Items where Subject is "Business Fundamentals"

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Jump to: 24 hours | 3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine | 360-degree wheel | 7DAYS Corporation | AA Enterprise | AIM Entrepreneur | AL Imprimeur Sdn. Bhd | AVANA | Academic purposes | Accessories | Accessories business | Acculturation programs | Action camera | Adey Optic Spectacle Blueprint | Administrative staff | Admission and discharge services | Advanced Foam Roller with Tens | Advanced Function | Advanced Yoga Mat | Advanced clock | Advanced technology | Advertising | Advertising tool | Advokasi ilmuwan | Aedes | Agencies | Agenda bumiputera | Agensi kredit mikro | Agensi pelancongan | Agent | Agreement | Agri-entrepreneur | AgriCOP | Agribusiness | Agricultural Industry | Agricultural Products | Agricultural Sector | Agriculture | Agriculture Business | Agriculture Company | Agriculture Industry | Agriculture Sector | Agro | Agro Bank | Agro Business Entrepreneur | Agro Tourism | Agro business entrepreneur | Agro makanan | Agro-Akua | Agro-Niaga | Agrobiz | Agrofood | Agronita | Agropreneur | Agropreneur Lada | Agropreneur Muda | Agropreneur jagung, kelulut, dodol | Agropreneur muda | Agropreneurs | Agroprenuer Muda | Agrotechnology | Agua Lamp | Ai Feeder | Air minuman | Air quality | Air surrounding | Air-ventilation | Aleeya's Kitchen | Alert system | Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn. Bhd. | All-In Agency | Alpha Clique Sdn. Bhd. | Aluminium packaging | Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) | Amnelife Global Marketing Sdn Bhd | Amount of paper money | Analyze issue | Anchovies | Annual report | Ansuran tanpa faedah | Anti Odour Shoes | Anti snatch sensor | Anti-Vibration and EPP Insulation Solar Food Delivery | Anti-theft | Antibacteria | Antibacterial handwash | Anugerah | Anugerah Ikon Usahawan Kemas | Aperantis tani | Apikultur | Aplikasi perakaunan kos | Apparels | Aqilaz Shoes Sdn. Bhd | Aquaculture | Aquaculture Company | Aquaculture farming | Aquaponics | Arabic Cuisine | Art Entrepreneurs | Article review | Artifial art | Asam pedas | Asas perniagaan | Asia Tenggara | Asian Food | Asianic products | Aspirasi Assist | Aspirasi keusahawan | Assets management | Assist contractors | Attachable Iron Clothes | Attitude | Auto Inflatable Traveller Backpack | Auto Separator Machine (AUTO-BINS) | Automated | Automated Measurement Device | Automatic Dishwasher | Automatic Recycle Bin | Automotive | Automotive industry | Ayam Kampong | Ayam gunting | B-Jaga | BBCC | BEBE Enterprise | BMF | BOOKOO Enterprise | BOXO | BRF | Babies to oldest patients | Baby Stuffs | Baby care products | Baby spa | Baby treatment | Backpack | Backpacks | Badminton Court Line Sensor (GX Court) | Bae Book Enterprise | Bag | Bagged vacuum | Baggie Art Enterprise | Bahan rujukan | Bahulu | Baka ‘UniSZA Saanen | Baked goods | Bakeries | Bakery | Bakery Products | Bakery and pastry | Bakery business | Bakery company | Bakery industry | Bamboo | Banana | Bank Negara Malaysia | Bank Rakyat | Banquet Service | Bantal | Bantuan Kerajaan | Bantuan dana | Bantuan kerajaan | Bantuan modal | Bantuan pinjaman modal | Barangan Tempatan | Barber shop | Basaru Technology Enterprise | Basic Student Entrepreneurial Programme | Batik | Batik Entrepreneur | Batik ikat dan celup | Battery operated | Batu | Beauty | Beauty Worshippers Enterprise | Beauty product | Beauty products | Bee Lips | Bee farming | Beekeeper | Beekeepers | Beekeeping | Behavior | Bekalan ikan | Belia | Belia usahawan | Belleza Sdn. Bhd (Combae) | Bengkel Online Wanita | Bengkel perternakan lebah kelulut | Bento boxes | Berniaga | Berniaga biskut | Berniaga secara online | Beverages | Bicycle Mower With Rake | Bidang keusahawanan | Bidang perniagaan | Big Bros Chicken | Big size | Bijirin | Bilis | Bimbingan agensi | Bimbingan perniagaan | Bimbingan usahawan | BinBin Sorting Waste Machine | Bina bisnes berjaya | Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd | Biodegradable cloth | Biodegradable factors | Biodegradable materials | Bioeconomy Community Development Programme (BCDP) | Biofertilizer | Bird nest | Birds Nest | Biscuit | Bisnes online | Biz Clinic | Bizmart books & such UiTMCK | Blackfisk Enterprise | Blender | Blicious Series | Blood taking | Blossom Scarves | Body treatment | Bombolini | Book service | Books | Bookstore | Booth digital | Botanical | Bouquet | Boutique | Boutique Company | Braille-iant Cookies | Brainstorming | Brainy Dolls | Branded shoes | Branding | Branding design | Bread and cakes | Breads | Breakout problem | Bred and raised chicken | Breeder Company | Breeding Project | Brownies and cookies | Bubble rice | Budaya keusahawan | Budaya keusahawanan | Budget | Budget In Business | Budgeting | Budu | Budu dispenser | Building vibration | Bumiputera | Bumiputera Business | Bumiputera SMEs | Bumiputera business | Bumiputera community | Bumiputera company | Bumiputera economy | Bumiputera food manufacturing | Bumiputera optometrist | Bumiputera socio-economic | Bumiputra’ Business | Bundle | Burger | Burger Legacy | Burrito | Business | Business Activities | Business Blue print | Business Blueprint | Business Blueprint Report | Business Canvas | Business Case Study | Business Development | Business Enterprise | Business Enterprises-Capital | Business Management | Business Performance | Business Plan | Business Planning | Business Proposal | Business Scale-Up | Business Start up | Business coaching | Business collaboration | Business competitiveness | Business creation | Business culture | Business development | Business field | Business growth | Business jihad | Business management | Business opportunities | Business people | Business performance | Business pitching | Business plan | Business proposa; | Business proposal | Business propposal | Business purpose | Business registration | Business registrations | Business simulation | Business strategy | Business studies | Business talk | Business-to-business | Businessman | Bussines proposal | Butik | Butik Sazlees Bridal Gallery & Hair Saloon | Butter stick | CAD class | CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max | CSR | Cabaran industri | Cafe | Cafe concept | Cafeterias | Café | Cake | Cake house | Cake lapis | Cakes | Camera accessories | Camera technology | Cameron fresh mushrooms | Campers | Candy | Canggih | Canula | Canvas | Capal | Capital | Capital Budget | Capital account | Caporaso | Car accessories | Car detailing | Car jack | Car modification | Car parts | Car wash | Car wash spa | Card reader | Career Advancement Programme (CAP) | Carpet | Carry heavy load | Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger | Case study | Cash on delivery | Casual Dress | Cat | Cat food supplier | Cat nursery | Catering | Catering Service | Catering service | Cecair pencuci pakaian | Cendawan tiram | Cermin mata | Challenges | Challenges of early childhood | Charcoal | Cheese | Cheezy flavour | Chenorpreneur | Chesterfield | Chicken | Chicken Cube | Chicken Farm | Chicken Product | Chicken fried | Child Care | Child rearing | Children Car Seat | Chili | Chilli | Chip | Chips | Choc & Nuts | Choco jar | Choco jar product | Chocojar | Chocolate | Chocolate peanut butter | Chocolate snack | Chocomake Broadrange | Chocorice | Choosing Flavor | Chronograph Quartz watch | Cili kisar | Cinta Tea | Ciri-ciri keusahawanan | Ciri-ciri usahawan | Citronella | Civilization | Cleaning | Cleaning Products | Cleaning Services | Cleaning services | Cleanzee Toilet Brush | Clinical | Cloth | Cloth iron | Cloth printing | Clothes Storage | Clothing products | Co-operative model | Co-operatives | Coaching support | Coconut | Coconut Shake | Coconut milk | Coffee | Coffee ATM | Coffee Ficus Moraceae | Coffee Shop | Coffee Star Malaysia | Coffee maker | Coffee shop | CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd | Cokla Pelangi Nims | Coklat | Colourful boxes | Comfortable shoes | Commercial Photography | Commercialize | Communication engineering | Communications skills | Community involvement | Company | Company analysis | Company information | Company product analysis | Company profiles | Competitive advantage | Competitive business | Competitors | Complete Styler | Computer Applications | Computer Vision Syndrome | Computer repair | Conducive infrastructure | Construction | Construction project | Consultancy | Consultant | Consumers Criteria | Consumers Demand | Consumers requirement | Contact lens | Control button | Cookies | Cooking tools | Cooperative complex | Cordless Steam Fan Cleaner | Corporate | Corporate social responsibility | Cosmetic | Cosmetic product | Cosmetic products | Cost | Costing system | Cotton shirt | Country’s Foods | Cow milk | Crack | Cracking Machine | Craft Entrepreneurs | Craft entrepreneurs | Craft industry | Creamy sauce | Creative Safety Sdn Bhd. | Creative and innovative | Creativity | Crepes | Critical success factors | Crowdfunding campaign | Cuisine | Cukai perniagaan | Culture studies | Cupcake | Cupcakes | Curtain display | Custom design | Custom made | Custom-made printed design | Customer | Customer attention | Customer's | Customers | Customers satisfaction | Customers’ satisfaction | Customes | Cyberpreneurship | D'4 Amigos | D'Sebasih | DF Robotic Company | DHause | Daar Bakanen Enterprise | Dadih | Daftar perniagaan | Dagang NeXchange Bhd | Daging ayam | Daging ayam halal | Daging burger | Daging sejuk beku | Daily meals | Dairy Milk | Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd | Dana bantuan | Dana pembiayaan | Dana perniagaan | Dana pinjaman | Dana superb | Dapur | Dasar Keusahawanan Negara (DKN) | Dates | Dawn Wake Up Watch | Day care | Dearly Company | Decorations | Deer breeding | Deliver Fertilizer | Delivering | Delivering Service | Delivery process | Delivery service | Delivery services | Delixius | Demographic | Dengue fever | Denim | Dental care and treatments | Depression | Desa Ville Jus Durian Belanda. | Design | Design Thinking | Desire Food Sdn Bhd | Dessert | Dessert Food Industry | Desserts | Desserts products | Detox water | Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) | Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd. | Dialog Keusahawanan | Diet food | Digital Business | Digital Economy | Digital Marketing | Digital Skipping Rope | Digital Skipping Rope - NAS Sdn. Bhd. | Digital Tools | Digital dan inovasi | Digital economic revolution | Digital marketing | Digital screen | Digital technology | Digitalisasi | Dimsum | Disable people | Disposable products | Distribution Access | Dobi | Dodol cair | Dodol penganan | Dolce Pasticcini | Dominant languages | Donut | Donuts | Doughnut | Drainage system | Drawing | Drink | Dropship | Dropship Agent | Dry clean | Dryers | Duck cuisine | Duck eggs | Duo Remover Cleanser | Durian | Dutch bucket | D’ iN Luggage | E-Board | E-Glasses | E-Marketing | E-Usahawan | E-board | E-commerce | E-dagang | E-shop | ENT 300 | ENT 600 | ENT600 | EZ PZ Company Duo Bedsheet | EZ Sdn.Bhd | EZ-Umberbike | Ease the flow | Easier patient billing | Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd | Easy Slide | Eco-friendly devices | EcoBin | Economic | Economic Growth | Economic Transformation Programme | Economic aspect | Economic conditions | Economic development | Economic growth | Economic stimulus package | Economy | Education | Education Service | Education and Skills | Education hub | Educational | Eentrepreneurship | Effectiveness | Efficient | Eggs | Eko | Eko pelancongan | Ekonomi | Ekonomi Bumiputera | Ekonomi Kreatif | Ekonomi digital | Ekonomi umat Islam | Ekosistem perdagangan | Ekspedisi madu lebah | Eksport | Eksport Malaysia | Eksport durian beku | Electric Car | Electric Powered Lawn Mower | Electric motor | Electrical Business | Electrical and mechanical component | Electrical wiring | Electro-adhesive energy | Electromagnet sensor | Electronic Commerce | Electronic product | Electronic vest | Eliminate fatigue | Embroidery | Embun Haircare & Co. | Emerging Markets | Employment conditions | Encouragement | Energy consumption | Engineering services | Engraving services | Enterpreneur | Enterpreneurship | Enterprise | Entrepeneurship | Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur Education | Entrepreneur Grant | Entrepreneur Incubator | Entrepreneur Programme | Entrepreneur Programs | Entrepreneur program | Entrepreneur programme | Entrepreneur programmer | Entrepreneur world | Entrepreneurial | Entrepreneurial Attitudes | Entrepreneurial Competence | Entrepreneurial Competencies | Entrepreneurial Intention | Entrepreneurial Leadership | Entrepreneurial Orientation | Entrepreneurial Products | Entrepreneurial Readiness | Entrepreneurial Teacher | Entrepreneurial Traits | Entrepreneurial acculturation | Entrepreneurial behaviour, cognitive dimension | Entrepreneurial competencies | Entrepreneurial ecosystem | Entrepreneurial inclination | Entrepreneurial intention | Entrepreneurial leadership | Entrepreneurial orientation | Entrepreneurial risk | Entrepreneurial self-efficacy | Entrepreneurial success | Entrepreneurial training | Entrepreneurial training programme | Entrepreneurial traits | Entrepreneurialism, Graduates | Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneurs financing schemes | Entrepreneurs knowledge | Entrepreneurs product | Entrepreneurs programme | Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship Ecosystem | Entrepreneurship Education | Entrepreneurship Intention | Entrepreneurship Planning | Entrepreneurship and Small-Medium-Enterprise (SME) | Entrepreneurship and graduates | Entrepreneurship attitude | Entrepreneurship courses | Entrepreneurship directory | Entrepreneurship education | Entrepreneurship level | Entrepreneurship management | Entrepreneurship program | Entrepreneurship programme | Entrepreneurship skills | Entrepreneurship-Malaysia | Entrepreneurships | Entrepreneurs’ products | Entreprenuer | Entreprenuers | Entrpreneurship | Environmental pollution | Equipments | Erasable pen | Ergonomic Designs | Ergonomic concept | Ergonomic design | Ergonomic problem | Ergonomic table | Estilo Propio | Etika | Etika Muslim | Event Organizing | Event management | Event organizer company | Event planning company | Everyday Better Sdn Bhd. | Exhibitors | Expectation | Expensive dental supplies | Experiential learning | Export Market Attractivenes | Extra food | Extract Oil | Eye examination | Eye instruments | EzPeasy Thermos Water Bottle | EzSports Enterprise | F&B | F&B Business | F&B outlet | FAMA | FELDA | FGV | FZ Trading | Fabric | Face & Co | Facial problems | Facial treatment | Facil Beauty | Facing disability | Family Apidae | FamilyMart | Fantasy Photo | Farm | Farm fresh | Fasa metamorfosis | Fashion | Fashion industry | Fashionable | Fashionably | Fashionista | Fast food | Fast-food | Feasibility study | Fee Malika Sdn. Bhd. | Fermentation Process | FertiLife Enterprise | Fertigasi | Ficus Moracaea | Film Media | Financial | Financial Manager | Financial Markets | Financial aid | Financial assistance | Financial management. | Financial resources | Financial sourcing problems | Financing | Financing programme | First Cuisine | Fish cake | Fish cracker | Fish cracker’s entrepreneur | Fish supplier | Fishery product | Fishing community | Fitness | Flask bottles | Flavored drink | Flexibility | Flexible and compactable | Flies | Floor carpet | Florist | Flower | Flowers Bakery Enterprise | Flowyshops | Fluffy puff | Foldable Dining Set | Food | Food & beverages | Food Cover Using Solar Technology | Food Industry | Food Products | Food Service | Food Services | Food and Beverage | Food and Beverage company | Food and beverage | Food and beverage product | Food and beverages | Food and beverages, | Food and drink | Food businesses | Food cart | Food delivery | Food hygiene | Food industry | Food or drinks storage | Food product | Food production | Food restaurant | Food service | Food service Distributor | Food services | Food servicing | Food technology | Food truck | Food warmer | Food-based business | FoodLab | Foods and beverages | Foods and service | Foodservice | Foodservices | Foreign workers | Forks and Balls | Fragrance | Francais | Francais mikro | Francaisor | Franchises | Freelancing | Fresh Milk | Fresh floral | Fresh flowers | Fresh food | Fresh fruits company | Fresh milk | Freshly made | Freshness | Freshwater fish | Fried chicken | Fritter | Frocious Licious | FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn. Bhd. | Frozen | Frozen Food | Frozen Food Industry | Frozen dimsum | Frozen food | Fruits | Fudo Queen | Functional electrical stimulation | Fund | Fundamental of Business | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship | Furniture | Futsal | Futsal business | Futsal court | Future Prospect | GKP 4.0 | GPS | GPS detector | GWRAP | Gadget | Gaharu | Gaming Services | Gaming chair | Gamming Chair | Gappo Trattoria | Garage | Garden chair | Gardening | Garment Dryer | Gender | Genus Heterotrigona | Geran | Geran Pembangunan Pasaran (MDG) | Geran agropreneur muda | Geran bantuan | Geran usahawan | Gift | Gift shop | Gincu bibir | Ginger Bud | Glass Wares | Global Entrepreneurship Monitor | Global Sales | Global business | Global market | Goat Breeder | Goat product | Golf course | Golongan Terpinggir | Gorgeous Coffee ; Local Market | Government Initiatives | Government Programme | Government Programme/ Initiatives | Government’s Role | Gradpreneurs | Graduan | Graduan kejuruteraan mekanikal | Graduate entrepreneurs | Graduatepreneur | Graduates | Graduates, | Graphic Design | Graphic Designer | Green Air Inc. | Green tea | Greenie Kitchy Enterprise | Greentea | Grilled | Grilling chicken and lamb | Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge | Grocery delivery | Grocery retailer | Grocery stores | Gross Domestic Product | Growth | Growth challenges | Growth tonic | H1N1 | HAFIS Enterprise | HAYAT GEN-TECH | HD channels | HSVD Chicken Enterprise | Haanz Street Food | Had umur belia | Hair cut | Haircut services | Haiwan eksotik | Halal | Halal food | Halal food industry | Halal hub | Halal laws | HaloBin | Hanami Capsule Hotel | Hand Wash | Hand wash | Hand wash products | Handbags | Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd | Handicraft | Handicrafts | Handy tool | Hangout spot | Hard sell | Harga madu kelulut | Hasil eksport | HeaTherm | Head covering | Head scarf | Health & Wealth Pro Right | Health Product | Health and beauty product | Health and rehabilitation appliances | Health and wellness equipment | Health business | Healthcare | Healthy Milk | Healthy Snacks | Healthy energy bar | Healthy fast-food | Healthy food | Heat | Heated wires | Helmet airbag | Henna | Henna@Printer | Herbal | Herbal Drink | Herbicide | Herbs and spices | Here N There Pencil Case | Heterotrigona Itama | Heterotrigona Itama (Itama) | Heterotrigona itama | Hidangan Itali | Hidroponik | High Quality | High pressure hydration spray bottle | High quality watch | High safety | High-End Top-Quality Fabric | High-quality glass product | Higher education | Higher learning education institutions (HEIs) | Higher-Income | Hijab | Hijab product | Hiking backpack | Holder | HoloArcade | Home Appliances Services | Home Dispenser | Home appliances | Home care products | Home service | HomeSet Sdn Bhd | Homemade | Homemade jam | Homemade mee | Homestay | Honey | Honey bee | Honey bee breeders | Honey bee farming | Honey bee product | Honey market | Honey-based products | Hospital and clinics | Hospital bills Apps | Hot beverages | Hot pizza | Hotel management | Hotel owner | Hotel pillow | House Magic Box | House Of Asian | Household appliances | Hub coklat | Humaira Design | Human Capitals | Human development | Human resource development | Human resource management | Hydro Coco | Hygienic | Hygienic cleaning | Hypermarket | Hypermarket chain | I-Rope | ICT entrepreneurship | ICTE | IKS | IMC Company Sdn. Bhd. | IPT | IPTA | IY Enterprises | Ice Cream | Ice cream | Idea dan inovasi perniagaan | Idris Enterprise (Sambal Hitam Pahang) | Iindustri makanan | Ikan Bakar | Ikan air tawar | Ikan sangkar | Ikan tilapia | Ikon agro | Ilmu kepemimpinan | Imax Enterprise | Impak pandemik | Implants | Import | Incentive | Incentives | Income | Incubation Hub | Incubator Malaysia | Indigenous entrepreneurs | Individual Person | Indoor Sports | Indoor football | Industrai Kecil dan Sederhana | Industri | Industri asas tani | Industri kecil dan sederhana | Industri kecil sederhana | Industri kosmetik | Industri makanan | Industri makanan dan minuman | Industri perkapalan | Industri telekomunikasi | Industrial revolution | Industrial training | Industrial training report | Industrialization | Industry | Infrastructures | Inisiatif Usahasama | Initiative | Initiatives and incentives | Innovation | Innovation idea | Innovative company | Innovativeness | Innovator | Inovasi | Inovasi Produk | Inovasi baharu | Inovasi produk | Inovatif | Insentif | Insentif bumiputera | Insentif cukai | Insentif kerajaan | Insentif perniagaan | Insken | Instafamous | Instant food product | Instants shawl | Institusi Pondok | Institut Keusahawanan Negara Berhad | Instrumentation solutions | Intention | Intention, | Interior design | International brands | International market | International student satisfaction | Internationalization | Internationalization of higher education | Internet | Internet Advertising | Internet marketing | Intravenous cannulation | Investments | Invisible safety helmet | Isentif | Islam | Islamic Entrepreneurs | Islamic Marketing | Islamic concept | Islamic enterpreneur | Islamic fashion | Islamic financing product | Issues and challenges | Italian Style | JES Enterprise Partnership | JM Bariani House | Jabatan Pertanian | Jabatan Pertanian Negeri | Jackets | Jade Roller Skin Analyser | Jagung kuning DC93 | Jagung purple 399 | Jahitan | Jahitan dan fesyen | Jamming Service | Jamming Session | Jana pendapatan | Japanese food | Jasmin7 | Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd | Jeans | Jelly Shoes | Jenama Do’Zee | Jenama sendiri | Jenama tempatan | Jentle Smart Towel Rack | Jersey | Jeruk | Jewellery Company | Jibby & Co | Jihad perniagaan | Johannsen | Joje Travel Sdn Bhd | Jualan tepi jalan | Junk food | Just Print It | KDNK | KLEANKLUB | KP Fry Enterprise | KPDNHEP | KPT | Kad akses | Kaedah SMART | Kajian produk | Kambing Kampung | Karnival usahawan desa | Kaunseling bisnes | Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) | Kawalan Tingkah Laku | Kebajikan pekerja | Kecenderungan keusahawanan | Kedai Runcit | Kedai runcit | Kedai tayar | Kek | Kek Absolut Chocolat | Kek Batik | Kek Cup Comei | Kek lapis | Kekabu | Kelapa sawit | Kelayakan program bantuan | Kelebihan mendaftar perniagaan | Keli Afrika | Kelulut | Kelulut bee | Kelulut honey industry | Kemahiran baharu | Kemahiran keusahawanan | Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar | Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC) | Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi | Kementerian/ Agensi | Kempen beli barangan Malaysia | Keningau Diamond | Keningau Diamond (AC12) | Kepek Ibu | Keperibadian usahawan | Kerepek | Kerepek Ibu Enterprise | Kerepek peria | Kerisik | Kerjasama MARDI | Kerjasama industri | Kerjaya | Keropok lekor | Kertas kerja | Ketupat Mini | Keusahawanan | Keusahawanan Islam | Keusahawanan Sosial | Keusahawanan belia | Keusahawanan digital | Keusahawanan nasional | Keusahawanan patriotik | Keusahawanan sosial | Keusahawanan teknologi | Keusahawanan wanita | Keusahawnan YPU | Keushawanan | Keyakinan diri | Keyless access | Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd | Khepok Bites Enterprise | Khidmat nasihat | Khidmat nasihat perniagaan | Khidmat pemasaran bersepadu | Khidmat penghantaran | Kicap | Kicks Bling Enterprise | Kilang perabot | Kindergarten Service | Kiosk | Kitchen | Kitchen appliances | Kitchen storage | Klinik pergigian | Knives | Knowledge | Knowledge sharing | Komunikasi | Kontrak Label Swasta | Kool Sdn. Bhd. | Koperasi | Koperasi Pembangunan Desa | Koperasi hawa | Koperator | Kopi | Kopi Cap Tangan | Kopi Saigon | Kos operasi | Kosmetik | Krabba Hut | Kraf tangan | Kraftangan | Kraftangan Sarawak | Kredit | Kredit mikro | Krisis Covid-19 | Kualiti keusahawanan | Kugona Enterprise | KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd | Kuih Bakar | Kuih bakul | Kuih siput | Kuih tradisional | Kultur tisu nanas | Kurikulum IPT | Kurma | Kurma milk | Kursus kemahiran | Kursus keusahawanan | LA'FILTER Enterprise | LADA | LCD screen | LGM | LOBYARD Sdn Bhd | LPNM | Lab Shoes Sdn. Bhd. | Labels & packaging | Labor cost | Lack of manpower | Ladang Nira Nipah | Ladang ternakan | Lady HAIS Enterprise | Laksa | Lambakan sayuran | Landscaping | Lanyss Corporation | Lapaa | Laptop Stand: Face Tracking | Laptop backpack | Larva perosak | Laser cutting | Latest Equipment | Latihan Vokasional (TVET) | Latihan dan pendidikan keusahawanan | Latihan industri | Latihan keusahawanan | Latihan pembangunan perniagaan. | Laundry | Laundry services | Law enforcement officers | Lawn Mower Powered Bicycle | Layer cake | Le Savon Sdn. Bhd. | Leadership And Motivational | Learning and Development | Learning outcome | Lebah Kelulut | Lebah kelulut | Lebah kelulut (Genus Heterotrigona,Family Apidae) | Leisure | Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (KADA) | Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM) | Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang | Lembu tenusu | Lesen penjaja | Less Attention | Lets’ Shopping App | Library | Lilstech Enterprise | Limited space | Lipmatte | Loafers footwear | Loan | Local Market | Local businesses | Local cuisine | Local entrepreneurs | Local food | Local food cookies | Local fruit | Local manufacturers | Local product | Local restaurant | Location tracking | Locus of control | Logistic | Logit | Logo | Logo Customization | Lounge | Loveberts | Low Service | Low-cost grooming centre | LuBook Sdn. Bhd. | Luggage | Luggage Product | Luggage Products | Lugshelf Luggage | Lunalyra | Luxury Handbag | MAHA | MAHAI Sports Enterprise | MARA | MARDI | MATRADE | MCO | MD2 | MDAB | MDEC | MEDAC | MEDEC | MEDISHOE Sdn Bhd | MIDA | MITI | MKI Dream Legacy | MPKN | MT4 Bags | Macaron | Made Yum (MY) Enterprise | Madrasah Tahfiz Taufiqillah | Madu | Madu Kelulut | Madu Lebah Kelulut | Madu kelulut | Madu lebah | Madu tualang | Magnet Shuttlecock (GX Shuttlecock) | Magnetic Dumbbell | Mahasiswa | Majlis Amanah Rakyat | Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) | Majlis Belia Orang Asli (MBOA) | Majlis Kemakmuran Bumiputera (MKB) | Maju Sdn Bhd | Makanan Tradisional | Makanan halal | Makanan ringan | Makanan sejuk beku | Makanan ternakan ruminan | Makanan tradisi | Makanan tradisional | Makeup | Malay Garment | Malay craft | Malay culture | Malay food | Malaysia | Malaysia-Appropriations and expenditures | Malaysian economy | Malaysian food | Mamak restaurant | Mamamia Lazatoz | Management | Management and services | Management strategy | Management system | Management team | Manga cafe | Mango jam | Manual filing system | Manual labor | Manufactures | Manufacturing and packaging | Maqasid As-Shariah | Maqasid syariah | Mardi | Marine fish | Market | Market Segments | Market and stores | Market placement | Marketing | Marketing Budget | Marketing Department | Marketing Strategy | Marketing strategy | Mas cotek | Massage chair | Massage oil | Matchalicious Cookies | Matlamat besar | Mawar Shazni Sdn Bhd. | Mayonnaise manufacturing | MeSTI | Meamira Sdn Bhd (Hydorlily) | Meat production | Medac | Media Sosial | Media entrepreneurship | Media social advertisement | Media sosial | Medical check-up | Medicine box | Medicines | Mee Aniq | Memperkasakan usahawan | Menjana pendapatan | Mentor-mentee | Merangsang pelaburan baharu | Merchandises | Mereviu produk | Meringue | Mesh back system | Mesra solat | MiTEC | Micro Entrepreneur | Micro Global Enterprise | Micro business | Micro entrepreneurs | Micro-enterprise performance | Microfinance Factors | Mikro kredit | Milk | Milk Production | Millennial entrepreneurs | Mini fridge | Minor Rural Project | Minor invasive procedure | Minuman berkarbonat | Minuman jeli | Minuman ringan | Minyak pelincir | Minyak rambut | MoU | Mobile application | Mobile phone | Mobilepreneur | Mochi | Modal | Modal perniagaan | Modern | Modern design | Momentum Internet Sdn Bhd | Money | Moratorium | Motivations | Motive Bath | Motobike | Motorcycle lock | Motorcycle services | Motorcyclist | Motorsports | Mountain hiking product | Mug | Mul Toothbrush | Multi Bottle | Multi – Function Umbrella | Multi-Rice Cooker | Multi-function helmet | Multipurpose Chair | Multipurpose bullets | Multipurpose luggage | Mummy Kitchenware | Mumu Style Enterprise | Musang King Roll | Mushroom | Music Company | Music studio | Musical Instrument | Musical class | Musical instrument repair | Muslim Cemetery | Muslim bakery | Muslim business | Muslim entrepreneur | Musuh kelulut | Mutiara | My Agrosis | My FlexiTank | My Mum's Bakery | MyAgrosis | MyAssist MSME | NAZ Barbershop | NAZ Company | ND Divers | NFCP | NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd | Nachos | Nanas | Nanas Moris | Nano Sweeper | Nasi Kukus | Nasi bajet | Nasi impit | Nasi lemak | National Development Policy | National Entrepreneurship Policy | National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030 | National accreditation | National policy | Nato Taco | Natural vitamin | Navigation | Need for achievement | Neese.Co | Network system | Networking ability | Networks | Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) | New Business Enterprise - Management | New Product Development | New Product Development (NPD) | New business enterprises | New invention | Niat keusahawanan | Nice Self-Safety Alarm Shoes | Night reading | Nilai Keusahawanan | Nilai dan etika Islam | Nobit Automatic Drink Maker | Non-cognitive dimension | Noodle | Norayu Sdn. Bhd. | Norma baharu | Normal baharu | Novel Coronavirus | Nur Isma Afifi | Nursery | Nutri-Ganic Farm ; Ayam Kampong | Nutrition | Nutritional Value | Nutritious foods | Nuts | ONEBusiness VoiceGo | Obsolete design | Occasions | Odor control | Office Furniture | Office furniture | Oil Supply | Omorfo Cosmetic | On-the-go | Online | Online Business | Online Platforms | Online Retailers | Online Services | Online Shop | Online Stores | Online business | Online printing system | Online shopping | Online shopping apps | Online training | Opal’s Dainties Sdn. Bhd. | Operation management | Operational strategy | Opportunities | Opportunity identification | Optical product | Optical shop | Oral diagnosis | Orang asli | Orang kurang upaya | Orang kurang upaya (OKU) | Ordering system | Organic | Organic Chicken | Organic crop production | Organic fertilizer | Organic fruits | Organic pesticides | Organic product | Organization sales volume | Organizational | Organizational Behaviour | Organize | Organizing And Advertising | Original Taste | Orthopedic instruments | Osprey Kestrel 48 | Outerwear | Oyster fungus | Oyster mushroom | PENJANA | PFS 2021 | PKP | PKS | PKS (Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana) | PKS mikro | PMKS | PORTOP | PROSKI Sdn. Bhd. | PUNB | Packaging | Painting | Pakaian seragam | Pakaian terpakai | Pakej Prihatin PKS | Pakej rangsangan ekonomi | Palm sugar | Panasonic | Pancake | Pancake proposals | Panduan mengurus | Panel data analysis | Parapluie | Partnership | Partnership Agreement | Partnership Businesses | Partnership business | Pasaran | Pasaran antarabangsa | Pasaran eksport | Pasaran global | Pasaran halal | Pasaran tempatan | Pastries | Pastry | Pastry products | Pati asli wangian | Patron segmentation | Pauh lekor | Pay bills online | PeDAS | Peace Young | Pekebun Kecil Perusahaan Getah (Risda) | Pelaburan madu kelulut | Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) | Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi) | Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan IPT | Pelan Tindakan Perdagangan Nasional (NTBp) | Pelan perniagaan | Pelan rangsangan fiskal | Pelan strategik | Pelan tindakan keusahawanan | Pelancongan | Pelanggan | Pelaras suhu automatik | Peluang berniaga | Peluang pekerjaan | Pemanis | Pemasaran | Pemasaran produk | Pembangunan | Pembangunan manusia | Pembangunan perniagaan | Pembangunan sosial | Pembangunan sosio-ekonomi | Pembangunan usahawan | Pembekal dan pengedar beras | Pembiayaan dana | Pembiayaan ekuiti | Pembiayaan mikro | Pembiayaan pinjaman | Pembiayaan tenaga lestari | Pembuatan butik coklat | Pembungkusan produk | Pemimpin pendapat | Pemulihan perniagaan | Pen with light | Pencarian madu | Pendaftaran perniagaan | Pendaftaran usahawan | Pendapatan lumayan | Pendapatan sampingan | Pendidikan Teknikal | Pendigitalan perniagaan | Penerbitan ilmiah | Pengalaman | Pengeluar minuman | Pengusaha | Pengusaha Kecil Sederhana | Pengusaha PKS | Pengusaha arang tradisional | Pengusaha keropok keping | Pengusaha perabot klasik | Peniaga trak makanan | Peniagawati | Peningkatan jumlah permintaan | Peningkatan kerjaya | Penjaja kecil | Penjaja luar bandar | Penjana | Penjanaan Kewangan | Penjimatan kos | Penjualan daging tempatan | Penternak ikan | Penternak itik | Penternak kambing | Penternak kelulut | Penternak lebah kelulut | Penternak madu kelulut | Penternak udang | Penternakan air tawar | Penternakan arnab pedaging | Penternakan ayam telur | Penternakan ikan | Penternakan kelulut | Penternakan lebah kelulut | Penyelidikan produk makanan | Perabot rumah | Perak Tengah | Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB) | Perbelanjaan madrasah | Perception | Perdagangan sosial | Perfumes | Perindustrian Kecil dan Sederhana | Peripheral intravenous cannulation | Perjanjian dagang bebas | Perkhidmatan | Perkhidmatan cucian | Perkhidmatan kredit mikro | Perkhidmatan penyelengaraan | Perkongsian pengalaman | Perniaga | Perniagaan | Perniagaan Rendang Maman | Perniagaan barang lusuh | Perniagaan berdaftar | Perniagaan berlesen | Perniagaan digital | Perniagaan foodtruck | Perniagaan francais | Perniagaan mee | Perniagaan pakaian | Perniagaan pengangkutan | Perniagaan penghantaran | Perniagaan spa | Perniagaan tudung dan koleksi wanita | Persatuan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana Malaysia (SAMENTA) | Persatuan Usahawan Kelulut Malaysia | Persatuan Usahawan Maju | Personal capabilities | Personal care products | Personality characteristics | Pertanian | Pertumbuhan ekonomi Bumiputera | Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara | Perundangan Islam | Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana | Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (PKS) | Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana | Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) | Perusahaan Sos | Perusahaan agrikultur moden | Perusahaan kecil dan sederhana | Perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) | Perusahaan kecil sederhana | Perusahaan kecil sederhana (PKS) | Perusahaan kelulut | Perusahaan mikro | Perusahawaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) | Pest control device | Pesticide | Pesticide sprayer | Pet grooming | Phone application | Photo Memory | Photocopies services | Photoghapy | Photography | Photography entrepreneurship | Physiotherapists | Pickled | Pie | Pimiento Spiciezz | Pinjaman Kewangan | Pinjaman Perniagaan | Pinjaman sifar riba | Pisang berangan | Pisang nangka | Pitaya Plantation | Pitching | Pizza | Pizza topping | Plain glass | Plantation | Plants | Plastic pollution | Platfom e-dagang | Platform atas talian | Platform digital | Platform global | Platform keusahawanan | Platform media sosial | Platform pemasaran digital | Platform pendidikan | Platform perniagaan | Platform teknologi digital | Pneumatic | Poleko | Political skill | Pop-Up Luggage | Popcorn | Pops Malaya | Portable | Portable Doc Case | Portable air conditioning | Portable scanner | Posh Cafe | Poster | Postnatal care | Postpartum care | Potato | Poultry | Power saving | Powersolarz Sdn. Bhd. | Pregnant mother | Premium chocolate | Prepaid card | Preschool programs | Pressure | Pressure detection device | Prevent back pain | Preventive maintenance | Printers | Printing | Printing Services | Printing company | Printing service | Printing services | Printing shops | Private Limited Company | Private Or Public Sector | Private beach | Proactiveness | Processing technology | Product Development | Product Effective | Product design | Product development | Product feasibility analysis | Product features | Product labelling and pricing | Product pitching | Product quality | Product teaser | Production process | Production rate | Productive life | Productivity of worker | Products and services | Products in Malaysia | Produk | Produk Akie Burger. | Produk Hiliran | Produk bepang pulut | Produk bumiputera | Produk dan perkhidmatan | Produk halal | Produk halal tempatan | Produk hiliran | Produk ikan bilis dan belacan | Produk jenama lokal | Produk kecantikan | Produk kreatif | Produk makanan ringan | Produk makanan tambahan | Produk minuman | Produk penjagaan kesihatan | Produk penjagaan kulit | Produk perhiasan | Produk pertanian | Produk sejuk beku | Produk tempatan | Produk tradisional | Profit-sharing concept | Program 'Satu Rumah 10 Koloni Kelulut' | Program Agropreneur Muda | Program Eksport Perniagaan (BEP) | Program Jalur3 | Program KPT-MEDAC | Program Keusahawan Asnaf | Program Keusahawan Komuniti | Program Keusahawanan | Program Pembangunan Peneroka | Program SME | Program Subsidi Upah | Program Tekun Mobileprenuer | Program bantuan | Program bimbingan | Program coaching | Program inisiatif shell | Program insentif | Program keusahawan | Program keusahawanan | Program komuniti | Program pendidikan keusahawanan | Program tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) | Program teori dan praktikal | Program tunas usahawan belia | Program usahawan | Programmable logic controller | Project cost budget | Projek KEDA | Projek aktiviti sekolah | Projek pengurusan sisa pepejal | Projek pertanian | Projek ternakan kelulut | Projek transformasi | Prolonged computer usage | Prolongs usage | Promosi | Promotion | Promotional Campaign | Promotions | Property | Propolis | Proseche Sdn. Bhd. | Proses pengeluaran | Prosthesis | Proximity sensor | Psikometrik Usahawan | Public Relations | Public Wellbeing Solutions | Pusat internet | Pusat pengumpulan | Pusat sehenti | Qobotic | Quality clothes | Quality services | Quality surveyor | Quewing system | Qwerty Tech Sdn. Bhd. | R&A Signature | RRIMniaga | RS Sdn. Bhd. | Racingsories Sdn. Bhd. | Radio station | Raincoat Bag | Rambai Emas Enterprise | Rancangan perniagaan | Raso Photography Studio | Rebranding | Recharging Lawn Mower | Recording studio | Recreation park | Recreational | Recyclable materials | Recycle | Recycling centre | Reduce backpain | Rekod perniagaan | Relieve pressure | Remote kitchens | Rempeyek | Renovation Services | Repetition of programs | Reproductive health care | Reputable boutiques | Rescue Tools | Research and Development (R&D) | Research study | Restaurant | Restaurant and hotel | Restoran Gamelan | Restoran Serai, | Retail Trade | Retail and wholesale | Retailing | Retina sensor | Revolusi 4.0 | Rice | Rice cake | RichWorks International Sdn. Bhd. | Ring light 10” | Ringerz | Risk-taking | Risk-taking propensity | Risks | Rithra Industries Sdn. Bhd. | Riverside Cafe On The Go | Robotic brush | Robotic product | Role of the state | Rose plant | Roti planta | Rubber tree | Rujukan online | Rumah hasil cendawan tiram | Rumput silaj | Rural development | Rural entrepreneurs | S.O.S Sdn Bhd | S1OKU1P | SAFRA Star Enterprise | SBOX- A Smart Medicine Box | SERUNI Enterprise | SMART | SME | SME Bank | SME Corp | SME Relief Program (SRP) | SME corp | SME, Malaysia | SMEC | SMEs | SMT sports | SN Automotive Sdn Bhd | SONIDO Sdn Bhd | SOP | SPPP | SR Asia Resources | SS Company | SSM | SSM BizTrust | SURA Vanilla | SWOT Analysis | SWOT analysis | Saapu | Sabah Entrepreneur Creation | Sabah culture | Sabun madu kelulut | Safe Journey Sdn. Bhd. | Safety | Safety Products | Safety alarm | Safety equipment | Safety features | Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) | Salespeople | Saloon | Salted eggs | Sambal | Sambal Che' Nor | Sanihair | Sanity Disposal Dustbin | Santan segar | Sarawak cake | Sarawakian product | Sasaran perniagaan | Satay | Sate | Satellite technology | Satisfaction survey | Sauce company | Sauce manufacturer | Save time | Scale rule | Scan and record | Scandinavian style | Scarf | Scarves | Scuba services | Seafood | Seafood Supplier Company | Seaweed mini estate project | Secretarial services | Secure Market | Security | Security alarm | Security features | Security systems | Sejuk beku | Sektor agromakanan | Sektor keusahawanan | Sektor perikanan daratan | Sektor peruncitan | Self defense | Self employ | Self service | Self-Service | Self-efficacy | Self-employed | Self-healing glasses | Self-reliant | Self-service | Self-service laundry | Sell skin care product | Sells And Supplies | Seluar | Seni Visual & Batik | Senpai Stylo | Sensor Clip | Sensor automated faucet | Sensory Monitor Arm | Service Company | Service Line | Service Management | Service for the babies | Service improvement | Service quality | Services For Office | Services quality | Sha Lin Fashion | Sharecup | Shawl | Shazlia Sdn Bhd | Shell select | Shipping operation | Shoe brush | Shoes | Shopee Malaysia | Shoppe | Shrimp farming | Shrunk | Sijil halal | Silver Nanotechnology | Sim Card | SimplySiti | Single pen | Single tool | Single-Serve Blender | Siri pengurusan | Sirruhu | Sistem sosial | Siswaniaga | Siswapreneur | Siswazah UiTM | Site construction | Skill communication | Skim 1 Pelajar 1 Perniagaan | Skim Pembiayaan BizDana-i | Skim bantuan | Skin Care | Skin care | Skin care product | Skin healthy | Skincare | Skincare Product | Skincare products | Skincare routine | Skipping Rope XI | Sky Diving | Sling bag products | Slope protection | Small Business Enterprise - Malaysia | Small Medium Enterprise | Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) | Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) | Small and medium agro-based enterprises (SMAEs) | Small and medium enterprises | Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) | Small and medium entreprises (SMEs) | Small and mid-size enterprise (SME) | Small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) | Small business | Small business - Management | Small business-growth | Small groups | Small medium enterprise | Small medium enterprises | Small scale food industry | Small to Medium Enterprise Company | Small- to mid-size enterprise (SME) | Smart 2Be (Smart Bin) | Smart Auto Roll Sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’ | Smart Car Detector | Smart Diaper Bag | Smart Gas Trolley | Smart Glasses | Smart Grass Cutter | Smart Hair Machine | Smart Helmet | Smart Kettle's | Smart Luggage | Smart Postbox with Secure System | Smart Reader Al-Quran Sensor | Smart Tech Study Table | Smart Trolley | Smart Wall Clock | Smart bin | Smart card | Smart entrepreneurs | Smart iron | Smart phone application | Smart principle | Smart safe | Smart shoe cleaner machine | Smart solar fan | Smart-talking app | Smartphone Cases | Sme`s | Smileeey Sdn. Bhd. | Smoothie and blended ice | Snack | Snack Producing Industry | Snacks and chips | Snakcs | Sneakers King Sdn. Bhd. | Snek berperisa | Social Distancing Robot | Social Factor | Social Media | Social Media Advertisement | Social astuteness | Social medai, restaurant advertising | Social media | Social media advertisement | Social media marketing | Social network | Socioeconomic welfare | Socks product | Soft Skills | Soft drink | Soft toy | Soil investigation | Solar Energy | Solar Tech | Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM) | Solar energy device | Solar power | Sole proprietorship business | Solution of disability | Song Recording | Sonic Mattress | Sophisticated Luggage | Sos | Sos cili | Sos tiram | Sosioekonomi | Sound pollution | Souvenir | Souvenir shop | Souvenirs | Soy wax candles | Spa | Space rental | Special notebook | Special services- Malaysia | Spectacle | Spectacles | Speedy Paint Machine | Spicy food | Spin bantu | Sport Goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor” | Sport activities | Sport and entertainment | Sport shoe | Sports Industry | Sportswear company | Sportwear | Sportwear manufacturer | Sportwears Company | Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd | Stall food | Start-up Intention | Stationery Company | Steel Chair | Stepback Germ | Stethoscope | Stevia | Stingless bee | Stingless bee Honey | Stingless bee farming | Stingless bee honey | Stingless bees | Stjarna Sdn. Bhd. | Storage space | Strategi pemasaran | Strategi perniagaan | Strategic Planning | Strategic entrepreneurship | Straw Hocol Tech | Student entrepreneur | Student entrepreneurship | Students | Studies | Stylish | Stylish clothes | Subsidi dan dana | Succes in business | Succes story | Success Story | Success factors | Success story | Successful entrepreneur | Sugarmanisbynana | Sunny Food Lab | Sunquick | Sunscreen | Sunway Lagoon Theme Park | Super Fancy Company: Fancy Remote | Super Scrub Beauty | Super Socks | Super food | Superfood | Supplement Food | Supplement consumption | Supplement for body | Supplement products | Supplier | Supply Goat | Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) | Sustainability | Sustainability strategy | Sustainable Business | Sweet Jar | Sweet corn product | Sweet factory | SweetLAB | Swimming class | Swimsuits | Syarikat agrikultur | Syarikat logistik | Syarikat pemula niaga | Syarikat pemula niaga tempatan | Synergy Sdn. Bhd. | System's intelligence | Systematic innovation | T-shirt | T-shirt printing | TASKA | TEKUN | TEKUN Mart | TEKUN Nasional | THINK Osem Sdn Bhd | TUBE | TUNAS | Taekwondo sport | Takaful | Takoyaki | Talcum | Talents development | Taman Lebah Pahang | Taman teknologi | Tanah sawah | Tanaman | Tanaman Sayuran | Tanaman betik | Tanaman cendawan | Tanaman hiliran | Tanaman jagung | Tanaman pisang | Tanggungjawab social korporatnya | Tanggungjawab sosial | Tapai pulut | Tapak berniaga | Target Markets | Tateh Company | Tauke daging burger | Team | Technique | Technological appliances | Technology | Technology Blueprint Football Shoes Sensor | Technology Blueprint of AllFit Apps | Technology Entrepreneurship | Technology Sensor Net (TechNet) | Technology acceptance | Technology and health | Technology centric business | Technology implementation | Technology of Entrepreneurship | Technology-based SMEs | Technopreneur | Technopreneurship | Technopreneurship Programs | Techpreneurs | Teknologi | Teknologi IOT | Teknologi digital | Teknologi hijau | Teknologi industri | Teknologi ‘Bee Modular’ | Tekstil | Telco | Telco companies | Telephone company | Temperature | Teraju | Ternakan ikan talapia | Ternakan lebah kelulut | Ternakan lembu pedaging | Terung Dayak | Tesla coil | Tetrigona Binghami (Binghami) | Textile industry | The DotDitty Bag | The Lugg | The Millennials Diskbank | The Safe Bag | Theory of planned behavior | Thermal fogging machine | Thermos Bottle | Thermos company | Thermos flask | Three Brothers Bee Farm | Thrift Shop | Timber | Tips | Tips perniagaan | Toast ‘n’ Spread | Toothbrush | Toppings | Tortilla wrap | Touch n' Go cards | Tourism | Tourniquet | Town planning | Township project | Traders and Hawkers | Traditional food | Traditional garment | Training for workers | Training kit | Transformasi digital | Transformasi usahawan | Translational Research | Transportation | Trash E-Gone | Travel | Travel agent | Travel backpack | Travel bag | Travellux Iron Machine | Treadmill | Trend pemasaran | Trending fashion | Trigona | Tritech Company | Troubleshoot problem | Tudung | Tukang jahit | Tunas Mekar project | Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE) | UFORA | UNESCO World Heritage | USNA Homemade Burger | Udang air tawar | Udang kara | UiTM Student | Undergarment | Uni-Munch | Universiti koperasi | Urban Sophie Iron Board | Usahasama perniagaan | Usahawan | Usahawan asnaf | Usahawan Batik | Usahawan Bumiputera | Usahawan Graduan | Usahawan IKS | Usahawan IPTA | Usahawan Industri Asas Tani (IAT) | Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana | Usahawan Kecil dan sederhana | Usahawan Kongsimakan | Usahawan Kraf | Usahawan Mikro | Usahawan Muda | Usahawan Muslim | Usahawan Negeri Perlis | Usahawan OKU | Usahawan Original Equipment Manufacturing | Usahawan PKS | Usahawan PKS dan mikro | Usahawan Siswa | Usahawan Social Biz (OmniaUSB) | Usahawan Tani | Usahawan aiskrim | Usahawan baharu | Usahawan belia | Usahawan beras | Usahawan berdaftar | Usahawan bertakwa | Usahawan bumiputera | Usahawan burger | Usahawan coklat | Usahawan desa | Usahawan digital | Usahawan graduan | Usahawan huluan dan hiliran | Usahawan industri kecil dan sederhana (PKS) | Usahawan informal | Usahawan jalanan | Usahawan jepun | Usahawan kampung | Usahawan kecil | Usahawan kecil Bumiputera | Usahawan kecil dan sederhana | Usahawan komersil | Usahawan kopi | Usahawan kosmetik | Usahawan luar bandar | Usahawan madu | Usahawan madu kelulut | Usahawan mahasiswa | Usahawan media | Usahawan mikro | Usahawan muda | Usahawan muda tempatan | Usahawan muslim | Usahawan nanas | Usahawan pelajar | Usahawan prafrancaisi | Usahawan susu | Usahawan tani | Usahawan tani dan penternak | Usahawan tani muda | Usahawan tebu | Usahawan teknologi | Usahawan tempatan | Usahawan ternak | Usahawan wanita | V'ANETA Enterprise | VG Pasta Production | Vacuum bag | Vacuum product | Value Of Flower | Valve | Vanilla Dried | Vanilla Partnership | Varieti nenas | Various Speed | Vehicles | Vending machine | Vendors | Versatile and efficient | Vicone | Victory Yaya | Videography | Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) | Virtual kitchen | Vis Technology | Visual art | Visual media player | Vivid Sdn. Bhd. | Voice Mind | Voice command | WIT Technology | WJKBIN, The Waste Sorting Machine | WTCKL | Wallet with sensor | Wallpaper Design | Wanita luar bandar | Warisan keluarga | Washing Machine | Washing machines | Wasilah dakwah | Watch | Water bottle | Webinar | Wedding ceremonies | Western dishes | Western food | Wheelchair | WiEF | Wingardium Leviosa Wand | Wireless Portable Charger 3 in 1 | Wireless charging phone | Wireless electricity | Wireless hands-free technology | Wireless massage pad | Wise Outlet | Woman | Woman entrepreneurs | Women | Women Entrepreneurs | Women entrepreneur | Women entrepreneurs | Women entrepreneurship | Women-owned businesses | Work culture | Working capital | Working capital management. | Working environment | Workshop | Wristwatches | XIN Enterprise | Yello Skincare | Yogurt drink | Young entrepreneurs | Young Entrepreneur | Young agropreneur | Young company | Young entrepreneur | Young graduate artists | Youngest learners | Youngprener | Youngpreneur | Youngpreneurs | Youngpreneurship | Your Kahu | Youth Entrepreneur | Youth academy | Youth entrepreneur | Youth's socio-economy | Yummy Cafe Sdn. Bhd. | ZR Company | Zamzam Shoes Sdn. Bhd | aktiviti jualan | business | business proposal | café | causality | chocolates | creative and innovative | customers | e-commerce | e-commerce technology | e-dagang | e-usahawan | eCommerce service | eUsahawan | economic growth, | education | ekonomi global | ekosistem keusahawanan | eksport | entrepreneur | entrepreneurs | entrepreneurship | eyeHelp Enterprise | garment | higher learning institution | industri madu | kadar sewa | kedai makan | keusahawanan | kraf jahitan | lebah kelulut | madu kelulut | negara Asia Tenggara | pasaran antarabangsa | pembangunan ekonomi | pencuci mulut sejuk beku | pendapatan | pendidikan keusahawanan | peniaga-peniaga kecil | penternak madu kelulut | perniagaan | perusahaan kecil dan sederhana | perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) | platform e-dagang | prestasi usahawan | produk hiliran | produk tempatan | rangsangan ekonomi | small business | small medium business | small medium enterprise | social media promotion | stingless bee | tekno-usahawan | usahawan | usahawan TEKUN | usahawan digital | usahawan mikro | usahawan muda | usahawan pelajar | women entrepreneurship | young entrepreneur | youngpreneur | ‘Read To Me’
Number of items at this level: 8341.

