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Jump to: ARS cluster | Acceptance factors | Adopting | Adoption practices | Aesthetic | Alam sekitar | Amalan rendah karbon | Ambient air temperature | Annual report | Anugerah Hijau Melaka | Architects | Awareness | Awareness level | BSI certification services | Bangunan pejabat | Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) | Battery leasing and swapping | Bekalan air bersih | Bekalan air terawat | Benefits | Bibliometric analysis | Bio-natural gas | Bioclimatic | Biodiversity | Biogenes | Biohap | Biophilic design | Brand loyalty | Brickool | Budget 2021 | Building | Building components | Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) | Building materials | Bus Stop Solar UiTM | Business Success Factors | Campaign | Carbon City | Carbon dioxide emissions | Carbon footprint calculator | Challenges | Climate change | Climate change adaptation | Climate change and environment | Climate change mitigation | Coefficient | Collaboration | Commercial building | Commitment | Community | Construction industry | Construction methods | Consumer knowledge | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | Cost impact | Cost-effective parallel processing | Customer satisfaction | Dasar negara | Data Centres | Dataran Cendekia | Demand and Supply | Developer’s perspective | Digital economy | Digitalisation of education | Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) | Distributed computing | EMGS | ESG | ESG performance | EV-related technologies | EVCB | Eco-friendly housing | Economic development | Economic growth | Economic model | Education exchange initiatives | Ekonomi Hijau | Ekonomi hijau | Ekosistem kondusif | Electric Vehicles (EV) | Electric motorcycles | Electric vehicle (EV) | Electricity supply | Energy Transition | Energy consumption | Energy efficiency | Energy savings consortium | Energy-efficient design | Entrepreneurs | Environment | Environmental | Environmental awareness | Environmental commitments | Environmental design | Environmental friendly | Environmental management | Environmental protection | Environmental sustainability | European Union (EU) | Exhibition | Exterior walls | Financial institution | Financial performance | Financial statements | Financing scheme | Financing solution | Foreign direct Investment | Forest Ecosystem | Forest Management | G7 and G8 contractors | GBI certification | GTFS | Gaya hidup hijau | Gerakan koperasi | Global Partnership | Government agencies | Government incentives | Government incentives and policies | Government linked company | Government policies and incentives | Government’s initiatives | Grafena | Green Building Index (GBI) | Green Cities | Green Education | Green Industry | Green Initiatives | Green Innovation | Green Investment | Green Practices at Restaurant | Green Safe | Green Technology | Green assessment criteria | Green brand | Green building | Green building index | Green building technology | Green campus | Green development | Green factories | Green growth | Green incentives | Green infrastructure | Green initiatives | Green initiatives database | Green investments | Green material | Green material procurement | Green materials | Green movement | Green practice | Green practice guidelines | Green practices | Green procurement | Green products | Green restaurant | Green satisfaction | Green skills | Green spaces | Green station database | Green steel project | Green technology | Green technology activities | Green technology building | Green technology companies | Green technology framework | Green technology goals | Green technology innovation | Green trust | Green wall | Grid-connected inverter | Hab kerja | Heritage | Higher institutions | Hot water | Housing construction | Hub pengedaran | Human capital development | Hydrogen production | Implementation models | Improve air quality | Industrial landscape | Industrialization building system | Information Technology Industries | Information dissemination | Inisiatif hijau | Initiative and planning stage | Inovasi | Insentif kerajaan | Intellectual capital | Intention | Investment | Kampus hijau | Karbon | Kasetsart University of Thailand | Kelestarian alam | Kementerian Peralihan Tenaga dan Transformasi | Kenderaan Elektrik (EV) | Kerjasama luar | Keterlihatan | Key industrial players | Key success factor | Knowledge and Skills | Kolagen | Konsep sifar sisa | Kualiti alam sekitar | Kualiti persekitaran | Lampu solar | Latest innovations | Lauds | Library environment | Longhouse | Low Carbon | Low-carbon city plan | Luceana | MIDA | MITI | Mahkamah bergerak | Malaysia Budget 2025 | Malaysian Firm | Malaysian Timber Certification Council | Malaysian construction industry | Malaysian market | Manufacturing organisations | Master plan | Materials | Media social | Menjimatkan tenaga dan sumber asli | Metropolitan Park | Mini Hydroelectric | Misi Maju Johor | Mitigation actions | Mobile Court | Model perniagaan baharu | Muro Garden | My Filtro Aqua Natsponge | NCT Smart Industrial Park | NIMP 2030 | National Energy Transition Roadmap | Natural elements | Net zero energy | New Economic Policy (NEP) | New-generation | Nuklear | OECD countries | Office building | Organic fertilisers | Outstanding Award | Overall thermal transfer value | Parallel computing | Partnership for SDG | Pelabur asing | Pelaburan | Pelaburan teknologi hijau | Pelepasan karbon | Pembangunan teknologi hijau | Pembebasan gas rumah hijau | Pembekal perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) | Pembiayaan teknologi hijau | Pemeliharaan alam | Penanaman cendawan | Pencemaran Alam Sekitar | Pengangkutan hijau mikro | Pengecualian cukai | Pengiklanan hijau | Pengurusan Islam | Pengurusan Pengangkutan | Pengurusan Tenaga Lestari | Penjimatan tenaga | Perancangan peralihan | Peranti APTSENS | Perhentian Bas Berkuasa Solar UiTM | Persekitaran | Persidangan Hidrogen Hijau | Perspektif Islam | Pertumbuhan hijau | Perubahan iklim | Petai Belalang | Photovoltaic (PV) | Photovoltaic system | Plant shading | Policy | Policy support | Policy support mechanism | Polimer Nanokomposit | Prefabrication | Problems | Product directory | Produk Hijau | Program Greenday | Program Penghijauan Rantaian Nilai (GVC) | Program dan insentif | Programmes awareness | Prospek | Public awareness | Public policy | Reduce material waste | Reduce urban heat | Renewable Energy Technologies | Renewable energy | Renewable energy (RE) | Renewable green energy | Renewable resources | Renewable-energy technology | Resource efficiency | Retrofit | Road orientation | Road surface temperature | Road width | Roadside trees | Royal Malaysian Police Department. | SDG's | SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd | SOGIP | Sago waste | Saintis | Sanitary landfill | Sathyabama Institute | Sawit Kinabalu | Sektor kenderaan elektrik (EV) | Sektor sisa | Sektor teknologi hijau | Sektor tenaga | Sewaan | Sinaran gamma | Sisa kelapa sawit | Smart manufacturing | Sogip | Solar PV industry | Solar energy | Solar projects | Spatial technology application | Stadium | Staff perception | State Exco | Stesen Pengecas EV | Stesen Supercharge Tesla | Stesen pengecas kenderaan elektrik | Strategic review | Strategies | Suburban communities | Sustainability | Sustainability Strategy | Sustainability performance | Sustainable | Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) | Sustainable and efficient energy solutions | Sustainable building | Sustainable design | Sustainable development | Sustainable development goals | Sustainable development) | Sustainable eco town | Sustainable energy solutions | Sustainable infrastructures | Sustainable practices | Sustainable projects | Syarikat hiliran | System design | Systematic Literature Review (SLR) | Systematic literature review | TVET | Tax exemtion | Tax incentive programs | Tax incentives | Technology adoption | Technology investment | Technology transfer | Teknologi Membran | Teknologi hijau | Teknologi kilang hijau | Teknologi rendah karbon | Tenaga boleh diperbaharui (RE) | Tenaga pakar | Tenaga solar | Tesla | Transport industry | U-Value | UTAUT 2 | UiTM Hub | UiTM Pahang farm | Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak | Urban sustainabality | User satisfaction | Utilisation | Value added intellectual | Vertical greenery system | Virtual Power Plant (VPP) | Waste management | Water harvesting innovation | Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030 | Youngsters | Zero Energy Building (ZEB) | Zero carbon emission | Zero carbon emissions | Zero-waste development | climate change | e-scooters | e-skuter | eGREENi@Campus | greenhouse gas | hidrogen hijau | i-VGG2023 | k-Value | quality job growh | stesen pengecasan kenderaan elektrik | youth’s awareness | “Single-use Plastic”
Number of items at this level: 653.

ARS cluster

Surface reconstruction on mini parallel processing: green technology for image processing. In: IIDEX 2014 Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014. An International Exposition on Research and Innovation . Research Innovation Business Unit, Shah Alam, Selangor, p. 59. (Unpublished) (2014)

Acceptance factors

Modelling the acceptance factors to use green technology (MyHR2U) in a successful financial institution in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2014)


Factor influence the intention in adopting green building technology. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seremban 3. (2022)

Adoption practices

Green Tech: the rise of environment-friendly technologies. [Newspaper] (2021)


Comparative study of vertical greenery system for commercial building in Ipoh, Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Alam sekitar

UK sasar tingkatkan kerjasama dengan Malaysia dalam teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)

Amalan rendah karbon

Program GVC Kossan, pantas bantu pembekal PKS. [Website]

Ambient air temperature

Towards green roads in Malaysia: review of road characteristics effects on road surrounding microclimate with respect to roadside trees. In: GO GREEN2015 Incorporating Green Approaches for Resilient Future. International Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues . Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan & Ukur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 200-207. ISBN 978-967-5741-35-7 (2015)

Annual report

MGTC annual report 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2020)

Anugerah Hijau Melaka

PTHM anjur AHM 2024, sasar lebih 40 penyertaan. [Website]


Key success factors of green building implementation in Malaysia construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Key success factors of green building implementation in Malaysia construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green material procurement implementation towards green buildings. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green technology awareness among lembaga pertubuhan peladang (LPP) Melaka staff. -. pp. 1-9. ISSN - (Submitted) (2015)

Awareness level

The awareness of suburban communities on the green technology in Selangor. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan. (2022)

