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Jump to: 1-D Reynolds equation | 12th Malaysia plan | 2-D Reynolds equation | 2-D energy equation | 3D printing | 3D scanning | 3Rs | 5G frequencies | 5G networks | 5G technology | 6061 Aluminum alloy | 7 digit numbering | 802.11 | A. Malaccensis | A. sub-integra | ABAQUS | AC breakdown | AC servo motor | AC servomotor | AC-EPD technique | AC-MFC | ADAMS | AEB system | AHP analysis | AIMC | AIMC+FLC | AISI D2 steel | ANFIS | ANN analysis | ANSYS-Fluent | ASEAN NCAP | ASEAN Road Safety | ATV | Abrassion resistance | Absorbance | Absorption spectrum | Academic achievements | Accelerated test | Accelerometer | Access point indoor coverage | Accident | Accumulator | Accuracy | Accurate disease treatment | Accurate measurement | Accurate readings | Acoustic emission | Activated carbon | Active MASW survey | Active drag reduction | Active grease trap | Active idle stop | Actuator | Adaptasi teknologi | Adhesive joining | Adoption rate | Adsorbent | Adsorption | Advancecon | Advanced materials R&D | Adverse effects | Aeroangkasa | Aerobic granular sludge | Aerodynamic characteristic | Aerodynamic characteristics | Aerodynamics | Aeroelasticity | Aerospace | Aerospace Industry | Aerospace industry | Aerospace manufacturers | Aerospace manufacturing | Agarwood oil | Agro-based | Agropolitics | Air House | Air cooling | Air kumbahan | Air pollutants | Air pollution | Air pollution index | Air purifier | Air spray | Air sungai | Airborne chemical | Aircraft component | Aircraft components | Aircraft industries | Akademi penerbangan | Alam sekitar | Alat elektronik | Algae | Algae biodiesel | Algae padina sp. | Algae plantation | Algorithm | Alkaline solution | Alternative communication | Alternative energy | Alternative medicine | Alternative sources | Aluminium alloy | Aluminium alloy ADC12 | Aluminium alloy LM6 | Aluminium mines | Ambience device | Ambient vibration testing | Ammonia | Amonia | Amorphous | Amphibious robot | Anaerobic digestion | Analog-to-digital | Analytic hierarchy process | Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) | Analytical services | Ancaman kesihatan | Anchoring | Android mobile device | Animal waste | Anodic capacitive current | Antenna | Antenna design | Anti-theft technology | Antibacterial | Antimicrobial | Antimicrobial activity | Antioxidant | Antiviral | Apartment | Aplikasi penyelaras pintar | Appliances | Applied geomatics | Approval To Install (ATI) | Approval To Operate (ATO) | Aquaponics | Aquarium monitoring system | Aquatic | Aqueous | Aqueous ammonia | Arduino | Arduino Yun | Arduino microcontroller | Area | Array system | Artificial aggregate | Artificial intelligence | Artificial neural networks | Asas batuan dan mineral | Asbestos removal | Asbestos-containing materials | Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF) | Asphaltic concrete materials | Assembly facilities | Assessment | Asset digitisation | Attenuation | Auditory detection | Authentication technology | Autism spectrum disorder | Autoclaving | Automated Recycle Dustbin System (ARDS) | Automated inspection | Automated transfer switch (ATS) | Automatic braking | Automatic cramp relief device | Automatif | Automation | Automobile | Automobile driver education | Automotif | Automotive | Automotive Hi-Tech Valley (AHTV) | Automotive applications | Automotive consumerism | Automotive designers | Automotive industry | Automotive manufacturers | Automotive parts | Automotive sector | Automotive wind tunnel testing | Autonomous operations | Autothermal | Aviation | Aviation fuel | Aviation safety | Awareness programme | Axial compressive strength | B-segment multipurpose vehicle (MPV) | BIM implementation | Bacillus cereus | Bacillus sp | Backfill material | Backfill materials | Backward elimination | Bacteria | Bahan api | Bahan berbahaya | Bahan biodegradasi | Bahan buangan | Bahan elektrik | Bahan elektronik | Bahan kimia | Bahan kimia toksik | Bahan organik | Bahan tidak berkarbon | Bahan unik bumi | Baja kompos | Baja semulajadi | Bangunan ikon global | Bangunan tertinggi | Banjir | Banjir kilat | Barium titanate | Barriers | Basic oleochemicals | Bateri solar | Batteries | Battery | Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) | Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) | Battery electric vehicles | Battery storage | Bau abnormal | Bayesian network | Beamforming antenna | Behaviour | Bekalan air | Bended antenna | Benefits | Bertaraf global | Best practices | Biased mesh | Bidang penerbangan | Bidang profesional | Bidang teknikal | Bidirectional bending actuator | Binder | Binders | Bio diesel | Bio-energy | Bioceramics | Biochemical process | Biocomposite | Bioctechnology | Biodegradable | Biodegradable plastics | Biodegradable polymer | Biodegrasi | Biodiesel | Biodiesel B20 | Biodiesel fuels | Biodiesel implementation | Biodiesel sawit | Biodiversity | Bioeconomy Community Development Programme (BCDP) | Bioeconomy Transformation Programme (BTP) | Bioefluen | Bioenergy | Biofilm | Biofilters | Bioflocculant | Biofuel | Biofuels | Biogas | Biogas industry | Biogas plants | Biogas power plant | Biogas power plants | Biogas upgrading | Biojet | Biojet fuels | Biojisim | Biojisim pepejal | Biologi | Biological oxidation | Biology | Biomass | Biomass Hub | Biomass clinker | Biomass nanas | Biomass power plants | Biomass resources | Biomass sources | Biomass systems | Biomass waste | Biomass wastes | Biomedical equipment | Biomedikal | Biometric | Biopharmaceuticals | Bioplastics | Biopower boiler | Biopower plant | Bioremediation | Biosecurity laboratories | Biosorbent | Biotech industry | Biotechnology | Biotechnology & Bioprocess | Biotechnology expertise | Biotechnology projects | Biotechnology sector | Bioteknologi | Bioteknologi moden | Bird strike | Bishop | Bivariate probability distribution | Blended cement | Block copolymer | Blueprint | Bluff body | Blynk application | Bode diagram | Body posture | Bolted joint | Bone scaffold | Borderless information | Boron | Boundary layer scrapper | Bow-tie antenna | Box-Behnken Design | Brain signal | Brainwave | Brake pads | Brake squeal | Breach erosion | Breach outflow hydrograph | Breaching process | Breakdown | Bridge pier | Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) | Building construction | Building information modelling (BIM) | Building to street width ratio | Buildings design | Built environment | Bulk acoustic wave (BAW) | Bumbung solar | Bunch fiber | Bunyi bising | Buoyancy | Bus components | Bus inspection | By-product | CFD | CHO-K1 | CLEVER | CMCO | CMOS oscillator | CO2 sequestration green roof | CSFs | Cable sizing | Calcination | Calcite | Calcium carbonate crystal | Calcium phosphate | Calibration | California bearing ratio | Camera module | Cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam model | Capacitance measurement system | Capacitive ultrasonic transducers | Capricorder 1598 | Capricorder model 1598 | Car maintenance | Car user’s | Carbon city | Carbon compounds | Carbon dioxide | Carbon emission | Carbon emissions | Carbon fibers | Carbon footprint | Carbon nanotubes | Carbon nanotubes network | Carbon neutral | Carbon neutrality | Carbonization | Cargo transportation | Cascade-forward backpropagation neural network | Case studies | Cassava leaves | Cassava starch | Casting technique | Catalyst | Catchment | Catchment area | Category of roads | Cathodic protection | Cekap tenaga | Cell | Cement | Cement brick | Cement hydration | Cementation reagents | Central composite design | Ceramic waste aggregate | Cerium promoter | Cerun | Challenges | Characterization | Charcoal carbon | Charging stations | Charging system | Chemical | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Pollution | Chemical Processes | Chemical compounds | Chemical exposure | Chemical exposures | Chemical hazardous | Chemical industries | Chemical management | Chemical markers | Chemical register | Chemical synthesis | Chemical treatment | Chemical-based product | Chemicals | Chemicals hazardous | Chitosan | Chlorella vulgaris | Chlorine decay | Chlorine decay simulation | Circuit breakers | Circular coil | Civil engineering programme | Civil engineers | Civil tender | Claim | Clamping force | Classification | Clay | Clay skimmer | Clean energies | Clean energy | Clean energy source | Clean energy transition | Clean technology | Cleaning | Climate change | Cloud base storage application | Cloud to Ground Flash | Co-based catalyst | Co-culture | Co-generation facility | Coal bottomash | Coal-based power plant | Coal-burning technology | Coal-fired power plant | Coal-fired power plants | Coastal erosion | Coastal erosion causes | Coastal erosion in Terengganu | Coastal hydraulic | Coated steel | Coating | Cobot | Cockle shell powder | Coconut fiber | Coconut shell | Coconut shell activated carbon | Coding | Coefficient of friction | Cognitive radio | Cold-cured epoxy | Cold-formed steel | Collaboration | Collection Surface Method (CSM) | Collision warning (CW) system | Color index | Columbic efficiency | Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs) | Combined economic emission dispatch | Combustion process | Commercialisation | Comminuted material | Commodity by-product | Common issues | Communication | Communication infrastructure | Communications | Comparison | Complementary spit ring resonator (CSRR) | Complete knocked down (CKD) | Composite | Composite materials | Composite repair | Composite structure | Composites | Comprehensive record | Compressed air | Compression test | Compressive strength | Computational | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation | Computational fluid dynamic | Computational fluid dynamics | Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) | Computer Development | Computer aided fixture design | Computer programming | Concentrating solar power | Concrete | Concrete damage plasticity | Concrete mix | Concrete protection | Concrete resistivity | Concrete strength | Concrete structures | Condition based maintenance (CBM) | Conductivity | Confinement | Congestion | Conservation | Conserving energy | Consolidation | Consolidation settlement | Conspicuity | Constrained predictive controller | Constraints handling | Construction | Construction Industry | Construction activities | Construction activity | Construction areas | Construction business | Construction industry | Construction innovation | Construction management | Construction methods | Construction professionals | Construction project management | Construction projects | Construction sector | Construction sites | Construction work | Construction works | Consultation programme | Consumer behaviour | Contact pressure | Continuous adsorption | Continuous variable transmission | Contractor | Control Valve | Control measures | Control stability | Control system | Controlled sandbox | Controller | Conventional stirrups | Cooling agent | Copper oxide | Corner reflector | Corona virus (COVID-19) | Coronavirus | Corrective measures | Corrosion | Corrosion performance | Corrosion testing | Cosmetics | Cost inflation | Cost-saving technologies | Couette flow | Country's policy | Covid- 19 Pandemic | Covid-19 | Covid-19 cases | Covid-19; | Crack mapping | Cracks | Crane operator | Crash investigation | Crash risks electric motorcycle | Crash test | Crash testing | Creative learning | Criteria | Critical thinking | Crop diseases | Crude algae oil | Crude oil | Crude palm oil | Crumb rubber | Crumb rubber tyre | Cu-Zn-V-Al | Cultivation | Current | Current density | Current monitoring | Curriculum development | Customer acceptance | Cycle time | Cyclic voltammetry | Cyclicvoltammetry | Cylindrical battery | Cylindrical battery cell | Cylindrical function | DC compressor | DC motor | DNA | DNA denaturation | Dasar | Data gathering | Data mining | Database management | Day Running Light (DRL) | Daytime running light | Decarbonisation | Deceleration | Decision-making framework | Decoration | Decreasing costs | Deep beams | Deep excavation | Deep hole drilling | Deep learning algorithm | Deflection | Deformation | Deformation behaviour | Degradation | Degradation properties | Delay | Delignification | Delivery | Delivery services | Demand side management | Demographic population | Demolition | Demulsification | Denitrification | Density | Derivatives | Design | Design of experiment | Design stage | Designing slopes | Desired torque | Develop programming | Development | Deviation | Dewatering | Diagnosis | Diatomite | Dielectric fluid | Dielectric properties | Diesel B10 | Differential capacitance sensing | Digital connectivity | Digital encoder | Digital engineering | Digital platform | Digital transformation | Digital web-based | Digitalisation | Dimensional stability | Direct combustion | Discharge measurement | Dispersion image | Disposal diapers | Disposal services | Dispute management | Dissimilar material | Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) | Distance | Distributed fibre optic sensor | Distributed generation | Distributed optical fibre sensor | Distribution automation (DA) | Distribution network | Distribution system | Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS) | Domestic wastewater | Door lock system | Doppler signature | Double layer porous asphalt | Downscaling | Drag reduction | Drainage layer | Dried leaves | Drinking water | Driver assistance system | Driving simulator | Dron | Drone | Drone operations | Drone regulations | Drone technology | Drought | Dry board | Dry type transformer | Drying chamber | Drying shrinkage | Dual-band | Durability | Durian skin fibre | Durian skin nanofibre | Duty exemption | Dye | Dye concentration | Dyes classification | Dynamic | Dynamic exit signage | Dynamic hazard identification | Dynamic load | Dynamic wireless charging | Dynamometer tests | Dyson | E-Waste monitoring system | E-glass fibers | E-mails | E-sisa | E-waste | EDM | EE Challenge | EEG signals | EMR method | EPANET | ESP8266 | EV batteries | EV battery | EV development | EV manufacturers | EV manufacturing | EV technology | Earth and mineral sciences | Earthing | Earthquake | East coast rail link (ECRL) | Economic analysis | Economic dispatch | Economic reguIation | Ecosystem | Edge detection | Educate the public | Education | Educational and training programme | Effects of poor communications | Efficiency | Efficiency systems | Efficient tariffs | Efluen perindustrian | Efluen sawit | Eggshell waste | Eigenfaces | Eigenvectors | Ekonomi hijau | Ekosistem aeroangkasa | El Nino | Elastic modulus | Elderly | Electric | Electric battery | Electric cars | Electric discharge machining | Electric power | Electric vehicle | Electric vehicle (EV) | Electric vehicle charging system | Electric vehicles | Electrical | Electrical accidents | Electrical and electronics (E&E) industry | Electrical cable | Electrical cable design | Electrical conductive adhesive | Electrical discharge | Electrical discharge machining | Electrical equipment | Electrical hubs | Electrical products | Electrical safety | Electrical wiring | Electricity | Electricity Tariff | Electricity consumption | Electricity cost | Electricity distribution | Electricity generated | Electricity generation and supply | Electricity incentive | Electricity industry | Electricity infrastructure | Electricity interruptions | Electricity networks | Electricity power | Electricity prices | Electricity sector | Electricity supply | Electricity supply act | Electricity supply industry | Electricity tariff | Electricity tariffs | Electricity theft | Electricity usage | Electricity utilities | Electrification | Electro-hydraulic actuator | Electro-mechanical | Electrochemical | Electrochemical biosensor | Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) | Electrocoagulation | Electrode wear rate | Electroencephalogram | Electromagnetic | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) | Electromagnetic fields | Electron beam irradiation | Electron transfer mechanism | Electronic hubs | Electronics waste | Electrostatic ultrasonic transducer | Elektrik | Elektronik | Eletric vehicle (EV) | Elevated railway | Elevated temperature | Emission | Empangan | Empangan Hidro Elektrik | Empangan Sabo | Employability | Employee turnover | Energy | Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEV) | Energy auditor | Energy commission | Energy conservation | Energy consumption | Energy conversion | Energy demand | Energy demands | Energy economists | Energy efficiency | Energy efficiency (EE) | Energy efficiency programmes | Energy efficient label | Energy efficient light | Energy efficient technology | Energy efficient vehicle | Energy efficient vehicles | Energy generation | Energy harvester | Energy harvesting | Energy industry | Energy labeling | Energy labelling | Energy laws | Energy management | Energy metering | Energy mix | Energy performance | Energy performance contracting | Energy recovery | Energy regulator | Energy resources | Energy saving | Energy sector | Energy sector regulator | Energy security | Energy source | Energy star appliances | Energy statistics | Energy storage | Energy supply | Energy trading | Energy transition | Energy usage | Energy utilization | Energy wastages | Energy waste | Energy-mix | Enforcement | Enforcement activities | Engine in-cylinder friction | Engine oil | Engineering | Engineering Inspection Services | Engineering Technologists | Engineering Technology | Engineering accreditation | Engineering capability | Engineering consultant | Engineering geological map | Engineering geology | Engineering industries | Engineering professions | Engineering structures | Engineering subjects | Entrance length | Entrepreneurs and innovators | Entry and exit point | Envelope detection | Environment | Environment friendly | Environmental | Environmental aspects | Environmental education | Environmental engineering | Environmental friendly | Environmental impact | Environmental impact analysis | Environmental issue | Environmental monitoring | Environmental protection | Environmental solutions | Environmental sustainability | Environmentally friendly | Environmentally-friendly | Enzim bromelain | Enzim lipase | Enzymatic hydrolysis | Epichlorohydrin | Epilepsy | Epoxy bonding | Epoxy resin | Ergonomics | Ergonomics hazards | Erosion | Erosion pins | Escherichia coli | Ethanol | Ethanol flowrate | Ethanoldry reforming | Euro 5 | Eurocodes | Eutrophication | Evacuation | Excess energy | Exhaust | Expanded polystyrene | Expenditures | Experiences | Experiment | Experimental Testing | Expert services | Expertise | Explosion | Expressway | Extendable | External disturbances | External flow | External store | Extra-high voltage substation | Extract biofuel | Extraction | FABRIK | FBAR | FRP strengthening | FVM | Fabrics | Face recognition | Factor of safety | Factorial analysis | Factory | Failure analysis | Fasiliti aeroangkasa | Fasteners | Fat | Fatigue | Fault voltage magnitude | Features | Fecal coliform | Feed-in Tariff | Feed-in Tariff (FiT) | Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) | Fellenius | Ferrite core | Ferroelectric | Fertilization | FiT project | Fiber Optic Current Sensor (FOCS) | Fiber optik | Fiber separation | Fibre Bragg grating accelerometer | Fibre glass | Fibre reinforced concrete | Fibre-reinforced actuator | Fibre-reinforced composite | Fibremesh | Fibrous networks | Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) | Filler | Film profile | Filter media | Financial assistance | Financial industry | Financial issues | Fine aggregate replacement | Fine aggregates replacement | Fine recycled aggregate | Finger rehabilitation | Fingerprint recognition | Fingerprint sensor | Finite element analysis | Finite element method | Finite element method (FEM) | Finite element model (FEM) | Fins performance | Fire | Fire building | Fire protection | Firebase | Firefly algorithm | Fischer-Tropsch synthesis | Fish farming | Fixed wing | Fixture design | Flash flood | Flash floods mitigation | Flexible antenna | Flexible sensor | Flexural capacity | Flexural strength | Flight activities | Flight control system | Floating production facilities | Flocculation | Flood | Flood control | Flood estimation | Flood frequency analysis | Flood management | Flood-prone | Floodplain; main channel | Floods | Floor sensors | Flow Control Mechanism | Flow characteristics | Fluidic amplification | Flutter | Flux compensated magnetic amplifier (FCMA) | Fly ash | Flying qualities | Foamed concrete | Food biotechnology product | Food industry | Food waste | Foreign direct investments (FDIs) | Forward scattering | Forward selection | Fotovolta | Fotovoltan solar (PV) | Foul stench issue | Four-point bending test | Fourball tester | Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) | Fourier descriptor | Fracture | Fracture mechanics | Frequency distributions | Frequency domain | Fresh properties | Fresh water supply | Freshwater | Freshwater inland lake | Freshwater invasive weed | Frontken | Froude number | Fuel | Fuel Price Movements | Fuel cell | Fuel consumption | Functionally graded architecture | Fungi | Fusarium oxysporumendoglucanase | Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) | Fuzzy logic | G5 contractor | GAMS | GCMS | GPS | GTL | Galakkan membaca | Gas Rumah Hijau (GHG) | Gas contractor | Gas distribution | Gas emissions | Gas engineers | Gas facilities | Gas industry | Gas infrastructure | Gas installations | Gas installations and operations | Gas pipeline | Gas pipelines | Gas piping facilities | Gas piping system | Gas power plant | Gas safety | Gas sector | Gas supply | Gas supply sector | Gas turbine technology | Gasification | Gasification performance | Gate valve | Gel electrolyte | Gel filtration chromatography | General Circulation Model (GCM) | General learning outcomes | Generasi masa depan | Genetic algorithm | Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) | Genetically modified | Genetically modified microorganism | Genome profile | Geographical Information System (GIS) | Geology | Geometrical defect | Geopolymer paste | Geosynthetics | Geotechnical | Geotechnical Characteristics | Gibbs energy | Ginger rhizome | Glass failure | Global climate models (GCMs) | Global warming | Globalised industry | Goat stall | Gold nanoparticles | Good finished product | Goodness of fit tests | Goverment buildings | Governance of regulators | Government publications | Gradation | Grading system | Graduates | Grain growth inhibitor | Granite residual soil | Granite sludge | Graphene | Green Electricity Tariff (GET) | Green Tech | Green Technology | Green architecture | Green biofuel | Green building | Green characteristics | Green city | Green cloud computing | Green concrete | Green ecosystem | Green electricity | Green energy | Green energy projects | Green hydrogen | Green inhibitor | Green library | Green mussel shell | Green roof | Green technology | Green technology fair | Green tools | Green transport | Green-mix concrete | Greenhouse | Greenhouse gas | Greenhouse gas emissions | Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) | Greensand casting mould | Greensynthesis | Grid System Operator (GSO) | Grid infrastructure | Grid services | Grid system | Grid system operator | Grid-Connected PhotoVoltaic (GCPV) Systems | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | Gross weight | Ground granulated blast furnace slag cement | Ground improvement | Grounding | Groundwater | Groundwater extraction | Groundwater reserve | Groundwater resources | Growth | Growth kinetics | Guidelines | Gumbel | Gumbel copula | H2S | HAM | Hab aeroangkasa | Hab data raya | Hab permotoran | Hab tenaga solar | Hakisan | Hakisan tebing | Hall currents | Hands-on learning | Hardened properties | Hardener/ resin ratio | Harga arang batu | Hargreaves method | Hari Air Sedunia | Harmonics | Harmony search | Harumanis mango | Hazard | Hazardous | Hazardous chemicals | Headway pattern | Health and safety | Health care | Health monitoring | Health monitoring system | Health risks | Healthcare | Healthcare products | Healthy bio | Heat treatment | Heat application process | Heat energy | Heat insulation | Heat plate | Heat transfer | Heat treatment | Heating system | Heavy metals | Heavy vehicles | Herbal extraction | Herbal species | Hexagon | Hidrogen hijau | Hidrologi | Hidroponik-Aquavoltaic | High QoS broadband | High gain | High speed machine | High strength | High technology | High temperature | High temperature nylon skimmer | High-cycle fatigue | High-fidelity model | High-rise buildings | Highway | Hub | Hub pembuatan | Human activity | Human capital | Human health effects | Human resource development | Humanoid Robot | Humans and technology | Hybrid | Hybrid electric | Hybrid UAV | Hybrid composites | Hybrid materials | Hybrid nanoparticles | Hydration | Hydraulic conductivity | Hydraulic hybrid vehicle | Hydraulic modelling | Hydro power | Hydro-pneumatic storage | Hydrodynamic forces | Hydroelectric | Hydroelectric power | Hydroelectric power station | Hydrogen | Hydrogen energy | Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles | Hydrogen production facility | Hydrogen technology | Hydrogen-ready technology | Hydrograph | Hydrological | Hydrological network | Hydrological operations | Hydrological procedure | Hydrology | Hydrophobic-oleophilic | Hydropower | Hydropower plants | Hydroxyapatite | Hysteresis loop | IDF curve | IMC | IMechE | IOT | IR 4.0 | IR sensor | IR4.0 | ISM | ISO 12944 | Identifikasi Frekuensi Radio (RFID) | Illegal connection | Image processing | Immersive augmented reality | Impact | Impedance | Impeller effects | Implied closed-loop prediction | Impulse | In-vehicle information system | Incentive Based Regulation | Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) | Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) mechanism | Incentive-Based Regulation (IBR) | Incentives | Incineration plants | Inclined shear reinforcement | Independent component analysis (lCA) | Indoor air quality | Indoor environment | Inductive charging | Inductive wireless charging | Industri aeroangkasa | Industri automotif | Industri biojisim | Industri hiliran | Industri kecil dan sederhana | Industri minyak dan gas | Industri pesawat | Industri sawit | Industri solar | Industrial Revolution 4.0 | Industrial applications | Industrial chemical | Industrial crop | Industrial design | Industrial development | Industrial gas cylinders | Industrial revolution | Industrial robots | Industrial sector | Industrial sectors | Industrialised building system (IBS) | Industrialization | Industry 4.0 | Industry manufacturing | Industry stakeholders | Industry’s prospects | Infill material | Infill properties | Infiltration rate | Influent | Information communication technology | Infrared coded light | Infrared imaging | Infrastructure | Infrastructure project | Infrastructure projects | Infrastruktur | Infrastruktur elektrik | Inisiatif | Inisiatif Peralihan Tenaga Asia (AETI) | Injection moulding | Innovation | Innovative technologies | Inoculum size | Inovasi | Inovasi pengajaran | Inovasi perusahaan | Insentif kerajaan | Insentif penyelidikan | Inspection process | Instruments and machines | Insulation process | Insurance claims | Integral hinges | Integrated Building System (IBS) | Integrated circuit design | Integrated disinfection system | Integrated river basin management | Integrated waste management | Integrated water resources management | Intelligent vehicles | Interaction | Interaktif | Interference (EMI) | Internal flow | International System of Units | International exhibitions | Internet Kebendaan (IoT) | Internet of Things | Internet of Things (IOT) | Internet of Things (IoT) | Internet of Vehicle (IoV) | Internet teaching | Intumescent coating | Inventive principles | Inventory control | Inventory record | Inverse kinematics | Inverter | Investment | Investments | Investments and collaborations | IoT | IoT (Internet of Things) | IoT and sensor technology | IoT development | IoT networks | IoT platform | IoT technology | Ion exchange chromatography | Ionic liquid | Irrigation | Islamic perspectives | Isolation | Isotherm | Iterative closest point (ICP) | JPDC dan UTHM | JSCADA | Jabatan Alam Sekitar Terengganu | Jalur lebar | Jar test | Jaringan industri | Jobs market | Journal bearing | Jualan buku | Jualan tenaga elektrik | Jurutera wanita | KASA | Kacip Fatimah | Kadar tarif elektrik | Kajian hidraulik | Kajian rintis | Kampung Baru Badak | Kandungan produk | Kapok fiber | Karbon dioksida | Kawalan banjir | Kawalan radio | Kawasan empangan | Kawasan industri | Kawasan luar bandar | Kawasan pesisir pantai | Kebersihan sungai | Kecekapan tenaga | Kecekapan tenaga (EE) | Kediaman berbumbung | Kediaman mesra alam | Kejuruteraan Perisian | Kejuruteraan automotif | Kejuruteraan genetik | Keladi bunting | Kelapa sawit | Kemahiran | Kemahiran industri | Kemalangan | Kempen inspirasi teknologi hijau | Kenaf composite | Kenderaan elektrik | Kenderaan elektrik (EV) | Kepakaran tempatan | Kereta Solar | Kereta nasional | Kereta perisai | Kerjaya jurutera | Kernel function | Kesedaran masyarakat | Keselamatan | Keselamatan elektrik | Keselamatan pengguna | Keselamatan penggunaan | Keselamatan produk | Kesihatan | Kesihatan pekerja | Keusahawanan | Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) | Khidmat masyarakat | Kinematic modeling | Kinetic | Kinetic energy | Kitar semula | Kite | Kitosan | Klang Valley | Knowledge awareness | Knowledge sharing | Kolaborasi | Kolaborasi kepakaran | Kolam dwifungsi | Kompetensi | Komponen pesawat | Kompos | Komunikasi | Kos baik pulih peralatan | Kos pemasangan | Kualiti makanan | Kualiti produk | Kurang jejak karbon | Kutipan sampah berjadual | L-asparaginase | LCMS-QToF | LED intensity | LED lamps | LED wavelength | LLNs | LS-DYNA | Laboratory organic wastes | Labour | Lactic acid | Ladang solar terapung | Lake Chini | Lake resources | Lakes | Laminar flow | Lampu jalan led | Land subsidence | Landfill operations | Landslide | Landslide management | Large Scale Solar (LSS) | Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic (LSSPV) | Large-scale solar (LSS) | Large-scale solar photovoltaic | Late payment | Laterite | Latihan sesuai | Launderettes | Law | Layer thickness | Leachate treatment plants | Leakage | Lean construction | Lean management | Lebuh raya | Lebuhraya Pan Borneo | Lectin | Legal challenges | Legal metrology | Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) | Lembah Automotif Berteknologi Tinggi | Lentinus squarrosulu | Level of knowledge | Life support devices | Lifting equipment | Lifting surface | Ligand-enzyme complex | Lighting | Lighting control | Lighting cycle | Lighting design | Lighting power density | Lightning | Lightning protection standards | Lightning strikes | Lightweight | Lightweight aggregate | Lightweight aggregate concrete | Lightweight concrete | Lignocellulosic | Limestone | Limpahan air | Line balancing | Line follow | Linear | Linear Configuration | Linear programming | Linear quadratic regulator | Liner | Liquid cooling | Liquid electrolytes | Liquid media | Lithium-Oxygen battery | Lithium-ion battery | Load profiles | Local aerospace companies | Local innovations | Locomotive | Log Pearson Type III | Logam berat | Logistic growth model | Logistics efficiency | Logistics industry | Loji Rawatan Air (LRA) | Loji rawatan air | Long term evolution-advanced | Lori compactor | Lovastatin | Low Carbon Mobility | Low carbon energy | Low carbon mobility | Low energy | Low-carbon nation | Low-fidelity model | Lower electricity | Lubang gerek | Lynas | MADA | MAPP | MATLAB | MATLAB/Simulink | MCO | MEASAT-3d | MEMS SAW resonator | MEMS based oscillator | MIMO | MOU | MWCNTs-PPy film | Maceration | Machine design | Machine learning | Machine vision | Machineries | Machinery and equipment | Machines | Machining | Machining performance | Magnetic properties | Magnetization | Magnitude | Magnitude and frequency | Mahkota Dewa | Maintenance | Maintenance requirements | Malaysia | Malaysian Peat | Malaysian construction industry | Malaysian industries | Malaysian standard | Malaysia’s energy policies | Maltodextrin | Mango seed | Mangrove forest | Mangrove trees | Mann-Kendall (MK) | Manpower | Manufacturers | Manufacturing | Manufacturing facility | Manufacturing operations | Manufacturing processes | Manufacturing program | Manufacturing sector | Manufacturing systems | Manufacturing technology | Mapping | Marine | Marine renewable energy | Mass irregularity | Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) | Material costs | Material properties | Materials price | Mathematical thinking | Maximum-largest weighted delay first (M-LWDF) | Measat-3d | Mechanical design | Mechanical properties | Mechanization practices | Medical application | Medical devices | Medical devices industry | Medical devices manufacturers | Medical technology | Medicine | Medium size of sediment | Medium-sized tire | Medtech | Mega-Tall buildings | Menara ikonik | Mengitar semula | Mercury management | Mercury removal | Mesh quality | Mesin cetakan baju | Mesra alam | Mesra alam sekitar | Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) | Metal injection moulding | Metal pushing V-belt | Metal thickness | Metallic coated steel | Metamaterial | Meter pintar | Metering infrastructure | Metering requirements | Metering scheme | Metering station | Metering tariff | Methane | Methanol reforming | Methodology | Methylene Blue (MB) | Methylene blue | Metrologi | Metrology | Microalgae | Microalgae bioenergy | Microalgae growth | Microbial | Microbial fuel cell | Microcontroller | Microcontroller arduino | Microelectronics technologies | Microorganism | Microorganisms | Microplatinum electrode | Micropump | Microstrip Yagi antenna | Microwave assisted extraction | Microwave oven | Microwave-assisted process | Middle box muffler | Mikroorganisma | Mineral industries | Minetech's | Mini Hydro Elektrik | Minimizing energy | Minimum quantity lubricants (MQL) | Mining | Minyak kapal terbang | Minyak kelapa sawit | Minyak masak terpakai | Minyak sawit | Missile | Missile simulation | Mitigation | Mixed culture | Mixed-development project | MoU | Mobile Network | Mobile application | Mobile broadband | Mobile communication | Mobile phone application | Mobile radio | Mobile security | Mobile telecommunications | Mobility | Modal analysis | Modbus | Mode shape | Model pesawat RC | Modeled cleanroom | Modelling | Modified epoxy | Modulus of elasticity | Molds contamination | Molds remediation | Molecular dynamicssimulations | Monascus | Monascus pigment | Monitor reach area | Monitoring | Monitoring strategy | Monitoring system | Monsun timur laut | Moringa oleifera | Moringa oleifera seeds | Moringa oleifera seeds oil | Morison’s equation | Morphology | Mortar | Moth flame optimization | Moth flame optimization (MFO) algorithm | Motion planning | Motion tracking system | Motor soft starting | Motor vehicle | Motorcycle | Motorcycle anti-theft lock | Motorcycle detection | Motorcycle disk brake lock | Motorcycle muffler | Motorcyclist | Mould design | Moulding mixture | Movement control orders | Multi-material | Multi-storey house | Multilayer | Multilayer Perceptron | Multilayered absorber | Multiphase | Multiple linear regression (MLR) | Multiple neural networks | Multirotor | Musa acuminata | Musa sp | Musculoskeletal disorder | Mussel shell ash | Mute | MyHijau | MyPower | NACA 23012 | NCFETs | NEDC consumption | NEM scheme | NESTI | Nannochloropsissp | Nano-PCR | Nano-materials | Nanocellulose fiber | Nanocomposite | Nanocomposite polymer | Nanomaterial | Nanomaterials | Nanomaterials production | Nanoparticles | Nanotechnology | Nanotechnology development | Nanotechnology products | Nanotiub karbon | National Automotive Policy 2020 | National Biotechnology Policy (NBP) | National Investment Aspirations (NIA) | National Measurement System Act 2007 | National Planet Health Action Plan (PTKPN) | National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan (NREPAP) | National aspiration | National car project | National grid infrastructure | National nanotechnology | Natural carbonation | Natural coagulant | Natural disaster | Natural gas | Natural gas distribution | Natural gas industry | Natural groundwater | Natural protection | Natural resources | Natural slopes | Natural solution | Nature | Negara neutral karbon | Nenggiri | Net Energy Metering | Net Energy Metering (NEM) | Net energy metering | Net energy metering (NEM) | Net offset virtual aggregations (NOVA) programme | Net-Energy Metering (NEM) | Network | Network technologies | Neural Network | Neural network | Neutral karbon | New norm | Night | Nitrification | Node-RED | Noise measurement | Non-compliance | Non-destructive test | Non-real time | Non-static vehicle | Nonlinear vehicle longitudinal model | Normal | Nozzle height | Nuklear | Nuklear Malaysia | Numbering system | Numerical analysis | Nutrisi | OEM manufacturers | Objective function | Obstacle avoidance | Occupational disorders | Occurrences | Ocean resources | Off River Storage | Offshore | Offshore structure | Oil and Gas Industry | Oil and gas | Oil and gas industry | Oil and gas resources | Oil and gas services company | Oil and grease | Oil drilling piping | Oil extract | Oil palm frond | Oil palm frond fibers | Oil palm industry | Oil palm residues | Oil palm shell | Oil tests | Oleo chemical | Oleochemical | Oleochemical products | Oleokimia | On-road | One-key system | Onshore | OpenFoam | Openings | Operates efficiently | Operating hours | Operational and maintenance | Operational efficiency | Operational system | OptiSystem | Optimization | Optimum configuration | Organic sources | Organic wastes | Organisational efficiency | Outcomes | Over-pumping | Overbank hydraulic | Overexploitation | Overloading | Own electricity | Ownership | Oxidation of aluminium alloy | Oxidation pond | PBAKL 36 | PDF construction | PEDOT: PSS | PGeol | PID controller | PLAXIS 2D | PLAXIS 3D | PLC | POME | PVDF/MgO | Packaging solutions | Packet scheduling | Pahang river basin | Paint | Palm biodiesel | Palm kernel shell | Palm methyl ester | Palm oil | Palm oil ashes | Palm oil biomass | Palm oil clinker | Palm oil fuel ash | Palm oil mill effluent | Palm oil plantation | Palm oil products | Palm oil waste | Palm shell clinker | Palm waste | Palm-based soaps | Pam air | Pan Borneo | Panel solar | Panel solar bumbung | Panel solar dwi muka | Paras air | Parit simen | Parking lot rooftop panel | Parking system | Partial characterization | Partial replacement | Partial submergence | Particle image velocimetry | Particle swarm optimization | Partnership | Passive drag reduction | Passive radar | Patch antenna | Path loss modelling | Path tracking | Patient | Patient safety | Pattern recognition | Pavement structure | Paxlovid | Peak inflow | Peak outflow | Peat soil | Peat soils | Pedestrian protection | Pelaburan | Pelaburan tenaga solar | Pelepasan karbon | Pelletization | Peluang pekerjaan | Pelupusan | Pembangunan aplikasi | Pembangunan lestari | Pembangunan tenaga solar | Pembelian tenaga | Pembuangan haram | Pembuatan pesawat | Pemerolehan fasiliti RE | Penaksiran risiko | Penampan kepala air | Pencegahan kebakaran | Pencemaran | Pencemaran air | Pencemaran kimia | Pencemaran sungai | Pendawaian elektrik | Pendegaran | Pengangkutan awam | Pengangkutan darat | Pengerang | Pengeringan ikan masin | Pengilangan komponen | Pengilangan pintar | Peninsular Malaysia | Penjanaan kuasa solar | Penjanaan tenaga | Penjimatan bil elektrik | Penjimatan elektrik | Penjimatan tenaga | Penyelenggaraan | Penyelidikan | Peoplecentric solutions | Pepasangan domestik | Peralatan aeroangkasa | Peralatan berputar | Peralatan telekomunikasi | Peranti pintar | Peraturan keselamatan | Perfect absorber | Perforated pipe | Performance | Periodic maintenance | Perisian minyak dan gas | Perisian perindustrian | Perkhidmatan kesihatan | Permanent disposal facility (PDF) | Permeability | Perpindahan teknologi | Perpustakaan awam | Persijilan Indeks Bangunan Hijau (GBI) | Personal care industries | Personal protective equipment | Pesta buku | Petrochemical industry | Petrochemical infrastructure | Petrochemical wastewater | Petroleum | Petroleum contractor | Petroleum engineering | Petroleum engineering graduates | Petroleum engineers | Pharmaceutical | Pharmaceutical residues | Pharmaceuticals | Pharmacology in nursing | Pharmaniaga | Phenolic | Photoshoot spot | Photovoltaic | Photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator | Physical injuries | Physical properties | Phytochemicals | Piezoelectric | Piling works | Piped gas supply | Pipeline | Pipeline contractors | Pipeline works | Piston ring | Planning and design phases | Plantation | Plasctics | Plasma biomass | Plastic bags | Plastic waste | Plasticity index1.0 | Plastik sampah | Platinum hijau | Plotted curved | Point of reference | Point-of-care testing (POCT) | Poisson reconstruction | Polarization | Pole placement | Policy covers | Pollutant dispersion | Pollution | Poly(2-vinylpyridine) | Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) | Polyethylene skimmer | Polyhydroxylalkanoates | Polylactic acid | Polylactic acid (PLA) | Polymer | Polymer materials | Polymer nanocomposites | Polymer technology | Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) | Polypropylene | Polyurethane | Poor communication | Poor maintenance | Porous | Porous asphalt | Positive Lighting | Positive growth | Potensi tenaga solar | Power | Power Plant | Power demand | Power disruptions | Power distribution system | Power estimation | Power generation | Power import project | Power outages | Power plant | Power plant project | Power plants | Power project | Power protection | Power quality | Power quality monitors | Power restoration time | Power supply | Power usage | Power utilities | Power utility regulatory | Power-receiving stations | Powered wheelchair | Pozzolanic | Practices and behaviour | Prasarana EV | Pre-treatment | Precast building system | Precast concrete | Precast concrete elements | Precipitation hardening | Prediction | Prediction strength | Predictive functional control (PFC) | Predominant frequency | Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation | Pregnant driver | Preliminary helicopter design | Press machines | Press machines hazards | Pressurized air | Prestressed concrete bridge | Pretreatment | Prevent corrosion | Principal component analysis | Privacy protocols | Probabilistic analysis | Probabilistic model | Probabilistic neural network | Probability of Failure | Probability of failure | Problem solving | Problematic soil | Procedures and registration | Process | Process operations | Producing injury | Product design | Product designs | Product innovation | Product quality | Product-service system | Production layout | Production plants | Productivity | Productivity rate | Products roadmap | Produk kosmetik | Profesion | Profession | Profiled steel sheet | Profit and loss | Profit margins | Program Skim Pemeteran Tenaga Bersih (NEM) | Program membaca | Project area | Project information management | Project management | Project management practices | Project manager | Project success | Projek angin luar pesisir terapung | Projek perumahan | Propagation | Property | Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller | Prospective engineers | Prosthetic arm | Prosthetic elbow joint | Protein engineering | Prototype built | Public engagements | Public transport | Public transport infrastructure | Public transportation | Pulau Bunting | Pull out Test | Pull-out test | Punched tape record | Pusat latihan | Pusat pengajar | Pyrolysis | Quadcopter | Quadrotor | Quality control | Quality improvement | Quality of service | Quality water | Quarry dust | Quenching | Queue backlog | RBD palm oil | RE investment | REBA | RF energy harvesting | RF-MEMS | RMK-12 | RNA extraction | ROV: underwater | RPL | RSSI | Radial Basis Function | Radial cracks | Radiation measurement | Radiation pattern | Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) | Radio altimeters signals | Radio technology | Radioaktif terkedap | Radionuklid | Rail engineering | Rail industry | Railway operation and management | Rainfall | Rainfall data | Rainfall recorder | Rainfall runoff | Rainfall station | Raingauge | Rainstorm | Ramalan banjir | Random sample consensus (RANSAC) | Rangkaian 5G | Rapeseed oil | Rapid expansion supercritical solution | Rapid prototyping | Rare earth processing | Raspberry Pi | Raspbian | Rate feedback | Rating table | Rawatan air | Rawatan sisa kumbahan | Reactive navigation | Reactive red 4 | Real estate | Real time | Real-Time monitoring | Real-time | Real-time monitoring | Rebound hammer | Recreation | Rectenna | Recyclable waste | Recycle | Recycled | Recycled foamed aggregate concrete | Red Meranti wood sawdust | Red pigment | Redox titration | Refelective impedance | Refrigerant | Refrigeration system | Regenerative suspension | Regression | Regulation | Regulatory Period 2 | Regulatory compliance | Rehabilitation | Reinforced concrete | Reinforced concrete beam | Reinforced earth wall | Reinforcement mechanism | Reinforcement strip | Reka bentuk | Reka bentuk mekanikal | Relay breaker | Reliability engineering | Reliable electricity supply | Reliable supply | Removal efficiency | Renewable | Renewable energy | Renewable energy (RE) | Renewable energy adoption | Renewable energy generation | Renewable energy source | Renewable energy sources | Renewable power | Renewable resources | Renewal energy | Repeatability | Replacement | Reporting mechanism | Requirements | Reserve strength ratio | Reservoir | Reservoirs | Residential area | Residential houses | Residual oil | Residual soil | Residual soil slope | Resilient modulus | Resonant frequency | Resonator | Respiratory protection | Response surface | Response surface methodology | Restoration | Restraint system | Reverse engineering | Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) | Revisit | Revolusi Industri 4.0 | Revolusi Industri 4.0 (IR4.0) | Reynolds number | Rhizophus oryzae | Rhizopus sp. | Rhodamine B dye | Rice cooker | Rigid | Rising costs | Risk analysis | Risk assessment | Risk assessment tools | Risk factors | Risk management | Risk to health | Risk-Based Assessment | River | River awareness | River engineering | River hydrology | River station | River water | River water's quality | Riverbank erosion | Rizab air | Road | Road casualties | Road embankment | Road gradient | Road pavement | Road quality monitoring | Road safety | Road surfacing | Robot arm | Robotic | Robotic arm | Robotic glove | Robotics | Rock slopes | Roket | Rolling Sphere Method (RSM) | Rondaan dron | Roof water retention | Rooftop PV | Rooftop PV capacity | Rooftop solar panels | Rotordynamics | Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil | Rriver basin | Ruang terkurung | Rural macrocel | Rural schools | S11 | SDN | SDN-IoV | SEM | SIRIM | SIRIM-ST label | SOP | STFT | Sabah electricity supply | Sabah’s electricity | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Safe and healthy | Safe handling | Safe speed | Safety | Safety & health | Safety accident analysis | Safety and health | Safety and legal requirements | Safety and security | Safety assist | Safety features | Safety procedures | Safety regulations | Safety standards | Sagnac | Sago | Sains dan teknologi | Saliran air | Sand casting | Sand replacement | Sand replacement material | Sarawak Energy | Satelit | Satellite communication | Satellite competition | Satellite images | Satellites | Save 2.0 | Saving energy | Scaffolding design | Scaling-up | Scanning software | Scenario planning technique | Schlumberger | Scrap rubber | Screen-printed electrode | Screw-thread | Sea water | Seat belts | Seaweed | Secure proof of identity | Security and data privacy | Security threats | Sediment pollution | Sediment size | Sedimentation | Segmentation | Seismic | Seismic design | Sekolah pedalaman | Sektor aeroangkasa | Sekuriti makanan | Self-compacting concrete | Self-compacting lightweight concrete | Self-curing concrete | Self-drilling screw | Self-organizing map | Self-regulated | Semi-circle | Semiconductor | Semiconductor industry | Sensitivity | Senslar | Sensor | Sensors | Sentiasa panas | Sequencing Batch reactor | Sequestration | Serpentine | Settlement of soft soil | Sewage effluent | Sewage management | Sewage reclamation | Sewage treatment plant | Shear | Shielded metal arc welding | Shingle | Sign language | Silica fumes | Silica sand | Silicon chips | Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) | Silicone | Silicone oil | Silkscreen | Silver nanoparticles | Simplicillium obclavatu | Simulating coastal phenomena | Simulation | Simvastatin | Single Buyer (SB) | Single disinfection unit | Single fibre test | Single shear | Single storey | Sintering | Sisa biomas | Sisa domestik | Sisa kelapa sawit | Sisa kimia | Sisa makanan | Sisa organik | Sisa pembetungan | Sisa pepejal | Sisa radioaktif | Sisa sawit | Sistem GPS | Sistem Masjid Pintar (SMP) | Sistem Penyimpanan Tenaga Bateri (BESS) | Sistem Solar | Sistem aliran air | Sistem pemantauan | Sistem pengairan | Sistem penyimpanan tenaga | Sistem penyimpanan tenaga bateri (BESS) | Sistem perparitan | Sistem saliran | Sistem standard pengukuran | Sistem termal solar | Site investigation | Skilled Malaysians | Skim Permeteran Tenaga Bersih (NEM) | Skim pajakan | Skyscraper | Slab | Sliding mode controller | Slope | Slope angle | Slope hazard | Slope mapping | Slopes | Slotted gold-bar shaped | Sludge treatment | Slump | Small renewable energy power programme | Small scale projects | Smart Community | Smart Digital Infrastructure | Smart Economy | Smart Governance | Smart agriculture | Smart antennas | Smart city | Smart city infrastructure | Smart cleaning | Smart disk brake lock | Smart grid | Smart grid system | Smart meters | Smart sensors | Smart tunnel | Smart waste | Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) | Social housing | Socially responsible organisation | Soda lime silicate glass | Sodium hydroxide | Sodium silicate | Soft actuator | Soft crawling robot | Soft ground | Soft grounds | Software packages | Soil burial | Soil erosion | Soil foundation | Soil improvement | Soil separation | Soil stabilisation | Soil strength | Soil structure | Soil suction | Soil texture | Soil trafficability | Soil-structure | Solar Energy | Solar Farm | Solar PV | Solar PV system | Solar Photovoltaic | Solar Skala Besar | Solar batteries | Solar berbumbung | Solar bumbung | Solar collector | Solar energy | Solar farm | Solar farms | Solar financing solution | Solar floating platform | Solar fotovoltaik | Solar fotovoltaik (PV) | Solar fotovolto | Solar hibrid | Solar hybrid | Solar leasing | Solar panel | Solar panels | Solar photovoltaic | Solar photovoltaic (PV) | Solar photovoltaic panel | Solar photovoltaic systems | Solar photovoltaics (PV) | Solar plant | Solar power | Solar power plants | Solar power tower | Solar powered buildings | Solar project | Solar radiation | Solar rooftop | Solar simulator | Solar skala besar | Solar technology | Solar terapung | Solar water heating system | Solar-storage-EV solutions | Solid oxide fuel cell system | Solid waste management | Solid-state fermentation | Solid-state reaction | Solidworks simulation | Solvent blend | Solvent extraction | Sorption capacity | Sound absorptive material | Sound pressure level | Source of income | Space remote sensing | Space technology | Space-based solar power | Spacing | Spalart-Allmaras | Species’ mortalities | Spectroscopy | Speech | Speed reduction | Spent abrasive waste | Spent caustic wastewater | Spent garnet | Spike-Wave discharge | Split Core Current Transformer (SCT013) | Splitting tensile | Spoke concept | Spray drying | Stability | Stability factors | Standard measurement | Standard operating procedures (SOP) | Standardisation | Standards | Standards & regulations | Starch | Startups | State-of-Charge | State-space | Static load | Station registers | Statistical analysis system | Statistics | Statistik kemalangan elektrik | Steel | Steel corrosion | Steel fiber | Steel fibres | Steel plate | Steel reinforcement | Steel structures | Step response | Stesen pengecas | Stimulus package | Stopping distance | Storage | Storage and preservation | Storage system | Storm water | Stormwater | Strategic management | Strategic partner | Street lighting | Strength | Strength of materials | Strength properties | Strengthening | Stress-strain | Stress-strain behaviour | Stress-strain relationship | String | Stripping | Stroke | Structural | Structural and Material | Structural assessment | Structural concrete | Structural connections | Structural design | Structural equation modeling (SEM) | Structural modification | Structure assessment | Studio lightboard | Subcritical flow | Substitute | Subthreshold | Success factor | Sulphate attack | Sumber air | Sumber baharu | Sumber boleh diperbaharui (RE) | Sumber tenaga bersih | Sungai Melaka | Super absorber polymer | SuperPro design | Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) | Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) | Supercritical carbon dioxide | Supercritical water | Supersonic wing | Supply chain | Surface acoustic wave (SAW) | Surface and subsea facilities in Malaysia | Surface roughness | Surface tension | Surface water sampling | Surficial structures | Surrogate model | Sustainability | Sustainability (Green) | Sustainability development | Sustainable | Sustainable Procurement | Sustainable construction | Sustainable design | Sustainable development | Sustainable energy | Sustainable environment | Sustainable management | Sustainable urban development | Sustainable wastewater treatment | Syarikat bumiputera | Syarikat telekomunikasi (telco) | Symbiotic | Syngas | Synthetic antimicrobial agent | Synthetic biology | Synthetic chemicals | System | System Average Interruption Duration Index | System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) | System Identification | System of units | TAPS | TCP throughput | TH Heavy Engineering | TNB | TRIZ | Taguchi | Takungan Air | Takungan Air Pinggiran Sungai (TAPS) | Takungan air | Tall buildings | Tallest tower | Taman solar Sultan Ibrahim | Tanah gambut | Tarif Elektrik Hijau (GET) | Tax benefits | Technical regulatory | Technical skills | Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution | Technological advancements | Technological advent | Technologies | Technologist | Technology | Technology development | Tecoma stans | Teknologi 5G | Teknologi EV | Teknologi Hijau | Teknologi IoT | Teknologi go-kart | Teknologi hijau | Teknologi komunikasi alternatif | Teknologi makanan | Teknologi rumah solar | Telecommunication | Telecommunications infrastructure | Telekomunikasi | Television | Temperature effect | Temperature mapping | Temporal storm | Tenaga | Tenaga Hidro | Tenaga Solar | Tenaga alternatif | Tenaga bersih | Tenaga boleh baharu | Tenaga boleh baharu (RE) | Tenaga boleh baharu (TBB) | Tenaga boleh dibaharui | Tenaga boleh diperbaharui | Tenaga boleh diperbaharui (RE) | Tenaga elektrik | Tenaga hijau | Tenaga lestari | Tenaga mahir | Tenaga solar | Tender | Tensile strength | Tensile test | Terowong bawah tanah | Tertiary programme | Test environment | Textile antenna | Texture analysis | Thermal | Thermal analysis | Thermal conductivity | Thermal energy | Thermal lamination | Thermo-elastohydrodynamic | Thermochemical process | Thermocouple | Thermoelectric | Thermoplastic | Thermoplastics | Thermostability factors | Thermostable enzymes | ThingSpeak | Thionine-Graphene | Third-grade fluid | Thrust Performance | Thunderstorms | TiO2 | Timber clinker | Timber product | Time study | Time to collision | Tindakan kecemasan | Tire-wheel clamp | Tobacco substitute | Torrefaction | Tourism destinations | Town hall session | Toxicity free solvent | Toxicology | Tracking | Tracking performance | Traditional Malay House | Traffic Management | Traffic congestion | Traffic flow | Traffic management | Traffic safety | Training programmes | Transducer | Transesterification | Transformer oil | Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) | Transonic | Transport sector | Transportation and state | Transportation mode | Treated | Treatment | Treatment plants | Tribological | Tribology | Tribometer | Tricalcium phosphate | Triple-band | Tripping | Trong clay | Tropical condition | Tunnels | Turbid water | Turbidity | Turbin angin | Turbocharger | Turbocharger gas stand | Turbulence Model | Two phase combined reactor system | Two stage channel (compound channel) | Types of fires | UAV | UK-SPEC learning outcomes | UN Decade of Action 2011-2020 | UTHM | UV plasma | Ubi kayu | Ubidots | Ujian makmal | Ultimate video quality | Ultrasonic | Ultrasonic amplification | Ultrasound-assisted extraction | Ultraviolet radiation | Unconfined compressive strength | Underwater friction stir welding | Underwater robotics | Uniformity distribution | Unit pengukuran | University laboratories | Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) | Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) | Unsaturated soil slope | Unsaturated soils | Unsteady | Unsteady aerodynamics | Unsteady flow | Upper limb prostheses | Urban street canyon | Urbanisation | Utilises idle land | Utility companies | VANETs | VM benefits | VM in malaysia | VM viability | VTOL | Vaccine Production | Value Management (VM) | Value problems | Vehicle headway | Vehicle safety and accessories | Vehicle safety features | Vehicle system | Vehicles traffic | Verifications | Vernacular architecture | Vertical links | Vibration | Vibration analysis | Vibration levels | Vibration sources | Vibrations | Virtual prototype | Virtual reality | Virtualization | Virus outbreaks | Visible imaging | Vision 2020 | Vision analysis | Vitamin C | Voice | Voltage | Voltage and load power margin | Voltage instability | Voltage instability analysis | Voltage sensor | Voltage stability margin | Voltammetry | Volume fraction | Volumetric shrinkage | Vortex generator | W/O emulsion | WC-Co | Waste | Waste containers | Waste glass | Waste management | Waste management practices | Waste materials | Waste minimization | Waste segregation facilities | Waste separation system | Waste tyre | Waste vegetable oil | Waste water treatment | Wastewater | Wastewater treatment | Wastewater treatments | Water | Water absorption | Water analysis | Water catchment | Water distribution system | Water flow | Water hyacinth | Water level recorder | Water pollution | Water pollution detector | Water pumping system | Water quality | Water quality index | Water quality parameters | Water rentention | Water reserves | Water resource development | Water resources | Water resources development | Water retention | Water reuse | Water source | Water supplies | Water supply | Water treatment | Water treatment plant | Water treatment plants | Water utilities | Water-cement ratio | Water-level recorder | Water-supply management | Watershed management | Watersheds | Wave breaker | Wave energy | Wave impedance | Wave kinematics | Wearable device | Web-enabled smart devices | Web-surfing | Weighing and measuring instruments | Weighted sum method | Welding Procedure | Wetland | Wetlands | Wholesale electricity market | Wide-band | Widening roads | Wider bandwiths | Willingness to pay (WTP) | Wireless | Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) | Wireless LANs | Wireless communication | Wireless communication systems | Wireless control | Wireless device | Wireless network | Wireless power transfer | Wireless signal strength | Wireless system | Wood species recognition | Work from home | Work progress | Work study | Workability | Worker′s safety and health | Working platform | Workplace | Workplace accidents | Workplaces | Woven kenaf fiber | X-ray Fluorescence | X-ray diffraction | Xurography | Young generation | Zero phase error tracking control | Zero-emission | Zero-emission vehicle | cfMesh | e-rebates | k-ε Realizable | k-εStandard | k-ω SST | k-ω Standard | kNN | pH | pH water | vehicle crash test
Number of items at this level: 4216.