24 hours

Squeaky Qlean: 24 hours self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine

Supermatic Ltd: 3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

360-degree wheel

Mafalisha: IvVLuggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

7DAYS Corporation

7DAYS Corporation: multipurpose pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Enterprise

AA Enterprise: toothfairy toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AIM Entrepreneur

Cabaran yang dihadapi di kalangan usahawan AIM di Daerah Tuaran: Pusat Nurul Bakti. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Proceedings of International Conference on Economics 2017. 2017 ed. International Conference on Economics . Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, pp. 470-479. ISBN 9789670521992 (2017)

AL Imprimeur Sdn. Bhd

Al Imprimeur Sdn Bhd: portable pocket printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kreativiti, inovasi jadi asas perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Academic purposes

IConstTab: i const tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Jie Crochet: accessories business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gadget world 666: mobile phones accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Accessories business

Jie Crochet: accessories business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Acculturation programs

Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements. In: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich University Library, Germany. (Submitted) (2008)

Action camera

Kekunang : action camera (iluca). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adey Optic Spectacle Blueprint

Adey Optic Spectacle: spectacles product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Administrative staff

Service quality and students' satisfaction toward the Academic Affairs Division Services: UiTM Sarawak students' perspectives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Admission and discharge services

University Malaya Medical Centre: online queue alert system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced Foam Roller with Tens

TENS Sdn Bhd: advanced foam roller with Tens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced Function

American Tourister: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced Yoga Mat

Advanced Yoga Mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced clock

Rhythm Co. Ltd: variety of clocks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced technology

McDonald’s franchise: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advertising tool

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advokasi ilmuwan

Keusahawanan di Malaysia: adakah sudah mencukupi. [Video] (2016)


J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The effect of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on takaful agency’s business performance in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45: 12. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)

Agenda bumiputera

Kerajaan komited jayakan agenda bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agensi kredit mikro

Pembiayaan mikro lonjak PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agensi pelancongan

Memperkasa program keusahawanan seni kreatif. [Newspaper] (2020)


TuneWow: Digi telco shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Asian Buttermilk Enterprise: buttermilk powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)


AgriCOP bantu tingkatkan sosioekonomi golongan tani. [Newspaper] (2020)


Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Agricultural Industry

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agricultural Products

Rimbun Pita Haya Sdn Bhd: dragon fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agricultural Sector

Rimbun Pita Haya Sdn Bhd: dragon fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


CMZ Habanero Enterprise: red savina habanero chilli. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pimiento Spiciezz: chillies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agriculture Business

Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agriculture Company

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 7 - Dulai Fruits Enterprise Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro: sumber hasil lumayan greenhouse. [Video] (2019)

Sweet Corn Enterprise: grow and export corn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Ecorack Enterprise: Pallet Rice For Fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GLOMUSH Enterprise: oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Agriculture Industry

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agriculture Sector

Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ayer Keroh, Alor Gajah dan Jasin bakal dibangunkan bagi pelancongan berasaskan eko, agro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agro Bank

Nutri-Ganic Farm Sdn Bhd: organic chicken supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agro Business Entrepreneur

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 10 - Jeruk Madu Pak Ali & Chin Fook Keong. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: potensi strawberi & ayam kacuk kampung. [Video] (2018)

Agro Tourism

Usahawan Arnab- ProduK Pelancongan Baharu Sabah. [Video] (2017)

Agro business entrepreneur

Rezeki Ternakan 'BOS TAURUS': Haji Fadzel Ahmad. [Video] (2019)

Agro makanan

Hala tuju kementerian pertanian & industri asas tani. [Video] (2019)


MyAgrosis cetus minat mahasiswa USIM sebagai usahawan. Berita Kampus. (Unpublished) (2016)


MyAgrosis cetus minat mahasiswa USIM sebagai usahawan. Berita Kampus. (Unpublished) (2016)


Nikmati air nira di ladang nipah. [Newspaper] (2020)


Dana Agrofood bantu usahawan tani terjejas COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)


Lahir ramai usahawanita. [Newspaper] (2018)


Birds nest permit rights back in State hands. [Newspaper] (2020)

Cara tanam strawberry hidroponik sistem dutch bucket. [Video] (2020)

Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 2 - APS Manja Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 4 - Teong Choon Poultry Farm Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 5 - ternakan Kamran Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 6 - Capital Route Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 7 - Dulai Fruits Enterprise Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep.1 - ZS Armin Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro: mula secara kecil-kecilan, kunci kejayaan. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: sumber hasil lumayan greenhouse. [Video] (2019)

Profil usahawan tani bimbingan Jabatan Pertanian. Documentation. Jabatan Pertanian, Kedah. (2009)

Ternak landak untung ribuan ringgit. [Video] (2019)

400 sesi latihan. [Newspaper] (2018)

MOA peruntuk RM300,000 untuk dua jeti nelayan di Sabah. Utusan Borneo Online. (2019)

44 usahawan KADA terima bantuan niaga. [Newspaper] (2016)

Agroponics farming may be included in small industry programme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Agropreneur Lada

37 usahawan sertai Program Pembangunan Agropreneur Lada. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agropreneur Muda

Bidang ternakan arnab meningkat. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agropreneur jagung, kelulut, dodol

Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

Agropreneur muda

Agenda AWANI: pemenang anugerah agropreneur muda Agrobank 2019. [Video] (2019)

Geran untuk anak muda. [Video] (2020)

Penglibatan orang muda dalam bisnes agro. [Video] (2016)

Potret kejayaan Usahawan Belia Tani lepasan PLKPK BLKP: Muhamad Ridwan bin Muhamad. [Video] (2018)

Program Malaysian agro entrepreneurial club For university students (MyAgrosis). [Website]

Rebut geran pertanian, penternakan disediakan kerajaan. [Video] (2017)

SME: usahawan muda jual ikan laga RM6,000. [Video] (2018)

SPM: cerita pagi Kedah usahawan tani. [Video] (2020)

Siswazah berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan belia disaran mohon geran Agropreneur Muda MARDI. [Video] (2020)

Cabaran dan sikap usahawan dalam Skim Belia Tani. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 3. pp. 88-110. (2010)

Pacu usahawan muda Agropreneur. [Newspaper] (2017)

Jelajah Agropreneur Muda usaha MOA dekati usahawan Sabah. Utusan Borneo Online. (2019)

Mikro kredit untuk usahawan tani, penternak. [Newspaper] (2020)


Entrepreneur Development Ministry wants to minimise bureaucracy to propel SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agroprenuer Muda

Lebih 700 usahawan terlibat industri madu kelulut seluruh negara. [Newspaper] (2019)


Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Agua Lamp

Agua Lamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ai Feeder

Teguh Sdn Bhd: automatic pet feeder (AI Feeder). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Air minuman

Air minuman zeeper: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2019)

Air quality

TheInnoward: smart aromatic atomizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Air surrounding

TheInnoward: smart aromatic atomizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Deuter Spot GmbH: ventilated backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aleeya's Kitchen

Aleeya cetus beli barang bayar secara ansuran dek situasi pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Alert system

University Malaya Medical Centre: online queue alert system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd: plastic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All-In Agency

All-In Agency: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Clique Sdn. Bhd.

Alpha Clique Sdn Bhd: towel UV sterilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aluminium packaging

Reckitt Benckiser: Dettol hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi AIM bantu 373,815 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Amnelife Global Marketing Sdn Bhd

Amnelife perkenal minuman tambahan Walid Supreme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Amount of paper money

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Analyze issue

Dripping drizzles: home-made bakery and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Spicy Bilis: anchovies with chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies and chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Annual report

The nestle' annual review 2019. Other. NESTLÉ (MALAYSIA) BERHAD, Selangor. (2019)

Ansuran tanpa faedah

Aleeya cetus beli barang bayar secara ansuran dek situasi pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Anti Odour Shoes

HM Kickers Sdn Bhd: anti odour shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Anti snatch sensor

Girls Friend: special intelligent handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Anti-Vibration and EPP Insulation Solar Food Delivery

FDBox Enterprise: anti-vibration and EPP insulation solar food delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Germ-Free Enterprise: medicines. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Antibacterial handwash

MR. DIY: handwash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Jangan lokek ilmu – Fatimah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Anugerah Ikon Usahawan Kemas

Jangan lokek ilmu – Fatimah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Aperantis tani

UiTM Pahang sedia 20 hektar tanah untuk program skim latihan aperantis tani. [Newspaper] (2020)


insentif yang disediakan MAFI bagi sektor agromakanan. [Website] (Unpublished)

Aplikasi perakaunan kos

Mensarjanakan usahawan PKS. Paradigma Johor : Mlaaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 12. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)


LynnBizz: woman apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aqilaz Shoes Sdn. Bhd

Aqilaz Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Assessment of entrepreneurial inclination among the seaweed operator at Semporna, Sabah using EAO model. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (1). pp. 57-66. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

Aquaculture Company

Aqua Blue Village Company: breeding the river fishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Aquaculture farming

Arowana Aquaculture: breeding and marketing of Arowana. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Agroponics farming may be included in small industry programme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Arabic Cuisine

Arabic Cuisine Flavor: arabic food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Art Entrepreneurs

Puas dapat buat sendiri batik ikat celup. [Newspaper] (2020)

Article review

The effects of factors affecting the acceptance and use of technology on the factors affecting women’s entrepreneurship motivation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Artifial art

Henna Cafe: souvenier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asam pedas

Kukuh jenama dulu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Asas perniagaan

Program Bijak Usahawan Muda YBR dorong usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Asia Tenggara

Motive Bath tembusi Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2021)

Asian Food

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asianic products

Supporting SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

Aspirasi Assist

Aspirasi Assist bantu usahawan mikro terkesan COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Aspirasi keusahawan

Pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan di Malaysia: kesan terhadap aspirasi keusahawanan pelajar. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 10 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0128-7702 (2002)

Assets management

Bahagian Pengurusan Fasiliti, UiTM: maintenance and project unit. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Assist contractors

SME Go. [Website] (2015)

Attachable Iron Clothes

Attachable iron clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The mediating role of entrepreneurship education on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurship intention. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 2. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Auto Inflatable Traveller Backpack

Auto inflatable traveller backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Separator Machine (AUTO-BINS)

Auto Separator Machine (Auto-Bins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SHINee Car Wash Enterprise: automated car wash spa service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Automated Measurement Device

RaSP Company: automated measurement device. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Automatic Dishwasher

SaRose Sdn Bhd: portable automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Automatic Recycle Bin

An Automatic Recycle Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dare to be different. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 1. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Automotive industry

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam Kampong

HSDV Chicken Enterprise: breeding and selling the chicken product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam gunting

Famous fried chicken: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Selangor. [Video] (2018)


Jual 10,000 B-Jaga sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Kerajaan sedia bantu usahawan minat berniaga di BBCC. [Newspaper] (2018)

BEBE Enterprise

BEBE Enterprise: rechargeable heater and cooler bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


'Buy Muslim Products' campaign not wrong, says minister. [Newspaper] (2019)

Muslim Food Industries (MFI). [Video] (2019)

BOOKOO Enterprise

BooKoo Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


BOXO tukar cabang niaga. [Newspaper] (2021)


Soalan lazim Bumiputera Relief Financing (BRF) Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad Bil. 1/2020. Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Babies to oldest patients

Klinik Dr. Fauziah: healthcare services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby Stuffs

Summit Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd: baby products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby care products

Baby’s Dream Sdn Bhd: trading of baby’s products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby spa

Hippopo Baby Spa & Wellness: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby treatment

Fairy Baby Spa Sdn Bhd: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The North Face: hiking backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lé àl'aise Enterprise: FINUTTA smart backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gregory Mountain Product: hiking backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Osprey Packs Inc: backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Badminton Court Line Sensor (GX Court)

Magnet shuttlecock (GX shuttlecock). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bae Book Enterprise

Bae Book Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Le Stayla Sdn Bhd: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bagged vacuum

Midea: vacuum cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baggie Art Enterprise

Baggie Art Enterprise: custom-made tote bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahan rujukan

Buku berkaitan pertanian makin popular petunjuk ramai mahu jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Bahulu & kek kak long: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Selangor. [Video] (2020)

Nazirashah Enterprise: Bahulu Opah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahulu Ibu: kuih bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baka ‘UniSZA Saanen

Juruteknik jadi penternak kambing berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Baked goods

From hobbies to business. [Newspaper] (2020)


ButterSweet Bakery: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


BIZ Malaysia: roti planta. [Video] (2016)

Le Patisserie: bakery shop café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WASEEF Co.: bakery (PoPieo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cake: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Factory: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qasey Bakery social enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belle Journee: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bestieq Desserts: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunset Bake: brownies and cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GOJESGURL Café: bakery and pastry products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Patisserie: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sis Bite Bakery: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakery Products

Findbelous Cuppy: cupcake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakery and pastry

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakery business

DHause e-commerce platform helps local businesses thrive. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bakery company

Gorgeous Bakery Services: cakes and buns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Bakery industry

Flannery Minkha Cookies: homemade chocolate cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


King Charcoal Sdn Bhd: organic bamboo charcoal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


BIZ Malaysia - kebun pisang. [Video] (2017)

Pisang berangan - dapat permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2017)

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bank Negara Malaysia

37,000 PKS dapat pembiayaan lebih RM15 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bank Rakyat

Bank Rakyat perkasa usahawan melalui SMEC. [Newspaper] (2021)

Banquet Service

D’BAHTERA Restaurant: food and beverages service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


DAG Pillow: bantal hotel DAG. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bantuan Kerajaan

Usahawan wanita Sarawak disaran dapatkan lesen sesuai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita tidak terpinggir. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bantuan dana

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi. [Website] (2020)

Bantuan kerajaan

MINTRED bantu usahawan hasil produk sendiri. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS dakwa kian terdesak dengan peningkatan kos. [Newspaper] (2022)

PUWas bantu usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bantuan modal

Keropok Lekor Tok Molor bakal tembusi pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bantuan pinjaman modal

Sasar bantu 3,500 usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Barangan Tempatan

'House brand' keluaran pasar raya utama jadi pilihan pengguna. [Newspaper] (2020)

Barber shop

#mausembang: bisnes 'tepi jalan' untung RM30K? - Azri Walter. [Video] (2019)

Basaru Technology Enterprise

Basaru technology enterprise: HT Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Basic Student Entrepreneurial Programme

Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)


Puas dapat buat sendiri batik ikat celup. [Newspaper] (2020)

Batik Entrepreneur

Puas dapat buat sendiri batik ikat celup. [Newspaper] (2020)

Batik ikat dan celup

Bengkel Pemantapan Seni Visual & Batik diharap beri nilai tambah kepada pelajar SPM. [Newspaper] (2019)

Battery operated

Shoetech Corporation: Smart Detector Shoes (SDS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Bejewelled: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Sabah. [Video] (2020)


Loev Beauty Academy: makeup class and consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Worshippers Enterprise

Beauty Worshippers Enterprise: skin care product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty product

Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty products

Cucumber bubble mask: beauty products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Bee Lips

Manis kekal di bibir. [Newspaper] (2017)

Bee farming

Sweet taste of success. [Website]


Berita perdana: majukan industri kelulut di Sabah - KPLB sedia RM870,000 untuk pengusaha. [Video] (2020)

Biz Malaysia: perusahaan madu kelulut sarawak. [Video] (2016)

Felda Taib Andak bakal dijadikan hab pengeluaran madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industri madu kelulut berpotensi besar dimajukan di Sarawak - Shabery. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

#NadiSarawak​: madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Pengusaha madu kelulut MARDI - Nona TV3. [Video] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut jana hingga RM1,500 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)

SME: madu kelulut jana pendapatan suri rumah. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Tanam: madu kelulut Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tingkatkan produktiviti madu kelulut untuk pasaran luar. [Video] (2019)

Projek penternakan kelulut UiTM cawangan Terengganu. Info Usahawan: Usahawan Pemacu Ekonomi Mapan, 15. p. 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2020)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Madu kelulut asli Abdul Rahman dicari ramai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternak kelulut sumber pendapatan menguntungkan di pedalaman Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Ternak kelulut bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)


Sweet taste of success. [Website]


Sweet Honey Bee Sdn Bhd: honey bee farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


A study on the relationship between student entrepreneurship intentions using theory of planned behavior of final semester diploma students at UiTM Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bekalan ikan

Sektor perikanan di Malaysia. [Video] (2020)


Dataran Usahawan bantu siswa-siswi jana pendapatan. Berita Kampus. (2015)

Peranan pemimpin pendapat dalam penyebaran inovasi penanaman kelapa sawit. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 33 (2). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Belia usahawan

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. BH Online. (2017)

Belleza Sdn. Bhd (Combae)

Belleza Sdn Bhd: multifunction comb (Combae). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bengkel Online Wanita

Usahawan wanita terus gigih, cekal capai impian. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bengkel perternakan lebah kelulut

Usahawan tani Sarawak digalak ceburi ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Bento boxes

Momlurve: Malaysian-food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tak perlu jadi pengasas bisnes untuk berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Kerajaan sedia bantu usahawan minat berniaga di BBCC. [Newspaper] (2018)

Berniaga biskut

Jaga kualiti produk. [Newspaper] (2018)

Berniaga secara online

Usahawan di pedalaman bimbingan MDEC raih jualan RM60,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Co&De: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sanny Zeal Enterprise: premium quality palm sugar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Spongee Cafe: coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Patisserie: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zillicious Enterprise: milkybae (flavored milk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mamamia Lazatoz: greentea shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bicycle Mower With Rake

MSN Trading Sdn Bhd: bicycle mower with rake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bidang keusahawanan

Aziz, Khairul Afzan Toolkit usahawan junior. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426964 (2012)

Md. Jani, Nassrul Hakim 9 naga usahawan. Mustread Sdn. Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789670392318 (2012)

Bidang perniagaan

Perbanyak program keusahawanan tarik belia ceburi bidang perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Peniaga nasi lemak Dekk's Mat syukur dapat bantuan [METROTV]. [Newspaper] (2020)

Big Bros Chicken

Big Bros Chicken: chicken dishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big size

g4rment: producing and selling plus size garment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Coklat Pelangi Nims kini berada di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)


Pretenses Industry Sdn Bhd: Bilis sauce (Budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bimbingan agensi

Kempen KPDNHEP bantu usahawan teroka pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bimbingan perniagaan

Program Bimbingan Usahawan SSM galak komuniti perniagaan manfaat SPPP. [Newspaper] (2022)

Bimbingan usahawan

Eskayvie jelajah tujuh negeri bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2022)

BinBin Sorting Waste Machine

NAA Company: BinBin sorting waste machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bina bisnes berjaya

10 tip penting bina bisnes berjaya. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd

Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd: SMART convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Biodegradable cloth

Hi-Mask: face mask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Biodegradable factors

Tesco PLC: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Biodegradable materials

MR. DIY: handwash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bioeconomy Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Sweet taste of success. [Website]


BIZ Malaysia - kebun pisang. [Video] (2017)

Bird nest

Kueh Brother Bird Nest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Birds Nest

Birds nest permit rights back in State hands. [Newspaper] (2020)


Kaoru's Bakery House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bisnes online

Tak perlu jadi pengasas bisnes untuk berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Biz Clinic

Siaran media: INSKEN business outreach – bongkar rahsia data pelanggan untuk bantu tingkatkan pendapatan. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Miri, Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2020)

Bizmart books & such UiTMCK

Bizmart Books & Such UITMCK perintis inkubator usahawan muda mahasiswa. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 20-21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Blackfisk Enterprise

Blackfisk Enterprise: fishery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Philips: daily collection blender HR2059/90. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Blicious Series

Jaga kualiti produk. [Newspaper] (2018)

Blood taking

MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blossom Scarves

Bekas pramugari kini miliki Blossom Scarves. [Newspaper] (2020)

Body treatment

Nori Norish Spa: facial treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dolce Pasticcini: bombolini. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Book service

Bahkino Restaurant: food and book service concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The Vivlio Enterprise: product from varieties of authors. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Cafe De Libra: book cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Booth digital

Karnival usahawan desa tawar jualan secara maya. [Newspaper] (2020)


Green Botanical Garden: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Rebel. Co: clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Boutique Company

Shining Star boutique: all type of garments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Braille-iant Cookies

I See You. Inc: braille-iant cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Al- Amin Jersey Store: sublimation shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brainy Dolls

Brainy Dolls Sdn Bhd: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Branded shoes

Vincci Shoes Sdn Bhd: woman shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


'House brand' keluaran pasar raya utama jadi pilihan pengguna. [Newspaper] (2020)

Branding design

Increasing competitiveness via branding. The Star: News. (2019)

Bread and cakes

Qasey Bakery social enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kaoru's Bakery House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Breakout problem

Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Bred and raised chicken

Balung Emas Enterprise: broiler chicken suppliers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Breeder Company

Balung Emas Enterprise: broiler chicken suppliers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Goat Farming Stylo Goat Sdn Bhd: goat breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Breeding Project

HSDV Chicken Enterprise: breeding and selling the chicken product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brownies and cookies

Sunset Bake: brownies and cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bubble rice

Chocodictive Jar: choco jars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Budaya keusahawan

Kerajaan komited jadikan Bumiputera bangsa usahawan - PM. [Newspaper] (2020)

Budaya keusahawanan

Kerajaan komited jayakan agenda bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Projek guarana lonjak kemahiran keusahawanan. [Video] (2015)

Bumiputera akan dijadikan bangsa usahawan - Muhyiddin. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belia dan keusahawanan. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 6. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)


Kerajaan komited bantu PKS, syarikat pertengahan sektor utama. [Newspaper] (2020)

Deragona Enterprise: Dragon Fruit Jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Budget In Business

Peruntukan RM15 juta bagi skim bantuan modal perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Systematic operational budgeting: the preliminary study on perception of SMEs entrepreneurs. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 9. pp. 100-108. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)


Pretenses Industry Sdn Bhd: Bilis sauce (Budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Budu dispenser

Budu Dispenser sdn bhd: budu dispenser machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Building vibration

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The essentials and challenges of online business among Bumiputera SME entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Research in World Economy, 10 (3). pp. 45-55. ISSN 1923-399X (2019)

Bumiputera Business

Biz Malaysia - Usahawan Rempah. [Video] (2017)

FAMA DZA – OOhhaaa,Gula Apong Lubok Nibong. [Video] (2020)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) - Ramly Burger & MHP Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 22 - Bismi Cergas & Thiha Dhuha Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 5 - ternakan Kamran Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro: potensi strawberi & ayam kacuk kampung. [Video] (2018)

Muslim Food Industries (MFI). [Video] (2019)

SME: usahawan tempe, jana pendapatan ratusan ribu ringgit. [Video] (2018)

Iswan Samat Bukti Kejayaan Bidang TVET. Dewan Ekonomi, 6. pp. 60-61. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Bumiputera SMEs

Skim Pembiayaan Ekonomi Desa (SPED). [Website] (2015)

Bumiputera business

Rezeki Ternakan 'BOS TAURUS': Haji Fadzel Ahmad. [Video] (2019)

Aman Nasi Kukus Sdn Bhd: food trucks and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bumiputera community

PM urges Bumiputera to 'pay it forward'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputera company

Teguh Bestari Enterprise: drain manufacturer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bumiputera economy

Bumiputera Prosperity Council to empower Bumi socio-economy. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputera food manufacturing

The factors affecting business growth of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs): the case of Ambang Dorongan Sdn Bhd (ADSB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bumiputera optometrist

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bumiputera socio-economic

Bumiputera Prosperity Council to empower Bumi socio-economy. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputra’ Business

Gorgeous Coffees: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


FF Mercu Niaga Sdn Bhd: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2017)

The Haini Bundle: selling bundle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tok Janggut burger stall: asian taste burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Burger Terbang: food and drink services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S&G Burger: steamed and grilled burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Burger Legacy

Burger Legacy: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Estilo Propio Burrito: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Itadakimasu: Japanese cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Nira Kita Enterprise: nira nipa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Onde-onde: kuih Melaka. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Being enterprising on campus. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2018)

Tteokbokki Jjang: Korean cuisine restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaleidoscope Shirt: tie dye shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kampung Morten dinaik taraf jadi hab keusahawanan. [Newspaper]

Dinamaiya Shawl: high quality shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Activities

Pembelajaran melalui aktiviti perniagaan di kalangan para pelajar MDAB. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences (22). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2600-7568 (2019)

Business Blue print

Happy Sdn Bhd: self-therapy hair comb. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GHN Sdn Bhd: green hiking nature jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dee’s Whiteboard Company: automatic whiteboard cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DMM Enterprise: the smart purse. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Blueprint

AA Pharmacy: electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Blueprint Report

Ample Power Company: SMART bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Canvas

SaRose Sdn Bhd: automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Case Study

Hasim Enterprise’s: furniture store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mokku Ani Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zaileha Milk Industry: milk and dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lily Sdn Bhd: manufacturer of customized umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nordin Batik & Craft Co. Ltd: manufacture and distributes traditional batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Case Study: Econsave Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Development

Queen music production and publishing enterprise: publishing cassette and CD for the local artist. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Blacksmith undertaker services: Selling coffin and other funeral services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Business Enterprise

Assessing Women Entrepreneurship Program (WEP) as a Training Tool in Malaysia. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 0128-7494 (2010)

Latip, Fuad 15 teknik efektif internet marketing. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585299 (2007)

Keusahawan cabang kerjaya berpotensi besar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business Enterprises-Capital

Pembiayaan mikro lonjak PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business Management

Rezeki gubahan Juliana. [Newspaper] (2021)

What entrepreneurs should know when raising funds post-Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Business Performance

The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance: a study of technology-based SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 130. pp. 46-53. ISSN 1877-0428 (2014)

Business Plan

NZAA Trading: CK Mac Milling Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haura Medic Healthcare: back pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Groovy Tartlet Enterprise: tarts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paiola Organic Corp: organic papaya. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Watering Tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Minor Red Chord: music instruments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

GLOMUSH Enterprise: oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Business Planning

MEDAC tawar konsultasi percuma kepada usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Rezeki gubahan Juliana. [Newspaper] (2021)

What entrepreneurs should know when raising funds post-Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perkasa pendidikan keusahawanan hadapi arus IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

A3 Enterprise: Stupendous letter box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PUNB, KBS bekerjasama lahir usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ixcacoa Bakery: sweet, dessert and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Proposal

Sunbrella Enterprise: easy-to-use umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electric Coconut Scraper Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

clip tower mini air cooler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Buddyz Islamic Collection: variety of Muslim attire. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N4M Collection: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Smart Laundry System (SLS) Enterprise: smart card laundry system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Annas Company: perkhidmatan dan jualan karpet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MaiDah Enterprise: design an application services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DSS Enterprise: diamond sugar stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alnaa's OE Enterprise: office equipment, stationery, and technical instrument. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Smart Access Technology: smart-card. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Era Advertising Enterprise: Banner services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

Pentagon Enterprise: helmet wiper & services helmet wiper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SBOX: a smart medicine box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lekor Den Enterprise: Keropok Lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Traditional Delight Sdn Bhd: serunding. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nature Tech Enterprise: germinate growing booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aurora Cafe: Italian themed menu cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Choco Blanco Cafe: product based on white chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Corny Corn Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Ocobot Enterprise: heated transfer knife. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S. F. Zas Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Watering Flowerpot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TechGen Corporation: portable air compressor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miss Gadget-Tech Enterprise: Service And Repair Gadget. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’Ace Jewellery Sdn Bhd: design and making jewellery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

EDS-Solution enterprise: easy drawing board (EDB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Master Fryer Enterprise: burger patty fryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sayor Kitchen: Plant-based food production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The House Of Ice Pop Enterprise: ice pop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

C’Best Enterprise: sea bass breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eco-Friendly Enterprise: Eco Lego Brick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Scientex Enterprise: friendly safety bracelet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rest Well Sdn Bhd: multi-function cushion. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

D’Roi F&B Industries: instant paste and “Bawang Goreng”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Easy Track Enterprise: smart tracker devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kawaii Tailor and Co: tailoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Optimist 5 Enterprise: X-Pro toilet brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Farhana Repel Sdn Bhd: fly away portable fly repellent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Champs Intel: automatic laptop fan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warung Kita: traditional foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Training kit (electrical and pneumatic knowledge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MayaLense Studio Sdn Bhd: photography-oriented business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Mud Crab Aquafarm: supplies the high quality of crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Smart Life Tech: smart Oku's parking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sleepy Boy: wireless charger and windshield. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Mega N Enterprise: eco friendly dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nafas.Co: Pico Paint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gemilang Enterprise: friendly pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Sandwich Shack: healthy fast foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Double U Enterprise: portable vibratory tumbler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Caffè Da Dessert: Pudding ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KD & Co. Service: services and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

White wardah collection and beauty: image and beauty care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Meh Sini Enterprise: cyber café and 3D printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thelima Printing: garment printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lolly Brully company: hands-free umbrella (nobrella). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KR Enterprise: fermented anchovies (budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SM Specialist: burger vending machine (Burger ATM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peaceza Cafe: a restaurant or café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Serunding Warisan Enterprise: meat floss. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Rozeriya Enterprise: frozen food and beverage (F&B). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YUQY Electronic Sdn Bhd: vacuum cleaner (vaclower). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dolly Felt Craft Enterprise: craft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Glacie5 Enterprise: Portable Fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FauNas Enterprise: smart compose machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sun Luna Cafe: coffee and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret’s Cake Sdn Bhd: cake cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nuriz Enterprise: fresh homemade roti john. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Corn Enterprise: grow and export corn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Pro Clean Sdn. Bhd.: shredding dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cili Sedap Enterprise: Chili. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Carribean Enterprise: solar phone charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easylicious Enterprise: food and give services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mak Teh Beryani Enterprise: frozen beryani food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet remembrance: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruit Loops & Co: sushi fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Dude Enterprise: Wiring & Rewiring Service. [Entrepreneurship Project]