BSI certification services

EPC blockchain launches net zero energy kick start program to accelerate Malaysia’s green transition. [Website]

Bangunan pejabat

Kesan teknologi hijau terhadap sewaan bangunan pejabat di Malaysia. In: The 9th Regional Symposium of The Malay Archipelago 2012 (SIMPOSIUM NUSANTARA 9 2012), 11-12 December 2012, Perak, Malaysia. (2012)

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

UiTM and GoodWE Technologies forge collaborative partnership to advance green technology and energy efficiency. [Website]

Battery leasing and swapping

Blueshark Ecosystem launches MyEVE program to accelerate adoption, development of electric motorcycles. [Website]

Bekalan air bersih

Teknologi membran utm setanding produk elit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Pedana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 51-52. (2022)

Bekalan air terawat

Teknologi membran utm setanding produk elit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Pedana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 51-52. (2022)


Benefits of green building from client's perspective. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Bibliometric analysis

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? what should we do next? Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 7 (27). pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Bio-natural gas

Sarawak focusing on investments. [Website]


Sustainable materials for bioclimatic design in Dayak traditional longhouse. In: 2 nd International Postgraduate Conference On Global Green Issues (GoGreen 2019). Centre of Graduate Studies, UiTM (Perak Branch), Ipoh, Perak, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-967-5741-92-0 (2019)


Malaysia's green technology. Project Report. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2021)


Biogenes Aptsens: teknologi mudah alih saring kesihatan kendiri. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi Putrajaya, Putrajaya, pp. 48-50. (2022)


Biohap: penapis air tinggi khasiat dan halal. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 53-54. (2022)

Biophilic design

The influence of biophilic design to learning ability in library environment: a systematic review. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (2022)

Brand loyalty

Green branding: the effect of green trust towards brand loyalty of the five-star hotel guest. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Budget 2021

'Budget 2021 committed to advancing green economy agenda'. [Newspaper] (2020)


Benefits of green building from client's perspective. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Building components

Industrialized Building System (IBS) as green technology towards the sustainability building construction in Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak. (2021)

Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)

Design impact of 6.08 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system at Malaysia green technology corporation. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 5: 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-5389 (2012)

Building materials

Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Bus Stop Solar UiTM

Kagum projek 'bus stop' solar UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)

Business Success Factors

Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development. Journal of Global Management, 2 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 2229-919X (2011)


Jom beli produk hijau: embracing eco-friendly choices. [Website]

Carbon City

How Malaysia can move forward with green technology. [Website]

Carbon dioxide emissions

Carbon footprint calculator for children. In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (v-Go Green 2020), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Carbon footprint calculator

Carbon footprint calculator for children. In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (v-Go Green 2020), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Identifying the challenges in obtaining Green Building Index (GBI) certification in construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Climate change

Cultivating a more sustainable future through green technology. [Website]

Green technology incentives: towards achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. [Website]

Malaysia 3rd biennial update report to the UNFCCC. Project Report. Ministry of Environment and Water, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Nextgreen Global Berhad breaks ground for its manufacturing plant at Green Technology Park, Pahang. [Website]

Spearheading Malaysia's investment agenda on green technology. [Website]

Carbon footprint calculator for children. In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (v-Go Green 2020), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Driving green economy for Malaysia through green technology and green culture. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 2 (1). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2550-2239 (2018)

Climate change adaptation

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. [Website] (2015)

Climate change and environment

JETCO to boost efforts to attract green technology investors to Johor. [Website]

Climate change mitigation

Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre: annual report 2019. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. (2019)

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. [Website] (2015)

Volvo trucks Malaysia collaborates with MGTC to accelerate green technology adoption. [Website]


Measuring the value added intellectual capital on financial performance: a case of Malaysian green technology companies. Voice of Academia (VOA), 18 (1). pp. 142-157. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)


JETCO to boost efforts to attract green technology investors to Johor. [Website]

Commercial building

Comparative study of vertical greenery system for commercial building in Ipoh, Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)


Green branding: the effect of green trust towards brand loyalty of the five-star hotel guest. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Enhancing the Relau Metropolitan Park using green technology design approach. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2023)

Construction industry

Industrialized Building System (IBS) as green technology towards the sustainability building construction in Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak. (2021)

Construction methods

Factor influence the intention in adopting green building technology. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seremban 3. (2022)

Consumer knowledge

A study on the consumer knowledge of green technology towards environment and green products. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu. (2011)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR project "Green Technology & Green Education 2019" FSPU & BISA with MRSM Lenggong. [Website] (2019)

Cost impact

Cost impact in implementing green materials in Malaysia’s housing construction. In: QS Colloquium 2020 Series XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Perak, pp. 69-75. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Cost-effective parallel processing

Surface reconstruction on mini parallel processing: green technology for image processing. In: IIDEX 2014 Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014. An International Exposition on Research and Innovation . Research Innovation Business Unit, Shah Alam, Selangor, p. 59. (Unpublished) (2014)

Customer satisfaction

Green practices at café towards customer satisfaction in Klang Valley. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2022)

Dasar negara

Amalan dan teknologi hijau bagi kepentingan bersama di negeri Melaka. In: Amalan dan Teknologi Hijau Bagi Kepentingan Bersama di Negeri Melaka. (Submitted) (2014)

Data Centres

MITI finalising sustainable development guidelines for data centres. [Newspaper] (2024)

Dataran Cendekia

Kagum lampu solar di hentian bas UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)

Demand and Supply

Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development. Journal of Global Management, 2 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 2229-919X (2011)

Developer’s perspective

Cost impact in implementing green materials in Malaysia’s housing construction. In: QS Colloquium 2020 Series XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Perak, pp. 69-75. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Digital economy

MOSTI to ensure teamwork for green technology, digital economy development. [Website]

Digitalisation of education

Scant AI and green technology standards in Malaysian TVET. [Website]

Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)

UiTM and GoodWE Technologies forge collaborative partnership to advance green technology and energy efficiency. [Website]

Distributed computing

Surface reconstruction on mini parallel processing: green technology for image processing. In: IIDEX 2014 Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014. An International Exposition on Research and Innovation . Research Innovation Business Unit, Shah Alam, Selangor, p. 59. (Unpublished) (2014)


UiTM Shah Alam menerima Pensijilan Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) 1- bintang. [Website]


Businesses win by investing in green technology. [Newspaper] (2022)

ESG performance

The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)

EV-related technologies

MOSTI to ensure teamwork for green technology, digital economy development. [Website]


Garis Panduan Perancangan Petak Pengecasan Kenderaan Elektrik (Electric Vehicle Charging Bay - EVCB) (GPP EVCB) dan Prosedur Permohonan Pemajuan. Garis Panduan Perancangan Petak Pengecasan Kenderaan Elektrik (Electric Vehicle Charging Bay - EVCB) (GPP EVCB) dan Prosedur Permohonan Pemajuan. pp. 1-22. (2024)

Eco-friendly housing

Industrial building system: does it good for sustainable building? In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Economic development

Driving green economy for Malaysia through green technology and green culture. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 2 (1). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2550-2239 (2018)

Economic growth

Green technology and economic growth: evidence from OECD countries. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis. (2020)

Economic model

Roundtable: advancing innovation in green technologies and the circular economy in Malaysia. Project Report. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative (MSFI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2021)

Education exchange initiatives

Premier: Sarawak keen on learning green technology from European Union. [Newspaper] (2023)

Ekonomi Hijau

UiTM sedia bantu agenda penangkapan karbon. [Newspaper] (2024)

Ekonomi hijau

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Tenaga Negara 2022-2040. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Malaysia, Putrajaya. (2022)

Ekosistem kondusif

Malaysia komited dengan peralihan teknologi hijau, demi ekosistem kondusif. [Website]

Electric Vehicles (EV)

UITM and MGTS sign partnership on green technology. [Website] (2022)

Electric motorcycles

Blueshark Ecosystem launches MyEVE program to accelerate adoption, development of electric motorcycles. [Website]

Electric vehicle (EV)

UOB Malaysia launches U-Drive to boost electric vehicle industry in the country. [Website]

Electricity supply

Tax incentives in green technology industry. In: Investment Opportunities in Green Technology Industry. (Submitted) (2016)

Energy Transition

Budget 2025 Accelerates Clean Energy Transition, Solarvest Keen On Kenyir Solar Farm. [Newspaper] (2024)

Energy consumption

User satisfaction in energy efficiency office building in Malaysia case study: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau Air, Putrajaya. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Energy efficiency

User satisfaction in energy efficiency office building in Malaysia case study: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau Air, Putrajaya. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Improving overall thermal transfer value of office tower building in Malaysia, case study : Ministry of Women Family and Community Development, Lot 4G11, Putrajaya. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (2015)

Energy savings consortium

EPC blockchain launches net zero energy kick start program to accelerate Malaysia’s green transition. [Website]

Energy-efficient design

An overview of Malaysia green technology corporation office building: a showcase energy-efficient building project in Malaysia. Journal of Sustainable Development, 4 (5): 17. pp. 212-228. ISSN 1913-9071 (2011)


Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development. Journal of Global Management, 2 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 2229-919X (2011)


A study on the consumer knowledge of green technology towards environment and green products. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu. (2011)


Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development. Journal of Global Management, 2 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 2229-919X (2011)

Environmental awareness

Linkage between public policy, green technology and green products on environmental awareness in the urban Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 4 (2): 5. pp. 45-53. ISSN 2288-4645 (2017)

Environmental commitments

Spearheading Malaysia's investment agenda on green technology. [Website]

Environmental design

The influence of biophilic design to learning ability in library environment: a systematic review. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (2022)

Environmental friendly

Sabah’s RM20 billion green technology leap. [Newspaper] (2024)

Environmental management

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? what should we do next? Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 7 (27). pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Environmental protection