1-D Reynolds equation

Tribological analysis on the effect of heat transfer towards engine in-cylinder friction. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

12th Malaysia plan

Bolstering Malaysia's aerospace sector via 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

2-D Reynolds equation

Thermo-elastohydrodynamic analysis of piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing lubrication system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

2-D energy equation

Thermo-elastohydrodynamic analysis of piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing lubrication system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

3D printing

The effect of layer thickness on repeatability of 3D printed PLA parts produced using openware 3D printer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

3D scanning

Three dimension scanning using infrared coded light. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Automated recycle dustbin system with GSM module for waste management. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 56-64. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

5G frequencies

Same 5G frequencies cause aviation interference? [Newspaper] (2022)

5G networks

Performance analysis of 5G path loss models for rural macro cell environment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 85-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

5G technology

Technical talk on recent development in 5G EMF policies, guideline, radiation measurement and monitoring. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

6061 Aluminum alloy

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 89-98. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

7 digit numbering

Hydrological station numbering system. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)


Automotive real-time data acquisition using wi-fi connected embedded system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

A. Malaccensis

Analysis of chemical compounds of agarwood oil from different species by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

A. sub-integra

Analysis of chemical compounds of agarwood oil from different species by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


Compression test and finite element analysis of foamed concrete cube. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

AC breakdown

Effect of water on polypropylene/barium titanate nanocomposites. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

AC servo motor

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

AC servomotor

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

AC-EPD technique

Electrochemical properties of MWCNTs-polypyrrole nanocomposite films prepared by AC-EPD technique. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)


Peformance evaluation of petrochemical wastewater fed air-cathode microbial fuel cells using yeast biocatalyst. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 32-42. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Virtual prototype-based kinematic modeling and simulation of a multi-mode amphibious robot. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 246-256. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

AEB system

A review of automated emergency braking system and the trending for future vehicles. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

AHP analysis

Coastal erosion index using AHP and ANN for coastal manager. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-7843 (2022)


Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

AISI D2 steel

The machinability performance of RBD palm oil dielectric fluid on electrical discharge machining (EDM) of AISI D2 Steel. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 140-149. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Voltage instability analysis based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and probabilistic neural network. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 9 (2). pp. 27-40. ISSN 2180-3811 (2018)

ANN analysis

Coastal erosion index using AHP and ANN for coastal manager. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-7843 (2022)


Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


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ASEAN Road Safety

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Abrassion resistance

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Absorption spectrum

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Academic achievements

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Accelerated test

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Access point indoor coverage

Customizing WLAN access point’s indoor coverage and throughput with corner reflector. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


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Accurate disease treatment

UNSPECIFIED, ed. ASM position paper on precision medicine initiative in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-55-3 (2020)

Accurate measurement

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Accurate readings

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Acoustic emission

Investigation of internal gas leakage on the gate valve using acoustic signal. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Activated carbon

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Active MASW survey

The optimum field configuration for active MASW survey on peat soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 121-130. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Active drag reduction

Review of passive drag reduction techniques for bluff road vehicles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Active grease trap

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Active idle stop

Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


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Adaptasi teknologi

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Adhesive joining

Mechanical and failure analysis of multi-materials adhesive joining. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 160-166. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Adoption rate

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Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

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Advanced materials R&D

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Adverse effects

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Aerodynamic characteristic

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Aerodynamic characteristics

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Aerospace Industry

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Aerospace industry

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Aerospace manufacturers

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Aerospace manufacturing

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Agarwood oil

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Air House

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Air cooling

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Air kumbahan

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Air pollutants

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Air pollution

Do we need crumb rubber asphalt? Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 58-70. (2013)

Air pollution index

Air pollution index prediction using multiple neural networks. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Air purifier

Portable UV plasma air purifier in automobile. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 42-45. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

Air spray

Morphology and electrical characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes film prepared by air brush technique. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Air sungai

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Airborne chemical

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on monitoring of airborne chemical hazardous to health 2022. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-4-1 (2022)

Aircraft component

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Aircraft components

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Aircraft industries

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Akademi penerbangan

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Alam sekitar

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Alat elektronik

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Algae biodiesel

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Algae padina sp.

Chemical modification of brown macro algae Padina sp. as a potential biosorbent for the removal of heavy metals in aqueous solution. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Algae plantation

Boustead, Next Gen to develop algae plantation, produce carbon neutral crude algae oil. [Newspaper] (2021)


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Alkaline solution

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Alternative communication

Augmentative and alternative communication method based on tongue clicking for mute disabilities. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (1). pp. 119-128. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Alternative energy

Technical talk on biomass & plasma technologies for sustainabilty. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Alternative medicine

Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Alternative sources

Strengthening supply: enhancing energy security through competitive bidding. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Aluminium alloy

Taguchi optimisation on effect of water environment in joining dissimilar AL5083 and AL6061-T6 aluminium alloy using friction stir welding. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 39-52. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Aluminium alloy ADC12

Characteristics of oxide layer formed on the aluminium (LM6) alloy and aluminium (ADC12) alloy during in-situ melting. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 61-73. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Aluminium alloy LM6

Characteristics of oxide layer formed on the aluminium (LM6) alloy and aluminium (ADC12) alloy during in-situ melting. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 61-73. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Aluminium mines

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Sustainable mining: case study for bauxite mining in Pahang. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-34-8 (2017)

Ambience device

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Ambient vibration testing

Dynamic characteristics evaluation on portable steel frame due to mass irregularities. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


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Amphibious robot

Virtual prototype-based kinematic modeling and simulation of a multi-mode amphibious robot. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 246-256. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Anaerobic digestion

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)

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Analytic hierarchy process

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Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Renewable energy scenarios for sustainable electricity in Malaysia and the application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for decision-making. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1271-1279. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Analytical services

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Ancaman kesihatan

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Android mobile device

Robotic arm control using Internet of Things (IoT). ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Animal waste

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Anodic capacitive current

PEDOT: PSS–modified platinum microelectrodes for measurements in aqueous media: effect of polymer surface area on long-term anodic peak current stability. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Flexible rectenna for energy harvesting system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)

Antenna design

Microstrip yagi antenna’s design and analysis for wireless LAN application. Other thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Dungun Campus. (2015)

Anti-theft technology

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)


Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sago (metroxylon sagu) via autoclaving method. IIUM Engineering Journal. pp. 178-184. ISSN 1511-788X


Synthetic antimicrobial agent and antimicrobial fabrics: progress and challenges. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Antimicrobial activity

The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on the degradation and antimicrobial properties of PLA biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 212-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

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Aplikasi penyelaras pintar

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Applied geomatics

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Approval To Install (ATI)

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Approval To Operate (ATO)

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Aquarium monitoring system

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Aqueous ammonia

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IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Development of a lock biometric authentication system for a battery powered locking device. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Arduino Yun

Robotic arm control using Internet of Things (IoT). ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Arduino microcontroller

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Array system

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Artificial aggregate

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Artificial intelligence

New approach to predict fecal coliform removal for storm water biofilters application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 58-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Artificial neural networks

Air pollution index prediction using multiple neural networks. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Asas batuan dan mineral

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Asbestos removal

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Asbestos-containing materials

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Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF)

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Asphaltic concrete materials

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Assembly facilities

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Asset digitisation

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Auditory detection

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Authentication technology

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Autism spectrum disorder

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Automated Recycle Dustbin System (ARDS)

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Automated inspection

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Automated transfer switch (ATS)

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Automatic braking

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Automatic cramp relief device

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Automotive Hi-Tech Valley (AHTV)

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Automotive applications

Evaluation of DC motors for clamping force mechanism in an electro-mechanical continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Automotive consumerism

Automotive consumerism in Malaysia with regard to car maintenance. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 1 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 2550-2239 (2017)

Automotive designers

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Automotive industry

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Huge potential in electric vehicles. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

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Automotive manufacturers

Malaysia auto industry: tapping on new areas of opportunities. [Website]

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Automotive parts

Kenaf composites for automotive components. [Newspaper] (2014)

Automotive sector

New national car project will give automotive sector a jump-start: Dr M. [Newspaper] (2018)

Automotive wind tunnel testing

Effects of boundary layer scrapper on aerodynamic characteristics for automotive wind tunnel testing. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 14-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

Autonomous operations

Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)


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Malaysia, Jepun perkukuh kerjasama dalam industri pesawat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Turkish Aerospace opens first engineering, design office in Southeast Asia in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Aviation fuel

Use oil palm biomass as feedstock for "green" jet fuel: Transport Minister. [Newspaper] (2022)

Aviation safety

Same 5G frequencies cause aviation interference? [Newspaper] (2022)

Awareness programme

Developing children's interest in coding and robotics. [Newspaper] (2022)

Axial compressive strength

The properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and expanded polystyrene beads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 78-86. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

B-segment multipurpose vehicle (MPV)

Toyota officially launches Veloz, already has 6,000 bookings. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

BIM implementation

Critical success factors for Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation for power plant projects in Malaysia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 34-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Bacillus cereus

Bioelectrochemical behavior of wild type bacillus cereus in dual chamber microbial fuel cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Bacillus sp

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Backfill material

Influence of metallic strip reinforcement length and retained soil properties on the reinforced earth walls stability. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Backfill materials

Soft soil requires ground improvement before construction. [Newspaper] (2018)

Backward elimination

Air pollution index prediction using multiple neural networks. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Bioremediation of azo dyes by using pseudomonas sp. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished) (2015)

Bahan api

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Bahan berbahaya

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Bahan biodegradasi

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Bahan buangan

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Bahan elektrik

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Bahan elektronik

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Bahan kimia

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Panduan menjalankan penaksiran risiko bahan kimia berbahaya kepada kesihatan secara generik 2021. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-2-7 (2021)

Quisy-SDS mempercepatkan proses pencarian maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia (Quisy-SDS accelerates the searching process of chemical safety datasheet). Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia (JURIM), 2 (2). pp. 123-139. ISSN 2600-7606 (2019)

Bahan kimia toksik

Waspada dengan bahan kimia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bahan organik

Solusi mesra alam guna lalat soldadu hitam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bahan tidak berkarbon

Tumpu kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bahan unik bumi

Tumpu kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Baja kompos

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Baja semulajadi

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Bangunan ikon global

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Bangunan tertinggi

Merdeka 118 pencapaian hebat kejuruteraan negara. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2021)


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Banjir kilat

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Barium titanate

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Basic oleochemicals

Indonesian firms rushing to catch oleochemicals train. [Newspaper] (2014)

Bateri solar

Federal Power hasilkan bateri solar tahun hadapan. [Newspaper] (2020)


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Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Energy Commission studying potential power storage to complement existing power grids. [Newspaper] (2022)

Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS)

Simulation battery cooling system for small scale electric vehicle (light EV). Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Battery electric vehicles

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Battery storage

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Bau abnormal

Dua insiden pencemaran sungai dikesan minggu ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bayesian network

Dynamic hazard identification on SOFC system using bayesian network. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Beamforming antenna

Smart antennas for wireless communication systems. myCONVERGENCE, 1 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1985-188X (2007)


Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams with openings in the shear zones. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Bekalan air

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Bended antenna

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Bertaraf global

Alumni UTeM ketua jurutera bangunkan kereta perisai bertaraf dunia. [Website]

Best practices

Governance and standards. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 21-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Biased mesh

Investigation of glass plate failure mechanism subjected to copper and steel projectile impacts. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Bidang penerbangan

UTHM bakal lahir ramai pakar aeroangkasa. [Video] (2020)

Bidang profesional

Bidang geologi jadi tumpuan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2017)

Bidang teknikal

Teori, praktikal seiring. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bidirectional bending actuator

A bidirectional bending fiber-reinforced soft actuator robotic glove for finger rehabilitation. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


The effects of additives on the pelletization of raw and torrefied food waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 7 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Bio diesel

Bahan api biodiesel generasi kedua, biojet. [Video] (2021)


Powering the biomass industry to greater heights. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)


Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 228-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Biochemical process

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)


Review on eggshell waste in tissue engineering application. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 64-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


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Biodegradable plastics

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Biodegradable polymer

Biodegradation of mango seed starch films in soil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 258-267. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


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Biodiesel B20

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Biodiesel fuels

Analysis on fuel properties of cerium oxide additive in algae biodiesel by using optimization tools. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Biodiesel implementation

The challenges of a biodiesel implementation program in Malaysia. Processes, 8 (10): 1244. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2227-9717 (2020)

Biodiesel sawit

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Bioeconomy Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Johor taps idle land for biotech projects. [Newspaper] (2014)

Bioeconomy Transformation Programme (BTP)

Healthy bio industry. [Newspaper] (2014)


Mengurus sisa sifar secara lestari. [Newspaper] (2018)


Harvesting organic wastes for biogas-based energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 43-45. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)


Bioelectrochemical behavior of wild type bacillus cereus in dual chamber microbial fuel cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


New approach to predict fecal coliform removal for storm water biofilters application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 58-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Optimization of flocculation process by microbial coagulant for removal of turbidity in river water. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


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Powering the biomass industry to greater heights. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

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B20 is the better fuel. [Newspaper] (2020)

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)


Malaysia to commercialise 2nd generation biofuels & biojet fuel. [Video] (2021)


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Sustainable treatment of waste water from agro-food industry. Technical Report. The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (2021)

Biogas industry

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Biogas plants

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Biogas power plant

Towards greener farming with biogas power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biogas power plants

Technical visit to 3.3 MW Ulu kanchung biogas power plants in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. Technical Report. The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (2019)

Biogas upgrading

Influence of Light Emitting Diode (LED) on microalgae. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)


Bahan api biodiesel generasi kedua, biojet. [Video] (2021)

Biojet fuels

Malaysia to commercialise 2nd generation biofuels & biojet fuel. [Video] (2021)


MPOB cipta teknologi baharu rawat sisa akhir sawit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Biojisim pepejal

Malaysia hasilkan 100 juta tan biojisim pepejal setahun. [Newspaper] (2015)


MPOB cipta teknologi baharu rawat sisa akhir sawit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Biological oxidation

A review of wastewater bacterial bio oxidation: mechanisms, reactions, and behaviors. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


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Malaysia hasilkan 100 juta tan biojisim pepejal setahun. [Newspaper] (2015)

Powering the biomass industry to greater heights. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Use oil palm biomass as feedstock for "green" jet fuel: Transport Minister. [Newspaper] (2022)

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Biomass Hub

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Biomass clinker

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Biomass nanas

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Biomass power plants

Raising biomass energy venture’s attraction via feed-in tariff. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Biomass resources

Biomass in energy mix penetration. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 39-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Biomass sources

PM: Malaysia to be positioned as biomass hub. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biomass systems

Seng Fong move towards utilising renewable energy sources. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biomass waste

NanoMalaysia introduces BICEP to promote use of biomass for sustainable agriculture. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biomass wastes

Raising biomass energy venture’s attraction via feed-in tariff. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Biomedical equipment

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Biopower boiler

A review of boiler operational risks in empty fruit bunch fired biopower plant. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 29-35. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Biopower plant

A review of boiler operational risks in empty fruit bunch fired biopower plant. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 29-35. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)


Bioremediation of azo dyes by using pseudomonas sp. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished) (2015)

Biosecurity laboratories

'Malaysia must beef up biotech expertise'. [Newspaper] (2020)


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Biotech industry

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Biotechnology & Bioprocess

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Investing in Malaysia's oleochemicals. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biotechnology expertise

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Biotechnology projects

Johor taps idle land for biotech projects. [Newspaper] (2014)

Biotechnology sector

National biotech policy gears up for crucial phase. [Newspaper] (2016)


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Bioteknologi moden

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Bird strike

Numerical modelling of bird strike on aerospace structures by means of coupling FE-SPH. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Exploration of methods for slope stabilization influence by unsaturated soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Bivariate probability distribution

Bivariate flood frequency analysis using Gumbel Copula. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (2). pp. 193-201. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Blended cement

Properties of concrete containing blended cement and lightweight artificial aggregate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 2600-9498 (2020)

Block copolymer

Electrochemical characterization of polylactic acid-block-poly (2-vinylpyridine)/gold nanoparticle composites for glucose biosensor development. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


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Bluff body

Review of passive drag reduction techniques for bluff road vehicles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Blynk application

Autonomous agriculture robot for monitoring plant using internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)

Bode diagram

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Body posture

Talk on ergonomics awareness. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Bolted joint

Eco-hybrid composite failure behavior of two serial bolted joint holes. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 114-124. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Bone scaffold

Evaluation of functionally graded architecture using fused filament fabrication technique for bone scaffold applications. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Borderless information

Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)


Effects of pH, dosage and contact time on boron removal from synthetic saline water using moringa oleifera seeds. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 12-24. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Boundary layer scrapper

Effects of boundary layer scrapper on aerodynamic characteristics for automotive wind tunnel testing. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 14-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

Bow-tie antenna

Design and analysis of flexible bow-tie antenna for medical application. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Box-Behnken Design

Removal of reactive red 4 dye using chitosan- epichlorohydrin/ TiO2 nanocomposite: application of response surface methodology. Science Letters (ScL), 14 (1): 10. pp. 96-108. ISSN 2682-8626 (2020)

Brain signal

LSTM-based electroencephalogram classification on autism spectrum disorder. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 321-329. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Brake pads

Reduction of disc brake squeal noise through brake pad modification. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Brake squeal

Reduction of disc brake squeal noise through brake pad modification. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Breach erosion

Erosion characteristics of a medium sand breached embankment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 100-117. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Breach outflow hydrograph

Erosion characteristics of a medium sand breached embankment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 100-117. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Breaching process

Erosion characteristics of a medium sand breached embankment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 100-117. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Characterization of palm oil ashes (POA) under impulse. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Bridge pier

Structural assessment and strengthening of a cracked bridge pier. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 51-57. (2013)

Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA)

Distributed fibre opticas sensor for corrosion detection in steel reinforcement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Building construction

Guidelines for approval of design scaffolding 2016. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Building information modelling (BIM)

Critical success factors for Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation for power plant projects in Malaysia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 34-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Building to street width ratio

CFD analysis of flow, pollutant dispersion and thermal effect in street canyons. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 99-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Buildings design

The realities of building in the hot, humid tropics. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Built environment

Talk on “civil engineers’ role in green buildings”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Bulk acoustic wave (BAW)

Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Bumbung solar

Sektor Tenaga: bumbung solar terbesar negara, pacu operasi MHB. [Video] (2021)

Bunch fiber

Influence of palm oil biomass clinker and empty fruit bunch fibers on concrete properties. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 100-110. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Bunyi bising

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Program pemuliharaan pendengaran. Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13946-8-7 (2017)


Consolidation integrated buoyancy equation for soft ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Bus components

Preliminary study on current process of bus component inspection among public bus transport in Malaysia. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 74-80. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Bus inspection

Preliminary study on current process of bus component inspection among public bus transport in Malaysia. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 74-80. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)


The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Study of MESH quality improvement for CFD analysis of an airfoil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


Comparison of two total RNA extraction protocols from CHO-K1 cells for RT-PCR: cut-off cost for researchers. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 33-39. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


#TECH: NanoMalaysia launches validation programme for local electric vehicle technologies. [Newspaper] (2022)


Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)

CMOS oscillator

MEMS-based oscillators: a review. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

CO2 sequestration green roof

Estimating carbon sequestration of green roof plants in tropical climate. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 200-206. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Project management practice and its effects on project success in Malaysian construction industry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 291. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1757-899X (2017)

Cable sizing

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)


Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 228-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Effect of cementation reagents concentrations on microbial calcite precipitation in residual soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Calcium carbonate crystal

Potential volumizing effect of the post-morph lime filler in attenuating concrete carbonation. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Calcium phosphate

Review on eggshell waste in tissue engineering application. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 64-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Energy consumption info via web portal/ myTNB app. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

California bearing ratio

Improvement of problematic soil using crumb rubber tyre. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 72-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Camera module

Autonomous agriculture robot for monitoring plant using internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)

Cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam model

Sensitivity identification of low-frequency cantilever fibre bragg grating accelerometer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 235-244. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Capacitance measurement system

Efficient capacitance sensing for wireless health monitoring systems. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Capacitive ultrasonic transducers

FLAUT: a mutual sensitivity improvement through matched pipe, cavity and thin plate resonance. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 42-48. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Capricorder 1598

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1598 digital event water level recorder. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Capricorder model 1598

General purpose event water level recorder. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1973)

Car maintenance

Automotive consumerism in Malaysia with regard to car maintenance. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 1 (2). pp. 137-153. ISSN 2550-2239 (2017)

Car user’s

Mohd Jawi, Zulhaidi and Solah, Mohd Syazwan and Ariffin, Aqbal Hafeez and Shabadin, Akmalia and Ali, Azhani and Osman, Mohd Rasid and Wong, Shaw Voon Automotive consumerism: a study of car user’s practices & behaviour in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Kajang, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-2078-11-1 (2017)

Carbon city

Sustainable cities: when low carbon meets smart. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Carbon compounds

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Low carbon mobility blueprint 2021-2030: decarbonizing land transportation. 1st ed. Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19266-7-3 (2021)

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide sequestered concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Rapid expansion supercritical solution (RESS) carbon dioxide as a green technology for ginger rhizome solid oil particles formation. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Carbon emission

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Carbon emissions

Energy minister: buy energy-efficient products, help reduce carbon emissions. [Website]

Use oil palm biomass as feedstock for "green" jet fuel: Transport Minister. [Newspaper] (2022)

Carbon fibers

The effect of stacking sequence on tensile properties of hybrid composite materials. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Carbon footprint

Revitalising mother nature: the energy commission commits to a greener Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 49. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Rising interest in electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Revised renewable energy quota sees new potentials being explored. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sunny side up. [Newspaper] (2022)

Carbon dioxide sequestered concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Carbon nanotubes

Challenges in textile wastewater and current palliative methods: an overview. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Carbon nanotubes network

Morphology and electrical characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes film prepared by air brush technique. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Carbon neutral

The 8th national energy forum towards a carbon-neutral Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

The realities of building in the hot, humid tropics. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Carbon neutrality

The greening of young minds. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)


Carbonized green mussel shell as heavy metal removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Cargo transportation

Malaysia's first locally-produced locomotive by SMH Rail ready for export. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cascade-forward backpropagation neural network

Sensitivity identification of low-frequency cantilever fibre bragg grating accelerometer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 235-244. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Case studies

Engineering geology in Malaysia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 64. pp. 65-79. ISSN 2637-109X (2017)

Cassava leaves

Co-production of lactic acid and ethanol using Rhizopus sp. from hydrolyzed inedible cassava starch and leaves. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Cassava starch

Co-production of lactic acid and ethanol using Rhizopus sp. from hydrolyzed inedible cassava starch and leaves. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Casting technique

Characteristics of oxide layer formed on the aluminium (LM6) alloy and aluminium (ADC12) alloy during in-situ melting. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 61-73. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)


The effects of cerium promoter on the performance of cobalt-based catalysts in fischer tropsch synthesis for liquid fuel production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

The effectiveness of sodium polyacrylate as landscape catalyst. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 135-148. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)


Putrajaya Lake: sustainable management of created wetland. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Catchment area

Rational method of flood estimation for rural catchments in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Irrigation and Drainage Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1989)

Category of roads

Development of design guideline for rural low volume roads in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 29-35. (2013)

Cathodic protection

Talk on reinforced concrete corrosion evaluation and mitigation. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2015)

Cekap tenaga

Sumbangan SEDA Malaysia dalam tenaga lestari. [Website]


A brief history of progress on nanotechnology: when will the ‘magic’ nanobullet shoot? Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research (JCSSR), 3 (1). pp. 13-15. ISSN 0127-984X (2018)


Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Cement brick

Utilization of cockle shell(Anadara granosa) powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement brick. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Cement hydration

With right methods, concrete structures last. [Newspaper] (2019)

Cementation reagents

Effect of cementation reagents concentrations on microbial calcite precipitation in residual soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Central composite design

Development of simvastatin production by monascus purpureus in solid-state fermentation using agricultural product. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Ceramic waste aggregate

Properties of concrete containing blended cement and lightweight artificial aggregate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 2600-9498 (2020)

Cerium promoter

The effects of cerium promoter on the performance of cobalt-based catalysts in fischer tropsch synthesis for liquid fuel production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


MITI-lulus RM100 ribu naik taraf sistem perparitan di Kg Bukit Raja Darat. [Video] (2021)


Sustainable procurement in construction – the way forward for malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 21-28. (2013)

Geotechnical challenges with Malaysian peat. In: The School of Computing and Technology 2nd Annual Conference, 2007, 2007, London. (In Press) (2007)


Obtaining hysteresis loops at low frequency for characterization of materials to be used in biomedical applications. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (1). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

Charcoal carbon

Porous glass-ceramic composite from recycled soda lime silica glass and charcoal carbon. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 143-150. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Charging stations

Huawei to help Malaysia's Apollo to develop new EVs. [Newspaper] (2022)

Charging system

Guide on electric vehicle charging system. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia.