3S the art of embroidering: supplying and selling embroidery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Senja Enterprise: fly trap (Fly-Away). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cekap Enterprise: self control multi-cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kytty Sdn Bhd: Kytty litter box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NSB Global Enterprise: travelling appliance techno product (TF Luggage). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Fresh Fruit Enterprise: tutti fruity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meldecieuse Bakery: pastries and bread products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semai Hijau Enterprise: FELCRA palm oil seedling site. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Slimy Bhd: Slimy Cleaning Borax. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioishii Mushroom Enterprise: fresh oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shining Star boutique: all type of garments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Red Antz book shop: selling magazines, newspaper, novels and book rental. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Sweet candy company: candy icing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Xyphyre Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giants river prawns enterprise: giant river prawns supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mix Ingredient Skewer Enterprise: household appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le'via Company: stevia combination with lemonade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Teguh Bestari Enterprise: drain manufacturer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge: kitchen sponges. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Xi`s Thriftstore Enterprise: selling clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Excellent educare tuition centre: tuition centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Iloli Enterprise: lorry's maintenance and repair services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heatho Enterprise: canting heat pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chillax Enterprise: edu-playground. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Happy pets shop:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Sun Florist Beautiful Flowers And Styling: florist shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Pharmacy: electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bubble Boom Enterprise: laundry services and vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dynamic Fash Enterprise: Rebar Tie Gun. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

1,2,3 Pancake Enterprise: pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Dots Wear: produce and sell lumi shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rumpes Enterprise: FilterGo. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arowana Aquaculture: breeding and marketing of Arowana. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Lia Entreprise: beauty and care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gorgeous Bakery Services: cakes and buns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Putik Mud Crab Enterprise: mud crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

AG Enterprise: multifunctional toaster (Yummy Toaster). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Leadership and motivational: Air Asia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Pro Evolution Sport (PES) Sdn Bhd: sportswear and equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Ixcacoa Bakery: sweet, dessert and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SIXN Enterprise: portable dustbin sink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheedos Enterprise: dried chilies seed separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uncle Snow Enterprise: homemade ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Elecpro Enterprise: shake it on torch light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business Scale-Up

Tingkat upaya PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business Start up

Ferro-Razzo Construction Sdn Bhd: garden chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Tropico: fresh and frozen coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Business coaching

INSKEN bantu usahawan tingkatkan pendapatan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Business collaboration

Ceburi perniagaan emas. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business competitiveness

Innovation barriers and risks for food processing SMEs in Malaysia: a logistic regression analysis. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 12 (2): 15. pp. 167-178. ISSN 2180-2491 (2016)

Business creation

Exploring the ecological assets of Tunas Mekar Project’s graduate entrepreneurs. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15 issue 4, 15 (4). pp. 288-303. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)

Business culture

Universiti perlu pupuk budaya niaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business development

Khalid, Khairul Anuar Istilah-istilah perniagaan di dalam islam. Prima Iklan Sdn Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789834465902 (2009)

The Licious Cake Sdn Bhd: bakery retail. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Business field

Nak Jadi Usahawan Tapi Tiada Ilmu Keusahawanan?? 5 Agensi Ini Boleh Memberi Latihan Keusahawanan Buat Anda. [Website] (In Press)

Business growth

The critical success factors of business growth among women entrepreneurs in Malaysia: a qualitative approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 11 (9). pp. 1445-1459. ISSN 2222-6990 (2021)

Business jihad

Meneliti Hubungan Jihad Perniagaan dengan Pencapaian Usahawan Muslim Berjaya di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 44: 11141. pp. 81-91. ISSN 01272713 (2015)

Business management

Juicylicious Bar Enterprise: juicylicious bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mengayau Entertainment: mobile stage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruithiees Food Truck: fast food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chendol Enterprise: Cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Alnaa's OE Enterprise: office equipment, stationery, and technical instrument. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Sago Extract Enterprise: Sago palm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

#Rasta Cafe: cafe/restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Era Advertising Enterprise: Banner services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

Simply Delicious: cafe serving Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix & Re Kusyen: fix and repair sofa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tea-Moon Cafe: cucumber juice mix foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PHOP Sdn Bhd: Precious House of Pancakes Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agrotech: organic fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Starduck Roasted Cafe: roasted halal duck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bridal Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Afro's Kitchen Restaurant: Malay restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopikawan Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Troprieze: popsicle ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D' Havoc Art: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kawaii Collection: baby clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go Travel (Borneo): travel agent company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Se7en Car Accessories: anti collision laser mark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ice in Wonderland: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food Box: retail space for rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco Blanco Cafe: product based on white chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

R & J accessories and decoration: flowers decoration services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corny Corn Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Stulicent Cafe: cyber cafe concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unique Resto: food service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Veil Lady Berhad: scarves (Shawl & Bawal). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yours laundry shop: laundry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Borneo Manga Cafe: manga or anime concept cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulap Do Taakanon: traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Borneo Homestay: low budget homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Timorensis Deer Farm: livestock product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Undersight House: underground house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bola-Bola Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snowy Laundry: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QuikClimb Rock Gym: climbing gym. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Bee Mart: grocery store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Taste: seafood restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Bite`z Cafe: sausage bun. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wild & Wander Saloon Beauty Spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lifebox Delivery: groceries selling. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shop in a Box: boxes to be rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frutas Cafe: healthy foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pure Nature Photography Company: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Enterprise: environmental-friendly product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Artist Tree: doodled gift products shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dora Enterprise: dorayaki pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tompinai Co.: business consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3C Nursery Sdn Bhd: nursery (day-care-center). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SF Cake House: baking class. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ve' Licious Enterprise: home-made ice-cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Kurla Company: bottle in bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

77 Pesto: serving pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Parlour: ice cream dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Monde: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chillax Cafe: cyber cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Junior Wonder Camp: friendships and social connections. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gems Patisserie Sdn Bhd: custom sweetest treats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

My Dream Cookies Group: healthy cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health Hut: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hola Fresh: mini cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Anello Torta: cookies (kuih cincin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocha: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gelatiamo: gelato shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Seaweed Enterprise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Queen music production and publishing enterprise: publishing cassette and CD for the local artist. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Paradise BookCaf: ebooks and foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loev Beauty Academy: makeup class and consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Our Place: social space for the customers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bellas Artes: D.I.Y shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MayaLense Studio Sdn Bhd: photography-oriented business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Dapur Bergerak Sdn Bhd: Malaysian Foods (In-Truck Kiosk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KK Time Square Starbucks Coffee: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Miracle Le`Company: health and care consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Sambal Shoppe: sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Choco House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aramaii Homestay: hospitality service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rainbowlicious: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Tale: Saloon shop for kids. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agro Homestay: farm based homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blackfisk Enterprise: fishery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AJ Sports: sport equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deli sell foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Dash: laundry with cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senorita Pool Cafe: pool games services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craft O'Borneo: Sabah handicrafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YogurBerry: yogurt ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Wishy Washy Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Ethnic Food Sdn Bhd: Sabahan traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Marvellous Restaurant: steamboat buffet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Taste It Enterprise: healthy fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IN D'vision Sabah "cultural ethnic heritage": food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Borneo local food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Sandwich Shack: healthy fast foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Uaichi Scarf: woman product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De`Cookies Shop: tasty cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CMZ Habanero Enterprise: red savina habanero chilli. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eat & Repeat: various types of burger and fries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Betalicious Secret Company: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaFriend Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Angel Enterprise: baby store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Bubble G-Tea: bubble tea drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brydes do divers: commercial scuba services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

D'Sky Blue Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd: Travel and Tours. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Borneo Frozen Food Enterprise: frozen fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travel Victoria: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home made cake batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Street 21 Meatball: meatball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Library Cafe: librarian concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Tranquility: house for the elders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futsal Planeta & Academy: futsal facilities and coaching. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clouds Homestay Enterprise: traditional-approach style of home-stay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GG Cyber Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gumpak Enterprise: food and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

White wardah collection and beauty: image and beauty care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Fresh Rush Fisheries: frozen raw fish, dried shrimp and anchovies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinenanas Enterprise: pineapple farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kiulu bed and breakfast: motel and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Dio Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daing Enterprise: freshwater fish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Indah Laundry: washing, dry cleaning and delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Cafe De Libra: book cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frissito Helse Cafe: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stylo Store: denim's clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: henna product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Star Shine Kindergarten: kindergarten and nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delicious Luk-Luk: food truck service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Borneo Racing: motorsports. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pirate Printing and Souvenirs: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweto Valley Enterprise: sweet potatoes-based food cafeteria. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sago enterprise:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

S.J.U.W Studio: photographic and video. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Red Antz book shop: selling magazines, newspaper, novels and book rental. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Invasion Entertainment: an entertainment and event planner company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SND Premier Grilling: food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopipasta: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet candy company: candy icing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

The Pencil Paradise: home and office interior designing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eau de Natural: infused water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cucurainbow Enterprise: breakfast snack (fritters). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kool Kids Pre-School: kindergarten. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De' Light Coffee Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Swagger Company: clothing supply. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Tasty Tasty Muffin: Muffins and catering service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cake Paradise Boutique: cakes shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Baby Spa Sdn Bhd: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bites Grill: grill based food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chatroom: cafe services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay-Park Cafe: traditional Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhino's Gym & Fitness Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheesu Co: side dishes, dessert and heavy foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pumpkin Crunch Enterprise: pumpkin bars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Wanderlust Borneo Travel: travel and tour services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Express Food Enterprise: express food and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Excellent educare tuition centre: tuition centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Future Enterprise: multifunction product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruity Cafe: fresh fruits drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neko Nursery & Cafe: services for cats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah village food restaurant: food and beverages of Sabah local food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Blacksmith undertaker services: Selling coffin and other funeral services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Starsavory: burger with dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret Ingredient: cafe (cold dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bella D Collection: denim handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pearlicious Handicraft: handmade crafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teras Samudera Enterprise: seaweeds. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facil Beauty: facial treatment and eyelash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Redox Company: smartphone seller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Love Unique Music Corporation: party organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Culture and Tradition Sdn Bhd: heritage or attraction places. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Heaven's Bite: cream puff. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In-House Cinema: high quality of fresh and new movies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ensoleillement Company: pharmaceutical and healthcare product (organic sunscreen). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Friendly burger manufacturer: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Container Cafe: healthy burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bride and Groom Cooperation: wedding dais. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahkino Restaurant: food and book service concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Ghost House Company: ghost house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KKgo: buying and delivering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business opportunities

Students urged to be entrepreneurial. [Newspaper] (2015)

Business people

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang Korea. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585221 (2006)

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang cina: the bamboo network. PTS Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9833376924 (2006)

Business performance

Entrepreneurial orientation towards business performance: a study on Tunas Mekar participants. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 3. pp. 25-35. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

The effect of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on takaful agency’s business performance in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45: 12. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)

Business pitching

Kenyataan media: SUPERB salur RM157 juta bantu usahawan belia Bumiputera. [Website] (2020)

Business plan

A review on the relationship between business plan learning outcomes and business plan simulation in entrepreneurial education. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Chendol Enterprise: Cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Tea-Moon Cafe: cucumber juice mix foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Afro's Kitchen Restaurant: Malay restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopikawan Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stulicent Cafe: cyber cafe concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yours laundry shop: laundry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QuikClimb Rock Gym: climbing gym. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Frutas Cafe: healthy foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kurla Company: bottle in bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gems Patisserie Sdn Bhd: custom sweetest treats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loev Beauty Academy: makeup class and consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bellas Artes: D.I.Y shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rainbowlicious: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AJ Sports: sport equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Taste It Enterprise: healthy fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo local food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De`Cookies Shop: tasty cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eat & Repeat: various types of burger and fries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clouds Homestay Enterprise: traditional-approach style of home-stay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gumpak Enterprise: food and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delicious Luk-Luk: food truck service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sago enterprise:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

The Licious Cake Sdn Bhd: bakery retail. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Kool Kids Pre-School: kindergarten. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De' Light Coffee Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Culture and Tradition Sdn Bhd: heritage or attraction places. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hello Cafe: western foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ensoleillement Company: pharmaceutical and healthcare product (organic sunscreen). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Container Cafe: healthy burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KKgo: buying and delivering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business proposa;

Bola-Bola Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business proposal

Blue Ocean Swimming Pool Service Center: Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Mantap Boi Service: home appliances service and repair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ez Top up: prepaid card shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deliceux Homemade Bread: homemade bread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nazirashah Enterprise: Bahulu Opah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Banding Eco Sanctuary Enterprise: outdoor activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

FNF Hash Services: hair cut service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rimbun Pita Haya Sdn Bhd: dragon fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HM Kickers Sdn Bhd: anti odour shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hasim Enterprise’s: furniture store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LiBolt Trading: electrical appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Independence Music Centre: music instruments and tuition. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

SMART Ksafe: time-lock container. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Masterpiece Ltd: satay grilled machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sina Spa: islamic spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

H.A.S.I.S Printing Shoppe: printing and stationeries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Puspa Biru Bakery: cake and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Rampai Sari Sate catering: traditional food sate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocean Clean Laundry: washing clothes, dry cleaning and iron process. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Logicpower5: Smart Fan Chip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety Fire Protection Sdn Bhd: MEC fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Innovator: smart shoe cleaner machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uncle Bun Enterprise: bread shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flowers Bakery Enterprise: cakes and brownies with fluffy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TAFEL Enterprise: foldable study table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FlyFlow Pump: budu pump booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Balung Emas Enterprise: broiler chicken suppliers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Juicylicious Bar Enterprise: juicylicious bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mengayau Entertainment: mobile stage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Huckleberry Empire: oriental electronic taekwondo vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheecah Sdn Bhd: goacheeze powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fortune Fishing Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

Blossoms Fried Chicken: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ni-Shar Sdn. Bhd.: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy.Co: chia seed drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tudung Kita Enterprise: cheap hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mr.Y Design: attractive packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KarSert Sdn Bhd: car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cookies and Scream: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minitrav Sdn Bhd: minitrav 4-in-1 travel iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruithiees Food Truck: fast food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocojar Bangsawan Enterprise: Chocojar snakcs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chendol Enterprise: Cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Oriental Design: interior design and landscaping. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Swinger's Paradise Golf Range Sdn Bhd: services and facilities to customers / golfers to practice their swings. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Mentari Jewellery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Sago Extract Enterprise: Sago palm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Donut Master: doughnut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ICare Enterprise: beauty and health care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warisan Enterprise Sdn Bhd: salt eggs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

#Rasta Cafe: cafe/restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mokku Ani Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belle Vie' Café (Café): cakes cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QITCHEN Enterprise: Korean cakes products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

7DAYS Corporation: multipurpose pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Simply Delicious: cafe serving Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TuneWow: Digi telco shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd: SMART convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Queen’s Laundry: dry cleaning and laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arroz Enterprise: multi-rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3P Organization: livestock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChicaMeds Sdn Bhd: medicine jelly balls (Melota). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

‘A’man Plantime: nursery and garden space. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix & Re Kusyen: fix and repair sofa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd: robotic vacuum cleaner (iVacBot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Vegan: food products from fresh vegetables. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

So. Tech Food: Food Cover Using Solar Technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Swift Print Enterprise: affordable printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

6teens Company: ambuyat crackers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Selera Malaysia Enterprise: creative drawing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laptop stand: face tracking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eleven Bro Printing: clothes design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go home: pet grooming services on wheel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ProBlend & Co.: portable blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

4 Emerald Physio Clinic: physiotherapy treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hanami Capsule Hotel: accommodation and food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Captain Shrimp: fresh shrimp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn Bhd: door gifts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supertive Enterprise: sport and recreation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain's cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

G-Clique: food services (Sharecup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarally Sdn Bhd: laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart organic bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PHOP Sdn Bhd: Precious House of Pancakes Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Here N There Pencil Case: innovative pencil case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Nelayan Enterprise: fresh and high-quality seafood. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Safety Sdn Bhd: fire extinguishing round. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Laundry Enterprise: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Triple A Optical Centre: eyewear products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agrotech: organic fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lean & Klean Enterprise: cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prince n Princess Bookstore & Coffee House: Bookstore & Coffee House. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crunchyz Frutti: jackfruit chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digipro Sdn Bhd: scanny pro. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KAAIAZ Sdn Bhd: led flask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation: FBB Series Flask product analysis. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IDZ Fortis Sdn Bhd: the great camera vision (TGVision). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Worshippers Enterprise: skin care product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HotSandwichPort Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Sushi Enterprise: Malaysian sushi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’OWL CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: cafe (coffee and dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hobby Store: selling radio control models. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Banana Milk Delicieuse Enterprise: banana fruits drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Barbershop: barber shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kleanius Enterprise: cleaning equipment products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ultra-bag pack bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Buddy Sdn Bhd: nobit automatic drink maker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Enterprise: makeup set box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De’ Nada Air: airlines catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HillMe Watch Sdn Bhd: wristwatches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lakser Central Restaurant: laksa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IConstTab: i const tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GarNaz Sdn Bhd: gardening tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meido Kissa Technolounge: hi-tech cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Starduck Roasted Cafe: roasted halal duck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jade roller skin analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BROS Sdn Bhd: Refillable Water Bottles (PortXHeater). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maman Fish Sdn Bhd: cages fish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Abu Bakar, Sairdan Penyediaan rancangan perniagaan. Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia, ITM, Selangor. ISBN 9839937413 (1998)

Firqam Enterprise: traditional food in Malaysia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Azzuri communication centre: handphone and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Probiolicious company: probiotics supplement. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mumu Style Enterprise: premium modish dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Konsortium My Iqra Solutions (K-MiSs): honey bee product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alice’n Records: recording companies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Techno Software Sdn Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In N Out Chicken: chicken-based fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voice Mind (wire-free headphones). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EzSports Enterprise: sporting equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bridal Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

G.Louisha Korean Sling Bag: sling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

i-Genius Learning Centre: private Learning Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Handphone tie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Pod Systems Enterprises: manufacturing pod systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Fleur Enterprise: bouquet flower and indoor flowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SoleMate Company: smart sport shoes (Insole). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd: plastic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sushi Bae Enterprise: sushi meals, beverages and dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TransTech Logistic (M) Sdn Bhd: transport and service (logistic). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Epistylia Ice Cream Entreprise: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty on the go: multifunctional portable makeup booth. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forest Printing Enterprise: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Patisserie: bakery shop café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

UNIQA Enterprise: footwear product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TheInnoward: smart aromatic atomizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAYAT GEN-TECH: go green trash bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maverick Enterprise: anti rust spray. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shoppster Trolley Sdn Bhd: Smartlock Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) smart security shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Be Space: LCD curtain display. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SedapRamyeon brand: instant ramen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Troprieze: popsicle ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Culinarian Knives Pte Ltd: high quality knives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic Waste Management OBIN. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senhora Hermosa Bakery: cakes and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) instant coffee cubes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mienne Collection: footwear brand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A&I Production: Surprise Delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lunchbox Enterprise: Lunch Shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sidik Ahh Dessert By De' Ruin: thailand dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Royal Beauty Care: health and beauty product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amaryllis Couture: Dressmaker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proseche Sdn Bhd: signal convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dia Sedap Sdn Bhd: frozen food products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

E4ts & Co: cafe house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Huda kitchen: various flavor of sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pilot Cafe: high-quality gourmet coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ProJET Car Wash: car washing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

F&E Food Delivery: food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D' Havoc Art: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aphrodite.Co: hair saloon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kawaii Collection: baby clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bibimbap Kitchen Enterprise: Korean cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh fish supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Steamboat Kitchen Choice of Sarawak: steamboat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Orga Chicken Farm: rearing and selling chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go Travel (Borneo): travel agent company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Se7en Car Accessories: anti collision laser mark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ice in Wonderland: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food Box: retail space for rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

M Company: mul toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PowOw Sdn Bhd: nasi impit (brassicapow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PMA Sdn Bhd: two-in-one portable pen (senpai stylo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flannery Minkha Cookies: homemade chocolate cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Anthys (M) Sdn Bhd: medical products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam Proses Kejora: processed chickens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Suki Tharwah Enterprise: SThermos (vacuum flask). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Everyday Better Sdn Bhd: quick dry clothes rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

R & J accessories and decoration: flowers decoration services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WASEEF Co.: bakery (PoPieo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech: Study Table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frocious Licious Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clevir.Co: high-quality bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rider Revolution (Workshop): a service in repairing, selling parts and servicing motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Green & Kleen Sdn Bhd: cleaning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brunswick bowling & billiards: bowling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skizo Studios: graphic design services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Diamond shine laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tornado Pizza Enterprise: foods and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Toaster Master Enterprise: multi-purpose toaster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unique Resto: food service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NINAS & NINOS: Children Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kepok Tarik’s: keropok lekor in corn dog version. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VMac Drink: vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Veil Lady Berhad: scarves (Shawl & Bawal). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yours laundry shop: laundry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bom Bom Pie Cafe: pies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minuet coffee: coffee shop and cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat&Eat lunch box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Manga Cafe: manga or anime concept cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Botanical Garden: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Puncak Bumi Utama Sdn Bhd: couch bookshelf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VisionTech Inc: STEON ‘21 smart iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulap Do Taakanon: traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aqua Blue Village Company: breeding the river fishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prelove Outwear: fashion industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lesung plus: pestle and mortar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Opal’s Dainties Sdn Bhd: bakery and café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Borneo Homestay: low budget homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Timorensis Deer Farm: livestock product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Undersight House: underground house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photon Solar Sdn Bhd: solar kage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Famfoodie Sdn Bhd: Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SHAZ Casings Corporation: custom smartphone cases. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The House of Desserts: desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Passion Enterprise: halal food meal preparation kits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Schnell Corporation: smart parcel management machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Momlurve: Malaysian-food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snowy Laundry: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

K2 Enterprise: Malay snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A sport goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Knock on wood company: foldable dining set. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Haini Bundle: selling bundle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crème Sugar: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mafia Donut: doughnut pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAA Company: BinBin sorting waste machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

7Days Enterprise: ready to eat food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clear View Sdn Bhd: indoor cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Chocolicious: local premium chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flash Cycle Shop: bicycle shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd: fingerprints-secured bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Evergreen Lights Sdn Bhd: Lighting Shop & Supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

SipNsavor café: beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haiyfa Lekor Enterprise: producing and supplying keropok lekor to the all districts in Terengganu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Drift Western Food Truck: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QuikClimb Rock Gym: climbing gym. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Bee Mart: grocery store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Complete styler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beyond the creations: event planning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dream ‘n’ Go Enterprise: health care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3-TIVE Enterprise: smart tumbler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alam Bayu Travel & Tours: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Israk optical: smart glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Union Ritz (M) Sdn Bhd: oil distributor and mini pump station construction. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S.B Pharmacy Sdn Bhd: a pharmacy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

LAh! Enterprise: sambal penyet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'4 Amigos: fresh stingless bee honey. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kueh Brother Bird Nest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GreeN@ company: high quality of printer (henna@printer). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Defood.Co: laksa corner restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pescado Enterprise: automatic fish scale remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aman Nasi Kukus Sdn Bhd: food trucks and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delish Biscotti: melted cadbury cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amin Aiskrim: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just Clean Enterprise: house cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maruni Enterprise: wooden based furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tadika Didik Murni: kindergarten service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Apam Balik Yihaa Sdn Bhd: apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Florist Fleur Blossom: selling rose plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Taste: seafood restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

J-Tech Sdn Bhd: electric powered lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tradisi ibunda confinement services: postnatal care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Bite`z Cafe: sausage bun. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SANA Enterprise: automatic cat feeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’Apprentice Bakery Cafe: a bakery with a cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Sarawak Jersey Empire: jersey shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wild & Wander Saloon Beauty Spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lifebox Delivery: groceries selling. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shop in a Box: boxes to be rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fish Prime Sdn Bhd: fish balls. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LynnBizz: woman apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pure Nature Photography Company: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of mushroom: mushroom product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Straw Hocol Tech: water filter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneka Chips: aneka kerepek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Co&De: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Enterprise: environmental-friendly product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pitaberry Enterprise: dragon fruit product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Artisticake: cake shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hannahonne Enterprise: print shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WiLS Sdn Bhd: ultra detector branula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ladies’ One Stop: women personal wear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loves florist: fresh floral decorations. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manga Cafe: Japanese-style comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gamers Youth: application development. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Uni Globe Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Artist Tree: doodled gift products shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo enterprise: infinite candle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Dora Enterprise: dorayaki pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Emperor Crimson Sdn Bhd: dawn wake up watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maju Chicken Farms Enterprise: processing and selling chickens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Bang Jago Frozen Food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PANASONIRA: electric appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Sebasih: organic pesticides. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AD’s Sister’s Sdn Bhd (Sister’s Cafe): bakery goods and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tompinai Co.: business consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3C Nursery Sdn Bhd: nursery (day-care-center). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SF Cake House: baking class. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Itadakimasu: Japanese cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Ve' Licious Enterprise: home-made ice-cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Shazieahna's Hijab Boutique: new style and design of Hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Fork & Knife Corner: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

77 Pesto: serving pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nato Taco: food cart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Parlour: ice cream dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennium Fleas Production Sdn Bhd: a graphic house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Spring fresh enterprise: watering plant system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2018)

Smart kettle's. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Moleque Cosmetics Sdn Bhd: Make-up line. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Krabba Hut: seafood homemade burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Slice Co.: multi meat slicer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Vivlio Enterprise: product from varieties of authors. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Genki Enterprise: flablet soluble (flavored tablet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Monde: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chillax Cafe: cyber cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zanny Scarves: women’s hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3F Homestay: fresh, friendly and fun homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hellynna Jantriline Nursery: flowering and non-flowering plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Junior Wonder Camp: friendships and social connections. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

I See You. Inc: braille-iant cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

My Dream Cookies Group: healthy cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Workstation Design Enterprise: designing and printing T-shirt and banner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Health Hut: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hola Fresh: mini cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Anello Torta: cookies (kuih cincin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocha: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TreatsbyTira: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SKILLEX Sdn Bhd: laptop innovation (PORTOP). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Coconut Eclipse: homemade coconut jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baklava Dessert House: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HIDEOUT Enterprise: coffee milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sneakers King Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hushi Auto Accessories: car services and selling car accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Al Imprimeur Sdn Bhd: portable pocket printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Elle Cooperation: multi-function umbrella (Parapluie). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hijabista Boutique: a boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Strikers United Sdn Bhd: Indoor futsal service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Facilis portable air-conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Finger Licious Enterprise: Korean and Malay food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Potato Squad: jagaimo cream (creamy mashed potato). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paiola Organic Corp: organic fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smileeey Sdn Bhd: baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChocoMelt Sdn Bhd: snacks (chocojars). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Burger Terbang: food and drink services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aster Sdn Bhd: packing, distributing and selling mineral water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Daar Bakanen Enterprise: fishery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-features skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pet Butler Sdn Bhd: services and products for pets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Burook Company: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ Sdn.Bhd: smart iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semerah Padi Enterprise: rice. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TuRest Co: luxurious, comfortable and affordable tudungs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech Sdn Bhd: Meat Smart Sensor (MSS) packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

eyeHelp Enterprise: iSee cane. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco Rash: energy bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maison: furniture and home decoration. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shoetech Corporation: Smart Detector Shoes (SDS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Music Fusion Bookstore. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

EZ lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

True Eyes Sdn Bhd: artificial eyes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hype Laundry Cafe: laundry cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wearable obstacle sensor for blind people with mobile application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baggie Art Enterprise: custom-made tote bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DA'HOM House of Beauty: beautician and health care consultant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Dungun Beach and Country Golf Club: resort and golf club. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gelatiamo: gelato shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S&G Burger: steamed and grilled burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Riders Marketing Sdn Bhd: motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forks & Balls Co: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Seaweed Enterprise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Cookies Club: freshly baked cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

BooKoo Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jentle Home Sdn Bhd: jentle smart towel rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Queen music production and publishing enterprise: publishing cassette and CD for the local artist. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Gorgeous Footwear: production and sales of footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Dine@3 Sdn Bhd: producing of local soup. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Liplous Kiss: lip cosmetics. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Cookies: cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Best Cendol Cafe: cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unichamp Sdn Bhd: Sports & Leisure Management Consultantcy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

H.M.F.M Boxafood Enterprise: recycle food box packaging with printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CUBE Enterprise: sweet corn based fast-food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super Fancy Company: fancy remote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

94's Healthcare: medi cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skipping Rope XI. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FAMSS BAG: technology and bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

La Copa Leisure Centre: Futsal facilities cum western food business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

SNACKSIFY Enterprise: kerepek pisang sira gula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SAQATH Laundry & Cafe: wash and dine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Butik Citranggun Sdn Bhd: tailoring service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

PlushieBear (A self-heating soft toy). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super socks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Saujana Impian Nursery and Landscape: nursery and landscaping service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Paradise BookCaf: ebooks and foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rise and Shine Sdn Bhd: ezpeasy thermos water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby Touch Textile: textile and boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

House of Nails: medicure & pedicure. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd: recharging lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WALK Sdn Bhd: many types of shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Galacticos Futsal: futsal facilities and Services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Our Place: social space for the customers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ErgoArm Sdn Bhd: sensory monitor arm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MOMMA’S Recipe Enterprise: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SHINee Car Wash Enterprise: automated car wash spa service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Carnation Sdn Bhd: raincoat bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vincci Shoes Sdn Bhd: woman shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Love Heart: supplying and manufacturing flowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Flowyshops: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brilliant Brainiac Home Tutoring: home tutoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic wheelbarrow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Syarikat Icy Cool Sdn Bhd: memasarkan ais keseluruh kawasan Shah Alam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

T - Solution Sdn Bhd: adjustable toilet bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

New Vision Healthcare and Fitness Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nira Kita Enterprise: nira nipa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Danial Enterprise Sdn Bhd: safety vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blizzard enterprise: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plus Crush Sdn Bhd: kuaci cracking machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Doc Case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

ST Clothing: raincoat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supermatic Ltd: 3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Motivation of Adidas: sports footwear, apparel and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Kenyalang Recycling Centre: recycling waste materials. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dapur Bergerak Sdn Bhd: Malaysian Foods (In-Truck Kiosk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fantasy Fishing Coperation: Outdoor Fresh Fish Pond Water Park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Stylize Airbrush: a new and quality airbrush design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

KK Time Square Starbucks Coffee: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Miracle Le`Company: health and care consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Group: smart window. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Sambal Shoppe: sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Millennials Diskbank: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HoloArcade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Choco House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dapur Maja Sdn Bhd: multipurpose sambal (SomeHeat). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lady's Cupcakes: varieties of cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Cafe Sdn Bhd: Japanese milk bread and caramel coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thorn Production Sdn Bhd: production house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Aramaii Homestay: hospitality service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purple Pearl Travel and Tours Agency: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Aqilaz Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnet shuttlecock (GX shuttlecock). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gijutsu Tech Sdn Bhd: wireless portable charger 3 in 1. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd: protein food (instant meals). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Masam Manis Dessert Enterprise: self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Tale: Saloon shop for kids. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sugoi Outfit: custom design shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agro Homestay: farm based homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dolce Pasticcini: bombolini. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rainbow Studio: rental of music studio for jamming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Bullet Pen: single pen with multipurpose bullets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blackfisk Enterprise: fishery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daddy`s cleaning service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Farm Land: goat’s milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GO-Ex Tech: all in one camping kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deli sell foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Dash: laundry with cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senorita Pool Cafe: pool games services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craft O'Borneo: Sabah handicrafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YogurBerry: yogurt ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Tasty And Fun Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wishy Washy Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar Tech Enterprise: solar appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miles Per Second (MPS) Express Sdn Bhd: delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Ethnic Food Sdn Bhd: Sabahan traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sate Kita Cafe: sate and nasi impit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: local foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Suria Bakery & Confectionary. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Marvellous Restaurant: steamboat buffet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Optimax: sell various types of spectacle and contact lens for all level ages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Keropok Lekor Panas Meletop Enterprise: keropok lekor origanu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IN D'vision Sabah "cultural ethnic heritage": food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Chicken Cube Enterprise: chicken cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aeromyt Motor Sdn Bhd: producing smart electric car. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BEBE Enterprise: rechargeable heater and cooler bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garfieldlicious Shoppe: snacks and chips products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sekolah Memandu Alaf: perkhidmatan kelas memandu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

MMGAmazing: marvelous massage gel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Tech Enterprise: semi auto trash can compactor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Dapur Kawah Sdn Bhd: packed instant food rendang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frosty Babes Enterprise: ice cream (iceooze). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Botgo (FAS Sdn. Bhd): bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Icecream: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MZ printing: t-shirt and merchandise printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’BAHTERA Restaurant: food and beverages service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mouse trapped. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FikryDevelop Sdn Bhd: allfit apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matrock’s Burger: foodtruck burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NYPA Jaya Enterprise: nypa products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Global Telecommunication: alat-alat telekomunikasi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1997)

I-Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Girls Friend: special intelligent handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LAFS Enterprise: Thai sauce. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital steering lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voceland Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

R.E.D Touch Bridal Studio: providing products and services for bridal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Green Air Inc.: mini portable air conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cake: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakebox Enterprise: baking boxes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Stayla Sdn Bhd: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jannatul Akhirah Sdn Bhd: management and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dr K Sdn Bhd: Dr K toothbrush holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

4Bites Enterprise: Oro Snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sha Lin Fashion: various design shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GABS Motor And Services Company: motorcycle services and dealers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uaichi Scarf: woman product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malaque Design Sdn Bhd: multipurpose iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Idris Enterprise: sambal hitam Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iNSPIRE: handsfree hand sanitizer (stepback germ). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Betalicious Secret Company: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vicone: partnership. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Estilo Propio Burrito: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Factory: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaFriend Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sanny Zeal Enterprise: premium quality palm sugar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Angel Enterprise: baby store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Bubble G-Tea: bubble tea drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasfaz Enterprise: frozen pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nice company: nice self-safety alarm shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brydes do divers: commercial scuba services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

D'Sky Blue Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd: Travel and Tours. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Cafe Bah! Sdn Bhd: special dish (nasi 7 benua with ice lemonade). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fantasia (Unforgettable Dream): wedding couple room decoration. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

RF Corporation: 360 flexible stand fan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Techies Enterprise: Pineapple Peeler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miracle holdings: probiotics straw. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

R3f Enterprise: Drill & Tap (renovation). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

B.O.C Enterprise: B.O.C Multipurpose Cleaner (cleaning product). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lavado enterprise: spinning hanger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hassi Enterprise: an automatic iron. [Entrepreneurship Project]

We care nursery: nursery care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yume Enterprise: Dirtbuster56 - automatic cleaning window expert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Galvez Noodle: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ wallpaper productions: wallpaper tiles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plastitch Tailor Enterprise: four season varsity jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nan.Co Cafe: roti nan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Your Safety Resources: handy safety kit (Your Kahu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZMS Hipster Pomade Enterprise: variety of pomade (hair style product). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PG Arena Sdn Bhd: sportswear store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Frozen Food Enterprise: frozen fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hibriyah Unisex Hair Saloon Enterprise: Unisex Hair Salon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BTB Hardware Enterprise: lorries rental service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EasyGo baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Epic sdn bhd: soap and detergent manufacturing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asgard Catering: cafeteria and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

4Touch studio & art enterprise: graphic design and printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Multi-function umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DAG Pillow: bantal hotel DAG. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Swift De’Velvet: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travel Victoria: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Sambal: homemade sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home made cake batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solemate.Co ‘Your one-stop retail shoe store’: shoe retail store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solemate.Co: special shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

loSimbebyhn Car Seat Sdn Bhd: loSimbebyhn Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Street 21 Meatball: meatball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Library Cafe: librarian concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Tranquility: house for the elders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futsal Planeta & Academy: futsal facilities and coaching. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetener Delights Co.: recombinant dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Taufu Corner (KTC): yong taufu cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

GG Cyber Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flexwarm: Smart jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S.O.S Sdn Bhd: the saviour shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mummy Kitchenware: multipurpose kitchen tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MT4 Bags: handbag moding patterns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

POSH: self-stirring and non-tippable mug (THATmug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Paramedia: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Rush Fisheries: frozen raw fish, dried shrimp and anchovies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinenanas Enterprise: pineapple farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shyara's De Apam Balique: various flavour of apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kiulu bed and breakfast: motel and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Wynas Daycare Centre: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sillenium Optical dan Rakan-Rakan: spectacles and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd: smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummiz Enterprise: honey marinate sauce. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LilsTech Enterprise: thermassage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Custom Station: custom design t-shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izz Tech Sdn Bhd: smart trolley by using bar code. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HSDV Chicken Enterprise: breeding and selling the chicken product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Urban Sophie: Iron Board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mi Dora Sdn Bhd: medicine related company (MI Dora Healing Candies). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Goodfruits Sdn Bhd: local fruits distributor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

D'Nimbe Sdn Bhd : Wireless Weighing Scales and Braided Cable. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Beautie_Saloon Sdn Bhd: beauty services and aromatherapy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

United Education Centre: Education Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arifah Kitchen Enterprise: bakery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belle Journee: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

B-Via Spa & Beauty Center: spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Attachable iron clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Synergy In-Line Skates and Cafe: skating equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Sparkling Rose Wedding Boutique: wedding packages and photo session. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Dio Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Litciae Flour. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Spongee Cafe: coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartLug Enterprise: lugshelf luggage (SmartLug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MAHAI sports enterprise: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PS Enterprise: Wifey Material Tool. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

James N Lily fresh Goat Enterprise: goat poultry business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Belleza Sdn Bhd: multifunction comb (Combae). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NH Enterprise: NH Smart Sensor Bottleblender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sleepers Book Shop And Rented Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Street Cafe: music cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daing Enterprise: freshwater fish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Datelicious Milk Sdn Bhd: variety of dates milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Washoku Café: Japanese Food (Japanese Café). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Indah Laundry: washing, dry cleaning and delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

NutriPITAgen Sdn Bhd: dragon fruit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stevia's Cake Sdn Bhd: cake lapis with stevia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corporate Secretarial Management: secretarial services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Funtechno Sdn Bhd: backpack (Slimme-bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shaky DeNata Cafe: coconut shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DD Technology Company: smart grass cutter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire ball extinguisher with special telephone system (AFS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LOBYARD Sdn Bhd: Lobster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bestieq Desserts: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arabic Cuisine Flavor: arabic food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Darul Aman Furniture: Selling Household Furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Nubibi Sdn Bhd: flame defence fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Squeaky Qlean: 24 hours self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lily Sdn Bhd: manufacturer of customized umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Montech Enterprise: smart luggage (Montech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agua Lamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wannn Jersey and Sportwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Éllora Cafe: coffee drinks and food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Picante Paste (bird’s eye chili paste). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teguh Sdn Bhd: automatic pet feeder (AI Feeder). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HikariNeko Sdn Bhd: women 's pads (Akaichi Pad). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MSN Trading Sdn Bhd: bicycle mower with rake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Chicken Farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Smartlet Sdn Bhd: wise outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFFIYAH Snack Enterprise: vegetables snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SaRose Sdn Bhd: portable automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe De Libra: book cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NutriDeli Enterprise: nutritious drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Madre: postpartum services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bousgaschantek: local skincare brands. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy Bowl: overnight oat and smoothie bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frissito Helse Cafe: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stylo Store: denim's clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Made Yum (MY) Enterprise: bread bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BabyGoEasy Enterprise: travel-friendly baby’s bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Print House: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loveberts: mitarashi dango (sticky rice cakes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Boer Enterprise: goat based product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All-in-one luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EyeLax Enterprise: book holder as a stationary items. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

ECO printshop: digital printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Glitter Exclusive: glowing paint in dark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA fire: Fire Extinguisher (Fire Shield). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

THK5 Sdn Bhd: THK5 smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleanzee Toilet Brush: Electric Toilet Brush with Disinfectant Holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Lunch Box Enterprise: door-to-door lunch convenience delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) safety alarm devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zlara Hijab: trendy scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ASAZ Sdn Bhd: Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iris Beauty Legacy: skin care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nordin Batik & Craft Co. Ltd: manufacture and distributes traditional batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Football shoes sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Germ-Free Enterprise: medicines. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crownista Boutique: hijabs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LuBook Sdn Bhd: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart auto roll sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cafe food and beverage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cat cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

An Automatic Recycle Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gusto’so Pizzeria: pizza restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Box Vending Enterprise: hot pat food in vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Lugg: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N.I.T (New Ideas Technology): glove marker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frittzy Cafe: traditional snack and dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GEDE-GANG Sdn Bhd: flavored drink products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yesmeanlicious Pastry: bread and pastry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