Driving green economy for Malaysia through green technology and green culture. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 2 (1). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2550-2239 (2018)

Environmental sustainability

Green technology awareness among lembaga pertubuhan peladang (LPP) Melaka staff. -. pp. 1-9. ISSN - (Submitted) (2015)

European Union (EU)

Premier: Sarawak keen on learning green technology from European Union. [Newspaper] (2023)


IGEM 2022 brochure. [Phamplet]

Exterior walls

Comparative study of vertical greenery system for commercial building in Ipoh, Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Financial institution

Modelling the acceptance factors to use green technology (MyHR2U) in a successful financial institution in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2014)

Financial performance

Measuring the value added intellectual capital on financial performance: a case of Malaysian green technology companies. Voice of Academia (VOA), 18 (1). pp. 142-157. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Financial statements

Energising sustainability: annual report 2020. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC), Bangi, Selangor. (2020)

Financing scheme

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. [Website] (2015)

Financing solution

UOB Malaysia launches U-Drive to boost electric vehicle industry in the country. [Website]

Foreign direct Investment

Perak records RM589m green technology investments since 2015, state assembly told. [Website]

Forest Ecosystem

Forest Management System : Paving the way to a sustainable forest ecosystem. [Phamplet]

Forest Management

Forest Management System : Paving the way to a sustainable forest ecosystem. [Phamplet]

G7 and G8 contractors

Green material procurement implementation towards green buildings. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

GBI certification

Identifying the challenges in obtaining Green Building Index (GBI) certification in construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)


Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS). [Website]

Determinants of intention to utilise green technology financing scheme (GTFS), the moderating effect of perceived risk, and the influence of intention to utilise towards utilisation behaviour: an application of UTAUT2 model in the nontechnology context. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2022)

Gaya hidup hijau

UiTM Cawangan Perak, Kampus UiTM pertama melancarkan projek e-skuter untuk inisiatif kampus hijau dan rendah karbon. [Website]

Gerakan koperasi

Gerakan koperasi perlu berani terokai teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Global Partnership

Kerjasama UiTM, Sunway University bangunkan teknologi hijau berasaskan polimer nanokomposit. [Newspaper] (2019)

Government agencies

Green technology implementation model for sustainability. Journal of journal of enterprise and business intelligence, 2 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2789-5181 (2022)

Government incentives

Green Tech: the rise of environment-friendly technologies. [Newspaper] (2021)

Government incentives and policies

Spearheading Malaysia's investment agenda on green technology. [Website]

Government linked company

Sabah GLC to lead establishment of state’s green technology park. [Website]

Government policies and incentives

Green technology incentives: towards achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. [Website]

Government’s initiatives

Green practices guideline for manufacturing sector. Manual. Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)


Kekayaan daripada sisa: kisah unimap menghasilkan grafena daripada sisa kelapa sawit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 20-21. (2022)

Green Building Index (GBI)

Identifying the challenges in obtaining Green Building Index (GBI) certification in construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green Cities

Green Safe Cities (GreSafe). [Video] (2013)

Green Education

CSR project "Green Technology & Green Education 2019" FSPU & BISA with MRSM Lenggong. [Website] (2019)

Green Industry

Sabah seeking collaboration with Japan to enhance green technology development. [Website]

Green Initiatives

Green technology investments up 22 pct to RM1.3 bln in 1H 2023: MIDA. [Website]

Green Innovation

The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)

Green Investment

Positioning Malaysia as a Green Investment Destination. [Website]

Green Practices at Restaurant

Green practices at café towards customer satisfaction in Klang Valley. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2022)

Green Safe

Green Safe Cities (GreSafe). [Video] (2013)

Green Technology

Beam E-Scooters are now available in 9 Universities. [Website]

Beam Expands to Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak. [Website]

Beam Mobility Partners Malaysian Universities For Car-Free Commutes. [Website]

Blueshark Ecosystem launches MyEVE program to accelerate adoption, development of electric motorcycles. [Website]

'Budget 2021 committed to advancing green economy agenda'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Businesses win by investing in green technology. [Newspaper] (2022)

CSR project "Green Technology & Green Education 2019" FSPU & BISA with MRSM Lenggong. [Website] (2019)

Eco Expo Asia 2024 To Gather Green Industry Leaders Worldwide. [Newspaper] (2024)

Galak sektor perkilangan terap penggunaan teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Garis Panduan Perancangan Petak Pengecasan Kenderaan Elektrik (Electric Vehicle Charging Bay - EVCB) (GPP EVCB) dan Prosedur Permohonan Pemajuan. Garis Panduan Perancangan Petak Pengecasan Kenderaan Elektrik (Electric Vehicle Charging Bay - EVCB) (GPP EVCB) dan Prosedur Permohonan Pemajuan. pp. 1-22. (2024)

Green Materials Technology: Adoption In Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2024)

Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS). [Website]

Green Technology Master Plan aims for RM180b revenue, 200,000 jobs by 2030. [Newspaper] (2017)

Green technology investments up 22 pct to RM1.3 bln in 1H 2023: MIDA. [Website]

IGEM 2024 Generates RM5 Billion Potential Business - Nik Nazmi. [Newspaper] (2024)

Increase Investment in AI Technologies, Skills Development in Budget 2025. [Newspaper] (2024)

Johor komited bantu wujudkan lebih banyak stesen pengecas EV. [Website]

KDNK: Teknologi Hijau Sumbang RM70 Bilion Menjelang 2030. [Newspaper] (2014)

Kerjasama bersama Tesla bakal pacu Malaysia sebagai hab utama teknologi hijau - Tengku Zafrul. [Website]

MB: Smart industrial park to adopt green technology, spur quality jobs. [Website]

MIDA lulus 4,230 projek teknologi hijau RM41 bilion sehingga 2023. [Website]

MIDA to Hold Briefings on Green Technology Industry. [Website]

MITI finalising sustainable development guidelines for data centres. [Newspaper] (2024)

MPC Launches Guidelines For EVs, Battery Management To Ensure Safety And Ecosystem Protection. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia Calls For Stronger ASEAN-US Cooperation, Urgent Action on Gaza Crisis. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia Increasingly Attractive To Foreign Investors -- UBS Global Research. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia Investment Performance Report 2023. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2023)

Malaysia Makes Significant Strides In Green Tech Through IGEM - Nik Nazmi. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia Takes A Leap Towards Green Technology Advancement. [Website]

Malaysia a prominent player in global green technology growth, says MITI sec-gen. [Newspaper] (2023)

Malaysia libat diri secara aktif dengan negara ASEAN kukuhkan ketersambungan tenaga - Fadillah. [Website]

Malaysia's green and circular economy. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative, Shah Alam. (2021)

Nextgreen Global Berhad breaks ground for its manufacturing plant at Green Technology Park, Pahang. [Website]

ODS Consumption In Malaysia Reduced by 70 Pct In 2023 - Nik Nazmi. [Newspaper] (2024)

PM lauds Sarawak as most advanced in country with its renewable energy, green technology goals. [Website]

PTHM anjur AHM 2024, sasar lebih 40 penyertaan. [Website]

Pelaburan teknologi hijau meningkat kepada RM1.3 bilion. [Newspaper] (2023)

Penang South Islands project wins award for low-carbon city plan. [Website]

Perak records RM589m green technology investments since 2015, state assembly told. [Website]

Pertumbuhan Pelaburan Lestari: Laporan Prestasi Tahunan Malaysia 2022. [Website] (2022)

Positioning Malaysia as a Green Investment Destination. [Website]

Premier urges OM Sarawak to embrace green technology for sustainable future. [Website]

Sabah GLC to lead establishment of state’s green technology park. [Website]

Sabah Set to Fully Adopt Green Technology With RM20 Bln Green Steel Project. [Newspaper] (2024)

Sabah seeking collaboration with Japan to enhance green technology development. [Website]

Sabah set to fully adopt green technology with RM20 bil green steel project. [Website]

Sarawak Ready To Lead In Promoting Sustainable Global Economy - Abang Johari. [Newspaper] (2024)

Sarawak to forge ahead in green technology with new high-tech facility, says Premier. [Website]

State exco urges Melaka manufacturing industry to be more proactive in adopting green technology. [Website]

TNB sokong agenda perubahan iklim, teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2021)

Teknologi hijau tingkat kualiti hidup – Manfaat teknologi hijau. [Website]

UITM and MGTS sign partnership on green technology. [Website] (2022)

UPM himpun 42 saintis fokus teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

UiTM Berkerjasama Dengan Universiti Thai Untuk Tenaga Baharu. [Newspaper] (2012)

Zecon partners with SDEC and CENTEXS to launch Kota Petra Green Technology Park. [Newspaper] (2024)

The future economy is green. [Newspaper] (2024)

How Malaysia can move forward with green technology. [Website]

UiTM Cawangan Perak Merangka Strategic Action Plan (SAP): Globally Respected University 2024 Berpaksikan Model Kampus Lestari Pintar@ UiTMCP Towards A Sustainable Smart Campus 2025. [Website]

MARii aims to make Malaysia green technology, clean energy hub. [Newspaper] (2023)

Five Pahang local authorities to know outcome on smart city ratings this month. [Newspaper] (2024)

Pahang Sultan wants tougher safety measures for old structures. [Newspaper] (2024)

Semai budaya amalan hijau. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program GVC Kossan, pantas bantu pembekal PKS. [Website]

Permodelan pelaksanaan teknologi hijau dalam pengurusan di agensi kerajaan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2021)

Strategi pengiklanan hijau ke arah keterlihatan dalam media sosial. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

UiTM sedia bantu agenda penangkapan karbon. [Newspaper] (2024)

UTM wins National Energy Award 2022 for institutes of higher learning special category. [Website]

MITI tekad jadikan Malaysia peneraju serantau sektor teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)