Demulsification of crude oil emulsion via electrocoagulation method. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 97-105. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Chemical modification of brown macro algae Padina sp. as a potential biosorbent for the removal of heavy metals in aqueous solution. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Chemical Engineering

Abang Jo mahu lebih ramai saintis tempatan. [Video] (2022)

Delivery and assessment method of bachelor of chemical engineering (environment) programme during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Practices in Teaching and Learning (IJPTL), 1 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2773-5826 (2021)

Chemical Pollution

Beware of Earth's tolerance limit. [Newspaper] (2022)

Chemical Processes

Beware of Earth's tolerance limit. [Newspaper] (2022)

Chemical compounds

Analysis of chemical compounds of agarwood oil from different species by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Chemical exposure

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on monitoring of airborne chemical hazardous to health 2022. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-4-1 (2022)

Chemical exposures

More awareness needed on chemical danger in varsity labs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Chemical hazardous

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for the preparation of a chemical register. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-07-7 (2000)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines in mercury management in oil and gas industry 2011. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-74-4 (2011)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual of recommended practice on the assessment of the health risks arising from the use of chemicals hazardous to health at the workplace. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-90-4 (2018)

Chemical industries

Process safety accident analysis in process chemical industries. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Terengganu, Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished)

Chemical management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on chemical management in health care facilities Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya. ISBN 978-983-3433-76-6 (2010)

Chemical markers

Pharmaceuticals as potential chemical markers in wastewater. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Chemical register

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for the preparation of a chemical register. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-07-7 (2000)

Chemical synthesis

Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 228-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Chemical treatment

Adsorption of Rhodamine B by palm kernel shell adsorbents. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Chemical-based product

Process safety accident analysis in process chemical industries. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Terengganu, Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual on simple risk assessment and control for chemicals (SiRAC). Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-1-3 (2019)

Chemicals hazardous

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for asbestos removal 2017. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-89-8 (2017)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of chemicals hazardous to health. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-10-7 (2001)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual on simple risk assessment and control for chemicals (SiRAC). Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-1-3 (2019)


Removal of reactive red 4 dye using chitosan- epichlorohydrin/ TiO2 nanocomposite: application of response surface methodology. Science Letters (ScL), 14 (1): 10. pp. 96-108. ISSN 2682-8626 (2020)

Chlorella vulgaris

Chlorella vulgaris logistic growth kinetics model in high concentrations of aqueous ammonia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Chlorine decay

Chlorine decay simulation in water distribution system using EPANET. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 94-99. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Chlorine decay simulation

Chlorine decay simulation in water distribution system using EPANET. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 94-99. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Circuit breakers

Talk on arc flash protection. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Circular coil

Investigation of magnetic properties for different coil sizes of dynamic wireless charging dads for Electric Vehicles (EV). IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Civil engineering programme

Engineering a landmark future. [Newspaper] (2022)

Civil engineers

A grounded-theory study of civil engineering design practice in Malaysia. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146 (2): 04019004. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2643-9115 (2020)

Civil tender

Recovery in construction jobs flow. [Newspaper] (2022)


Late payment practices in the Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 149-162. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Clamping force

Evaluation of DC motors for clamping force mechanism in an electro-mechanical continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)


Augmentative and alternative communication method based on tongue clicking for mute disabilities. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (1). pp. 119-128. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)


Improving the stability of clay for construction. [Website] (2014)

Experimental study using recycled waste tyre as sustainable clay soil stabilization. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Clay skimmer

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Clean energies

Human capital development for RE sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Clean energy

Unlocking the potential of Hydrogen. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 22-26. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Clean energy source

Microalgae a new potential to mitigate carbon footprint. [Newspaper] (2021)

Clean energy transition

Solarvest unveils first RE fintech platform in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Clean technology

Malaysia mampu jadi pengeluar utama hidrogen hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)


How to protect your assets with the right paint system. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Climate change

The 8th national energy forum towards a carbon-neutral Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the status of climate change impact on water-related issues (final report). Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9445-66-44 (2010)

A review of downscaling methods for climate change impacts on water resources. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 216-226. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Impacts of climate change on rainfall trends under RCP scenarios in Johor, Malaysia. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 272-280. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Cloud base storage application

Cloud based storage application as a project information management tool for grade G5 contractors in Selangor. International Journal of Infrastructure Research and Management, 4 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2811-3608 (2016)

Cloud to Ground Flash

Unravel the extent of the existence of positive ground flash in Malaysia. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8 (1.1): 26. pp. 166-169. ISSN 2347 - 3983 (2020)

Co-based catalyst

Hydrogen production from ethanol dry reforming over lanthania-promoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Nutrients and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removals by microalgae–bacteria co-culture system in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 22-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Co-generation facility

Co-generation: an energy efficient technology. Project Report. Energy Commission. (2019)

Coal bottomash

Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Coal-based power plant

Manjung 4 plant powered up. [Newspaper] (2018)

Coal-burning technology

TNB'S Jimah East power plant fully operational. [Newspaper] (2019)

Coal-fired power plant

TNB'S Jimah East power plant fully operational. [Newspaper] (2019)

Coal-fired power plants

TNB's RM12bil power plant adds 2,000MW of electricity to national grid. [Newspaper] (2020)

TNB's coal-fired power plants begin producing electricity. [Newspaper] (2019)

SEB to phase out Sejingkat power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Coastal erosion

Coastal zone stabilisation, restoration and enhancement through mangrove forest establishment. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Coastal erosion index using AHP and ANN for coastal manager. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-7843 (2022)

Coastal erosion causes

Coastal erosion index using AHP and ANN for coastal manager. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-7843 (2022)

Coastal erosion in Terengganu

Coastal erosion index using AHP and ANN for coastal manager. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 1823-7843 (2022)

Coastal hydraulic

Accreditation of coastal hydraulic software: are we ready? In: 5th IEM Water Resources Colloquium, 5 July 2003, IEM, P.J.. (2003)

Coated steel

General material selection, case study and deep corrugated profile for commercial and industrial buildings. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)


General material selection, case study and deep corrugated profile for commercial and industrial buildings. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)


#TECH: Universal robots reveals smaller footprint cobot for Malaysian industries. [Newspaper] (2022)

Cockle shell powder

Utilization of cockle shell(Anadara granosa) powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement brick. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Coconut fiber

Resilient modulus of double layer porous asphalt: application of alkali treated coconut shell and fiber as aggregate replacement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 187-194. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Coconut shell

Resilient modulus of double layer porous asphalt: application of alkali treated coconut shell and fiber as aggregate replacement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 187-194. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Coconut shell activated carbon

Treatment domestic wastewater using UASB and DFAF two phase combined reactor systems: preliminary study. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)


Robotics for Malaysian students. [Newspaper] (2017)

Coefficient of friction

Influence of hardener / resin ratio towards frictional properties of fibre-reinforced epoxy composite laminates. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 6-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Cognitive radio

Will cognitive radio take over spectrum management? myCONVERGENCE, 3 (1). pp. 29-33. ISSN 1985-188X (2009)

Cold-cured epoxy

Modified epoxy for fibre reinforced polymer strengthening of concrete structures. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 103-113. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Cold-formed steel

Behaviour of self-drilling screw upon single shear loading on cold formed steel. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 59-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


Prestigious award for aspiring petroleum engineers. [Newspaper] (2021)

THHE teams up with SMHB to bolster engineering opportunities, ventures. [Newspaper] (2022)

UiTM to sample German innovation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Huawei to help Malaysia's Apollo to develop new EVs. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pestech International inks MoU with Hydrogène De France for green hydrogen production. [Newspaper] (2022)

Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reneuco, Kedah MBI to jointly develop green energy projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

TH Heavy Engineering, MTD Capital to jointly explore civil engineering, construction jobs under 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Collection Surface Method (CSM)

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)

Collision warning (CW) system

A review of automated emergency braking system and the trending for future vehicles. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Color index

Environmental degradation of durian skin nanofibre biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Columbic efficiency

Peformance evaluation of petrochemical wastewater fed air-cathode microbial fuel cells using yeast biocatalyst. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 32-42. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs)

Strengthening supply: enhancing energy security through competitive bidding. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Combined economic emission dispatch

Optimal economic and emission dispatch of photovoltaic integrated power system using firefly algorithm. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (3). pp. 50-62. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Combustion process

Experimental study of waste vegetable oil as a biofuel. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)


Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Comminuted material

Investigation of glass plate failure mechanism subjected to copper and steel projectile impacts. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Commodity by-product

PM: Malaysia to be positioned as biomass hub. [Newspaper] (2022)

Common issues

Evening talk on “insurance in the construction industry”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)


Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)

Communication infrastructure

Talk on 5G mobile networks. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)


The green 'of' and 'by' ICT; the Malaysian effort. my CONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 39-45. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)


Comparison of selected agro-based filter media for stormwater quality improvement. The International Journal ofIntegrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 251-259. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Vibration assessment on various distance to demolition works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 68-77. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Complementary spit ring resonator (CSRR)

Miniturize flexible RFID antenna design using metamaterial structure. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 55-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Complete knocked down (CKD)

Volvo Car Malaysia plans to produce first locally-assembled EV in Shah Alam. [Newspaper] (2022)


Report on design of slender tall buildings for wind & earthquake. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Composite materials

CTRM weighs in on encouraged demand for aircraft globally. [Newspaper] (2018)

Composite repair

Effect of putty properties in repairing corroded pipeline: a finite element analysis. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Composite structure

Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Plastics and composites sector. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2018)

Comprehensive record

Hydrological station registers. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Compressed air

Effective & versatile compressed air delivery – portable DC air compressor technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Compression test

The behavior of non-destructive test for different grade of concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Compressive strength

Properties of concrete containing blended cement and lightweight artificial aggregate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 2600-9498 (2020)

Strength properties of 10 millimeters timber clinker aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 334-344. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Effects of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregates replacement in self curing concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Influence of palm oil biomass clinker and empty fruit bunch fibers on concrete properties. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 100-110. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


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Computational Fluid Dynamics

Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation

A simulation study of drying chamber for marine product. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 62-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Computational fluid dynamic

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Computational fluid dynamics

Optimization of backpressure in exhaust muffler for automobile. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Performance of gasifier chamber unit by using agricultural waste. Jurnal Mekanikal, 44. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-3873 (2021)

Computer Development

Recent developments on computer aided fixture design: case based reasoning approaches. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1687-8140 (2014)

Computer aided fixture design

Recent developments on computer aided fixture design: case based reasoning approaches. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1687-8140 (2014)

Computer programming

Product-service solution inventory record for Malaysian palm oil argibusiness. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 4 (1). 8- 13. ISSN 2636-9575 (2020)

Concentrating solar power

Determining the solar radiation in Ayer Keroh, Melaka by using hargreaves method. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


'Green-mix' concrete: an environmentally friendly building material. [Website] (2015)

High cycle fatigue in concrete through the theory of critical distances: from perspective of water-cement ratio. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Mechanical properties of concrete contains waste tires exposed to high temperature. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 221-231. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Effects of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregates replacement in self curing concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

The optimum replacement of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the compressive and splitting tensile strength of the concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Concrete damage plasticity

Compression test and finite element analysis of foamed concrete cube. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Concrete mix

A review: study on spent garnet as construction material. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Concrete protection

Talk on reinforced concrete corrosion evaluation and mitigation. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2015)

Concrete resistivity

Influence of green corrosion inhibitor on reinforced concrete attacked by magnesium sulphate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Concrete strength

Carbon dioxide sequestered concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Concrete structures

With right methods, concrete structures last. [Newspaper] (2019)

Condition based maintenance (CBM)

Talk on transformer predicted maintenance and diagnostic through insulating oil. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)


Electrical and mechanical properties of silicone Electrical Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) filled carbon black treated with 3-aminotriethoxysilane at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

The development of water pollution detector using conductivity and turbidity principles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 104-113. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Influence of fibreglass mesh on physical properties of lightweight foamcrete. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


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Conserving energy

Energy efficiency taking up the challenge. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)


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Consolidation settlement

Consolidation integrated buoyancy equation for soft ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Safety characteristics of motorcycle lighting. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Prevalence study of motorcycle lightings and conspicuity. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Constrained predictive controller

Improved constraint handling approach for predictive functional control using an implied closed-loop prediction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 323-338. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Constraints handling

Improved constraint handling approach for predictive functional control using an implied closed-loop prediction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 323-338. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


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Development of consolidated Sarawak geotechnical site investigation for Sarawak soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 169-175. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Revisiting the financial issues and the impact to construction projects in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Traditional values and their adaptation in social housing design: towards a new typology and establishment of ‘air house’ standard in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 8-21. (2013)

Sustainable procurement in construction – the way forward for malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 21-28. (2013)

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Construction Industry

Effects of poor communication in the construction industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 837-841. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Construction activities

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Minetech's earnings ease in Q4, civil engineering division shines. [Newspaper] (2021)

Engineering future challenges. [Newspaper] (2017)

Construction activity

Finite element analysis of deep excavation problems. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Construction areas

Traffic woes: effective management plans near construction sites needed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Construction business

TH Heavy Engineering, MTD Capital to jointly explore civil engineering, construction jobs under 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Construction industry

Declining building materials price comforting, margins improving: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Recovery in construction jobs flow. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rehda: do more to address housing matters effectively. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rising construction costs to lead to an increase in house prices? [Newspaper] (2022)

Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost. [Newspaper] (2022)

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Rising steel costs to hamper construction targets. [Newspaper] (2021)

Headwinds in building materials price not huge risk for construction sector: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Construction industry records RM42 billion in losses since last year. [Newspaper] (2021)

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Rehda will continue to offer quality, affordable homes, despite rising building material costs and a labour shortage. [Newspaper] (2022)

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Adopting industry 4.0 in construction industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 27-33. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Late payment practices in the Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 149-162. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Analysis of the Malaysian construction industry professional employee turnover antecedents. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 871-886. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

A comparison study on different methods in building construction activity towards waste minimization. Masters thesis, Institut Sains Biologi. (2011)

Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)

Construction innovation

Building better homes with modern methods. [Newspaper] (2021)

Construction management

Traffic woes: effective management plans near construction sites needed – experts. [Newspaper] (2022)

Construction methods

A comparison study on different methods in building construction activity towards waste minimization. Masters thesis, Institut Sains Biologi. (2011)

Construction professionals

Analysis of the Malaysian construction industry professional employee turnover antecedents. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 871-886. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Construction project management

Analysis of the Malaysian construction industry professional employee turnover antecedents. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 871-886. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Construction projects

MBAM disappointed, not much for construction industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Value problem solving at design stage of public construction projects in malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (1). pp. 92-99. (2013)

Causes of delay in the planning and design phases for public works department construction projects. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 481-502. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

A bulk of the construction projects completed this year include residential and non-residential buildings, says DoSM. [Newspaper] (2022)

Construction sector

Construction sector to expand 11.5 per cent in 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Strengthening Malaysia's construction sector. [Newspaper] (2022)

Construction sites

BMAM hopes state government can extend operating hours for construction sites. [Newspaper] (2021)

150 construction sites ordered to cease operation. [Newspaper] (2021)

Construction work

Value of construction work in Q2 jumps. [Newspaper] (2021)

Evening talk on “insurance in the construction industry”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)

Construction works

Advancecon's projects going full-speed. [Newspaper] (2021)

Two days course on bridge loading and concrete bridge design to Eurocodes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)

Consultation programme

Electrical and electronic. Retrospective 2020. pp. 20-21. (2020)

Consumer behaviour

Energy consumption pattern of residential buildings: case study of residential area in Batu Pahat, Johor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Contact pressure

Thermo-elastohydrodynamic analysis of piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing lubrication system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Continuous adsorption

Adsorption of heavy metals and residual oil from palm oil mill effluent using a novel adsorbent of alginate and mangrove composite beads coated with chitosan in a packed bed column. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Continuous variable transmission

Evaluation of DC motors for clamping force mechanism in an electro-mechanical continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)


When ignorance can cause accidents, even deaths. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 16-18. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Control Valve

Design of self-regulated flow control mechanism for a turbocharger gas stand test facility. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 63-80. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Control measures

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for the preparation of a chemical register. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-07-7 (2000)

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UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on storage of hazardous chemicals: a guide for safe warehousing of packaged hazardous chemicals. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-54-9 (2005)

Control stability

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Control system

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Simulation and control of door lock system using PID controller. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Water quality monitoring robot based on wireless sensor system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 35-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Controlled sandbox

NTIS powers tech innovation for Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Integrating retrofit IOT controller with electric power system for manual wheelchair. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 11 (1). pp. 113-125. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

Conventional stirrups

The effects of inclined shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Cooling agent

Thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete block with various cooling agent. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 131-139. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Copper oxide

Degradation of methylene blue using CuO prepared using conventional solid state method. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 10 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2019)

Corner reflector

Customizing WLAN access point’s indoor coverage and throughput with corner reflector. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Corona virus (COVID-19)

Systematic literature review of role of applied geomatics in mapping and tracking corona virus. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 251-256. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Corrective measures

Process safety accident analysis in process chemical industries. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Terengganu, Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished)


Influence of green corrosion inhibitor on reinforced concrete attacked by magnesium sulphate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Report on ‘A practical engineering guide on adjustable fixing solutions’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Distributed fibre opticas sensor for corrosion detection in steel reinforcement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Corrosion performance

Vehicle accelerated corrosion test procedures for automotive in Malaysia. MATEC Web of Conferences 90, 90: 01040. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2261-236X (2016)

Corrosion testing

Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Nanotechnology in cosmetics: the legal challenges in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2008)

Cost inflation

Headwinds in building materials price not huge risk for construction sector: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Cost-saving technologies

Construction industry needs to embrace new technologies. [Newspaper] (2015)

Couette flow

Couette flow problem for an unsteady MHD third-grade fluid with hall currents. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Country's policy

Timely jolt needed for EV industry. [Newspaper] (2022)

Covid- 19 Pandemic

Delivery and assessment method of bachelor of chemical engineering (environment) programme during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Practices in Teaching and Learning (IJPTL), 1 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2773-5826 (2021)


Pharmaniaga edar ubat paxlovid. [Video] (2022)

The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Covid-19 cases

150 construction sites ordered to cease operation. [Newspaper] (2021)


Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)

Crack mapping

Structural assessment and strengthening of a cracked bridge pier. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 51-57. (2013)


Structural assessment and strengthening of a cracked bridge pier. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 51-57. (2013)

Crane operator

Guidelines for registration of persons with the chief inspector of factories and machinery as tower crane, passenger & material hoist, working platform and gondola competent persons. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Crash investigation

MIROS traffic crash investigation. Technical Report. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Kajang, Selangor. (2014)

Crash risks electric motorcycle

Electric motorcycle risks on roads: an overview. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Crash test

Analysis of Malaysian pregnant driver with restraint system during automotive collision of a multi-purpose vehicle. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Crash testing

Pedestrian protection assessment in ASEAN NCAP: future consideration. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Creative learning

Robotics for Malaysian students. [Newspaper] (2017)


The key criteria in deciding to tender for construction projects. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 229-235. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Vibration criteria assessment due to piling works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 46-56. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Critical thinking

A grounded-theory study of civil engineering design practice in Malaysia. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146 (2): 04019004. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2643-9115 (2020)

Crop diseases

Biotechnology aids palm oil. [Newspaper] (2021)

Crude algae oil

Boustead, Next Gen to develop algae plantation, produce carbon neutral crude algae oil. [Newspaper] (2021)

Crude oil

Demulsification of crude oil emulsion via electrocoagulation method. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 97-105. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Crude palm oil

Malaysia to commercialise 2nd generation biofuels & biojet fuel. [Video] (2021)

Crumb rubber

Do we need crumb rubber asphalt? Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 58-70. (2013)

Mechanical properties of concrete contains waste tires exposed to high temperature. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 221-231. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Crumb rubber tyre

Improvement of problematic soil using crumb rubber tyre. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 72-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Amorphous structure in Cu-Zn-V-Al oxide composite catalyst for methanol reforming. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 197-214. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Wastewater characterization and sequencing batch reactor operation for aerobic granular sludge cultivation. Malaysian Journal Of Civil Engineering, 31 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-7843 (2019)


Morphology and electrical characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes film prepared by air brush technique. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Current density

Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Current monitoring

Smart current monitoring system with relay breaker. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Curriculum development

Development of QPEC (Questionnaires Package for Engineering Curriculum) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to analyse the survey [case study: Market survey for curriculum development of Bachelor Engineering (hons) in Mechanical (Manufacturing)]. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2006)

Customer acceptance

Factors influence customer acceptance towards food biotechnology product. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2009)

Cycle time

Wastewater characterization and sequencing batch reactor operation for aerobic granular sludge cultivation. Malaysian Journal Of Civil Engineering, 31 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-7843 (2019)

Cyclic voltammetry

Bioelectrochemical behavior of wild type bacillus cereus in dual chamber microbial fuel cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Electrochemical characterization of polylactic acid-block-poly (2-vinylpyridine)/gold nanoparticle composites for glucose biosensor development. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Cylindrical battery

China's EVE Energy to build US$422.3mil battery plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Cylindrical battery cell

Rechargeable battery system for small scale electric vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Cylindrical function

Approximate function for unsteady aerodynamic kernel function of aeroelastic lifting surfaces. IUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

DC compressor

Effective & versatile compressed air delivery – portable DC air compressor technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

DC motor

Evaluation of DC motors for clamping force mechanism in an electro-mechanical continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Clamping force adjustment system for a continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)


Makanan diubahsuai secara genetik: adakah mendatangkan manfaat atau mengundang bahaya? Majalah Sains. ISSN 2682-8456 (2019)

DNA denaturation

Earlier denaturation of DNA by using novel ternary hybrid nanoparticles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 237-245. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


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Data gathering

Digitalisation transforms global energy system efficiency. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 40-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Data mining

An analysis of energy mix in Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Malaysia's existing energy policy. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Database management

Development of consolidated Sarawak geotechnical site investigation for Sarawak soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 169-175. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Day Running Light (DRL)

Prevalence study of motorcycle lightings and conspicuity. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Daytime running light

Safety characteristics of motorcycle lighting. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


Green hydrogen a potential energy transition game changer. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Look for the stars. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 27-33. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

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Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Decision-making framework

Renewable energy scenarios for sustainable electricity in Malaysia and the application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for decision-making. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1271-1279. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


How to protect your assets with the right paint system. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Decreasing costs

Solar power's decade of falling costs is thrown into reverse. [Newspaper] (2021)

Deep beams

Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams with openings in the shear zones. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Deep excavation

Finite element analysis of deep excavation problems. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Deep hole drilling

Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Deep learning algorithm

LSTM-based electroencephalogram classification on autism spectrum disorder. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 321-329. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Predicting frictional losses generated by piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing for an internal combustion engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 54-67. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Deformation behaviour

Monitoring of deformation behaviour of unsaturated soil slope using distributed optical fibre sensor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 199-207. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Degradation of methylene blue using CuO prepared using conventional solid state method. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 10 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2019)

Degradation properties

The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on the degradation and antimicrobial properties of PLA biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 212-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Causes of delay in the planning and design phases for public works department construction projects. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 481-502. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


Influenced factors in the delignification process of red meranti wood sawdust. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 26-36. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Delivery and assessment method of bachelor of chemical engineering (environment) programme during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Practices in Teaching and Learning (IJPTL), 1 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2773-5826 (2021)

Delivery services

Drone technology: taking off from Greater KL. [Newspaper] (2022)

Demand side management

Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for selecting the best demand side management options. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Demographic population

Biotechnology sector remains intact. [Newspaper] (2020)


Vibration assessment on various distance to demolition works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 68-77. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Demulsification of crude oil emulsion via electrocoagulation method. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 97-105. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


A review of wastewater bacterial bio oxidation: mechanisms, reactions, and behaviors. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 482-492. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Prediction of aerodynamic derivatives using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)at transonic speed. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 4 (1). pp. 8-16. ISSN 2289–9790 (2017)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for industrial gas cylinder: design, construction, handling, inspection and testing. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-19762-0-3 (2021)

Design of experiment

Influenced factors in the delignification process of red meranti wood sawdust. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 26-36. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Design stage

Value problem solving at design stage of public construction projects in malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (1). pp. 92-99. (2013)

Designing slopes

Malaysia’s national slope master plan – from theory to practice. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 71-91. (2013)

Desired torque

Sliding mode controller of automatic braking system. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 88-108. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Develop programming

Power estimation for a two seater helicopter. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)


Development of design guideline for rural low volume roads in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 29-35. (2013)


Harmonic source identification in power distribution system and meter placement using network impedance approach. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Investigation of bio flocculant as dewatering aid in sludge treatment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 15-23. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


The trend of medical technology and healthcare engineering in the time of Covid-19. what is an engineer’s role? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)


Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Dielectric fluid

Performance of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) with nickel added dielectric fluid. IUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 215-222. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Dielectric properties

Enhanced dielectric properties of filled PVDF/MgO polymer nanocomposite. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2015)

Diesel B10

Biodiesel sawit sumber tenaga mesra alam. [Newspaper] (2019)

Differential capacitance sensing

Efficient capacitance sensing for wireless health monitoring systems. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Digital connectivity

Committed to enhancing connectivity. [Newspaper] (2021)

Digital encoder

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1599. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Digital engineering

UiTM to sample German innovation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Digital platform

Peer to peer (P2P) energy trading pilot project in Malaysia. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 30-32. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Digital transformation

Mimos innovations. Retrospective 2020. pp. 10-15. (2020)

Strengthening the electrical and electronics sector. [Website]

Digital web-based

Development of consolidated Sarawak geotechnical site investigation for Sarawak soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 169-175. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Digitalisation transforms global energy system efficiency. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 40-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Smart grid systems: creating new opportunities. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Dimensional stability

Effect of alkaline treatment on properties of rattan waste and fabricated binderless particleboard. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 185-196. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Direct combustion

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)

Discharge measurement

Stage discharge curves. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1976)

Dispersion image

The optimum field configuration for active MASW survey on peat soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 121-130. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Disposal diapers

The effectiveness of sodium polyacrylate as landscape catalyst. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 135-148. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Disposal services

AFES leads the way in sustainable waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dispute management

Modeling dispute management in construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Dissimilar material

Taguchi optimisation on effect of water environment in joining dissimilar AL5083 and AL6061-T6 aluminium alloy using friction stir welding. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 39-52. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Dissolved gas analysis (DGA)

Talk on transformer predicted maintenance and diagnostic through insulating oil. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)


Vibration assessment on various distance to demolition works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 68-77. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Distributed fibre optic sensor

Distributed fibre opticas sensor for corrosion detection in steel reinforcement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Distributed generation

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Distributed optical fibre sensor

Monitoring of deformation behaviour of unsaturated soil slope using distributed optical fibre sensor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 199-207. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Distribution automation (DA)

Talk on distribution automation project. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Distribution network

Guidelines for setting up custody transfer metering station at entry and exit points. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Distribution system

Voltage and load profiles estimation of distribution network using independent component analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS)

Teknologi pelupusan lubang gerek: penyelesaian sisa DSRS bagi negara bukan kuasa nuklear. i-Nuklear (2). pp. 14-17. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)

Domestic wastewater

Treatment domestic wastewater using UASB and DFAF two phase combined reactor systems: preliminary study. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Door lock system

Simulation and control of door lock system using PID controller. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Doppler signature

Drone detection and classification using passive forward scattering radar. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 90-101. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Double layer porous asphalt

Resilient modulus of double layer porous asphalt: application of alkali treated coconut shell and fiber as aggregate replacement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 187-194. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


A review of downscaling methods for climate change impacts on water resources. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 216-226. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Drag reduction

Review of passive drag reduction techniques for bluff road vehicles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Drainage layer

Palm oil clinker as drainage layer in green roof system under Malaysia climatic conditions. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Dried leaves

Dried leaves as potential adsorbent for removal of methylene blue. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 11 (2). pp. 11-21. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

Drinking water

Explore groundwater as alternative water source during dry season, urges Forum Air Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Driver assistance system

Review of on-road approaching motorcycle detection and tracking techniques. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Driving simulator

Development of driving simulator for In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) evaluation: progress & challenges. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


Siti Juita Mastura aktif cipta dron. [Newspaper] (2021)


Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Drone detection and classification using passive forward scattering radar. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 90-101. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Drone operations

CAAM to introduce system to monitor drone flight activities. [Newspaper] (2022)

Drone regulations

CAAM to introduce system to monitor drone flight activities. [Newspaper] (2022)

Drone technology

Drone technology: taking off from Greater KL. [Newspaper] (2022)

NTIS powers tech innovation for Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

#TECH: iNNOVATE Tech Show 2022 to showcase latest drone technologies. [Newspaper] (2022)

Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

CAAM to introduce system to monitor drone flight activities. [Newspaper] (2022)


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Dry board

Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Dry type transformer

One day seminar on technology & selection of cast resin transformer. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Drying chamber

A simulation study of drying chamber for marine product. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 62-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Drying shrinkage

Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 482-492. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Dual-wide band bended cloth antenna for ISM and WLAN applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Vehicle accelerated corrosion test procedures for automotive in Malaysia. MATEC Web of Conferences 90, 90: 01040. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2261-236X (2016)

Bond durability of steel plate to concrete prism using structural adhesives after exposure to 7-years in laboratory environment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 265-283. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Durian skin fibre

The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on the degradation and antimicrobial properties of PLA biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 212-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Durian skin nanofibre

Environmental degradation of durian skin nanofibre biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Duty exemption

Rising interest in electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)


Challenges in textile wastewater and current palliative methods: an overview. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Dye concentration

Bioremediation of azo dyes by using pseudomonas sp. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished) (2015)

Dyes classification

Bioremediation of azo dyes by using pseudomonas sp. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished) (2015)


Static and dynamic behaviour of Kuala Lumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Dynamic exit signage

An immersive augmented reality system to study the efficiency of dynamic exit signage. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 200-221. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Dynamic hazard identification

Dynamic hazard identification on SOFC system using bayesian network. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Dynamic load

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Dynamic wireless charging

Performance analysis on dynamic wireless charging for electric vehicle using ferrite core. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Dynamometer tests

Reduction of disc brake squeal noise through brake pad modification. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)


#TECH: Robot that does dishes without breaking. [Newspaper] (2022)

E-Waste monitoring system

IoT e-waste monitoring system to support smart city initiatives. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

E-glass fibers

The effect of stacking sequence on tensile properties of hybrid composite materials. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


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EE Challenge

Schools save RM154,000 at 2019 Energy Efficiency Challenge. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 40-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

EEG signals

Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

EMR method

Dynamic simulation model of a hybrid electric ATV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)


Chlorine decay simulation in water distribution system using EPANET. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 94-99. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Automotive real-time data acquisition using wi-fi connected embedded system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

EV batteries

We need to join the race before it's too late. [Newspaper] (2021)

EV battery

China's EVE Energy to build US$422.3mil battery plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

EV development

Serving the future of electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

EV manufacturers

Time to invest in electronics and EV market. [Newspaper] (2021)

EV manufacturing

We need to join the race before it's too late. [Newspaper] (2021)

EV technology

Govt to enhance EV technology through NESTI. [Newspaper] (2021)

Earth and mineral sciences

Saiful Hakimi makes Malaysia proud. [Newspaper] (2019)


Characterization of palm oil ashes (POA) under impulse. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Static and dynamic behaviour of Kuala Lumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Recycled tire isolator as earth quake resistance system for single storey building in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1823-7843 (2020)

East coast rail link (ECRL)

Advancecon's projects going full-speed. [Newspaper] (2021)

Economic analysis

Forecasting the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Economic dispatch

Optimal economic and emission dispatch of photovoltaic integrated power system using firefly algorithm. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (3). pp. 50-62. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Economic reguIation

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


A brief account of river rehabilitation experiences. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

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Edge detection

Riverbank monitoring using image processing for early flood warning system via IoT. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 166-174. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Educate the public

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Abang Jo mahu lebih ramai saintis tempatan. [Video] (2022)

Educational and training programme

Producing designers capable of manoeuvring marts. [Newspaper] (2014)

Effects of poor communications

Effects of poor communication in the construction industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 837-841. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


Synthetic antimicrobial agent and antimicrobial fabrics: progress and challenges. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

The hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator configurations for energy performance improvement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Efficiency systems

Energy efficiency in sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Efficient tariffs

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Efluen perindustrian

Selangor pertingkat penggunaan dron pantau pencemaran sungai. [Newspaper] (2022)

Efluen sawit

MPOB cipta teknologi baharu rawat sisa akhir sawit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Eggshell waste

Review on eggshell waste in tissue engineering application. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 64-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Face recognition on bag locking mechanism. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 16-22. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


Face recognition on bag locking mechanism. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 16-22. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Ekonomi hijau

Malaysia mampu jadi pengeluar utama hidrogen hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kitar semula e-sisa kerana ada logam berharga. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ekosistem aeroangkasa

RMK-12: industri aeroangkasa bakal wujudkan 30,000 pekerjaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

El Nino

Droughts in malaysia: a look at its characteristics, impacts, related policies and management strategies. In: Water and Drainage 2003 Conference, 28-29 April 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2003)

Elastic modulus

Stress-strain relationship of fibre reinforced concrete exposed under elevated temperatures. Malaysian Journal of CivilEngineering, 29 (2). pp. 232-240. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guide to efficient use of electricity at home. 2nd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19778-9-5 (2020)

Pengenalan dan peranan Suruhanjaya Tenaga. In: Selected Elements on the Compliance to the Electrical Supply Act 447 and Electrical Regulations, 19 September 2021. (2021)

Electric battery

Saving energy and environment with electric cars. [Newspaper] (2019)

Electric cars

Saving energy and environment with electric cars. [Newspaper] (2019)

Electric discharge machining

Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Electric power

Talk on arc flash protection. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Electric vehicle

Guide on electric vehicle charging system. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Socar, TNB collaborate on EV adoption data. [Newspaper] (2021)

Electric vehicle (EV)

Govt to enhance EV technology through NESTI. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rising interest in electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Scaling EV for future mobility in SEA. [Newspaper] (2022)

#TECH: NanoMalaysia launches validation programme for local electric vehicle technologies. [Newspaper] (2022)

Timely jolt needed for EV industry. [Newspaper] (2022)

Performance analysis on dynamic wireless charging for electric vehicle using ferrite core. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Electric vehicle charging system

Guide on electric vehicle charging system. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Electric vehicles

Malaysia moves towards low carbon mobility. Energy Malaysia, 22. p. 45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Serving the future of electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Volvo Car Malaysia plans to produce first locally-assembled EV in Shah Alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Saving energy and environment with electric cars. [Newspaper] (2019)

China's EVE Energy to build US$422.3mil battery plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Huawei to help Malaysia's Apollo to develop new EVs. [Newspaper] (2022)

Time to invest in electronics and EV market. [Newspaper] (2021)

We need to join the race before it's too late. [Newspaper] (2021)

Simulation battery cooling system for small scale electric vehicle (light EV). Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)


Electrical installation standards & regulations in Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah. In: Webinar IEM Southern Branch 2021: Electrical Safety Manual, 19 September 2021. (2021)

Electrical accidents

Safety first! seminar on electrical design installation & safety first for lasting cable. Energy Malaysia, 17. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electrical and electronics (E&E) industry

Further expansion of Germany’s Infineon Technologies AG hub in Kulim, Kedah: a testament to Malaysia’s strong electrical and electronics (E&E) ecosystem. Recollective Global (4). (2021)

Electrical cable

Safety first! seminar on electrical design installation & safety first for lasting cable. Energy Malaysia, 17. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electrical cable design

Safety first! seminar on electrical design installation & safety first for lasting cable. Energy Malaysia, 17. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electrical conductive adhesive

Electrical and mechanical properties of silicone Electrical Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) filled carbon black treated with 3-aminotriethoxysilane at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Electrical discharge

Talk on arc flash protection. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Electrical discharge machining

The machinability performance of RBD palm oil dielectric fluid on electrical discharge machining (EDM) of AISI D2 Steel. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 140-149. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Electrical equipment

Look for the stars. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 27-33. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Electrical hubs

Malaysia aims to be electrical and electronics hub. [Newspaper] (2021)

Electrical products

Living dangerously: are you using non-certified electrical products? Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 26-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Electrical safety

Workplaces must be safe and healthy. No compromises! Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Electrical wiring

Floods: electrical engineering lecturers, students, electricians offer free wiring checks for victims. [Newspaper] (2022)


Gas what? Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guide to efficient use of electricity at home. 2nd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19778-9-5 (2020)

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation under net offset virtual aggregations (NOVA) programme for Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Guidelines on advanced metering infrastructure. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Guidelines on large scale solar photovoltaic plant for connection to electricity networks. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Small hydropower brings benefits to rural areas. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 41-43. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Electrical installation standards & regulations in Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah. In: Webinar IEM Southern Branch 2021: Electrical Safety Manual, 19 September 2021. (2021)

Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Electricity Tariff

Simplifying the complex. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 7-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Electricity consumption

Maximising efficiency in energy usage. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 29-30. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Optimum energy waste reduction for lighting energy consumption in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM): a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Electricity cost

Electricity tariff hike inevitable as fuel costs increase. [Newspaper] (2022)

Electricity distribution

Driving the energy sector forward. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 8-12. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Electricity generated

Engie SA commences operation of Kerian solar project. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Electricity generation and supply

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electricity incentive

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2018. Manual. Energy Commission. (2018)

Electricity industry

Electrifying below the wind the land. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2013)

Electricity infrastructure

What happens now? Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 12-14. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electricity interruptions

SAIDI 100 Lab: powering up Sabah. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 24-27. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electricity networks

Guidelines on large scale solar photovoltaic plant for connection to electricity networks. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Electricity power

Renewable energy powered by waves. [Newspaper] (2014)

Electricity prices

Reliable, sustainable affordable finding the balance in electricity prices. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 31-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Electricity sector

Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Electricity supply

Comparing electricity selling prices. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Improving Sabah’s electricity supply industry: SESI stakeholders town hall session. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 46-47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

SAIDI 100 Lab: powering up Sabah. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 24-27. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Simplifying the complex. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 7-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electricity supply act

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation on net energy metering scheme. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Electricity supply industry

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Electricity tariff

Comparing electricity selling prices. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2018. Manual. Energy Commission. (2018)

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under incentive based regulation(IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2021. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2021)

Guidelines on green electricity tariff. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2022)

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Out with the old, in with the new: welcoming regulatory period 2. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 6-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Reliable, sustainable affordable finding the balance in electricity prices. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 31-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The not so tarif-fying truth on tariff. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 12-22. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Electricity tariff hike inevitable as fuel costs increase. [Newspaper] (2022)

Electricity tariffs

Electrifying below the wind the land. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2013)

Electricity theft

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Electricity usage

Energy efficiency taking up the challenge. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The smart way to power consumption. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 16-18. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Electricity utilities

Comparing electricity selling prices. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)


Power generation: building on a strong legacy. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Electro-hydraulic actuator

Tracking control of an electro-hydraulic actuator system using LQR-ZPETC controller. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Evaluation of DC motors for clamping force mechanism in an electro-mechanical continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Clamping force adjustment system for a continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)


Performance of normal and nanomaterial Li(1+x)Mn2O4 for battery applications. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Electrochemical biosensor

PEDOT: PSS–modified platinum microelectrodes for measurements in aqueous media: effect of polymer surface area on long-term anodic peak current stability. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

Electrical and mechanical properties of silicone Electrical Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) filled carbon black treated with 3-aminotriethoxysilane at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Demulsification of crude oil emulsion via electrocoagulation method. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 97-105. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Electrode wear rate

Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


LSTM-based electroencephalogram classification on autism spectrum disorder. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 321-329. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

#TECH: NanoMalaysia launches validation programme for local electric vehicle technologies. [Newspaper] (2022)

Electromagnetic fields

Technical talk on recent development in 5G EMF policies, guideline, radiation measurement and monitoring. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Electron beam irradiation

Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)

Electron transfer mechanism

Bioelectrochemical behavior of wild type bacillus cereus in dual chamber microbial fuel cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Electronic hubs

Malaysia aims to be electrical and electronics hub. [Newspaper] (2021)

Electronics waste

IoT e-waste monitoring system to support smart city initiatives. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Electrostatic ultrasonic transducer

FLAUT: a mutual sensitivity improvement through matched pipe, cavity and thin plate resonance. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 42-48. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan pendawaian elektrik pepasangan domestik. 3rd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-11-9 (2016)

Malaysia`s E&E industry. [Phamplet] (2021)

S P Setia pasang solar PV di semua projek rumah. [Newspaper] (2022)


Malaysia`s E&E industry. [Phamplet] (2021)

Eletric vehicle (EV)

Investigation of magnetic properties for different coil sizes of dynamic wireless charging dads for Electric Vehicles (EV). IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Elevated railway

Bridges built to withstand floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Elevated temperature

Stress-strain relationship of fibre reinforced concrete exposed under elevated temperatures. Malaysian Journal of CivilEngineering, 29 (2). pp. 232-240. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Evaluating the performance of unconfined compressive strength of trong clay stabilized with granite sludge. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 149-160. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)


Inovasi empangan Mini-Hydro Elektrik dari Tambunan Sabah. [Video] (2013)

Kerajaan disaran bina sistem aliran air bawah tanah dari empangan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Empangan Hidro Elektrik

Projek empangan hidroelektrik Nenggiri. [Video] (2021)

Empangan Sabo

Pembinaan Empangan Sabo: dijangka siap hujung tahun ini. [Video] (2022)


A head start in the oil and gas industry. [Newspaper] (2017)

Employee turnover

Analysis of the Malaysian construction industry professional employee turnover antecedents. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 871-886. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


E-rebates to promote energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Energy consumption info via web portal/ myTNB app. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Expanding the gas supply network. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 24-26. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas what? Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Improving Sabah’s electricity supply industry: SESI stakeholders town hall session. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 46-47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Maintaining gas installation safety explaining ati and ato. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Power to the people. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Simplifying the complex. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 7-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Sustainable cities: when low carbon meets smart. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Workplaces must be safe and healthy. No compromises! Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

The resilient renewable power markets. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 48-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

SEB to phase out Sejingkat power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEV)

Malaysia auto industry: tapping on new areas of opportunities. [Website]

Energy auditor

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy commission

Revitalising mother nature: the energy commission commits to a greener Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 49. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Energy conservation

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Statistical approach toward achieving green cloud computing in virtualized single server environment. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

Energy efficiency awareness and practices based on islamic perspectives. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20. pp. 159-170. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)

Energy consumption

Digitalisation transforms global energy system efficiency. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 40-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Energy minister: buy energy-efficient products, help reduce carbon emissions. [Website]

Let’s Get Smart. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Revolutionising energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Schools save RM154,000 at 2019 Energy Efficiency Challenge. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 40-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The journey to green: MSPI goes the distance in adopting RE technology. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

A technological change: artificial intelligence. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy consumption pattern of residential buildings: case study of residential area in Batu Pahat, Johor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Time to rethink Consumption and the 3Rs. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 46-48. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Energy conversion

Smart grid systems: creating new opportunities. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Technical talk on biomass & plasma technologies for sustainabilty. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Energy demand

Manjung 4 plant powered up. [Newspaper] (2018)

Energy demands

Scenario of future energy industry: Malaysian energy scenarios workshop. Energy Malaysia, 16. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The future is... renewable energy. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 36-41. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy economists

Forecasting the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Paving the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy efficiency

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Co-generation: an energy efficient technology. Project Report. Energy Commission. (2019)

Digitalisation transforms global energy system efficiency. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 40-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy efficiency taking up the challenge. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Energy minister: buy energy-efficient products, help reduce carbon emissions. [Website]

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for television. Manual. Energy Commission. (2019)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guide to efficient use of electricity at home. 2nd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19778-9-5 (2020)

Maximising efficiency in energy usage. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 29-30. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Revolutionising energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Schools save RM154,000 at 2019 Energy Efficiency Challenge. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 40-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Shaping a sustainable energy transition. [Website]

Supplying sustainable energy. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Sustainably powering a nation. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 17-20. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

The future is... renewable energy. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 36-41. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

A projection of Malaysia’s energy landscape. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

The realities of building in the hot, humid tropics. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Seng Fong move towards utilising renewable energy sources. [Newspaper] (2022)

Optimum energy waste reduction for lighting energy consumption in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM): a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Energy efficiency awareness and practices based on islamic perspectives. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20. pp. 159-170. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)

Energy efficiency (EE)

Look for the stars. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 27-33. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

The heat is on. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 20-22. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Energy performance contracting initiative in Malaysian public hospitals. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Energy efficiency programmes

Schools save RM154,000 at 2019 Energy Efficiency Challenge. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 40-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Energy efficient label

E-rebates to promote energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Living dangerously: are you using non-certified electrical products? Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 26-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Energy efficient light

Switching on LED. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 16-19. ISSN 2948-3603

Energy efficient technology

Co-generation: an energy efficient technology. Project Report. Energy Commission. (2019)

Energy efficient vehicle

Performance of energy regenerative suspension system through laboratory testing. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Energy efficient vehicles

Malaysia moves towards low carbon mobility. Energy Malaysia, 22. p. 45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Energy generation

Renewable hydropower driving Sarawak development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 22-24. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Energy harvester

Efficient capacitance sensing for wireless health monitoring systems. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Energy harvesting

Performance of energy regenerative suspension system through laboratory testing. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Energy industry

Driving the energy sector forward. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 8-12. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Engagement with financial institutions key to renewable energy growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Forecasting the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Paving the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

SAIDI 100 Lab: powering up Sabah. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 24-27. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Supplying sustainable energy. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The digital revolution: the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 18-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy labeling

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for microwave oven. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for television. Manual. Energy Commission. (2019)

Energy labelling

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for electric rice cooker. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Energy laws

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for electric rice cooker. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on gas piping systems at launderettes and similar installations. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-08-9 (2020)

Energy management

Energy efficiency in sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

A technological change: artificial intelligence. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Parallel hybrid electric vehicle simulation model using energetic macroscopic representation method. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Energy metering

Guidelines on advanced metering infrastructure. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Energy mix

Biomass in energy mix penetration. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 39-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Energy performance

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for microwave oven. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for television. Manual. Energy Commission. (2019)

Energy performance contracting

Energy performance contracting initiative in Malaysian public hospitals. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Energy recovery

Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) in treating spent caustic wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 17-25. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Energy regulator

Driving the energy sector forward. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 8-12. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Governance and standards. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 21-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy resources

Paving the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Scenario of future energy industry: Malaysian energy scenarios workshop. Energy Malaysia, 16. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy saving

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guide to efficient use of electricity at home. 2nd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19778-9-5 (2020)

Optimum energy waste reduction for lighting energy consumption in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM): a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Energy sector

The 8th national energy forum towards a carbon-neutral Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Electrifying below the wind the land. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2013)

Leading the energy sector through uncertainty. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Looking forward to reforms. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 44-46. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Out with the old, in with the new: welcoming regulatory period 2. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 6-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Reliable, sustainable affordable finding the balance in electricity prices. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 31-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Revolutionising energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Scenario of future energy industry: Malaysian energy scenarios workshop. Energy Malaysia, 16. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

What happens now? Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 12-14. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The not so tarif-fying truth on tariff. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 12-22. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

A technological change: artificial intelligence. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy sector regulator

Comparing electricity selling prices. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Energy security

Supplying sustainable energy. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy source

