN 1672-6215 (2018)

urban sprawl

City competitiveness and urban sprawl: their implications to socio-economic and cultural life in Malaysian cities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 50. pp. 20-29. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

zoning characteristics

Street network design, pattern and characteristics for Malaysian local town. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 18 (2): 17. pp. 193-205. ISSN 1675-6215 (2020)


Exploration of cause contributing defect at high-rise residential building in Klang Valley: a literature review. In: 3rd undergraduate seminar built environment & technology. Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM Perak, Perak, pp. 103-108. ISBN 978-967-5741-67-8 (2018)

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