Sabah’s RM20 billion green technology leap. [Newspaper] (2024)

Bright future for green tech. [Newspaper] (2023)

The transition to green energy. [Website]

Green technology, exports, and CO2 emissions in Malaysia. Green technology, exports, and CO2 emissions in Malaysia. pp. 1-14. (2023)

UiTM Shah Alam menerima Pensijilan Energy Management Gold Standard (EMGS) 1- bintang. [Website]

International Virtual Go Green 2023 (i-VGG2023). [Website]

Green Safe Cities (GreSafe). [Video] (2013)

Kagum lampu solar di hentian bas UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)

Kagum projek 'bus stop' solar UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)

Kerjasama UiTM, Sunway University bangunkan teknologi hijau berasaskan polimer nanokomposit. [Newspaper] (2019)

Full adoption of green technology underway in Sabah. [Newspaper] (2024)

Agenda perubahan iklim, teknologi hijau keutamaan negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

UiTM Cawangan Perak sambut baik usaha kerajaan negeri Perak meningkatkan kesedaran “Single-use Plastic”. [Website]

Making wave of change: The electronic green initiatives database on campus (eGREENi@campus) UiTM Perak. [Website]

Teknologi hijau dalam negara. [Newspaper] (2024)

Amalan Teknologi Hijau Dan Alam Melayu. [Website]

Inisiatif Hijau UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang: Program “MURO GARDEN” di SMA Tarbiah Islamiah, Georgetown. [Website]

Malaysia seeking to boost cooperation in green technology with Japan and South Korea. [Newspaper] (2023)

Enhancing the Relau Metropolitan Park using green technology design approach. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2023)

Penyelidik dari Fakulti Perladangan dan Agroteknologi merangkul Anugerah Cemerlang di MTE SEGT IIA 2023. [Website]

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: whereare we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Journal of Information System And Technology Management (JISTM), 7 (27). pp. 109-121. ISSN 01281666 (2022)

UiTM Rangkul 6 Anugerah Bandar Rendah Karbon bagi Tahun 2023. [Website]

The Effect of Green Technology Policy on Climate Change Awareness of Youth in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 43 (2). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2462-1943 (2025)

MOU between FSKM, UiTM and Sathyabama Institute of Science And Technology, India. [Website]

The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)

Pertandingan Video Pendek Hygrowbloom Pamer Teknologi Pertanian Lestari. [Website]

Green assessment criteria

Green assessment criteria: perception among key industrial players’ towards Stadium Retrofit in Malaysia. In: QS COLLOQUIUM 2020 SERIES XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Perak, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Green brand

Green branding: the effect of green trust towards brand loyalty of the five-star hotel guest. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green building

User satisfaction in energy efficiency office building in Malaysia case study: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau Air, Putrajaya. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Key success factors of green building implementation in Malaysia construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green material procurement implementation towards green buildings. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Benefits of green building from client's perspective. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green assessment criteria: perception among key industrial players’ towards Stadium Retrofit in Malaysia. In: QS COLLOQUIUM 2020 SERIES XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Perak, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Green building index

Improving overall thermal transfer value of office tower building in Malaysia, case study : Ministry of Women Family and Community Development, Lot 4G11, Putrajaya. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (2015)

Green building technology

Factor influence the intention in adopting green building technology. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seremban 3. (2022)

Green campus

Implementing green campus in UiTM Perak: was it challenging? were there solutions? In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (V-GoGreen 2020). UiTM Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 431-437. ISBN 978-967-2920-06-9 (2020)

Green development

Investigation on the barriers of green building development in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 37-58. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Green factories

Pahang MB: green technology park gets RM162 mil boost by Nextgreen. [Website]

Green growth

Malaysia's green technology. Project Report. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2021)

Green incentives

The transition to green energy. [Website]

Green infrastructure

Presentation on green technology financing by Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. In: Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation: 15th Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting, 13-14 February 2020, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Submitted) (2020)

Green initiatives

Ahmad, Nur Azfahani and Md Sakip, Siti Rashidah Green initiatives report green movement in UiTM Perak 2020-2021. Green Campus Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak. ISBN 978-967-2776-09-3 (2022)

Implementing green campus in UiTM Perak: was it challenging? were there solutions? In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (V-GoGreen 2020). UiTM Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 431-437. ISBN 978-967-2920-06-9 (2020)

Green initiatives database

Making wave of change: The electronic green initiatives database on campus (eGREENi@campus) UiTM Perak. [Website]

Green investments

Presentation on green technology financing by Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. In: Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation: 15th Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting, 13-14 February 2020, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Submitted) (2020)

Green material

Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Green material procurement

Green material procurement implementation towards green buildings. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green materials

Cost impact in implementing green materials in Malaysia’s housing construction. In: QS Colloquium 2020 Series XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Perak, pp. 69-75. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Green movement

Ahmad, Nur Azfahani and Md Sakip, Siti Rashidah Green initiatives report green movement in UiTM Perak 2020-2021. Green Campus Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak. ISBN 978-967-2776-09-3 (2022)

Green practice

Green technology awareness: a case of Malaysia. Environment and Social Psychology, 3 (1): 674. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2424-8975 (2018)

Green practice guidelines

Green practices guideline for manufacturing sector. Manual. Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

Green practices

Green practices at café towards customer satisfaction in Klang Valley. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2022)

Green procurement

Establishing a strategic framework of green procurement for the Malaysian construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green products

Jom beli produk hijau: embracing eco-friendly choices. [Website]

Linkage between public policy, green technology and green products on environmental awareness in the urban Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 4 (2): 5. pp. 45-53. ISSN 2288-4645 (2017)

Green restaurant

Green practices at café towards customer satisfaction in Klang Valley. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2022)

Green satisfaction

Green branding: the effect of green trust towards brand loyalty of the five-star hotel guest. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green skills

The transition to green energy. [Website]

Green spaces

Green space implementation at the frontage of terrace type housing: Case study in Taman Sinar Intan, Sungai Petani. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Green station database

INDES 2022 name of innovation: eGREENI. [Video] (2022)

Green steel project

Sabah set to fully adopt green technology with RM20 bil green steel project. [Website]

Green technology

Budget 2025 Accelerates Clean Energy Transition, Solarvest Keen On Kenyir Solar Farm. [Newspaper] (2024)

Cultivating a more sustainable future through green technology. [Website]

EPC blockchain launches net zero energy kick start program to accelerate Malaysia’s green transition. [Website]

EPIC Berhad, MRL Sign MoU To Boost East Coast Connectivity. [Newspaper] (2024)

Energising sustainability: annual report 2020. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC), Bangi, Selangor. (2020)

FRIM Commersialisation Day 2024: Driving Innovation, Research-driven Growth. [Newspaper] (2024)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017 - 2030. Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5893-09-4 (2017)

Green practices guideline for manufacturing sector. Manual. Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

Green technology incentives: towards achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. [Website]

IGEM 2022 brochure. [Phamplet]

JETCO to boost efforts to attract green technology investors to Johor. [Website]

Jom beli produk hijau: embracing eco-friendly choices. [Website]

KPKT galakkan PBT guna pendekatan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

MGTC Forms Partnerships To Expand Energy Management Standards, Boost Solar Projects. [Newspaper] (2024)

MGTC annual report 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2020)

MIDA On Track To Achieve RM2.5 Bln Green Investment Goal At IGEM 2024. [Newspaper]

MIGHT, Tenmak Exchange MoU On R&D For Industry Development. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysia 3rd biennial update report to the UNFCCC. Project Report. Ministry of Environment and Water, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Malaysia komited dengan peralihan teknologi hijau, demi ekosistem kondusif. [Website]

Malaysia's green technology. Project Report. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2021)

Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre: annual report 2019. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. (2019)

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. [Website] (2015)

MyHIJAU directory - 12th edition. Manual. Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2018)

New Carbon Tax Tackles Environmental Concerns, But Needs Clarity On Implementation - Tax Consultants. [Newspaper] (2024)

PM Anwar: energy absolute keen to explore Malaysian market to develop renewable energy, green technology. [Website]

Pahang MB: green technology park gets RM162 mil boost by Nextgreen. [Website]

The Ripples | Q1 (January-March 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q1 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q2 (April-June 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q2 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q3 (July-September 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Bangi, Selangor. (2022)

The Ripples | Q3 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

Roundtable: advancing innovation in green technologies and the circular economy in Malaysia. Project Report. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative (MSFI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2021)

Sarawak focusing on investments. [Website]

Scant AI and green technology standards in Malaysian TVET. [Website]

Solar work bench. [Phamplet] (2019)

Spearheading Malaysia's investment agenda on green technology. [Website]

Tax incentives in green technology industry. In: Investment Opportunities in Green Technology Industry. (Submitted) (2016)

UOB Malaysia launches U-Drive to boost electric vehicle industry in the country. [Website]

UiTM and GoodWE Technologies forge collaborative partnership to advance green technology and energy efficiency. [Website]

Volvo trucks Malaysia collaborates with MGTC to accelerate green technology adoption. [Website]

The national green technology policy. [Website]

Continuity Of Mega Projects To Drive Economic Growth, Job Creation -- Experts. [Newspaper] (2024)

Determinants of intention to utilise green technology financing scheme (GTFS), the moderating effect of perceived risk, and the influence of intention to utilise towards utilisation behaviour: an application of UTAUT2 model in the nontechnology context. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2022)

Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development. Journal of Global Management, 2 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 2229-919X (2011)

UiTM Terus Ungguli Anugerah Diamond Program Cabaran Bandar Rendah Karbon 2030 (LCC 2030 Challenge) Tahun ke-4 Berturut-turut. [Website] (2017)

Green technology and economic growth: evidence from OECD countries. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis. (2020)

Hybrid technology for the use of solar energy: the challenge towards green energy. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Design impact of 6.08 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system at Malaysia green technology corporation. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 5: 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-5389 (2012)