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Sarawak energy - Petronas on hydrogen production venture. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Technical talk on biomass & plasma technologies for sustainabilty. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Energy star appliances

E-rebates to promote energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Energy statistics

Comparing electricity selling prices. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Energy storage

A technological change: artificial intelligence. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy supply

Driving the energy sector forward. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 8-12. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Keeping up with the KPIs. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Strengthening supply: enhancing energy security through competitive bidding. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

What happens now? Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 12-14. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The not so tarif-fying truth on tariff. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 12-22. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

40 per cent of Malaysia's energy supply will be renewable by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy trading

Green hydrogen a potential energy transition game changer. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Net energy metering 3.0 program (nem 3.0). [Website]

Peer to peer (P2P) energy trading pilot project in Malaysia. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 30-32. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Energy transition

TNB, PETRONAS in joint feasibility studies on hydrogen, carbon capture. [Newspaper] (2022)

Revised renewable energy quota sees new potentials being explored. [Newspaper] (2022)

Harnessing ocean resources for sustainable energy transitions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy usage

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Supplying sustainable energy. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy utilization

Modelling and optimization of energy efficient assembly line balancing using modified moth flame optimizer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Energy wastages

Energy auditing mastering green technology. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Energy waste

Optimum energy waste reduction for lighting energy consumption in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM): a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)


An analysis of energy mix in Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Malaysia's existing energy policy. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Enforcement activities

Guidelines for the factories and machinery. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Engine in-cylinder friction

Tribological analysis on the effect of heat transfer towards engine in-cylinder friction. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Engine oil

Tribological study of engine oil lubricant characteristics and its performance on 660cc engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)


Engineering and construction sector struggling and in need of support. [Newspaper] (2020)

Engineering future challenges. [Newspaper] (2017)

Safety engineering in faculty of Mechanical Engineering's laboratories. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)

Engineering Inspection Services

Engineering inspection services : Minimise engineering risk and optimise efficiency. [Phamplet]

Engineering Technologists

Engineering technology program in Malaysia: a market survey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 56: 56. pp. 448-453. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

Engineering Technology

Engineering technology program in Malaysia: a market survey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 56: 56. pp. 448-453. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)

Engineering accreditation

The experience of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, with accreditation by the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 37 (3). pp. 197-209. ISSN 0306-4190 (2009)

Engineering capability

New national car project will give automotive sector a jump-start: Dr M. [Newspaper] (2018)

Engineering consultant

Bukit Kukus water retention: MBPP orders engineering consultant to come up with solution. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Engineering geological map

Engineering geological of an active slope in KM46 Simpang Pulai, Perak. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Engineering geology

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Engineering industries

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Engineering professions

Engineering a landmark future. [Newspaper] (2022)

Engineering structures

Micro vibration monitoring & structural engineering for vibration sensitivity equipment. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2021)

Engineering subjects

Can internet usage ease the process of learning engineering subjects?: a study on students of diploma in mechanical engineering. In: STSS 2004 : Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Teknologi & Sains Sosial / Jilid 2 : Sains Sosial, 31 Mei – 1 Jun 2004, Hotel Vistana, Kuantan, Pahang. (In Press) (2004)

Entrance length

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Entrepreneurs and innovators

Looking forward to reforms. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 44-46. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Entry and exit point

Guidelines for setting up custody transfer metering station at entry and exit points. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Envelope detection

Pavement condition analysis via vehicle mounted accelerometer data. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 73-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Do we need crumb rubber asphalt? Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 58-70. (2013)

Environment friendly

Small hydro in power generation. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 47-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)


Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Forecasting the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Paving the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Environmental aspects

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the status of climate change impact on water-related issues (final report). Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9445-66-44 (2010)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Sustainable mining: case study for bauxite mining in Pahang. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-34-8 (2017)

Environmental education

The greening of young minds. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Environmental engineering

River dredging works among measures by Melaka govt to face northeast monsoon season. [Newspaper] (2022)

Managing flood problems. [Newspaper] (2019)

Govt looking at integrated river basin management to manage floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Environmental friendly

Investigation of bio flocculant as dewatering aid in sludge treatment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 15-23. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Environmental impact

Improving Sabah’s electricity supply industry: SESI stakeholders town hall session. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 46-47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Environmental impact analysis

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the status of climate change impact on water-related issues (final report). Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9445-66-44 (2010)

Environmental issue

A projection of Malaysia’s energy landscape. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Environmental monitoring

An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Environmental protection

Scenario of future energy industry: Malaysian energy scenarios workshop. Energy Malaysia, 16. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Environmental solutions

AFES leads the way in sustainable waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Environmental sustainability

DBKL, Irrigation Dept to build underground water storage tunnel to overcome flash floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Shaping a sustainable energy transition. [Website]

NextGreen inks MoU to set 20 collection centres for palm oil waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

Consultant to study proposed KL underground water storage to be appointed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Environmentally friendly

The national biofuel policy. [Website]

Current deveploment on bioplastics and its future prosfects: an introductory review. i-TECH MAG, 1. 03-08. ISSN 2710-5873 (2019)


Analysis on fuel properties of cerium oxide additive in algae biodiesel by using optimization tools. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Enzim bromelain

Ensutouch kosmetik enzim nanas hasil penyelidikan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Enzim lipase

MPOB, UPSI meterai kerjasama kepakaran penyelidikan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Enzymatic hydrolysis

Oil palm biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis: a recent biotechnological venture towards bio-based lactic acid production. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1287-1302. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


Removal of reactive red 4 dye using chitosan- epichlorohydrin/ TiO2 nanocomposite: application of response surface methodology. Science Letters (ScL), 14 (1): 10. pp. 96-108. ISSN 2682-8626 (2020)


Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Epoxy bonding

Bond durability of steel plate to concrete prism using structural adhesives after exposure to 7-years in laboratory environment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 265-283. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Epoxy resin

The effect of stacking sequence on tensile properties of hybrid composite materials. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


Ergonomics evaluation for turning machinists in oil and gas industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 55-61. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Ergonomics hazards

Talk on ergonomics awareness. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)


Position paper on erosion and sedimentation. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2017)

Erosion pins

Measurement of riverbank erosion rates of Pusu River using erosion pins method. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 142-147. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Escherichia coli

A comparative study on treatment technologies for sewage reclamation: a focus on the disinfection process. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Co-production of lactic acid and ethanol using Rhizopus sp. from hydrolyzed inedible cassava starch and leaves. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Ethanol flowrate

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction as a green technology for Chromolaena odorata leaves. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Ethanoldry reforming

Hydrogen production from ethanol dry reforming over lanthania-promoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Euro 5

Diesel Euro 5 | ganti diesel euro 2M mulai hari ini. [Video] (2021)


Two days course on bridge loading and concrete bridge design to Eurocodes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)


National overview "the status of eutrophication of lakes in malaysia". In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 24-34. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)


An immersive augmented reality system to study the efficiency of dynamic exit signage. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 200-221. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Excess energy

Co-generation: an energy efficient technology. Project Report. Energy Commission. (2019)


Optimization of backpressure in exhaust muffler for automobile. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Expanded polystyrene

The properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and expanded polystyrene beads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 78-86. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Biotechnology sector remains intact. [Newspaper] (2020)


A brief account of river rehabilitation experiences. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Reduction of disc brake squeal noise through brake pad modification. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Experimental Testing

Design of a drop impact test rig for accelerometer validation for turbocharger application. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 53-62. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Expert services

Mimos strategic roles. Retrospective 2020. pp. 16-19. (2020)


12MP: Serba Dinamik ready for aerospace industry challenge. [Newspaper] (2021)

PAAB allocates RM471 million for water treatment plant projects in Kelantan. [Newspaper] (2022)

HSS engineers to undertake feasibility study to upgrade Johor water treatment system. [Newspaper] (2022)

Huawei to help Malaysia's Apollo to develop new EVs. [Newspaper] (2022)

TECH: can Malaysia make an impact in the space tech industry? [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB, Petronas explore hydrocarbon & carbon capture ventures to unlock RM10bil prospect. [Newspaper] (2022)

Strand Aerospace focuses on design-and-build capability. [Newspaper] (2019)


Dynamic hazard identification on SOFC system using bayesian network. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Advancecon's projects going full-speed. [Newspaper] (2021)


Hybrid extendable linear actuators: design and applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

External disturbances

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

External flow

Conceptual design of remotely operated underwater vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

External store

Aeroelastic flutter analysis of supersonic wing with multiple external stores. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Extra-high voltage substation

Bintai Kinden inks partnership with Kejuruteraan Gemilang Jaya to bid for EPCC contract for power import project in Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2021)

Extract biofuel

Biofuel from cultured algae. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2009)


Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Inverse kinematics solution for a 6-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator based on FABRIK. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 71-83. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)


Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

FRP strengthening

Modified epoxy for fibre reinforced polymer strengthening of concrete structures. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 103-113. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Study of MESH quality improvement for CFD analysis of an airfoil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Synthetic antimicrobial agent and antimicrobial fabrics: progress and challenges. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Face recognition

Face recognition on bag locking mechanism. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 16-22. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Factor of safety

Exploration of methods for slope stabilization influence by unsaturated soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Factorial analysis

Influenced factors in the delignification process of red meranti wood sawdust. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 26-36. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Guidelines for registration of persons with the chief inspector of factories and machinery as tower crane, passenger & material hoist, working platform and gondola competent persons. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Guidelines for the factories and machinery. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Failure analysis

Mechanical and failure analysis of multi-materials adhesive joining. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 160-166. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Fasiliti aeroangkasa

Senior Aerospace UPECA – fasiliti aerospace yang pertama. [Video] (2018)


Report on ‘A practical engineering guide on adjustable fixing solutions’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)


Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


High cycle fatigue in concrete through the theory of critical distances: from perspective of water-cement ratio. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Fault voltage magnitude

Optimization of power quality monitors in transmission system network. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 6-10. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)


Augmentative and alternative communication method based on tongue clicking for mute disabilities. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (1). pp. 119-128. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Fecal coliform

New approach to predict fecal coliform removal for storm water biofilters application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 58-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Feed-in Tariff

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Feed-in Tariff (FiT)

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Leading the nation towards sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Nem 3.0 shines brighter light on solar growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2590-4000

Powering the biomass industry to greater heights. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Raising biomass energy venture’s attraction via feed-in tariff. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Transforming Malaysia into a serious solar player. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Annualized electricity cost of residential solar PV system under Malaysia’s NEM scheme. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 50-54. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Feed-in-Tariff (FiT)

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)


Exploration of methods for slope stabilization influence by unsaturated soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Ferrite core

Performance analysis on dynamic wireless charging for electric vehicle using ferrite core. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Effect of ferro electric thickness on Negative Capacitance FET (NCFET). IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 339-346. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


Automatic irrigation system using wireless control. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

FiT project

Shaping a sustainable energy transition. [Website]

Fiber Optic Current Sensor (FOCS)

Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)

Fiber optik

Malaysia berpotensi jadi hab pusat data di ASEAN. [Newspaper] (2022)

Fiber separation

Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Fibre Bragg grating accelerometer

Sensitivity identification of low-frequency cantilever fibre bragg grating accelerometer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 235-244. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Fibre glass

Plastics and composites sector. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2018)

Fibre reinforced concrete

Stress-strain relationship of fibre reinforced concrete exposed under elevated temperatures. Malaysian Journal of CivilEngineering, 29 (2). pp. 232-240. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Fibre-reinforced actuator

A bidirectional bending fiber-reinforced soft actuator robotic glove for finger rehabilitation. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Fibre-reinforced composite

Influence of hardener / resin ratio towards frictional properties of fibre-reinforced epoxy composite laminates. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 6-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)


Influence of fibreglass mesh on physical properties of lightweight foamcrete. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Fibrous networks

Finite element modelling for fracture of multilayer fibrous networks. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 117-122. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)

Electrochemical properties of MWCNTs-polypyrrole nanocomposite films prepared by AC-EPD technique. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)


Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Film profile

Thermo-elastohydrodynamic analysis of piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing lubrication system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Filter media

Comparison of selected agro-based filter media for stormwater quality improvement. The International Journal ofIntegrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 251-259. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Financial assistance

Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost. [Newspaper] (2022)

Financial industry

Engagement with financial institutions key to renewable energy growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Financial issues

Revisiting the financial issues and the impact to construction projects in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Fine aggregate replacement

Utilization of cockle shell(Anadara granosa) powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement brick. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Fine aggregates replacement

Properties of mortar incorporating spent garnet as fine aggregates replacement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Fine recycled aggregate

The optimum replacement of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the compressive and splitting tensile strength of the concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Finger rehabilitation

A bidirectional bending fiber-reinforced soft actuator robotic glove for finger rehabilitation. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Fingerprint recognition

#TECH: NEC bullish about demand for biometric authentication technology solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Fingerprint sensor

Development of a lock biometric authentication system for a battery powered locking device. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Finite element analysis

Portable and compact tire-clamping mechanism for medium sized tire. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Micro vibration monitoring & structural engineering for vibration sensitivity equipment. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2021)

Finite element analysis of deep excavation problems. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Compression test and finite element analysis of foamed concrete cube. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Finite element method

Optimization of backpressure in exhaust muffler for automobile. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Finite element method (FEM)

Aeroelastic flutter analysis of supersonic wing with multiple external stores. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Design optimization & analysis of a soft crawling robot. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 285-298. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Finite element model (FEM)

Numerical modelling of bird strike on aerospace structures by means of coupling FE-SPH. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Fins performance

Simulation study on the effect of asymmetric fin position on aerodynamic characteristic of a missile. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 26-30. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)


Dynamic hazard identification on SOFC system using bayesian network. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Fire building

An immersive augmented reality system to study the efficiency of dynamic exit signage. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 200-221. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Fire protection

Report on ‘Cellulosic passive fire protection fundamentals and structural fire design’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)


Smart parking system mobile application using ultrasonic detector. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 70-79. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Firefly algorithm

Optimal economic and emission dispatch of photovoltaic integrated power system using firefly algorithm. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (3). pp. 50-62. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

The effects of cerium promoter on the performance of cobalt-based catalysts in fischer tropsch synthesis for liquid fuel production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Fish farming

IoT based approach on aquarium monitoring system with fish feeder automation. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 11 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

Fixed wing

Structural analysis of hybrid VTOL configuration. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Design and analysis performance of fixed wing VTOL UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Fixture design

Recent developments on computer aided fixture design: case based reasoning approaches. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1687-8140 (2014)

Flash flood

Govt looking at integrated river basin management to manage floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Flash floods mitigation

Expert gives thumbs up to Malaysia's flood mitigation measures. [Newspaper] (2017)

River dredging works among measures by Melaka govt to face northeast monsoon season. [Newspaper] (2022)

Consultant to study proposed KL underground water storage to be appointed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Managing flood problems. [Newspaper] (2019)

Use science, data to mitigate floods. [Newspaper] (2021)

Flexible antenna

Design and analysis of flexible bow-tie antenna for medical application. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Flexible sensor

Design an interfacing tracking system in rehabilitation therapies between the elbow joint of the human arm and the prosthetic arm. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 54-60. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Flexural capacity

Effects of steel fibres on concrete properties and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Flexural strength

Influence of palm oil biomass clinker and empty fruit bunch fibers on concrete properties. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 100-110. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Flight activities

CAAM to introduce system to monitor drone flight activities. [Newspaper] (2022)

Flight control system

Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Floating production facilities

Guideline for offshore floating facilities (GOFF). Manual. Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur.


Screening and optimising metal salt concentration for harvesting nannochloropsis flocculation. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Production and stability of myco-flocculants from lentinus squarrosulus RWF5 and simplicillium obclavatum RWF6 for reduction of water turbidity. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Malaysia’s national slope master plan – from theory to practice. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 71-91. (2013)

Flood control

DBKL, Irrigation Dept to build underground water storage tunnel to overcome flash floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Expert gives thumbs up to Malaysia's flood mitigation measures. [Newspaper] (2017)

River dredging works among measures by Melaka govt to face northeast monsoon season. [Newspaper] (2022)

Consultant to study proposed KL underground water storage to be appointed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Managing flood problems. [Newspaper] (2019)

Govt looking at integrated river basin management to manage floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kemaman flood management system, wins award in Geneva. [Newspaper] (2016)

Use science, data to mitigate floods. [Newspaper] (2021)

Flood estimation

Rational method of flood estimation for rural catchments in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Irrigation and Drainage Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1989)

Flood frequency analysis

Bivariate flood frequency analysis using Gumbel Copula. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (2). pp. 193-201. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Flood management

Expert gives thumbs up to Malaysia's flood mitigation measures. [Newspaper] (2017)

River dredging works among measures by Melaka govt to face northeast monsoon season. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kemaman flood management system, wins award in Geneva. [Newspaper] (2016)

Use science, data to mitigate floods. [Newspaper] (2021)


Bridges built to withstand floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Floodplain; main channel

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)


Magnitude and frequency of floods in Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Magnitude and frequency of floods in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1987)

Floor sensors

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Flow Control Mechanism

Design of self-regulated flow control mechanism for a turbocharger gas stand test facility. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 63-80. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Flow characteristics

Performance of gasifier chamber unit by using agricultural waste. Jurnal Mekanikal, 44. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-3873 (2021)

Fluidic amplification

FLAUT: a mutual sensitivity improvement through matched pipe, cavity and thin plate resonance. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 42-48. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Aeroelastic flutter analysis of supersonic wing with multiple external stores. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Flux compensated magnetic amplifier (FCMA)

One day seminar on energy saving with advance motor control & protection technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Fly ash

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Flying qualities

Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Foamed concrete

Influence of fibreglass mesh on physical properties of lightweight foamcrete. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Compression test and finite element analysis of foamed concrete cube. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Food biotechnology product

Factors influence customer acceptance towards food biotechnology product. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2009)

Food industry

Study of productivity improvement of manual operations in soya sauce factory. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 202-211. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Food waste

The effects of additives on the pelletization of raw and torrefied food waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 7 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Foreign direct investments (FDIs)

National biotech policy gears up for crucial phase. [Newspaper] (2016)

Forward scattering

Drone detection and classification using passive forward scattering radar. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 90-101. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Forward selection

Air pollution index prediction using multiple neural networks. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


N5-tenaga solar fotovolta-jimat elektrik dan mesra alam. [Video] (2019)

Fotovoltan solar (PV)

AmBank kurangkan jejak karbon penggunaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Foul stench issue

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)

Four-point bending test

Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Fourball tester

Tribological study of engine oil lubricant characteristics and its performance on 660cc engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Electrochemical properties of MWCNTs-polypyrrole nanocomposite films prepared by AC-EPD technique. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Fourier descriptor

Shape classification of harumanis mango using discriminant analysis (DA) and support vector machine (SVM). Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Finite element modelling for fracture of multilayer fibrous networks. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 117-122. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Fracture mechanics

High cycle fatigue in concrete through the theory of critical distances: from perspective of water-cement ratio. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Frequency distributions

Rational method of flood estimation for rural catchments in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Irrigation and Drainage Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1989)

Frequency domain

Investigation of internal gas leakage on the gate valve using acoustic signal. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Fresh properties

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete using coarse palm oil clinker. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Fresh water supply

Strategies for the sustainable development and management of lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia. Manual. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2009)


Abdullah, Shahrizaila Ensuring a better water future for Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-31-7 (2016)

Freshwater inland lake

Issues affecting the sustainability of Loagan Bunut Lake, Sarawak. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 46-58. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Freshwater invasive weed

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)


TTES Frontken peneraju kejuruteraan peralatan berputar sektor minyak dan gas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Froude number

Froude number variance with respect to the hydrodynamic response of a non-static vehicle on a low-lying flooded roadway. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


Harvesting organic wastes for biogas-based energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 43-45. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Fuel Price Movements

The not so tarif-fying truth on tariff. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 12-22. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Fuel cell

Amorphous structure in Cu-Zn-V-Al oxide composite catalyst for methanol reforming. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 197-214. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Fuel consumption

Parallel hybrid electric vehicle simulation model using energetic macroscopic representation method. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Tribological study of engine oil lubricant characteristics and its performance on 660cc engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Functionally graded architecture

Evaluation of functionally graded architecture using fused filament fabrication technique for bone scaffold applications. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Challenges in textile wastewater and current palliative methods: an overview. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Fusarium oxysporumendoglucanase

Role of substrate binding on the protein dynamics of an endoglucanase from fusarium oxysporum at different temperatures. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 307-314. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

The effect of layer thickness on repeatability of 3D printed PLA parts produced using openware 3D printer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Fuzzy logic

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

G5 contractor

Cloud based storage application as a project information management tool for grade G5 contractors in Selangor. International Journal of Infrastructure Research and Management, 4 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2811-3608 (2016)


Optimal biomass transportation model. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


Analysis of chemical compounds of agarwood oil from different species by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


The effects of cerium promoter on the performance of cobalt-based catalysts in fischer tropsch synthesis for liquid fuel production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Galakkan membaca

Cerita pagi selangor - program semarak membaca Selangor. [Video] (2021)

Gas Rumah Hijau (GHG)

Berjaya jimatkan tenaga RM26.2 juta setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Gas contractor

Maintaining gas installation safety explaining ati and ato. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas distribution

Advocating reliable & quality supply in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas emissions

B20 is the better fuel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Gas engineers

The state of gas: championing competencies in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Gas facilities

Expanding the gas supply network. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 24-26. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas what? Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas industry

Advocating reliable & quality supply in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The state of gas: championing competencies in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Gas infrastructure

Advocating reliable & quality supply in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas installations

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on gas piping systems at launderettes and similar installations. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-08-9 (2020)

Gas installations and operations

Maintaining gas installation safety explaining ati and ato. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas pipeline

Petronas says soil movement caused SSGP pipeline leak. [Newspaper] (2022)

Gas pipelines

Gas what? Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas piping facilities

The state of gas: championing competencies in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Gas piping system

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on gas piping systems at launderettes and similar installations. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-08-9 (2020)

Maintaining gas installation safety explaining ati and ato. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas power plant

GE, Edra Energy commenced commercial operations of power plant in Alor Gajah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Gas safety

The state of gas: championing competencies in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Gas sector

Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Gas supply

Strengthening processes and operations. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 28-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas supply sector

Gas what? Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Gas turbine technology

TNB unveils world's first power plant with most efficient gas turbine by GE. [Newspaper] (2022)


Supercritical water gasification as a treatment for laboratory organic waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 19-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)

Gasification performance

Performance of gasifier chamber unit by using agricultural waste. Jurnal Mekanikal, 44. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-3873 (2021)

Gate valve

Investigation of internal gas leakage on the gate valve using acoustic signal. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Gel electrolyte

Nanocomposite polymer gel electrolyte based on LiBOB-cellulose acetate for lithium-oxygen battery. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Gel filtration chromatography

Purification and partial characterization of L-asparaginase enzyme produced by newly isolated bacillus sp. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

General Circulation Model (GCM)

Impacts of climate change on rainfall trends under RCP scenarios in Johor, Malaysia. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 272-280. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

General learning outcomes

The experience of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, with accreditation by the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 37 (3). pp. 197-209. ISSN 0306-4190 (2009)

Generasi masa depan

Beri pendedahan awal budaya teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Genetic algorithm

Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

Makanan diubahsuai secara genetik: adakah mendatangkan manfaat atau mengundang bahaya? Majalah Sains. ISSN 2682-8456 (2019)

Genetically modified

Factors influence customer acceptance towards food biotechnology product. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2009)

Genetically modified microorganism

A review on genetically engineered natural coagulant based on moringa oleifera for turbidity removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Genome profile

UNSPECIFIED, ed. ASM position paper on precision medicine initiative in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-55-3 (2020)

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Groundwater resources in Johor, Malaysia: resource potential and information management. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 43: 37. pp. 367-373. ISSN 0126-6187 (1999)


Bidang geologi jadi tumpuan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2017)

Geometrical defect

Effect of putty properties in repairing corroded pipeline: a finite element analysis. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Geopolymer paste

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Pull-out resistance of sand-geosynthetics reinforcement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Soft soil requires ground improvement before construction. [Newspaper] (2018)

Geotechnical Characteristics

Geotechnical challenges with Malaysian peat. In: The School of Computing and Technology 2nd Annual Conference, 2007, 2007, London. (In Press) (2007)

Gibbs energy

Supercritical water gasification as a treatment for laboratory organic waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 19-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Ginger rhizome

Rapid expansion supercritical solution (RESS) carbon dioxide as a green technology for ginger rhizome solid oil particles formation. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Glass failure

Investigation of glass plate failure mechanism subjected to copper and steel projectile impacts. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Global climate models (GCMs)

A review of downscaling methods for climate change impacts on water resources. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 216-226. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Global warming

Look for the stars. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 27-33. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

The greening of young minds. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Estimating carbon sequestration of green roof plants in tropical climate. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 200-206. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Globalised industry

Bolstering Malaysia's aerospace sector via 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Goat stall

IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Gold nanoparticles

Electrochemical characterization of polylactic acid-block-poly (2-vinylpyridine)/gold nanoparticle composites for glucose biosensor development. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Good finished product

Talk on precast concrete for buildings - a holistic approach. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Goodness of fit tests

Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Goverment buildings

Energy efficiency in sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Governance of regulators

Governance and standards. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 21-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Government publications

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Low carbon mobility blueprint 2021-2030: decarbonizing land transportation. 1st ed. Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19266-7-3 (2021)


Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric shrinkage properties review on gradation effect of compacted laterite soil liner. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Grading system

Shape classification of harumanis mango using discriminant analysis (DA) and support vector machine (SVM). Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Biotechnology, a new way forward. [Newspaper] (2015)

Grain growth inhibitor

A review of metal injection moulding on WC-Co cemented carbide comprised of Grain Growth Inhibitors (GGI). Journal of Science and Technology, 14 (1). pp. 84-101. ISSN 2229-8460 (2022)

Granite residual soil

Geotechnical assessment of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) mixed with granite residual soil for hydraulic barrier purposes. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Granite sludge

Evaluating the performance of unconfined compressive strength of trong clay stabilized with granite sludge. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 149-160. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)


Physical investigation of thionine-graphene nanocomposite synthesized using different concentrations of graphene oxide. Gading Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (1). pp. 66-74. ISSN 2637-0018 (2019)

Green Electricity Tariff (GET)

TNB empowers smart modular technologies to achieve 100 pct renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

Green Tech

Green Tech Malaysia sasar 300 stesen pengecas elektrik. [Video] (2016)

Green Technology

MoU | UiTM & Malaysian Green Technology Corporation. [Video] (2019)

Green architecture

AmBank kurangkan jejak karbon penggunaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Green biofuel

Microalgae a new potential to mitigate carbon footprint. [Newspaper] (2021)

Green building

Optimum energy waste reduction for lighting energy consumption in Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM): a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 95-114. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Green characteristics

Talk on “civil engineers’ role in green buildings”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Green city

IoT e-waste monitoring system to support smart city initiatives. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Green cloud computing

Statistical approach toward achieving green cloud computing in virtualized single server environment. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

Green concrete

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Green ecosystem

UMP makes tech leaps with society in mind. [Newspaper] (2022)

Green electricity

Guidelines on green electricity tariff. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2022)

Peer to peer (P2P) energy trading pilot project in Malaysia. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 30-32. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Green energy

IGEM a commitment to going green. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 46. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

More scope needed to accelerate Malaysia's clean energy adoption. [Newspaper] (2022)

NST leader: going green by 2040. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB aims to accelerate green agenda. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malakoff to build & operate solar energy system at Senai Airport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Time to embrace renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bina Puri to build its first power plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Green energy projects

Reneuco, Kedah MBI to jointly develop green energy projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen a potential energy transition game changer. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Sarawak energy - Petronas on hydrogen production venture. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

TNB, PETRONAS in joint feasibility studies on hydrogen, carbon capture. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB, Petronas explore hydrocarbon & carbon capture ventures to unlock RM10bil prospect. [Newspaper] (2022)

Green inhibitor

Influence of green corrosion inhibitor on reinforced concrete attacked by magnesium sulphate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Green library

Green library in a garden. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 27-29. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Green mussel shell

Carbonized green mussel shell as heavy metal removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Green roof

Palm oil clinker as drainage layer in green roof system under Malaysia climatic conditions. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Rainfall runoff performance of small scale green roofs system. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 91-99. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Green technology

Green transport the way forward. [Newspaper] (2019)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Low carbon mobility blueprint 2021-2030: decarbonizing land transportation. 1st ed. Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19266-7-3 (2021)

Malaysia on track to reach 50pc RE goal by 2050. [Newspaper] (2018)

Malaysia’s green technology. [Phamplet]

MyHIJAU sharps waste containers used in hospitals nationwide. [Newspaper] (2022)

NextGreen inks MoU to set 20 collection centres for palm oil waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

The green 'of' and 'by' ICT; the Malaysian effort. my CONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 39-45. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)

Rapid expansion supercritical solution (RESS) carbon dioxide as a green technology for ginger rhizome solid oil particles formation. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Green technology fair

IGEM a commitment to going green. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 46. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Green tools

Talk on “civil engineers’ role in green buildings”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Green transport

Green transport the way forward. [Newspaper] (2019)

Green-mix concrete

'Green-mix' concrete: an environmentally friendly building material. [Website] (2015)


B20 is the better fuel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Greenhouse gas

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Greenhouse gas emissions

Green transport the way forward. [Newspaper] (2019)

Optimization and experimental investigations of fuel properties with algae biodiesel using design expert software. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)

Malaysia moves towards low carbon mobility. Energy Malaysia, 22. p. 45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Greensand casting mould

Investigation on different compositions of clay and water to the permeability of the silica sand used in greensand casting mould. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (4). pp. 749-752. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sago (metroxylon sagu) via autoclaving method. IIUM Engineering Journal. pp. 178-184. ISSN 1511-788X

Grid System Operator (GSO)

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Grid infrastructure

TNB aims to accelerate green agenda. [Newspaper] (2022)

Grid services

Pestech International inks MoU with Hydrogène De France for green hydrogen production. [Newspaper] (2022)

Grid system

Hydrological station numbering system. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Grid system operator

Keeping up with the KPIs. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Grid-Connected PhotoVoltaic (GCPV) Systems

Human capital development for RE sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Aviation, aerospace industry hopes for tech-first policy in Budget 2023. [Newspaper] (2022)

Gross weight

Power estimation for a two seater helicopter. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Ground granulated blast furnace slag cement

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Ground improvement

Improvement of problematic soil using crumb rubber tyre. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 72-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Soft soil requires ground improvement before construction. [Newspaper] (2018)

A review of road embankment stability on soft ground: problems and future perspective. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 32-56. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)


Characterization of palm oil ashes (POA) under impulse. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Explore groundwater as alternative water source during dry season, urges Forum Air Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Finite element analysis of deep excavation problems. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Groundwater extraction

Managing groundwater sustainably. [Newspaper] (2019)

Groundwater reserve

Tapping into groundwater is the way forward, says PM. [Newspaper] (2022)

Groundwater resources

Groundwater resources in Johor, Malaysia: resource potential and information management. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 43: 37. pp. 367-373. ISSN 0126-6187 (1999)


Value of construction work in Q2 jumps. [Newspaper] (2021)

Growth kinetics

Chlorella vulgaris logistic growth kinetics model in high concentrations of aqueous ammonia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Guidelines for approval of design scaffolding 2016. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for industrial gas cylinder: design, construction, handling, inspection and testing. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-19762-0-3 (2021)

Guidelines for the factories and machinery. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for the preparation of a chemical register. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-07-7 (2000)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control and safe handling of nanomaterials 2018. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-95-9 (2018)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of chemicals hazardous to health. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-10-7 (2001)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of molds contamination and remediation 2019. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-5-1 (2019)

Guidelines on green electricity tariff. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2022)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on monitoring of airborne chemical hazardous to health 2022. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-4-1 (2022)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe use of press machines. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-80-5 (2015)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on storage of hazardous chemicals: a guide for safe warehousing of packaged hazardous chemicals. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-54-9 (2005)


Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Gumbel copula

Bivariate flood frequency analysis using Gumbel Copula. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (2). pp. 193-201. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


A review of wastewater bacterial bio oxidation: mechanisms, reactions, and behaviors. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


Couette flow problem for an unsteady MHD third-grade fluid with hall currents. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Hab aeroangkasa

NAICO pacu pembangunan ekosistem industri aeroangkasa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hab data raya

Malaysia berpotensi jadi hab pusat data di ASEAN. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hab permotoran

PM lancar lembah automotif berteknologi tinggi tanjung malim. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hab tenaga solar

Malaysia ketiga dunia hab tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2019)


JPS jemput pakar, kenal pasti kawasan hakisan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hakisan tebing

JPS jemput pakar, kenal pasti kawasan hakisan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hall currents

Couette flow problem for an unsteady MHD third-grade fluid with hall currents. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Hands-on learning

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Hardened properties

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete using coarse palm oil clinker. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Hardener/ resin ratio

Influence of hardener / resin ratio towards frictional properties of fibre-reinforced epoxy composite laminates. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 6-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Harga arang batu

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hargreaves method

Determining the solar radiation in Ayer Keroh, Melaka by using hargreaves method. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Hari Air Sedunia

Hari Air Sedunia 2021: KASA fokus kebersihan sungai, sumber air utama. [Video] (2021)


Harmonic source identification in power distribution system and meter placement using network impedance approach. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Harmony search

Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Harumanis mango

Shape classification of harumanis mango using discriminant analysis (DA) and support vector machine (SVM). Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Program pemuliharaan pendengaran. Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13946-8-7 (2017)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on monitoring of airborne chemical hazardous to health 2022. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-4-1 (2022)

Hazardous chemicals

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on chemical management in health care facilities Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya. ISBN 978-983-3433-76-6 (2010)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on storage of hazardous chemicals: a guide for safe warehousing of packaged hazardous chemicals. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-54-9 (2005)

Headway pattern

Characteristics of vehicle headway during rainfall at night in Pontian,Johor. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 59-74. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Health and safety

Nanotechnology: a law for Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Health care

UNSPECIFIED, ed. ASM position paper on precision medicine initiative in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-55-3 (2020)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on chemical management in health care facilities Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya. ISBN 978-983-3433-76-6 (2010)

Nanotechnology in cosmetics: the legal challenges in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2008)

Health monitoring

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Health monitoring system

Efficient capacitance sensing for wireless health monitoring systems. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Health risks

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual of recommended practice on the assessment of the health risks arising from the use of chemicals hazardous to health at the workplace. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-90-4 (2018)


Energy performance contracting initiative in Malaysian public hospitals. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Healthcare products

Biotechnology sector remains intact. [Newspaper] (2020)

Healthy bio

Healthy bio industry. [Newspaper] (2014)

Heat treatment

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 89-98. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Heat application process

The heat is on. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 20-22. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Heat energy

Seng Fong move towards utilising renewable energy sources. [Newspaper] (2022)

Heat insulation

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for asbestos removal 2017. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-89-8 (2017)

Heat plate

Heating plates placement structure for optimal muscle stress relief with low power consumption. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 239-247. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Heat transfer

Tribological analysis on the effect of heat transfer towards engine in-cylinder friction. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Performance of normal and nanomaterial Li(1+x)Mn2O4 for battery applications. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Heat treatment

A ballast water treatment system using engine waste heat: is it viable? Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 31-36. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

Heating system

One day seminar on energy saving with advance motor control & protection technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Heavy metals

Adsorption of heavy metals and residual oil from palm oil mill effluent using a novel adsorbent of alginate and mangrove composite beads coated with chitosan in a packed bed column. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Heavy vehicles

Initial study on safety hazards by heavy transportation on Malaysian roads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (4). pp. 339-349. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Herbal extraction

Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Herbal species

Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


The tendency of nature towards hexagon shape formation due to minimizing surface energy. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 40-47. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Hidrogen hijau

Malaysia mampu jadi pengeluar utama hidrogen hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)


Inovasi empangan Mini-Hydro Elektrik dari Tambunan Sabah. [Video] (2013)

Pembinaan Empangan Sabo: dijangka siap hujung tahun ini. [Video] (2022)

Projek empangan hidroelektrik Nenggiri. [Video] (2021)


UPM guna sistem solar hasilkan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

High QoS broadband

Talk on 5G mobile networks. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

High gain

Dual-wide band bended cloth antenna for ISM and WLAN applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

High speed machine

Design of a drop impact test rig for accelerometer validation for turbocharger application. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 53-62. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

High strength

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

High technology

12MP: Serba Dinamik ready for aerospace industry challenge. [Newspaper] (2021)

Strand Aerospace focuses on design-and-build capability. [Newspaper] (2019)

High temperature

Mechanical properties of concrete contains waste tires exposed to high temperature. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 221-231. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

High temperature nylon skimmer

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

High-cycle fatigue

High cycle fatigue in concrete through the theory of critical distances: from perspective of water-cement ratio. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

High-fidelity model

Feasibility study of surrogate model for the application of vehicle suspension system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

High-rise buildings

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)


Project management: lebuhraya pantai timur fasa 2 - a case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 100-108. (2013)

Bukit Kukus water retention: MBPP orders engineering consultant to come up with solution. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)


A study towards implementation of public hub transportation: a case study of Penang Central. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Hub pembuatan

Malaysia dipilih jadi hab pembuatan peralatan 5G Ericsson. [Newspaper] (2022)

Human activity

Evening talk on behavior and stability of cut slopes with special reference to Malaysia. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Human capital

Healthy bio industry. [Newspaper] (2014)

Human health effects

More awareness needed on chemical danger in varsity labs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Human resource development

Development of QPEC (Questionnaires Package for Engineering Curriculum) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to analyse the survey [case study: Market survey for curriculum development of Bachelor Engineering (hons) in Mechanical (Manufacturing)]. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2006)

Humanoid Robot

Step aside Sophia, meet Malaysia's 'first humanoid robot' Adam. [Newspaper] (2019)

Humans and technology

Talk on ergonomics awareness. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)


Hybrid extendable linear actuators: design and applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Hybrid electric

Dynamic simulation model of a hybrid electric ATV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Hybrid UAV

Structural analysis of hybrid VTOL configuration. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Hybrid composites

Eco-hybrid composite failure behavior of two serial bolted joint holes. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 114-124. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Hybrid materials

The effect of stacking sequence on tensile properties of hybrid composite materials. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Hybrid nanoparticles

Earlier denaturation of DNA by using novel ternary hybrid nanoparticles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 237-245. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Effects of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregates replacement in self curing concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Hydraulic conductivity

Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric shrinkage properties review on gradation effect of compacted laterite soil liner. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Palm oil clinker as drainage layer in green roof system under Malaysia climatic conditions. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Geotechnical assessment of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) mixed with granite residual soil for hydraulic barrier purposes. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Hydraulic hybrid vehicle

Feasibility studies on utilization of low-pressure in hydro-pneumatic driveline. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (7). pp. 28-42. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Hydraulic modelling

Chlorine decay simulation in water distribution system using EPANET. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 94-99. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Hydro power

Small hydro in power generation. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 47-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Hydro-pneumatic storage

Feasibility studies on utilization of low-pressure in hydro-pneumatic driveline. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (7). pp. 28-42. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Hydrodynamic forces

Froude number variance with respect to the hydrodynamic response of a non-static vehicle on a low-lying flooded roadway. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


Renewable energy push on track. [Newspaper] (2021)

TNB to develop 300MW hydroelectric power plant in Kelantan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Hydroelectric power

Bintai Kinden inks partnership with Kejuruteraan Gemilang Jaya to bid for EPCC contract for power import project in Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2021)

Riding on hydro energy potential. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 28-30. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Hydroelectric power station

Power generation: building on a strong legacy. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Unlocking the potential of Hydrogen. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 22-26. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Hydrogen production from ethanol dry reforming over lanthania-promoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Hydrogen energy

Pestech International inks MoU with Hydrogène De France for green hydrogen production. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

Sarawak wants to assemble EVs, Hydrogen Cars – bets big on renewable energy. [Website]

Hydrogen production facility

Sarawak energy - Petronas on hydrogen production venture. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Hydrogen technology

TNB, Petronas explore hydrocarbon & carbon capture ventures to unlock RM10bil prospect. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hydrogen-ready technology

TNB, PETRONAS in joint feasibility studies on hydrogen, carbon capture. [Newspaper] (2022)


Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)


Final report: reviewed and updated the hydrological procedure no.1– (estimation of design rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia). Technical Report. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2010)

Hydrological network

Hydrological station numbering system. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Hydrological operations

Hydrological station registers. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Hydrological procedure

Estimation of the design rainstorm in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1994)


Explore groundwater as alternative water source during dry season, urges Forum Air Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)


Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)


Renewable hydropower driving Sarawak development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 22-24. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Small hydropower brings benefits to rural areas. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 41-43. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Hydropower plants

Pestech International inks MoU with Hydrogène De France for green hydrogen production. [Newspaper] (2022)


Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 228-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Review on eggshell waste in tissue engineering application. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 64-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Hysteresis loop

Obtaining hysteresis loops at low frequency for characterization of materials to be used in biomedical applications. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (1). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

IDF curve

Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)


Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


The experience of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, with accreditation by the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 37 (3). pp. 197-209. ISSN 0306-4190 (2009)


Evaluation of the W-metric routing using RPL protocol in LLNS. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

IR 4.0

Bakal jurutera perlu proaktif persiap diri manfaatkan IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

IR sensor

Autonomous agriculture robot for monitoring plant using internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)


Revolutionising energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Dual-wide band bended cloth antenna for ISM and WLAN applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

ISO 12944

How to protect your assets with the right paint system. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Identifikasi Frekuensi Radio (RFID)

Teknologi IR 4.0 kurangkan kos operasi rawatan air. [Newspaper] (2022)

Illegal connection

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Image processing

Riverbank monitoring using image processing for early flood warning system via IoT. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 166-174. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Immersive augmented reality

An immersive augmented reality system to study the efficiency of dynamic exit signage. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 200-221. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Numerical modelling of bird strike on aerospace structures by means of coupling FE-SPH. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Late payment practices in the Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 149-162. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Revisiting the financial issues and the impact to construction projects in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)


Harmonic source identification in power distribution system and meter placement using network impedance approach. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Impeller effects

A ballast water treatment system using engine waste heat: is it viable? Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 31-36. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

Implied closed-loop prediction

Improved constraint handling approach for predictive functional control using an implied closed-loop prediction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 323-338. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


Characterization of palm oil ashes (POA) under impulse. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

In-vehicle information system

Development of driving simulator for In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) evaluation: progress & challenges. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Incentive Based Regulation

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under incentive based regulation(IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2021. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2021)

Incentive Based Regulation (IBR)

The not so tarif-fying truth on tariff. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 12-22. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)

Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) mechanism

What happens now? Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 12-14. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Incentive-Based Regulation (IBR)

Out with the old, in with the new: welcoming regulatory period 2. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 6-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Simplifying the complex. Energy Malaysia, 13. pp. 7-11. ISSN 2289-7488 (2017)


Aviation, aerospace industry hopes for tech-first policy in Budget 2023. [Newspaper] (2022)

Timely jolt needed for EV industry. [Newspaper] (2022)

Incineration plants

Transforming solid waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inclined shear reinforcement

The effects of inclined shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Independent component analysis (lCA)