McNARA Company: disposal face mask machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zephyr.Co: automatic home diffuser fragrances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Freeze Food Enterprise: food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rithra Industries: Rithra food waste recycler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Evenflow: Sensor Clip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catzonia: cat hotel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ringerz: a keychain ringing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kukista: handmade biscuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Saralicious: chocolate chip cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giltter Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daisy Childcare Sdn Bhd: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paradise Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smartex Sdn Bhd: smart basket and smart cash machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tritech Company: motorcycle helmet (stritech helmet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Powersolarz Sdn Bhd: solar power bank (solarz). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nori Norish Spa: facial treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pra-Boat Sdn Bhd: furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Trolley Sdn Bhd: shopping trolley (Alpha Trolley). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GoBaby Enterprise: GoBaby CarSeat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic charging cable. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AMOIZ Enterprise: rechargeable massage pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Cervus Deer Enterprise: deer farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZY Enterprise: easy slide (motorise shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: henna product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: souvenier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain’s dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WeKlean: cleaning & sanitizing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Naxa Agrotech: hydroponic kit business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Z&Z Niaga: various sauces (Sos Ummi). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crystal Supermarket Sdn Bhd: supermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Clique Sdn Bhd: towel UV sterilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yairley: magic bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Scarf: high quality scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amanda printing Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pau Kecik Enterprise: pau. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Burger Legacy: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kids Bakery (Services): bakery shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SpecR Motorsport: motorcycle workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Clay Craft: hand crafted plates. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safra Star Enterprise: energy snack bar (JollyBar). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart reader Al-Quran sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SN Automotive Sdn Bhd: smart tron helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flying Apron Cupcake Shop: Cupcake Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klean Laundry Sdn Bhd: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vivid Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DELICACY Enterprise: bread spread stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Trash E-Gone: high technology waste bin (Trash E-Gone). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ PZ Company: bed sheet with blanket (duo bedsheet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keropok Lekor Legend: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Merah Kuning Adventure Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1998)

Illya beads store: tailoring tools and beads. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zamzam Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tortilla nachos chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The DotDitty Sdn Bhd: ditty bag (DotDitty bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart hair machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Popcornlicious Enterprise: bread popcorn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adey Optic Spectacle: spectacles product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ingenious.Ly Sdn Bhd: honey sleek pump. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Fafiliss Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Terra Tiles Sdn Bhd: floor tiles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Lab Shoes Sdn Bhd: lab shoe (smart shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KO-P Point Corporation: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

XIN Enterprise: MyVenders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FDBox Enterprise: anti-vibration and EPP insulation solar food delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lotus Electronics: robotic vacuum cleaner (Futura). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jupito’s: the adjustable bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Twodots Stop Enterprise: fit-to-go box (healthy sandwich box). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartPost box with secure system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Perusahaan Nasrieq dan Rakan-Rakan: a restaurant which offers a variety range of burger serving style and other types of fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Excelsior Magnetic Bumper Co.: produce & install magnetic bumper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De’ Lavandula Enterprise: perfume. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Automotive Purveyor: automotive spare parts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

One Stop Cafe: western cafe with the motoring sports concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Selera Malaysia Enterprise: lunch box in vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meteora Advertising Sdn Bhd: advertising product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

AF Fashion: unisex unique hoodie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Season Spring Sdn Bhd: smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ezylife Sdn Bhd: toast ‘n’ spread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gallaxery Enterprise: designing and printing of banners, brochures and wedding cards. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Smart Pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lanyss Corporation: vonny smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Carpet Sdn Bhd: carpet products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneeta: Nano Sweeper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nur Qausar Enterprise: coffee truck (coffees and deserts). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Top Clean Launderette: laundry activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Iguanaz Productions Sdn Bhd: handling the film production equipments and the process of film productions. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Wiwi Snacks: packaged snack foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Potterhead Malaysia: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Enterprise: nutritionfridge (smart fridge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

V' aneta Enterprise: duvet production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Express: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qobotic: smart bin (B-Tech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nisa Ice Cream Store: ice cream Malaysia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinepine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pine Pine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MOON CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: chocolates café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LYFE Enterprise: handy COVID kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bundle Throne: apparel and clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pop-up luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Face Mask Tech (MT01). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Superclay Creation: safe and edible modelling clays. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sonic mattress. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LMZ Sdn Bhd: portable travellux iron machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D1 Frozen Food: frozen foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jentayu Bridal Boutique: product and services of bridal wear and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Star Shine Kindergarten: kindergarten and nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pimiento Spiciezz: chillies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChoiiEdits: professional videos and photos editing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lucious Cake: sell cakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

WIT Technology: eye c u cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tani Segar: high quality chili (cili kulai). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Lavender Enterprise: variety types of fabrics patent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003) popiah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ez Frozen: frozen food shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tarte Cottage: home made and freshly oven bake of variety delightful tarts, pastries and cakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Goat Farming Stylo Goat Sdn Bhd: goat breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Retro Thrift Sdn Bhd: used women’s and men’s clothing (pre-loved item). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunset Bake: brownies and cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melur Sdn Bhd: travel bag (safe bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hi- Jack Technology Sdn Bhd: motorized cylinder jack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Marilyn's Beauty Hair Studio: hair saloon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Deli-art Sdn Bhd: Delivering stationery and arts tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BFF Enterprise: smart car detector. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jie Crochet: accessories business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cinta Tea: trending beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nassty Enterprise: cosmetic products for men. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Onde-onde: kuih Melaka. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Joje Travel Sdn Bhd: travel and outdoor equipment and gears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Halo Sdn Bhd: smart dustbin (HaloBin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Froozy Food Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drip and Brew Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

World Music Studio: music studio rental. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Le Savon Sdn Bhd: automatic soap dispenser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Electronic Sdn Bhd: HeaTherm bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sayaka Comic Cafe: comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZAZA Sdn Bhd: self-executing rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Honey Bee Sdn Bhd: honey bee farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khepok Bites Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dilly My Robot Mower: robotic lawn mowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seri Kraf: handicraft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd: cookies biscuits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fae Stickjoy & Deco: wallpaper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big Bite Burger: burger patties. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

TENS Sdn Bhd: advanced foam roller with Tens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FLOFLOFLO: the ultimate faucet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Travel Company: easy smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N 4 S Bakery : tasty baking, healthy nation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Super Car Rental Enterprise: car rental services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Advanced Yoga Mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANN Sdn Bhd: smart shopping tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Enterprise: toothfairy toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health Curve Fitness Centre: health and fitness service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Livre Sdn Bhd: hair and skin care (sanihair). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe Des Amis Sdn Bhd: coffee and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pretenses Industry Sdn Bhd: Bilis sauce (Budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berserah Cafe Sdn Bhd: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Candlish Enterprise: scented candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stjarna Sdn Bhd: gel memory foam baby shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Merak Relaxing Centre (MRC): relaxing centre services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Basaru technology enterprise: HT Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GOJESGURL Café: bakery and pastry products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Borneo Racing: motorsports. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ferro-Razzo Construction Sdn Bhd: garden chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Envt Patremony: telur pindang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D-News & Co: selling newspaper, magazines and tabloid. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Budu Dispenser sdn bhd: budu dispenser machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kicks Bling Enterprise: shoes repair shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wall clock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HealthYum Enterprise: healthy snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Embun Haircare & Co.: straightening comb with digital LCD display scalp moisture analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aish company: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Edu Tech Sdn Bhd: 3D puzzle (Education Toys For Child’s Development). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IMC Enterprise: intelligent moving camera (IMC) cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IY Enterprises: powereye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

OwlFood: online food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EasyWash Sdn Bhd: portable washing machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asian Buttermilk Enterprise: buttermilk powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skate Tech: technote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Greenie Kitchy Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Genius Training Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Jimi Ventures & Co: C.A.D class & services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crème & Brew Café: cakes and coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAUSBABE Beverage & Co.: yogurt flavoured drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BCB Self-Service Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aurora Printing and Custom: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennials Beauty Cosmetics: healthy cosmetics based on natural, organic and herbal ingredients. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pirate Printing and Souvenirs: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart diaper bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Charcoal Sdn Bhd: organic bamboo charcoal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haraz Dairy Milk Mini Mart: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crystal Ice: flavoured ice blended kiosk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Kaoru's Bakery House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adventure Foodie: self-heating MYMeals (traditional foods). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MEDISHOE Sdn Bhd: medical shoes (Medi Shoe 1.0). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hauni Boutique and Fashion Enterprise: traditional Malay apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies and chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Koyak Activesport: sportswear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweto Valley Enterprise: sweet potatoes-based food cafeteria. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brainy Dolls Sdn Bhd: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pearl Tropicana: tropical fruit jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Last Minute enterprise: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sago enterprise:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Unique Planning & Consults Sdn Bhd: planning and consultation (town and rural area). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fashaf Electrical Engineering: electrical wiring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Syarikat Megaqua Sdn Bhd: penternakan ikan air tawar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

MilkywayzZz Dairy: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Licious Cake Sdn Bhd: bakery retail. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

ZR company: helmet wiper (WIMET). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Empire Scope: event management services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Catfish Aquaculture World Enterprise: supplying and selling a good varieties catfish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

The Slusshy: home-based dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Design Enterprise: clothing (CLO). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dolly Bear Shop: Selling dolls and teddy bears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Decotex Sdn Bhd: to produce and sell decorative ceiling using textile composite. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd: compost fertilizer machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S.J.U.W Studio: photographic and video. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big Boy Toy car accessories: car accessories stores. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Albab Sdn Bhd: vibration gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Layer Cake Sarawak: layer cake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Invasion Entertainment: an entertainment and event planner company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SND Premier Grilling: food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manuk Enterprise: producing and selling chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

JES Enterprise Partnership: carrot crisps (snacks). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopipasta: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Gadiess Bakery Enterprise: cakes and desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mona’s Cookies Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shibusa.Co: hoodies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Gas Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

New Wave 4u : the photocopy shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Ruffeera Sock Industries Sdn Bhd: producing and selling school sock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Sky Govern Sdn Bhd: skydiving service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ButterSweet Bakery: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Syarikat Cactus Cash Register (M) Sdn Bhd: menjual barangan elektronik iaitu mesin kira-kira tunai dan menawarkan perkhidmatan baikpulih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1997)

Rebel. Co: clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Totes Co.: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Hermes Sdn Bhd: logistic (forwarding agent). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Auto inflatable traveller backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Raso Photography Studio: photography service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

T-Fan company: mini fan with temperature sensor (T-FAN). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Findbelous Cuppy: cupcake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wonderland Cake House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Bahulu Ibu: kuih bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secure Fit Co: cutscape tool. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All-In Agency: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Perusahaan Makanan Segar Sdn Bhd: produces noodles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Dearly company: stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DELIA Handbag: limited collection handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Absolute Tie Dye: tie dye clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VG Pasta Production: vegetables pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Read To Me: audiobook. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Pencil Paradise: home and office interior designing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hurun Taj: instant hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maju Sdn Bhd: EZ bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

g4rment: producing and selling plus size garment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shutterfilm Media: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tateh Industry Company: smart baby sleep technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd: stainless coffee maker travel bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rafe’s Sawmill Sdn Bhd: sawmill industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bellissima Hijab Prima Enterprise: headscarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eau de Natural: infused water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergobest: smart ergonomic table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Two Hundred Percent: Custom shirts and printing design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All United Malay Mechanic Motorsport: automobile. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Your Destination Enterprise: D’iN Luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cucurainbow Enterprise: breakfast snack (fritters). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dio Arena Enterprise: indoor sports arena. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House dispenser: food dispenser and a pet’s house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DurianKinin: cendol and durian paste. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Banasfha Cafe: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SONIDO Sdn Bhd: Silencer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travelsassy Holdings: άνεση travel bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PriCotton Brotherz Group: printing and clothing business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AynaRosé.co: therapy lip balm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home Barber Service Sdn Bhd: Home Barber App (haircut service). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DiDi Couture: custom made tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Crave: bolu-bolu balls (pancake balls). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Team Dunia: tortilla chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ida Bakery: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart adhesive board blueprint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Patisserie: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EcoBin: mini automatic separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Norayu Sdn Bhd: make up in durable pod (BeautyB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WJKBin, the waste sorting machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qysara Studio: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just print it. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iMax Enterprise: automated dry robotic vacuum cleaner (iDVRobot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maestrio Martino Enterprise: western food and coffee drinks restaurant (Koboi Western House). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sip N Bite cafe: coffee cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asphalt Thermos Sdn Bhd: to produce and sell adjustable thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Locus Company: speedy paint machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neck pillow with sensors (Sense-NPillow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ-Umberbike: hand-free umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nutri-Ganic Farm Sdn Bhd: organic chicken supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manis Bakery Sdn Bhd: fresh dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Synergy Sdn Bhd: Smart Shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drying rack pulley system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Hoorey2 Cupcakes Enterprise: cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Swagger Company: clothing supply. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Tasty Tasty Muffin: Muffins and catering service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vortex Enterprise: portable automated whiteboard eraser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

X-pert Laundry Services: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grill and Toast Restaurant: traditional food and self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lovely Kurung Cotton: baju kurung. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Premium Scarves Enterprise: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Of Baking Supplier: supply halal bakery ingredients. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rock Oil Enterprise: Vehicles services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

l-Jeans Tech Sdn Bhd: l-jeans box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shadow Burger Enterprise: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Global Telecommunication Enterprise: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vroom Sdn Bhd: smart shopping trolley (CartTech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craftica Boardware: canvas product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cake Paradise Boutique: cakes shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ProLock: home security systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Baby Spa Sdn Bhd: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bites Grill: grill based food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SweetBrew Coffee Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunny Abadi Car Wash Sdn Bhd: snow car wash services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chatroom: cafe services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sushi Village Cafe: halal sushi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay-Park Cafe: traditional Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhino's Gym & Fitness Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheesu Co: side dishes, dessert and heavy foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foldymate: steam iron and cloth fold machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melt Cheezy Bol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

4AF.Co: multi-luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pumpkin Crunch Enterprise: pumpkin bars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Aksin graphic Sdn Bhd: offset printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lembu Sihat Enterprise: cattle milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Al- Amin Jersey Store: sublimation shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HomeSet Sdn Bhd: homeTrash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology sensor net (TechNet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bim Enterprise: Bimtube Hotel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Four ‘N’ Agency Worker Sdn Bhd: provide foreign workers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wanderlust Borneo Travel: travel and tour services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delight Bakery: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Sweat Park Sport Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

NAS Sdn Bhd: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shazlia Sdn Bhd: safer convex. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FPAA NUTRI-PATHIC Clinic: personalized dietitian. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Express Food Enterprise: express food and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sis Bite Bakery: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Karrielectro Sdn Bhd: Tesla coil wireless electricity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ramly Group: home-cooked burgers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Creative Partners: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Future Enterprise: multifunction product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kemaman Indah Box Enterprise: box supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Dressings: mayonnaise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garment dryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Imaana scarf: hijab products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yeppo: facial care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat Defense Sdn Bhd: fire extinguisher (Heat Defense Extinguisher). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matchalicious Cookies: flavoured cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RaSP Company: automated measurement device. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Racingsories Sdn Bhd: helmet’s raincoat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Kasots: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Natural By Nature Bundle: bundle store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Four Fighters Catering: ayam golek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChocoJar Premium Vibes: chocolate dessert in a jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaringBaby Sdn Bhd: CaringBaby car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tiffin Food Co.: packed lunch box delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruity Cafe: fresh fruits drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire Armour Sdn Bhd: Fire Mirrorcle Extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gorgeous Coffees: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kool Sdn Bhd: frizzy electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pechan Coffee Enterprise: Coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Company: smarteye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neko Nursery & Cafe: services for cats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coconut flesh remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Tteokbokki Jjang: Korean cuisine restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah village food restaurant: food and beverages of Sabah local food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Ecorack Enterprise: Pallet Rice For Fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blacksmith undertaker services: Selling coffin and other funeral services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Miss Gurlz Enterprise: mango jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SH Kitchen Cabinet: versatiles kitchen cabinet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hello Meow Cat Shop: pet shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Starsavory: burger with dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

X-TREC PARK Co: recreation park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

5ive Charm Center: bookseller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Cucumber bubble mask: beauty products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Zillicious Enterprise: milkybae (flavored milk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFIS Enterprise: metal straw products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Platec Enterprise: pinggan kalori (PIKA V1). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’FASS Enterprise: yogurt candy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Expert Design Enterprise: Interior Design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Airpro Sdn Bhd: portable air conditioning. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartsmarter Enterprise Sdn Bhd: shopping cart (GPSCart). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Kisma Enterprise: dried fruit jams (dates and raisins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The CORRED: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pusat Service Tayar Bahagia Sdn Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Captain Mushroom: vegetarian food outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasa Sayang Laundry: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret Ingredient: cafe (cold dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bella D Collection: denim handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Global Graft Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Mafalisha: IvVLuggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaleidoscope Shirt: tie dye shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre: auto focus glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

John Bundle: apparel products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasa Aiskrim: traditional Malaysian ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

East Bite: lekorball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AHA! Crepes Sdn Bhd: Japanese snack (crepes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Telekung Nor Aripah: telekung (prayer garment). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZMH Warda Enterprise: Gamat, House of Healin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lets’ Shopping application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pearlicious Handicraft: handmade crafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Art Brut Music Studio Enterprise: music studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fit Bite Corporation: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dessert 3 Dara & 1 Bujang: fruit dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jambul Barber: haircut services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dream Work Pictures Sdn Bhd: a production house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

NU Scapes Enterprise: exterior and interior designer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Mamamia Lazatoz: greentea shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qwerty Tech Sdn Bhd: ezlock padlock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teras Samudera Enterprise: seaweeds. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facil Beauty: facial treatment and eyelash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Redox Company: smartphone seller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulaman Kreatif Enterprise: traditional clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic dumbbell. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social distancing robot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kookie Moonie House: fruity tart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Love Unique Music Corporation: party organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Top Print-T: printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Duo remover cleanser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LA'FILTER Sdn Bhd: drinking water straw filters and bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Magic Box: varieties of storage box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Tropico: fresh and frozen coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Lush Machinery Sdn Bhd: lawn mower powered bicycle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tender Loving Care Home (TLCH): private old folks home. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Auto Separator Machine (Auto-Bins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wingardium Leviosa Wand: magical wand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Heaven's Bite: cream puff. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Impiana Home Design Sdn Bhd: interior design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Tasty-Licious Donuts: doughnuts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Anlenes: high calcium dairy product (tablets milks). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big Bros Chicken: chicken dishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi Bottle Enterprise: Multi Bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kugona Enterprise: multifunction yoga mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

One’z Holding: wplus multifunctional cutting box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Samsonite International S.A: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Print Pantas: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KingPharma Bhd: semi liquid medicine (EasyGulp). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Donuts’ Garden: junk foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In-House Cinema: high quality of fresh and new movies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khazanah Food Enterprise: Malaysian traditional snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rifa Florist Shop: flowers and ornamental plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spices & Herbs Paradise: herbal and spices product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JMango Sdn Bhd: pickled mango (jeruk mangga). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go-gurt Enterprise: yogurt and smoothie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocomake Broadrange: chocolate making machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kesuma Enterprise: produced and supply uniforms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

TruckXGaming Enterprise: entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kedai Mizan Sdn Bhd: tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Closer Remédio Sdn Bhd: water ball medicine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Friendly burger manufacturer: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Bride and Groom Cooperation: wedding dais. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RS Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fee Malika Sdn Bhd: pliant brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cupcakes: decorative cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby’s Dream Sdn Bhd: trading of baby’s products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahkino Restaurant: food and book service concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lovely Blossom Sdn Bhd: flower shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catering xpert: catering. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’Cookies Bakery Enterprise: cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kid's World Kindergarten: kindergarten age of 4 to 6 years old. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Smart 2Be: Smart Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photoshop Sdn Bhd: a photo shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deragona Enterprise: Dragon Fruit Jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Ghost House Company: ghost house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corndog Pop Company: corndog product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Dice Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bae Book Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Satay Warisan Sdn Bhd: satay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KP Fry Enterprise: korean spicy chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drive-By Mochi’s: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ample Power Company: SMART bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bikatech Sdn Bhd: portable bike rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zhyper Sdn Bhd: Hyper Grabber tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Company: fit-it-baby shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CTO eSports Studio: gaming studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Mushroom Sdn Bhd: fresh mushrooms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FZ Trading: smart fireball extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Posh Cafe: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Acaredemy Sdn Bhd: childcare and private tutoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FertiLife: fertiBin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Life Sdn Bhd: smart RFID trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unique Crispy: traditional food (rempeyek). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spot on Sport Enterprise: sport centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safe Journey Sdn Bhd: radiating road convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Omorfo: Cosmetic company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby Snuggly Enterprise: baby car seat (BabyXMove). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital Skipping Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haanz Street Food: Mexican food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tok Bali Tiger Prawn Sdn Bhd: livestock tiger prawn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

ByFsabryna (BYFS): minicrunch choco jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Twinkle Kids Land Sdn Bhd: pre-school education for children from age 4 to 6 years old. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Multyprint Enterprise: supply services of photocopy and retail various papers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Advantech Consultancy: security products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Ethlix Sport Centre Enterprise: sport centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aatiella Plus Size: special size clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Euphoria Cafe Enterprise: Cake And Bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SwimPro: Smart swimsuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lady HAIS Enterprise: local fruit pudding (Fruidin' Splash). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wise Spec Corporation: Pocket wise spec scanner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berjaya Lintah: supplying leeches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foodlicous Enterprise: chocojar (Chocolicious). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Green Cafe: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iHeatCup Sdn Bhd: instant noodle (iHeatCup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd: multifunction electric stove (cooking table). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix It Centre: car’s auto tuning and repairing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meamira Sdn Bhd: water bottle (Hydorlily). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DSM Corp Sdn Bhd: digital art and design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klen Enterprise: skincare product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NZ Enterprise: cordless steam fan cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam Didik Sdn Bhd: healthy, fresh & good. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Fragancia: scented soy wax candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SimFun: pen scanner with highlighter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art drawing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SitX Sdn Bhd: health and wellness equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SZ Frozen Food: frozen food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PROSKI Sdn Bhd: adjustable size shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dinamaiya Shawl: high quality shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beautiful blossoms: fresh floral (flower shop). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Generous Light Sdn Bhd: multifunctional comb hair dryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

La Petite Café: French pastries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business propposal

Zaileha Milk Industry: milk and dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business purpose

Asian Buttermilk Enterprise: buttermilk powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Business registration

RM5 million allocated for ‘Anjung Usahawan Kabong’ — Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Innovation, aid continue to spark our entrepreneurship spirit. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Business registrations

Encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours. [Newspaper] (2020)

Business simulation

A review on the relationship between business plan learning outcomes and business plan simulation in entrepreneurial education. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Business strategy

Yaacob, Zulnaidi 12 strategi elak bisnes gagal. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426377 (2010)

Business studies

Sago Extract Enterprise: Sago palm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Aurora Cafe: Italian themed menu cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Hola Fresh: mini cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Kawaii Tailor and Co: tailoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Sleepy Boy: wireless charger and windshield. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Little Angel Enterprise: baby store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

KD & Co. Service: services and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Cili Sedap Enterprise: Chili. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Fruit Loops & Co: sushi fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Swagger Company: clothing supply. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Le'via Company: stevia combination with lemonade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Xi`s Thriftstore Enterprise: selling clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Happy pets shop:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Putik Mud Crab Enterprise: mud crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Business talk

Bumi entrepreneurs attend business talk. [Newspaper] (2020)


Assessing factors associated to social media adoption among salespeople of environmental services company in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 6. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)


Deliceux Homemade Bread: homemade bread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bussines proposal

Mug Coffee Café: coffee drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)


Usahawan MARA: cherita Surischa. [Video] (2020)

Butik Sazlees Bridal Gallery & Hair Saloon

Sazlees Bridal terus bertahan hadapi tekanan pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Butter stick

Fafiliss Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CAD class

Jimi Ventures & Co: C.A.D class & services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CPH Smart Dustbin Pro Max

CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


MAHB perkasa aktiviti peruncit Bumiputera di lapangan terbang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Prasarana promosi percuma peniaga kecil di stesen bas, rel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shell Malaysia bantu perkasa PKS tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Cabaran industri

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)


#Rasta Cafe: cafe/restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’OWL CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: cafe (coffee and dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meido Kissa Technolounge: hi-tech cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bridal Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopikawan Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Patisserie: bakery shop café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bom Bom Pie Cafe: pies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bola-Bola Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The House of Desserts: desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mug Coffee Café: coffee drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Best Cendol Cafe: cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty And Fun Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sate Kita Cafe: sate and nasi impit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voceland Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe Bah! Sdn Bhd: special dish (nasi 7 benua with ice lemonade). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Library Cafe: librarian concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dio Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Street Cafe: music cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shaky DeNata Cafe: coconut shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe De Libra: book cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frissito Helse Cafe: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cat cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: henna product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pine Pine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drip and Brew Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sayaka Comic Cafe: comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe Des Amis Sdn Bhd: coffee and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berserah Cafe Sdn Bhd: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GOJESGURL Café: bakery and pastry products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopipasta: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De' Light Coffee Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SweetBrew Coffee Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chatroom: cafe services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pechan Coffee Enterprise: Coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neko Nursery & Cafe: services for cats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Green Cafe: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe concept

Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Masam Manis Dessert Enterprise: self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


QITCHEN Enterprise: Korean cakes products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cake house

Wonderland Cake House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Cake lapis

Stevia's Cake Sdn Bhd: cake lapis with stevia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaoru's Bakery House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Camera accessories

Eastman Kodak Company: ring light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Camera technology

E-Glasses: multifunction of a glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cameron fresh mushrooms

House of Mushroom Sdn Bhd: fresh mushrooms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Junior Wonder Camp: friendships and social connections. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 10 - Hacks (M) Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)


Bekas peguam kini tauke baju sekolah. [Newspaper] (2018)


WiLS Sdn Bhd: ultra detector branula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Craftica Boardware: canvas product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Saad Capal: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Perlis. [Video] (2018)


Peruntukan RM15 juta bagi skim bantuan modal perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Capital Budget

Dana khas RM15j buat syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2020)

Wujudkan lebih banyak bantuan dana. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belanjawan 2021: DPIA kemuka 10 cadangan bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Capital account

Asian Buttermilk Enterprise: buttermilk powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car accessories

Se7en Car Accessories: anti collision laser mark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car detailing

Paddock Crew Company: car coating services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car jack

Hi- Jack Technology Sdn Bhd: motorized cylinder jack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car modification

Big Boy Toy car accessories: car accessories stores. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car parts

Big Boy Toy car accessories: car accessories stores. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car wash

Sunny Abadi Car Wash Sdn Bhd: snow car wash services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Car wash spa

SHINee Car Wash Enterprise: automated car wash spa service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Card reader

APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Career Advancement Programme (CAP)

Keusahawan cabang kerjaya berpotensi besar. [Newspaper] (2020)


Annas Company: perkhidmatan dan jualan karpet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Carry heavy load

Ergonomic wheelbarrow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger

Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Case study

Panasonic Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cash on delivery

King Layer Cake Sarawak: layer cake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Casual Dress

Absolute Tie Dye: tie dye clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cat food supplier

SANA Enterprise: automatic cat feeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cat nursery

Neko Nursery & Cafe: services for cats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


De’ Nada Air: airlines catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catering xpert: catering. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catering Service

D’BAHTERA Restaurant: food and beverages service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catering service

Galvez Noodle: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cecair pencuci pakaian

Produk Jasmin7 semakin dikenali. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cendawan tiram

Sinar Syukrawie Enterprise: usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)

Penduduk usaha cendawan tiram guna inovasi IOT. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cermin mata

BSN micro/i kredit prihatin bantu gerakkan perniagaan. [Video] (2020)


Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)

The inspirational and aspirational desires of Ridzuan. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 4. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Challenges of early childhood

Tadika Minda Inovasi: parent learning management system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


King Charcoal Sdn Bhd: organic bamboo charcoal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Team Dunia: tortilla chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheezy flavour

Melt Cheezy Bol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sambal Che'Nor tembusi pasaran dunia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Dulu peguam, kini pengusaha perabot klasik. [Newspaper] (2019)


The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chicken Cube

Chicken Cube Enterprise: chicken cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chicken Farm

Orga Chicken Farm: rearing and selling chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chicken Product

Chicken Cube Enterprise: chicken cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chicken fried

Famous fried chicken: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Selangor. [Video] (2018)

Child Care

Tadika Didik Murni: kindergarten service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Child rearing

Wynas Daycare Centre: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Children Car Seat

NINAS & NINOS: Children Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


CMZ Habanero Enterprise: red savina habanero chilli. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


De Sambal: homemade sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Aneka Chips: aneka kerepek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choc & Nuts

Choco Rash: energy bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco jar

ByFsabryna (BYFS): minicrunch choco jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco jar product

Chocodictive Jar: choco jars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Chocojar Bangsawan Enterprise: Chocojar snakcs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hoorey2 Cupcakes Enterprise: cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocodictive Jar: choco jars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocolate peanut butter

Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocolate snack

ChocoMelt Sdn Bhd: snacks (chocojars). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocomake Broadrange

Chocomake Broadrange: chocolate making machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Foodlicous Enterprise: chocojar (Chocolicious). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choosing Flavor

NYPA Jaya Enterprise: nypa products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chronograph Quartz watch

Stelux Holdings: men watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cili kisar

Perniagaan santan segar: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Kuala Lumpur. [Video] (2018)

Cinta Tea

Cinta Tea: trending beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ciri-ciri keusahawanan

Pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan di Malaysia: kesan terhadap aspirasi keusahawanan pelajar. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 10 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0128-7702 (2002)

Ciri-ciri usahawan

10 Cara merealisasikan impian anda menjadi usahawan. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 17-18. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)


Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Arabic Cuisine Flavor: arabic food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Annas Company: perkhidmatan dan jualan karpet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleaning Products

Kleanius Enterprise: cleaning equipment products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleaning Services

Just Clean Enterprise: house cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WeKlean: cleaning & sanitizing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleaning services

Lean & Klean Enterprise: cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleanzee Toilet Brush

Cleanzee Toilet Brush: Electric Toilet Brush with Disinfectant Holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hurun Taj: instant hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


g4rment: producing and selling plus size garment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cloth iron

VisionTech Inc: STEON ‘21 smart iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cloth printing

Creative Design Enterprise: clothing (CLO). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clothes Storage

All-in-one luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clothing products

Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Co-operative model

Entrepreneurship levels of Co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-Operative Studies, 8. pp. 45-67. ISSN 1823-5387 (2012)


Entrepreneurship levels of Co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-Operative Studies, 8. pp. 45-67. ISSN 1823-5387 (2012)

Coaching support

Coaching millennial entrepreneurs in tourism industry: a glimpse of political skill. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)


De Coconut Eclipse: homemade coconut jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coconut Shake

Shaky DeNata Cafe: coconut shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coconut milk

Wanshah Maju Enterprise: coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Tropico: fresh and frozen coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)


KK Time Square Starbucks Coffee: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

The Spongee Cafe: coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pechan Coffee Enterprise: Coffee drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coffee ATM

Keistimewaan Coffee ATM. [Newspaper] (2021)

Coffee Ficus Moraceae

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coffee Shop

De' Light Coffee Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coffee Star Malaysia

Keistimewaan Coffee ATM. [Newspaper] (2021)

Coffee maker

Buddy Sdn Bhd: nobit automatic drink maker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coffee shop

Co&De: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd

CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd: stainless coffee maker travel bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cokla Pelangi Nims

Coklat Pelangi Nims kini berada di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)


Absolut Chocolat: Dari pondok rehat ke kilang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Colourful boxes

Shop in a Box: boxes to be rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Comfortable shoes

Jelly Shoes Passion: footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Commercial Photography

Entrepreneurship attributes that help to develop photography graduates as entrepreneurs. Idealogy Jurnal: Jurnal Seni & Budaya, 3 (3): 5. pp. 54-59. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)


Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Communication engineering

Seizing the opportunity. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 6. pp. 25-28. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Communications skills

Soft skills important for business success. [Newspaper] (2020)

Community involvement

Projek estet mini rumpai laut dan penglibatan komuniti nelayan di daerah Semporna, Sabah. Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS), 1 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 2462-2095 (2016)


Miss Gurlz Enterprise: mango jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaleidoscope Shirt: tie dye shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Company analysis

NZAA Trading: CK Mac Milling Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tok Janggut burger stall: asian taste burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Todak Culture Sdn Bhd: Gamming Chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JGE Engineering Sdn Bhd: turnkey engineering solution. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Panda printing Shah Alam: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

University Malaya Medical Centre: online queue alert system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FamilyMart: fresh food availability. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wanshah Maju Enterprise: coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Puma: running shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (2018)

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Philips: daily collection blender HR2059/90. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Tesco PLC: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Osprey Packs Inc: backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Summit Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd: baby products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Watsons: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YETI Holdings Inc: thermos bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Flask: flask bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarjana Auto Garage: car workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

McDonald’s franchise: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: steam iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stelux Holdings: men watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unilever: Dove hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sharp Corporation: single-serve blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd: product labelling and pricing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oldtown White Coffee Sungai Buloh: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klinik Dr. Fauziah: healthcare services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MR. DIY: handwash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nozomi Marketing Sdn Bhd: sanitary disposal dust bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coach IP Holdings LLC: luxury handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yosogo Writing Instruments Sdn Bhd: aluminium clipboard. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dripping drizzles: home-made bakery and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qasey Bakery social enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Al-Matha'am Syed Corner: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mama Sup Utara: productivity of worker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The North Face: hiking backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Piratas Barbershop: MyTurn apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: blender PB-3205. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TurboTex.Co: bombastic blender. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Deuter Spot GmbH: ventilated backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klean Kanteen: thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The dUCk Group Sdn Bhd: handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

My Mug Malaysia: ceramic mugs and glasswares. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travelpro company: expandable luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hi-Mask: face mask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Reckitt Benckiser: Dettol hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Steelcase Inc: office chairs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad: retail and wholesale hypermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fasc, Inc: smart sport shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nike Inc: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flextreme fitness: Gyms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ogawa World Bhd: trek treadmill. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adidas Group: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lé àl'aise Enterprise: FINUTTA smart backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Case Study: Econsave Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

American Tourister: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gadget world 666: mobile phones accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tadika Minda Inovasi: parent learning management system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Samsonite Luggage Company: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

U Mobile Setia City Mall: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izara Cookies Sdn Bhd: chocolate chip cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paddock Crew Company: car coating services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret Lab.CO: gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eastman Kodak Company: ring light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brigg & Riley: expandable carry-on luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Great Harvest Sdn Bhd: automatic pesticide sprayer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crystal Safety Glass (M) Sdn Bhd: tempered glass. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhythm Co. Ltd: variety of clocks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gregory Mountain Product: hiking backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eco adventura: outdoor activities organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Midea: vacuum cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Company information

Puma: running shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (2018)

Company product analysis

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation: FBB Series Flask product analysis. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Company profiles

SME Corporation Malaysia. Documentation. SMECorp Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2018)

Competitive advantage

Dare to be different. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 1. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Competitive business

Delizioishii Mushroom Enterprise: fresh oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Little Princess Palace: headband products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Complete Styler

Complete styler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Computer Applications

Gamers Youth: application development. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Computer Vision Syndrome

Ergobest: smart ergonomic table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Computer repair

Kisah kejayaan alumni UTHM - kenali potensi diri, bina empayar perniagaan sendiri (MHO COMPUTER). [Video] (2020)

Conducive infrastructure

Bahagian Pengurusan Fasiliti, UiTM: maintenance and project unit. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)


IConstTab: i const tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd: construction and consultancy company. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Construction project

Teguh Bestari Enterprise: drain manufacturer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd: construction and consultancy company. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)


Unique Planning & Consults Sdn Bhd: planning and consultation (town and rural area). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Consumers Criteria

Adidas Group: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Consumers Demand

Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre: auto focus glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Consumers requirement

Little Princess Palace: headband products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Contact lens

Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Control button

Kuikuy DSCR: digital scale rule (DSCR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Cookies and Scream: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain's cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flannery Minkha Cookies: homemade chocolate cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TreatsbyTira: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’Cookies Bakery Enterprise: cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cooking tools

Lesung plus: pestle and mortar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cooperative complex

Public urged to support micro-entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)

Cordless Steam Fan Cleaner

NZ Enterprise: cordless steam fan cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Corporate Secretarial Management: secretarial services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corporate social responsibility

Yayasan Bank Rakyat mengorak langkah salur RM3.0 juta. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)


Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cosmetic product

Beauty on the go: multifunctional portable makeup booth. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cosmetic products

Ocha: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Impact of product costing for branding and business support on small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 27 (T1): 5. 59 -74. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)

Training kit (electrical and pneumatic knowledge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Costing system

Systematic operational budgeting: the preliminary study on perception of SMEs entrepreneurs. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 9. pp. 100-108. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Cotton shirt

Sugoi Outfit: custom design shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Country’s Foods

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cow milk

Datelicious Milk Sdn Bhd: variety of dates milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cracking Machine

Plus Crush Sdn Bhd: kuaci cracking machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craft Entrepreneurs

Perbadanan Putrajaya lahirkan ramai usahawan kraftangan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Craft entrepreneurs

Kraftangan Malaysia steps up programme to help Covid-19 hit craft industry. [Newspaper] (2020)

Craft industry

Kraftangan Malaysia steps up programme to help Covid-19 hit craft industry. [Newspaper] (2020)

Creamy sauce

The Dressings: mayonnaise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Safety Sdn Bhd.

Creative Safety Sdn Bhd: fire extinguishing round. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative and innovative

Usahawan Sabah terus berinovasi: naget ubi kayu. [Video] (2018)


The influence of entrepreneurial skills on business start-up intention among Bumiputra students. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 12 (2): 6. pp. 53-64. ISSN 1985-3157 (2018)


AHA! Crepes Sdn Bhd: Japanese snack (crepes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Critical success factors

The critical success factors of business growth among women entrepreneurs in Malaysia: a qualitative approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 11 (9). pp. 1445-1459. ISSN 2222-6990 (2021)

Crowdfunding campaign

Fighting urban poverty: Kelulut entrepreneurship program. [Website]


Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cukai perniagaan

Perniagaan dan cukai: apa yang perlu usahawan tahu? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 6-7. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Culture studies

7 high performance culture that helps organisations. New Straits Times. (2020)


Lady's Cupcakes: varieties of cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hoorey2 Cupcakes Enterprise: cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cupcakes: decorative cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Curtain display

Be Space: LCD curtain display. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Custom design

Pirate Printing and Souvenirs: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Custom made

Big Boy Toy car accessories: car accessories stores. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Custom-made printed design

Forest Printing Enterprise: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Itadakimasu: Japanese cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Customer attention

Aman Nasi Kukus Sdn Bhd: food trucks and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


D’Cookies Bakery Enterprise: cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ez Top up: prepaid card shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Banana Milk Delicieuse Enterprise: banana fruits drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

F&E Food Delivery: food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gamers Youth: application development. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nira Kita Enterprise: nira nipa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cake: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ButterSweet Bakery: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dio Arena Enterprise: indoor sports arena. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Al- Amin Jersey Store: sublimation shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaleidoscope Shirt: tie dye shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Customers satisfaction

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Customers’ satisfaction

FamilyMart: fresh food availability. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Onde-onde: kuih Melaka. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Wanshah Maju Enterprise: coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'4 Amigos

D'4 Amigos: fresh stingless bee honey. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


D'Sebasih: organic pesticides. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DF Robotic Company

Multi-features skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


DHause e-commerce platform helps local businesses thrive. [Newspaper] (2021)

Daar Bakanen Enterprise

Daar Bakanen Enterprise: fishery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ain’s dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daftar perniagaan

PUWas bantu usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dagang NeXchange Bhd

DNeX sedia pakej digital khas bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Daging ayam

Ikon Agro: mula secara kecil-kecilan, kunci kejayaan. [Video] (2018)

Daging ayam halal

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 22 - Bismi Cergas & Thiha Dhuha Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Daging burger

USNA burger: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Daging sejuk beku

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep.1 - ZS Armin Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Daily meals

Cheesu Co: side dishes, dessert and heavy foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dairy Milk

MilkywayzZz Dairy: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd

Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd: robotic vacuum cleaner (iVacBot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dana bantuan

Kenyataan media: SUPERB salur RM157 juta bantu usahawan belia Bumiputera. [Website] (2020)

Dana pembiayaan

Usahawan digesa rebut peluang optimumkan dana PUNB, MARA. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dana perniagaan

Tentang dana kemakmuran bumiputera (DKB). [Website] (2020)

Dana pinjaman

Jana niaga: bantuan usahawan terjejas akibat pandemik covid-19. [Website] (2020)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi oleh sme bank bantu tingkatkan perniagaan usahawan mikro dan kecil. [Website] (2021)

Dana RM40 bilion untuk membantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dana superb

Sesi temuramah En Bestari dan Astro Awani mengenai SUPERB. [Video] (2014)


Rahsia kuih bakar sabak ‘rel kereta api’. [Website] (2021)

Dasar Keusahawanan Negara (DKN)

SME Bank sasar jualan eksport usahawan PKS meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)


Datelicious Milk Sdn Bhd: variety of dates milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dawn Wake Up Watch

Emperor Crimson Sdn Bhd: dawn wake up watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Day care

Wynas Daycare Centre: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dearly Company

Dearly company: stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Loves florist: fresh floral decorations. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deer breeding

The Cervus Deer Enterprise: deer farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deliver Fertilizer

Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Catering xpert: catering. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delivering Service

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delivery process

Dripping drizzles: home-made bakery and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delivery service

F&E Food Delivery: food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Diamond shine laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delivery services

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


DiDi Couture: custom made tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dengue fever

J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


l-Jeans Tech Sdn Bhd: l-jeans box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dental care and treatments

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


PlushieBear (A self-heating soft toy). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Desa Ville Jus Durian Belanda.