Government of Malaysia’s initiative for green economy and the TVET response. CPSC Journal, Scholarly Technical Education Publication Series (STEPS), 2: 1. pp. 9-26. ISSN 2244-6982 (2014)

Modelling the acceptance factors to use green technology (MyHR2U) in a successful financial institution in Malaysia. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2014)

Establishing a strategic framework of green procurement for the Malaysian construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

A study on the consumer knowledge of green technology towards environment and green products. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu. (2011)

The awareness of suburban communities on the green technology in Selangor. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan. (2022)

INDES 2022 name of innovation: eGREENI. [Video] (2022)

Green technology awareness: a case of Malaysia. Environment and Social Psychology, 3 (1): 674. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2424-8975 (2018)

Renewable energy a green technology toward sustainable housing design: case study at bungalow residence, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2019)

Green technology awareness among lembaga pertubuhan peladang (LPP) Melaka staff. -. pp. 1-9. ISSN - (Submitted) (2015)

Linkage between public policy, green technology and green products on environmental awareness in the urban Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 4 (2): 5. pp. 45-53. ISSN 2288-4645 (2017)

Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application. In: Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application, 2009, Pahang. (In Press) (2009)

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? what should we do next? Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 7 (27). pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Surface reconstruction on mini parallel processing: green technology for image processing. In: IIDEX 2014 Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014. An International Exposition on Research and Innovation . Research Innovation Business Unit, Shah Alam, Selangor, p. 59. (Unpublished) (2014)

Presentation on green technology financing by Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. In: Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation: 15th Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting, 13-14 February 2020, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Submitted) (2020)

Green Tech: the rise of environment-friendly technologies. [Newspaper] (2021)

Premier: Sarawak keen on learning green technology from European Union. [Newspaper] (2023)

Driving green economy for Malaysia through green technology and green culture. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 2 (1). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2550-2239 (2018)

Green technology: assessing the potential of green wall development in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2015)

Green technology activities

MOSTI to ensure teamwork for green technology, digital economy development. [Website]

Green technology building

An overview of Malaysia green technology corporation office building: a showcase energy-efficient building project in Malaysia. Journal of Sustainable Development, 4 (5): 17. pp. 212-228. ISSN 1913-9071 (2011)

Green technology companies

Measuring the value added intellectual capital on financial performance: a case of Malaysian green technology companies. Voice of Academia (VOA), 18 (1). pp. 142-157. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Green technology framework

Green technology implementation model for sustainability. Journal of journal of enterprise and business intelligence, 2 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2789-5181 (2022)

Green technology goals

PM lauds Sarawak as most advanced in country with its renewable energy, green technology goals. [Website]

Green technology innovation

Role of green technology innovation to promote sustainability performance in Malaysian manufacturing solar PV industry: a conceptual framework. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 6 (1): 4. pp. 36-46. ISSN 2637-0859 (2023)

Green trust

Green branding: the effect of green trust towards brand loyalty of the five-star hotel guest. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Green wall

Green technology: assessing the potential of green wall development in Malaysia. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2015)

Grid-connected inverter

Design impact of 6.08 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system at Malaysia green technology corporation. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 5: 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-5389 (2012)

Hab kerja

Solar work bench. [Phamplet] (2019)


Sustainable materials for bioclimatic design in Dayak traditional longhouse. In: 2 nd International Postgraduate Conference On Global Green Issues (GoGreen 2019). Centre of Graduate Studies, UiTM (Perak Branch), Ipoh, Perak, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-967-5741-92-0 (2019)

Higher institutions

UTM wins National Energy Award 2022 for institutes of higher learning special category. [Website]

Hot water

Hybrid technology for the use of solar energy: the challenge towards green energy. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Housing construction

Cost impact in implementing green materials in Malaysia’s housing construction. In: QS Colloquium 2020 Series XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Perak, pp. 69-75. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Hub pengedaran

Banyak syarikat Belgium berminat melabur teknologi hijau di Sarawak - Flanders. [Website] (2022)

Human capital development

Government of Malaysia’s initiative for green economy and the TVET response. CPSC Journal, Scholarly Technical Education Publication Series (STEPS), 2: 1. pp. 9-26. ISSN 2244-6982 (2014)

Hydrogen production

PM lauds Sarawak as most advanced in country with its renewable energy, green technology goals. [Website]

Implementation models

Green technology implementation model for sustainability. Journal of journal of enterprise and business intelligence, 2 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2789-5181 (2022)

Improve air quality

Green space implementation at the frontage of terrace type housing: Case study in Taman Sinar Intan, Sungai Petani. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Industrial landscape

Sabah’s RM20 billion green technology leap. [Newspaper] (2024)

Industrialization building system

Industrial building system: does it good for sustainable building? In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Information Technology Industries

The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)

Information dissemination

The Ripples | Q1 (January-March 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q1 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q2 (April-June 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q2 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q3 (July-September 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Bangi, Selangor. (2022)

The Ripples | Q3 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

Inisiatif hijau

Pelaburan teknologi hijau meningkat kepada RM1.3 bilion. [Newspaper] (2023)

Initiative and planning stage

Government of Malaysia’s initiative for green economy and the TVET response. CPSC Journal, Scholarly Technical Education Publication Series (STEPS), 2: 1. pp. 9-26. ISSN 2244-6982 (2014)


Biogenes Aptsens: teknologi mudah alih saring kesihatan kendiri. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi Putrajaya, Putrajaya, pp. 48-50. (2022)

Biohap: penapis air tinggi khasiat dan halal. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 53-54. (2022)

Inisiatif mahkamah bergerak ke arah sifar pendaftaran lewat. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 57-60. (2022)

Kekayaan daripada sisa: kisah unimap menghasilkan grafena daripada sisa kelapa sawit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 20-21. (2022)

Rezeki daripada pokok pisang dan daun ketapang: atasi masalah air sisa secara semula jadi. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 55-56. (2022)

Teknologi membran utm setanding produk elit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Pedana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 51-52. (2022)

Insentif kerajaan

Kerajaan mahu perluas penggunaan EV, teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Intellectual capital

Measuring the value added intellectual capital on financial performance: a case of Malaysian green technology companies. Voice of Academia (VOA), 18 (1). pp. 142-157. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)


Factor influence the intention in adopting green building technology. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seremban 3. (2022)


Green technology incentives: towards achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. [Website]

Kampus hijau

UiTM Cawangan Perak, Kampus UiTM pertama melancarkan projek e-skuter untuk inisiatif kampus hijau dan rendah karbon. [Website]


UiTM sedia bantu agenda penangkapan karbon. [Newspaper] (2024)

Kasetsart University of Thailand

UiTM Berkerjasama Dengan Universiti Thai Untuk Tenaga Baharu. [Newspaper] (2012)

Kelestarian alam

Peranan aplikasi teknologi hijau dalam konteks melestarikan alam sekitar menurut perspektif Islam. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 4 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Strategi penerapan elemen Islam dalam pembangunan teknologi hijau. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi, 4 (2). pp. 250-266. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Kementerian Peralihan Tenaga dan Transformasi

Malaysia libat diri secara aktif dengan negara ASEAN kukuhkan ketersambungan tenaga - Fadillah. [Website]

Kenderaan Elektrik (EV)

Kerajaan mahu perluas penggunaan EV, teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Kerjasama luar

UK sasar tingkatkan kerjasama dengan Malaysia dalam teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)


Strategi pengiklanan hijau ke arah keterlihatan dalam media sosial. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Key industrial players

Green assessment criteria: perception among key industrial players’ towards Stadium Retrofit in Malaysia. In: QS COLLOQUIUM 2020 SERIES XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Perak, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Key success factor

Key success factors of green building implementation in Malaysia construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Knowledge and Skills

Scant AI and green technology standards in Malaysian TVET. [Website]


Biohap: penapis air tinggi khasiat dan halal. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 53-54. (2022)

Konsep sifar sisa

Gerakan koperasi perlu berani terokai teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Kualiti alam sekitar

Menuju ke arah pertumbuhan hijau bagi meningkatkan kemampanan dan daya tahan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas 2016-2020: Pertumbuhan Berpaksikan Rakyat. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 5-1. ISBN 9789675842078 (2015)

Kualiti persekitaran

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Teknologi Hijau Negara. Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 9789834389314 (2009)

KPKT galakkan PBT guna pendekatan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Lampu solar

Kagum lampu solar di hentian bas UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)

Latest innovations

IGEM 2022 brochure. [Phamplet]


PM lauds Sarawak as most advanced in country with its renewable energy, green technology goals. [Website]

Library environment

The influence of biophilic design to learning ability in library environment: a systematic review. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (2022)


Sustainable materials for bioclimatic design in Dayak traditional longhouse. In: 2 nd International Postgraduate Conference On Global Green Issues (GoGreen 2019). Centre of Graduate Studies, UiTM (Perak Branch), Ipoh, Perak, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-967-5741-92-0 (2019)

Low Carbon

Sabah set to fully adopt green technology with RM20 bil green steel project. [Website]

Low-carbon city plan

Penang South Islands project wins award for low-carbon city plan. [Website]


UiTM Berkerjasama Dengan Universiti Thai Untuk Tenaga Baharu. [Newspaper] (2012)


MIDA to Hold Briefings on Green Technology Industry. [Website]

Pelaburan teknologi hijau meningkat kepada RM1.3 bilion. [Newspaper] (2023)


MITI finalising sustainable development guidelines for data centres. [Newspaper] (2024)

Mahkamah bergerak

Inisiatif mahkamah bergerak ke arah sifar pendaftaran lewat. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 57-60. (2022)

Malaysia Budget 2025

Increase Investment in AI Technologies, Skills Development in Budget 2025. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysian Firm

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Malaysian Timber Certification Council