Voltage and load profiles estimation of distribution network using independent component analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Indoor air quality

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of molds contamination and remediation 2019. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-5-1 (2019)

Indoor environment

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Inductive charging

Investigation of magnetic properties for different coil sizes of dynamic wireless charging dads for Electric Vehicles (EV). IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Inductive wireless charging

Performance analysis on dynamic wireless charging for electric vehicle using ferrite core. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Industri aeroangkasa

Harapan terhadap RMKE -11: kejuruteraan & aeroangkasa sektor penting pada masa depan. [Video] (2018)

Industri aeroangkasa negara: sasar pendapatan RM55.2 bilion menjelang 2030. [Video] (2018)

Industri aeroangkasa – Malaysia ingin jadi peneraju di Asia Tenggara. [Video] (2018)

Kepesatan sektor pertahanan & komersial – MITI antara penggerak sektor aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

Keupayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2018)

NAICO pacu pembangunan ekosistem industri aeroangkasa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Platform Malaysia bukti kemampuan industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

UPM dan MAB jalin MOU dalam bidang aeroangkasa. [Video] (2020)

Landasan tepat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Collins Aerospace perkukuh operasi MRO di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industri automotif

PM lancar Automative Hi-Tech Valley. [Newspaper] (2022)

PM lancar lembah automotif berteknologi tinggi tanjung malim. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industri biojisim

Malaysia hasilkan 100 juta tan biojisim pepejal setahun. [Newspaper] (2015)

Industri hiliran

Biomas sektor ekonomi baru. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industri kecil dan sederhana

Sektor aeroangkasa bakal jana RM30 bilion. [Video] (2021)

Industri minyak dan gas

TTES Frontken peneraju kejuruteraan peralatan berputar sektor minyak dan gas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industri pesawat

Malaysia, Jepun perkukuh kerjasama dalam industri pesawat. [Newspaper] (2022)

NAICO pacu pembangunan ekosistem industri aeroangkasa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industri sawit

Sisa biomas industri sawit jadi sumber tenaga baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industri solar

Program solar berskala besar oleh industri elektrik Malaysia. [Video] (2020)

Industrial Revolution 4.0

UMP makes tech leaps with society in mind. [Newspaper] (2022)

Industrial applications

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe management of ammonia refrigeration system. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-18951-0-8 (2020)

Industrial chemical

Nanotechnology: a law for Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Industrial crop

Kenaf composites for automotive components. [Newspaper] (2014)

The power of algae. [Newspaper] (2018)

Industrial design

Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Grooming engineers for smart manufacturing. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industrial development

Mimos strategic roles. Retrospective 2020. pp. 16-19. (2020)

Industrial gas cylinders

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for industrial gas cylinder: design, construction, handling, inspection and testing. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-19762-0-3 (2021)

Industrial revolution

Biotechnology aids palm oil. [Newspaper] (2021)

Industrial robots

Inverse kinematics solution for a 6-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator based on FABRIK. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 71-83. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Industrial sector

Time to rethink Consumption and the 3Rs. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 46-48. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Industrial sectors

Advocating reliable & quality supply in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Industrialised building system (IBS)

Building better homes with modern methods. [Newspaper] (2021)


Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Industry 4.0

Adopting industry 4.0 in construction industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 27-33. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Industry manufacturing

Electrical and electronic. Retrospective 2020. pp. 20-21. (2020)

Industry stakeholders

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Malaysian Aerospace Industry Blueprint 2030. Malaysian Industry Government Group for High Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-48. ISBN 978-967-11818-6-7 (2015)

Industry’s prospects

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Meet Malaysia: investment opportunities in Asia’s oil and gas hub. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2020)

Infill material

Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Infill properties

Effect of putty properties in repairing corroded pipeline: a finite element analysis. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Infiltration rate

Palm oil clinker as drainage layer in green roof system under Malaysia climatic conditions. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Investigating soil trafficability in kerian paddy areas. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2008)


Wastewater characterization and sequencing batch reactor operation for aerobic granular sludge cultivation. Malaysian Journal Of Civil Engineering, 31 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-7843 (2019)

Information communication technology

The green 'of' and 'by' ICT; the Malaysian effort. my CONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 39-45. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)

Infrared coded light

Three dimension scanning using infrared coded light. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Infrared imaging

Shape classification of harumanis mango using discriminant analysis (DA) and support vector machine (SVM). Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


When ignorance can cause accidents, even deaths. Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 16-18. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Development of design guideline for rural low volume roads in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 29-35. (2013)

Infrastructure project

TH Heavy Engineering, MTD Capital to jointly explore civil engineering, construction jobs under 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Infrastructure projects

Construction sector to expand 11.5 per cent in 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Minetech's earnings ease in Q4, civil engineering division shines. [Newspaper] (2021)

Recovery in construction jobs flow. [Newspaper] (2022)

Advancecon's projects going full-speed. [Newspaper] (2021)

Strengthening Malaysia's construction sector. [Newspaper] (2022)


Lebuh raya Pan Borneo-fasa pertama dijangka siap menjelang 2023. [Video] (2020)

Pan Borneo: jaringan emas nusantara. [Video] (2022)

Malaysia berpotensi jadi hab pusat data di ASEAN. [Newspaper] (2022)

Infrastruktur elektrik

TNB pacu peralihan tenaga ke arah kelestarian. [Newspaper] (2022)


Inisiatif amalan hijau dan aplikasi teknologi hijau PDRM 2014-2015. [Website]

Inisiatif Peralihan Tenaga Asia (AETI)

Malaysia dalam perancangan peralihan tenaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Injection moulding

Injection moulding simulation: the development of integral hinges test samples mould design via cadmould 3D-F. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


UiTM to sample German innovation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Innovative technologies

Revolutionising energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Inoculum size

Biogas production under different inoculum to palm oil mill effluent ratio. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1265-1269. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


Inovasi aeroangkasa Malaysia. [Video] (2021)

Inovasi kereta solar & hidrogen pelajar uitm. [Video] (2020)

Inovasi pengajaran

Teknologi lightboard mudahkan pengajaran dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inovasi perusahaan

Pengkomersialan inovasi: jangan 'sampahkan' penyelidikan - Mustafa. [Website] (2022)

Universiti perlu tingkat fungsi jadi pusat penyelidikan - Noraini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Insentif kerajaan

Solar ejen pertumbuhan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Insentif penyelidikan

Harapan terhadap RMKE -11: kejuruteraan & aeroangkasa sektor penting pada masa depan. [Video] (2018)

Inspection process

Preliminary study on current process of bus component inspection among public bus transport in Malaysia. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 74-80. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Instruments and machines

Voltage and load profiles estimation of distribution network using independent component analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Insulation process

One day seminar on technology & selection of cast resin transformer. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Insurance claims

Evening talk on “insurance in the construction industry”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)

Integral hinges

Injection moulding simulation: the development of integral hinges test samples mould design via cadmould 3D-F. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Integrated Building System (IBS)

Construction industry needs to embrace new technologies. [Newspaper] (2015)

Integrated circuit design

Malaysia aims to be electrical and electronics hub. [Newspaper] (2021)

Integrated disinfection system

A comparative study on treatment technologies for sewage reclamation: a focus on the disinfection process. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Integrated river basin management

Integrated lake basin management and its importance for Lake Chini and other lakes in Malaysia. Technical Report. Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2009)

Integrated waste management

AFES leads the way in sustainable waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Integrated water resources management

Integrated lake basin management and its importance for Lake Chini and other lakes in Malaysia. Technical Report. Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2009)

Intelligent vehicles

Review of on-road approaching motorcycle detection and tracking techniques. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


Pull-out resistance of sand-geosynthetics reinforcement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Teknologi lightboard mudahkan pengajaran dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Interference (EMI)

Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)

Internal flow

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

International System of Units

Malaysian chosen to lead Asia Pacific Legal Metrology grouping. [Newspaper] (2021)

International exhibitions

Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Internet Kebendaan (IoT)

Impak teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Internet of Things

Review on IoT security and challenge in industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Internet of things monitoring system of a modeled cleanroom. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 7-14. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Internet of Things (IOT)

UMP makes tech leaps with society in mind. [Newspaper] (2022)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)

Smart grid systems: creating new opportunities. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Automotive real-time data acquisition using wi-fi connected embedded system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Robotic arm control using Internet of Things (IoT). ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Electricity usage monitoring based on internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Development of a lock biometric authentication system for a battery powered locking device. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Internet of Vehicle (IoV)

A survey on Internet of Vehicle (IoV): applications & comparison of VANETs ,IoV and SDN-IoV. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 26-31. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Internet teaching

Can internet usage ease the process of learning engineering subjects?: a study on students of diploma in mechanical engineering. In: STSS 2004 : Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Teknologi & Sains Sosial / Jilid 2 : Sains Sosial, 31 Mei – 1 Jun 2004, Hotel Vistana, Kuantan, Pahang. (In Press) (2004)

Intumescent coating

Report on ‘Cellulosic passive fire protection fundamentals and structural fire design’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Inventive principles

Heating plates placement structure for optimal muscle stress relief with low power consumption. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 239-247. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Inventory control

Product-service solution inventory record for Malaysian palm oil argibusiness. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 4 (1). 8- 13. ISSN 2636-9575 (2020)

Inventory record

Product-service solution inventory record for Malaysian palm oil argibusiness. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 4 (1). 8- 13. ISSN 2636-9575 (2020)

Inverse kinematics

Inverse kinematics solution for a 6-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator based on FABRIK. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (2). pp. 71-83. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)


Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)


Aviation, aerospace industry hopes for tech-first policy in Budget 2023. [Newspaper] (2022)

Healthy bio industry. [Newspaper] (2014)


The Malaysian aerospace industry - soaring to new heights. [Website] (2012)

Bolstering Malaysia's aerospace sector via 12MP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Investments and collaborations

Turkish Aerospace opens first engineering, design office in Southeast Asia in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Smart parking system mobile application using ultrasonic detector. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 70-79. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Integrating retrofit IOT controller with electric power system for manual wheelchair. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 11 (1). pp. 113-125. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

IoT based approach on aquarium monitoring system with fish feeder automation. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 11 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT e-waste monitoring system to support smart city initiatives. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

IoT and sensor technology

#TECH: NEC bullish about demand for biometric authentication technology solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

IoT development

The trend of medical technology and healthcare engineering in the time of Covid-19. what is an engineer’s role? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

IoT networks

Review on IoT security and challenge in industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

IoT platform

Riverbank monitoring using image processing for early flood warning system via IoT. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 166-174. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

IoT technology

Talk on 5G mobile networks. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

#TECH: making cities smart. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ion exchange chromatography

Purification and partial characterization of L-asparaginase enzyme produced by newly isolated bacillus sp. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Ionic liquid

Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)


DBKL, Irrigation Dept to build underground water storage tunnel to overcome flash floods. [Newspaper] (2022)

Consultant to study proposed KL underground water storage to be appointed. [Newspaper] (2022)

Managing flood problems. [Newspaper] (2019)

Automatic irrigation system using wireless control. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Islamic perspectives

Energy efficiency awareness and practices based on islamic perspectives. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 20. pp. 159-170. ISSN 1675-6215 (2022)


Recycled tire isolator as earth quake resistance system for single storey building in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1823-7843 (2020)


Carbonized green mussel shell as heavy metal removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Iterative closest point (ICP)

Three dimension scanning using infrared coded light. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Johor sedia terajui penghasilan biodiesel. [Video] (2016)


Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)

Jabatan Alam Sekitar Terengganu

5 lagi kolam takungan air akan dibina libatkan 3 daerah di Terengganu. [Video] (2019)

Jalur lebar

Tingkat kelajuan jalur lebar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Jar test

Production and stability of myco-flocculants from lentinus squarrosulus RWF5 and simplicillium obclavatum RWF6 for reduction of water turbidity. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Jaringan industri

Pengkomersialan inovasi: jangan 'sampahkan' penyelidikan - Mustafa. [Website] (2022)

Jobs market

A head start in the oil and gas industry. [Newspaper] (2017)

Journal bearing

Predicting frictional losses generated by piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing for an internal combustion engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 54-67. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Jualan buku

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL: berlangsung di PWTC hingga 7 Mei. [Video] (2017)

Jualan tenaga elektrik

Rancang jual elektrik jana pendapatan masjid. [Newspaper] (2022)

Jurutera wanita

Kerjaya jurutera wanita lasak setanding lelaki. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)


Bekalan air: KASA setuju bina takungan air besar di Machang. [Video] (2022)

Kacip Fatimah

Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Kadar tarif elektrik

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kajian hidraulik

JPS jemput pakar, kenal pasti kawasan hakisan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kajian rintis

Kumbahan mentah mampu hasil gas butanol, etanol. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kampung Baru Badak

Perparitan sistem – kerja naik taraf dilaksanakan elak banjir. [Video] (2018)

Kandungan produk

Melaka Biotechnology Corporation 2015. [Video] (2015)

Kapok fiber

Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Karbon dioksida

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kawalan banjir

Melaka setuju wujudkan 2 projek Off River Storage. [Video] (2017)

Projek sistem perparitan utama kawalan banjir. [Video] (2021)

Kawalan radio

Inovasi aeroangkasa Malaysia. [Video] (2021)

Kawasan empangan

Kajian pembinaan sistem solar terapung mampu jana lebih 150 megawatt. [Video] (2022)

Kawasan industri

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Program pemuliharaan pendengaran. Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13946-8-7 (2017)

Kawasan luar bandar

Projek rintis lampu jalan kampung solar led. [Video] (2020)

Kawasan pesisir pantai

JPS jemput pakar, kenal pasti kawasan hakisan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kebersihan sungai

Hari Air Sedunia 2021: KASA fokus kebersihan sungai, sumber air utama. [Video] (2021)

Kecekapan tenaga

Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kecekapan tenaga (EE)

Berjaya jimatkan tenaga RM26.2 juta setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kediaman berbumbung

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kediaman mesra alam

Perbandaran lestari terbesar di Malaysia guna sistem PV. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kejuruteraan Perisian

Kepentingan bidang kejuruteraan perisian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kejuruteraan automotif

Belajar kejuruteraan automotif menerusi kereta nasional ketiga. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kejuruteraan genetik

Makanan diubahsuai secara genetik: adakah mendatangkan manfaat atau mengundang bahaya? Majalah Sains. ISSN 2682-8456 (2019)

Keladi bunting

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kelapa sawit

Malaysia hasilkan 100 juta tan biojisim pepejal setahun. [Newspaper] (2015)

MPOB cipta teknologi baharu rawat sisa akhir sawit. [Newspaper] (2021)


Siti Juita Mastura aktif cipta dron. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kemahiran industri

Bakal jurutera perlu proaktif persiap diri manfaatkan IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)


Quisy-SDS mempercepatkan proses pencarian maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia (Quisy-SDS accelerates the searching process of chemical safety datasheet). Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia (JURIM), 2 (2). pp. 123-139. ISSN 2600-7606 (2019)

Kempen inspirasi teknologi hijau

Kempen MyButterflyEffect - inisiatif Malaysia terajui penjanaan solar berskala besar. [Video] (2007)

Kenaf composite

Kenaf composites for automotive components. [Newspaper] (2014)

Kenderaan elektrik

Green Tech Malaysia sasar 300 stesen pengecas elektrik. [Video] (2016)

Kenderaan elektrik (EV)

MOSTI fokus kenderaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

PM lancar lembah automotif berteknologi tinggi tanjung malim. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kepakaran tempatan

Alumni UTeM ketua jurutera bangunkan kereta perisai bertaraf dunia. [Website]

Universiti perlu tingkat fungsi jadi pusat penyelidikan - Noraini. [Newspaper] (2022)

TTES Frontken peneraju kejuruteraan peralatan berputar sektor minyak dan gas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kereta Solar

Inovasi kereta solar & hidrogen pelajar uitm. [Video] (2020)

Kereta nasional

Belajar kejuruteraan automotif menerusi kereta nasional ketiga. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kereta perisai

Alumni UTeM ketua jurutera bangunkan kereta perisai bertaraf dunia. [Website]

Kerjaya jurutera

Kerjaya jurutera wanita lasak setanding lelaki. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Kernel function

Approximate function for unsteady aerodynamic kernel function of aeroelastic lifting surfaces. IUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Kesedaran masyarakat

Beri pendedahan awal budaya teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan latihan pekerja, pendaftaran pusat pengajar dan pengendalian kursus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di ruang terkurung. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1 (2008)

JPS jemput pakar, kenal pasti kawasan hakisan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Keselamatan elektrik

Keselamatan elektrik. [Phamplet]

Keselamatan pengguna

Elak pasaran domestik jadi tempat lambakan produk tidak berkualiti. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keselamatan penggunaan

Keselamatan elektrik. [Phamplet]

Keselamatan produk

Melaka Biotechnology Corporation 2015. [Video] (2015)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan latihan pekerja, pendaftaran pusat pengajar dan pengendalian kursus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di ruang terkurung. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1 (2008)

Kesihatan pekerja

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Panduan menjalankan penaksiran risiko bahan kimia berbahaya kepada kesihatan secara generik 2021. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-2-7 (2021)


Bakal jurutera perlu proaktif persiap diri manfaatkan IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Keeping up with the KPIs. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Khidmat masyarakat

Solar Orang Asli. [Video] (2018)

Kinematic modeling

Virtual prototype-based kinematic modeling and simulation of a multi-mode amphibious robot. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 246-256. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Carbonized green mussel shell as heavy metal removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Kinetic energy

Effective & versatile compressed air delivery – portable DC air compressor technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Kitar semula

Infografik sisa pepejal di Malaysia. [Video] (2021)


An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Solusi mesra alam guna lalat soldadu hitam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Klang Valley

Effects of poor communication in the construction industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 837-841. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Knowledge awareness

A study on knowledge and attitude of different level of education regarding biotechnology application in Malacca. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Melaka, Jasin, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2015)

Knowledge sharing

A head start in the oil and gas industry. [Newspaper] (2017)


Pengkomersialan inovasi: jangan 'sampahkan' penyelidikan - Mustafa. [Website] (2022)

Kolaborasi kepakaran

Teori, praktikal seiring. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kolam dwifungsi

Kolam takungan dwifungsi: atasi banjir, tingkat rizab margin air di Selangor. [Video] (2022)


Bakal jurutera perlu proaktif persiap diri manfaatkan IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Komponen pesawat

Industri aeroangkasa negara: sasar pendapatan RM55.2 bilion menjelang 2030. [Video] (2018)

Collins Aerospace perkukuh operasi MRO di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)


Manfaat penggunaan baja kompos. [Phamplet]


Enam telco setuju laksana 5G di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia berpotensi jadi hab pusat data di ASEAN. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kos baik pulih peralatan

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kos pemasangan

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kualiti makanan

Makanan diubahsuai secara genetik: adakah mendatangkan manfaat atau mengundang bahaya? Majalah Sains. ISSN 2682-8456 (2019)

Kualiti produk

Melaka Biotechnology Corporation 2015. [Video] (2015)

Kurang jejak karbon

Shell Malaysia pasang panel solar di 216 stesen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kutipan sampah berjadual

Pengurusan sisa pepejal – KDEB waste guna teknologi pintar. [Video] (2018)


Purification and partial characterization of L-asparaginase enzyme produced by newly isolated bacillus sp. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Elemental and chemical composition of moringa oleifera husk extracts. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 74-78. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

LED intensity

Influence of Light Emitting Diode (LED) on microalgae. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

LED lamps

Switching on LED. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 16-19. ISSN 2948-3603

LED wavelength

Influence of Light Emitting Diode (LED) on microalgae. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)


Evaluation of the W-metric routing using RPL protocol in LLNS. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Investigation of glass plate failure mechanism subjected to copper and steel projectile impacts. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Laboratory organic wastes

Supercritical water gasification as a treatment for laboratory organic waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 19-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Declining building materials price comforting, margins improving: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rehda: do more to address housing matters effectively. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rising construction costs to lead to an increase in house prices? [Newspaper] (2022)

Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rising steel costs to hamper construction targets. [Newspaper] (2021)

Headwinds in building materials price not huge risk for construction sector: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rehda will continue to offer quality, affordable homes, despite rising building material costs and a labour shortage. [Newspaper] (2022)

Lactic acid

Oil palm biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis: a recent biotechnological venture towards bio-based lactic acid production. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1287-1302. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Co-production of lactic acid and ethanol using Rhizopus sp. from hydrolyzed inedible cassava starch and leaves. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Ladang solar terapung

Berita Pagi: ladang solar terapung di Kelantan. [Video] (2021)

Kajian pembinaan sistem solar terapung mampu jana lebih 150 megawatt. [Video] (2022)

Lake Chini

Integrated lake basin management and its importance for Lake Chini and other lakes in Malaysia. Technical Report. Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2009)

Lake resources

Strategies for the sustainable development and management of lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia. Manual. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2009)


Tasik Chini: sustaining environmentally sensitive. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 41-45. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Preliminary assessment of lakes water quality status at campus area in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 42-49. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

National overview "the status of eutrophication of lakes in malaysia". In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 24-34. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Laminar flow

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Lampu jalan led

Projek rintis lampu jalan kampung solar led. [Video] (2020)

Land subsidence

Big groundwater projects can impact environment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Landfill operations

Transforming solid waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)


Using space remote sensing, MOSTI helps NADMA to analyse soil movement. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bukit Kukus soil structure not appropriate for development, says expert. [Newspaper] (2018)

AWAM for landslide real-time monitoring. [Website]

Evening talk on behavior and stability of cut slopes with special reference to Malaysia. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

A man-made disaster waiting to happen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Landslide management

Malaysia’s national slope master plan – from theory to practice. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 71-91. (2013)

Large Scale Solar (LSS)

Guidelines on large scale solar photovoltaic plant for connection to electricity networks. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Leading the nation towards sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic (LSSPV)

Strengthening supply: enhancing energy security through competitive bidding. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Large-scale solar (LSS)

TNB subsidiary secures RM185mil financing for solar project in Kedah. [Newspaper] (2022)

MNHB well positioned to win some large-scale solar projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Large-scale solar photovoltaic

40 per cent of Malaysia's energy supply will be renewable by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Late payment

Late payment practices in the Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 149-162. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric shrinkage properties review on gradation effect of compacted laterite soil liner. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Latihan sesuai

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan latihan pekerja, pendaftaran pusat pengajar dan pengendalian kursus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di ruang terkurung. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1 (2008)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on gas piping systems at launderettes and similar installations. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-08-9 (2020)

A wake-up call for launderettes. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)


A law for nanotechnology in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (2008)

Layer thickness

The effect of layer thickness on repeatability of 3D printed PLA parts produced using openware 3D printer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Leachate treatment plants

Transforming solid waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)


Investigation of internal gas leakage on the gate valve using acoustic signal. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Lean construction

Level of awareness on lean thinking concept in construction among higher learning students in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 94-107. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Lean management

Level of awareness on lean thinking concept in construction among higher learning students in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 94-107. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Lebuh raya

Pan Borneo: jaringan emas nusantara. [Video] (2022)

Lebuhraya Pan Borneo

Lebuh raya Pan Borneo-fasa pertama dijangka siap menjelang 2023. [Video] (2020)


A review on genetically engineered natural coagulant based on moringa oleifera for turbidity removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Legal challenges

Nanotechnology in cosmetics: the legal challenges in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2008)

Legal metrology

Enhancing legal metrology through digitalisation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian chosen to lead Asia Pacific Legal Metrology grouping. [Newspaper] (2021)

Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS)

Dua insiden pencemaran sungai dikesan minggu ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Lembah Automotif Berteknologi Tinggi

PM lancar lembah automotif berteknologi tinggi tanjung malim. [Newspaper] (2022)

Lentinus squarrosulu

Production and stability of myco-flocculants from lentinus squarrosulus RWF5 and simplicillium obclavatum RWF6 for reduction of water turbidity. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Level of knowledge

Level of awareness on lean thinking concept in construction among higher learning students in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 94-107. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Life support devices

Defibrillators– the final choice to saving lifes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Lifting equipment

Guideline for offshore floating facilities (GOFF). Manual. Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur.

Lifting surface

Approximate function for unsteady aerodynamic kernel function of aeroelastic lifting surfaces. IUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Ligand-enzyme complex

Role of substrate binding on the protein dynamics of an endoglucanase from fusarium oxysporum at different temperatures. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 307-314. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Safety characteristics of motorcycle lighting. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Prevalence study of motorcycle lightings and conspicuity. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Lighting control

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Lighting cycle

Switching on LED. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 16-19. ISSN 2948-3603

Lighting design

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Lighting power density

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)


Unravel the extent of the existence of positive ground flash in Malaysia. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8 (1.1): 26. pp. 166-169. ISSN 2347 - 3983 (2020)

Lightning protection standards

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)

Lightning strikes

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)


Consolidation integrated buoyancy equation for soft ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Lightweight aggregate

Mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using palm oil clinker: an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 254-264. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Lightweight aggregate concrete

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Lightweight concrete

Properties of concrete containing blended cement and lightweight artificial aggregate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 2600-9498 (2020)

Thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete block with various cooling agent. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 131-139. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using palm oil clinker: an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 254-264. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)


Static and dynamic behaviour of Kuala Lumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Engineering geology in Malaysia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 64. pp. 65-79. ISSN 2637-109X (2017)

Limpahan air

Kerajaan disaran bina sistem aliran air bawah tanah dari empangan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Line balancing

Modelling and optimization of energy efficient assembly line balancing using modified moth flame optimizer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Line follow

Autonomous agriculture robot for monitoring plant using internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)


Hybrid extendable linear actuators: design and applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Linear Configuration

Dual elements isolated magnetic dipole MIMO antenna with semi circular slot structure for isolation enhancement. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Linear programming

Optimal biomass transportation model. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Linear quadratic regulator

Tracking control of an electro-hydraulic actuator system using LQR-ZPETC controller. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric shrinkage properties review on gradation effect of compacted laterite soil liner. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Liquid cooling

Simulation battery cooling system for small scale electric vehicle (light EV). Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Liquid electrolytes

Nanocomposite polymer gel electrolyte based on LiBOB-cellulose acetate for lithium-oxygen battery. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Liquid media

PEDOT: PSS–modified platinum microelectrodes for measurements in aqueous media: effect of polymer surface area on long-term anodic peak current stability. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Lithium-Oxygen battery

Nanocomposite polymer gel electrolyte based on LiBOB-cellulose acetate for lithium-oxygen battery. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Lithium-ion battery

New battery model integrating the internal resistance as a function of temperature. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Rechargeable battery system for small scale electric vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Load profiles

Voltage and load profiles estimation of distribution network using independent component analysis. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Local aerospace companies

The Malaysian aerospace industry - soaring to new heights. [Website] (2012)

Local innovations

NTIS powers tech innovation for Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Malaysia's first locally-produced locomotive by SMH Rail ready for export. [Newspaper] (2021)

Log Pearson Type III

Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Logam berat

Aduan Rakyat | 5 tan sisa e-waste dibawa keluar. [Video] (2020)

Kempen e-waste bantu kurangkan risiko kesihatan, lestarikan alam sekitar. [Video] (2016)

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Mobile e-waste. [Video] (2015)

SPM - e-waste. [Video] (2021)

Sabtu terakhir setiap bulan sebagai hari e-waste. [Video] (2021)

Kitar semula e-sisa kerana ada logam berharga. [Newspaper] (2022)

Logistic growth model

Chlorella vulgaris logistic growth kinetics model in high concentrations of aqueous ammonia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Logistics efficiency

Petronas, Aerodyne team up to commercialise drone-based solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Logistics industry

Drone technology: taking off from Greater KL. [Newspaper] (2022)

Loji Rawatan Air (LRA)

Dua insiden pencemaran sungai dikesan minggu ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Loji rawatan air

Teknologi IR 4.0 kurangkan kos operasi rawatan air. [Newspaper] (2022)

Long term evolution-advanced

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Lori compactor

Smart waste solution – Selangor jadi perintis. [Video] (2018)


Simulation of lovastatin production in solid-state fermentation via oil palm frond. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Low Carbon Mobility

Malaysia moves towards low carbon mobility. Energy Malaysia, 22. p. 45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Low carbon energy

Malaysia targeting 40 per cent renewable energy by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Low carbon mobility

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Low carbon mobility blueprint 2021-2030: decarbonizing land transportation. 1st ed. Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19266-7-3 (2021)

Low energy

Thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete block with various cooling agent. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 131-139. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Low-carbon nation

Successful collaborations in pursuit of net-zero emmissions. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 70-73. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Low-fidelity model

Feasibility study of surrogate model for the application of vehicle suspension system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Lower electricity

Energy minister: buy energy-efficient products, help reduce carbon emissions. [Website]

Lubang gerek

Teknologi pelupusan lubang gerek: penyelesaian sisa DSRS bagi negara bukan kuasa nuklear. i-Nuklear (2). pp. 14-17. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)


Lynas' proposed PDF construction site to remain in Gebeng, says Dr Adham. [Newspaper] (2021)

Lynas helps M'sia become industry leader in rare earth processing. [Newspaper] (2020)


MADA- Sistem Pengairan Tertier dilaksana hujung tahun 2016. [Video] (2016)


Environmental degradation of durian skin nanofibre biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Voltage instability analysis for electrical power system using voltage stabilty margin and modal analysis. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3 (3). pp. 655-662. ISSN 2502-4752 (2016)


Simulation battery cooling system for small scale electric vehicle (light EV). Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)


Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)


Satelit kelapan negara dilancar ke orbit dari Kourou. [Newspaper] (2022)

MEMS SAW resonator

MEMS-based oscillators: a review. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

MEMS based oscillator

MEMS-based oscillators: a review. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


Dual elements isolated magnetic dipole MIMO antenna with semi circular slot structure for isolation enhancement. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)


Industri aeroangkasa – Malaysia ingin jadi peneraju di Asia Tenggara. [Video] (2018)

Kepesatan sektor pertahanan & komersial – MITI antara penggerak sektor aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

Platform Malaysia bukti kemampuan industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

UPM dan MAB jalin MOU dalam bidang aeroangkasa. [Video] (2020)

MWCNTs-PPy film

Electrochemical properties of MWCNTs-polypyrrole nanocomposite films prepared by AC-EPD technique. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)


Elemental and chemical composition of moringa oleifera husk extracts. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 74-78. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Machine design

Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Machine learning

#TECH: can Malaysia make an impact in the space tech industry? [Newspaper] (2022)

Machine vision

Shape classification of harumanis mango using discriminant analysis (DA) and support vector machine (SVM). Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Guidelines for registration of persons with the chief inspector of factories and machinery as tower crane, passenger & material hoist, working platform and gondola competent persons. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Guidelines for the factories and machinery. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2014)

Machinery and equipment

Malaysia’s machinery & equipment and engineering supporting industries. [Phamplet]


More markets to be equipped with robo-tech. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rise of the machines: is Malaysia ready? [Newspaper] (2017)


Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Machining performance

Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Magnetic properties

Investigation of magnetic properties for different coil sizes of dynamic wireless charging dads for Electric Vehicles (EV). IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Obtaining hysteresis loops at low frequency for characterization of materials to be used in biomedical applications. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (1). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)


Magnitude and frequency of floods in Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Magnitude and frequency

Magnitude and frequency of floods in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1987)

Mahkota Dewa

Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Energy consumption info via web portal/ myTNB app. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Safety first! seminar on electrical design installation & safety first for lasting cable. Energy Malaysia, 17. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Collins Aerospace expands MRO facilities in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Maintenance requirements

Defibrillators– the final choice to saving lifes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)


Revisiting the financial issues and the impact to construction projects in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Developed nation in 2020: Malaysia’s road safety and modernization threats. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Prevalence study of motorcycle lightings and conspicuity. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Malaysian Peat

Geotechnical challenges with Malaysian peat. In: The School of Computing and Technology 2nd Annual Conference, 2007, 2007, London. (In Press) (2007)

Malaysian construction industry

Modeling dispute management in construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Malaysian industries

#TECH: Universal robots reveals smaller footprint cobot for Malaysian industries. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian standard

Preliminary assessment of lakes water quality status at campus area in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 42-49. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Malaysia’s energy policies

An analysis of energy mix in Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Malaysia's existing energy policy. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Mango seed

Biodegradation of mango seed starch films in soil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 258-267. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Mangrove forest

Coastal zone stabilisation, restoration and enhancement through mangrove forest establishment. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Mangrove trees

Revitalising mother nature: the energy commission commits to a greener Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 49. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Mann-Kendall (MK)

Impacts of climate change on rainfall trends under RCP scenarios in Johor, Malaysia. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 272-280. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Development of QPEC (Questionnaires Package for Engineering Curriculum) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to analyse the survey [case study: Market survey for curriculum development of Bachelor Engineering (hons) in Mechanical (Manufacturing)]. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2006)


Huge potential in electric vehicles. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)


12MP: Serba Dinamik ready for aerospace industry challenge. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kenaf composites for automotive components. [Newspaper] (2014)

Malaysia auto industry: tapping on new areas of opportunities. [Website]

The Malaysian aerospace industry - soaring to new heights. [Website] (2012)

Malaysia's aerospace sector growing faster, players hope budget support momentum. [Newspaper] (2022)

Recent developments on computer aided fixture design: case based reasoning approaches. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1687-8140 (2014)

Opportunities and constraints of virtual reality application in international and domestic car companies of Malaysia. In: UKSim 14th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. IEEE Xplore, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 273-277. ISBN 978-0-7695-4682-7 (2012)

CTRM weighs in on encouraged demand for aircraft globally. [Newspaper] (2018)

Collins Aerospace expands MRO facilities in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Strand Aerospace focuses on design-and-build capability. [Newspaper] (2019)

Manufacturing facility

Volvo Car Malaysia plans to produce first locally-assembled EV in Shah Alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

China's EVE Energy to build US$422.3mil battery plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Manufacturing operations

The journey to green: MSPI goes the distance in adopting RE technology. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Manufacturing processes

Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Grooming engineers for smart manufacturing. [Newspaper] (2019)

Manufacturing program

Development of QPEC (Questionnaires Package for Engineering Curriculum) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to analyse the survey [case study: Market survey for curriculum development of Bachelor Engineering (hons) in Mechanical (Manufacturing)]. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2006)

Manufacturing sector

Time to rethink Consumption and the 3Rs. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 46-48. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Manufacturing systems

Modelling and optimization of energy efficient assembly line balancing using modified moth flame optimizer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Manufacturing technology

Huge potential in electric vehicles. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)


Systematic literature review of role of applied geomatics in mapping and tracking corona virus. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 251-256. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


One day seminar on energy saving with advance motor control & protection technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Marine renewable energy

Harnessing ocean resources for sustainable energy transitions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Mass irregularity

Dynamic characteristics evaluation on portable steel frame due to mass irregularities. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)

MBAM disappointed, not much for construction industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Material costs

Rising construction costs to lead to an increase in house prices? [Newspaper] (2022)

Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost. [Newspaper] (2022)

Steep hike in prices of building materials prompts MBAM to call for immediate govt intervention. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rising steel costs to hamper construction targets. [Newspaper] (2021)

Headwinds in building materials price not huge risk for construction sector: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Material properties

Mechanical and failure analysis of multi-materials adhesive joining. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 160-166. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Materials price

Declining building materials price comforting, margins improving: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rehda: do more to address housing matters effectively. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rehda will continue to offer quality, affordable homes, despite rising building material costs and a labour shortage. [Newspaper] (2022)

Mathematical thinking

A grounded-theory study of civil engineering design practice in Malaysia. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146 (2): 04019004. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2643-9115 (2020)

Maximum-largest weighted delay first (M-LWDF)

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Tingkat kelajuan jalur lebar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Mechanical design

Design concept of a motorcycle secondary electronic lock. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2600-7916 (2021)

Mechanical properties

Electrical and mechanical properties of silicone Electrical Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) filled carbon black treated with 3-aminotriethoxysilane at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using palm oil clinker: an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 254-264. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Mechanical properties of concrete contains waste tires exposed to high temperature. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 221-231. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Evaluation of functionally graded architecture using fused filament fabrication technique for bone scaffold applications. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

The optimum replacement of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the compressive and splitting tensile strength of the concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Mechanization practices

Investigating soil trafficability in kerian paddy areas. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2008)

Medical application

Design and analysis of flexible bow-tie antenna for medical application. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Medical devices

Export growth in medical devices driven by innovation. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (3). pp. 12-13. (2021)

Weathering the pandemic: Malaysia’s medical devices industry at global frontline. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (2). pp. 7-9. (2021)

The trend of medical technology and healthcare engineering in the time of Covid-19. what is an engineer’s role? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Medical devices industry

Export growth in medical devices driven by innovation. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (3). pp. 12-13. (2021)

Weathering the pandemic: Malaysia’s medical devices industry at global frontline. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (2). pp. 7-9. (2021)

Medical devices manufacturers

Export growth in medical devices driven by innovation. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (3). pp. 12-13. (2021)

Weathering the pandemic: Malaysia’s medical devices industry at global frontline. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (2). pp. 7-9. (2021)

Medical technology

The trend of medical technology and healthcare engineering in the time of Covid-19. what is an engineer’s role? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)


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Medium size of sediment

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Medium-sized tire

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Mega-Tall buildings

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Menara ikonik

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Mengitar semula

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Mercury management

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Mercury removal

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Mesh quality

Study of MESH quality improvement for CFD analysis of an airfoil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Mesin cetakan baju

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Mesra alam

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Mesra alam sekitar

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Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

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Metal injection moulding

A review of metal injection moulding on WC-Co cemented carbide comprised of Grain Growth Inhibitors (GGI). Journal of Science and Technology, 14 (1). pp. 84-101. ISSN 2229-8460 (2022)

Metal pushing V-belt

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Metal thickness

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Metallic coated steel

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Meter pintar

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Metering scheme

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Metering station

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Methanol reforming

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Methylene Blue (MB)

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Methylene blue

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Microalgae bioenergy

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Microalgae growth

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Microbial fuel cell

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Microcontroller arduino

Automated recycle dustbin system with GSM module for waste management. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 56-64. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Microelectronics technologies

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Microplatinum electrode

PEDOT: PSS–modified platinum microelectrodes for measurements in aqueous media: effect of polymer surface area on long-term anodic peak current stability. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


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Microstrip Yagi antenna

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Microwave assisted extraction

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Microwave oven

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Microwave-assisted process

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Middle box muffler

Optimization of backpressure in exhaust muffler for automobile. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)


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Mineral industries

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Mini Hydro Elektrik

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Minimizing energy

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Minimum quantity lubricants (MQL)

Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


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Minyak kapal terbang

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Minyak kelapa sawit

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Minyak sawit

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Missile simulation

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Mixed culture

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Mixed-development project

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Mobile Network

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Mobile application

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Mobile broadband

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Mobile communication

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Mobile phone application

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Mobile radio

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Mobile security

Development of a lock biometric authentication system for a battery powered locking device. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Mobile telecommunications

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Modal analysis

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Mode shape

Aeroelastic flutter analysis of supersonic wing with multiple external stores. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Dynamic characteristics evaluation on portable steel frame due to mass irregularities. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Model pesawat RC

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Modeled cleanroom

Internet of things monitoring system of a modeled cleanroom. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 7-14. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


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Modified epoxy

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Modulus of elasticity

Influence of hardener / resin ratio towards frictional properties of fibre-reinforced epoxy composite laminates. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 6-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

The properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and expanded polystyrene beads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 78-86. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Molds contamination

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Molds remediation

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Molecular dynamicssimulations

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Monascus pigment

Optimization of red pigment production by monascus purpureus FTC 5356 using response surface methodology. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 34-47. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Monitor reach area

Optimization of power quality monitors in transmission system network. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 6-10. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)


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Monitoring strategy

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Monitoring system

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Monsun timur laut

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Moringa oleifera

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Moringa oleifera seeds

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Moringa oleifera seeds oil

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Morison’s equation

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Moth flame optimization

Modelling and optimization of energy efficient assembly line balancing using modified moth flame optimizer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Moth flame optimization (MFO) algorithm

Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Motion planning

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Motion tracking system

Design an interfacing tracking system in rehabilitation therapies between the elbow joint of the human arm and the prosthetic arm. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 54-60. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Motor soft starting

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Motor vehicle

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Motorcycle anti-theft lock

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Motorcycle detection

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Motorcycle disk brake lock

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Motorcycle muffler

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Mould design

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Moulding mixture

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Movement control orders

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Multi-storey house

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Finite element modelling for fracture of multilayer fibrous networks. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 117-122. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Multilayer Perceptron

Neural network based system identification for quadcopter dynamic modelling: a review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (2). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Multilayered absorber

Performance evaluation of solar collectors using a solar simulator. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)


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Multiple linear regression (MLR)

Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Multiple neural networks

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Design and analysis performance of fixed wing VTOL UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Musa acuminata

Extraction and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid from banana peel Musa acuminata ‘Kepok’. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (1). pp. 103-114. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Musa sp

Recovery of the biological active compounds of Musa Sp. through microwave assisted extraction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Musculoskeletal disorder

Ergonomics evaluation for turning machinists in oil and gas industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 55-61. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Mussel shell ash

Potential volumizing effect of the post-morph lime filler in attenuating concrete carbonation. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


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NACA 23012

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NEDC consumption

Parallel hybrid electric vehicle simulation model using energetic macroscopic representation method. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

NEM scheme

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Nanocellulose fiber

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Nanocomposite polymer

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Nanomaterials production

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Nanotechnology development

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Nanotechnology products

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Nanotiub karbon

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National Investment Aspirations (NIA)

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National Measurement System Act 2007

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National Planet Health Action Plan (PTKPN)

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National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan (NREPAP)

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National aspiration

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National car project

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National grid infrastructure

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National nanotechnology

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Natural carbonation

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Natural coagulant

A review on genetically engineered natural coagulant based on moringa oleifera for turbidity removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Natural disaster

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Kemaman flood management system, wins award in Geneva. [Newspaper] (2016)

Natural gas

Advocating reliable & quality supply in the gas industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 32-34. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Natural gas distribution

Expanding the gas supply network. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 24-26. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Natural gas industry

Guidelines for setting up custody transfer metering station at entry and exit points. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Natural groundwater

Big groundwater projects can impact environment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Natural protection

Coastal zone stabilisation, restoration and enhancement through mangrove forest establishment. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Natural resources

Coastal zone stabilisation, restoration and enhancement through mangrove forest establishment. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Natural slopes

Evening talk on behavior and stability of cut slopes with special reference to Malaysia. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Natural solution

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)


The tendency of nature towards hexagon shape formation due to minimizing surface energy. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 40-47. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Negara neutral karbon

PM lancar lembah automotif berteknologi tinggi tanjung malim. [Newspaper] (2022)


Projek empangan hidroelektrik Nenggiri. [Video] (2021)

Net Energy Metering

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation on net energy metering scheme. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Positive response for NOVA programme. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 38-40. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Net Energy Metering (NEM)

Call to invest in the sun. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Leading the energy sector through uncertainty. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Net energy metering

Malaysia’s solar sector on the rise. [Website] (2019)

Nem 3.0 shines brighter light on solar growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2590-4000

Skim pajakan panel solar jimatkan kos pemasangan dan bil bulanan. [Video] (2022)

Transforming Malaysia into a serious solar player. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)

Net energy metering (NEM)

Annualized electricity cost of residential solar PV system under Malaysia’s NEM scheme. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 50-54. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Net offset virtual aggregations (NOVA) programme

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation under net offset virtual aggregations (NOVA) programme for Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Net-Energy Metering (NEM)

Green library in a garden. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 27-29. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)


Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)

Network technologies

A survey on Internet of Vehicle (IoV): applications & comparison of VANETs ,IoV and SDN-IoV. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 26-31. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Neural Network

Neural network based system identification for quadcopter dynamic modelling: a review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (2). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Neural network

New approach to predict fecal coliform removal for storm water biofilters application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 58-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Neutral karbon

Cerita Pagi Johor: UiTM menjana tenaga solar dalam mencapai tahap neutral karbon. [Video] (2022)

Ekonomi | Malaysia tumpu teknologi hijau, sasar negara neutral karbon 2050. [Video] (2021)

Berjaya jimatkan tenaga RM26.2 juta setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Beri pendedahan awal budaya teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

New norm

Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)


Characteristics of vehicle headway during rainfall at night in Pontian,Johor. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 59-74. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


A review of wastewater bacterial bio oxidation: mechanisms, reactions, and behaviors. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


Automotive real-time data acquisition using wi-fi connected embedded system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Noise measurement

In-situ noise measurement and analysis for the motorcycle muffler. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 44-53. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Transforming solid waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Non-destructive test

The behavior of non-destructive test for different grade of concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Non-real time

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Non-static vehicle

Froude number variance with respect to the hydrodynamic response of a non-static vehicle on a low-lying flooded roadway. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Nonlinear vehicle longitudinal model

Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Nozzle height

Morphology and electrical characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes film prepared by air brush technique. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 273-279. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Teknologi pelupusan lubang gerek: penyelesaian sisa DSRS bagi negara bukan kuasa nuklear. i-Nuklear (2). pp. 14-17. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)

Nuklear Malaysia

Pengurusan sisa radioaaktif di Malaysia, selamat atau tidak? i-Nuklear (2). pp. 2-9. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)

Numbering system

Hydrological station numbering system. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Numerical analysis

Predicting frictional losses generated by piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing for an internal combustion engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 54-67. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)


Makanan diubahsuai secara genetik: adakah mendatangkan manfaat atau mengundang bahaya? Majalah Sains. ISSN 2682-8456 (2019)

OEM manufacturers

Push for more local aerospace players. [Newspaper] (2022)

Objective function

Evaluation of the W-metric routing using RPL protocol in LLNS. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Obstacle avoidance

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Occupational disorders

Talk on ergonomics awareness. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)


Identification of pharmaceutical residues in treated sewage effluents in Johor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 165-173. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Ocean resources

Harnessing ocean resources for sustainable energy transitions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Off River Storage

Melaka setuju wujudkan 2 projek Off River Storage. [Video] (2017)


Guidelines for registration of competent firm (petroleum contractor). Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Offshore structure

Design and analysis of fixed offshore structure – an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 503-520. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Oil and Gas Industry

A head start in the oil and gas industry. [Newspaper] (2017)

Oil and gas

Guideline for offshore floating facilities (GOFF). Manual. Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur.