10 kisah inspirasi, tip daripada usahawan tempatan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Aksin graphic Sdn Bhd: offset printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Design Thinking

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship intention : a case study of changemakers mindset (design thinking) module. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 10. pp. 109-119. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Desire Food Sdn Bhd

Desire Food buka dua premis makanan di Nu Sentral. [Newspaper] (2019)


Sidik Ahh Dessert By De' Ruin: thailand dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dessert 3 Dara & 1 Bujang: fruit dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Posh Cafe: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dessert Food Industry

Hoorey2 Cupcakes Enterprise: cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Co&De: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TreatsbyTira: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Patisserie: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Desserts products

sugarmanisbynana: desserts products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Detox water

Eau de Natural: infused water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM)

DPMM Kelantan tawar pinjaman sifar riba. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dia Sedap Sdn. Bhd.

Dia Sedap Sdn Bhd: frozen food products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dialog Keusahawanan

Usahawan tak boleh mengalah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Diet food

Fit Bite Corporation: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital Business

Inisiatif rakan digital bantu peniaga lonjak perniagaan. [Video] (2021)

Digital Economy

5 tips untuk membina perniagaan online. [Video] (2021)

Inisiatif rakan digital bantu peniaga lonjak perniagaan. [Video] (2021)

Digital Marketing

5 tips untuk membina perniagaan online. [Video] (2021)

Digital Marketing Training - Kursus Pemasaran Digital @ Sabak Sentral. [Video] (2020)

Inisiatif rakan digital bantu peniaga lonjak perniagaan. [Video] (2021)

Digital Skipping Rope

Digital Skipping Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital Skipping Rope - NAS Sdn. Bhd.

NAS Sdn Bhd: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital Tools

Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital dan inovasi

KBS rangka pelan strategik - galak belia teroka keusahawanan sosial. [Video] (2018)

Digital economic revolution

Malay enterpreneurs urged to seize digital economic revolution. [Newspaper] (2018)

Digital marketing

E-Board lahir 5,000 usahawan kuasai teknik pemasaran digital - Wan Junaidi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Seminar pengurusan sumber berasaskan komuniti semasa Covid-19 platform bicara pemantapan upaya masyarakat menghadapi norma baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Digital screen

Kuikuy DSCR: digital scale rule (DSCR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital technology

Sarawakian entrepreneurs encouraged to do business in the new way. [Newspaper] (2020)


Tawar geran RM1 juta. [Newspaper] (2021)


GKP suntik modal bantu pusingan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Disable people

Smart Group: smart window. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Disposable products

Magnify group sdn bhd: lepi Straw. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Distribution Access

The challenges faced by Malaysian small medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in export initiatives. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 3. pp. 14-19. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)


Queen’s Laundry: dry cleaning and laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarally Sdn Bhd: laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Laundry Enterprise: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Squeaky Qlean: 24 hours self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giltter Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dodol cair

Nona inspirasi: pengusaha dodol cair. [Video] (2021)

Dodol penganan

Nona inspirasi: pengusaha dodol cair. [Video] (2021)

Dolce Pasticcini

Dolce Pasticcini: bombolini. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dominant languages

Soft skills important for business success. [Newspaper] (2020)


Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tasty-Licious Donuts: doughnuts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Mafia Donut: doughnut pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drainage system

Teguh Bestari Enterprise: drain manufacturer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Selera Malaysia Enterprise: creative drawing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


VMac Drink: vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SU.SU: kurma milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

UiTM bekerjasama dengan Shopee, Simplysiti, Xinn Global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bimbing usahawan NBME. [Newspaper] (2019) oatmeal turmeric mask & scrub. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dropship Agent

The Kasots: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dry clean

Queen’s Laundry: dry cleaning and laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Duck cuisine

Starduck Roasted Cafe: roasted halal duck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Duck eggs

Telur itik meningkat ketika Ramadan. [Website] (2021)

Duo Remover Cleanser

Duo remover cleanser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ikon Agro: jutawan budu & durian sejuk beku. [Video] (2018)

DurianKinin: cendol and durian paste. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dutch bucket

Cara tanam strawberry hidroponik sistem dutch bucket. [Video] (2020)

D’ iN Luggage

Your Destination Enterprise: D’iN Luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


E-Board lahir 5,000 usahawan kuasai teknik pemasaran digital - Wan Junaidi. [Newspaper] (2020)


E-Glasses: multifunction of a glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Rezeki tani raises productivity, income of Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2021)


SME Corp sasar 12,000 usahawan belia melalui TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)


Program E-Board bantu lonjakan jualan usahawan tempatan lebih 50 peratus. [Newspaper] (2020)


Malaysian e-commerce industry continues to flourish, says Commerce.Asia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Maxis launches eKelas Usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

The essentials and challenges of online business among Bumiputera SME entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Research in World Economy, 10 (3). pp. 45-55. ISSN 1923-399X (2019)

Jana pendapatan RM7,000 sebulan. [Newspaper]


Pusat internet mampu lahir usahawan berdaya maju, sumbang pembangunan sosioekonomi. [Website] (2020)


STATOS, Singapura jalin kerjasama. [Newspaper] (2020)

ENT 300

Flowers Bakery Enterprise: cakes and brownies with fluffy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TAFEL Enterprise: foldable study table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QITCHEN Enterprise: Korean cakes products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3P Organization: livestock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Vegan: food products from fresh vegetables. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hanami Capsule Hotel: accommodation and food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn Bhd: door gifts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Worshippers Enterprise: skin care product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’OWL CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: cafe (coffee and dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Barbershop: barber shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lakser Central Restaurant: laksa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In N Out Chicken: chicken-based fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Fleur Enterprise: bouquet flower and indoor flowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd: plastic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

UNIQA Enterprise: footwear product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dia Sedap Sdn Bhd: frozen food products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

E4ts & Co: cafe house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aphrodite.Co: hair saloon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WASEEF Co.: bakery (PoPieo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clevir.Co: high-quality bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green & Kleen Sdn Bhd: cleaning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prelove Outwear: fashion industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Opal’s Dainties Sdn Bhd: bakery and café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Passion Enterprise: halal food meal preparation kits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SipNsavor café: beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delish Biscotti: melted cadbury cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Apam Balik Yihaa Sdn Bhd: apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bang Jago Frozen Food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zanny Scarves: women’s hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HIDEOUT Enterprise: coffee milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChocoMelt Sdn Bhd: snacks (chocojars). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pet Butler Sdn Bhd: services and products for pets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maison: furniture and home decoration. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baggie Art Enterprise: custom-made tote bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

H.M.F.M Boxafood Enterprise: recycle food box packaging with printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FAMSS BAG: technology and bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SNACKSIFY Enterprise: kerepek pisang sira gula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SAQATH Laundry & Cafe: wash and dine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MOMMA’S Recipe Enterprise: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brilliant Brainiac Home Tutoring: home tutoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Cafe Sdn Bhd: Japanese milk bread and caramel coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd: protein food (instant meals). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miles Per Second (MPS) Express Sdn Bhd: delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakebox Enterprise: baking boxes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sha Lin Fashion: various design shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Idris Enterprise: sambal hitam Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasfaz Enterprise: frozen pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetener Delights Co.: recombinant dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MT4 Bags: handbag moding patterns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LOBYARD Sdn Bhd: Lobster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Éllora Cafe: coffee drinks and food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFFIYAH Snack Enterprise: vegetables snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NutriDeli Enterprise: nutritious drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Made Yum (MY) Enterprise: bread bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BabyGoEasy Enterprise: travel-friendly baby’s bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cafe food and beverage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Box Vending Enterprise: hot pat food in vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daisy Childcare Sdn Bhd: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Powersolarz Sdn Bhd: solar power bank (solarz). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safra Star Enterprise: energy snack bar (JollyBar). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klean Laundry Sdn Bhd: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DELICACY Enterprise: bread spread stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ PZ Company: bed sheet with blanket (duo bedsheet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keropok Lekor Legend: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KO-P Point Corporation: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De’ Lavandula Enterprise: perfume. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

V' aneta Enterprise: duvet production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LYFE Enterprise: handy COVID kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Superclay Creation: safe and edible modelling clays. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd: cookies biscuits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Candlish Enterprise: scented candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kicks Bling Enterprise: shoes repair shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Greenie Kitchy Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crème & Brew Café: cakes and coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAUSBABE Beverage & Co.: yogurt flavoured drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JES Enterprise Partnership: carrot crisps (snacks). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Gadiess Bakery Enterprise: cakes and desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mona’s Cookies Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Totes Co.: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Raso Photography Studio: photography service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VG Pasta Production: vegetables pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travelsassy Holdings: άνεση travel bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manis Bakery Sdn Bhd: fresh dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FPAA NUTRI-PATHIC Clinic: personalized dietitian. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFIS Enterprise: metal straw products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’FASS Enterprise: yogurt candy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The CORRED: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

John Bundle: apparel products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasa Aiskrim: traditional Malaysian ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fit Bite Corporation: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LA'FILTER Sdn Bhd: drinking water straw filters and bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big Bros Chicken: chicken dishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kedai Mizan Sdn Bhd: tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corndog Pop Company: corndog product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KP Fry Enterprise: korean spicy chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Acaredemy Sdn Bhd: childcare and private tutoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lady HAIS Enterprise: local fruit pudding (Fruidin' Splash). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix It Centre: car’s auto tuning and repairing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DSM Corp Sdn Bhd: digital art and design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SitX Sdn Bhd: health and wellness equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ENT 600

HM Kickers Sdn Bhd: anti odour shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety Fire Protection Sdn Bhd: MEC fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheecah Sdn Bhd: goacheeze powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KarSert Sdn Bhd: car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minitrav Sdn Bhd: minitrav 4-in-1 travel iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

7DAYS Corporation: multipurpose pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd: SMART convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arroz Enterprise: multi-rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChicaMeds Sdn Bhd: medicine jelly balls (Melota). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd: robotic vacuum cleaner (iVacBot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

So. Tech Food: Food Cover Using Solar Technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laptop stand: face tracking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Here N There Pencil Case: innovative pencil case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Safety Sdn Bhd: fire extinguishing round. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IDZ Fortis Sdn Bhd: the great camera vision (TGVision). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SBOX: a smart medicine box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ultra-bag pack bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jade roller skin analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BROS Sdn Bhd: Refillable Water Bottles (PortXHeater). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mumu Style Enterprise: premium modish dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voice Mind (wire-free headphones). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EzSports Enterprise: sporting equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SoleMate Company: smart sport shoes (Insole). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAYAT GEN-TECH: go green trash bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shoppster Trolley Sdn Bhd: Smartlock Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) smart security shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic Waste Management OBIN. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proseche Sdn Bhd: signal convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

M Company: mul toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PowOw Sdn Bhd: nasi impit (brassicapow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PMA Sdn Bhd: two-in-one portable pen (senpai stylo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Everyday Better Sdn Bhd: quick dry clothes rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech: Study Table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NINAS & NINOS: Children Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat&Eat lunch box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photon Solar Sdn Bhd: solar kage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A sport goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAA Company: BinBin sorting waste machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd: fingerprints-secured bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Complete styler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3-TIVE Enterprise: smart tumbler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Israk optical: smart glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GreeN@ company: high quality of printer (henna@printer). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

J-Tech Sdn Bhd: electric powered lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Straw Hocol Tech: water filter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Emperor Crimson Sdn Bhd: dawn wake up watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart kettle's. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

I See You. Inc: braille-iant cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SKILLEX Sdn Bhd: laptop innovation (PORTOP). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sneakers King Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Al Imprimeur Sdn Bhd: portable pocket printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Elle Cooperation: multi-function umbrella (Parapluie). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facilis portable air-conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smileeey Sdn Bhd: baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-features skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ Sdn.Bhd: smart iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech Sdn Bhd: Meat Smart Sensor (MSS) packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

eyeHelp Enterprise: iSee cane. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BooKoo Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jentle Home Sdn Bhd: jentle smart towel rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super Fancy Company: fancy remote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skipping Rope XI. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super socks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rise and Shine Sdn Bhd: ezpeasy thermos water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd: recharging lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ErgoArm Sdn Bhd: sensory monitor arm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Carnation Sdn Bhd: raincoat bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plus Crush Sdn Bhd: kuaci cracking machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Doc Case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Supermatic Ltd: 3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Millennials Diskbank: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HoloArcade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aqilaz Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnet shuttlecock (GX shuttlecock). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gijutsu Tech Sdn Bhd: wireless portable charger 3 in 1. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GO-Ex Tech: all in one camping kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BEBE Enterprise: rechargeable heater and cooler bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frosty Babes Enterprise: ice cream (iceooze). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mouse trapped. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FikryDevelop Sdn Bhd: allfit apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

I-Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital steering lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Air Inc.: mini portable air conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iNSPIRE: handsfree hand sanitizer (stepback germ). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nice company: nice self-safety alarm shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Your Safety Resources: handy safety kit (Your Kahu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EasyGo baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-function umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

loSimbebyhn Car Seat Sdn Bhd: loSimbebyhn Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S.O.S Sdn Bhd: the saviour shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mummy Kitchenware: multipurpose kitchen tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd: smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LilsTech Enterprise: thermassage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izz Tech Sdn Bhd: smart trolley by using bar code. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Urban Sophie: Iron Board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mi Dora Sdn Bhd: medicine related company (MI Dora Healing Candies). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Attachable iron clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Litciae Flour. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartLug Enterprise: lugshelf luggage (SmartLug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MAHAI sports enterprise: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belleza Sdn Bhd: multifunction comb (Combae). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NH Enterprise: NH Smart Sensor Bottleblender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Funtechno Sdn Bhd: backpack (Slimme-bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DD Technology Company: smart grass cutter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire ball extinguisher with special telephone system (AFS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nubibi Sdn Bhd: flame defence fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Montech Enterprise: smart luggage (Montech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agua Lamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Picante Paste (bird’s eye chili paste). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teguh Sdn Bhd: automatic pet feeder (AI Feeder). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MSN Trading Sdn Bhd: bicycle mower with rake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smartlet Sdn Bhd: wise outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA fire: Fire Extinguisher (Fire Shield). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleanzee Toilet Brush: Electric Toilet Brush with Disinfectant Holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ASAZ Sdn Bhd: Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Football shoes sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LuBook Sdn Bhd: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart auto roll sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

An Automatic Recycle Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Lugg: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

McNARA Company: disposal face mask machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rithra Industries: Rithra food waste recycler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Evenflow: Sensor Clip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ringerz: a keychain ringing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tritech Company: motorcycle helmet (stritech helmet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Trolley Sdn Bhd: shopping trolley (Alpha Trolley). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GoBaby Enterprise: GoBaby CarSeat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic charging cable. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZY Enterprise: easy slide (motorise shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Clique Sdn Bhd: towel UV sterilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart reader Al-Quran sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SN Automotive Sdn Bhd: smart tron helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vivid Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Trash E-Gone: high technology waste bin (Trash E-Gone). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zamzam Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The DotDitty Sdn Bhd: ditty bag (DotDitty bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart hair machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adey Optic Spectacle: spectacles product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lab Shoes Sdn Bhd: lab shoe (smart shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

XIN Enterprise: MyVenders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FDBox Enterprise: anti-vibration and EPP insulation solar food delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lotus Electronics: robotic vacuum cleaner (Futura). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartPost box with secure system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Season Spring Sdn Bhd: smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ezylife Sdn Bhd: toast ‘n’ spread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lanyss Corporation: vonny smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneeta: Nano Sweeper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Enterprise: nutritionfridge (smart fridge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pop-up luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Face Mask Tech (MT01). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sonic mattress. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LMZ Sdn Bhd: portable travellux iron machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WIT Technology: eye c u cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melur Sdn Bhd: travel bag (safe bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BFF Enterprise: smart car detector. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Joje Travel Sdn Bhd: travel and outdoor equipment and gears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Halo Sdn Bhd: smart dustbin (HaloBin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Savon Sdn Bhd: automatic soap dispenser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Electronic Sdn Bhd: HeaTherm bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZAZA Sdn Bhd: self-executing rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khepok Bites Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dilly My Robot Mower: robotic lawn mowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TENS Sdn Bhd: advanced foam roller with Tens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FLOFLOFLO: the ultimate faucet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Advanced Yoga Mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANN Sdn Bhd: smart shopping tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Enterprise: toothfairy toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Livre Sdn Bhd: hair and skin care (sanihair). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stjarna Sdn Bhd: gel memory foam baby shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Basaru technology enterprise: HT Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wall clock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Embun Haircare & Co.: straightening comb with digital LCD display scalp moisture analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aish company: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IMC Enterprise: intelligent moving camera (IMC) cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IY Enterprises: powereye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart diaper bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MEDISHOE Sdn Bhd: medical shoes (Medi Shoe 1.0). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZR company: helmet wiper (WIMET). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd: compost fertilizer machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Albab Sdn Bhd: vibration gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Gas Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto inflatable traveller backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

T-Fan company: mini fan with temperature sensor (T-FAN). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dearly company: stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Read To Me: audiobook. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maju Sdn Bhd: EZ bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tateh Industry Company: smart baby sleep technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd: stainless coffee maker travel bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Your Destination Enterprise: D’iN Luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House dispenser: food dispenser and a pet’s house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SONIDO Sdn Bhd: Silencer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EcoBin: mini automatic separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Norayu Sdn Bhd: make up in durable pod (BeautyB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WJKBin, the waste sorting machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just print it. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iMax Enterprise: automated dry robotic vacuum cleaner (iDVRobot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Locus Company: speedy paint machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neck pillow with sensors (Sense-NPillow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ-Umberbike: hand-free umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Synergy Sdn Bhd: Smart Shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vroom Sdn Bhd: smart shopping trolley (CartTech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foldymate: steam iron and cloth fold machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge: kitchen sponges. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HomeSet Sdn Bhd: homeTrash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology sensor net (TechNet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAS Sdn Bhd: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shazlia Sdn Bhd: safer convex. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garment dryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat Defense Sdn Bhd: fire extinguisher (Heat Defense Extinguisher). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RaSP Company: automated measurement device. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Racingsories Sdn Bhd: helmet’s raincoat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaringBaby Sdn Bhd: CaringBaby car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire Armour Sdn Bhd: Fire Mirrorcle Extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kool Sdn Bhd: frizzy electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Company: smarteye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Platec Enterprise: pinggan kalori (PIKA V1). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lets’ Shopping application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qwerty Tech Sdn Bhd: ezlock padlock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic dumbbell. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social distancing robot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Duo remover cleanser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Magic Box: varieties of storage box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lush Machinery Sdn Bhd: lawn mower powered bicycle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Separator Machine (Auto-Bins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wingardium Leviosa Wand: magical wand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi Bottle Enterprise: Multi Bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kugona Enterprise: multifunction yoga mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KingPharma Bhd: semi liquid medicine (EasyGulp). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocomake Broadrange: chocolate making machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Closer Remédio Sdn Bhd: water ball medicine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RS Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fee Malika Sdn Bhd: pliant brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart 2Be: Smart Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bae Book Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Company: fit-it-baby shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FZ Trading: smart fireball extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FertiLife: fertiBin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Life Sdn Bhd: smart RFID trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safe Journey Sdn Bhd: radiating road convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Omorfo: Cosmetic company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby Snuggly Enterprise: baby car seat (BabyXMove). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital Skipping Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iHeatCup Sdn Bhd: instant noodle (iHeatCup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd: multifunction electric stove (cooking table). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meamira Sdn Bhd: water bottle (Hydorlily). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NZ Enterprise: cordless steam fan cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SimFun: pen scanner with highlighter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PROSKI Sdn Bhd: adjustable size shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SaRose Sdn Bhd: portable automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Budu Dispenser sdn bhd: budu dispenser machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ PZ Company Duo Bedsheet

EZ PZ Company: bed sheet with blanket (duo bedsheet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ Sdn.Bhd

EZ Sdn.Bhd: smart iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


EZ-Umberbike: hand-free umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ease the flow

Handphone tie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easier patient billing

"We Care" Apps: hospital and clinic system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd

Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd: compost fertilizer machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easy Slide

EZY Enterprise: easy slide (motorise shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eco-friendly devices

Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


EcoBin: mini automatic separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Another MCO will kill more businesses, warns SME Association. [Newspaper] (2021)

SMEs in Malaysia: A growth tonic to economy? [Newspaper] (2016)

Topsy turvy year for SMEs. [Newspaper] (2020)

Economic Growth

Education, entrepreneurship and economic growth: evidence from Malaysia. In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010. (2010)

Economic Transformation Programme

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad: retail and wholesale hypermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Economic aspect

Khalid, Khairul Anuar Istilah-istilah perniagaan di dalam islam. Prima Iklan Sdn Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789834465902 (2009)

Economic conditions

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang cina: the bamboo network. PTS Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9833376924 (2006)

Economic development

Innovation, aid continue to spark our entrepreneurship spirit. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Economic growth

Malaysia a true entrepreneurial nation by 2030. [Newspaper] (2019)

Economic stimulus package

SME Go. [Website] (2015)


Entrepreneurship in Malaysia: advantages, current issues, entrepreneurial education, and social entrepreneurship. [Website]


The mediating role of entrepreneurship education on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurship intention. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 2. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Being enterprising on campus. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2018)

Education Service

Tadika Didik Murni: kindergarten service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Education and Skills

Covic-19: MARA sedia Live Biz Talk untuk tingkat ilmu keusahawanan. Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Education hub

Predictors of entrepreneurial intention among youths in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 26 (T): 2. 19 -30. ISSN 0128-7702 (2018)


Gamers Youth: application development. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Development of rural herbal entrepreneurship in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8 (18). pp. 95-100. ISSN 1833-8119 (2013)


Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)


Diamond shine laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Warisan Enterprise Sdn Bhd: salt eggs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ayer Keroh, Alor Gajah dan Jasin bakal dibangunkan bagi pelancongan berasaskan eko, agro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Eko pelancongan

Keupayaan komuniti orang asli suku kaum seletar di Johor Bahru melalui keusahawanan berasaskan pelancongan. International Journal of Social Science Research, 1 (2). pp. 9-22. ISSN 2710-6276 (2019)


Kerajaan fokus bantu usahawan bumiputera untuk seimbangkan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ekonomi Bumiputera

Majlis kemakmuran bumiputera platform perkasa ekonomi bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ekonomi Kreatif

Memperkasa program keusahawanan seni kreatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ekonomi digital

Bantu usahawan belia di Belaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ekonomi umat Islam

Raja Muda Perlis gesa golongan muda ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2013)

Ekosistem perdagangan

Ketengah jenama PKS Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ekspedisi madu lebah

Pencarian madu tualang. [Video] (2019)


Kawasan di Sungai Anak berpotensi bangunkan tanaman rumbia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Eksport Malaysia

Ketengah jenama PKS Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Eksport durian beku

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 7 - Dulai Fruits Enterprise Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Electric Car

Aeromyt Motor Sdn Bhd: producing smart electric car. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electric Powered Lawn Mower

J-Tech Sdn Bhd: electric powered lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electric motor

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electrical Business

YUQY Electronic Sdn Bhd: vacuum cleaner (vaclower). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electrical and mechanical component

Training kit (electrical and pneumatic knowledge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electrical wiring

Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electro-adhesive energy

Smart adhesive board blueprint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electromagnet sensor

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electronic Commerce

TMC lahirkan usahawan digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Electronic product

Sharp Corporation: single-serve blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electronic vest

Huckleberry Empire: oriental electronic taekwondo vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eliminate fatigue

Electric pulse massage pad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


3S the art of embroidering: supplying and selling embroidery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Embun Haircare & Co.

Embun Haircare & Co.: straightening comb with digital LCD display scalp moisture analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Emerging Markets

Khalid, Khairul Anuar Istilah-istilah perniagaan di dalam islam. Prima Iklan Sdn Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789834465902 (2009)

Employment conditions

Annual report 2010/2011 SME Corporation Malaysia. Other. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2011)

Annual report 2011/2012 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Annual report 2012/2013 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2013)

Annual report 2013/2014 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2014)

Annual report 2014/2015 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2015)

Annual report 2015/2016 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2016)

Annual report 2017/2018 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2018)


What makes a woman an entrepreneur? In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010, SP Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.. (2010)

Energy consumption

Karrielectro Sdn Bhd: Tesla coil wireless electricity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Engineering services

JGE Engineering Sdn Bhd: turnkey engineering solution. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Engraving services

Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Industri tanaman nanas komersial. [Video] (2020)

Niaga awani: bagaimana keperluan usahawan dipenuhi. [Video] (2020)

6teens Company: ambuyat crackers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)


Rancangan perniagaan. Working Paper. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Z&Z Niaga: various sauces (Sos Ummi). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Case Study: Econsave Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bellissima Hijab Prima Enterprise: headscarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sunbrella Enterprise: easy-to-use umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agenda AWANI: Ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangit semula. [Video] (2020)

Anda seorang usahawan Bumiputera? [Video] (2019)

Berita perdana: majukan industri kelulut di Sabah - KPLB sedia RM870,000 untuk pengusaha. [Video] (2020)

Biz Malaysia: perusahaan madu kelulut sarawak. [Video] (2016)

Cabaran yang dihadapi di kalangan usahawan AIM di Daerah Tuaran: Pusat Nurul Bakti. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Proceedings of International Conference on Economics 2017. 2017 ed. International Conference on Economics . Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, pp. 470-479. ISBN 9789670521992 (2017)

Cara tanam strawberry hidroponik sistem dutch bucket. [Video] (2020)

Digital Marketing Training - Kursus Pemasaran Digital @ Sabak Sentral. [Video] (2020)

FAMA DZA – OOhhaaa,Gula Apong Lubok Nibong. [Video] (2020)

Felda Taib Andak bakal dijadikan hab pengeluaran madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Geran Pembangunan Usahawan tambah inisiatif baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) - Ramly Burger & MHP Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 10 - Jeruk Madu Pak Ali & Chin Fook Keong. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 22 - Bismi Cergas & Thiha Dhuha Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 10 - Hacks (M) Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 2 - APS Manja Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 4 - Teong Choon Poultry Farm Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 5 - ternakan Kamran Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 6 - Capital Route Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 7 - Dulai Fruits Enterprise Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep.1 - ZS Armin Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro ternakan ikan sangkar membawa hasil lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro: jutawan budu & durian sejuk beku. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: mula secara kecil-kecilan, kunci kejayaan. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: potensi strawberi & ayam kacuk kampung. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: sumber hasil lumayan greenhouse. [Video] (2019)

Industri madu kelulut berpotensi besar dimajukan di Sarawak - Shabery. [Newspaper] (2016)

Inisiatif rakan digital bantu peniaga lonjak perniagaan. [Video] (2021)

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan dan perniagaan fokus utama dalam pembangunan belia Sabah. [Video] (2015)

Kisah kejayaan alumni UTHM - kenali potensi diri, bina empayar perniagaan sendiri (MHO COMPUTER). [Video] (2020)

Maklumat pembangunan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA). Project Report. Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelarasan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah, Kedah. (2018)

Mengurus perniagaan. [Website]

Muslim Food Industries (MFI). [Video] (2019)

#NadiSarawak​: madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Nak Jadi Usahawan Tapi Tiada Ilmu Keusahawanan?? 5 Agensi Ini Boleh Memberi Latihan Keusahawanan Buat Anda. [Website] (In Press)

PKP: Usahawan mulai positif, ubah strategi perniagaan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)

PKS diseru ceburi perniagaan secara digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pakej ransangan ekonomi amanah ikhtiar & koop sahabat. [Video] (2020)

Pemulihan ekonomi, inisiatif mengangkat usahawan, produk tempatan. [Video] (2020)

Penerimaan produk bumiputera di hypermarket. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-4844 (2010)

Pengusaha madu kelulut MARDI - Nona TV3. [Video] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut jana hingga RM1,500 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Profil usahawan tani bimbingan Jabatan Pertanian. Documentation. Jabatan Pertanian, Kedah. (2009)

Rezeki Ternakan 'BOS TAURUS': Haji Fadzel Ahmad. [Video] (2019)

SME: madu kelulut jana pendapatan suri rumah. [Video] (2018)

SUPERB 2020: mengajak usahawan bumiputera mencari idea perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Sektor perikanan di Malaysia. [Video] (2020)

Tanam: madu kelulut Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Teknology Park Malaysia menguatkan kemahiran usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Ternak landak untung ribuan ringgit. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan Arnab- ProduK Pelancongan Baharu Sabah. [Video] (2017)

Usahawan Sabah lonjak prestasi perniagaan melalui program IBC dan BEP 46. [Newspaper] (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan Sabah terus berinovasi: naget ubi kayu. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan bimbingan MARDI. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan durian tanpa kulit bagi kepuasan pelanggan. [Video] (2019)

Wasiyyah tawar peluang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ziq Bakery Membawa Seni Kek dalam Keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Electric Coconut Scraper Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Hasim Enterprise’s: furniture store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NZAA Trading: CK Mac Milling Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

clip tower mini air cooler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

FlyFlow Pump: budu pump booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Mokku Ani Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Happy Sdn Bhd: self-therapy hair comb. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The mediating role of entrepreneurship education on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurship intention. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 2. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Haura Medic Healthcare: back pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaki, Ismail Formula usahawan berjaya. Utusan Publication, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789676124739 (2011)

S. F. Zas Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Watering Flowerpot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aqua Blue Village Company: breeding the river fishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

SME: usahawan tempe, jana pendapatan ratusan ribu ringgit. [Video] (2018)

Azman, Manap 12 Tip Usahawan Berjaya Tanpa Modal. True Wealth Publishing, Selangor. ISBN 9789674160005 (2012)

PKP: Pelajar tekad kembangkan perniagaan ketupat palas sejuk beku. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan Media: kerjaya kewartawanan masa hadapan. Dewan Masyarakat (2). pp. 53-56. ISSN 0419-0386 (2020)

KPLB akan terus bantu pengusaha madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Strikers United Sdn Bhd: Indoor futsal service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Rest Well Sdn Bhd: multi-function cushion. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

D’Roi F&B Industries: instant paste and “Bawang Goreng”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Easy Track Enterprise: smart tracker devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GHN Sdn Bhd: green hiking nature jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pelan pemulihan bantu PKS, usahawan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Zaileha Milk Industry: milk and dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Farhana Repel Sdn Bhd: fly away portable fly repellent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Warung Kita: traditional foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dee’s Whiteboard Company: automatic whiteboard cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Tech Enterprise: semi auto trash can compactor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Kajian pembangunan untuk meningkatkan keusahawanan wanita luar bandar di Sabah, Malaysia. Project Report. KRI International Corp., Sabah. (2004)

The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on agro-entrepreneurship education among graduates. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, 14: 62. pp. 343-347. ISSN 2010-4626 (2011)

Swift De’Velvet: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DMM Enterprise: the smart purse. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

POSH: self-stirring and non-tippable mug (THATmug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Produk kerepek dari Banting masyhur. [Newspaper] (2020)

Thelima Printing: garment printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bimbing usahawan NBME. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lily Sdn Bhd: manufacturer of customized umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lolly Brully company: hands-free umbrella (nobrella). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KR Enterprise: fermented anchovies (budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SM Specialist: burger vending machine (Burger ATM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peaceza Cafe: a restaurant or café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rozeriya Enterprise: frozen food and beverage (F&B). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YUQY Electronic Sdn Bhd: vacuum cleaner (vaclower). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nordin Batik & Craft Co. Ltd: manufacture and distributes traditional batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FauNas Enterprise: smart compose machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AMOIZ Enterprise: rechargeable massage pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Z&Z Niaga: various sauces (Sos Ummi). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keluar dari kaedah konvensional, ketahui insentif untuk transformasi perniagaan anda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ingenious.Ly Sdn Bhd: honey sleek pump. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

MEDAC tawar konsultasi percuma kepada usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)

Case Study: Econsave Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Travel Company: easy smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The nestle' annual review 2019. Other. NESTLÉ (MALAYSIA) BERHAD, Selangor. (2019)

NSB Global Enterprise: travelling appliance techno product (TF Luggage). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

44 usahawan KADA terima bantuan niaga. [Newspaper] (2016)

Sendayan Biru: "pasarman" sedia berkhidmat. Dewan Ekonomi (11). pp. 55-57. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Kajian faktor penglibatan belia dalam keusahawanan. In: 3rd International Conference of Management and Muamalah 2016. 3 ed. International Conference of Management and Muamalah . Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Kajang, pp. 172-181. ISBN 9789670850610 (2016)

Tiny Winy: usaha sama jurufoto muda. Dewan Ekonomi (3). ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

ZH Collection persefahaman kukuhkan perniagaan. Dewan Ekonomi (2). pp. 62-63. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

The main idea behind social entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternak kelulut sumber pendapatan menguntungkan di pedalaman Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Efforts to make 100 young entrepreneurs yearly in Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Bellissima Hijab Prima Enterprise: headscarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izara Cookies Sdn Bhd: chocolate chip cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drying rack pulley system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

SaRose Sdn Bhd: automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heatho Enterprise: canting heat pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

20,000 graduan terima manfaat KPT-CAP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Coconut flesh remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Ecorack Enterprise: Pallet Rice For Fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hello Meow Cat Shop: pet shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Cartsmarter Enterprise Sdn Bhd: shopping cart (GPSCart). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

AA Pharmacy: electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre: auto focus glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Ternak kelulut bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Association praised for grooming Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agroponics farming may be included in small industry programme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Tuaran berpotensi kembangkan industri madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Samsonite International S.A: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Perception towards factors that affect the effectiveness of an entrepreneurship training program. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 4 (1). pp. 50-58. ISSN 2289-8298 (2016)

AG Enterprise: multifunctional toaster (Yummy Toaster). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Zhyper Sdn Bhd: Hyper Grabber tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Faktor -faktor yang mempengaruhi kejayaan usahawan bumiputera di Kuala Rompin, Pahang. Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 0128-3189 (2019)

COVID-19: TEKUN Nasional jadi pemudah cara permohonan CBRM. [Newspaper] (2020)

Iswan Samat Bukti Kejayaan Bidang TVET. Dewan Ekonomi, 6. pp. 60-61. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Entrepreneur Education

Kajian faktor penglibatan belia dalam keusahawanan. In: 3rd International Conference of Management and Muamalah 2016. 3 ed. International Conference of Management and Muamalah . Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Kajang, pp. 172-181. ISBN 9789670850610 (2016)

Entrepreneur Grant

Geran Pembangunan Usahawan tambah inisiatif baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneur Incubator

UMP nurtures the culture of entrepreneurship among staff and students. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneur Programme

Mengurus perniagaan. [Website]

Entrepreneur Programs

Digital Marketing Training - Kursus Pemasaran Digital @ Sabak Sentral. [Video] (2020)

Entrepreneur program

RM5 million allocated for ‘Anjung Usahawan Kabong’ — Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneur programme

Public urged to support micro-entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneur programmer

Agenda AWANI: Ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangit semula. [Video] (2020)

Entrepreneur world

Lady's Cupcakes: varieties of cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian youth. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2 (5). pp. 33-48. ISSN 0128-1844 (2017)

Students urged to be entrepreneurial. [Newspaper] (2015)

Entrepreneurial Attitudes

Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Behaviour among Undergraduate Students in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Economics and Business, 2 (4): 22. pp. 1064-1072. ISSN 2615-3726 (2019)

Entrepreneurial Competence

Level of Entrepreneurship Competence and Readiness Among Medical Students in A Private University in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 8 (1). pp. 85-94. ISSN 2289-8298 (2020)

Entrepreneurial Competencies

The influence of financial service factors on entrepreneurial competencies and business success among women entrepreneurs: a case study of Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 7. pp. 72-89. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Entrepreneurial Intention

Personal capabilities and social factor towards entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence of science and technology undergraduate students. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

The study of UiTM graduates' entrepreneurial intentions. The 8th SMEs in a Global Economy Conference 2011. pp. 1-15. (Unpublished) (2011)

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Entrepreneurial leadership: shooting for the stars. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 3. pp. 10-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Entrepreneurial Orientation

Linking two demensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: the moderating effect of government’s role. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

Entrepreneurial Products

20 SME products to be showcased at S’kan event. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneurial Readiness

Level of Entrepreneurship Competence and Readiness Among Medical Students in A Private University in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 8 (1). pp. 85-94. ISSN 2289-8298 (2020)

Entrepreneurial Teacher

The effect of entrepreneurship management in research and development in the Engineering Faculty in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 4. pp. 36-44. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Entrepreneurial Traits

Balung Emas Enterprise: broiler chicken suppliers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Entrepreneurial acculturation

Entrepreneurship behaviour amongst Malaysian university students. Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 18 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0128-7702 (2010)

Entrepreneurial behaviour, cognitive dimension

Entrepreneurship behaviour amongst Malaysian university students. Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 18 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0128-7702 (2010)

Entrepreneurial competencies

Keupayaan Usahawan Bumiputera Melaksanakan Kemahiran Keusahawanan: Satu Kajian Kes. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 12 (1). pp. 61-70. ISSN 0128-7702 (2004)

Entrepreneurial ecosystem

UMP nurtures the culture of entrepreneurship among staff and students. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneurial inclination

Assessment of entrepreneurial inclination among the seaweed operator at Semporna, Sabah using EAO model. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (1). pp. 57-66. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

The study of UiTM graduates' entrepreneurial intentions. The 8th SMEs in a Global Economy Conference 2011. pp. 1-15. (Unpublished) (2011)

Entrepreneurial intention

Factors that influence UiTM’s undergraduates towards entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Education and Research, 1 (11): 37. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2411-5681 (2013)

A study of entrepreneurial intention among accounting students: a case of UiTM Kedah and UiTM Perlis. Project Report. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished) (2010)

Entrepreneurial leadership

Entrepreneurial leadership, performance, and sustainability of micro-enterprises in Malaysia. Sustainability in SMEs, 10 (5). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2071-1050 (2018)

Entrepreneurial orientation

Entrepreneurial orientation towards business performance: a study on Tunas Mekar participants. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 3. pp. 25-35. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance: a study of technology-based SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 130. pp. 46-53. ISSN 1877-0428 (2014)

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Effectiveness of Small and Medium Agro-Based Enterprises(SMAEs) in Malaysia – Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Network Strategies. Gading Business and Management Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0128-5599 (2007)

The orientation of handicraft entrepreneurs in Sabah: Their personality characteristics and motivations. In: 2nd Asean Entrepreneurship Conference 2014, 17 May 2014, Shangri – La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang. (Unpublished) (2014)

The effect of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on takaful agency’s business performance in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45: 12. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)

Entrepreneurial risk

Hoping for a new dawn: a printing business. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 7. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Entrepreneurial self-efficacy

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of students at UiTM Sarawak. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Entrepreneurial success

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejayaan Usahawan Wanita Tekun: satu kajian di Daerah Hulu Langat. In: Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2017 (ICoMM 2017). 4th ed. International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2017 . Faculty of Management and Muamalah, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), pp. 398-407. ISBN 9789672122159 (2017)

Entrepreneurial training

Tekun to help 25,000 micro entrepreneurs this year: Chairman. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneurial training programme

Buy Malaysian Product campaign helps SMEs during Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurial traits

Ciri-ciri keusahawanan dalam kalangan guru pelatih. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 17. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2600-9021 (2014)

Entrepreneurialism, Graduates

Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)


17% PKS dijangka pulih dalam tempoh 3 bulan. [Video] (2020)

AGORA Agropreneur muda MARDI lahirkan ushawan berfikiran kreatif. Pusat Komunikasi Korporat & Kualiti, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Dari kosong kini ahli perniagaan wanita berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Festival Makanan Halal Malaysia-Thailand: peluang usahawan IKS ketengah produk. [Video] (2018)

Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

IPT digesa lahirkan banyak graduan mencipta, bukan hanya pencari kerja. [Newspaper] (2019)

Intellectual discourse: Memperkasa usahawan Agromakanan melalui teknologi MARDI. Pusat Promosi dan Pembangunan Perniagaan MARDI, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2017)

Jangan lokek ilmu – Fatimah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jualan kredit? apa tu? [Phamplet] (Unpublished)

Kerjasama Bernama Radio, ManisFM bakal mantapkan usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Keusahawanan negara ditingkat hadapi keadaan tak menentu: Tun M. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keusahawanan sosial bukan hanya sasar keuntungan. [Video] (2020)

MAHB perkasa aktiviti peruncit Bumiputera di lapangan terbang. [Newspaper] (2020)

MARA Agensi pelaksana RBO@KPLB bantu promosi produk usahawan. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Mercu aspirasi keusahawan Bumiputera tawar transaksi aplikasi e-Wallet. [Website] (2019)

New policy to drive entrepreneurs. New Straits Times. (2019)

PKNS gilap potensi usahawan pelajar. [Video] (2018)

PKS dan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2020)

PKS perlu laksana pendigitalan sebagai pola pemikiran. [Newspaper] (2018)

Panggilan talian pusat sehenti keusahawanan melonjak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penjana-Manfaat diterima usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Peranan UDA pastikan keusahawanan antara agenda utama negara-Wan Junaidi. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Permohonan BRF bagi syarikat Bumiputera terjejas COVID-19 kini dibuka-Noh Omar. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Program YPGO usaha SSM pupuk minat belia ceburi perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Remaja Istimewa MRSM jual roti bantu ibu. [Website] (Unpublished) (2020)

SME Corp sasar 12,000 usahawan belia melalui TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Sarawakian entrepreneurs encouraged to do business in the new way. [Newspaper] (2020)

Soalan lazim Bumiputera Relief Financing (BRF) Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad Bil. 1/2020. Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan OKU dan usahawan bergerak (Mobilepreneur). [Video] (2016)