Forest Management System : Paving the way to a sustainable forest ecosystem. [Phamplet]

Malaysian construction industry

Establishing a strategic framework of green procurement for the Malaysian construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Malaysian market

PM Anwar: energy absolute keen to explore Malaysian market to develop renewable energy, green technology. [Website]

Manufacturing organisations

Role of green technology innovation to promote sustainability performance in Malaysian manufacturing solar PV industry: a conceptual framework. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 6 (1): 4. pp. 36-46. ISSN 2637-0859 (2023)

Master plan

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017 - 2030. Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5893-09-4 (2017)


Sustainable materials for bioclimatic design in Dayak traditional longhouse. In: 2 nd International Postgraduate Conference On Global Green Issues (GoGreen 2019). Centre of Graduate Studies, UiTM (Perak Branch), Ipoh, Perak, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-967-5741-92-0 (2019)

Media social

Strategi pengiklanan hijau ke arah keterlihatan dalam media sosial. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Menjimatkan tenaga dan sumber asli

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Teknologi Hijau Negara. Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 9789834389314 (2009)

Metropolitan Park

Enhancing the Relau Metropolitan Park using green technology design approach. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2023)

Mini Hydroelectric

Perak records RM589m green technology investments since 2015, state assembly told. [Website]

Misi Maju Johor

Johor komited bantu wujudkan lebih banyak stesen pengecas EV. [Website]

Mitigation actions

Malaysia 3rd biennial update report to the UNFCCC. Project Report. Ministry of Environment and Water, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Mobile Court

Inisiatif mahkamah bergerak ke arah sifar pendaftaran lewat. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 57-60. (2022)

Model perniagaan baharu

Gerakan koperasi perlu berani terokai teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Muro Garden

Inisiatif Hijau UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang: Program “MURO GARDEN” di SMA Tarbiah Islamiah, Georgetown. [Website]

My Filtro Aqua Natsponge

Rezeki daripada pokok pisang dan daun ketapang: atasi masalah air sisa secara semula jadi. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 55-56. (2022)

NCT Smart Industrial Park

MB: Smart industrial park to adopt green technology, spur quality jobs. [Website]

NIMP 2030

MITI tekad jadikan Malaysia peneraju serantau sektor teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)

National Energy Transition Roadmap

Green technology investments up 22 pct to RM1.3 bln in 1H 2023: MIDA. [Website]

Natural elements

The influence of biophilic design to learning ability in library environment: a systematic review. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (2022)

Net zero energy

EPC blockchain launches net zero energy kick start program to accelerate Malaysia’s green transition. [Website]

New Economic Policy (NEP)

Malaysia's green technology. Project Report. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2021)


The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)


Penggunaan nuklear untuk penanaman cendawan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 11-12. (2022)

OECD countries

Green technology and economic growth: evidence from OECD countries. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis. (2020)

Office building

User satisfaction in energy efficiency office building in Malaysia case study: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau Air, Putrajaya. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)

Organic fertilisers

Nextgreen Global Berhad breaks ground for its manufacturing plant at Green Technology Park, Pahang. [Website]

Outstanding Award

Penyelidik dari Fakulti Perladangan dan Agroteknologi merangkul Anugerah Cemerlang di MTE SEGT IIA 2023. [Website]

Overall thermal transfer value

Improving overall thermal transfer value of office tower building in Malaysia, case study : Ministry of Women Family and Community Development, Lot 4G11, Putrajaya. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (2015)

Parallel computing

Surface reconstruction on mini parallel processing: green technology for image processing. In: IIDEX 2014 Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2014. An International Exposition on Research and Innovation . Research Innovation Business Unit, Shah Alam, Selangor, p. 59. (Unpublished) (2014)

Partnership for SDG

Kerjasama UiTM, Sunway University bangunkan teknologi hijau berasaskan polimer nanokomposit. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pelabur asing

Banyak syarikat Belgium berminat melabur teknologi hijau di Sarawak - Flanders. [Website] (2022)


Pelaburan teknologi hijau meningkat kepada RM1.3 bilion. [Newspaper] (2023)

Pertumbuhan Pelaburan Lestari: Laporan Prestasi Tahunan Malaysia 2022. [Website] (2022)

Pelaburan teknologi hijau

Perkasa inovasi teknologi hijau tangani perubahan iklim. [Website] (2023)

Pelepasan karbon

Amalan dan teknologi hijau bagi kepentingan bersama di negeri Melaka. In: Amalan dan Teknologi Hijau Bagi Kepentingan Bersama di Negeri Melaka. (Submitted) (2014)

Pembangunan teknologi hijau

Kerajaan mahu perluas penggunaan EV, teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Pembebasan gas rumah hijau

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Teknologi Hijau Negara. Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 9789834389314 (2009)

Pembekal perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

Program GVC Kossan, pantas bantu pembekal PKS. [Website]

Pembiayaan teknologi hijau

Bajet 2023: kerajaan tambah baik skim pembiayaan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Pemeliharaan alam

Strategi penerapan elemen Islam dalam pembangunan teknologi hijau. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi, 4 (2). pp. 250-266. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Penanaman cendawan

Penggunaan nuklear untuk penanaman cendawan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 11-12. (2022)

Pencemaran Alam Sekitar

Galak sektor perkilangan terap penggunaan teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Pengangkutan hijau mikro

UiTM Cawangan Perak, Kampus UiTM pertama melancarkan projek e-skuter untuk inisiatif kampus hijau dan rendah karbon. [Website]

Pengecualian cukai

Bajet 2023: kerajaan tambah baik skim pembiayaan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Pengiklanan hijau

Strategi pengiklanan hijau ke arah keterlihatan dalam media sosial. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Pengurusan Islam

Strategi penerapan elemen Islam dalam pembangunan teknologi hijau. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi, 4 (2). pp. 250-266. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Pengurusan Pengangkutan

Permodelan pelaksanaan teknologi hijau dalam pengurusan di agensi kerajaan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2021)

Pengurusan Tenaga Lestari

Teknologi hijau tingkat kualiti hidup – Manfaat teknologi hijau. [Website]

Penjimatan tenaga

Perkasa inovasi teknologi hijau tangani perubahan iklim. [Website] (2023)

Perancangan peralihan

Teknologi hijau: negara harus dibenarkan rancang strategi tersendiri. [Website] (2023)


Biogenes Aptsens: teknologi mudah alih saring kesihatan kendiri. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi Putrajaya, Putrajaya, pp. 48-50. (2022)

Perhentian Bas Berkuasa Solar UiTM

Kagum lampu solar di hentian bas UiTM. [Newspaper] (2024)


Peranan aplikasi teknologi hijau dalam konteks melestarikan alam sekitar menurut perspektif Islam. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 4 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Persidangan Hidrogen Hijau

Malaysia libat diri secara aktif dengan negara ASEAN kukuhkan ketersambungan tenaga - Fadillah. [Website]

Perspektif Islam

Peranan aplikasi teknologi hijau dalam konteks melestarikan alam sekitar menurut perspektif Islam. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 4 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Pertumbuhan hijau

Menuju ke arah pertumbuhan hijau bagi meningkatkan kemampanan dan daya tahan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas 2016-2020: Pertumbuhan Berpaksikan Rakyat. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 5-1. ISBN 9789675842078 (2015)

Perubahan iklim

Menuju ke arah pertumbuhan hijau bagi meningkatkan kemampanan dan daya tahan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas 2016-2020: Pertumbuhan Berpaksikan Rakyat. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 5-1. ISBN 9789675842078 (2015)

Amalan dan teknologi hijau bagi kepentingan bersama di negeri Melaka. In: Amalan dan Teknologi Hijau Bagi Kepentingan Bersama di Negeri Melaka. (Submitted) (2014)

Agenda perubahan iklim, teknologi hijau keutamaan negara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Petai Belalang

UiTM Berkerjasama Dengan Universiti Thai Untuk Tenaga Baharu. [Newspaper] (2012)

Photovoltaic (PV)

Design impact of 6.08 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system at Malaysia green technology corporation. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 5: 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-5389 (2012)

Photovoltaic system

Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application. In: Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application, 2009, Pahang. (In Press) (2009)

Plant shading

Comparative study of vertical greenery system for commercial building in Ipoh, Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)


The national green technology policy. [Website]

Policy support

Investigation on the barriers of green building development in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 37-58. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Policy support mechanism

Presentation on green technology financing by Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. In: Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation: 15th Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting, 13-14 February 2020, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Submitted) (2020)

Polimer Nanokomposit

Kerjasama UiTM, Sunway University bangunkan teknologi hijau berasaskan polimer nanokomposit. [Newspaper] (2019)


Industrialized Building System (IBS) as green technology towards the sustainability building construction in Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak. (2021)


Identifying the challenges in obtaining Green Building Index (GBI) certification in construction industry. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Product directory

MyHIJAU directory - 12th edition. Manual. Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2018)

Produk Hijau

Strategi pengiklanan hijau ke arah keterlihatan dalam media sosial. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2019)

Program Greenday

Semai budaya amalan hijau. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program Penghijauan Rantaian Nilai (GVC)

Program GVC Kossan, pantas bantu pembekal PKS. [Website]

Program dan insentif

Perkasa inovasi teknologi hijau tangani perubahan iklim. [Website] (2023)

Programmes awareness

The Ripples | Q1 (January-March 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q1 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q2 (April-June 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q2 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q3 (July-September 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Bangi, Selangor. (2022)

The Ripples | Q3 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)


Pertumbuhan Pelaburan Lestari: Laporan Prestasi Tahunan Malaysia 2022. [Website] (2022)

Public awareness

Investigation on the barriers of green building development in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 37-58. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Public policy

Linkage between public policy, green technology and green products on environmental awareness in the urban Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 4 (2): 5. pp. 45-53. ISSN 2288-4645 (2017)