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines in mercury management in oil and gas industry 2011. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-74-4 (2011)

Malaysia’s Petrochemical Industry. [Phamplet]

Oil and gas industry

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Meet Malaysia: investment opportunities in Asia’s oil and gas hub. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2020)

A projection of Malaysia’s energy landscape. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Oil and gas resources

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Oil and gas services company

SMTrack inks project management agreement for O&G safety product purchase. [Newspaper] (2022)

Oil and grease

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Oil drilling piping

One day seminar on energy saving with advance motor control & protection technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Oil extract

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction as a green technology for Chromolaena odorata leaves. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Oil palm frond

Oil palm biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis: a recent biotechnological venture towards bio-based lactic acid production. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1287-1302. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)

Optimization of red pigment production by monascus purpureus FTC 5356 using response surface methodology. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 34-47. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Simulation of lovastatin production in solid-state fermentation via oil palm frond. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Oil palm frond fibers

Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Oil palm industry

Investing in Malaysia's oleochemicals. [Newspaper] (2022)

Oil palm residues

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)

Oil palm shell

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Oil tests

Talk on transformer predicted maintenance and diagnostic through insulating oil. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Oleo chemical

The challenges of a biodiesel implementation program in Malaysia. Processes, 8 (10): 1244. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2227-9717 (2020)


Use palm oil as a primary ingredient in soap formulations, MPOB encourages entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2022)

How oleochemicals production is contributing to the palm oil industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Making RSPO work throughout the supply chain. In: MPOB International Palm Oil Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. (2021)

Oleochemical products

Investing in Malaysia's oleochemicals. [Newspaper] (2022)


Kerajaan fokus kembangkan industri oleokimia. [Newspaper] (2022)


Review of on-road approaching motorcycle detection and tracking techniques. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

One-key system

Development of a lock biometric authentication system for a battery powered locking device. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Guidelines for registration of competent firm (petroleum contractor). Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)


Study of MESH quality improvement for CFD analysis of an airfoil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams with openings in the shear zones. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Operates efficiently

Keeping up with the KPIs. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Operating hours

BMAM hopes state government can extend operating hours for construction sites. [Newspaper] (2021)

Operational and maintenance

One day seminar on technology & selection of cast resin transformer. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Operational efficiency

Malaysia's first locally-produced locomotive by SMH Rail ready for export. [Newspaper] (2021)

Operational system

The digital revolution: the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 18-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)


Effects of pH, dosage and contact time on boron removal from synthetic saline water using moringa oleifera seeds. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 12-24. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Harmonic source identification in power distribution system and meter placement using network impedance approach. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Optimum configuration

The optimum field configuration for active MASW survey on peat soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 121-130. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Organic sources

How oleochemicals production is contributing to the palm oil industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Organic wastes

Harvesting organic wastes for biogas-based energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 43-45. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Organisational efficiency

The digital revolution: the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 18-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Delivery and assessment method of bachelor of chemical engineering (environment) programme during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Practices in Teaching and Learning (IJPTL), 1 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2773-5826 (2021)


Managing groundwater sustainably. [Newspaper] (2019)

Overbank hydraulic

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)


Big groundwater projects can impact environment. [Newspaper] (2022)


Initial study on safety hazards by heavy transportation on Malaysian roads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (4). pp. 339-349. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Own electricity

Green library in a garden. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 27-29. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)


Rising interest in electric vehicles in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Oxidation of aluminium alloy

Characteristics of oxide layer formed on the aluminium (LM6) alloy and aluminium (ADC12) alloy during in-situ melting. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 61-73. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Oxidation pond

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)


Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL: berlangsung di PWTC hingga 7 Mei. [Video] (2017)

PDF construction

Lynas' proposed PDF construction site to remain in Gebeng, says Dr Adham. [Newspaper] (2021)


PEDOT: PSS–modified platinum microelectrodes for measurements in aqueous media: effect of polymer surface area on long-term anodic peak current stability. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 11-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Bidang geologi jadi tumpuan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2017)

PID controller

Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Simulation and control of door lock system using PID controller. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Sliding mode controller of automatic braking system. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 88-108. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)


Influence of metallic strip reinforcement length and retained soil properties on the reinforced earth walls stability. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)


Influence of metallic strip reinforcement length and retained soil properties on the reinforced earth walls stability. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)


Reverse engineer 5 degrees of freedom robot arm using programmable logic controller. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 42-47. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)


Biogas production under different inoculum to palm oil mill effluent ratio. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1265-1269. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)


Enhanced dielectric properties of filled PVDF/MgO polymer nanocomposite. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2015)

Packaging solutions

Littering, not plastic, harms environment. [Newspaper] (2016)

Packet scheduling

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Pahang river basin

Integrated lake basin management and its importance for Lake Chini and other lakes in Malaysia. Technical Report. Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2009)


How to protect your assets with the right paint system. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Palm biodiesel

The national biofuel policy. [Website]

Palm kernel shell

Adsorption of Rhodamine B by palm kernel shell adsorbents. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Palm methyl ester

B20 is the better fuel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Palm oil

Use palm oil as a primary ingredient in soap formulations, MPOB encourages entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2022)

The challenges of a biodiesel implementation program in Malaysia. Processes, 8 (10): 1244. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2227-9717 (2020)

Use oil palm biomass as feedstock for "green" jet fuel: Transport Minister. [Newspaper] (2022)

How oleochemicals production is contributing to the palm oil industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

PM: Malaysia to be positioned as biomass hub. [Newspaper] (2022)

Comparison of biodiesel properties produced from moringa oleifera seeds oil and palm oil. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 36-44. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Making RSPO work throughout the supply chain. In: MPOB International Palm Oil Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. (2021)

Palm oil ashes

Characterization of palm oil ashes (POA) under impulse. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Palm oil biomass

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Palm oil clinker

Palm oil clinker as drainage layer in green roof system under Malaysia climatic conditions. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using palm oil clinker: an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 254-264. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Effects of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregates replacement in self curing concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete using coarse palm oil clinker. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Palm oil fuel ash

Geotechnical assessment of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) mixed with granite residual soil for hydraulic barrier purposes. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

The properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and expanded polystyrene beads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 78-86. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Palm oil mill effluent

Bioelectrochemical behavior of wild type bacillus cereus in dual chamber microbial fuel cell. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Adsorption of heavy metals and residual oil from palm oil mill effluent using a novel adsorbent of alginate and mangrove composite beads coated with chitosan in a packed bed column. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Microalgae a new potential to mitigate carbon footprint. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sustainable treatment of waste water from agro-food industry. Technical Report. The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (2021)

Nutrients and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removals by microalgae–bacteria co-culture system in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 22-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Palm oil plantation

Product-service solution inventory record for Malaysian palm oil argibusiness. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 4 (1). 8- 13. ISSN 2636-9575 (2020)

Palm oil products

Indonesian firms rushing to catch oleochemicals train. [Newspaper] (2014)

Palm oil waste

NextGreen inks MoU to set 20 collection centres for palm oil waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

Palm shell clinker

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Palm waste

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Palm-based soaps

Use palm oil as a primary ingredient in soap formulations, MPOB encourages entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pam air

DBKL peruntuk RM88 juta untuk sistem perparitan dan pam banjir. [Video] (2015)

Pan Borneo

Pan Borneo: jaringan emas nusantara. [Video] (2022)

Panel solar

Panel solar. [Video] (2021)

Skim pajakan panel solar jimatkan kos pemasangan dan bil bulanan. [Video] (2022)

Shell Malaysia pasang panel solar di 216 stesen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Panel solar bumbung

Malaysia lokasi solar terbesar Intel di luar AS. [Newspaper] (2021)

Proton lancar inisiatif tenaga solar, jimat bil elektrik RM4.39j setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kilang PROTON Tanjung Malim manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rancang jual elektrik jana pendapatan masjid. [Newspaper] (2022)

Panel solar dwi muka

Proton lancar inisiatif tenaga solar, jimat bil elektrik RM4.39j setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kilang PROTON Tanjung Malim manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Paras air

Manfaat teknologi amaran awal banjir selamatkan mangsa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Parit simen

Perparitan sistem – kerja naik taraf dilaksanakan elak banjir. [Video] (2018)

Parking lot rooftop panel

Green library in a garden. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 27-29. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Parking system

Smart parking system mobile application using ultrasonic detector. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 70-79. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Partial characterization

Purification and partial characterization of L-asparaginase enzyme produced by newly isolated bacillus sp. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Partial replacement

Utilization of cockle shell(Anadara granosa) powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement brick. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Partial submergence

Froude number variance with respect to the hydrodynamic response of a non-static vehicle on a low-lying flooded roadway. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Particle image velocimetry

Settlement measurement of soft soil by close range photogrammetry and particle image velocimetry technique. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 15-24. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Particle swarm optimization

Sliding mode controller of automatic braking system. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 88-108. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)


Johor taps idle land for biotech projects. [Newspaper] (2014)

Passive drag reduction

Review of passive drag reduction techniques for bluff road vehicles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Passive radar

Drone detection and classification using passive forward scattering radar. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 90-101. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Patch antenna

Miniturize flexible RFID antenna design using metamaterial structure. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 55-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Path loss modelling

Performance analysis of 5G path loss models for rural macro cell environment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 85-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Path tracking

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


Defibrillators– the final choice to saving lifes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Patient safety

Patient safety-the role of biomedical engineering. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2021)

Pattern recognition

Online system for automatic tropical wood recognition. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Pavement structure

Development of design guideline for rural low volume roads in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 29-35. (2013)


Pharmaniaga edar ubat paxlovid. [Video] (2022)

Peak inflow

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Peak outflow

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Peat soil

The optimum field configuration for active MASW survey on peat soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 121-130. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Peat soils

Geotechnical challenges with Malaysian peat. In: The School of Computing and Technology 2nd Annual Conference, 2007, 2007, London. (In Press) (2007)

Pedestrian protection

Pedestrian protection assessment in ASEAN NCAP: future consideration. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


Industri aeroangkasa negara: sasar pendapatan RM55.2 bilion menjelang 2030. [Video] (2018)

Industri aeroangkasa – Malaysia ingin jadi peneraju di Asia Tenggara. [Video] (2018)

Kepesatan sektor pertahanan & komersial – MITI antara penggerak sektor aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

Keupayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2018)

Platform Malaysia bukti kemampuan industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

Program solar berskala besar oleh industri elektrik Malaysia. [Video] (2020)

Sektor aeroangkasa bakal jana RM30 bilion. [Video] (2021)

Senior Aerospace UPECA – fasiliti aerospace yang pertama. [Video] (2018)

Pelaburan tenaga solar

Tenaga solar: penglibatan aktif syarikat tempatan diperlukan. [Video] (2019)

Pelepasan karbon

AmBank kurangkan jejak karbon penggunaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sumbangan SEDA Malaysia dalam tenaga lestari. [Website]


The effects of additives on the pelletization of raw and torrefied food waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology (JCEIB), 7 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Peluang pekerjaan

Biz Malaysia - kejayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2016)

Keupayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2018)

Platform Malaysia bukti kemampuan industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2019)

UPM dan MAB jalin MOU dalam bidang aeroangkasa. [Video] (2020)

Kepentingan bidang kejuruteraan perisian. [Newspaper] (2020)


Aduan Rakyat | 5 tan sisa e-waste dibawa keluar. [Video] (2020)

Kempen e-waste bantu kurangkan risiko kesihatan, lestarikan alam sekitar. [Video] (2016)

Kitar semula | 'e-waste' bahayakan kesihatan dan alam sekitar. [Video] (2020)

Mobile e-waste. [Video] (2015)

SPM - e-waste. [Video] (2021)

Sabtu terakhir setiap bulan sebagai hari e-waste. [Video] (2021)

Pembangunan aplikasi

Kepentingan bidang kejuruteraan perisian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembangunan lestari

Beri pendedahan awal budaya teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pembangunan tenaga solar

Projek solar: pemangkin pembangunan Kedah Anchor. [Video] (2018)

Pembelian tenaga

Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pembuangan haram

Waspada dengan bahan kimia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pembuatan pesawat

Biz Malaysia - kejayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2016)

Pemerolehan fasiliti RE

TNB tingkat hala tuju kelestarian dengan ladang angin luar pesisir. [Newspaper] (2022)

Penaksiran risiko

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Panduan menjalankan penaksiran risiko bahan kimia berbahaya kepada kesihatan secara generik 2021. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-2-7 (2021)

Penampan kepala air

Pembinaan Empangan Sabo: dijangka siap hujung tahun ini. [Video] (2022)

Pencegahan kebakaran

5 lagi kolam takungan air akan dibina libatkan 3 daerah di Terengganu. [Video] (2019)


Tamak punca pencemaran alam sekitar. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pencemaran air

Pencemaran ammonia dalam sumber air dan kesannya. Buletin LUAS, Edisi Okt-Dis 2016. p. 14. (2014)

Urus sisa pepejal secara mampan, elak alam sekitar terbeban. [Newspaper] (2022)

Dua insiden pencemaran sungai dikesan minggu ini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Selangor pertingkat penggunaan dron pantau pencemaran sungai. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pencemaran kimia

Waspada dengan bahan kimia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pencemaran sungai

Kaedah hijau neutral pencemaran ammonia dalam air sungai. [Video] (2016)

Pendawaian elektrik

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan pendawaian elektrik pepasangan domestik. 3rd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-11-9 (2016)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Program pemuliharaan pendengaran. Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Bangi, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13946-8-7 (2017)

Pengangkutan awam

Jurutera tempatan perlu pelajari teknologi selenggara perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengangkutan darat

Lebuh raya Pan Borneo-fasa pertama dijangka siap menjelang 2023. [Video] (2020)

Pan Borneo: jaringan emas nusantara. [Video] (2022)


MITI-lulus RM100 ribu naik taraf sistem perparitan di Kg Bukit Raja Darat. [Video] (2021)

Pengeringan ikan masin

Inovasi rumah solar ikan masin. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pengilangan komponen

Landasan tepat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengilangan pintar

Kerjaya jurutera wanita lasak setanding lelaki. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Peninsular Malaysia

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation under the programme of NEM Rakyat and NEM GoMEn in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2021)

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2018. Manual. Energy Commission. (2018)

Guidelines on electricity tariff determination under incentive based regulation(IBR) for Peninsular Malaysia 2021. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2021)

Penjanaan kuasa solar

Kempen MyButterflyEffect - inisiatif Malaysia terajui penjanaan solar berskala besar. [Video] (2007)

Penjanaan tenaga

Berita Pagi: ladang solar terapung di Kelantan. [Video] (2021)

Pemeteran tenaga bersih: tenaga solar jimat kadar bil elektrik. [Video] (2019)

Malaysia-AS teroka tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia dalam perancangan peralihan tenaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penjimatan bil elektrik

Rancang jual elektrik jana pendapatan masjid. [Newspaper] (2022)

Penjimatan elektrik

Panel solar sumbang 25% penggunaan tenaga kilang. [Video] (2022)

UPM guna sistem solar hasilkan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Impak teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Shell Malaysia pasang panel solar di 216 stesen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Penjimatan tenaga

KAB pasang sistem tenaga PV di Mydin Tunjong. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia lokasi solar terbesar Intel di luar AS. [Newspaper] (2021)

Panel solar. [Video] (2021)

Proton lancar inisiatif tenaga solar, jimat bil elektrik RM4.39j setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kilang PROTON Tanjung Malim manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)


Jurutera tempatan perlu pelajari teknologi selenggara perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam. [Newspaper] (2022)


Pengkomersialan inovasi: jangan 'sampahkan' penyelidikan - Mustafa. [Website] (2022)

Universiti perlu tingkat fungsi jadi pusat penyelidikan - Noraini. [Newspaper] (2022)

Peoplecentric solutions

Mimos innovations. Retrospective 2020. pp. 10-15. (2020)

Pepasangan domestik

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan pendawaian elektrik pepasangan domestik. 3rd ed. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2085-11-9 (2016)

Peralatan aeroangkasa

Senior Aerospace UPECA – fasiliti aerospace yang pertama. [Video] (2018)

Peralatan berputar

TTES Frontken peneraju kejuruteraan peralatan berputar sektor minyak dan gas. [Newspaper] (2022)

Peralatan telekomunikasi

Malaysia dipilih jadi hab pembuatan peralatan 5G Ericsson. [Newspaper] (2022)

Peranti pintar

Tumpu kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Peraturan keselamatan

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Panduan menjalankan penaksiran risiko bahan kimia berbahaya kepada kesihatan secara generik 2021. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-19762-2-7 (2021)

Perfect absorber

Spectrum absorbency of metamaterial perfect absorber. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 215-222. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Perforated pipe

Optimization of backpressure in exhaust muffler for automobile. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)


Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Utilization of cockle shell(Anadara granosa) powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates in cement brick. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 161-168. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Periodic maintenance

Patient safety-the role of biomedical engineering. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2021)

Perisian minyak dan gas

UiTM terima perisian kejuruteraan kimia daripada Schlumberger. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perisian perindustrian

UiTM terima perisian kejuruteraan kimia daripada Schlumberger. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perkhidmatan kesihatan

Perkukuh solidariti kejuruteraan biomedikal hadapi cabaran baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Permanent disposal facility (PDF)

Lynas' proposed PDF construction site to remain in Gebeng, says Dr Adham. [Newspaper] (2021)


Investigation on different compositions of clay and water to the permeability of the silica sand used in greensand casting mould. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (4). pp. 749-752. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Perpindahan teknologi

Keupayaan Malaysia dalam industri aeroangkasa. [Video] (2018)

Perpustakaan awam

Cerita pagi selangor - program semarak membaca Selangor. [Video] (2021)

Persijilan Indeks Bangunan Hijau (GBI)

Shell Malaysia pasang panel solar di 216 stesen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Personal care industries

How oleochemicals production is contributing to the palm oil industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Personal protective equipment

Guidelines on the use of PPE against chemical hazards. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2005)

Pesta buku

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL: berlangsung di PWTC hingga 7 Mei. [Video] (2017)

Petrochemical industry

Malaysia’s Petrochemical Industry. [Phamplet]

Report on ‘Cellulosic passive fire protection fundamentals and structural fire design’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Petrochemical infrastructure

Malaysia’s Petrochemical Industry. [Phamplet]

Petrochemical wastewater

Peformance evaluation of petrochemical wastewater fed air-cathode microbial fuel cells using yeast biocatalyst. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 32-42. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Effect of mercury concentration and operating parameters on mercury removal using portable mercury removal rig for petrochemical wastewater. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 111-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Meet Malaysia: investment opportunities in Asia’s oil and gas hub. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2020)

Petroleum contractor

Guidelines for registration of competent firm (petroleum contractor). Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Petroleum engineering

Saiful Hakimi makes Malaysia proud. [Newspaper] (2019)

Petroleum engineering graduates

A head start in the oil and gas industry. [Newspaper] (2017)

Petroleum engineers

Prestigious award for aspiring petroleum engineers. [Newspaper] (2021)


Investing in Malaysia's oleochemicals. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pharmaceutical residues

Identification of pharmaceutical residues in treated sewage effluents in Johor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 165-173. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Pharmaceuticals as potential chemical markers in wastewater. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)

Pharmacology in nursing

UNSPECIFIED, ed. ASM position paper on precision medicine initiative in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-55-3 (2020)


Pharmaniaga edar ubat paxlovid. [Video] (2022)


Recovery of the biological active compounds of Musa Sp. through microwave assisted extraction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Photoshoot spot

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)


The hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator configurations for energy performance improvement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator

The hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator configurations for energy performance improvement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Physical injuries

Integrating retrofit IOT controller with electric power system for manual wheelchair. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 11 (1). pp. 113-125. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

Physical properties

Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical and morphological properties of single agave angustifolia fibre. Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2550-1917 (2021)


Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Piling works

Vibration criteria assessment due to piling works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 46-56. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Piped gas supply

A wake-up call for launderettes. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)


Effect of putty properties in repairing corroded pipeline: a finite element analysis. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 65-72. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Pipeline contractors

Expanding the gas supply network. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 24-26. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Pipeline works

Guidelines for registration of competent firm (petroleum contractor). Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)

Piston ring

Tribological analysis on the effect of heat transfer towards engine in-cylinder friction. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Planning and design phases

Causes of delay in the planning and design phases for public works department construction projects. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 481-502. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)


Automatic irrigation system using wireless control. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


Plastics and composites sector. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2018)

Plasma biomass

Technical talk on biomass & plasma technologies for sustainabilty. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Plastic bags

Littering, not plastic, harms environment. [Newspaper] (2016)

Plastic waste

Petronas chemicals teams up with KDEB waste management, One Biosys on supply of plastic waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

Why we need to shift to bioplastics. [Newspaper] (2021)

Plasticity index1.0

Evaluating the performance of unconfined compressive strength of trong clay stabilized with granite sludge. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 149-160. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Plastik sampah

KDEB Waste Management: pertama guna plastik sampah biodegradasi. [Video] (2018)

Platinum hijau

Merdeka 118 pencapaian hebat kejuruteraan negara. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2021)

Plotted curved

Stage discharge curves. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1976)

Point of reference

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Point-of-care testing (POCT)

Self-powered infusion micropump fabrication using xurography and thermal lamination techniques. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 39-46. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Poisson reconstruction

Three dimension scanning using infrared coded light. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)

Pole placement

Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Policy covers

Evening talk on “insurance in the construction industry”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)

Pollutant dispersion

CFD analysis of flow, pollutant dispersion and thermal effect in street canyons. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 99-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


River of life: public outreach programs. [Phamplet]


Electrochemical characterization of polylactic acid-block-poly (2-vinylpyridine)/gold nanoparticle composites for glucose biosensor development. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)

Miniturize flexible RFID antenna design using metamaterial structure. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 55-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Polyethylene skimmer

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Effect on thermal properties of Nanocellulose Fibre (NCF) reinforced biodegradable Polyhydroxylalkanoates (PHA) composite. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 10-13. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Polylactic acid

Electrochemical characterization of polylactic acid-block-poly (2-vinylpyridine)/gold nanoparticle composites for glucose biosensor development. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 34-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on the degradation and antimicrobial properties of PLA biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 212-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Polylactic acid (PLA)

The effect of layer thickness on repeatability of 3D printed PLA parts produced using openware 3D printer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Enhanced dielectric properties of filled PVDF/MgO polymer nanocomposite. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2015)

Evaluation of functionally graded architecture using fused filament fabrication technique for bone scaffold applications. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Polymer materials

Plastics and composites sector. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2018)

Polymer nanocomposites

Effect of water on polypropylene/barium titanate nanocomposites. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Polymer technology

Why we need to shift to bioplastics. [Newspaper] (2021)

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Earlier denaturation of DNA by using novel ternary hybrid nanoparticles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 237-245. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Effect of water on polypropylene/barium titanate nanocomposites. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)


Consolidation integrated buoyancy equation for soft ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Poor communication

Effects of poor communication in the construction industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (5). pp. 837-841. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Poor maintenance

A man-made disaster waiting to happen. [Newspaper] (2022)


Porous glass-ceramic composite from recycled soda lime silica glass and charcoal carbon. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 143-150. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Porous asphalt

Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Positive Lighting

Unravel the extent of the existence of positive ground flash in Malaysia. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8 (1.1): 26. pp. 166-169. ISSN 2347 - 3983 (2020)

Positive growth

Construction sector to expand 11.5 per cent in 2022. [Newspaper] (2021)

Potensi tenaga solar

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)


Cerita Pagi Johor: UiTM menjana tenaga solar dalam mencapai tahap neutral karbon. [Video] (2022)

Cerita Pagi Perlis - pembangunan teknologi solar photovoltaic. [Video] (2022)

Fasiliti Terbesar Dunia – jana kuasa elektrik solar PV. [Video] (2018)

Floods: electrical engineering lecturers, students, electricians offer free wiring checks for victims. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hospital Langkawi guna tenaga solar – jimat bil letrik hingga RM360, 000 setahun. [Video] (2017)

Maximising efficiency in energy usage. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 29-30. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

N5-tenaga solar fotovolta-jimat elektrik dan mesra alam. [Video] (2019)

Power to the people. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

Projek tenaga solar dan hidro - Long Beruang Baram. [Video] (2015)

Projek tenaga solar terapung: ladang solar terbesar di Asia Tenggara. [Video] (2021)

S4-inisiatif solar fotovolto-galak penjanaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui. [Video] (2020)

Sektor Tenaga: bumbung solar terbesar negara, pacu operasi MHB. [Video] (2021)

Sistem tenaga solar - inisiatif UTM bawa sinar bahawa penduduk Orang Asli. [Video] (2017)

Small hydropower brings benefits to rural areas. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 41-43. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Stesen janakuasa solar – hasilkan tenaga berkapasiti 18.5 megawatt. [Video] (2018)

Tenaga solar: LSS Sepang TNB pamer prestasi konsisten. [Video] (2021)

A projection of Malaysia’s energy landscape. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

The smart way to power consumption. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 16-18. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

MNHB well positioned to win some large-scale solar projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pengenalan dan peranan Suruhanjaya Tenaga. In: Selected Elements on the Compliance to the Electrical Supply Act 447 and Electrical Regulations, 19 September 2021. (2021)

#TECH: trading energy among peers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Harvesting solar energy on water. [Newspaper] (2018)

Newly-officiated power plant part of Yan development project, says Dr Wee. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)

Power Plant

TNB, PETRONAS in joint feasibility studies on hydrogen, carbon capture. [Newspaper] (2022)

Power demand

Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Power disruptions

Electricity tariff hike inevitable as fuel costs increase. [Newspaper] (2022)

Power distribution system

Harmonic source identification in power distribution system and meter placement using network impedance approach. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 40-45. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Power estimation

Power estimation for a two seater helicopter. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Power generation

Biomass in energy mix penetration. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 39-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

GE, Edra Energy commenced commercial operations of power plant in Alor Gajah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia on track to reach 50pc RE goal by 2050. [Newspaper] (2018)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Power generation: building on a strong legacy. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Renewable energy push on track. [Newspaper] (2021)

TNB empowers smart modular technologies to achieve 100 pct renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB's RM12bil power plant adds 2,000MW of electricity to national grid. [Newspaper] (2020)

TNB's coal-fired power plants begin producing electricity. [Newspaper] (2019)

The future is... renewable energy. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 36-41. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

40 per cent of Malaysia's energy supply will be renewable by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy Commission studying potential power storage to complement existing power grids. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reneuco, Kedah MBI to jointly develop green energy projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy & electricity consumption analysis of Malaysian power demand. In: 2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO). IEEE, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 463-467. ISBN 978-1-4244-7128-7 (2010)

Harnessing ocean resources for sustainable energy transitions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Peformance evaluation of petrochemical wastewater fed air-cathode microbial fuel cells using yeast biocatalyst. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 32-42. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Power import project

Bintai Kinden inks partnership with Kejuruteraan Gemilang Jaya to bid for EPCC contract for power import project in Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2021)

Power outages

Talk on distribution automation project. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Power plant

GE, Edra Energy commenced commercial operations of power plant in Alor Gajah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewable energy push on track. [Newspaper] (2021)

TNB's RM12bil power plant adds 2,000MW of electricity to national grid. [Newspaper] (2020)

TNB's coal-fired power plants begin producing electricity. [Newspaper] (2019)

TNB aims to accelerate green agenda. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB unveils world's first power plant with most efficient gas turbine by GE. [Newspaper] (2022)

TECH: making solar energy affordable. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB, Petronas explore hydrocarbon & carbon capture ventures to unlock RM10bil prospect. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB to develop 300MW hydroelectric power plant in Kelantan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Newly-officiated power plant part of Yan development project, says Dr Wee. [Newspaper] (2022)

Manjung 4 plant powered up. [Newspaper] (2018)

Power plant project

Critical success factors for Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation for power plant projects in Malaysia. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 34-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Power plants

Riding on hydro energy potential. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 28-30. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)

SEB to phase out Sejingkat power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bina Puri to build its first power plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Power project

Bina Puri to build its first power plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Power protection

Talk on arc flash protection. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Power quality

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Optimization of power quality monitors in transmission system network. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 6-10. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Power quality monitors

Optimization of power quality monitors in transmission system network. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 6-10. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Power restoration time

Talk on distribution automation project. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Power supply

Let’s Get Smart. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

More scope needed to accelerate Malaysia's clean energy adoption. [Newspaper] (2022)

Plus Xnergy deploys solar solutions for Boh Tea. [Newspaper] (2022)

TECH: Plus Xnergy partners energy firm Yinson to develop rooftop PV solutions in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB subsidiary secures RM185mil financing for solar project in Kedah. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB'S Jimah East power plant fully operational. [Newspaper] (2019)

TNB's RM12bil power plant adds 2,000MW of electricity to national grid. [Newspaper] (2020)

TNB's coal-fired power plants begin producing electricity. [Newspaper] (2019)

TNB aims to accelerate green agenda. [Newspaper] (2022)

Shell Malaysia installs solar panels at 216 retail stations. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malakoff to build & operate solar energy system at Senai Airport. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB unveils world's first power plant with most efficient gas turbine by GE. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia targeting 40 per cent renewable energy by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Revised renewable energy quota sees new potentials being explored. [Newspaper] (2022)

Progressture solar plans RM200mil investment. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB, Petronas explore hydrocarbon & carbon capture ventures to unlock RM10bil prospect. [Newspaper] (2022)

Time to embrace renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB to develop 300MW hydroelectric power plant in Kelantan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Power usage

Energy consumption info via web portal/ myTNB app. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Power utilities

Reliable, sustainable affordable finding the balance in electricity prices. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 31-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

MNHB well positioned to win some large-scale solar projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Power utility regulatory

What happens now? Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 12-14. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Power-receiving stations

Chasing the sun. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Powered wheelchair

Integrating retrofit IOT controller with electric power system for manual wheelchair. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 11 (1). pp. 113-125. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)


Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Practices and behaviour

Mohd Jawi, Zulhaidi and Solah, Mohd Syazwan and Ariffin, Aqbal Hafeez and Shabadin, Akmalia and Ali, Azhani and Osman, Mohd Rasid and Wong, Shaw Voon Automotive consumerism: a study of car user’s practices & behaviour in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Kajang, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-2078-11-1 (2017)

Prasarana EV

Green Tech Malaysia sasar 300 stesen pengecas elektrik. [Video] (2016)


Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Precast building system

Talk on precast concrete for buildings - a holistic approach. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Precast concrete

Talk on precast concrete for buildings - a holistic approach. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Precast concrete elements

Talk on precast concrete for buildings - a holistic approach. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Precipitation hardening

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 89-98. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Prediction of aerodynamic derivatives using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)at transonic speed. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 4 (1). pp. 8-16. ISSN 2289–9790 (2017)

Prediction strength

The behavior of non-destructive test for different grade of concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Predictive functional control (PFC)

Improved constraint handling approach for predictive functional control using an implied closed-loop prediction. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 323-338. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Predominant frequency

Dynamic characteristics evaluation on portable steel frame due to mass irregularities. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation

Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for selecting the best demand side management options. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Pregnant driver

Analysis of Malaysian pregnant driver with restraint system during automotive collision of a multi-purpose vehicle. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Preliminary helicopter design

Power estimation for a two seater helicopter. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Press machines

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe use of press machines. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-80-5 (2015)

Press machines hazards

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe use of press machines. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-80-5 (2015)

Pressurized air

Design optimization & analysis of a soft crawling robot. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 285-298. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Prestressed concrete bridge

Two days course on bridge loading and concrete bridge design to Eurocodes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)


Oil palm biomass pretreatment and hydrolysis: a recent biotechnological venture towards bio-based lactic acid production. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1287-1302. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)

Prevent corrosion

How to protect your assets with the right paint system. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Principal component analysis

Face recognition on bag locking mechanism. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (2). pp. 16-22. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Privacy protocols

Review on IoT security and challenge in industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Probabilistic analysis

Design and analysis of fixed offshore structure – an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 503-520. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Probabilistic model

Lifetime extension of ageing offshore structures by Global Ultimate Strength Assessment (GUSA). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Probabilistic neural network

Voltage instability analysis based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and probabilistic neural network. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 9 (2). pp. 27-40. ISSN 2180-3811 (2018)

Probability of Failure

Design and analysis of fixed offshore structure – an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 503-520. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Probability of failure

Lifetime extension of ageing offshore structures by Global Ultimate Strength Assessment (GUSA). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Problem solving

A grounded-theory study of civil engineering design practice in Malaysia. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146 (2): 04019004. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2643-9115 (2020)

Problematic soil

Improvement of problematic soil using crumb rubber tyre. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 72-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Procedures and registration

Guidelines for registration of competent firm (petroleum contractor). Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2018)


Sustainable procurement in construction – the way forward for malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 21-28. (2013)

Process operations

Lynas helps M'sia become industry leader in rare earth processing. [Newspaper] (2020)

Producing injury

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on storage of hazardous chemicals: a guide for safe warehousing of packaged hazardous chemicals. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-54-9 (2005)

Product design

Design concept of a motorcycle secondary electronic lock. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2600-7916 (2021)

Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Product designs

Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Product innovation

Export growth in medical devices driven by innovation. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (3). pp. 12-13. (2021)

Product quality

Development of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications: past, present and future. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Product-service system

Product-service solution inventory record for Malaysian palm oil argibusiness. Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology, 4 (1). 8- 13. ISSN 2636-9575 (2020)

Production layout

Study of productivity improvement of manual operations in soya sauce factory. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 202-211. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Production plants

Sarawak wants to assemble EVs, Hydrogen Cars – bets big on renewable energy. [Website]


Study of productivity improvement of manual operations in soya sauce factory. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 202-211. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Productivity rate

BMAM hopes state government can extend operating hours for construction sites. [Newspaper] (2021)

Products roadmap

On the road to nanotechnology implementation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Produk kosmetik

Ensutouch kosmetik enzim nanas hasil penyelidikan. [Newspaper] (2022)


Perkukuh solidariti kejuruteraan biomedikal hadapi cabaran baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)


Prestigious award for aspiring petroleum engineers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Engineering future challenges. [Newspaper] (2017)

Lynas helps M'sia become industry leader in rare earth processing. [Newspaper] (2020)

Profiled steel sheet

Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Profit and loss

Minetech's earnings ease in Q4, civil engineering division shines. [Newspaper] (2021)

Construction industry records RM42 billion in losses since last year. [Newspaper] (2021)

Profit margins

Declining building materials price comforting, margins improving: MIDF Research. [Newspaper] (2022)

Program Skim Pemeteran Tenaga Bersih (NEM)

Perbandaran lestari terbesar di Malaysia guna sistem PV. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program membaca

Cerita pagi selangor - program semarak membaca Selangor. [Video] (2021)

Project area

Magnitude and frequency of floods in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1987)

Project information management

Cloud based storage application as a project information management tool for grade G5 contractors in Selangor. International Journal of Infrastructure Research and Management, 4 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2811-3608 (2016)

Project management

Engineering a landmark future. [Newspaper] (2022)

THHE teams up with SMHB to bolster engineering opportunities, ventures. [Newspaper] (2022)

Project management: lebuhraya pantai timur fasa 2 - a case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 100-108. (2013)

Adopting industry 4.0 in construction industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 27-33. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Project management practices

Project management practice and its effects on project success in Malaysian construction industry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 291. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1757-899X (2017)

Project manager

The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Project success

Project management: lebuhraya pantai timur fasa 2 - a case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 100-108. (2013)

Project management practice and its effects on project success in Malaysian construction industry. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 291. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1757-899X (2017)

Projek angin luar pesisir terapung

TNB tingkat hala tuju kelestarian dengan ladang angin luar pesisir. [Newspaper] (2022)

Projek perumahan

Penambahbaikan sistem perparitan-keutamaan pemaju dalam projek perumahan. [Video] (2022)


An overview of propagation impairment mitigation techniques for satellite communication system. myCONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 50-57. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)


Influence of fibreglass mesh on physical properties of lightweight foamcrete. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller

Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Prospective engineers

A grounded-theory study of civil engineering design practice in Malaysia. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 146 (2): 04019004. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2643-9115 (2020)

Prosthetic arm

Design an interfacing tracking system in rehabilitation therapies between the elbow joint of the human arm and the prosthetic arm. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 54-60. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Prosthetic elbow joint

Design an interfacing tracking system in rehabilitation therapies between the elbow joint of the human arm and the prosthetic arm. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 54-60. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Protein engineering

A review on genetically engineered natural coagulant based on moringa oleifera for turbidity removal. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Prototype built

Development of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications: past, present and future. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Public engagements

Improving Sabah’s electricity supply industry: SESI stakeholders town hall session. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 46-47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Public transport

A study towards implementation of public hub transportation: a case study of Penang Central. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Preliminary study on current process of bus component inspection among public bus transport in Malaysia. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 74-80. ISSN 2289-9790 (2014)

Public transport infrastructure

MRT3 a boon for Malaysian locomotive design & manufacturing specialists. [Newspaper] (2022)

Public transportation

Widening roads costly, says expert. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pulau Bunting

Newly-officiated power plant part of Yan development project, says Dr Wee. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pull out Test

Bond durability of steel plate to concrete prism using structural adhesives after exposure to 7-years in laboratory environment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 265-283. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Pull-out test

Pull-out resistance of sand-geosynthetics reinforcement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Punched tape record

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1598 digital event water level recorder. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1599. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Pusat latihan

UTHM bakal lahir ramai pakar aeroangkasa. [Video] (2020)

Pusat pengajar

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan latihan pekerja, pendaftaran pusat pengajar dan pengendalian kursus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di ruang terkurung. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1 (2008)


The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)


Neural network based system identification for quadcopter dynamic modelling: a review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (2). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


Structural analysis of hybrid VTOL configuration. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Quality control

With right methods, concrete structures last. [Newspaper] (2019)

Quality improvement

Comparison of selected agro-based filter media for stormwater quality improvement. The International Journal ofIntegrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 251-259. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Quality of service

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Quality water

Water quality monitoring robot based on wireless sensor system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 35-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Quarry dust

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 89-98. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Queue backlog

Evaluation of the W-metric routing using RPL protocol in LLNS. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

RBD palm oil

The machinability performance of RBD palm oil dielectric fluid on electrical discharge machining (EDM) of AISI D2 Steel. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 140-149. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

RE investment

Raising biomass energy venture’s attraction via feed-in tariff. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)


Ergonomics evaluation for turning machinists in oil and gas industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 55-61. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

RF energy harvesting

Flexible rectenna for energy harvesting system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)


Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


RMK-12: industri aeroangkasa bakal wujudkan 30,000 pekerjaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

RNA extraction

Comparison of two total RNA extraction protocols from CHO-K1 cells for RT-PCR: cut-off cost for researchers. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 33-39. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

ROV: underwater

Conceptual design of remotely operated underwater vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)


Evaluation of the W-metric routing using RPL protocol in LLNS. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 80-89. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Customizing WLAN access point’s indoor coverage and throughput with corner reflector. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Radial Basis Function

Neural network based system identification for quadcopter dynamic modelling: a review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (2). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Radial cracks

Investigation of glass plate failure mechanism subjected to copper and steel projectile impacts. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Radiation measurement

Technical talk on recent development in 5G EMF policies, guideline, radiation measurement and monitoring. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Radiation pattern

Design and analysis of flexible bow-tie antenna for medical application. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID)

Simulation and control of door lock system using PID controller. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Radio altimeters signals

Same 5G frequencies cause aviation interference? [Newspaper] (2022)

Radio technology

Will cognitive radio take over spectrum management? myCONVERGENCE, 3 (1). pp. 29-33. ISSN 1985-188X (2009)

Radioaktif terkedap

Teknologi pelupusan lubang gerek: penyelesaian sisa DSRS bagi negara bukan kuasa nuklear. i-Nuklear (2). pp. 14-17. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)


Pengurusan sisa radioaaktif di Malaysia, selamat atau tidak? i-Nuklear (2). pp. 2-9. ISSN 2710-5628 (2021)