Usahawan muda pulihkan kandang terbiar, kini berjaya. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan serunding kembangkan perniagaan walau dalam tempoh PKP. [Video] (2020)

program pembangunan usahawan ‘entrepreneur ECER-SIRIM’. [Video] (2018)

Buy Malaysia bantu usahawan tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ab. Wahab, Ismail Penyediaan rekod kewangan perniagaan kecil & sederhana. Keusahawanan Malaysia . Prentice-Hall (M) Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya. ISBN 983247373X (2002)

Jutawan ternakan tumpah ilmu kepada anak muda. [Newspaper] (2016)

Bisnes dalam talian lumayan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Bliss Wedding Gallery: boutique & wedding services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Prasarana promosi percuma peniaga kecil di stesen bas, rel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faktor kritikal kejayaan usahawan dalam perniagaan. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7 (1): 5020. pp. 34-45. ISSN 1823-884x (2012)

12,000 serbu Festival Keusahawanan UiTM 2019. [Newspaper] (2019)

MEDAC sedia inisiatif keusahawanan kepada graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Konsortium My Iqra Solutions (K-MiSs): honey bee product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Latihan keusahawanan buat 50,000 graduan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Perbadanan Putrajaya lahirkan ramai usahawan kraftangan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dua program baharu bantu PKS berkembang. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Corp perkukuh jangkauan digital PKS. [Newspaper] (2019)

Shell Malaysia bantu perkasa PKS tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

92.1% usahawan susah. [Newspaper] (2020)

ETC pusat sehenti bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Wow! 66 program utama luar bandar catat kejayaan 95 peratus. [Newspaper] (2019)

SME: usahawan OKU jana pendapatan ribuan ringgit melalui bakeri. [Video] (2018)

DHause e-commerce platform helps local businesses thrive. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ambil peluang tambah pendapatan dalam tempoh sukar: usahawan MARA. eWarta MARA. (2020)

"Dahulu saya jurutera, kini saya seorang usahawan"-Usahawan MARA. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

PERTUNAS harap RM1 bilion untuk usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Desamall platform usahawan luar bandar pasar produk. Utusan Borneo Online. (2020)

Pelitup muka bersulam hasil kreativiti Suraya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mara tawar pembangunan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lahir usahawan produktif. [Newspaper] (2015)

Pelbagai inisiatif tingkat jumlah usahawan graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peruntukan RM20 juta laksanakan TUBE tahun depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan luar bandar perlu ada inisiatif sendiri pastikan perniagaan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Nira Kita Enterprise: nira nipa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

20 SME products to be showcased at S’kan event. [Newspaper] (2019)

Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)

Program SDSI sasar potensi jualan RM20 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

PKS sumbang 41 peratus KDNK tahun depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kejayaan usahawan melayu Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di negeri Melaka. Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2). pp. 10-21. ISSN 0128-3189 (2019)

Jelajah Agropreneur Muda usaha MOA dekati usahawan Sabah. Utusan Borneo Online. (2019)

Kolong hidupkan semangat usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2018)

RM30 Juta Bantu Usahawan PKS Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2020)

10,000 peniaga di jangka sertai platform Alibaba. [Newspaper] (2017)

INSKEN komited memperkasa usahawan tempatan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Peruntukan bantu graduan ceburi pertanian akan disedia dalam belanjawan negeri. Borneo Today. (2019)

Madu kelulut sumber vitamin c semulajadi terbaik cegah COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan siswa. [Newspaper] (2018)

Buy Malaysian Product campaign helps SMEs during Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

211 usahawan sertai U-Boleh. [Newspaper] (2018)

1,2,3 Pancake Enterprise: pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Iktiraf usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kampung Pilah Tengah hab usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Hasil madu kelulut hingga 10 kg sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

PKS perlu bantuan kemudahan kewangan faedah rendah. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu miliki pengetahuan IT. [Newspaper] (2019)

Malay enterpreneurs urged to seize digital economic revolution. [Newspaper] (2018)

Entrepreneurs financing schemes

Tekun to help 25,000 micro entrepreneurs this year: Chairman. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneurs knowledge

Bumi entrepreneurs attend business talk. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurs product

100 entrepreneurs showcase products at SME Week. [Newspaper] (2019)

Entrepreneurs programme

150 participate in entrepreneurship programme. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tekun to help 25,000 micro entrepreneurs this year: Chairman. [Newspaper] (2019)

100 entrepreneurs showcase products at SME Week. [Newspaper] (2019)


NFCP mampu bawa usahawan PKS keluar 'kepompong'. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sunbrella Enterprise: easy-to-use umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

1,800 usahawan PKS sertai Kempen Beli Barangan Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

20,000 pengusaha Bumiputera raih manfaat PENJANA. [Newspaper] (2020)

22 social enterprises receive government accreditation to boost procurement opportunities for business expansion. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

The 25TH Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Small and Medium Enterprises Ministerial Meeting (SMEMM). [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Absolut Chocolat: Dari pondok rehat ke kilang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Agenda AWANI: Ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangit semula. [Video] (2020)

Agenda AWANI: sektor keusahawanan, kuasa ekonomi baharu. [Video] (2019)

Aleeya cetus beli barang bayar secara ansuran dek situasi pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Amnelife perkenal minuman tambahan Walid Supreme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Annual report 2010/2011 SME Corporation Malaysia. Other. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2011)

Annual report 2011/2012 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Annual report 2012/2013 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2013)

Annual report 2013/2014 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2014)

Annual report 2014/2015 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2015)

Annual report 2015/2016 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2016)

Annual report 2017/2018 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2018)

Aroma Kopi Saigon. [Newspaper] (2021)

AsasiMall lancar jualan Superwomen. [Newspaper] (2020)

BIZ Malaysia - kebun pisang. [Video] (2017)

BabyLoves enterprise: Baby Loves Chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2018)

Bagaimana hendak jadi usahawan digital? [Video] (2020)

Bekas pramugari kini miliki Blossom Scarves. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belanjawan 2020: landasan ke arah pencapaian sumbangan PKS dalam peningkatan ekonomi negara menjelang 2030. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Biz Malaysia - Usahawan Rempah. [Video] (2017)

'Buy Muslim Products' campaign not wrong, says minister. [Newspaper] (2019)

CIMB, Shopmatic bantu PKS wujudkan perniagaan dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

COVID-19: PKS perlu bijak cari peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Cara tanam strawberry hidroponik sistem dutch bucket. [Video] (2020)

Dana khas RM15j buat syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dana tambahan RM4.5 bilion untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

Desire Food buka dua premis makanan di Nu Sentral. [Newspaper] (2019)

Digital Marketing Training - Kursus Pemasaran Digital @ Sabak Sentral. [Video] (2020)

Ejekan kuatkan tekad usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneur Development Ministry wants to minimise bureaucracy to propel SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurship in Malaysia: advantages, current issues, entrepreneurial education, and social entrepreneurship. [Website]

FAMA DZA – OOhhaaa,Gula Apong Lubok Nibong. [Video] (2020)

FAMA masih relevan bantu usahawan pasar keluaran. [Video] (2018)

FoodLab open to collaboration with foodpreneurs for stronger brand presence. [Newspaper] (2021)

Galak siswazah berniaga. [Newspaper] (2013)

Generasi muda disaran ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2014)

Govt prioritising entrepreneur and cooperative recovery plan. [Newspaper] (2020)

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A Guidebook on SME initiatives. Guidebook on SME initiatives . National SME Development Council (NSDC), Kuala Lumpur. (2019)

Hafsah Hashim Speaks. Documentation. SME Corporation Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Halatuju baharu pembangunan PKS negara. [Video] (2018)

Hydro Coco diedar percuma kepada penerima vaksin. [Newspaper] (2021)

IKM anjur program turun padang ke arah kemakmuran bersama-jelajah 20 lokasi. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

INSKEN bantu usahawan tingkatkan pendapatan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

INSKEN business coaching – lonjakan pendapatan 288 usahawan, cipta 251 peluang pekerjaan baharu. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

INSKEN business outreach- jelajah 8 negeri untuk bantu usahawan jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) - Ramly Burger & MHP Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 10 - Jeruk Madu Pak Ali & Chin Fook Keong. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 22 - Bismi Cergas & Thiha Dhuha Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 10 - Hacks (M) Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 2 - APS Manja Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 4 - Teong Choon Poultry Farm Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 5 - ternakan Kamran Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 6 - Capital Route Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 7 - Dulai Fruits Enterprise Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep.1 - ZS Armin Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro ternakan ikan sangkar membawa hasil lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Ikon Agro: jutawan budu & durian sejuk beku. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: mula secara kecil-kecilan, kunci kejayaan. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: potensi strawberi & ayam kacuk kampung. [Video] (2018)

Ikon Agro: sumber hasil lumayan greenhouse. [Video] (2019)

Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Industri perniagaan bantu lonjak ekonomi negara. [Newspaper] (2020)

JM Bariani House sasar pendapatan meningkat RM100 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jana ekonomi negara dengan melahirkan ramai usahawan. [Video] (2016)

Jiwa SME+: RM200 terpaksa dipinjam, berkat usaha, kini usahawan. [Video] (2019)

Jual 10,000 B-Jaga sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Juruteknik jadi penternak kambing berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

KBS rangka pelan strategik - galak belia teroka keusahawanan sosial. [Video] (2018)

Karnival usahawan TEKUN Nasional dibanjiri 2,000 usahawan dan pengunjung. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Kempen beli barangan Malaysia catat jualan RM3.1 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kenyataan Media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: Majlis Perasmian Transformasi Keusahawanan Koperasi Sekolah Zon Selatan Tahun 2020. Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia, Melaka. (In Press) (2020)

Kenyataan Media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: Memperkasa TEKUN Nasional Demi Membela Usahawan Akar Umbi Di Negeri Sarawak. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (In Press) (2020)

Kenyataan Media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: Pakej Prihatin PKS. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Kenyataan Media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: TEKUN Mobilepreneur. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Kenyataan media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: Kerajaan Prihatin Melalui Inisiatif Tambahan Bagi Terus Memacu Gerakan Koperasi Dalam Menangani Impak Penularan COVID19. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Kenyataan media menteri pembangunan usahawan dan koperasi: kerajaan komited membantu gerakan koperasi dalam mendepani impak penularan COVID19. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Kenyataan media menteri pembangunan usahawan dan koperasi: kerajaan prihatin dan komited membantu Perusahaan Kecil Dan Sederhana (PKS), Perusahaan Mikro Dan Koperasi dalam mendepani impak penularan COVID19. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Kerajaan komited bantu wanita berjaya dalam keusahawanan-Najib. [Newspaper] (2015)

Kerjasama UFORA, Kilafairy bantu golongan terkesan pandemik COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keusahawanan Zetty bangunkan jenama Sirruhu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan Zetty bangunkan jenama Sirruhu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan sosial & kelestarian ekonomi. [Video] (2015)

Kisah kejayaan alumni UTHM - kenali potensi diri, bina empayar perniagaan sendiri (MHO COMPUTER). [Video] (2020)

Kolaborasi strategik MED-MTDC bantu usahawan dalam I4.0 accelerator programme. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Koras tinjau pasaran Singapura, Indonesia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kumpulan Hijrah buktikan kemampuan teknologi tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lahir lebih banyak PKS industri halal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Laman usahawan jadi platform ibu tunggal. [Newspaper] (2016)

Lancar dua program, bukti Medac komited dalam pembangunan PKS. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Lebih ramai wanita dalam bidang keusahawanan menjelang 2020. [Newspaper] (2018)

MED komited memacu perkembangan PKS negara. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

MEDAC Percepat Tempoh Proses Permohonan Untuk Bantu Usahawan. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

MR D.I.Y terima anugerah kepimpinan pasaran perkakas rumah runcit Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malaysia a true entrepreneurial nation by 2030. [Newspaper] (2019)

Manfaat MSME sertai e-dagang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Muslim Food Industries (MFI). [Video] (2019)

Nak Jadi Usahawan Tapi Tiada Ilmu Keusahawanan?? 5 Agensi Ini Boleh Memberi Latihan Keusahawanan Buat Anda. [Website] (In Press)

Nasi bungkuih RM5. [Newspaper] (2021)

Normal Baharu: bagaimana usahawan dapat memanfaat skim PENJANA. [Video] (2020)

PFS 2021 galak siswazah ceburi perniagaan francais. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKS diseru ceburi perniagaan secara digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu radikal tingkat teknologi digitaL. [Newspaper] (2020)

PMKS catat rugi RM40.7 bilion tahun lalu. [Newspaper] (2021)

PNS anjur program usahawan di Lawas. [Newspaper] (2016)

PNS mahu 300 usahawan sertai BIT tahun ini. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2016)

PRIHATIN melegakan PKS, usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUNB seeks higher allocation to help entrepreneurs. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Pembangunan keusahawanan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Tahunan PKS 2015/16. SME Corporation Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 116-123. (2016)

Pemerkasaan keusahawanan melalui integrasi kurikulum IPT. [Video] (2021)

Penglibatan koperasi dalam program Satu Daerah Satu Industri (SDSI) zon Sabah/Sarawak berjaya catat potensi jualan lebih RM5 juta. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Penipuan pelaburan perniagaan. [Phamplet] (Unpublished)

Penjenamaan semula Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan kepada Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Penternakan ikan laut sangkar, Mohd Nazri usahawan berjaya di Tanjung Piandang. [Video] (2020)

Penternakan udang kara air tawar raih pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2018)

Permohonan secara atas talian (Online) diwujudkan untuk skim Pembiayaan Pemulihan Perniagaan Sektor Mikro (CBRM) yang terjejas akibat Covid-19. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Pisang berangan - dapat permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2017)

Program Malaysia Street 2020 sempena Tokyo 2020 siri program: Taste of Malaysia 2020 (ToM 2020), 31 Januari 2020 Tokyo, Japan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Program keusahawanan digital e-Usahawan Young Heroes KBS-MDEC 2019. [Video] (2019)

Program keusahawanan lonjak potensi belia. [Newspaper] (2018)

Projek guarana lonjak kemahiran keusahawanan. [Video] (2015)

Projek keusahawanan sasar lahirkan 3,170 usahawan. [Video] (2020)

Pupuk budaya keusahawanan dari sekolah rendah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Pusat internet mampu lahir usahawan berdaya maju, sumbang pembangunan sosioekonomi. [Website] (2020)

Pusat sehenti pasar produk usahawan desa diwujud. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM20.17 juta TBRS dimanfaatkan 2,774 usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM5 million allocated for ‘Anjung Usahawan Kabong’ — Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Rebut peluang dalam bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Rezeki Ternakan 'BOS TAURUS': Haji Fadzel Ahmad. [Video] (2019)

Sahut cabaran hasilkan produk aiskrim mesra alam. [Newspaper] (2020)

Seminar bicara CEO - kongsi pengalaman usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Siaran media Institut Koperasi Malaysia: keusahawanan koperasi mampu tingkatkan pendapatan B40. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Siaran media: APEC YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS KICK - OFF ketengahkan potensi usahawan belia. SME Corp. Malaysia, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Siaran media: INSKEN business outreach – bongkar rahsia data pelanggan untuk bantu tingkatkan pendapatan. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Miri, Sarawak. (Unpublished) (2020)

Snek jagung Haliza Industries ke Bahrain. [Newspaper] (2018)

Starting a business in Malaysia. [Video] (2019)

Sweet taste of success. [Website]

TEKUN Mart platform mempromosikan produk usahawan Tekun. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Ternak landak untung ribuan ringgit. [Video] (2019)

Ternak lembu, tanam buah naga jana pendapatan lumayan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternakan ikan sangkar, usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Tawau. [Video] (2018)

Tersenarai dalam Forbes, kejayaan buat usahawan muda tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Arnab- ProduK Pelancongan Baharu Sabah. [Video] (2017)

Usahawan MARA perlu berani teroka pasaran baharu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan PKS, Mikro perlu teroka model perniagaan sesuai kebiasaan baharu - Wan Junaidi. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan Rempeyek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan Sabah lonjak prestasi perniagaan melalui program IBC dan BEP 46. [Newspaper] (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan durian tanpa kulit bagi kepuasan pelanggan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan wajib jadi ahli koperasi. [Newspaper] (2013)

Usahawan wanita tubuh koperasi untuk tinggkatkan ekonomi hawa. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2015)

WSF, TM pupuk juara syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2018)

Wanita inspirasiku (WINS). [Newspaper] (2019)

Yayasan Bank Rakyat mengorak langkah salur RM3.0 juta. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

kursus asas keusahawanan–permulaan penetapan minda usahawan seluruh Malaysia. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Bawa pengalaman kulinari Australia ke tanah air. [Newspaper] (2018)

Era digital bantu lonjak jenama Munira. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kreativiti, inovasi jadi asas perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Blue Ocean Swimming Pool Service Center: Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Mantap Boi Service: home appliances service and repair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deliceux Homemade Bread: homemade bread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nazirashah Enterprise: Bahulu Opah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Banding Eco Sanctuary Enterprise: outdoor activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

FNF Hash Services: hair cut service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electric Coconut Scraper Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

HM Kickers Sdn Bhd: anti odour shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hasim Enterprise’s: furniture store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LiBolt Trading: electrical appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Independence Music Centre: music instruments and tuition. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

SMART Ksafe: time-lock container. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Panasonic Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seizing the opportunity. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 6. pp. 25-28. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Masterpiece Ltd: satay grilled machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keusahawanan digital: satu paradigma baru keusahawanan. [Website] (2020)

Sina Spa: islamic spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

H.A.S.I.S Printing Shoppe: printing and stationeries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

NZAA Trading: CK Mac Milling Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

clip tower mini air cooler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Puspa Biru Bakery: cake and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Rampai Sari Sate catering: traditional food sate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocean Clean Laundry: washing clothes, dry cleaning and iron process. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Tok Janggut burger stall: asian taste burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Buddyz Islamic Collection: variety of Muslim attire. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N4M Collection: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Logicpower5: Smart Fan Chip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety Fire Protection Sdn Bhd: MEC fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Innovator: smart shoe cleaner machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uncle Bun Enterprise: bread shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flowers Bakery Enterprise: cakes and brownies with fluffy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TAFEL Enterprise: foldable study table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FlyFlow Pump: budu pump booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Smart Laundry System (SLS) Enterprise: smart card laundry system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Juicylicious Bar Enterprise: juicylicious bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mengayau Entertainment: mobile stage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JGE Engineering Sdn Bhd: turnkey engineering solution. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Huckleberry Empire: oriental electronic taekwondo vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cheecah Sdn Bhd: goacheeze powder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Annas Company: perkhidmatan dan jualan karpet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Assessing Women Entrepreneurship Program (WEP) as a Training Tool in Malaysia. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 0128-7494 (2010)

Fortune Fishing Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

Blossoms Fried Chicken: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Panda printing Shah Alam: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ni-Shar Sdn. Bhd.: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy.Co: chia seed drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tudung Kita Enterprise: cheap hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tambahan RM10 bilion beri peluang PKS terus operasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mr.Y Design: attractive packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KarSert Sdn Bhd: car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cookies and Scream: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minitrav Sdn Bhd: minitrav 4-in-1 travel iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruithiees Food Truck: fast food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keusahawanan pilihan utama mendepani pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Chendol Enterprise: Cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

DSS Enterprise: diamond sugar stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oriental Design: interior design and landscaping. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Alnaa's OE Enterprise: office equipment, stationery, and technical instrument. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Sarjana saudagar minyak wangi. [Newspaper] (2019)

Swinger's Paradise Golf Range Sdn Bhd: services and facilities to customers / golfers to practice their swings. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Smart Access Technology: smart-card. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mentari Jewellery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Sago Extract Enterprise: Sago palm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Donut Master: doughnut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ICare Enterprise: beauty and health care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warisan Enterprise Sdn Bhd: salt eggs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bliss Wedding Gallery: boutique & wedding services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

#Rasta Cafe: cafe/restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pembiayaan mikro lonjak PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Era Advertising Enterprise: Banner services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

Mokku Ani Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belle Vie' Café (Café): cakes cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QITCHEN Enterprise: Korean cakes products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CIMB MicroBizReady tingkat kemahiran usahawan B40. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2021)

7DAYS Corporation: multipurpose pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Simply Delicious: cafe serving Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TuneWow: Digi telco shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bio-Pro Sales and Service Sdn Bhd: SMART convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Queen’s Laundry: dry cleaning and laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arroz Enterprise: multi-rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pentagon Enterprise: helmet wiper & services helmet wiper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3P Organization: livestock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChicaMeds Sdn Bhd: medicine jelly balls (Melota). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

‘A’man Plantime: nursery and garden space. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix & Re Kusyen: fix and repair sofa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dak Electronics Sdn Bhd: robotic vacuum cleaner (iVacBot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Vegan: food products from fresh vegetables. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

So. Tech Food: Food Cover Using Solar Technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Swift Print Enterprise: affordable printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bekas peguam kini tauke baju sekolah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Selera Malaysia Enterprise: creative drawing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laptop stand: face tracking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go home: pet grooming services on wheel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hanami Capsule Hotel: accommodation and food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Captain Shrimp: fresh shrimp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn Bhd: door gifts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supertive Enterprise: sport and recreation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain's cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

G-Clique: food services (Sharecup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarally Sdn Bhd: laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tea-Moon Cafe: cucumber juice mix foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart organic bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PHOP Sdn Bhd: Precious House of Pancakes Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Here N There Pencil Case: innovative pencil case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Nelayan Enterprise: fresh and high-quality seafood. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Safety Sdn Bhd: fire extinguishing round. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Laundry Enterprise: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Triple A Optical Centre: eyewear products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agrotech: organic fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lean & Klean Enterprise: cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kekunang : action camera (iluca). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crunchyz Frutti: jackfruit chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digipro Sdn Bhd: scanny pro. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

University Malaya Medical Centre: online queue alert system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IDZ Fortis Sdn Bhd: the great camera vision (TGVision). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Worshippers Enterprise: skin care product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HotSandwichPort Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’OWL CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: cafe (coffee and dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hobby Store: selling radio control models. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

SBOX: a smart medicine box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Barbershop: barber shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Happy Sdn Bhd: self-therapy hair comb. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ultra-bag pack bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kukuh jenama dulu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Medac fokus tarik belia sertai pertanian moden berteknologi tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Memperkukuh jenama Lapaa. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sasar 2,000 rakan niaga MRM Perfumes. [Newspaper] (2021)

SS Enterprise: makeup set box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De’ Nada Air: airlines catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lakser Central Restaurant: laksa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IConstTab: i const tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meido Kissa Technolounge: hi-tech cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Data keusahawanan digabung pacu pertumbuhan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kerajaan sedia bantu usahawan minat berniaga di BBCC. [Newspaper] (2018)

Starduck Roasted Cafe: roasted halal duck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jade roller skin analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BROS Sdn Bhd: Refillable Water Bottles (PortXHeater). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maman Fish Sdn Bhd: cages fish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Abu Bakar, Sairdan Penyediaan rancangan perniagaan. Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia, ITM, Selangor. ISBN 9839937413 (1998)

Firqam Enterprise: traditional food in Malaysia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Azzuri communication centre: handphone and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Probiolicious company: probiotics supplement. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mumu Style Enterprise: premium modish dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alice’n Records: recording companies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Techno Software Sdn Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In N Out Chicken: chicken-based fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maxis launches eKelas Usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Voice Mind (wire-free headphones). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EzSports Enterprise: sporting equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bridal Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haura Medic Healthcare: back pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Afro's Kitchen Restaurant: Malay restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

G.Louisha Korean Sling Bag: sling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopikawan Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

i-Genius Learning Centre: private Learning Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

FamilyMart: fresh food availability. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handphone tie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan bumiputera masih takut kepada persaingan - INSKEN. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

AA Pod Systems Enterprises: manufacturing pod systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Program keusahawanan berpotensi jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan pemangkin ekonomi Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Le Fleur Enterprise: bouquet flower and indoor flowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SoleMate Company: smart sport shoes (Insole). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alimas Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd: plastic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Siswa bistari : setapak ke dunia keusahawanan. Jurnal Akademik UiTM Johor. ISSN 1511-9300 (2007)

Keusahawanan: peranan dan sumbangan. Jurnal Akademik UiTM Johor, 5. pp. 34-49. ISSN 1511-9300 (2005)

Wujudkan lebih banyak bantuan dana. [Newspaper] (2020)

7 agensi MEDAC meterai MoU bersama PUNB majukan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

TransTech Logistic (M) Sdn Bhd: transport and service (logistic). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Epistylia Ice Cream Entreprise: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty on the go: multifunctional portable makeup booth. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wanshah Maju Enterprise: coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forest Printing Enterprise: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Patisserie: bakery shop café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

UNIQA Enterprise: footwear product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lekor Den Enterprise: Keropok Lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TheInnoward: smart aromatic atomizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAYAT GEN-TECH: go green trash bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maverick Enterprise: anti rust spray. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shoppster Trolley Sdn Bhd: Smartlock Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) smart security shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Be Space: LCD curtain display. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Troprieze: popsicle ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Culinarian Knives Pte Ltd: high quality knives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic Waste Management OBIN. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) instant coffee cubes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mienne Collection: footwear brand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A&I Production: Surprise Delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lunchbox Enterprise: Lunch Shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sidik Ahh Dessert By De' Ruin: thailand dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Royal Beauty Care: health and beauty product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Traditional Delight Sdn Bhd: serunding. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proseche Sdn Bhd: signal convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dia Sedap Sdn Bhd: frozen food products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

E4ts & Co: cafe house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Huda kitchen: various flavor of sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pilot Cafe: high-quality gourmet coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Resipi keluarga turun-temurun. [Newspaper] (2020)

Nature Tech Enterprise: germinate growing booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ahmad Zaki, Ismail Formula usahawan berjaya. Utusan Publication, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789676124739 (2011)

ProJET Car Wash: car washing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

D' Havoc Art: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aphrodite.Co: hair saloon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kawaii Collection: baby clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Encouraging entrepreneurship among the youth. Buletin Mutiara, Penang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Bibimbap Kitchen Enterprise: Korean cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh fish supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Steamboat Kitchen Choice of Sarawak: steamboat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Orga Chicken Farm: rearing and selling chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Go Travel (Borneo): travel agent company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Se7en Car Accessories: anti collision laser mark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ice in Wonderland: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aurora Cafe: Italian themed menu cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Food Box: retail space for rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

M Company: mul toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EIH platform keusahawanan, pembelajaran usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Choco Blanco Cafe: product based on white chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Alias, Adnan and Ibrahim, Mohamed Dahlan Keusahawanan Malaysia : Keusahawanan Islam. Prentice-Hall (M) Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya. ISBN 9832473691 (2002)

Ambil masa tiga tahun hasilkan TUNAS. [Newspaper] (2020)

MPKN jadikan Malaysia negara keusahawanan unggul. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKS digalak teruskan transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Gappo Trattoria tawar 30 menu Itali. [Newspaper] (2021)

PowOw Sdn Bhd: nasi impit (brassicapow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PMA Sdn Bhd: two-in-one portable pen (senpai stylo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Anthys (M) Sdn Bhd: medical products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aman Shah, Sarimah Hanim Entrepreneurship. 2nd ed. Oxford Fajar Polytechnic Series . Oxford Fajar, Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-6590-52-7 (2010)

Everyday Better Sdn Bhd: quick dry clothes rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Growth challenges of SMEs: empirical evidence in Sabah, Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

R & J accessories and decoration: flowers decoration services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WASEEF Co.: bakery (PoPieo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corny Corn Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Usahawan lebih mudah mencapai kejayaan dengan sasaran. Paradigma Johor: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 16. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Ocobot Enterprise: heated transfer knife. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech: Study Table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frocious Licious Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clevir.Co: high-quality bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rider Revolution (Workshop): a service in repairing, selling parts and servicing motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Green & Kleen Sdn Bhd: cleaning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skizo Studios: graphic design services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Diamond shine laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tornado Pizza Enterprise: foods and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Toaster Master Enterprise: multi-purpose toaster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stulicent Cafe: cyber cafe concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unique Resto: food service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NINAS & NINOS: Children Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

400 sesi latihan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Cari Modal. [Newspaper] (2012)

Cucian bergerak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inovasi baharu wangian gaharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kepek Ibu laris di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)

MARA tumpu perkasa 5 industri utama. [Newspaper] (2019)

Tingkat upaya PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kepok Tarik’s: keropok lekor in corn dog version. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S. F. Zas Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VMac Drink: vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Veil Lady Berhad: scarves (Shawl & Bawal). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yours laundry shop: laundry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bom Bom Pie Cafe: pies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Watering Flowerpot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minuet coffee: coffee shop and cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat&Eat lunch box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Manga Cafe: manga or anime concept cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Botanical Garden: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VisionTech Inc: STEON ‘21 smart iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulap Do Taakanon: traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tahap keusahawanan dalam gerakan koperasi di Malaysia. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-88. ISSN 1823-4844 (2008)

Aqua Blue Village Company: breeding the river fishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Prelove Outwear: fashion industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan OKU berjaya. [Newspaper] (2018)

Opal’s Dainties Sdn Bhd: bakery and café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Borneo Homestay: low budget homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Timorensis Deer Farm: livestock product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Undersight House: underground house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photon Solar Sdn Bhd: solar kage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Famfoodie Sdn Bhd: Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SHAZ Casings Corporation: custom smartphone cases. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartable Eco-Friendly Solar Charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bola-Bola Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The House of Desserts: desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Passion Enterprise: halal food meal preparation kits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SME: usahawan tempe, jana pendapatan ratusan ribu ringgit. [Video] (2018)

TechGen Corporation: portable air compressor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Momlurve: Malaysian-food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snowy Laundry: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

K2 Enterprise: Malay snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A sport goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Knock on wood company: foldable dining set. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mafia Donut: doughnut pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAA Company: BinBin sorting waste machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

7Days Enterprise: ready to eat food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miss Gadget-Tech Enterprise: Service And Repair Gadget. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clear View Sdn Bhd: indoor cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Chocolicious: local premium chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Enam inisiatif teras MEDAC bantu usahawan PKS, Mikro. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Flash Cycle Shop: bicycle shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd: fingerprints-secured bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Evergreen Lights Sdn Bhd: Lighting Shop & Supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

SipNsavor café: beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aziz, Khairul Afzan Toolkit usahawan junior. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426964 (2012)

D’Ace Jewellery Sdn Bhd: design and making jewellery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Haiyfa Lekor Enterprise: producing and supplying keropok lekor to the all districts in Terengganu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Drift Western Food Truck: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

QuikClimb Rock Gym: climbing gym. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Bee Mart: grocery store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Complete styler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Azman, Manap 12 Tip Usahawan Berjaya Tanpa Modal. True Wealth Publishing, Selangor. ISBN 9789674160005 (2012)

Beyond the creations: event planning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EDS-Solution enterprise: easy drawing board (EDB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3-TIVE Enterprise: smart tumbler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Master Fryer Enterprise: burger patty fryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alam Bayu Travel & Tours: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Israk optical: smart glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mug Coffee Café: coffee drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

S.B Pharmacy Sdn Bhd: a pharmacy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Sayor Kitchen: Plant-based food production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Innovation, aid continue to spark our entrepreneurship spirit. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Innovation, aid continue to spark our entrepreneurship spirit. [Newspaper] (2020)

LAh! Enterprise: sambal penyet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'4 Amigos: fresh stingless bee honey. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kueh Brother Bird Nest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GreeN@ company: high quality of printer (henna@printer). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Defood.Co: laksa corner restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berbaloi pinjam wang KWSP bapa. [Newspaper] (2018)

Langkah berani pengasas Face & Co. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pescado Enterprise: automatic fish scale remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aman Nasi Kukus Sdn Bhd: food trucks and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delish Biscotti: melted cadbury cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amin Aiskrim: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mara tawar latihan dalam talian untuk PKS, usahawan sepanjang PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Maruni Enterprise: wooden based furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Apam Balik Yihaa Sdn Bhd: apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Florist Fleur Blossom: selling rose plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Taste: seafood restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lahir 12,000 usahawan TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)

J-Tech Sdn Bhd: electric powered lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tradisi ibunda confinement services: postnatal care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Bite`z Cafe: sausage bun. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mensarjanakan usahawan PKS. Paradigma Johor : Mlaaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 12. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

D’Apprentice Bakery Cafe: a bakery with a cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Sarawak Jersey Empire: jersey shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wild & Wander Saloon Beauty Spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lifebox Delivery: groceries selling. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shop in a Box: boxes to be rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frutas Cafe: healthy foods and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fish Prime Sdn Bhd: fish balls. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LynnBizz: woman apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarjana Auto Garage: car workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pure Nature Photography Company: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of mushroom: mushroom product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

McDonald’s franchise: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Straw Hocol Tech: water filter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneka Chips: aneka kerepek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Universiti perlu pupuk budaya niaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Co&De: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DCD enterprise: multi-level hanger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Usahawan Media: kerjaya kewartawanan masa hadapan. Dewan Masyarakat (2). pp. 53-56. ISSN 0419-0386 (2020)

Green Enterprise: environmental-friendly product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pitaberry Enterprise: dragon fruit product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Artisticake: cake shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hannahonne Enterprise: print shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WiLS Sdn Bhd: ultra detector branula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ladies’ One Stop: women personal wear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loves florist: fresh floral decorations. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Entrepreneurship intention in an Open and Distance Learning(ODL) institution in Malaysia. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM), 3 (3). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4489 (2015)

booklet tax incentives SME Corp. Manual. National SME Development Council (NSDC), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

Manga Cafe: Japanese-style comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Uni Globe Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Artist Tree: doodled gift products shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo enterprise: infinite candle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Dora Enterprise: dorayaki pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Emperor Crimson Sdn Bhd: dawn wake up watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The House Of Ice Pop Enterprise: ice pop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maju Chicken Farms Enterprise: processing and selling chickens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Bang Jago Frozen Food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Sebasih: organic pesticides. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Women entrepreneurs get financial aid via Mara programme. [Newspaper] (2020)

AD’s Sister’s Sdn Bhd (Sister’s Cafe): bakery goods and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tompinai Co.: business consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3C Nursery Sdn Bhd: nursery (day-care-center). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SF Cake House: baking class. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ve' Licious Enterprise: home-made ice-cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Kurla Company: bottle in bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shazieahna's Hijab Boutique: new style and design of Hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Fork & Knife Corner: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

KPMHEP komited sokong usaha perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Penjajahan baharu Revolusi 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perkasa pendidikan keusahawanan hadapi arus IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

77 Pesto: serving pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nato Taco: food cart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Parlour: ice cream dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennium Fleas Production Sdn Bhd: a graphic house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Spring fresh enterprise: watering plant system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2018)

Smart kettle's. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Moleque Cosmetics Sdn Bhd: Make-up line. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Krabba Hut: seafood homemade burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Slice Co.: multi meat slicer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Vivlio Enterprise: product from varieties of authors. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Monde: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chillax Cafe: cyber cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zanny Scarves: women’s hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3F Homestay: fresh, friendly and fun homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hellynna Jantriline Nursery: flowering and non-flowering plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Junior Wonder Camp: friendships and social connections. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gems Patisserie Sdn Bhd: custom sweetest treats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

I See You. Inc: braille-iant cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

My Dream Cookies Group: healthy cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Workstation Design Enterprise: designing and printing T-shirt and banner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Health Hut: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hola Fresh: mini cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Anello Torta: cookies (kuih cincin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocha: cosmetic products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TreatsbyTira: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SKILLEX Sdn Bhd: laptop innovation (PORTOP). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Coconut Eclipse: homemade coconut jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baklava Dessert House: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Empayar 2 anak muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

CPH Enterprise: CPH smart dustbin pro max. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HIDEOUT Enterprise: coffee milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sneakers King Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hushi Auto Accessories: car services and selling car accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

KBBM lonjak jualan produk BB’s. [Newspaper] (2020)

Al Imprimeur Sdn Bhd: portable pocket printer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Elle Cooperation: multi-function umbrella (Parapluie). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eco-Friendly Enterprise: Eco Lego Brick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Entrepreneurship attributes that help to develop photography graduates as entrepreneurs. Idealogy Jurnal: Jurnal Seni & Budaya, 3 (3): 5. pp. 54-59. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)

Strikers United Sdn Bhd: Indoor futsal service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Facilis portable air-conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Potato Squad: jagaimo cream (creamy mashed potato). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paiola Organic Corp: organic fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smileeey Sdn Bhd: baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChocoMelt Sdn Bhd: snacks (chocojars). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Burger Terbang: food and drink services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aster Sdn Bhd: packing, distributing and selling mineral water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Daar Bakanen Enterprise: fishery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-features skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pet Butler Sdn Bhd: services and products for pets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Burook Company: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ Sdn.Bhd: smart iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semerah Padi Enterprise: rice. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seminar pengurusan sumber berasaskan komuniti semasa Covid-19 platform bicara pemantapan upaya masyarakat menghadapi norma baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd: product labelling and pricing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Konsep keusahawanan patriotik bantu harungi pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Scientex Enterprise: friendly safety bracelet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TuRest Co: luxurious, comfortable and affordable tudungs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech Sdn Bhd: Meat Smart Sensor (MSS) packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easy Scrub Brush Robot (ESBR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

eyeHelp Enterprise: iSee cane. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Much-needed injection for business growth. [Newspaper] (2021)

Choco Rash: energy bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maison: furniture and home decoration. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shoetech Corporation: Smart Detector Shoes (SDS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rest Well Sdn Bhd: multi-function cushion. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

D’Roi F&B Industries: instant paste and “Bawang Goreng”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Music Fusion Bookstore. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

EZ lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

True Eyes Sdn Bhd: artificial eyes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hype Laundry Cafe: laundry cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Program keusahawanan diperluas, bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Easy Track Enterprise: smart tracker devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baggie Art Enterprise: custom-made tote bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oldtown White Coffee Sungai Buloh: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Celebrating ASEAN’s entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)

E-Glasses: multifunction of a glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GHN Sdn Bhd: green hiking nature jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DA'HOM House of Beauty: beautician and health care consultant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Dungun Beach and Country Golf Club: resort and golf club. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gelatiamo: gelato shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S&G Burger: steamed and grilled burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Riders Marketing Sdn Bhd: motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forks & Balls Co: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wujudkan panduan peniaga baharu jadi usahawan cemerlang. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kawaii Tailor and Co: tailoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Sabah Seaweed Enterprise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Penanaman hidroponik jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

The Cookies Club: freshly baked cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

10 tip penting bina bisnes berjaya. [Newspaper] (2021)

BooKoo Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jentle Home Sdn Bhd: jentle smart towel rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Queen music production and publishing enterprise: publishing cassette and CD for the local artist. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Gorgeous Footwear: production and sales of footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Dine@3 Sdn Bhd: producing of local soup. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Keistimewaan Coffee ATM. [Newspaper] (2021)

Liplous Kiss: lip cosmetics. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Cookies: cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Optimist 5 Enterprise: X-Pro toilet brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zaileha Milk Industry: milk and dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PKS kemas kini dokumentasi permudah salur bantuan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Farhana Repel Sdn Bhd: fly away portable fly repellent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Best Cendol Cafe: cendol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sasar lahir 15,000 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Unichamp Sdn Bhd: Sports & Leisure Management Consultantcy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

H.M.F.M Boxafood Enterprise: recycle food box packaging with printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super Fancy Company: fancy remote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

94's Healthcare: medi cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skipping Rope XI. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FAMSS BAG: technology and bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

La Copa Leisure Centre: Futsal facilities cum western food business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

SNACKSIFY Enterprise: kerepek pisang sira gula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SAQATH Laundry & Cafe: wash and dine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Butik Citranggun Sdn Bhd: tailoring service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Champs Intel: automatic laptop fan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PlushieBear (A self-heating soft toy). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super socks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Assessment of entrepreneurial inclination among the seaweed operator at Semporna, Sabah using EAO model. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (1). pp. 57-66. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

Saujana Impian Nursery and Landscape: nursery and landscaping service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Paradise BookCaf: ebooks and foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rise and Shine Sdn Bhd: ezpeasy thermos water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

37,000 PKS dapat pembiayaan lebih RM15 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

The effect of entrepreneurship management in research and development in the Engineering Faculty in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 4. pp. 36-44. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Baby Touch Textile: textile and boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

House of Nails: medicure & pedicure. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd: recharging lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WALK Sdn Bhd: many types of shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Galacticos Futsal: futsal facilities and Services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Loev Beauty Academy: makeup class and consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Our Place: social space for the customers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ErgoArm Sdn Bhd: sensory monitor arm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MOMMA’S Recipe Enterprise: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bellas Artes: D.I.Y shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SHINee Car Wash Enterprise: automated car wash spa service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Carnation Sdn Bhd: raincoat bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vincci Shoes Sdn Bhd: woman shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Love Heart: supplying and manufacturing flowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Kekal kriteria usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Flowyshops: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Warung Kita: traditional foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brilliant Brainiac Home Tutoring: home tutoring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Training kit (electrical and pneumatic knowledge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MayaLense Studio Sdn Bhd: photography-oriented business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Ergonomic wheelbarrow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Syarikat Icy Cool Sdn Bhd: memasarkan ais keseluruh kawasan Shah Alam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

T - Solution Sdn Bhd: adjustable toilet bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

New Vision Healthcare and Fitness Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan, guru ternakan kelulut. [Newspaper] (2010)

Danial Enterprise Sdn Bhd: safety vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blizzard enterprise: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plus Crush Sdn Bhd: kuaci cracking machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Doc Case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Redefining critical capabilities for business performance of Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 0128-7494 (2010)

Supermatic Ltd: 3 in 1 Super Laundry Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Role model and university role towards entrepreneurship inclination. Voice of Academia (VOA), 15 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 2682-7840 (2019)