Reduce material waste

Industrialized Building System (IBS) as green technology towards the sustainability building construction in Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak. (2021)

Reduce urban heat

Green space implementation at the frontage of terrace type housing: Case study in Taman Sinar Intan, Sungai Petani. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Renewable Energy Technologies

Sabah seeking collaboration with Japan to enhance green technology development. [Website]

Renewable energy

Blueshark Ecosystem launches MyEVE program to accelerate adoption, development of electric motorcycles. [Website]

Budget 2025 Accelerates Clean Energy Transition, Solarvest Keen On Kenyir Solar Farm. [Newspaper] (2024)

Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. [Website] (2015)

Sarawak focusing on investments. [Website]

Renewable energy a green technology toward sustainable housing design: case study at bungalow residence, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2019)

Renewable energy (RE)

Green Tech: the rise of environment-friendly technologies. [Newspaper] (2021)

Renewable green energy

The transition to green energy. [Website]

Renewable resources

Roundtable: advancing innovation in green technologies and the circular economy in Malaysia. Project Report. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative (MSFI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2021)

Renewable-energy technology

An overview of Malaysia green technology corporation office building: a showcase energy-efficient building project in Malaysia. Journal of Sustainable Development, 4 (5): 17. pp. 212-228. ISSN 1913-9071 (2011)

Resource efficiency

Roundtable: advancing innovation in green technologies and the circular economy in Malaysia. Project Report. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative (MSFI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2021)


Green assessment criteria: perception among key industrial players’ towards Stadium Retrofit in Malaysia. In: QS COLLOQUIUM 2020 SERIES XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Perak, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Road orientation

Towards green roads in Malaysia: review of road characteristics effects on road surrounding microclimate with respect to roadside trees. In: GO GREEN2015 Incorporating Green Approaches for Resilient Future. International Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues . Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan & Ukur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 200-207. ISBN 978-967-5741-35-7 (2015)

Road surface temperature

Towards green roads in Malaysia: review of road characteristics effects on road surrounding microclimate with respect to roadside trees. In: GO GREEN2015 Incorporating Green Approaches for Resilient Future. International Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues . Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan & Ukur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 200-207. ISBN 978-967-5741-35-7 (2015)

Road width

Towards green roads in Malaysia: review of road characteristics effects on road surrounding microclimate with respect to roadside trees. In: GO GREEN2015 Incorporating Green Approaches for Resilient Future. International Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues . Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan & Ukur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 200-207. ISBN 978-967-5741-35-7 (2015)

Roadside trees

Towards green roads in Malaysia: review of road characteristics effects on road surrounding microclimate with respect to roadside trees. In: GO GREEN2015 Incorporating Green Approaches for Resilient Future. International Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues . Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan & Ukur, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 200-207. ISBN 978-967-5741-35-7 (2015)

Royal Malaysian Police Department.

Permodelan pelaksanaan teknologi hijau dalam pengurusan di agensi kerajaan. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (2021)


Kerjasama UiTM, Sunway University bangunkan teknologi hijau berasaskan polimer nanokomposit. [Newspaper] (2019)

SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd

Forest Management System : Paving the way to a sustainable forest ecosystem. [Phamplet]


Green Technology Master Plan aims for RM180b revenue, 200,000 jobs by 2030. [Newspaper] (2017)

Full adoption of green technology underway in Sabah. [Newspaper] (2024)

Sago waste

Sarawak focusing on investments. [Website]


UPM himpun 42 saintis fokus teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Sanitary landfill

State exco urges Melaka manufacturing industry to be more proactive in adopting green technology. [Website]

Sathyabama Institute

MOU between FSKM, UiTM and Sathyabama Institute of Science And Technology, India. [Website]

Sawit Kinabalu

Sabah GLC to lead establishment of state’s green technology park. [Website]

Sektor kenderaan elektrik (EV)

Bajet 2023: kerajaan tambah baik skim pembiayaan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Sektor sisa

Bajet 2023: kerajaan tambah baik skim pembiayaan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Sektor teknologi hijau

MITI tekad jadikan Malaysia peneraju serantau sektor teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)

Sektor tenaga

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Tenaga Negara 2022-2040. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Malaysia, Putrajaya. (2022)


Kesan teknologi hijau terhadap sewaan bangunan pejabat di Malaysia. In: The 9th Regional Symposium of The Malay Archipelago 2012 (SIMPOSIUM NUSANTARA 9 2012), 11-12 December 2012, Perak, Malaysia. (2012)

Sinaran gamma

Penggunaan nuklear untuk penanaman cendawan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 11-12. (2022)

Sisa kelapa sawit

Kekayaan daripada sisa: kisah unimap menghasilkan grafena daripada sisa kelapa sawit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, pp. 20-21. (2022)

Smart manufacturing

UITM and MGTS sign partnership on green technology. [Website] (2022)


Sabah set to fully adopt green technology with RM20 bil green steel project. [Website]

Solar PV industry

Role of green technology innovation to promote sustainability performance in Malaysian manufacturing solar PV industry: a conceptual framework. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 6 (1): 4. pp. 36-46. ISSN 2637-0859 (2023)

Solar energy

MGTC Forms Partnerships To Expand Energy Management Standards, Boost Solar Projects. [Newspaper] (2024)

Hybrid technology for the use of solar energy: the challenge towards green energy. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Solar projects

MGTC Forms Partnerships To Expand Energy Management Standards, Boost Solar Projects. [Newspaper] (2024)

Spatial technology application

INDES 2022 name of innovation: eGREENI. [Video] (2022)


Green assessment criteria: perception among key industrial players’ towards Stadium Retrofit in Malaysia. In: QS COLLOQUIUM 2020 SERIES XII. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Perak, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-967-19692-0-5 (2020)

Staff perception

Green technology awareness among lembaga pertubuhan peladang (LPP) Melaka staff. -. pp. 1-9. ISSN - (Submitted) (2015)

State Exco

State exco urges Melaka manufacturing industry to be more proactive in adopting green technology. [Website]

Stesen Pengecas EV

Johor komited bantu wujudkan lebih banyak stesen pengecas EV. [Website]

Stesen Supercharge Tesla

Johor komited bantu wujudkan lebih banyak stesen pengecas EV. [Website]

Stesen pengecas kenderaan elektrik

Kerajaan mahu perluas penggunaan EV, teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Strategic review

Energising sustainability: annual report 2020. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC), Bangi, Selangor. (2020)


Investigation on the barriers of green building development in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 37-58. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

Suburban communities

The awareness of suburban communities on the green technology in Selangor. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan. (2022)


UITM and MGTS sign partnership on green technology. [Website] (2022)

Green technology implementation model for sustainability. Journal of journal of enterprise and business intelligence, 2 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2789-5181 (2022)

A study on the consumer knowledge of green technology towards environment and green products. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu. (2011)

Implementing green campus in UiTM Perak: was it challenging? were there solutions? In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (V-GoGreen 2020). UiTM Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 431-437. ISBN 978-967-2920-06-9 (2020)

Premier: Sarawak keen on learning green technology from European Union. [Newspaper] (2023)

Driving green economy for Malaysia through green technology and green culture. Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers Malaysia, 2 (1). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2550-2239 (2018)

Sustainability Strategy

The green innovation, sustainable strategy and ESG performance: evidence from the new generation of information technology in China. INSIGHT Journal (IJ), 11. pp. 386-402. ISSN 2600-8564 (2024)

Sustainability performance

Role of green technology innovation to promote sustainability performance in Malaysian manufacturing solar PV industry: a conceptual framework. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 6 (1): 4. pp. 36-46. ISSN 2637-0859 (2023)


Sustainable materials for bioclimatic design in Dayak traditional longhouse. In: 2 nd International Postgraduate Conference On Global Green Issues (GoGreen 2019). Centre of Graduate Studies, UiTM (Perak Branch), Ipoh, Perak, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-967-5741-92-0 (2019)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

UiTM Cawangan Perak, Kampus UiTM pertama melancarkan projek e-skuter untuk inisiatif kampus hijau dan rendah karbon. [Website]

Sustainable and efficient energy solutions

UTM wins National Energy Award 2022 for institutes of higher learning special category. [Website]

Sustainable building

Industrialized Building System (IBS) as green technology towards the sustainability building construction in Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sarawak. (2021)

Sustainable design

Renewable energy a green technology toward sustainable housing design: case study at bungalow residence, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor. (2019)

Sustainable development

Cultivating a more sustainable future through green technology. [Website]

Green technology incentives: towards achieving sustainable development in Malaysia. [Website]

Malaysia's green technology. Project Report. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia. (2021)

Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change Centre: annual report 2019. Project Report. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. (2019)

Penang South Islands project wins award for low-carbon city plan. [Website]

The Ripples | Q1 (January-March 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q1 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q2 (April-June 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Malaysia. (2022)

The Ripples | Q2 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The Ripples | Q3 (July-September 2022). Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Bangi, Selangor. (2022)

The Ripples | Q3 Edition 2021. Documentation. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, Selangor, Malaysia. (2021)

The national green technology policy. [Website]

UiTM Terus Ungguli Anugerah Diamond Program Cabaran Bandar Rendah Karbon 2030 (LCC 2030 Challenge) Tahun ke-4 Berturut-turut. [Website] (2017)

Factor influence the intention in adopting green building technology. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Seremban 3. (2022)

Hybrid technology for the use of solar energy: the challenge towards green energy. In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Government of Malaysia’s initiative for green economy and the TVET response. CPSC Journal, Scholarly Technical Education Publication Series (STEPS), 2: 1. pp. 9-26. ISSN 2244-6982 (2014)

Sustainable development goals

Implementing green campus in UiTM Perak: was it challenging? were there solutions? In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (V-GoGreen 2020). UiTM Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak, pp. 431-437. ISBN 978-967-2920-06-9 (2020)

Sustainable development)