Rail engineering

MRT3 a boon for Malaysian locomotive design & manufacturing specialists. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rail industry

Malaysia's first locally-produced locomotive by SMH Rail ready for export. [Newspaper] (2021)

Railway operation and management

MRT3 a boon for Malaysian locomotive design & manufacturing specialists. [Newspaper] (2022)


Impacts of climate change on rainfall trends under RCP scenarios in Johor, Malaysia. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 272-280. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Characteristics of vehicle headway during rainfall at night in Pontian,Johor. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 59-74. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Rainfall data

Final report: reviewed and updated the hydrological procedure no.1– (estimation of design rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia). Technical Report. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2010)

Rainfall recorder

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1599. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Rainfall runoff

Rainfall runoff performance of small scale green roofs system. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 91-99. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Rainfall station

Hydrological station registers. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)


Estimation of the design rainstorm in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1994)


Estimation of the design rainstorm in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1994)

Final report: reviewed and updated the hydrological procedure no.1– (estimation of design rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia). Technical Report. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2010)

Rational method of flood estimation for rural catchments in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Irrigation and Drainage Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1989)

Ramalan banjir

Manfaat teknologi amaran awal banjir selamatkan mangsa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Random sample consensus (RANSAC)

Three dimension scanning using infrared coded light. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 46-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Rangkaian 5G

Enam telco setuju laksana 5G di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rapeseed oil

The national biofuel policy. [Website]

Rapid expansion supercritical solution

Rapid expansion supercritical solution (RESS) carbon dioxide as a green technology for ginger rhizome solid oil particles formation. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2016)

Rapid prototyping

The development of computational model through reverse engineering: side mirror case study. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 2180-1053 (2009)

Rare earth processing

Lynas helps M'sia become industry leader in rare earth processing. [Newspaper] (2020)

Raspberry Pi

IoT e-waste monitoring system to support smart city initiatives. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Riverbank monitoring using image processing for early flood warning system via IoT. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 166-174. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Rate feedback

Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Rating table

Stage discharge curves. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1976)

Rawatan air

Kaedah hijau neutral pencemaran ammonia dalam air sungai. [Video] (2016)

Pilih kaedah rawatan air sesuai. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rawatan sisa kumbahan

Kumbahan mentah mampu hasil gas butanol, etanol. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reactive navigation

A heuristic cascading fuzzy logic approach to reactive navigation for UAV. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 69-85. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Reactive red 4

Removal of reactive red 4 dye using chitosan- epichlorohydrin/ TiO2 nanocomposite: application of response surface methodology. Science Letters (ScL), 14 (1): 10. pp. 96-108. ISSN 2682-8626 (2020)

Real estate

Rehda will continue to offer quality, affordable homes, despite rising building material costs and a labour shortage. [Newspaper] (2022)

Real time

An enhanced packet scheduling algorithm for the downlink cognitive long term evolution-advanced. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Real-Time monitoring

AWAM for landslide real-time monitoring. [Website]


Review of on-road approaching motorcycle detection and tracking techniques. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Real-time monitoring

Autonomous agriculture robot for monitoring plant using internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)

Rebound hammer

The behavior of non-destructive test for different grade of concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Putrajaya Lake: sustainable management of created wetland. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)


Flexible rectenna for energy harvesting system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)

Recyclable waste

Automated recycle dustbin system with GSM module for waste management. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 56-64. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Petronas chemicals teams up with KDEB waste management, One Biosys on supply of plastic waste. [Newspaper] (2022)


Littering, not plastic, harms environment. [Newspaper] (2016)

Recycled tire isolator as earth quake resistance system for single storey building in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1823-7843 (2020)

Recycled foamed aggregate concrete

Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 482-492. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Red Meranti wood sawdust

Influenced factors in the delignification process of red meranti wood sawdust. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 26-36. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Red pigment

Optimization of red pigment production by monascus purpureus FTC 5356 using response surface methodology. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 34-47. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Redox titration

Extraction and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid from banana peel Musa acuminata ‘Kepok’. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (1). pp. 103-114. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Refelective impedance

Development of wireless power transfer system using resonance principle with security features. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 117-127. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe management of ammonia refrigeration system. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-18951-0-8 (2020)

Refrigeration system

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe management of ammonia refrigeration system. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-18951-0-8 (2020)

Regenerative suspension

Performance of energy regenerative suspension system through laboratory testing. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


Nanotechnology: a law for Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2014)

Regulatory Period 2

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Regulatory compliance

Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)


A brief account of river rehabilitation experiences. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Reinforced concrete

Report on design of slender tall buildings for wind & earthquake. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Talk on reinforced concrete corrosion evaluation and mitigation. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2015)

Effects of steel fibres on concrete properties and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams with openings in the shear zones. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Reinforced concrete beam

The effects of inclined shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Reinforced earth wall

Influence of metallic strip reinforcement length and retained soil properties on the reinforced earth walls stability. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Reinforcement mechanism

Pull-out resistance of sand-geosynthetics reinforcement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 87-93. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Reinforcement strip

Influence of metallic strip reinforcement length and retained soil properties on the reinforced earth walls stability. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Reka bentuk

Roket pertama diterbangkan penuntut universiti. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reka bentuk mekanikal

Tarik minat dunia automotif. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi lightboard mudahkan pengajaran dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inovasi mesin cetakan baju tempatan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Relay breaker

Smart current monitoring system with relay breaker. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Reliability engineering

Lifetime extension of ageing offshore structures by Global Ultimate Strength Assessment (GUSA). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Reliable electricity supply

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Reliable supply

The 8th national energy forum towards a carbon-neutral Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Enforcers of energy: keeping tabs on industry standards and compliance. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 37-38. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Removal efficiency

Dried leaves as potential adsorbent for removal of methylene blue. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 11 (2). pp. 11-21. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)


Current deveploment on bioplastics and its future prosfects: an introductory review. i-TECH MAG, 1. 03-08. ISSN 2710-5873 (2019)

Renewable energy

The 8th national energy forum towards a carbon-neutral Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 24-28. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Bintai Kinden inks partnership with Kejuruteraan Gemilang Jaya to bid for EPCC contract for power import project in Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2021)

Biomass in energy mix penetration. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 39-41. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Call to invest in the sun. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Chasing the sun. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Economic spillover from biogas sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Energy efficiency in sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Engagement with financial institutions key to renewable energy growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Green hydrogen a potential energy transition game changer. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Green transport the way forward. [Newspaper] (2019)

Human capital development for RE sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Jentayu completes commissioning Malaysia's largest bi-facial solar plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Leading the nation towards sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Looking forward to reforms. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 44-46. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia’s solar sector on the rise. [Website] (2019)

Nem 3.0 shines brighter light on solar growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2590-4000

Net energy metering 3.0 program (nem 3.0). [Website]

Plus Xnergy deploys solar solutions for Boh Tea. [Newspaper] (2022)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Positive response for NOVA programme. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 38-40. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Powering the biomass industry to greater heights. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 36-37. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Program solar berskala besar oleh industri elektrik Malaysia. [Video] (2020)

Raising biomass energy venture’s attraction via feed-in tariff. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Renewable hydropower driving Sarawak development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 22-24. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Reservoir Link bags two solar rooftop development contracts. [Newspaper] (2022)

Riding on hydro energy potential. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 28-30. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Sarawak wants to assemble EVs, Hydrogen Cars – bets big on renewable energy. [Website]

Sistem solar - pemasangan di 4 lokasi Kota Belud dijangka siap akhir julai. [Video] (2016)

Small hydro in power generation. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 47-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Solar Orang Asli. [Video] (2018)

TECH: Plus Xnergy partners energy firm Yinson to develop rooftop PV solutions in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB empowers smart modular technologies to achieve 100 pct renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

Transforming Malaysia into a serious solar player. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

The future is... renewable energy. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 36-41. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The journey to green: MSPI goes the distance in adopting RE technology. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

A projection of Malaysia’s energy landscape. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Optimal economic and emission dispatch of photovoltaic integrated power system using firefly algorithm. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (3). pp. 50-62. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)

Boustead, Next Gen to develop algae plantation, produce carbon neutral crude algae oil. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia targeting 40 per cent renewable energy by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Seng Fong move towards utilising renewable energy sources. [Newspaper] (2022)

Technical talk on biomass & plasma technologies for sustainabilty. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Malaysia ketiga dunia hab tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2019)

The utilisation of palm oil and oil palm residues and the related challenges as a sustainable alternative in biofuel, bioenergy, and transportation sector: a review. Sustainability, 13 (6). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2071-1050 (2021)

Sunny side up. [Newspaper] (2022)

Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)

A study of effect to the water pumping system powered by pv solar by removing the battery storage. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Solar power's decade of falling costs is thrown into reverse. [Newspaper] (2021)

#TECH: trading energy among peers. [Newspaper] (2021)

An analysis of energy mix in Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Malaysia's existing energy policy. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Renewable energy (RE)

Malaysia on track to reach 50pc RE goal by 2050. [Newspaper] (2018)

More scope needed to accelerate Malaysia's clean energy adoption. [Newspaper] (2022)

NST leader: going green by 2040. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewable energy push on track. [Newspaper] (2021)

The heat is on. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 20-22. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Renewable energy scenarios for sustainable electricity in Malaysia and the application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for decision-making. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (6). pp. 1271-1279. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

40 per cent of Malaysia's energy supply will be renewable by 2035. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malakoff to build & operate solar energy system at Senai Airport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Revised renewable energy quota sees new potentials being explored. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reneuco, Kedah MBI to jointly develop green energy projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Time to embrace renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewable energy adoption

Progressture solar plans RM200mil investment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solarvest unveils first RE fintech platform in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewable energy generation

MNHB well positioned to win some large-scale solar projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewable energy source

Transitioning towards sustainable energy security. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 40-43. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The power of algae. [Newspaper] (2018)

Renewable energy sources

Engie SA commences operation of Kerian solar project. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Leading the energy sector through uncertainty. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Power generation: building on a strong legacy. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Sustainably powering a nation. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 17-20. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Renewable power

The resilient renewable power markets. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 48-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Renewable resources

Harvesting organic wastes for biogas-based energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 43-45. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Solar energy for greener Penang. [Newspaper] (2022)

Renewal energy

AmBank kurangkan jejak karbon penggunaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)


The effect of layer thickness on repeatability of 3D printed PLA parts produced using openware 3D printer. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


The optimum replacement of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the compressive and splitting tensile strength of the concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Reporting mechanism

Patient safety-the role of biomedical engineering. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2021)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of chemicals hazardous to health. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-10-7 (2001)

Reserve strength ratio

Lifetime extension of ageing offshore structures by Global Ultimate Strength Assessment (GUSA). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Strategies for the sustainable development and management of lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia. Manual. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2009)


National overview "the status of eutrophication of lakes in malaysia". In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 24-34. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Residential area

Energy consumption pattern of residential buildings: case study of residential area in Batu Pahat, Johor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Residential houses

Smart current monitoring system with relay breaker. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Residual oil

Adsorption of heavy metals and residual oil from palm oil mill effluent using a novel adsorbent of alginate and mangrove composite beads coated with chitosan in a packed bed column. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Residual soil

Effect of cementation reagents concentrations on microbial calcite precipitation in residual soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Residual soil slope

Evening talk on behavior and stability of cut slopes with special reference to Malaysia. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)

Resilient modulus

Resilient modulus of double layer porous asphalt: application of alkali treated coconut shell and fiber as aggregate replacement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 187-194. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Resonant frequency

Development of wireless power transfer system using resonance principle with security features. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 117-127. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)


Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Respiratory protection

Guidelines on the use of PPE against chemical hazards. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2005)

Response surface

Development of simvastatin production by monascus purpureus in solid-state fermentation using agricultural product. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Response surface methodology

Optimization of red pigment production by monascus purpureus FTC 5356 using response surface methodology. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 34-47. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


National overview "the status of eutrophication of lakes in malaysia". In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 24-34. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Restraint system

Analysis of Malaysian pregnant driver with restraint system during automotive collision of a multi-purpose vehicle. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Reverse engineering

The development of computational model through reverse engineering: side mirror case study. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 2180-1053 (2009)

Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)

Comparison of two total RNA extraction protocols from CHO-K1 cells for RT-PCR: cut-off cost for researchers. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 33-39. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)


Revisiting the financial issues and the impact to construction projects in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Revolusi Industri 4.0

Ekonomi | Malaysia tumpu teknologi hijau, sasar negara neutral karbon 2050. [Video] (2021)

Revolusi Industri 4.0 (IR4.0)

Teori, praktikal seiring. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reynolds number

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)

Rhizophus oryzae

Environmental degradation of durian skin nanofibre biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Rhizopus sp.

Co-production of lactic acid and ethanol using Rhizopus sp. from hydrolyzed inedible cassava starch and leaves. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1511-788X (2016)

Rhodamine B dye

Adsorption of Rhodamine B by palm kernel shell adsorbents. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Rice cooker

Guide on minimum energy performance standards for electric rice cooker. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)


Predicting frictional losses generated by piston connecting-rod big end journal bearing for an internal combustion engine. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 54-67. ISSN 2289–9790 (2019)

Rising costs

Construction industry records RM42 billion in losses since last year. [Newspaper] (2021)

Risk analysis

A review of boiler operational risks in empty fruit bunch fired biopower plant. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 29-35. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Risk assessment

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual on simple risk assessment and control for chemicals (SiRAC). Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-1-3 (2019)

Risk assessment tools

Defibrillators– the final choice to saving lifes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Risk factors

A review of boiler operational risks in empty fruit bunch fired biopower plant. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 29-35. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Risk management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on safe use of press machines. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-80-5 (2015)

Risk to health

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual on simple risk assessment and control for chemicals (SiRAC). Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-16706-1-3 (2019)

Risk-Based Assessment

Lifetime extension of ageing offshore structures by Global Ultimate Strength Assessment (GUSA). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 152-171. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


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River hydrology. [Phamplet]

River of life: public outreach programs. [Phamplet]

A brief account of river rehabilitation experiences. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 27-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

River awareness

River of life: public outreach programs. [Phamplet]

River engineering

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the status and issues on integrated river basin management (IRBM) in Malaysia 2014. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-19-5 (2014)

River hydrology

River hydrology. [Phamplet]

River station

Hydrological station registers. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

River water

Optimization of flocculation process by microbial coagulant for removal of turbidity in river water. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

River water's quality

How to test the river water's quality? [Phamplet]

Riverbank erosion

Measurement of riverbank erosion rates of Pusu River using erosion pins method. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 142-147. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Rizab air

Kolam takungan dwifungsi: atasi banjir, tingkat rizab margin air di Selangor. [Video] (2022)


Development of design guideline for rural low volume roads in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 29-35. (2013)

Road casualties

Developed nation in 2020: Malaysia’s road safety and modernization threats. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Road embankment

A review of road embankment stability on soft ground: problems and future perspective. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 32-56. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Road gradient

Development of active idle stop system for automotive vehicle during uphill driving. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 77-101. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Road pavement

Seminar on pavement technology in Malaysia – present & future. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports.

Road quality monitoring

Pavement condition analysis via vehicle mounted accelerometer data. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 73-84. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Road safety

MIROS traffic crash investigation. Technical Report. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Kajang, Selangor. (2014)

Developed nation in 2020: Malaysia’s road safety and modernization threats. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Development of driving simulator for In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) evaluation: progress & challenges. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Road surfacing

Do we need crumb rubber asphalt? Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 58-70. (2013)

Robot arm

Reverse engineer 5 degrees of freedom robot arm using programmable logic controller. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 42-47. ISSN 0128-4428 (2022)


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Robotics for Malaysian students. [Newspaper] (2017)

#TECH: Smart cleaning robot reports for duty at KLIA2. [Newspaper] (2022)

More markets to be equipped with robo-tech. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rise of the machines: is Malaysia ready? [Newspaper] (2017)

Robotic arm

Robotic arm control using Internet of Things (IoT). ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Robotic glove

A bidirectional bending fiber-reinforced soft actuator robotic glove for finger rehabilitation. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Developing children's interest in coding and robotics. [Newspaper] (2022)

Step aside Sophia, meet Malaysia's 'first humanoid robot' Adam. [Newspaper] (2019)

#TECH: Robot that does dishes without breaking. [Newspaper] (2022)

#TECH: Universal robots reveals smaller footprint cobot for Malaysian industries. [Newspaper] (2022)

UMP makes tech leaps with society in mind. [Newspaper] (2022)

#TECH: can Malaysia make an impact in the space tech industry? [Newspaper] (2022)

Rock slopes

Engineering geology in Malaysia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 64. pp. 65-79. ISSN 2637-109X (2017)


Roket pertama diterbangkan penuntut universiti. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rolling Sphere Method (RSM)

Malaysian solves lightning problem. [Newspaper] (2018)

Rondaan dron

Selangor pertingkat penggunaan dron pantau pencemaran sungai. [Newspaper] (2022)

Roof water retention

Rainfall runoff performance of small scale green roofs system. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 91-99. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Rooftop PV

Reservoir Link bags two solar rooftop development contracts. [Newspaper] (2022)

TECH: Plus Xnergy partners energy firm Yinson to develop rooftop PV solutions in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Shell Malaysia installs solar panels at 216 retail stations. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malakoff to build & operate solar energy system at Senai Airport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Rooftop PV capacity

Net energy metering 3.0 program (nem 3.0). [Website]

Rooftop solar panels

Sustainably powering a nation. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 17-20. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)


Design of a drop impact test rig for accelerometer validation for turbocharger application. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 53-62. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Making RSPO work throughout the supply chain. In: MPOB International Palm Oil Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. (2021)

Rriver basin

Assessment of the best probability distribution method in rainfall frequency analysis for a tropical region. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Ruang terkurung

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Garis panduan latihan pekerja, pendaftaran pusat pengajar dan pengendalian kursus keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan di ruang terkurung. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-59-1 (2008)

Rural macrocel

Performance analysis of 5G path loss models for rural macro cell environment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 85-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Rural schools

Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)


Design and analysis of flexible bow-tie antenna for medical application. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)


A survey on Internet of Vehicle (IoV): applications & comparison of VANETs ,IoV and SDN-IoV. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 26-31. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


A survey on Internet of Vehicle (IoV): applications & comparison of VANETs ,IoV and SDN-IoV. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 26-31. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical and morphological properties of single agave angustifolia fibre. Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2550-1917 (2021)


Engineering inspection services : Minimise engineering risk and optimise efficiency. [Phamplet]

SIRIM-ST label

Living dangerously: are you using non-certified electrical products? Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 26-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)


Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)


Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Sabah electricity supply

SAIDI 100 Lab: powering up Sabah. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 24-27. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Sabah’s electricity

Improving Sabah’s electricity supply industry: SESI stakeholders town hall session. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 46-47. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Peformance evaluation of petrochemical wastewater fed air-cathode microbial fuel cells using yeast biocatalyst. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 32-42. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Safe and healthy

Workplaces must be safe and healthy. No compromises! Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Safe handling

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control and safe handling of nanomaterials 2018. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-95-9 (2018)

Safe speed

Initial study on safety hazards by heavy transportation on Malaysian roads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (4). pp. 339-349. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Safety engineering in faculty of Mechanical Engineering's laboratories. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)

Safety & health

Guidelines for registration of persons with the chief inspector of factories and machinery as tower crane, passenger & material hoist, working platform and gondola competent persons. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

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Safety accident analysis

Process safety accident analysis in process chemical industries. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Terengganu, Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished)

Safety and health

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for the preparation of a chemical register. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-07-7 (2000)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control of chemicals hazardous to health. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-10-7 (2001)

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The experience of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, with accreditation by the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 37 (3). pp. 197-209. ISSN 0306-4190 (2009)

The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Safety engineering in faculty of Mechanical Engineering's laboratories. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)

Safety and legal requirements

A wake-up call for launderettes. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Safety and security

#TECH: NEC bullish about demand for biometric authentication technology solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Safety assist

Pedestrian protection assessment in ASEAN NCAP: future consideration. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Safety features

Initial study on safety hazards by heavy transportation on Malaysian roads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (4). pp. 339-349. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Safety procedures

More awareness needed on chemical danger in varsity labs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Safety regulations

Guidelines for approval of design scaffolding 2016. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)

Safety standards

Living dangerously: are you using non-certified electrical products? Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 26-29. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)


Performance analysis of fiber optic current sensor using sagnac interferometer. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (2). pp. 55-69. ISSN 2289-814X (2021)


Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sago (metroxylon sagu) via autoclaving method. IIUM Engineering Journal. pp. 178-184. ISSN 1511-788X

Sains dan teknologi

Inovasi kereta solar & hidrogen pelajar uitm. [Video] (2020)

Siti Juita Mastura aktif cipta dron. [Newspaper] (2021)

Saliran air

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Bencana banjir; sistem perparitan tersumbat antara punca. [Video] (2021)

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Sand casting

Investigation on different compositions of clay and water to the permeability of the silica sand used in greensand casting mould. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (4). pp. 749-752. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Sand replacement

A review: study on spent garnet as construction material. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Sand replacement material

Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Sarawak Energy

SEB to phase out Sejingkat power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)


Tingkat kelajuan jalur lebar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Satelit kelapan negara dilancar ke orbit dari Kourou. [Newspaper] (2022)

Satellite communication

An overview of propagation impairment mitigation techniques for satellite communication system. myCONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 50-57. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)

Satellite competition

TECH: Independence-X Aerospace organises satellite technology challenge. [Newspaper] (2022)

Satellite images

Using space remote sensing, MOSTI helps NADMA to analyse soil movement. [Newspaper] (2022)


TECH: Independence-X Aerospace organises satellite technology challenge. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian space agency shoots for the stars. [Newspaper] (2022)

Save 2.0

E-rebates to promote energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Saving energy

Energy consumption pattern of residential buildings: case study of residential area in Batu Pahat, Johor. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Scaffolding design

Guidelines for approval of design scaffolding 2016. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2016)


Pretreatment and bioprocess trials in various reactor system on lignocellulosic biomass for cellulosic biomaterials. Scientific Research Journal, 18 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2289-649X (2021)

Scanning software

The development of computational model through reverse engineering: side mirror case study. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 2180-1053 (2009)

Scenario planning technique

Scenario of future energy industry: Malaysian energy scenarios workshop. Energy Malaysia, 16. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


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Scrap rubber

Do we need crumb rubber asphalt? Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 58-70. (2013)

Screen-printed electrode

Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Clamping force adjustment system for a continuously variable transmission. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 13-16. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Sea water

Effects of pH, dosage and contact time on boron removal from synthetic saline water using moringa oleifera seeds. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 12-24. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Seat belts

Analysis of Malaysian pregnant driver with restraint system during automotive collision of a multi-purpose vehicle. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


The power of algae. [Newspaper] (2018)

Secure proof of identity

#TECH: NEC bullish about demand for biometric authentication technology solutions. [Newspaper] (2022)

Security and data privacy

Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)

Security threats

Review on IoT security and challenge in industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Sediment pollution

Position paper on erosion and sedimentation. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2017)

Sediment size

Erosion characteristics of a medium sand breached embankment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 100-117. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Position paper on erosion and sedimentation. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2017)


Word segmentation of output response for sign language devices. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Static and dynamic behaviour of Kuala Lumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Seismic design

Report on design of slender tall buildings for wind & earthquake. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Sekolah pedalaman

KPM dalam proses lengkapkan kemudahan solar hibrid. [Video] (2020)

Sektor aeroangkasa

Sektor aeroangkasa bakal jana RM30 bilion. [Video] (2021)

Sekuriti makanan

MOSTI tawar kepakaran, teknologi atasi isu sekuriti makanan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Self-compacting concrete

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete using coarse palm oil clinker. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Self-compacting lightweight concrete

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete using coarse palm oil clinker. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 205-220. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Self-curing concrete

Effects of palm oil clinker as coarse aggregates replacement in self curing concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Self-drilling screw

Behaviour of self-drilling screw upon single shear loading on cold formed steel. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 59-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Self-organizing map

An analysis of energy mix in Peninsular Malaysia in line with the Malaysia's existing energy policy. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)


Design of self-regulated flow control mechanism for a turbocharger gas stand test facility. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 63-80. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)


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Further expansion of Germany’s Infineon Technologies AG hub in Kulim, Kedah: a testament to Malaysia’s strong electrical and electronics (E&E) ecosystem. Recollective Global (4). (2021)

Semiconductor industry

Mimos strategic roles. Retrospective 2020. pp. 16-19. (2020)


Sensitivity identification of low-frequency cantilever fibre bragg grating accelerometer. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 235-244. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)


Harvesting solar energy on water. [Newspaper] (2018)


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Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Physical investigation of thionine-graphene nanocomposite synthesized using different concentrations of graphene oxide. Gading Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (1). pp. 66-74. ISSN 2637-0018 (2019)

Sentiasa panas

Inovasi rumah solar ikan masin. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sequencing Batch reactor

Wastewater characterization and sequencing batch reactor operation for aerobic granular sludge cultivation. Malaysian Journal Of Civil Engineering, 31 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 1823-7843 (2019)


Carbon dioxide sequestered concrete. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines for asbestos removal 2017. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-89-8 (2017)

Settlement of soft soil

Settlement measurement of soft soil by close range photogrammetry and particle image velocimetry technique. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 15-24. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Sewage effluent

Identification of pharmaceutical residues in treated sewage effluents in Johor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 165-173. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Sewage management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the current issues and needs for water supply and wastewater management in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-25-6 (2015)

Sewage reclamation

A comparative study on treatment technologies for sewage reclamation: a focus on the disinfection process. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Sewage treatment plant

Identification of pharmaceutical residues in treated sewage effluents in Johor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 165-173. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Behaviour of reinforced concrete deep beams with openings in the shear zones. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Shielded metal arc welding

A comparative study on laminar flow of multiple orifice gases through a tubular welding electrode. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 2180-381 (2014)


The hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator configurations for energy performance improvement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Sign language

Word segmentation of output response for sign language devices. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Silica fumes

The effect of quarry dust with cement by-products on properties of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Silica sand

Investigation on different compositions of clay and water to the permeability of the silica sand used in greensand casting mould. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 34 (4). pp. 749-752. ISSN 0128-0198 (2022)

Silicon chips

Malaysia aims to be electrical and electronics hub. [Newspaper] (2021)

Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)

One day seminar on energy saving with advance motor control & protection technology. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2018)


Electrical and mechanical properties of silicone Electrical Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) filled carbon black treated with 3-aminotriethoxysilane at elevated temperature. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 63-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Silicone oil

Talk on transformer predicted maintenance and diagnostic through insulating oil. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)


Inovasi mesin cetakan baju tempatan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Silver nanoparticles

Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sago (metroxylon sagu) via autoclaving method. IIUM Engineering Journal. pp. 178-184. ISSN 1511-788X

Simplicillium obclavatu

Production and stability of myco-flocculants from lentinus squarrosulus RWF5 and simplicillium obclavatum RWF6 for reduction of water turbidity. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Simulating coastal phenomena

Accreditation of coastal hydraulic software: are we ready? In: 5th IEM Water Resources Colloquium, 5 July 2003, IEM, P.J.. (2003)


Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Dual elements isolated magnetic dipole MIMO antenna with semi circular slot structure for isolation enhancement. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

New battery model integrating the internal resistance as a function of temperature. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Development of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications: past, present and future. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

Simulation of lovastatin production in solid-state fermentation via oil palm frond. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Injection moulding simulation: the development of integral hinges test samples mould design via cadmould 3D-F. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


Development of simvastatin production by monascus purpureus in solid-state fermentation using agricultural product. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Single Buyer (SB)

Governance reform of single buyer and grid system operator. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 35-36. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Single disinfection unit

A comparative study on treatment technologies for sewage reclamation: a focus on the disinfection process. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Single fibre test

Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical and morphological properties of single agave angustifolia fibre. Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2550-1917 (2021)

Single shear

Behaviour of self-drilling screw upon single shear loading on cold formed steel. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 59-68. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Single storey

Recycled tire isolator as earth quake resistance system for single storey building in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1823-7843 (2020)


Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 228-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Sisa biomas

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Sisa domestik

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Sisa kelapa sawit

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Sisa kimia

Waspada dengan bahan kimia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sisa makanan

Urus sisa makanan dengan baik untuk kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sisa organik

Manfaat penggunaan baja kompos. [Phamplet]

Sisa pembetungan

Mengurus sisa sifar secara lestari. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sisa pepejal

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Sisa radioaktif

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Sisa sawit

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Sistem GPS

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Sistem Masjid Pintar (SMP)

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Sistem Penyimpanan Tenaga Bateri (BESS)

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Sistem Solar

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Sistem aliran air

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Sistem pemantauan

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Sistem pengairan

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Sistem penyimpanan tenaga

MOSTI fokus kenderaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sistem penyimpanan tenaga bateri (BESS)

Malaysia dalam perancangan peralihan tenaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sistem perparitan

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Sistem saliran

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Sistem standard pengukuran

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Sistem termal solar

Berjaya jimatkan tenaga RM26.2 juta setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Site investigation

Development of consolidated Sarawak geotechnical site investigation for Sarawak soil. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 169-175. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Skilled Malaysians

New national car project will give automotive sector a jump-start: Dr M. [Newspaper] (2018)

Skim Permeteran Tenaga Bersih (NEM)

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Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Skim pajakan

Skim pajakan panel solar jimatkan kos pemasangan dan bil bulanan. [Video] (2022)


Merdeka 118 pencapaian hebat kejuruteraan negara. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2021)


Effects of steel fibres on concrete properties and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Sliding mode controller

Sliding mode controller of automatic braking system. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 88-108. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)


AWAM for landslide real-time monitoring. [Website]

Engineering geological of an active slope in KM46 Simpang Pulai, Perak. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Slope angle

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based for slope mapping and the determination of potential slope hazard. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 232-239. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Slope hazard

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based for slope mapping and the determination of potential slope hazard. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 232-239. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Slope mapping

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based for slope mapping and the determination of potential slope hazard. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 232-239. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


A man-made disaster waiting to happen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Slotted gold-bar shaped

Spectrum absorbency of metamaterial perfect absorber. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 215-222. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Sludge treatment

Investigation of bio flocculant as dewatering aid in sludge treatment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 15-23. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Strength properties of 10 millimeters timber clinker aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 334-344. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 482-492. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Small renewable energy power programme

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Small scale projects

MBAM disappointed, not much for construction industry. [Newspaper] (2021)

Smart Community

Smart Selangor 2025. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 40-41. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Smart Digital Infrastructure

Smart Selangor 2025. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 40-41. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Smart Economy

Smart Selangor 2025. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 40-41. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Smart Governance

Smart Selangor 2025. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 40-41. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Smart agriculture

IoT smart agriculture for aquaponics and maintaining goat stall system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (8). pp. 240-250. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Smart antennas

Smart antennas for wireless communication systems. myCONVERGENCE, 1 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1985-188X (2007)

Smart city

Sustainable cities: when low carbon meets smart. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

#TECH: making cities smart. [Newspaper] (2021)

Smart city infrastructure

#TECH: making cities smart. [Newspaper] (2021)

Smart cleaning

#TECH: Smart cleaning robot reports for duty at KLIA2. [Newspaper] (2022)

Smart disk brake lock

Design concept of a motorcycle secondary electronic lock. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2600-7916 (2021)

Smart grid

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Power to the people. Energy Malaysia, 20. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2020)

TNB pacu peralihan tenaga ke arah kelestarian. [Newspaper] (2022)

Smart grid system

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Smart grid systems: creating new opportunities. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 22-25. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Smart meters

Energy consumption info via web portal/ myTNB app. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Let’s Get Smart. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2948-3603 (2019)

Outsmarting the culprits: cracking down on electricity theft with smart technology. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 39-40. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

The smart way to power consumption. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 16-18. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

A technological change: artificial intelligence. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 20-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Smart sensors

Water quality monitoring robot based on wireless sensor system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 35-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Smart tunnel

Sistem perparitan perlu ditambah baik. [Video] (2022)

Smart waste

Smart waste solution – Selangor jadi perintis. [Video] (2018)

Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH)

Numerical modelling of bird strike on aerospace structures by means of coupling FE-SPH. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 185-193. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Social housing

Traditional values and their adaptation in social housing design: towards a new typology and establishment of ‘air house’ standard in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 8-21. (2013)

Socially responsible organisation

Revitalising mother nature: the energy commission commits to a greener Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 49. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Soda lime silicate glass

Porous glass-ceramic composite from recycled soda lime silica glass and charcoal carbon. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 143-150. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Sodium hydroxide

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Sodium silicate

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Soft actuator

A bidirectional bending fiber-reinforced soft actuator robotic glove for finger rehabilitation. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Soft crawling robot

Design optimization & analysis of a soft crawling robot. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 285-298. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Soft ground

Consolidation integrated buoyancy equation for soft ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Soft grounds

A review of road embankment stability on soft ground: problems and future perspective. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 32-56. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Software packages

Accreditation of coastal hydraulic software: are we ready? In: 5th IEM Water Resources Colloquium, 5 July 2003, IEM, P.J.. (2003)

Soil burial

Biodegradation of mango seed starch films in soil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 258-267. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Soil erosion

Position paper on erosion and sedimentation. Project Report. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2017)

Bukit Kukus soil structure not appropriate for development, says expert. [Newspaper] (2018)

Soil foundation

Soft soil requires ground improvement before construction. [Newspaper] (2018)

Soil improvement

Effect of cementation reagents concentrations on microbial calcite precipitation in residual soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Soil separation

Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Soil stabilisation

Experimental study using recycled waste tyre as sustainable clay soil stabilization. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Soil strength

Investigating soil trafficability in kerian paddy areas. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2008)

Soil structure

Bukit Kukus soil structure not appropriate for development, says expert. [Newspaper] (2018)

Soil suction

Exploration of methods for slope stabilization influence by unsaturated soil. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 121-131. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Soil texture

Investigating soil trafficability in kerian paddy areas. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2008)

Soil trafficability

Investigating soil trafficability in kerian paddy areas. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2008)


Finite element analysis of deep excavation problems. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Solar Energy

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)

Sunny side up. [Newspaper] (2022)

#TECH: trading energy among peers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Harvesting solar energy on water. [Newspaper] (2018)

Solar Farm

Jentayu completes commissioning Malaysia's largest bi-facial solar plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar PV

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

#TECH: trading energy among peers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Annualized electricity cost of residential solar PV system under Malaysia’s NEM scheme. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 50-54. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Solar PV system

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar Photovoltaic

Stesen janakuasa solar – hasilkan tenaga berkapasiti 18.5 megawatt. [Video] (2018)

Solar Skala Besar

Program solar berskala besar oleh industri elektrik Malaysia. [Video] (2020)

Solar batteries

Successful collaborations in pursuit of net-zero emmissions. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 70-73. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Solar berbumbung

Cerita Pagi Johor: UiTM menjana tenaga solar dalam mencapai tahap neutral karbon. [Video] (2022)

Solar bumbung

TNB, UTHM jalin kerjasama projek solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Solar collector

Performance evaluation of solar collectors using a solar simulator. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

Solar energy

Call to invest in the sun. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Human capital development for RE sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia’s solar sector on the rise. [Website] (2019)

Plus Xnergy deploys solar solutions for Boh Tea. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reservoir Link bags two solar rooftop development contracts. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB empowers smart modular technologies to achieve 100 pct renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB subsidiary secures RM185mil financing for solar project in Kedah. [Newspaper] (2022)

The journey to green: MSPI goes the distance in adopting RE technology. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Shell Malaysia installs solar panels at 216 retail stations. [Newspaper] (2022)

Energy Commission studying potential power storage to complement existing power grids. [Newspaper] (2022)

An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

TECH: making solar energy affordable. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solarvest unveils first RE fintech platform in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

A study of effect to the water pumping system powered by pv solar by removing the battery storage. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Solar power's decade of falling costs is thrown into reverse. [Newspaper] (2021)

Solar energy for greener Penang. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar farm

Engie SA commences operation of Kerian solar project. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

TNB subsidiary secures RM185mil financing for solar project in Kedah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar farms

Boosting the RE sector with solar. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Solar financing solution

Solarvest unveils first RE fintech platform in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar floating platform

Harvesting solar energy on water. [Newspaper] (2018)

Solar fotovoltaik

Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB, UTHM jalin kerjasama projek solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

S P Setia pasang solar PV di semua projek rumah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar fotovoltaik (PV)

Ladang solar terbesar di Malaysia. [Video] (2019)

Panel solar. [Video] (2021)

Positive response for NOVA programme. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 38-40. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

UPM guna sistem solar hasilkan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perluas sistem solar PV bantu penjimatan bil elektrik rakyat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perbandaran lestari terbesar di Malaysia guna sistem PV. [Newspaper] (2021)

Solar fotovolto

S4-inisiatif solar fotovolto-galak penjanaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui. [Video] (2020)

Solar hibrid

KPM dalam proses lengkapkan kemudahan solar hibrid. [Video] (2020)

Solar hybrid

Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)

Solar leasing

Nem 3.0 shines brighter light on solar growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2590-4000

Solar panel

Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar panels

Chasing the sun. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Solar photovoltaic

Cerita Pagi Perlis - pembangunan teknologi solar photovoltaic. [Video] (2022)

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation on net energy metering scheme. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2019)

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation under net offset virtual aggregations (NOVA) programme for Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Guidelines for solar photovoltaic installation under the programme of NEM Rakyat and NEM GoMEn in Peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2021)

Guidelines on large scale solar photovoltaic plant for connection to electricity networks. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Johor akan jadi pengeluar utama tenaga solar di Asia Tenggara. [Website]

MNHB well positioned to win some large-scale solar projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Harvesting solar energy on water. [Newspaper] (2018)

Solar photovoltaic (PV)

Berita Pagi: ladang solar terapung di Kelantan. [Video] (2021)

Bicara pengguna: solar jimat dan menguntungkan. [Video] (2019)

Bingkisan Sabah: tenaga solar Tanjung Labian. [Video] (2016)

Call to invest in the sun. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 24-27. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Engie SA commences operation of Kerian solar project. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Galak pemasangan solar 'tenaga boleh diperbaharui'. [Video] (2018)

Green age solar. [Video] (2011)

Green library in a garden. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 27-29. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Human capital development for RE sector. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Jentayu completes commissioning Malaysia's largest bi-facial solar plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

KAB pasang sistem tenaga PV di Mydin Tunjong. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kajian pembinaan sistem solar terapung mampu jana lebih 150 megawatt. [Video] (2022)

Malaysia lokasi solar terbesar Intel di luar AS. [Newspaper] (2021)

NST leader: going green by 2040. [Newspaper] (2022)

Nem 3.0 shines brighter light on solar growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 32-35. ISSN 2590-4000

Net energy metering 3.0 program (nem 3.0). [Website]

Panel solar sumbang 25% penggunaan tenaga kilang. [Video] (2022)

Pemeteran tenaga bersih: tenaga solar jimat kadar bil elektrik. [Video] (2019)

Plus Xnergy deploys solar solutions for Boh Tea. [Newspaper] (2022)

Projek solar: pemangkin pembangunan Kedah Anchor. [Video] (2018)

Sistem solar - pemasangan di 4 lokasi Kota Belud dijangka siap akhir julai. [Video] (2016)

Sustainably powering a nation. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 17-20. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

TECH: Plus Xnergy partners energy firm Yinson to develop rooftop PV solutions in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

TNB subsidiary secures RM185mil financing for solar project in Kedah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga bersih: projek ladang solar beri manfaat ekonomi, peluang pekerjaaan. [Video] (2021)

Tenaga solar: penglibatan aktif syarikat tempatan diperlukan. [Video] (2019)

Transforming Malaysia into a serious solar player. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 33-36. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

The journey to green: MSPI goes the distance in adopting RE technology. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

The resilient renewable power markets. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (10). pp. 48-49. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Shell Malaysia installs solar panels at 216 retail stations. [Newspaper] (2022)

Revised renewable energy quota sees new potentials being explored. [Newspaper] (2022)

Progressture solar plans RM200mil investment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Seng Fong move towards utilising renewable energy sources. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia ketiga dunia hab tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2019)

TECH: making solar energy affordable. [Newspaper] (2022)

Reneuco, Kedah MBI to jointly develop green energy projects. [Newspaper] (2022)

Berjaya jimatkan tenaga RM26.2 juta setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sunny side up. [Newspaper] (2022)

Analysis of the performance and impact of the rural electrification using solar hybrid system for rural schools in sabah, malaysia – case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 45-50. (2013)

Annualized electricity cost of residential solar PV system under Malaysia’s NEM scheme. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 50-54. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Bina Puri to build its first power plant in Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Shell Malaysia pasang panel solar di 216 stesen. [Newspaper] (2022)

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar photovoltaic panel

Fasiliti Terbesar Dunia – jana kuasa elektrik solar PV. [Video] (2018)

Solar photovoltaic systems

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Successful collaborations in pursuit of net-zero emmissions. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 70-73. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Solar energy can improve nation's wellbeing. [Newspaper] (2016)

Solar photovoltaics (PV)

Malaysia’s solar sector on the rise. [Website] (2019)

Solar plant

Jentayu completes commissioning Malaysia's largest bi-facial solar plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar power

Chasing the sun. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Making solar power accessible. [Newspaper] (2022)

Net energy metering 3.0 program (nem 3.0). [Website]

Strengthening supply: enhancing energy security through competitive bidding. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 30-33. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Sustainably powering a nation. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 17-20. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Solar power's decade of falling costs is thrown into reverse. [Newspaper] (2021)

Solar power plants

Guidelines on large scale solar photovoltaic plant for connection to electricity networks. Manual. Energy Commission, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Solar power tower

Determining the solar radiation in Ayer Keroh, Melaka by using hargreaves method. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Solar powered buildings

Solar energy for greener Penang. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar project

Reservoir Link bags two solar rooftop development contracts. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar radiation

Performance evaluation of solar collectors using a solar simulator. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

Determining the solar radiation in Ayer Keroh, Melaka by using hargreaves method. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Solar rooftop

TNB empowers smart modular technologies to achieve 100 pct renewable energy. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar simulator

Performance evaluation of solar collectors using a solar simulator. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

Solar skala besar

Kempen MyButterflyEffect - inisiatif Malaysia terajui penjanaan solar berskala besar. [Video] (2007)

Solar technology

TECH: making solar energy affordable. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar terapung

UPM guna sistem solar hasilkan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solar water heating system

Performance evaluation of solar collectors using a solar simulator. IIUM Engineering Journal, 16 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 1511-788X (2015)

Solar-storage-EV solutions

Huawei to help Malaysia's Apollo to develop new EVs. [Newspaper] (2022)

Solid oxide fuel cell system

Dynamic hazard identification on SOFC system using bayesian network. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Solid waste management

Petronas chemicals teams up with KDEB waste management, One Biosys on supply of plastic waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

Transforming solid waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Why we need to shift to bioplastics. [Newspaper] (2021)

Solid-state fermentation

Development of simvastatin production by monascus purpureus in solid-state fermentation using agricultural product. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Simulation of lovastatin production in solid-state fermentation via oil palm frond. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Solid-state reaction