Motivation of Adidas: sports footwear, apparel and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Kenyalang Recycling Centre: recycling waste materials. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dapur Bergerak Sdn Bhd: Malaysian Foods (In-Truck Kiosk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dee’s Whiteboard Company: automatic whiteboard cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mud Crab Aquafarm: supplies the high quality of crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Fantasy Fishing Coperation: Outdoor Fresh Fish Pond Water Park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Stylize Airbrush: a new and quality airbrush design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

KK Time Square Starbucks Coffee: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Miracle Le`Company: health and care consultation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dari mat rempit ke usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Smart Group: smart window. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Sambal Shoppe: sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Millennials Diskbank: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The HoloArcade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Choco House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dapur Maja Sdn Bhd: multipurpose sambal (SomeHeat). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Cafe Sdn Bhd: Japanese milk bread and caramel coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thorn Production Sdn Bhd: production house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Aramaii Homestay: hospitality service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rainbowlicious: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purple Pearl Travel and Tours Agency: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Aqilaz Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnet shuttlecock (GX shuttlecock). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gijutsu Tech Sdn Bhd: wireless portable charger 3 in 1. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd: protein food (instant meals). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Masam Manis Dessert Enterprise: self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Life Tech: smart Oku's parking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Tale: Saloon shop for kids. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agro Homestay: farm based homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sleepy Boy: wireless charger and windshield. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Dolce Pasticcini: bombolini. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rainbow Studio: rental of music studio for jamming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Bullet Pen: single pen with multipurpose bullets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blackfisk Enterprise: fishery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AJ Sports: sport equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sasar Mee Aniq di pasar raya di Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Daddy`s cleaning service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Farm Land: goat’s milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GO-Ex Tech: all in one camping kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deli sell foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Dash: laundry with cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senorita Pool Cafe: pool games services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craft O'Borneo: Sabah handicrafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YogurBerry: yogurt ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty And Fun Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wishy Washy Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar Tech Enterprise: solar appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Miles Per Second (MPS) Express Sdn Bhd: delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Ethnic Food Sdn Bhd: Sabahan traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sate Kita Cafe: sate and nasi impit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borracho Cafe: local foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Suria Bakery & Confectionary. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Marvellous Restaurant: steamboat buffet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Optimax: sell various types of spectacle and contact lens for all level ages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Keropok Lekor Panas Meletop Enterprise: keropok lekor origanu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Taste It Enterprise: healthy fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IN D'vision Sabah "cultural ethnic heritage": food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Chicken Cube Enterprise: chicken cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mega N Enterprise: eco friendly dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BEBE Enterprise: rechargeable heater and cooler bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garfieldlicious Shoppe: snacks and chips products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sekolah Memandu Alaf: perkhidmatan kelas memandu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

MMGAmazing: marvelous massage gel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Tech Enterprise: semi auto trash can compactor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Dapur Kawah Sdn Bhd: packed instant food rendang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frosty Babes Enterprise: ice cream (iceooze). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

UMK terima geran bangunkan program keusahawanan mahasiswa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nafas.Co: Pico Paint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Botgo (FAS Sdn. Bhd): bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Icecream: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MZ printing: t-shirt and merchandise printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Watering Tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Mouse trapped. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

sugarmanisbynana: desserts products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FikryDevelop Sdn Bhd: allfit apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matrock’s Burger: foodtruck burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Global Telecommunication: alat-alat telekomunikasi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1997)

I-Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Girls Friend: special intelligent handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo local food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital steering lock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voceland Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Personal capabilities and social factor towards entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence of science and technology undergraduate students. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

R.E.D Touch Bridal Studio: providing products and services for bridal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Green Air Inc.: mini portable air conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bakebox Enterprise: baking boxes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Stayla Sdn Bhd: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jannatul Akhirah Sdn Bhd: management and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dr K Sdn Bhd: Dr K toothbrush holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

4Bites Enterprise: Oro Snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sha Lin Fashion: various design shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gemilang Enterprise: friendly pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Sandwich Shack: healthy fast foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Dasar Keusahawanan Negara akan dilancar bulan depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

GABS Motor And Services Company: motorcycle services and dealers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uaichi Scarf: woman product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De`Cookies Shop: tasty cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

180,000 usahawan bakal manfaatkan SPPP. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pernah jual 7 tan kerepek sebulan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malaque Design Sdn Bhd: multipurpose iron board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CMZ Habanero Enterprise: red savina habanero chilli. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hotel owner attributes her success to her mother. [Newspaper] (2022)

Eat & Repeat: various types of burger and fries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Idris Enterprise: sambal hitam Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nasib usahawan PKS terjamin selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

iNSPIRE: handsfree hand sanitizer (stepback germ). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Double U Enterprise: portable vibratory tumbler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Betalicious Secret Company: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vicone: partnership. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Having her sweets and eating it too. [Newspaper] (2021)

Remote kitchens gaining ground. [Newspaper] (2020)

Estilo Propio Burrito: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Factory: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaFriend Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sanny Zeal Enterprise: premium quality palm sugar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Angel Enterprise: baby store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Bubble G-Tea: bubble tea drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasfaz Enterprise: frozen pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nice company: nice self-safety alarm shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brydes do divers: commercial scuba services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)

D'Sky Blue Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd: Travel and Tours. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Cafe Bah! Sdn Bhd: special dish (nasi 7 benua with ice lemonade). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fantasia (Unforgettable Dream): wedding couple room decoration. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

RF Corporation: 360 flexible stand fan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Rinas real estate enterprise: property agents. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Techies Enterprise: Pineapple Peeler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agrochem enterprise: husk pesticides. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2016)

Miracle holdings: probiotics straw. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Glimpse at Women Entrepreneurs in Penang. Akademika : Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities, 86 (2). pp. 79-86. ISSN 0126-5008 (2016)

R3f Enterprise: Drill & Tap (renovation). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

B.O.C Enterprise: B.O.C Multipurpose Cleaner (cleaning product). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lavado enterprise: spinning hanger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hassi Enterprise: an automatic iron. [Entrepreneurship Project]

We care nursery: nursery care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yume Enterprise: Dirtbuster56 - automatic cleaning window expert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ wallpaper productions: wallpaper tiles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plastitch Tailor Enterprise: four season varsity jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nan.Co Cafe: roti nan. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Your Safety Resources: handy safety kit (Your Kahu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZMS Hipster Pomade Enterprise: variety of pomade (hair style product). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PG Arena Sdn Bhd: sportswear store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Frozen Food Enterprise: frozen fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qasey Bakery social enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BTB Hardware Enterprise: lorries rental service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EasyGo baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Epic sdn bhd: soap and detergent manufacturing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asgard Catering: cafeteria and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

4Touch studio & art enterprise: graphic design and printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Multi-function umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Projek penternakan kelulut UiTM cawangan Terengganu. Info Usahawan: Usahawan Pemacu Ekonomi Mapan, 15. p. 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2020)

A study on the relationship between student entrepreneurship intentions using theory of planned behavior of final semester diploma students at UiTM Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mahmood, Rosli and Abu Bakar, Lily Julienti and Mohd Jani, Mohamad Yusop and Bakar, Muhammad Shukri and Deraman, Norita and Zakaria, Norria and Abdullah, Syahrina and Mohd Saad, Rosli and Mustapa, Azrain Nasyrah Prinsip-prinsip asas keusahawanan. Thompson, Singapore. ISBN 9789814195133 (2007)

Empayar Pro Right bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Fenomena Kek Absolut Chocolat. [Newspaper] (2019)

Forbidden, inovasi raja buah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Jiwa besar pemilik jenama sabun Do'Zee. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program SDSI Nasional capai sasaran. [Newspaper] (2019)

Arrayyan hasrat kuasai pasaran produk halal. [Newspaper] (2019)

My FlexiTank sasar jual 200,000 liter minyak pelincir Pertamina. [Newspaper] (2019)

Produk kecantikan Super Scrub optimis mampu tembusi pasaran Laos. [Newspaper] (2019)

DAG Pillow: bantal hotel DAG. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Al-Matha'am Syed Corner: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Swift De’Velvet: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travel Victoria: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Sambal: homemade sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home made cake batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solemate.Co: special shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

loSimbebyhn Car Seat Sdn Bhd: loSimbebyhn Car Seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

'Permintaan tinggi sehingga bekalan tidak mencukupi'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sabun madu kelulut rezeki lumayan suri rumah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Siswazah kembang perniagaan produk sejuk beku. [Newspaper] (2018)

Street 21 Meatball: meatball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Library Cafe: librarian concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Tranquility: house for the elders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futsal Planeta & Academy: futsal facilities and coaching. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KD & Co. Service: services and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Clouds Homestay Enterprise: traditional-approach style of home-stay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetener Delights Co.: recombinant dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Taufu Corner (KTC): yong taufu cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

GG Cyber Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DMM Enterprise: the smart purse. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flexwarm: Smart jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mama Sup Utara: productivity of worker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Piratas Barbershop: MyTurn apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semangat besar insan 'kecil'. [Newspaper] (2020)

My Mama utama kebajikan pekerja. [Newspaper] (2021)

SME Corp anjur Minggu Keusahawanan dan PKS 2019, promosi produk tempatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Minor Red Chord: music instruments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

S.O.S Sdn Bhd: the saviour shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gumpak Enterprise: food and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mummy Kitchenware: multipurpose kitchen tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MT4 Bags: handbag moding patterns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

White wardah collection and beauty: image and beauty care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

POSH: self-stirring and non-tippable mug (THATmug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Biz Hall 2020 bantu usahawan terjejas Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Coklat Pelangi Nims kini berada di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)

'House brand' keluaran pasar raya utama jadi pilihan pengguna. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk kerepek dari Banting masyhur. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Muslim perlu ada ekosistem perniagaan terbaik. [Newspaper] (2020)

Paramedia: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Rush Fisheries: frozen raw fish, dried shrimp and anchovies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinenanas Enterprise: pineapple farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shyara's De Apam Balique: various flavour of apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The resilience concept of islamic entrepreneur and the promoting of islamic financing products to credit co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-operatives Studies, 11. pp. 25-44. ISSN 18235387 (2015)

Kiulu bed and breakfast: motel and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Wynas Daycare Centre: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sillenium Optical dan Rakan-Rakan: spectacles and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd: smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LilsTech Enterprise: thermassage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Custom Station: custom design t-shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izz Tech Sdn Bhd: smart trolley by using bar code. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Urban Sophie: Iron Board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mi Dora Sdn Bhd: medicine related company (MI Dora Healing Candies). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Goodfruits Sdn Bhd: local fruits distributor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

D'Nimbe Sdn Bhd : Wireless Weighing Scales and Braided Cable. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Beautie_Saloon Sdn Bhd: beauty services and aromatherapy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

United Education Centre: Education Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arifah Kitchen Enterprise: bakery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belle Journee: bakery business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

B-Via Spa & Beauty Center: spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Attachable iron clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BOXO tukar cabang niaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Produk Lunalyra tiga dalam satu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Md. Jani, Nassrul Hakim 9 naga usahawan. Mustread Sdn. Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789670392318 (2012)

Synergy In-Line Skates and Cafe: skating equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Sparkling Rose Wedding Boutique: wedding packages and photo session. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Dio Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Litciae Flour. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartLug Enterprise: lugshelf luggage (SmartLug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MAHAI sports enterprise: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

James N Lily fresh Goat Enterprise: goat poultry business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

Belleza Sdn Bhd: multifunction comb (Combae). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

1 Juta Usahawan PKS mikro Dapat Manfaat GKP 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pakej premium RM1.09 sehari. [Newspaper] (2021)

NH Enterprise: NH Smart Sensor Bottleblender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meh Sini Enterprise: cyber café and 3D printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sleepers Book Shop And Rented Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Street Cafe: music cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daing Enterprise: freshwater fish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Datelicious Milk Sdn Bhd: variety of dates milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Washoku Café: Japanese Food (Japanese Café). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thelima Printing: garment printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Indah Laundry: washing, dry cleaning and delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

NutriPITAgen Sdn Bhd: dragon fruit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dulu peguam, kini pengusaha perabot klasik. [Newspaper] (2019)

SimplySiti tawar pelajar UiTM peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Teknologi memudah perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Zoom realisasi idea tiga sekawan berlainan bangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

The role of entrepreneurial competencies as a mediator in the relationship between microfinance and small business growth. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 1 (1). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2289-8298 (2013)

Stevia's Cake Sdn Bhd: cake lapis with stevia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corporate Secretarial Management: secretarial services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Funtechno Sdn Bhd: backpack (Slimme-bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shaky DeNata Cafe: coconut shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Program SME Incubator Malaysia sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

DD Technology Company: smart grass cutter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire ball extinguisher with special telephone system (AFS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LOBYARD Sdn Bhd: Lobster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bestieq Desserts: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Darul Aman Furniture: Selling Household Furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Nubibi Sdn Bhd: flame defence fire extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Squeaky Qlean: 24 hours self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lily Sdn Bhd: manufacturer of customized umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lolly Brully company: hands-free umbrella (nobrella). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Montech Enterprise: smart luggage (Montech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agua Lamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wannn Jersey and Sportwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Éllora Cafe: coffee drinks and food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Picante Paste (bird’s eye chili paste). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KR Enterprise: fermented anchovies (budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teguh Sdn Bhd: automatic pet feeder (AI Feeder). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HikariNeko Sdn Bhd: women 's pads (Akaichi Pad). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MSN Trading Sdn Bhd: bicycle mower with rake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Chicken Farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Smartlet Sdn Bhd: wise outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFFIYAH Snack Enterprise: vegetables snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cafe De Libra: book cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejayaan Usahawan Wanita Tekun: satu kajian di Daerah Hulu Langat. In: Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2017 (ICoMM 2017). 4th ed. International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2017 . Faculty of Management and Muamalah, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), pp. 398-407. ISBN 9789672122159 (2017)

NutriDeli Enterprise: nutritious drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bidang ternakan arnab meningkat. [Newspaper] (2020)

The factors affecting business growth of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs): the case of Ambang Dorongan Sdn Bhd (ADSB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jubah dari Dubai jadi lubuk rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bousgaschantek: local skincare brands. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy Bowl: overnight oat and smoothie bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frissito Helse Cafe: healthy food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belia dan keusahawanan. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 6. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)

Stylo Store: denim's clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SM Specialist: burger vending machine (Burger ATM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Made Yum (MY) Enterprise: bread bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BabyGoEasy Enterprise: travel-friendly baby’s bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Print House: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loveberts: mitarashi dango (sticky rice cakes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Boer Enterprise: goat based product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All-in-one luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EyeLax Enterprise: book holder as a stationary items. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Peaceza Cafe: a restaurant or café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Memacu budaya bisnes dalam kalangan umat Islam: materialistik dan individualistik bukan alasan. Info Usahawan (1). pp. 21-22. ISSN 1823-6421 (2019)

Serunding Warisan Enterprise: meat floss. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Rozeriya Enterprise: frozen food and beverage (F&B). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YUQY Electronic Sdn Bhd: vacuum cleaner (vaclower). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ECO printshop: digital printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Glitter Exclusive: glowing paint in dark. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA fire: Fire Extinguisher (Fire Shield). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

THK5 Sdn Bhd: THK5 smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cleanzee Toilet Brush: Electric Toilet Brush with Disinfectant Holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ASAZ Sdn Bhd: Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nordin Batik & Craft Co. Ltd: manufacture and distributes traditional batik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dolly Felt Craft Enterprise: craft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Football shoes sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Germ-Free Enterprise: medicines. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LuBook Sdn Bhd: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Glacie5 Enterprise: Portable Fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Education, entrepreneurship and economic growth: evidence from Malaysia. In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010. (2010)

Smart auto roll sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cafe food and beverage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Purrfectly Brew Cafe: cat cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

An Automatic Recycle Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gusto’so Pizzeria: pizza restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Box Vending Enterprise: hot pat food in vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Lugg: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N.I.T (New Ideas Technology): glove marker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frittzy Cafe: traditional snack and dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FauNas Enterprise: smart compose machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GEDE-GANG Sdn Bhd: flavored drink products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yesmeanlicious Pastry: bread and pastry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

McNARA Company: disposal face mask machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zephyr.Co: automatic home diffuser fragrances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Freeze Food Enterprise: food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rithra Industries: Rithra food waste recycler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Evenflow: Sensor Clip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ringerz: a keychain ringing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kukista: handmade biscuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Saralicious: chocolate chip cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giltter Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sun Luna Cafe: coffee and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Daisy Childcare Sdn Bhd: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paradise Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smartex Sdn Bhd: smart basket and smart cash machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tritech Company: motorcycle helmet (stritech helmet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Powersolarz Sdn Bhd: solar power bank (solarz). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nori Norish Spa: facial treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pra-Boat Sdn Bhd: furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Trolley Sdn Bhd: shopping trolley (Alpha Trolley). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GoBaby Enterprise: GoBaby CarSeat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic charging cable. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret’s Cake Sdn Bhd: cake cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AMOIZ Enterprise: rechargeable massage pillow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Cervus Deer Enterprise: deer farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZY Enterprise: easy slide (motorise shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: henna product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Henna Cafe: souvenier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nuriz Enterprise: fresh homemade roti john. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain’s dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WeKlean: cleaning & sanitizing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Naxa Agrotech: hydroponic kit business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Corn Enterprise: grow and export corn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Crystal Supermarket Sdn Bhd: supermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Clique Sdn Bhd: towel UV sterilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yairley: magic bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Scarf: high quality scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amanda printing Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pau Kecik Enterprise: pau. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Burger Legacy: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mohd Makhbul, Zafir and Mohamad Hasun, Fazilah Menjadi usahawan. PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd., Pahang. ISBN 9831921682 (2003)

Kids Bakery (Services): bakery shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SpecR Motorsport: motorcycle workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Clay Craft: hand crafted plates. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pro Clean Sdn. Bhd.: shredding dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safra Star Enterprise: energy snack bar (JollyBar). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart reader Al-Quran sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SN Automotive Sdn Bhd: smart tron helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flying Apron Cupcake Shop: Cupcake Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klean Laundry Sdn Bhd: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kraf jahitan negara ke pasaran antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

GEM latih usahawan tembus pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2018)

Vivid Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DELICACY Enterprise: bread spread stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cili Sedap Enterprise: Chili. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Trash E-Gone: high technology waste bin (Trash E-Gone). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ PZ Company: bed sheet with blanket (duo bedsheet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. [Newspaper] (2017)

Keropok Lekor Legend: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Merah Kuning Adventure Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1998)

Tips Untuk Bakal Usahawan. MASMED 2019, 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2019)

Illya beads store: tailoring tools and beads. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Carribean Enterprise: solar phone charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zamzam Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teroka bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tortilla nachos chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The DotDitty Sdn Bhd: ditty bag (DotDitty bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart hair machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mak Teh Beryani Enterprise: frozen beryani food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adey Optic Spectacle: spectacles product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ingenious.Ly Sdn Bhd: honey sleek pump. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Terra Tiles Sdn Bhd: floor tiles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Lab Shoes Sdn Bhd: lab shoe (smart shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MEDAC tawar konsultasi percuma kepada usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

KO-P Point Corporation: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

XIN Enterprise: MyVenders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FDBox Enterprise: anti-vibration and EPP insulation solar food delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lotus Electronics: robotic vacuum cleaner (Futura). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jupito’s: the adjustable bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Twodots Stop Enterprise: fit-to-go box (healthy sandwich box). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmartPost box with secure system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan ketinggalan tanpa transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perusahaan Nasrieq dan Rakan-Rakan: a restaurant which offers a variety range of burger serving style and other types of fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Excelsior Magnetic Bumper Co.: produce & install magnetic bumper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De’ Lavandula Enterprise: perfume. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad: retail and wholesale hypermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Untung S3 FGV RM136.89 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Automotive Purveyor: automotive spare parts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

One Stop Cafe: western cafe with the motoring sports concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Meteora Advertising Sdn Bhd: advertising product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

AF Fashion: unisex unique hoodie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet remembrance: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Season Spring Sdn Bhd: smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ezylife Sdn Bhd: toast ‘n’ spread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gallaxery Enterprise: designing and printing of banners, brochures and wedding cards. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Smart Pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lanyss Corporation: vonny smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Carpet Sdn Bhd: carpet products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneeta: Nano Sweeper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Exploring the cultural determinants of entrepreneurial success: the case of Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 287-297. ISSN 2313-626X (2017)

Teknik bisnes orang Jepun mengikut perundangan Islam. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 8. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)

Top Clean Launderette: laundry activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Iguanaz Productions Sdn Bhd: handling the film production equipments and the process of film productions. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Wiwi Snacks: packaged snack foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Potterhead Malaysia: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Alpha Enterprise: nutritionfridge (smart fridge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

V' aneta Enterprise: duvet production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flextreme fitness: Gyms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nisa Ice Cream Store: ice cream Malaysia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinepine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pine Pine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MOON CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: chocolates café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LYFE Enterprise: handy COVID kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bundle Throne: apparel and clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pop-up luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Face Mask Tech (MT01). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Superclay Creation: safe and edible modelling clays. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sonic mattress. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LMZ Sdn Bhd: portable travellux iron machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D1 Frozen Food: frozen foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jentayu Bridal Boutique: product and services of bridal wear and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Star Shine Kindergarten: kindergarten and nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pimiento Spiciezz: chillies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChoiiEdits: professional videos and photos editing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lucious Cake: sell cakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Linking two demensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: the moderating effect of government’s role. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

WIT Technology: eye c u cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tani Segar: high quality chili (cili kulai). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Lavender Enterprise: variety types of fabrics patent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Delicious Luk-Luk: food truck service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruit Loops & Co: sushi fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015) popiah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ez Frozen: frozen food shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tarte Cottage: home made and freshly oven bake of variety delightful tarts, pastries and cakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Retro Thrift Sdn Bhd: used women’s and men’s clothing (pre-loved item). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunset Bake: brownies and cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jom Berniaga Dengan Allah. Info usahawan (1). p. 19. ISSN 1823-6421 (2019)

Melur Sdn Bhd: travel bag (safe bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hi- Jack Technology Sdn Bhd: motorized cylinder jack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Produk Jasmin7 semakin dikenali. [Newspaper] (2021)

Marilyn's Beauty Hair Studio: hair saloon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Deli-art Sdn Bhd: Delivering stationery and arts tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

BFF Enterprise: smart car detector. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dude Enterprise: Wiring & Rewiring Service. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Jie Crochet: accessories business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Z Golden Legacy lambang kegigihan tauke aiskrim. Dewan Ekonomi (10). pp. 22-24. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Nassty Enterprise: cosmetic products for men. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mamz tekad bantu wanita tambah pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

3S the art of embroidering: supplying and selling embroidery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Joje Travel Sdn Bhd: travel and outdoor equipment and gears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Halo Sdn Bhd: smart dustbin (HaloBin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Froozy Food Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drip and Brew Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

World Music Studio: music studio rental. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Le Savon Sdn Bhd: automatic soap dispenser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Electronic Sdn Bhd: HeaTherm bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sayaka Comic Cafe: comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZAZA Sdn Bhd: self-executing rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Honey Bee Sdn Bhd: honey bee farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khepok Bites Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dilly My Robot Mower: robotic lawn mowers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seri Kraf: handicraft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd: cookies biscuits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RISDA berjaya lahirkan ramai usahawan tempatan di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2019)

Cari peluang jual kopi ke negara Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Fae Stickjoy & Deco: wallpaper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Big Bite Burger: burger patties. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

TENS Sdn Bhd: advanced foam roller with Tens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FLOFLOFLO: the ultimate faucet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

N 4 S Bakery : tasty baking, healthy nation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Super Car Rental Enterprise: car rental services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Dasati enterprise: portable ceiling fan cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Prozeus enterprise: One stop centre wireless portable charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Konsep Kesediaan Keusahawanan Berdasarkan Kajian Kes Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 34 (1): 217. pp. 187-2003. ISSN 2180-0782 (2009)

Advanced Yoga Mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANN Sdn Bhd: smart shopping tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AA Enterprise: toothfairy toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health Curve Fitness Centre: health and fitness service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Livre Sdn Bhd: hair and skin care (sanihair). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pretenses Industry Sdn Bhd: Bilis sauce (Budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berserah Cafe Sdn Bhd: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Candlish Enterprise: scented candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stjarna Sdn Bhd: gel memory foam baby shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senja Enterprise: fly trap (Fly-Away). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Basaru technology enterprise: HT Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GOJESGURL Café: bakery and pastry products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Borneo Racing: motorsports. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ferro-Razzo Construction Sdn Bhd: garden chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Envt Patremony: telur pindang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cekap Enterprise: self control multi-cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bizmart Books & Such UITMCK perintis inkubator usahawan muda mahasiswa. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 20-21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

D-News & Co: selling newspaper, magazines and tabloid. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Budu Dispenser sdn bhd: budu dispenser machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kicks Bling Enterprise: shoes repair shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wall clock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Embun Haircare & Co.: straightening comb with digital LCD display scalp moisture analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aish company: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IMC Enterprise: intelligent moving camera (IMC) cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IY Enterprises: powereye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NSB Global Enterprise: travelling appliance techno product (TF Luggage). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

44 usahawan KADA terima bantuan niaga. [Newspaper] (2016)

OwlFood: online food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EasyWash Sdn Bhd: portable washing machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Fruit Enterprise: tutti fruity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skate Tech: technote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sendayan Biru: "pasarman" sedia berkhidmat. Dewan Ekonomi (11). pp. 55-57. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Greenie Kitchy Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gadget world 666: mobile phones accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kajian faktor penglibatan belia dalam keusahawanan. In: 3rd International Conference of Management and Muamalah 2016. 3 ed. International Conference of Management and Muamalah . Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Kajang, pp. 172-181. ISBN 9789670850610 (2016)

Genius Training Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Jimi Ventures & Co: C.A.D class & services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crème & Brew Café: cakes and coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAUSBABE Beverage & Co.: yogurt flavoured drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meldecieuse Bakery: pastries and bread products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aurora Printing and Custom: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennials Beauty Cosmetics: healthy cosmetics based on natural, organic and herbal ingredients. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pirate Printing and Souvenirs: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart diaper bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Charcoal Sdn Bhd: organic bamboo charcoal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haraz Dairy Milk Mini Mart: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crystal Ice: flavoured ice blended kiosk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Kaoru's Bakery House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semai Hijau Enterprise: FELCRA palm oil seedling site. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bank Rakyat perkasa usahawan melalui SMEC. [Newspaper] (2021)

MEDISHOE Sdn Bhd: medical shoes (Medi Shoe 1.0). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hauni Boutique and Fashion Enterprise: traditional Malay apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Slimy Bhd: Slimy Cleaning Borax. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Koyak Activesport: sportswear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tiny Winy: usaha sama jurufoto muda. Dewan Ekonomi (3). ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

ZH Collection persefahaman kukuhkan perniagaan. Dewan Ekonomi (2). pp. 62-63. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweto Valley Enterprise: sweet potatoes-based food cafeteria. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brainy Dolls Sdn Bhd: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pearl Tropicana: tropical fruit jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Sago enterprise:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Unique Planning & Consults Sdn Bhd: planning and consultation (town and rural area). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fashaf Electrical Engineering: electrical wiring services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Syarikat Megaqua Sdn Bhd: penternakan ikan air tawar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

The Licious Cake Sdn Bhd: bakery retail. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Delizioishii Mushroom Enterprise: fresh oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Makan Gaji Vs Menjadi Usahawan. Info Usahawan (1). pp. 15-16. ISSN 1823-6421 (2019)

How Entrepreneurship Can Develop The 21st Centry Skill Set. Bulletin MASMED 2019 (1). pp. 3-4. (2019)

ZR company: helmet wiper (WIMET). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Empire Scope: event management services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Catfish Aquaculture World Enterprise: supplying and selling a good varieties catfish. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Perkasa pendidikan keusahawanan hadapi arus IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

Tadika Minda Inovasi: parent learning management system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Slusshy: home-based dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Design Enterprise: clothing (CLO). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pauh Lekor kongsi pendapatan bersama ejen hadapi PKP 2.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dolly Bear Shop: Selling dolls and teddy bears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements. In: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich University Library, Germany. (Submitted) (2008)

Decotex Sdn Bhd: to produce and sell decorative ceiling using textile composite. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Shining Star boutique: all type of garments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Easy Green Compost Sdn Bhd: compost fertilizer machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

S.J.U.W Studio: photographic and video. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pembiayaan mikro PENJANA RM400 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Big Boy Toy car accessories: car accessories stores. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Red Antz book shop: selling magazines, newspaper, novels and book rental. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Albab Sdn Bhd: vibration gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

King Layer Cake Sarawak: layer cake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Invasion Entertainment: an entertainment and event planner company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SND Premier Grilling: food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manuk Enterprise: producing and selling chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

JES Enterprise Partnership: carrot crisps (snacks). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kopipasta: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

2021 Budget: Entrepreneurs get help. [Newspaper] (2020)

Issues and Challenges among Young Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19 (3). pp. 80-84. ISSN 2278-487X (2017)

Keupayaan komuniti orang asli suku kaum seletar di Johor Bahru melalui keusahawanan berasaskan pelancongan. International Journal of Social Science Research, 1 (2). pp. 9-22. ISSN 2710-6276 (2019)

ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Gadiess Bakery Enterprise: cakes and desserts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Naila lebarkan sayap perniagaan spa kecantikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mona’s Cookies Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Gas Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Entrepreneurship education in malaysia: a critical review. Journal of Technology Management and Business, 2 (2): 1162. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-7224 (2015)

New Wave 4u : the photocopy shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Ruffeera Sock Industries Sdn Bhd: producing and selling school sock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Sky Govern Sdn Bhd: skydiving service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Syarikat Cactus Cash Register (M) Sdn Bhd: menjual barangan elektronik iaitu mesin kira-kira tunai dan menawarkan perkhidmatan baikpulih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (1997)

Gadis OKU cipta nama dengan kuih bulan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Totes Co.: tote bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Hermes Sdn Bhd: logistic (forwarding agent). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Auto inflatable traveller backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Raso Photography Studio: photography service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

T-Fan company: mini fan with temperature sensor (T-FAN). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Efforts to make 100 young entrepreneurs yearly in Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Findbelous Cuppy: cupcake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wonderland Cake House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Bahulu Ibu: kuih bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secure Fit Co: cutscape tool. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Factors that contribute to the intention to adopt websites as a marketing communication tool among SMEs in Kedah: a business perspective. Project Report. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished) (2010)

Sweet candy company: candy icing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Perusahaan Makanan Segar Sdn Bhd: produces noodles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Dearly company: stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DELIA Handbag: limited collection handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VG Pasta Production: vegetables pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Read To Me: audiobook. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Pencil Paradise: home and office interior designing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maju Sdn Bhd: EZ bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

g4rment: producing and selling plus size garment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shutterfilm Media: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tateh Industry Company: smart baby sleep technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CoffeeTi’Me Sdn Bhd: stainless coffee maker travel bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rafe’s Sawmill Sdn Bhd: sawmill industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Xyphyre Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eau de Natural: infused water. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergobest: smart ergonomic table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Two Hundred Percent: Custom shirts and printing design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

All United Malay Mechanic Motorsport: automobile. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Your Destination Enterprise: D’iN Luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cucurainbow Enterprise: breakfast snack (fritters). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House dispenser: food dispenser and a pet’s house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DurianKinin: cendol and durian paste. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Banasfha Cafe: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SONIDO Sdn Bhd: Silencer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travelsassy Holdings: άνεση travel bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PriCotton Brotherz Group: printing and clothing business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VaseLamp Pottery Sdn Bhd: multifunctional vaselamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giants river prawns enterprise: giant river prawns supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AynaRosé.co: therapy lip balm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

U Mobile Setia City Mall: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home Barber Service Sdn Bhd: Home Barber App (haircut service). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan mahu kongsi rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)

D'Crave: bolu-bolu balls (pancake balls). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A3 Enterprise: Stupendous letter box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart adhesive board blueprint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

A Patisserie: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EcoBin: mini automatic separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Norayu Sdn Bhd: make up in durable pod (BeautyB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WJKBin, the waste sorting machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Izara Cookies Sdn Bhd: chocolate chip cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mix Ingredient Skewer Enterprise: household appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kool Kids Pre-School: kindergarten. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qysara Studio: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just print it. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

iMax Enterprise: automated dry robotic vacuum cleaner (iDVRobot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maestrio Martino Enterprise: western food and coffee drinks restaurant (Koboi Western House). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sip N Bite cafe: coffee cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Asphalt Thermos Sdn Bhd: to produce and sell adjustable thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Locus Company: speedy paint machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neck pillow with sensors (Sense-NPillow). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EZ-Umberbike: hand-free umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manis Bakery Sdn Bhd: fresh dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Synergy Sdn Bhd: Smart Shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drying rack pulley system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

De' Light Coffee Shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Redox enterprise: to ensure total satisfaction for our user. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2017)

Swagger Company: clothing supply. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Jana pendapatan RM7,000 sebulan. [Newspaper]

Tasty Tasty Muffin: Muffins and catering service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vortex Enterprise: portable automated whiteboard eraser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le'via Company: stevia combination with lemonade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

X-pert Laundry Services: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grill and Toast Restaurant: traditional food and self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lovely Kurung Cotton: baju kurung. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Of Baking Supplier: supply halal bakery ingredients. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rock Oil Enterprise: Vehicles services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

l-Jeans Tech Sdn Bhd: l-jeans box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sawah padi jadi kebun pisang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shadow Burger Enterprise: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Global Telecommunication Enterprise: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vroom Sdn Bhd: smart shopping trolley (CartTech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cake Paradise Boutique: cakes shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paddock Crew Company: car coating services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ProLock: home security systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fairy Baby Spa Sdn Bhd: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bites Grill: grill based food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SweetBrew Coffee Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunny Abadi Car Wash Sdn Bhd: snow car wash services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chatroom: cafe services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sushi Village Cafe: halal sushi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay-Park Cafe: traditional Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhino's Gym & Fitness Center. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TMC lahirkan usahawan digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Cheesu Co: side dishes, dessert and heavy foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foldymate: steam iron and cloth fold machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melt Cheezy Bol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SaRose Sdn Bhd: automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peniaga, usahawan masih risau. [Newspaper] (2020)

4AF.Co: multi-luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pumpkin Crunch Enterprise: pumpkin bars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Electric pulse massage pad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aksin graphic Sdn Bhd: offset printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge: kitchen sponges. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lembu Sihat Enterprise: cattle milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Being enterprising on campus. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2018)

Lessons from a student entrepreneur. [Newspaper] (2018)

HomeSet Sdn Bhd: homeTrash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology sensor net (TechNet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Four ‘N’ Agency Worker Sdn Bhd: provide foreign workers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kerajaan sedia pelbagai sokongan, bantuan untuk usahawan B40. [Newspaper] (2019)

Wanderlust Borneo Travel: travel and tour services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delight Bakery: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Sweat Park Sport Centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

NAS Sdn Bhd: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lurve of Felicidad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shazlia Sdn Bhd: safer convex. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FPAA NUTRI-PATHIC Clinic: personalized dietitian. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Express Food Enterprise: express food and drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sis Bite Bakery: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Xi`s Thriftstore Enterprise: selling clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2012)

Peniaga jalanan: penangan pandemik Covid-19. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship, 5. p. 14. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Excellent educare tuition centre: tuition centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Karrielectro Sdn Bhd: Tesla coil wireless electricity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Partners: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Future Enterprise: multifunction product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kemaman Indah Box Enterprise: box supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iloli Enterprise: lorry's maintenance and repair services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heatho Enterprise: canting heat pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garment dryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Imaana scarf: hijab products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yeppo: facial care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heat Defense Sdn Bhd: fire extinguisher (Heat Defense Extinguisher). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matchalicious Cookies: flavoured cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RaSP Company: automated measurement device. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Racingsories Sdn Bhd: helmet’s raincoat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

"We Care" Apps: hospital and clinic system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Kasots: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Natural By Nature Bundle: bundle store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CaringBaby Sdn Bhd: CaringBaby car seat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tiffin Food Co.: packed lunch box delivery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fruity Cafe: fresh fruits drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fire Armour Sdn Bhd: Fire Mirrorcle Extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kool Sdn Bhd: frizzy electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Company: smarteye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pasaran eksport sumber ekonomi usahawan tempatan yang harus digembleng. Astro AWANI Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2019)

Chillax Enterprise: edu-playground. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Neko Nursery & Cafe: services for cats. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hanya 1.12 peratus perniagaan daftar SSM BizTrust. [Newspaper] (2020)

20,000 graduan terima manfaat KPT-CAP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawan cabang kerjaya berpotensi besar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Coconut flesh remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Tak jemu gilap bakat wanita jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

PUNB, KBS bekerjasama lahir usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Happy pets shop:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2014)

Getting students to deep dive into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sabah village food restaurant: food and beverages of Sabah local food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Ecorack Enterprise: Pallet Rice For Fertilizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blacksmith undertaker services: Selling coffin and other funeral services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Sodri, Ariffin and Sabaruddin, Ahmad Shafee Keusahawanan: rahsia ke puncak kejayaan. Selangor Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, pp. 206-218. ISBN 9832473713 (2002)

Hello Meow Cat Shop: pet shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Keusahawanan wanita di Kelantan berteraskan model ekonomi baru: hala tuju dan cabaran. e-Bangi : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17 (4). pp. 124-148. ISSN 1823-884x (2020)

Starsavory: burger with dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

X-TREC PARK Co: recreation park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

5ive Charm Center: bookseller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Cucumber bubble mask: beauty products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Sun Florist Beautiful Flowers And Styling: florist shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ciri-ciri akhlak usahawan muslim berjaya dan hubungannya dengan cara pengembangan harta serta matlamat hidup menurut perspektif Al-Qur’an. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 4 (1): 2. pp. 8-17. ISSN 0127-788X (2019)

Normal Baharu: COVID-19 pemangkin PKS tampil lebih kreatif. [Video] (2020)

HAFIS Enterprise: metal straw products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Platec Enterprise: pinggan kalori (PIKA V1). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D’FASS Enterprise: yogurt candy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Expert Design Enterprise: Interior Design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Airpro Sdn Bhd: portable air conditioning. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cartsmarter Enterprise Sdn Bhd: shopping cart (GPSCart). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

AA Pharmacy: electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kisma Enterprise: dried fruit jams (dates and raisins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The CORRED: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pusat Service Tayar Bahagia Sdn Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Captain Mushroom: vegetarian food outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasa Sayang Laundry: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulaiman, Saat Usahawan cemerlang tip dan panduan keusahawanan. Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789676121185 (2008)

Karipap resipi ibu masuk resort. [Newspaper] (2018)

Dynamic Fash Enterprise: Rebar Tie Gun. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret Ingredient: cafe (cold dessert). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bella D Collection: denim handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Graduan kejuruteraan mekanikal kini usahawan susu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Global Graft Sdn. Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2005)

Mafalisha: IvVLuggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre: auto focus glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

John Bundle: apparel products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rasa Aiskrim: traditional Malaysian ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AHA! Crepes Sdn Bhd: Japanese snack (crepes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The inspirational and aspirational desires of Ridzuan. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 4. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Telekung Nor Aripah: telekung (prayer garment). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZMH Warda Enterprise: Gamat, House of Healin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dots Wear: produce and sell lumi shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lets’ Shopping application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pearlicious Handicraft: handmade crafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Art Brut Music Studio Enterprise: music studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fit Bite Corporation: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dessert 3 Dara & 1 Bujang: fruit dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jambul Barber: haircut services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dream Work Pictures Sdn Bhd: a production house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

NU Scapes Enterprise: exterior and interior designer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Mamamia Lazatoz: greentea shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qwerty Tech Sdn Bhd: ezlock padlock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Teras Samudera Enterprise: seaweeds. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rumpes Enterprise: FilterGo. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facil Beauty: facial treatment and eyelash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Theorising a framework of factors influencing performance of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 3 (2). ISSN 1176-8592 (2007)

Keusahawanan: impian yang terdaya dicapai. [Newspaper] (2019)

Redox Company: smartphone seller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulaman Kreatif Enterprise: traditional clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic dumbbell. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social distancing robot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kookie Moonie House: fruity tart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Love Unique Music Corporation: party organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Top Print-T: printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Duo remover cleanser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LA'FILTER Sdn Bhd: drinking water straw filters and bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Magic Box: varieties of storage box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Culture and Tradition Sdn Bhd: heritage or attraction places. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

W. M. N., Wan Mohd Nazif and I., Fazilah Sistem akaun praktikal untuk usahawan. PTS Publications, Bentong, Pahang. ISBN 983192794X (2004)

Hot Tropico: fresh and frozen coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Lush Machinery Sdn Bhd: lawn mower powered bicycle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The influence of entrepreneurial skills on business start-up intention among Bumiputra students. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 12 (2): 6. pp. 53-64. ISSN 1985-3157 (2018)

Tender Loving Care Home (TLCH): private old folks home. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2001)

Wan, Mohd Nazif and Ibrahim, Fazilah Formula menjadi usahawan berjaya. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd., Selangor. ISBN 9789833376209 (2007)

Auto Separator Machine (Auto-Bins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wingardium Leviosa Wand: magical wand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Heaven's Bite: cream puff. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Impiana Home Design Sdn Bhd: interior design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Hello Cafe: western foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty-Licious Donuts: doughnuts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Faktor mempengaruhi prestasi usahawan wanita dalam koperasi. Malaysian Journal of Co-oprerative Studies, 15. pp. 47-65. ISSN 2600-7290 (2019)