Teknologi hijau dalam arus pembangunan negara dan amalan masyarakat. Jurnal Refleksi Kepemimpinan Jilid III, 3. pp. 161-168. ISSN 2636-9885 (2020)

Sustainable eco town

Industrial building system: does it good for sustainable building? In: Proceedings of Postgraduate Conference on Global Green Issues (Go Green), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Sustainable energy solutions

UiTM and GoodWE Technologies forge collaborative partnership to advance green technology and energy efficiency. [Website]

Sustainable infrastructures

Ahmad, Nur Azfahani and Md Sakip, Siti Rashidah Green initiatives report green movement in UiTM Perak 2020-2021. Green Campus Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak. ISBN 978-967-2776-09-3 (2022)

Sustainable practices

UTM wins National Energy Award 2022 for institutes of higher learning special category. [Website]

Sustainable projects

Roundtable: advancing innovation in green technologies and the circular economy in Malaysia. Project Report. Malaysian Sustainable Finance Initiative (MSFI), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2021)

Syarikat hiliran

Teknologi membran utm setanding produk elit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Pedana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 51-52. (2022)

System design

Design impact of 6.08 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system at Malaysia green technology corporation. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 5: 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-5389 (2012)

Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

Green practices at café towards customer satisfaction in Klang Valley. In: e-Proceedings V-GOGREEN 2021 VIRTUAL GO GREEN: Conference and publication, 29-30 September 2022, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2022)

Systematic literature review

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)


Government of Malaysia’s initiative for green economy and the TVET response. CPSC Journal, Scholarly Technical Education Publication Series (STEPS), 2: 1. pp. 9-26. ISSN 2244-6982 (2014)

Tax exemtion

MIDA to Hold Briefings on Green Technology Industry. [Website]

Tax incentive programs

Volvo trucks Malaysia collaborates with MGTC to accelerate green technology adoption. [Website]

Tax incentives

Tax incentives in green technology industry. In: Investment Opportunities in Green Technology Industry. (Submitted) (2016)

Technology adoption

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? what should we do next? Journal of Information System and Technology Management, 7 (27). pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next? Green technology adoption in Malaysia: where are we now? what is lacking? & what should we do next?, 7 (27): 16. pp. 109-121. ISSN 0128-1666 (2022)

Technology investment

JETCO to boost efforts to attract green technology investors to Johor. [Website]

Technology transfer

PM Anwar: energy absolute keen to explore Malaysian market to develop renewable energy, green technology. [Website]

Teknologi Membran

Teknologi membran utm setanding produk elit. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Inovasi Malaysia 2022. Jabatan Pedana Menteri, Putrajaya, pp. 51-52. (2022)

Teknologi hijau

Banyak syarikat Belgium berminat melabur teknologi hijau di Sarawak - Flanders. [Website] (2022)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Teknologi Hijau Negara. Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Putrajaya, Malaysia. ISBN 9789834389314 (2009)

Galak sektor perkilangan terap penggunaan teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2023)

Gerakan koperasi perlu berani terokai teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Menuju ke arah pertumbuhan hijau bagi meningkatkan kemampanan dan daya tahan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas 2016-2020: Pertumbuhan Berpaksikan Rakyat. Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 5-1. ISBN 9789675842078 (2015)

Perkasa inovasi teknologi hijau tangani perubahan iklim. [Website] (2023)

Teknologi hijau: negara harus dibenarkan rancang strategi tersendiri. [Website] (2023)

UK sasar tingkatkan kerjasama dengan Malaysia dalam teknologi hijau. [Website] (2021)

Amalan dan teknologi hijau bagi kepentingan bersama di negeri Melaka. In: Amalan dan Teknologi Hijau Bagi Kepentingan Bersama di Negeri Melaka. (Submitted) (2014)

Transformasi ke arah kilang hijau: teknologi masa depan atasi pencemaran. [Website]

Peranan aplikasi teknologi hijau dalam konteks melestarikan alam sekitar menurut perspektif Islam. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, 4 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Strategi penerapan elemen Islam dalam pembangunan teknologi hijau. e-Jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi, 4 (2). pp. 250-266. ISSN 2289-7909 (2017)

Teknologi hijau dalam arus pembangunan negara dan amalan masyarakat. Jurnal Refleksi Kepemimpinan Jilid III, 3. pp. 161-168. ISSN 2636-9885 (2020)

Kesan teknologi hijau terhadap sewaan bangunan pejabat di Malaysia. In: The 9th Regional Symposium of The Malay Archipelago 2012 (SIMPOSIUM NUSANTARA 9 2012), 11-12 December 2012, Perak, Malaysia. (2012)

Teknologi kilang hijau

Transformasi ke arah kilang hijau: teknologi masa depan atasi pencemaran. [Website]

Teknologi rendah karbon

Teknologi hijau dalam arus pembangunan negara dan amalan masyarakat. Jurnal Refleksi Kepemimpinan Jilid III, 3. pp. 161-168. ISSN 2636-9885 (2020)

Tenaga boleh diperbaharui (RE)

Teknologi hijau: negara harus dibenarkan rancang strategi tersendiri. [Website] (2023)

Tenaga pakar

Malaysia komited dengan peralihan teknologi hijau, demi ekosistem kondusif. [Website]

Tenaga solar

KPKT galakkan PBT guna pendekatan teknologi hijau. [Website] (2022)

Solar work bench. [Phamplet] (2019)


Kerjasama bersama Tesla bakal pacu Malaysia sebagai hab utama teknologi hijau - Tengku Zafrul. [Website]

Transport industry

Volvo trucks Malaysia collaborates with MGTC to accelerate green technology adoption. [Website]


Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)


Determinants of intention to utilise green technology financing scheme (GTFS), the moderating effect of perceived risk, and the influence of intention to utilise towards utilisation behaviour: an application of UTAUT2 model in the nontechnology context. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2022)

UiTM Hub

Pertandingan Video Pendek Hygrowbloom Pamer Teknologi Pertanian Lestari. [Website]

UiTM Pahang farm

Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application. In: Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application, 2009, Pahang. (In Press) (2009)

Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak

UiTM Cawangan Perak sambut baik usaha kerajaan negeri Perak meningkatkan kesedaran “Single-use Plastic”. [Website]

Urban sustainabality

The future economy is green. [Newspaper] (2024)

User satisfaction

User satisfaction in energy efficiency office building in Malaysia case study: Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau Air, Putrajaya. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2010)


Determinants of intention to utilise green technology financing scheme (GTFS), the moderating effect of perceived risk, and the influence of intention to utilise towards utilisation behaviour: an application of UTAUT2 model in the nontechnology context. Doctoral thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam. (2022)

Value added intellectual

Measuring the value added intellectual capital on financial performance: a case of Malaysian green technology companies. Voice of Academia (VOA), 18 (1). pp. 142-157. ISSN 2682-7840 (2022)

Vertical greenery system

Comparative study of vertical greenery system for commercial building in Ipoh, Perak. Degree thesis, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak. (2022)

Virtual Power Plant (VPP)

UiTM and GoodWE Technologies forge collaborative partnership to advance green technology and energy efficiency. [Website]

Waste management

Ahmad, Nur Azfahani and Md Sakip, Siti Rashidah Green initiatives report green movement in UiTM Perak 2020-2021. Green Campus Committee, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perak, Seri Iskandar, Perak. ISBN 978-967-2776-09-3 (2022)

Water harvesting innovation

UITM and MGTS sign partnership on green technology. [Website] (2022)

Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030

UNSPECIFIED, ed. Dasar Tenaga Negara 2022-2040. Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Malaysia, Putrajaya. (2022)


Carbon footprint calculator for children. In: Virtual Go-Green: Conference and Publication (v-Go Green 2020), 7-8 October 2015, Perak, Malaysia. (In Press) (2015)

Zero Energy Building (ZEB)

An overview of Malaysia green technology corporation office building: a showcase energy-efficient building project in Malaysia. Journal of Sustainable Development, 4 (5): 17. pp. 212-228. ISSN 1913-9071 (2011)

Zero carbon emission

Green Tech: the rise of environment-friendly technologies. [Newspaper] (2021)

Zero carbon emissions

The transition to green energy. [Website]

Zero-waste development

Pahang MB: green technology park gets RM162 mil boost by Nextgreen. [Website]

climate change

The Effect of Green Technology Policy on Climate Change Awareness of Youth in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 43 (2). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2462-1943 (2025)


Beam E-Scooters are now available in 9 Universities. [Website]

Beam Expands to Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak. [Website]

Beam Mobility Partners Malaysian Universities For Car-Free Commutes. [Website]


UiTM Cawangan Perak, Kampus UiTM pertama melancarkan projek e-skuter untuk inisiatif kampus hijau dan rendah karbon. [Website]


Making wave of change: The electronic green initiatives database on campus (eGREENi@campus) UiTM Perak. [Website]

greenhouse gas

State exco urges Melaka manufacturing industry to be more proactive in adopting green technology. [Website]

hidrogen hijau

MIDA lulus 4,230 projek teknologi hijau RM41 bilion sehingga 2023. [Website]


International Virtual Go Green 2023 (i-VGG2023). [Website]


Energy efficiency in building an analysis study of K-Value and U-Value application through green building material. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE), 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0128-326X (2022)

quality job growh

MB: Smart industrial park to adopt green technology, spur quality jobs. [Website]

stesen pengecasan kenderaan elektrik

MIDA lulus 4,230 projek teknologi hijau RM41 bilion sehingga 2023. [Website]

youth’s awareness

The Effect of Green Technology Policy on Climate Change Awareness of Youth in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 43 (2). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2462-1943 (2025)

“Single-use Plastic”

UiTM Cawangan Perak sambut baik usaha kerajaan negeri Perak meningkatkan kesedaran “Single-use Plastic”. [Website]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 06:18:58 2025 +08.