Degradation of methylene blue using CuO prepared using conventional solid state method. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 10 (1). pp. 19-29. ISSN 2180-3811 (2019)

Solidworks simulation

Portable and compact tire-clamping mechanism for medium sized tire. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Solvent blend

Systematic methodology for the design of binary solvent blends for extraction of herbal phytochemicals with cost evaluation. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 60-89. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Solvent extraction

Comparison of biodiesel properties produced from moringa oleifera seeds oil and palm oil. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 36-44. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

Biofuel from cultured algae. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2009)

Sorption capacity

Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Sound absorptive material

In-situ noise measurement and analysis for the motorcycle muffler. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 44-53. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Sound pressure level

In-situ noise measurement and analysis for the motorcycle muffler. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 44-53. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Source of income

#TECH: trading energy among peers. [Newspaper] (2021)

Space remote sensing

Using space remote sensing, MOSTI helps NADMA to analyse soil movement. [Newspaper] (2022)

Space technology

TECH: Independence-X Aerospace organises satellite technology challenge. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia's aerospace sector growing faster, players hope budget support momentum. [Newspaper] (2022)

#TECH: can Malaysia make an impact in the space tech industry? [Newspaper] (2022)

TECH: can Malaysia make an impact in the space tech industry? [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysian space agency shoots for the stars. [Newspaper] (2022)

Space-based solar power

Chasing the sun. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 19-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

Species’ mortalities

A ballast water treatment system using engine waste heat: is it viable? Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (3). pp. 31-36. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)


Physical investigation of thionine-graphene nanocomposite synthesized using different concentrations of graphene oxide. Gading Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (1). pp. 66-74. ISSN 2637-0018 (2019)


Augmentative and alternative communication method based on tongue clicking for mute disabilities. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (1). pp. 119-128. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Speed reduction

A review of automated emergency braking system and the trending for future vehicles. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Spent abrasive waste

Properties of mortar incorporating spent garnet as fine aggregates replacement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Spent caustic wastewater

Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) in treating spent caustic wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 17-25. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Spent garnet

Properties of mortar incorporating spent garnet as fine aggregates replacement. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

A review: study on spent garnet as construction material. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Spike-Wave discharge

Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Split Core Current Transformer (SCT013)

Electricity usage monitoring based on internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Splitting tensile

Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Spoke concept

A study towards implementation of public hub transportation: a case study of Penang Central. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Spray drying

Effect of feed flowrates on the physical properties and antioxidant of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) encapsulated powder. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Production and stability of myco-flocculants from lentinus squarrosulus RWF5 and simplicillium obclavatum RWF6 for reduction of water turbidity. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Stability factors

A review of road embankment stability on soft ground: problems and future perspective. IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 32-56. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Standard measurement

Don’t make Malaysia dumping ground for poor quality products, says minister. [Newspaper] (2019)

Standard operating procedures (SOP)

BMAM hopes state government can extend operating hours for construction sites. [Newspaper] (2021)

150 construction sites ordered to cease operation. [Newspaper] (2021)


Two days course on bridge loading and concrete bridge design to Eurocodes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)


Governance and standards. Energy Malaysia, 18. pp. 21-23. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Maintaining gas installation safety explaining ati and ato. Energy Malaysia, 17. pp. 28-29. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Standards & regulations

Electrical installation standards & regulations in Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah. In: Webinar IEM Southern Branch 2021: Electrical Safety Manual, 19 September 2021. (2021)


Biodegradation of mango seed starch films in soil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (1). pp. 258-267. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


NTIS powers tech innovation for Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Dynamic simulation model of a hybrid electric ATV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)


Flight dynamics and control of A V-tail Camar UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Static load

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Station registers

Hydrological station registers. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Statistical analysis system

Development of QPEC (Questionnaires Package for Engineering Curriculum) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to analyse the survey [case study: Market survey for curriculum development of Bachelor Engineering (hons) in Mechanical (Manufacturing)]. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished) (2006)


A bulk of the construction projects completed this year include residential and non-residential buildings, says DoSM. [Newspaper] (2022)

Statistik kemalangan elektrik

Pengenalan dan peranan Suruhanjaya Tenaga. In: Selected Elements on the Compliance to the Electrical Supply Act 447 and Electrical Regulations, 19 September 2021. (2021)


Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Steel corrosion

Talk on reinforced concrete corrosion evaluation and mitigation. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2015)

Steel fiber

Mechanical properties of concrete contains waste tires exposed to high temperature. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 221-231. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Steel fibres

Effects of steel fibres on concrete properties and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Steel plate

Bond durability of steel plate to concrete prism using structural adhesives after exposure to 7-years in laboratory environment. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 265-283. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Steel reinforcement

Distributed fibre opticas sensor for corrosion detection in steel reinforcement. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 132-144. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Steel structures

Report on ‘Cellulosic passive fire protection fundamentals and structural fire design’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Step response

A review on the AC servomotor control systems. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (23). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Improved internal model control technique for position control of AC servo motors. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Stesen pengecas

Green Tech Malaysia sasar 300 stesen pengecas elektrik. [Video] (2016)

Stimulus package

Engineering and construction sector struggling and in need of support. [Newspaper] (2020)

Stopping distance

A review of automated emergency braking system and the trending for future vehicles. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on storage of hazardous chemicals: a guide for safe warehousing of packaged hazardous chemicals. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2014-54-9 (2005)

Modeling of compound channel for optimum river storage capacity. Technical Report. Institut Penyelidikan Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (2004)

Storage and preservation

Water quality sampling for surface water. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1973)

Storage system

Rainfall runoff performance of small scale green roofs system. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 91-99. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Storm water

New approach to predict fecal coliform removal for storm water biofilters application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 58-45. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)


Comparison of selected agro-based filter media for stormwater quality improvement. The International Journal ofIntegrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 251-259. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Strategic management

Adopting industry 4.0 in construction industry. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (7). pp. 27-33. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Strategic partner

UiTM to sample German innovation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Street lighting

Switching on LED. Energy Malaysia, 19. pp. 16-19. ISSN 2948-3603


Effect of alkaline treatment on properties of rattan waste and fabricated binderless particleboard. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 185-196. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Experimental study using recycled waste tyre as sustainable clay soil stabilization. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Strength of materials

Vehicle accelerated corrosion test procedures for automotive in Malaysia. MATEC Web of Conferences 90, 90: 01040. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2261-236X (2016)

Strength properties

Strength properties of 10 millimeters timber clinker aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 334-344. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Structural assessment and strengthening of a cracked bridge pier. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 51-57. (2013)


Structural behavior of lightweight composite slab system. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Stress-strain behaviour

The properties of concrete containing palm oil fuel ash and expanded polystyrene beads. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 78-86. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Stress-strain relationship

Stress-strain relationship of fibre reinforced concrete exposed under elevated temperatures. Malaysian Journal of CivilEngineering, 29 (2). pp. 232-240. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Amorphous structure in Cu-Zn-V-Al oxide composite catalyst for methanol reforming. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 197-214. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 174-186. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)


Hybrid extendable linear actuators: design and applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 13-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)


Report on design of slender tall buildings for wind & earthquake. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Talk on reinforced concrete corrosion evaluation and mitigation. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2015)

Structural and Material

Strengthening Malaysia's construction sector. [Newspaper] (2022)

Structural assessment

Structural assessment and strengthening of a cracked bridge pier. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 51-57. (2013)

Structural concrete

Performance of high strength lightweight concrete using palm wastes. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 30-42. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Structural connections

Report on ‘A practical engineering guide on adjustable fixing solutions’. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2022)

Structural design

Two days course on bridge loading and concrete bridge design to Eurocodes. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2016)

Structural equation modeling (SEM)

Modeling dispute management in construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Structural modification

Reduction of disc brake squeal noise through brake pad modification. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Structure assessment

Preliminary assessment of fire damaged reinforced concrete structure and steel truss. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Studio lightboard

Teknologi lightboard mudahkan pengajaran dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Subcritical flow

Froude number variance with respect to the hydrodynamic response of a non-static vehicle on a low-lying flooded roadway. IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)


Analysis on fuel properties of cerium oxide additive in algae biodiesel by using optimization tools. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2020)


Effect of ferro electric thickness on Negative Capacitance FET (NCFET). IIUM Engineering Journal, 22 (1). pp. 339-346. ISSN 1511-788X (2021)

Success factor

Project management: lebuhraya pantai timur fasa 2 - a case study. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 100-108. (2013)

Sulphate attack

Influence of green corrosion inhibitor on reinforced concrete attacked by magnesium sulphate. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Sumber air

Sumber air | sedia lebih banyak TAPS, tangani kemarau besar 2025. [Video] (2022)

Pilih kaedah rawatan air sesuai. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sumber baharu

Kumbahan mentah mampu hasil gas butanol, etanol. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sumber boleh diperbaharui (RE)

Malaysia-AS teroka tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sumber tenaga bersih

Malaysia mampu jadi pengeluar utama hidrogen hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Sungai Melaka

PPSPM akan tambah baik sistem perparitan & tanam tumbuhan hijau. [Video] (2019)

Super absorber polymer

The effectiveness of sodium polyacrylate as landscape catalyst. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 135-148. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

SuperPro design

Simulation of lovastatin production in solid-state fermentation via oil palm frond. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (2). pp. 7-10. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2)

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction as a green technology for Chromolaena odorata leaves. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction as a green technology for Chromolaena odorata leaves. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Pematang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Supercritical carbon dioxide

The effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on the degradation and antimicrobial properties of PLA biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 212-227. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Supercritical water

Supercritical water gasification as a treatment for laboratory organic waste. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 4. pp. 19-31. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Supersonic wing

Aeroelastic flutter analysis of supersonic wing with multiple external stores. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Supply chain

12MP to promote catalytic growth for the Malaysian aerospace industry. MITI’s Recollective Global Edition (4). p. 11. (2021)

Surface acoustic wave (SAW)

Silicon compatible acoustic wave resonators: design, fabrication and performance. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 23-41. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Surface and subsea facilities in Malaysia

Petronas says soil movement caused SSGP pipeline leak. [Newspaper] (2022)

Surface roughness

Optimization of surface roughness in deep hole drilling using moth-flame optimization. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Modeling and optimization of electric discharge machining performances using harmony search algorithm. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 56-61. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Surface tension

The tendency of nature towards hexagon shape formation due to minimizing surface energy. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 40-47. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Surface water sampling

Water quality sampling for surface water. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1973)

Surficial structures

Static and dynamic behaviour of Kuala Lumpur limestone. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 18-25. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Surrogate model

Feasibility study of surrogate model for the application of vehicle suspension system. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)


Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Strength properties of 10 millimeters timber clinker aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 334-344. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Energy performance contracting initiative in Malaysian public hospitals. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Strengthening the palm oil biomass renewable energy industry in Malaysia. Renewable Energy, 60. pp. 107-115. ISSN 0960-1481 (2013)

Study of productivity improvement of manual operations in soya sauce factory. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 202-211. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Sustainability (Green)

Talk on “civil engineers’ role in green buildings”. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Sustainability development

Reaching out to the masses. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Revitalising mother nature: the energy commission commits to a greener Malaysia. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 49. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Sustainable cities: when low carbon meets smart. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 34-39. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

The realities of building in the hot, humid tropics. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

UMP makes tech leaps with society in mind. [Newspaper] (2022)

An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)


Experimental study using recycled waste tyre as sustainable clay soil stabilization. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Recycled tire isolator as earth quake resistance system for single storey building in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1823-7843 (2020)

Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement in construction – the way forward for malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 21-28. (2013)

Sustainable construction

Construction industry needs to embrace new technologies. [Newspaper] (2015)

Sustainable design

Traditional values and their adaptation in social housing design: towards a new typology and establishment of ‘air house’ standard in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 8-21. (2013)

Sustainable development

Energy efficiency in sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 56-61. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

TNB unveils world's first power plant with most efficient gas turbine by GE. [Newspaper] (2022)

AFES leads the way in sustainable waste management. [Newspaper] (2020)

Talk on sustainable building- what can an electrical engineer do? Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

Sustainable energy

Engagement with financial institutions key to renewable energy growth. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (11). pp. 24-26. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Leading the nation towards sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (13). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2590-4000 (2021)

Reshaping electricity supply industry. Energy Malaysia, 14. pp. 14-15. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Successful collaborations in pursuit of net-zero emmissions. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 5 (12). pp. 70-73. ISSN 2590-4000 (2022)

Optimization and experimental investigations of fuel properties with algae biodiesel using design expert software. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Sustainable environment

Peer to peer (P2P) energy trading pilot project in Malaysia. Sustainable Energy Malaysia, 4 (8). pp. 30-32. ISSN 2590-4000 (2020)

Sustainable management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the current status and needs assessment of water resources research in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2014)

Putrajaya Lake: sustainable management of created wetland. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Sustainable urban development

Smart Selangor 2025. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 40-41. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

Sustainable wastewater treatment

Sustainable treatment of waste water from agro-food industry. Technical Report. The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. (2021)

Syarikat bumiputera

Federal Power hasilkan bateri solar tahun hadapan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Syarikat telekomunikasi (telco)

Enam telco setuju laksana 5G di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)


Nutrients and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removals by microalgae–bacteria co-culture system in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 22-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)


Hydrogen production from ethanol dry reforming over lanthania-promoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 24-33. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

The effects of cerium promoter on the performance of cobalt-based catalysts in fischer tropsch synthesis for liquid fuel production. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Synthetic antimicrobial agent

Synthetic antimicrobial agent and antimicrobial fabrics: progress and challenges. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Synthetic biology

Biotechnology aids palm oil. [Newspaper] (2021)

Synthetic chemicals

Beware of Earth's tolerance limit. [Newspaper] (2022)


Accreditation of coastal hydraulic software: are we ready? In: 5th IEM Water Resources Colloquium, 5 July 2003, IEM, P.J.. (2003)

System Average Interruption Duration Index

Talk on distribution automation project. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2019)

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)

SAIDI 100 Lab: powering up Sabah. Energy Malaysia, 15. pp. 24-27. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

System Identification

Neural network based system identification for quadcopter dynamic modelling: a review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (2). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

System of units

Simulation and control of door lock system using PID controller. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)


Bekalan air: KASA setuju bina takungan air besar di Machang. [Video] (2022)

Projek Takungan Air Pinggir Sungai tingkatkan takungan air. [Video] (2020)

TCP throughput

Customizing WLAN access point’s indoor coverage and throughput with corner reflector. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

TH Heavy Engineering

THHE teams up with SMHB to bolster engineering opportunities, ventures. [Newspaper] (2022)


TNB, UTHM jalin kerjasama projek solar. [Newspaper] (2021)


Heating plates placement structure for optimal muscle stress relief with low power consumption. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (4). pp. 239-247. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)


Taguchi optimisation on effect of water environment in joining dissimilar AL5083 and AL6061-T6 aluminium alloy using friction stir welding. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 39-52. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Takungan Air

Projek Takungan Air Pinggir Sungai tingkatkan takungan air. [Video] (2020)

Takungan Air Pinggiran Sungai (TAPS)

KASA bantu selesai masalah air melalui projek TAPS Jernih & Melaka. [Video] (2020)

Takungan air

5 lagi kolam takungan air akan dibina libatkan 3 daerah di Terengganu. [Video] (2019)

Bekalan air: KASA setuju bina takungan air besar di Machang. [Video] (2022)

KASA bantu selesai masalah air melalui projek TAPS Jernih & Melaka. [Video] (2020)

Kolam takungan dwifungsi: atasi banjir, tingkat rizab margin air di Selangor. [Video] (2022)

Melaka setuju wujudkan 2 projek Off River Storage. [Video] (2017)

Sumber air | sedia lebih banyak TAPS, tangani kemarau besar 2025. [Video] (2022)

Tall buildings

Report on design of slender tall buildings for wind & earthquake. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Tallest tower

Technical visit to Warisan Merdeka (new landmark for the nation), Kuala Lumpur. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2017)

Taman solar Sultan Ibrahim

Johor akan jadi pengeluar utama tenaga solar di Asia Tenggara. [Website]

Tanah gambut

5 lagi kolam takungan air akan dibina libatkan 3 daerah di Terengganu. [Video] (2019)

Tarif Elektrik Hijau (GET)

Skim NEM lonjak penggunaan tenaga boleh baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia-AS teroka tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tax benefits

Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost. [Newspaper] (2022)

Technical regulatory

Mohd Yunus, Mohd Ali Hanafiah, ed. Internet of things (IOT) technical regulatory aspects & key challenges: technical report. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Cyberjaya, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-13284-9-1 (2018)

Technical skills

Don’t make Malaysia dumping ground for poor quality products, says minister. [Newspaper] (2019)

Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution

Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for selecting the best demand side management options. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Technological advancements

Supplying sustainable energy. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 14-17. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)

Technological advent

The digital revolution: the future of the energy industry. Energy Malaysia, 16. pp. 18-21. ISSN 2289-7488 (2018)


Impacts of covid-19 outbreak on civil engineering activities in the Malaysian construction industry: a review. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 33 (3). pp. 477-485. ISSN 2289-7526 (2021)


Engineering technology program in Malaysia: a market survey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 56: 56. pp. 448-453. ISSN 1877-0428 (2012)


Environmental technology. Retrospective 2019: Boosting industry, amplifying capability. pp. 9-11. (2019)

Technology development

Mimos innovations. Retrospective 2020. pp. 10-15. (2020)

Strengthening the electrical and electronics sector. [Website]

Tecoma stans

The effectiveness of sodium polyacrylate as landscape catalyst. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 135-148. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Teknologi 5G

Malaysia dipilih jadi hab pembuatan peralatan 5G Ericsson. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi EV

MOSTI fokus kenderaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi Hijau

Ekonomi | Malaysia tumpu teknologi hijau, sasar negara neutral karbon 2050. [Video] (2021)

Teknologi IoT

Manfaat teknologi amaran awal banjir selamatkan mangsa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi go-kart

Tarik minat dunia automotif. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi hijau

Inisiatif amalan hijau dan aplikasi teknologi hijau PDRM 2014-2015. [Website]

TNB pacu peralihan tenaga ke arah kelestarian. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi hijau. [Website]

Impak teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tumpu kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia ketiga dunia hab tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2019)

Beri pendedahan awal budaya teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2022)

Urus sisa makanan dengan baik untuk kelestarian alam. [Newspaper] (2021)

Teknologi komunikasi alternatif

Manfaat teknologi amaran awal banjir selamatkan mangsa. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi makanan

MOSTI tawar kepakaran, teknologi atasi isu sekuriti makanan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Teknologi rumah solar

Inovasi rumah solar ikan masin. [Newspaper] (2021)


Same 5G frequencies cause aviation interference? [Newspaper] (2022)

Telecommunications infrastructure

Committed to enhancing connectivity. [Newspaper] (2021)


Tingkat kelajuan jalur lebar. [Newspaper] (2022)


Guide on minimum energy performance standards for television. Manual. Energy Commission. (2019)

Temperature effect

New battery model integrating the internal resistance as a function of temperature. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Temperature mapping

An innovative approach for environmental monitoring by solar powered kite. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 257-265. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Temporal storm

Estimation of the design rainstorm in peninsular Malaysia. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur. (1994)


Sisa biomas industri sawit jadi sumber tenaga baharu. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga Hidro

Projek tenaga solar dan hidro - Long Beruang Baram. [Video] (2015)

Tenaga Solar

Projek tenaga solar dan hidro - Long Beruang Baram. [Video] (2015)

Tenaga alternatif

Solar ejen pertumbuhan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2021)

UPM guna sistem solar hasilkan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga bersih

TNB pacu peralihan tenaga ke arah kelestarian. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga boleh baharu

Perluas hebahan manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga boleh baharu (RE)

TNB tingkat hala tuju kelestarian dengan ladang angin luar pesisir. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga boleh baharu (TBB)

Sumbangan SEDA Malaysia dalam tenaga lestari. [Website]

Tenaga boleh dibaharui

Panel solar sumbang 25% penggunaan tenaga kilang. [Video] (2022)

Solar ejen pertumbuhan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tenaga boleh diperbaharui

KAB pasang sistem tenaga PV di Mydin Tunjong. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kumbahan mentah mampu hasil gas butanol, etanol. [Newspaper] (2022)

Malaysia lokasi solar terbesar Intel di luar AS. [Newspaper] (2021)

Panel solar. [Video] (2021)

Tenaga boleh diperbaharui (RE)

Bicara pengguna: solar jimat dan menguntungkan. [Video] (2019)

Bingkisan Sabah: tenaga solar Tanjung Labian. [Video] (2016)

Galak pemasangan solar 'tenaga boleh diperbaharui'. [Video] (2018)

Pemeteran tenaga bersih: tenaga solar jimat kadar bil elektrik. [Video] (2019)

Projek solar: pemangkin pembangunan Kedah Anchor. [Video] (2018)

Tenaga bersih: projek ladang solar beri manfaat ekonomi, peluang pekerjaaan. [Video] (2021)

Tenaga elektrik

Keselamatan elektrik. [Phamplet]

TNB pacu peralihan tenaga ke arah kelestarian. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga hijau

AmBank kurangkan jejak karbon penggunaan elektrik. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bicara pengguna: solar jimat dan menguntungkan. [Video] (2019)

Galak pemasangan solar 'tenaga boleh diperbaharui'. [Video] (2018)

Green age solar. [Video] (2011)

MoU | UiTM & Malaysian Green Technology Corporation. [Video] (2019)

Solar Orang Asli. [Video] (2018)

S P Setia pasang solar PV di semua projek rumah. [Newspaper] (2022)

Tenaga lestari

Sumbangan SEDA Malaysia dalam tenaga lestari. [Website]

Malaysia dalam perancangan peralihan tenaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tenaga mahir

Industri aeroangkasa negara: sasar pendapatan RM55.2 bilion menjelang 2030. [Video] (2018)

Tenaga solar

Berita Pagi: ladang solar terapung di Kelantan. [Video] (2021)

Bicara pengguna: solar jimat dan menguntungkan. [Video] (2019)

Bingkisan Sabah: tenaga solar Tanjung Labian. [Video] (2016)

Cerita Pagi Johor: UiTM menjana tenaga solar dalam mencapai tahap neutral karbon. [Video] (2022)

Cerita Pagi Perlis - pembangunan teknologi solar photovoltaic. [Video] (2022)

Fasiliti Terbesar Dunia – jana kuasa elektrik solar PV. [Video] (2018)

Galak pemasangan solar 'tenaga boleh diperbaharui'. [Video] (2018)

Green age solar. [Video] (2011)

Hospital Langkawi guna tenaga solar – jimat bil letrik hingga RM360, 000 setahun. [Video] (2017)

Johor akan jadi pengeluar utama tenaga solar di Asia Tenggara. [Website]

KAB pasang sistem tenaga PV di Mydin Tunjong. [Newspaper] (2022)

KPM dalam proses lengkapkan kemudahan solar hibrid. [Video] (2020)

Kajian pembinaan sistem solar terapung mampu jana lebih 150 megawatt. [Video] (2022)

Ladang solar terbesar di Malaysia. [Video] (2019)

Malaysia lokasi solar terbesar Intel di luar AS. [Newspaper] (2021)

N5-tenaga solar fotovolta-jimat elektrik dan mesra alam. [Video] (2019)

Panel solar. [Video] (2021)

Panel solar sumbang 25% penggunaan tenaga kilang. [Video] (2022)

Pemeteran tenaga bersih: tenaga solar jimat kadar bil elektrik. [Video] (2019)

Projek rintis lampu jalan kampung solar led. [Video] (2020)

Projek solar: pemangkin pembangunan Kedah Anchor. [Video] (2018)

Projek tenaga solar terapung: ladang solar terbesar di Asia Tenggara. [Video] (2021)

S4-inisiatif solar fotovolto-galak penjanaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui. [Video] (2020)

Sektor Tenaga: bumbung solar terbesar negara, pacu operasi MHB. [Video] (2021)

Sistem tenaga solar - inisiatif UTM bawa sinar bahawa penduduk Orang Asli. [Video] (2017)

Solar Orang Asli. [Video] (2018)

Solar ejen pertumbuhan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2021)

Stesen janakuasa solar – hasilkan tenaga berkapasiti 18.5 megawatt. [Video] (2018)

Tenaga bersih: projek ladang solar beri manfaat ekonomi, peluang pekerjaaan. [Video] (2021)

Tenaga solar: LSS Sepang TNB pamer prestasi konsisten. [Video] (2021)

Tenaga solar: penglibatan aktif syarikat tempatan diperlukan. [Video] (2019)

Malaysia-AS teroka tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia dalam perancangan peralihan tenaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Proton lancar inisiatif tenaga solar, jimat bil elektrik RM4.39j setahun. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kilang PROTON Tanjung Malim manfaat tenaga solar. [Newspaper] (2022)

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Tensile strength

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Tensile test

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Terowong bawah tanah

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Tertiary programme

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Test environment

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Textile antenna

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Texture analysis

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Thermal analysis

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Thermal conductivity

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Thermal energy

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Thermal lamination

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Thermochemical process

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Thermostability factors

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Thermostable enzymes

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Third-grade fluid

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Thrust Performance

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Timber clinker

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Timber product

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Time study

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Time to collision

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Tindakan kecemasan

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Tire-wheel clamp

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Tobacco substitute

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Tourism destinations

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Town hall session

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Toxicity free solvent

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Tracking performance

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Traditional Malay House

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Traffic management

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Training programmes

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Transformer oil

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Transport sector

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Transportation and state

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Transportation mode

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Treatment plants

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Tricalcium phosphate

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Trong clay

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Tropical condition

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Turbid water

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Turbin angin

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Turbocharger gas stand

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Turbulence Model

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Two phase combined reactor system

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UK-SPEC learning outcomes

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UN Decade of Action 2011-2020

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UV plasma

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Ubi kayu

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Ujian makmal

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Ultimate video quality

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Ultrasonic amplification

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Ultrasound-assisted extraction

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Ultraviolet radiation

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Unconfined compressive strength

Geotechnical assessment of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) mixed with granite residual soil for hydraulic barrier purposes. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

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Underwater friction stir welding

Taguchi optimisation on effect of water environment in joining dissimilar AL5083 and AL6061-T6 aluminium alloy using friction stir welding. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 39-52. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Underwater robotics

Conceptual design of remotely operated underwater vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2289-9790 (2015)

Uniformity distribution

A simulation study of drying chamber for marine product. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (6). pp. 62-69. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Unit pengukuran

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University laboratories

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Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

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Unsaturated soil slope

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Unsaturated soils

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Unsteady aerodynamics

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Unsteady flow

Couette flow problem for an unsteady MHD third-grade fluid with hall currents. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Upper limb prostheses

Design an interfacing tracking system in rehabilitation therapies between the elbow joint of the human arm and the prosthetic arm. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 54-60. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Urban street canyon

CFD analysis of flow, pollutant dispersion and thermal effect in street canyons. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 99-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


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Utilises idle land

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Utility companies

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VM benefits

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VM in malaysia

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VM viability

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Structural analysis of hybrid VTOL configuration. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Design and analysis performance of fixed wing VTOL UAV. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 5 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 2289–9790 (2018)

Vaccine Production

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Value Management (VM)

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Value problems

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Vehicle headway

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Vehicle safety and accessories

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Vehicle safety features

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Vehicle system

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Vehicles traffic

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Vernacular architecture

Traditional values and their adaptation in social housing design: towards a new typology and establishment of ‘air house’ standard in Malaysia. Jurnal Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. pp. 8-21. (2013)

Vertical links

The effects of inclined shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beam. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)


Performance of energy regenerative suspension system through laboratory testing. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 7 (2). pp. 17-27. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

Structural analysis of hybrid VTOL configuration. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 7 (2). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2289–9790 (2020)

Vibration criteria assessment due to piling works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 46-56. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Vibration assessment on various distance to demolition works. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 68-77. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Vibration analysis

Design of a drop impact test rig for accelerometer validation for turbocharger application. Jurnal Mekanikal, 45. pp. 53-62. ISSN 2289-3873 (2022)

Vibration levels

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Vibration sources

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Virtual prototype

Virtual prototype-based kinematic modeling and simulation of a multi-mode amphibious robot. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 246-256. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Virtual reality

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Statistical approach toward achieving green cloud computing in virtualized single server environment. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2020)

Virus outbreaks

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Visible imaging

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Vision 2020

Developed nation in 2020: Malaysia’s road safety and modernization threats. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)

Vision analysis

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Vitamin C

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Voltage and load power margin

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Voltage instability

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Voltage instability analysis

Voltage instability analysis based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and probabilistic neural network. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 9 (2). pp. 27-40. ISSN 2180-3811 (2018)

Voltage sensor

Rechargeable battery system for small scale electric vehicle. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2021)

Voltage stability margin

Voltage instability analysis for electrical power system using voltage stabilty margin and modal analysis. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3 (3). pp. 655-662. ISSN 2502-4752 (2016)


Performance analysis of optimized screen-printed electrodes for electrochemical sensing. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (3). pp. 250-261. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Volume fraction

CFD analysis of flow, pollutant dispersion and thermal effect in street canyons. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 99-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Volumetric shrinkage

Hydraulic conductivity and volumetric shrinkage properties review on gradation effect of compacted laterite soil liner. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (1). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Geotechnical assessment of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) mixed with granite residual soil for hydraulic barrier purposes. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Vortex generator

Effects of boundary layer scrapper on aerodynamic characteristics for automotive wind tunnel testing. Journal of Transport System Engineering, 2 (2). pp. 14-20. ISSN 2289–9790 (2015)

W/O emulsion

Demulsification of crude oil emulsion via electrocoagulation method. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 97-105. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)


A review of metal injection moulding on WC-Co cemented carbide comprised of Grain Growth Inhibitors (GGI). Journal of Science and Technology, 14 (1). pp. 84-101. ISSN 2229-8460 (2022)


Effect of alkaline treatment on properties of rattan waste and fabricated binderless particleboard. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 185-196. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

A review: study on spent garnet as construction material. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Waste containers

MyHIJAU sharps waste containers used in hospitals nationwide. [Newspaper] (2022)

Waste glass

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Waste management

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Design and development of size segregation sieve machine with centrifugal action. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8 (4). pp. 208-215. ISSN 2332-3361 (2020)

Waste management practices

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Waste materials

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Waste minimization

A comparison study on different methods in building construction activity towards waste minimization. Masters thesis, Institut Sains Biologi. (2011)

Waste segregation facilities

Petronas chemicals teams up with KDEB waste management, One Biosys on supply of plastic waste. [Newspaper] (2022)

Waste separation system

Littering, not plastic, harms environment. [Newspaper] (2016)

Waste tyre

Experimental study using recycled waste tyre as sustainable clay soil stabilization. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), 14 (5). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Waste vegetable oil

Experimental study of waste vegetable oil as a biofuel. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)

Waste water treatment

Pharmaceuticals as potential chemical markers in wastewater. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2014)


Challenges in textile wastewater and current palliative methods: an overview. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Design and efficiency studies on skimmers in an active grease trap. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 121-133. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)

Kapok as an adsorbent for industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 48-54. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Wastewater treatment

Challenges in textile wastewater and current palliative methods: an overview. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 71-78. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) in treating spent caustic wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 3. pp. 17-25. ISSN 2600-7347 (2018)

Towards greener farming with biogas power plant. [Newspaper] (2022)

Microalgae a new potential to mitigate carbon footprint. [Newspaper] (2021)

Influence of Light Emitting Diode (LED) on microalgae. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

Nutrients and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removals by microalgae–bacteria co-culture system in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). IIUM Engineering Journal, 20 (2). pp. 22-31. ISSN 1511-788X (2019)

Wastewater treatments

A review of wastewater bacterial bio oxidation: mechanisms, reactions, and behaviors. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2600-7347 (2021)


Strategies for the sustainable development and management of lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia. Manual. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2009)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the current status and needs assessment of water resources research in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2014)

Water absorption

Effect of water on polypropylene/barium titanate nanocomposites. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Water absorption and drying shrinkage of recycled foamed aggregate concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (3). pp. 482-492. ISSN 1823-7843 (2018)

Environmental degradation of durian skin nanofibre biocomposite. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (1). pp. 223-236. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)

Water analysis

Groundwater resources in Johor, Malaysia: resource potential and information management. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 43: 37. pp. 367-373. ISSN 0126-6187 (1999)

Water catchment

Managing groundwater sustainably. [Newspaper] (2019)

Water distribution system

Chlorine decay simulation in water distribution system using EPANET. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 13 (3). pp. 94-99. ISSN 2229-838X (2021)

Water flow

River hydrology. [Phamplet]

Water hyacinth

Sea of 'kemeling' draws visitors to Sungai Petani oxidation pond. [Newspaper] (2021)

Water level recorder

Field installation and maintenance of caprecorder 1598 digital event water level recorder. Manual. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Water pollution

Expert: Langat 2 treatment plant will boost water reserves. [Newspaper] (2020)

River of life: public outreach programs. [Phamplet]

Water pollution detector

The development of water pollution detector using conductivity and turbidity principles. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23 (2). pp. 104-113. ISSN 1511-788X (2022)

Water pumping system

A study of effect to the water pumping system powered by pv solar by removing the battery storage. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Water quality

Water quality sampling for surface water. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1973)

Groundwater resources in Johor, Malaysia: resource potential and information management. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 43: 37. pp. 367-373. ISSN 0126-6187 (1999)

Tasik Chini: sustaining environmentally sensitive. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 41-45. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Putrajaya Lake: sustainable management of created wetland. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Water quality index

Preliminary assessment of lakes water quality status at campus area in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 42-49. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Water quality parameters

Preliminary assessment of lakes water quality status at campus area in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (1). pp. 42-49. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Water rentention

Bukit Kukus water retention: MBPP orders engineering consultant to come up with solution. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2022)

Water reserves

Expert: Langat 2 treatment plant will boost water reserves. [Newspaper] (2020)

Water resource development

Strategies for the sustainable development and management of lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia. Manual. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2009)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the current issues and needs for water supply and wastewater management in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-25-6 (2015)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the current status and needs assessment of water resources research in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2014)

Water resources

Managing groundwater sustainably. [Newspaper] (2019)

A review of downscaling methods for climate change impacts on water resources. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29 (2). pp. 216-226. ISSN 1823-7843 (2017)

Tapping into groundwater is the way forward, says PM. [Newspaper] (2022)

Big groundwater projects can impact environment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Explore groundwater as alternative water source during dry season, urges Forum Air Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Water resources development

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the status of climate change impact on water-related issues (final report). Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9445-66-44 (2010)

Abdullah, Shahrizaila Ensuring a better water future for Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-31-7 (2016)

Water retention

The effectiveness of sodium polyacrylate as landscape catalyst. Journal of Engineeringand Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 135-148. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Water reuse

A comparative study on treatment technologies for sewage reclamation: a focus on the disinfection process. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (2). pp. 80-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Water source

Magnitude and frequency of floods in Malaysia. Manual. Drainage and Irrigation Department, Kuala Lumpur. (1974)

Water supplies

A study of effect to the water pumping system powered by pv solar by removing the battery storage. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Water supply

Tapping into groundwater is the way forward, says PM. [Newspaper] (2022)

Big groundwater projects can impact environment. [Newspaper] (2022)

Explore groundwater as alternative water source during dry season, urges Forum Air Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Droughts in malaysia: a look at its characteristics, impacts, related policies and management strategies. In: Water and Drainage 2003 Conference, 28-29 April 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2003)

Water treatment

Optimization of flocculation process by microbial coagulant for removal of turbidity in river water. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Water treatment plant

HSS engineers to undertake feasibility study to upgrade Johor water treatment system. [Newspaper] (2022)

Water treatment plants

PAAB allocates RM471 million for water treatment plant projects in Kelantan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Water utilities

Abdullah, Shahrizaila Ensuring a better water future for Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-31-7 (2016)

Water-cement ratio

High cycle fatigue in concrete through the theory of critical distances: from perspective of water-cement ratio. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33 (3). pp. 79-83. ISSN 1823-7843 (2021)

Water-level recorder

General purpose event water level recorder. Manual. Publications Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur. (1973)

Water-supply management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Study on the current issues and needs for water supply and wastewater management in Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-25-6 (2015)

Abdullah, Shahrizaila Ensuring a better water future for Malaysia. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-31-7 (2016)

Watershed management

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the status and issues on integrated river basin management (IRBM) in Malaysia 2014. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-19-5 (2014)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. A study on the status and issues on integrated river basin management (IRBM) in Malaysia 2014. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-19-5 (2014)

Wave breaker

Renewable energy powered by waves. [Newspaper] (2014)

Wave energy

Renewable energy powered by waves. [Newspaper] (2014)

Wave impedance

Microstrip yagi antenna’s design and analysis for wireless LAN application. Other thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Dungun Campus. (2015)

Wave kinematics

Design and analysis of fixed offshore structure – an overview. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 503-520. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Wearable device

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Web-enabled smart devices

#TECH: making cities smart. [Newspaper] (2021)


Can internet usage ease the process of learning engineering subjects?: a study on students of diploma in mechanical engineering. In: STSS 2004 : Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains Teknologi & Sains Sosial / Jilid 2 : Sains Sosial, 31 Mei – 1 Jun 2004, Hotel Vistana, Kuantan, Pahang. (In Press) (2004)

Weighing and measuring instruments

Enhancing legal metrology through digitalisation. [Newspaper] (2022)

Weighted sum method

Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for selecting the best demand side management options. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 0128-4428 (2017)

Welding Procedure

Engineering inspection services : Minimise engineering risk and optimise efficiency. [Phamplet]


Tasik Chini: sustaining environmentally sensitive. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 41-45. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)


Putrajaya Lake: sustainable management of created wetland. In: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management, 2007. National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Seri Kembangan, Selangor, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-983-9429-02-2 (2008)

Wholesale electricity market

Co-generation: an energy efficient technology. Project Report. Energy Commission. (2019)


Dual-wide band bended cloth antenna for ISM and WLAN applications. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Widening roads

Widening roads costly, says expert. [Newspaper] (2019)

Wider bandwiths

An overview of propagation impairment mitigation techniques for satellite communication system. myCONVERGENCE, 6 (2). pp. 50-57. ISSN 1985-188X (2012)

Willingness to pay (WTP)

Consumers’ perception of vehicle safety features in four ASEAN countries. In: Southeast Asia Safer Mobility Symposium 2013, 21 October 2013, Road Transport Academy (APJ), Melaka, Malaysia. (In Press) (2013)


Dual elements isolated magnetic dipole MIMO antenna with semi circular slot structure for isolation enhancement. Project Report. Research Management Institute (RMI), Dungun, Terengganu. (Unpublished) (2020)

Smart current monitoring system with relay breaker. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)

Electricity usage monitoring based on internet of things. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Wireless LANs

Microstrip yagi antenna’s design and analysis for wireless LAN application. Other thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Dungun Campus. (2015)

Wireless communication

Smart antennas for wireless communication systems. myCONVERGENCE, 1 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1985-188X (2007)

Wireless communication systems

MEMS-based oscillators: a review. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Wireless control

Automatic irrigation system using wireless control. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Wireless device

A study on health monitoring system: recent advancements. IIUM Engineering Journal, 15 (2). pp. 87-99. ISSN 1511-788X (2014)

Wireless network

Review on IoT security and challenge in industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 12 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2180-3811 (2021)

Wireless power transfer

Development of wireless power transfer system using resonance principle with security features. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (2). pp. 117-127. ISSN 1511-788X (2017)

Investigation of magnetic properties for different coil sizes of dynamic wireless charging dads for Electric Vehicles (EV). IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)

Wireless signal strength

Customizing WLAN access point’s indoor coverage and throughput with corner reflector. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 19 (2). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0128-4428 (2020)

Wireless system

Water quality monitoring robot based on wireless sensor system. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2-3). pp. 35-41. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)

Wood species recognition

Online system for automatic tropical wood recognition. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 18 (3-2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0128-4428 (2019)

Work from home

The project manager's challenges during Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2716-6201 (2021)

Work progress

Late payment practices in the Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28 (3). pp. 149-162. ISSN 1823-7843 (2016)

Work study

Study of productivity improvement of manual operations in soya sauce factory. IIUM Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 202-211. ISSN 1511-788X (2020)


Material characterization and optimum usage of Coal Bottom Ash (CBA) as sand replacement against concrete properties. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

The effect of dry mix sodium hydroxide onto workability and compressive strength of geopolymer paste. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12 (9). pp. 114-120. ISSN 2229-838X (2020)

Worker′s safety and health

Guidelines on the use of PPE against chemical hazards. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2005)

Working platform

Guidelines for registration of persons with the chief inspector of factories and machinery as tower crane, passenger & material hoist, working platform and gondola competent persons. Manual. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia.


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Manual of recommended practice on the assessment of the health risks arising from the use of chemicals hazardous to health at the workplace. 3rd ed. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-90-4 (2018)

Workplace accidents

Safety engineering in faculty of Mechanical Engineering's laboratories. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2009)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Guidelines on control and safe handling of nanomaterials 2018. Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2014-95-9 (2018)

Workplaces must be safe and healthy. No compromises! Energy Malaysia, 22. pp. 46-49. ISSN 2948-3603 (2022)

Woven kenaf fiber

Eco-hybrid composite failure behavior of two serial bolted joint holes. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (1). pp. 114-124. ISSN 2180-3811 (2016)

X-ray Fluorescence

Elemental and chemical composition of moringa oleifera husk extracts. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology, 5 (5). pp. 74-78. ISSN 2600-7347 (2019)

X-ray diffraction

Influence of alkali treatment on mechanical and morphological properties of single agave angustifolia fibre. Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2550-1917 (2021)


Self-powered infusion micropump fabrication using xurography and thermal lamination techniques. The International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 14 (2). pp. 39-46. ISSN 2229-838X (2022)

Young generation

Energy efficiency taking up the challenge. Energy Malaysia, 18. p. 48. ISSN 2289-7488 (2019)

Zero phase error tracking control

Tracking control of an electro-hydraulic actuator system using LQR-ZPETC controller. ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 0128-4428 (2021)


UNSPECIFIED, ed. Position paper on hydrogen economy. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-2915-83-6 (2020)

Zero-emission vehicle

Scaling EV for future mobility in SEA. [Newspaper] (2022)


Study of MESH quality improvement for CFD analysis of an airfoil. IIUM Engineering Journal, 19 (2). pp. 203-212. ISSN 1511-788X (2018)


E-rebates to promote energy efficiency. Energy Malaysia, 21. pp. 42-45. ISSN 2948-3603 (2021)

k-ε Realizable

Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

k-ω SST

Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)

k-ω Standard

Comparative study on several type of turbulence model available in ANSY-fluent software for ONERA M6 wing aerodynamic analysis. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA), 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2716-6201 (2020)


Classification of spike-wave discharge with STFT approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2180-3811 (2014)


Screening and optimising metal salt concentration for harvesting nannochloropsis flocculation. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN 2180-3811 (2015)

pH water

IoT based approach on aquarium monitoring system with fish feeder automation. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 11 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2180-3811 (2020)

vehicle crash test

Development of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications: past, present and future. Jurutera Online: Additional Reports. (2020)

This list was generated on Wed Dec 18 05:01:01 2024 +08.