Big Bros Chicken: chicken dishes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi Bottle Enterprise: Multi Bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di negeri Terengganu. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 41 (1): 14045. pp. 87-98. ISSN 2180-0782 (2016)

H8phone: reducing heat and pressure on headphone. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kugona Enterprise: multifunction yoga mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

One’z Holding: wplus multifunctional cutting box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Print Pantas: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KingPharma Bhd: semi liquid medicine (EasyGulp). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Donuts’ Garden: junk foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

In-House Cinema: high quality of fresh and new movies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ensoleillement Company: pharmaceutical and healthcare product (organic sunscreen). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Perception towards factors that affect the effectiveness of an entrepreneurship training program. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 4 (1). pp. 50-58. ISSN 2289-8298 (2016)

Yaacob, Zulnaidi 12 strategi elak bisnes gagal. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426377 (2010)

Spices & Herbs Paradise: herbal and spices product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JMango Sdn Bhd: pickled mango (jeruk mangga). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bliese perkenal haruman badan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SweetLAB pemanis alternatif ganti gula putih. [Newspaper] (2021)

Go-gurt Enterprise: yogurt and smoothie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocomake Broadrange: chocolate making machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kesuma Enterprise: produced and supply uniforms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Kedai Mizan Sdn Bhd: tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Closer Remédio Sdn Bhd: water ball medicine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Friendly burger manufacturer: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Container Cafe: healthy burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bride and Groom Cooperation: wedding dais. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keropok Lekor Tok Molor bakal tembusi pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2020)

RS Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fee Malika Sdn Bhd: pliant brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cupcakes: decorative cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby’s Dream Sdn Bhd: trading of baby’s products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahkino Restaurant: food and book service concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lovely Blossom Sdn Bhd: flower shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Cats Cafe and Bakery: cakes and bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gorgeous Bakery Services: cakes and buns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Putik Mud Crab Enterprise: mud crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2011)

AG Enterprise: multifunctional toaster (Yummy Toaster). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Kid's World Kindergarten: kindergarten age of 4 to 6 years old. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Leadership and motivational: Air Asia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Pro Evolution Sport (PES) Sdn Bhd: sportswear and equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Smart 2Be: Smart Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photoshop Sdn Bhd: a photo shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Ghost House Company: ghost house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Corndog Pop Company: corndog product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Dice Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kampung Morten dinaik taraf jadi hab keusahawanan. [Newspaper]

Bae Book Enterprise: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Satay Warisan Sdn Bhd: satay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eco adventura: outdoor activities organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KP Fry Enterprise: korean spicy chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drive-By Mochi’s: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ample Power Company: SMART bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Princess Palace: headband products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bikatech Sdn Bhd: portable bike rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zhyper Sdn Bhd: Hyper Grabber tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SS Company: fit-it-baby shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

CTO eSports Studio: gaming studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KKgo: buying and delivering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GLOMUSH Enterprise: oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Chocodictive Jar: choco jars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Mushroom Sdn Bhd: fresh mushrooms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FZ Trading: smart fireball extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Posh Cafe: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Acaredemy Sdn Bhd: childcare and private tutoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FertiLife: fertiBin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Life Sdn Bhd: smart RFID trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unique Crispy: traditional food (rempeyek). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Agrobank buka peluang asnaf berniaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dana RM230 juta bantu perkasa usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

PROTON kekal momentum jualan cemerlang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi AIM bantu 373,815 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

WTCKL cadang buka lebih banyak Riverside Cafe On The Go. [Newspaper] (2020)

Spot on Sport Enterprise: sport centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safe Journey Sdn Bhd: radiating road convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Omorfo: Cosmetic company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby Snuggly Enterprise: baby car seat (BabyXMove). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Belanjawan 2021: DPIA kemuka 10 cadangan bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Digital Skipping Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haanz Street Food: Mexican food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tok Bali Tiger Prawn Sdn Bhd: livestock tiger prawn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2000)

ByFsabryna (BYFS): minicrunch choco jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Twinkle Kids Land Sdn Bhd: pre-school education for children from age 4 to 6 years old. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Multyprint Enterprise: supply services of photocopy and retail various papers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2003)

Advantech Consultancy: security products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Ixcacoa Bakery: sweet, dessert and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SIXN Enterprise: portable dustbin sink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aura gadis 1.5 juta pengikut di IG. [Newspaper] (2021)

SwimPro: Smart swimsuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lady HAIS Enterprise: local fruit pudding (Fruidin' Splash). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berjaya Lintah: supplying leeches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foodlicous Enterprise: chocojar (Chocolicious). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sustainable entrepreneurial mindset showcase 2020 (sems 3.0) stirred students’ entrepreneurial mindset. [Newspaper] (2020)

iHeatCup Sdn Bhd: instant noodle (iHeatCup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pekebun nanas Moris lega. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cheedos Enterprise: dried chilies seed separator machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd: multifunction electric stove (cooking table). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fix It Centre: car’s auto tuning and repairing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iswan Samat Bukti Kejayaan Bidang TVET. Dewan Ekonomi, 6. pp. 60-61. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Meamira Sdn Bhd: water bottle (Hydorlily). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Uncle Snow Enterprise: homemade ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DSM Corp Sdn Bhd: digital art and design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klen Enterprise: skincare product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NZ Enterprise: cordless steam fan cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam Didik Sdn Bhd: healthy, fresh & good. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

SimFun: pen scanner with highlighter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art drawing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SitX Sdn Bhd: health and wellness equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SZ Frozen Food: frozen food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PROSKI Sdn Bhd: adjustable size shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Strategi RISDA bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Elecpro Enterprise: shake it on torch light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beautiful blossoms: fresh floral (flower shop). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

La Petite Café: French pastries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The Star. (2019)

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Behaviour among Undergraduate Students in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Economics and Business, 2 (4): 22. pp. 1064-1072. ISSN 2615-3726 (2019)

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship intention : a case study of changemakers mindset (design thinking) module. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 10. pp. 109-119. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of students at UiTM Sarawak. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Entrepreneurship Intention

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship intention : a case study of changemakers mindset (design thinking) module. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 10. pp. 109-119. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Entrepreneurship Planning

Peruntukan RM15 juta bagi skim bantuan modal perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Entrepreneurship and Small-Medium-Enterprise (SME)

Jiwa SME+: RM200 terpaksa dipinjam, berkat usaha, kini usahawan. [Video] (2019)

Entrepreneurship and graduates

The study of UiTM graduates' entrepreneurial intentions. The 8th SMEs in a Global Economy Conference 2011. pp. 1-15. (Unpublished) (2011)

Entrepreneurship attitude

Perubahan sikap keusahawanan usahawan melayu di Malaysia. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1): 11077. pp. 98-116. ISSN 1823-884x (2014)

Entrepreneurship courses

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurship directory

Profil usahawan tani bimbingan Jabatan Pertanian. Documentation. Jabatan Pertanian, Kedah. (2009)

Entrepreneurship education

Entrepreneurship behaviour amongst Malaysian university students. Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 18 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0128-7702 (2010)

Entrepreneurship level

Entrepreneurship levels of Co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-Operative Studies, 8. pp. 45-67. ISSN 1823-5387 (2012)

Entrepreneurship management

The effect of entrepreneurship management in research and development in the Engineering Faculty in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 4. pp. 36-44. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Entrepreneurship program

Kraftangan Malaysia steps up programme to help Covid-19 hit craft industry. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputera Prosperity Council to empower Bumi socio-economy. [Newspaper] (2020)

PM urges Bumiputera to 'pay it forward'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Fighting urban poverty: Kelulut entrepreneurship program. [Website]

Entrepreneurship programme

Encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneur Development Ministry wants to minimise bureaucracy to propel SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumi entrepreneurs attend business talk. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurship skills

“Five plus two” skills set and success of young art entrepreneurs: a case study of seven visual artists. Idealogy, 3 (3): 24. pp. 247-260. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)


Usahawan wanita : penglibatan serta cabaran dalam dunia perniagaan. Jurnal Akademik UiTM Johor. ISSN 1511-9300 (2008)

Melayu dan perniagaan : suatu rintisan sejarah. Jurnal Akademik UiTM Johor. ISSN 1511-9300 (2004)


Youths urged to venture into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sabah reviving economy by assisting entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2020)

The main idea behind social entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneurs’ products

Public urged to support micro-entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)


Agrobank tawar skim untuk membantu usahawan muda. [Video] (2014)

BSN micro/i kredit prihatin bantu gerakkan perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Lebih 600 usahawan orang asli Balal dilahirkan JAKOA. [Video] (2016)

Usahawan luar bandar perlu menaik taraf produktiviti produk - Tun M. [Video] (2019)


Issues and Challenges among Young Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19 (3). pp. 80-84. ISSN 2278-487X (2017)


Produk Sapuu bantu tingkat kesihatan kulit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perniagaan dan cukai: apa yang perlu usahawan tahu? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 6-7. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

HillMe Watch Sdn Bhd: wristwatches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

10 Cara merealisasikan impian anda menjadi usahawan. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 17-18. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Crème Sugar: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Union Ritz (M) Sdn Bhd: oil distributor and mini pump station construction. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aeromyt Motor Sdn Bhd: producing smart electric car. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sazlees Bridal terus bertahan hadapi tekanan pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Iris Beauty Legacy: skin care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senang ke nak jadi usahawan jutawan? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Qobotic: smart bin (B-Tech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cinta Tea: trending beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HealthYum Enterprise: healthy snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MilkywayzZz Dairy: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jual sepanjang tahun. [Newspaper] (2021)

Absolute Tie Dye: tie dye clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craftica Boardware: canvas product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Environmental pollution

Magnify group sdn bhd: lepi Straw. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Erasable pen

Skate Tech: technote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic Designs

Secret Lab.CO: gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic concept

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic design

Ergonomic wheelbarrow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hi-Mask: face mask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic problem

J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ergonomic table

Ergobest: smart ergonomic table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Estilo Propio

Estilo Propio Burrito: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang cina: the bamboo network. PTS Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9833376924 (2006)

Etika Muslim

Ciri-ciri akhlak usahawan muslim berjaya dan hubungannya dengan cara pengembangan harta serta matlamat hidup menurut perspektif Al-Qur’an. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 4 (1): 2. pp. 8-17. ISSN 0127-788X (2019)

Event Organizing

All-In Agency: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Event management

Eco adventura: outdoor activities organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Event organizer company

Paramedia: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Event planning company

Beyond the creations: event planning company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Everyday Better Sdn Bhd.

Everyday Better Sdn Bhd: quick dry clothes rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Celebrating ASEAN’s entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)


Industrial training programme: what matters most? ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 4. pp. 22-29. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Expensive dental supplies

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Experiential learning

A review on the relationship between business plan learning outcomes and business plan simulation in entrepreneurial education. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Export Market Attractivenes

The challenges faced by Malaysian small medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in export initiatives. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 3. pp. 14-19. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

Extra food

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Extract Oil

Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eye examination

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eye instruments

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EzPeasy Thermos Water Bottle

Rise and Shine Sdn Bhd: ezpeasy thermos water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

EzSports Enterprise

EzSports Enterprise: sporting equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Desire Food buka dua premis makanan di Nu Sentral. [Newspaper] (2019)

F&B Business

FoodLab open to collaboration with foodpreneurs for stronger brand presence. [Newspaper] (2021)

F&B outlet

Oldtown White Coffee Sungai Buloh: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


PKS perlu radikal tingkat teknologi digitaL. [Newspaper] (2020)

Siswazah kembang perniagaan produk sejuk beku. [Newspaper] (2018)

Semangat besar insan 'kecil'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Khasiat 5 kali ganda. [Newspaper] (2015)

Generasi usahawan tani. [Newspaper] (2019)


Untung S3 FGV RM136.89 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)


Untung S3 FGV RM136.89 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

FZ Trading

FZ Trading: smart fireball extinguisher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


l-Jeans Tech Sdn Bhd: l-jeans box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Face & Co

Langkah berani pengasas Face & Co. [Newspaper] (2019)

Facial problems

Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facial treatment

Nori Norish Spa: facial treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Facil Beauty

Facil Beauty: facial treatment and eyelash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Facing disability

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Family Apidae

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)


FamilyMart: fresh food availability. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fantasy Photo

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The Cervus Deer Enterprise: deer farm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Farm fresh

SU.SU: kurma milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fasa metamorfosis

Fasa ubah hidup jadi luar biasa! [Newspaper] (2022)


Usahawan MARA: cherita Surischa. [Video] (2020)

Nike Inc: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Design Enterprise: clothing (CLO). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fashion industry

Zlara Hijab: trendy scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Coach IP Holdings LLC: luxury handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aatiella Plus Size: special size clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dinamaiya Shawl: high quality shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The Haini Bundle: selling bundle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fast food

HotSandwichPort Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Froozy Food Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shadow Burger Enterprise: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)


Blossoms Fried Chicken: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Feasibility study

Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation: FBB Series Flask product analysis. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Puncak Bumi Utama Sdn Bhd: couch bookshelf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wearable obstacle sensor for blind people with mobile application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fee Malika Sdn. Bhd.

Fee Malika Sdn Bhd: pliant brush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fermentation Process

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FertiLife Enterprise

FertiLife: fertiBin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ikon Agro: sumber hasil lumayan greenhouse. [Video] (2019)

MyAgrosis cetus minat mahasiswa USIM sebagai usahawan. Berita Kampus. (Unpublished) (2016)

Ficus Moracaea

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Film Media

Shutterfilm Media: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ayam Proses Kejora: processed chickens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

East Bite: lekorball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Financial Manager

Aatiella Plus Size: special size clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Financial Markets

Financing schemes for SMEs in Malaysia. Documentation. National SME Development Council (NSDC), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

Financial aid

Women entrepreneurs get financial aid via Mara programme. [Newspaper] (2020)

Financial assistance

Penjana Tourism Financing (PTF). [Website] (2014)

SME Go. [Website] (2015)

SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF). [Website] (2015)

Financial management.

Systematic operational budgeting: the preliminary study on perception of SMEs entrepreneurs. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 9. pp. 100-108. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Financial resources

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Financial sourcing problems

Innovation barriers and risks for food processing SMEs in Malaysia: a logistic regression analysis. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 12 (2): 15. pp. 167-178. ISSN 2180-2491 (2016)


Financing schemes for SMEs in Malaysia. Documentation. National SME Development Council (NSDC), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

Financing programme

Skim Pembiayaan Ekonomi Desa (SPED). [Website] (2015)

First Cuisine

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fish cake

Fish Prime Sdn Bhd: fish balls. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fish cracker

Rezeki tani raises productivity, income of Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Fish cracker’s entrepreneur

Technology acceptance among fish cracker’s entrepreneurs in the east coast economic region (ECER) Malaysia: a preliminary result. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 136-142. ISSN 2222-6990 (2016)

Fish supplier

C’Best Enterprise: sea bass breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fishery product

Daar Bakanen Enterprise: fishery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fishing community

Projek estet mini rumpai laut dan penglibatan komuniti nelayan di daerah Semporna, Sabah. Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS), 1 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 2462-2095 (2016)


Flextreme fitness: Gyms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flask bottles

Hydro Flask: flask bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flavored drink

GEDE-GANG Sdn Bhd: flavored drink products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


What makes a woman an entrepreneur? In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010, SP Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.. (2010)

Flexible and compactable

TurboTex.Co: bombastic blender. [Entrepreneurship Project]


Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Floor carpet

Creative Carpet Sdn Bhd: carpet products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Florist Fleur Blossom: selling rose plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hellynna Jantriline Nursery: flowering and non-flowering plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flowers Bakery Enterprise

Flowers Bakery Enterprise: cakes and brownies with fluffy. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Flowyshops: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fluffy puff

The Heaven's Bite: cream puff. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foldable Dining Set

Knock on wood company: foldable dining set. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ain's cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Telur itik meningkat ketika Ramadan. [Website] (2021)

Steamboat Kitchen Choice of Sarawak: steamboat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Potato Squad: jagaimo cream (creamy mashed potato). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sanny Zeal Enterprise: premium quality palm sugar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Loveberts: mitarashi dango (sticky rice cakes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ain’s dadih. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tortilla nachos chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D1 Frozen Food: frozen foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adventure Foodie: self-heating MYMeals (traditional foods). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Crave: bolu-bolu balls (pancake balls). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melt Cheezy Bol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delixius: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matchalicious Cookies: flavoured cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty-Licious Donuts: doughnuts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Posh Cafe: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ByFsabryna (BYFS): minicrunch choco jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food & beverages

Starsavory: burger with dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food Cover Using Solar Technology

So. Tech Food: Food Cover Using Solar Technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food Industry

Seminar pengurusan sumber berasaskan komuniti semasa Covid-19 platform bicara pemantapan upaya masyarakat menghadapi norma baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Food Products

Itadakimasu: Japanese cuisine. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Food Service

Friendly burger manufacturer: burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Food Services

Freeze Food Enterprise: food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and Beverage

Maestrio Martino Enterprise: western food and coffee drinks restaurant (Koboi Western House). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and Beverage company

Peaceza Cafe: a restaurant or café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and beverage

Kopikawan Cafe: coffee shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bola-Bola Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chillax Cafe: cyber cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deli sell foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

IN D'vision Sabah "cultural ethnic heritage": food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Eat & Repeat: various types of burger and fries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and beverage product

Impact of product costing for branding and business support on small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 27 (T1): 5. 59 -74. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)

Food and beverages

D’BAHTERA Restaurant: food and beverages service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay-Park Cafe: traditional Malay food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Four Fighters Catering: ayam golek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and beverages,

Cafe Des Amis Sdn Bhd: coffee and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food and drink

Kurla Company: bottle in bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food businesses

From hobbies to business. [Newspaper] (2020)

Food cart

Nato Taco: food cart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food delivery

Remote kitchens gaining ground. [Newspaper] (2020)

Food hygiene

Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food industry

Chocojar Bangsawan Enterprise: Chocojar snakcs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ve' Licious Enterprise: home-made ice-cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies with chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies and chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food or drinks storage

Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food product

House of Cupcakes: decorative cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food production

Satay Warisan Sdn Bhd: satay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food restaurant

Sabah village food restaurant: food and beverages of Sabah local food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Food service

Momlurve: Malaysian-food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Taste It Enterprise: healthy fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kiulu bed and breakfast: motel and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Container Cafe: healthy burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food service Distributor

Serunding Warisan Enterprise: meat floss. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Food services

Hello Cafe: western foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food servicing

Galvez Noodle: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food technology

STATOS, Singapura jalin kerjasama. [Newspaper] (2020)

Food truck

Fruithiees Food Truck: fast food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drift Western Food Truck: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Caporaso: donut. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delicious Luk-Luk: food truck service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SND Premier Grilling: food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food warmer

Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Food-based business

Bahulu Ibu: kuih bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


FoodLab open to collaboration with foodpreneurs for stronger brand presence. [Newspaper] (2021)

Foods and beverages

Borracho Cafe: local foods and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foods and service

Tornado Pizza Enterprise: foods and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


De’ Nada Air: airlines catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ayam Proses Kejora: processed chickens. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Rampai Sari Sate catering: traditional food sate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Foreign workers

Four ‘N’ Agency Worker Sdn Bhd: provide foreign workers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forks and Balls

Forks & Balls Co: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


De’ Lavandula Enterprise: perfume. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Pendapatan perniagaan francais susut ketara. [Newspaper] (2020)

Akie Burger sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Francais mikro

Tingkat kesedaran PKS konsep perniagaan francais mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)


Tingkat kesedaran PKS konsep perniagaan francais mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)


PNS sedia platform bantu usahawan setempat. [Newspaper] (2020)


Program keusahawanan berpotensi jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Fresh Milk

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh floral

Loves florist: fresh floral decorations. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh flowers

Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh food

FamilyMart: fresh food availability. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh fruits company

Pitaberry Enterprise: dragon fruit product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Fresh milk

SU.SU: kurma milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Freshly made

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Freshwater fish

Arowana Aquaculture: breeding and marketing of Arowana. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fried chicken

Blossoms Fried Chicken: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Frittzy Cafe: traditional snack and dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frocious Licious

Frocious Licious Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn. Bhd.

FromMe2u Doorgift Sdn Bhd: door gifts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Frozen Dice Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Food

D1 Frozen Food: frozen foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ez Frozen: frozen food shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen Food Industry

Frozen Dice Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen dimsum

Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Frozen food

The Uni Globe Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Borneo Frozen Food Enterprise: frozen fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Froozy Food Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Paiola Organic Corp: organic fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voceland Cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fudo Queen

Fudo Queen: frozen dimsum. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Functional electrical stimulation

SwimPro: Smart swimsuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Much-needed injection for business growth. [Newspaper] (2021)

Fundamental of Business

Azman, Manap 12 Tip Usahawan Berjaya Tanpa Modal. True Wealth Publishing, Selangor. ISBN 9789674160005 (2012)

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

G-Clique: food services (Sharecup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sidik Ahh Dessert By De' Ruin: thailand dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VMac Drink: vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kueh Brother Bird Nest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarawak Jersey Empire: jersey shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Krabba Hut: seafood homemade burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Forks & Balls Co: meatballs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dolce Pasticcini: bombolini. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty And Fun Cafe: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vicone: partnership. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Estilo Propio Burrito: fast food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Factory: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wonderland Cake House: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Sis Bite Bakery: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Dessert 3 Dara & 1 Bujang: fruit dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Futsal Planeta & Academy: futsal facilities and coaching. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futsal business

Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Futsal court

Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Future Prospect

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GKP 4.0

1 Juta Usahawan PKS mikro Dapat Manfaat GKP 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)


THK5 Sdn Bhd: THK5 smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mafalisha: IvVLuggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GPS detector

Shoetech Corporation: Smart Detector Shoes (SDS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Gadget world 666: mobile phones accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Inovasi baharu wangian gaharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Gaming Services

CTO eSports Studio: gaming studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gaming chair

Secret Lab.CO: gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gamming Chair

Todak Culture Sdn Bhd: Gamming Chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gappo Trattoria

Gappo Trattoria tawar 30 menu Itali. [Newspaper] (2021)


Sarjana Auto Garage: car workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garden chair

Ferro-Razzo Construction Sdn Bhd: garden chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Green Botanical Garden: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Garment Dryer

Garment dryer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship intention : a case study of changemakers mindset (design thinking) module. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 10. pp. 109-119. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Genus Heterotrigona

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)


UMK terima geran bangunkan program keusahawanan mahasiswa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Geran Pembangunan Pasaran (MDG)

Geran Pembangunan Usahawan tambah inisiatif baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Geran agropreneur muda

Geran untuk anak muda. [Video] (2020)

Geran bantuan

Usahawan belia disaran mohon geran Agropreneur Muda MARDI. [Video] (2020)

Geran usahawan

GPS komited, prihatin bantu rakyat. [Newspaper] (2020)


Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gift shop

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gincu bibir

Manis kekal di bibir. [Newspaper] (2017)

Ginger Bud

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Glass Wares

My Mug Malaysia: ceramic mugs and glasswares. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. BH Online. (2017)

Global Sales

MATRADE Gesa Usahawan Tempatan Agar Terus Aktif Dalam Eksport. MATRADE Gesa Usahawan Tempatan Agar Terus Aktif Dalam Eksport. (2019)

Global business

Soft skills important for business success. [Newspaper] (2020)

Global market

Kempen KPDNHEP bantu usahawan teroka pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysian women entrepreneurs: some emerging issues and challenges of entering global market. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8 (12). 1596 -1605. ISSN 2222-6990 (2019)

Goat Breeder

Goat Farming Stylo Goat Sdn Bhd: goat breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Goat product

Boer Enterprise: goat based product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Golf course

Dungun Beach and Country Golf Club: resort and golf club. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Golongan Terpinggir

Keusahawanan sosial dalam kalangan institusi pondok di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan terpinggir. Proceedings of The 6th International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2018). pp. 38-46. (Submitted) (2018)

Gorgeous Coffee ; Local Market

Gorgeous Coffees: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Government Initiatives

Pelan pemulihan bantu PKS, usahawan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Government Programme

Puas dapat buat sendiri batik ikat celup. [Newspaper] (2020)

Government Programme/ Initiatives

Mengurus perniagaan. [Website]

Government’s Role

Linking two demensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: the moderating effect of government’s role. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)


Kisah kejayaan alumni UTHM - kenali potensi diri, bina empayar perniagaan sendiri (MHO COMPUTER). [Video] (2020)


Keusahawan digital antara fokus kepada pelajar IPT. [Video] (2020)

Graduan kejuruteraan mekanikal

Graduan kejuruteraan mekanikal kini usahawan susu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Graduate entrepreneurs

Exploring the ecological assets of Tunas Mekar Project’s graduate entrepreneurs. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15 issue 4, 15 (4). pp. 288-303. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)


Electric Coconut Scraper Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Swift De’Velvet: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

POSH: self-stirring and non-tippable mug (THATmug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

20,000 graduan terima manfaat KPT-CAP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Coconut flesh remover. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Hello Meow Cat Shop: pet shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Ample Power Company: SMART bowl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zhyper Sdn Bhd: Hyper Grabber tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Role model and university role towards entrepreneurship inclination. Voice of Academia (VOA), 15 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 2682-7840 (2019)


The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on agro-entrepreneurship education among graduates. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, 14: 62. pp. 343-347. ISSN 2010-4626 (2011)

Graphic Design

Digital art drawing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Graphic Designer

Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green Air Inc.

Green Air Inc.: mini portable air conditioner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Green tea

Bubble G-Tea: bubble tea drinks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Greenie Kitchy Enterprise

Greenie Kitchy Enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Mamamia Lazatoz: greentea shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


S&G Burger: steamed and grilled burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grilling chicken and lamb

SND Premier Grilling: food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge

Grix Palm Cleaning Sponge: kitchen sponges. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grocery delivery

Lifebox Delivery: groceries selling. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grocery retailer

GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd: product labelling and pricing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grocery stores

Crystal Supermarket Sdn Bhd: supermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gross Domestic Product

Annual report 2010/2011 SME Corporation Malaysia. Other. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2011)

Annual report 2011/2012 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Annual report 2012/2013 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2013)

Annual report 2013/2014 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2014)

Annual report 2014/2015 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2015)

Annual report 2015/2016 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2016)

Annual report 2017/2018 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2018)


Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements. In: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich University Library, Germany. (Submitted) (2008)

Growth challenges

Growth challenges of SMEs: empirical evidence in Sabah, Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Growth tonic

SMEs in Malaysia: A growth tonic to economy? [Newspaper] (2016)


Germ-Free Enterprise: medicines. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HAFIS Enterprise

HAFIS Enterprise: metal straw products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


HAYAT GEN-TECH: go green trash bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HD channels

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HSVD Chicken Enterprise

HSDV Chicken Enterprise: breeding and selling the chicken product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haanz Street Food

Haanz Street Food: Mexican food truck. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Had umur belia

Turun had umur belia dibimbangi jejas usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Hair cut

FNF Hash Services: hair cut service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haircut services

Jambul Barber: haircut services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haiwan eksotik

Ternak landak untung ribuan ringgit. [Video] (2019)


The Uni Globe Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tteokbokki Jjang: Korean cuisine restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Halal food

Usahawan perkenal resipi halal mi Kampua Sibu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Halal food industry

Lahir lebih banyak PKS industri halal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Halal hub

Usahawan TEKUN perlu tumpu pengeluaran makanan halal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Halal laws

Islamic marketing: promotional campaign in the perspective of Maqasid As-shariah in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (1): 4. pp. 29-39. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)


Halo Sdn Bhd: smart dustbin (HaloBin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hanami Capsule Hotel

Hanami Capsule Hotel: accommodation and food services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hand Wash

Watsons: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hand wash

Tesco PLC: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Hand wash products

Reckitt Benckiser: Dettol hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The dUCk Group Sdn Bhd: handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd

Handbags Heaven Sdn Bhd: fingerprints-secured bags. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Local handicraft entrepreneur produces dried-leaf paintings. [Newspaper] (2018)


Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Craft O'Borneo: Sabah handicrafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Handy tool

Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hangout spot

Meido Kissa Technolounge: hi-tech cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hard sell

MMGAmazing: marvelous massage gel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Harga madu kelulut

Harga madu kelulut cecah RM260 sekilogram. [Newspaper] (2020)

Hasil eksport

SME Bank sasar jualan eksport usahawan PKS meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)


Creative Electronic Sdn Bhd: HeaTherm bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Head covering

Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Head scarf

Imaana scarf: hijab products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health & Wealth Pro Right

Empayar Pro Right bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Health Product

Citronella Sdn Bhd: citronella leaf oil. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health and beauty product

Royal Beauty Care: health and beauty product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health and rehabilitation appliances

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health and wellness equipment

Ogawa World Bhd: trek treadmill. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Health business

YogurBerry: yogurt ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)


Hurun Taj: instant hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ensoleillement Company: pharmaceutical and healthcare product (organic sunscreen). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy Milk

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy Snacks

HealthYum Enterprise: healthy snacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy energy bar

Choco Rash: energy bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy fast-food

CUBE Enterprise: sweet corn based fast-food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Healthy food

Little Green Cafe: healthy food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


H8phone: reducing heat and pressure on headphone. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heated wires

Flexwarm: Smart jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Helmet airbag

protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Henna Cafe: henna product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


GreeN@ company: high quality of printer (henna@printer). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Development of rural herbal entrepreneurship in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8 (18). pp. 95-100. ISSN 1833-8119 (2013)

Herbal Drink

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Herbs and spices

Spices & Herbs Paradise: herbal and spices product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Here N There Pencil Case

Here N There Pencil Case: innovative pencil case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Heterotrigona Itama

Sahut cabaran rakan ternak kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Heterotrigona Itama (Itama)

Menyedari khasiat madu dorong Zaleha jadi pengusaha ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Heterotrigona itama

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)

Hidangan Itali

Gappo Trattoria tawar 30 menu Itali. [Newspaper] (2021)


Cara tanam strawberry hidroponik sistem dutch bucket. [Video] (2020)

Siswazah berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Penanaman hidroponik jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

High Quality

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

High pressure hydration spray bottle

Yairley: magic bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

High quality watch

Stelux Holdings: men watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

High safety

Fasc, Inc: smart sport shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

High-End Top-Quality Fabric

DiDi Couture: custom made tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

High-quality glass product

Crystal Safety Glass (M) Sdn Bhd: tempered glass. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Higher education

Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)

Higher learning education institutions (HEIs)

Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of students at UiTM Sarawak. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)


ChocoJar Premium Vibes: chocolate dessert in a jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Zlara Hijab: trendy scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crownista Boutique: hijabs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hijab product

Tudung Kita Enterprise: cheap hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Imaana scarf: hijab products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hiking backpack

Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dr K Sdn Bhd: Dr K toothbrush holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The HoloArcade. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home Appliances Services

Mantap Boi Service: home appliances service and repair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home Dispenser

House dispenser: food dispenser and a pet’s house. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home appliances

Buddy Sdn Bhd: nobit automatic drink maker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: steam iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: blender PB-3205. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Midea: vacuum cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home care products

Unilever: Dove hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Home service

4 Emerald Physio Clinic: physiotherapy treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

HomeSet Sdn Bhd

HomeSet Sdn Bhd: homeTrash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


De Sambal: homemade sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Homemade jam

De Coconut Eclipse: homemade coconut jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Homemade mee

Usahawan perkenal resipi halal mi Kampua Sibu. [Newspaper] (2020)


Le Borneo Homestay: low budget homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

3F Homestay: fresh, friendly and fun homestay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Madu kelulut berpotensi besar – usahawan wanita ternak 42 sarang. [Video] (2018)

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)

Kelulut lumayan: pengusaha mampu jana pendapatan antara RM200 hingga RM1,000 sehari. [Newspaper] (2016)

Honey bee

Sweet taste of success. [Website]

Honey bee breeders

Malaysia eyes global honey market with kelulut bee. [Newspaper] (2020)

Honey bee farming

Sweet Honey Bee Sdn Bhd: honey bee farming. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Honey bee product

Konsortium My Iqra Solutions (K-MiSs): honey bee product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Honey market

Malaysia eyes global honey market with kelulut bee. [Newspaper] (2020)

Honey-based products

Sweet taste of success. [Website]

Hospital and clinics

MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hospital bills Apps

"We Care" Apps: hospital and clinic system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot beverages

Pinepine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot pizza

Tornado Pizza Enterprise: foods and service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hotel management

D'Sky Blue Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd: Travel and Tours. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Kiulu bed and breakfast: motel and tourism. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Hotel owner

Hotel owner attributes her success to her mother. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hotel pillow

DAG Pillow: bantal hotel DAG. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Magic Box

House Magic Box: varieties of storage box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House Of Asian

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Household appliances

De Burook Company: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hub coklat

Hab coklat Langkawi dijangka tingkatkan produk koko. [Newspaper] (2020)

Humaira Design

10 kisah inspirasi, tip daripada usahawan tempatan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Human Capitals

The challenges faced by Malaysian small medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in export initiatives. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 3. pp. 14-19. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

Human development

UNSPECIFIED, ed. A Guidebook on SME initiatives. Guidebook on SME initiatives . National SME Development Council (NSDC), Kuala Lumpur. (2019)

Penjajahan baharu Revolusi 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

Mara tawar pembangunan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

7 high performance culture that helps organisations. New Straits Times. (2020)

Teroka bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Human resource development

Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements. In: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich University Library, Germany. (Submitted) (2008)

Human resource management

Four ‘N’ Agency Worker Sdn Bhd: provide foreign workers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Coco

Hydro Coco diedar percuma kepada penerima vaksin. [Newspaper] (2021)


Choco Rash: energy bar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hygienic cleaning

Easy Scrub Brush Robot (ESBR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Penerimaan produk bumiputera di hypermarket. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-4844 (2010)

Hypermarket chain

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad: retail and wholesale hypermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


I-Rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ICT entrepreneurship

Students urged to be entrepreneurial. [Newspaper] (2015)


Developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The Star. (2019)


Usahawan MARDI catat pendapatan RM320 juta. [Website] (Unpublished) (2015)

IMC Company Sdn. Bhd.

IMC Enterprise: intelligent moving camera (IMC) cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Asas usahawan IPT. My Metro. (2017)


IPT digesa lahirkan banyak graduan mencipta, bukan hanya pencari kerja. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keusahawanan siswa. [Newspaper] (2018)

IY Enterprises

IY Enterprises: powereye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ice Cream

Epistylia Ice Cream Entreprise: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crème Sugar: food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ice cream

D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Idea dan inovasi perniagaan

Kenyataan media: SUPERB salur RM157 juta bantu usahawan belia Bumiputera. [Website] (2020)

Idris Enterprise (Sambal Hitam Pahang)

Idris Enterprise: sambal hitam Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Iindustri makanan

Foodpanda mahu perluas 'cloud kitchen' tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ikan Bakar

Kukuh jenama dulu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ikan air tawar

Status OKU bukan halangan jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ikan sangkar

Penternakan ikan laut sangkar, Mohd Nazri usahawan berjaya di Tanjung Piandang. [Video] (2020)

Ternakan ikan sangkar, usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Tawau. [Video] (2018)

Ikan tilapia

Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Ilmu kepemimpinan

Eskayvie jelajah tujuh negeri bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Imax Enterprise

iMax Enterprise: automated dry robotic vacuum cleaner (iDVRobot). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Impak pandemik

Jana niaga: bantuan usahawan terjejas akibat pandemik covid-19. [Website] (2020)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi oleh sme bank bantu tingkatkan perniagaan usahawan mikro dan kecil. [Website] (2021)


Anthys (M) Sdn Bhd: medical products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Pelitup muka bersulam hasil kreativiti Suraya. [Newspaper] (2020)


Belanjawan 2020: landasan ke arah pencapaian sumbangan PKS dalam peningkatan ekonomi negara menjelang 2030. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Geran Pembangunan Usahawan tambah inisiatif baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS dan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2020)

PNS anjur program usahawan di Lawas. [Newspaper] (2016)

PUNB seeks higher allocation to help entrepreneurs. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Pakej ransangan ekonomi amanah ikhtiar & koop sahabat. [Video] (2020)

Penjana-Manfaat diterima usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan: kerajaan Sarawak dicadang sedia bantuan khas bantu usahawan kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

Permohonan BRF bagi syarikat Bumiputera terjejas COVID-19 kini dibuka-Noh Omar. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

RM20.17 juta TBRS dimanfaatkan 2,774 usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM50 juta bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Wujudkan lebih banyak bantuan dana. [Newspaper] (2020)

GPS komited, prihatin bantu rakyat. [Newspaper] (2020)

PM urges Bumiputera to 'pay it forward'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelan pemulihan bantu PKS, usahawan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerajaan prihatin terhadap usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2019)

44 usahawan KADA terima bantuan niaga. [Newspaper] (2016)

COVID-19: TEKUN Nasional jadi pemudah cara permohonan CBRM. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belanjawan 2021: DPIA kemuka 10 cadangan bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)


GKP suntik modal bantu pusingan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Arabic Cuisine Flavor: arabic food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Incubation Hub

Peranan penting dan sumbangan sektor perniagaan sentiasa diiktiraf: Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Incubator Malaysia

Program SME Incubator Malaysia sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Indigenous entrepreneurs

Perubahan sikap keusahawanan usahawan melayu di Malaysia. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1): 11077. pp. 98-116. ISSN 1823-884x (2014)

Individual Person

The Haini Bundle: selling bundle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Indoor Sports

Dio Arena Enterprise: indoor sports arena. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Indoor football

Futsal Planeta & Academy: futsal facilities and coaching. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Industrai Kecil dan Sederhana

Usahawan digalakkan segera daftar perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Reputasi industri minyak sawit jadi kebimbangan kepada Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tawar geran RM1 juta. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kembangkan industri halal di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industri asas tani

Hala tuju kementerian pertanian & industri asas tani. [Video] (2019)

Industri kecil dan sederhana

Festival Makanan Halal Malaysia-Thailand: peluang usahawan IKS ketengah produk. [Video] (2018)

RM30 Juta Bantu Usahawan PKS Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industri kecil sederhana

Faktor yang mendorong kejayaan usahawan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) MARA di daerah Melaka Tengah. Jurnal Inovasi Perniagaan, 1 (2). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2600-836X (2016)

Industri kosmetik

N7 – Propolis lebah kelulut – bermanfaat dalam industri kosmetik [12 Mac 2019]. [Video] (2019)

Industri makanan

80 tahun masih tepati cita rasa rakyat Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industri makanan dan minuman

JM Bariani House sasar pendapatan meningkat RM100 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industri perkapalan

Cabaran kepada industri perkapalan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industri telekomunikasi

TMC lahirkan usahawan digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Industrial revolution

Turning Malaysia into techpreneurship. [Newspaper] (2021)

Industrial training

Industrial training programme: what matters most? ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 4. pp. 22-29. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Industrial training report

Sime Darby Pagoh: industrial training program. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Bahagian Pengurusan Fasiliti, UiTM: maintenance and project unit. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Ranhill Water Services Sdn Bhd: construction and consultancy company. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Damai Abadi (Johor) Facility Management Sdn Bhd: maintenance work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2019)

BTS Engineering Sdn Bhd: slope protection work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2015)


TheInnoward: smart aromatic atomizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)


Universiti perlu pupuk budaya niaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inisiatif Usahasama

Inisiatif baik promosi AI. [Newspaper] (2020)


What makes a woman an entrepreneur? In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010, SP Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.. (2010)

Initiatives and incentives

Encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours. [Newspaper] (2020)


Fafiliss Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The influence of entrepreneurial skills on business start-up intention among Bumiputra students. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 12 (2): 6. pp. 53-64. ISSN 1985-3157 (2018)

SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Innovation idea

The Innovator: smart shoe cleaner machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Innovative company

Qobotic: smart bin (B-Tech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurial orientation towards business performance: a study on Tunas Mekar participants. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 3. pp. 25-35. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)


Kleanius Enterprise: cleaning equipment products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Artisan Sabah membangunkan inovasi toolkit seni cungkilan kayu. [Video] (2018)

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan Sabah terus berinovasi: naget ubi kayu. [Video] (2018)

Kualiti keusahawanan dalam kalangan usahawan kecil dan sederhana. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 15 (3). pp. 13-27. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)

Inovasi Produk

Usahawan kraf di Malaysia: analisa laluan terhadap perhubungan inovasi produk, komitmen perniagaan dan perkembangan perniagaan. The Malaysian National Economic Conference (PERKEM), V1 (2). pp. 208-217. ISSN 2231-962X (2011)

Inovasi baharu

Keusahawanan sosial & kelestarian ekonomi. [Video] (2015)

Inovasi produk

Pelitup muka bersulam hasil kreativiti Suraya. [Newspaper] (2020)


Sampah jadi produk kreatif, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perlukan pengusaha komited, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)


Pulau Pinang, Selangor kongsi idea dan pengalaman perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agrobank buka peluang asnaf berniaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Wanita Jana Rezeki, platform usahawan wanita kembang perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Insentif bumiputera

Kerajaan fokus bantu usahawan bumiputera untuk seimbangkan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Insentif cukai

insentif yang disediakan MAFI bagi sektor agromakanan. [Website] (Unpublished)

Perniagaan dan cukai: apa yang perlu usahawan tahu? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 6-7. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Insentif kerajaan

Bijak pilih pasaran perniagaan, jamin kejayaan usahawan belia. [Video] (2018)

Buletin AWANI khas: Sabah memilih - keluh kesah peniaga di Sabah. [Video] (2020)

Galak pelajar ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Krisis COVID-19, 'wake up call' kepada usahawan tidak berdaftar. [Video] (2020)

Normal Baharu: bagaimana usahawan dapat memanfaat skim PENJANA. [Video] (2020)

Rebut geran pertanian, penternakan disediakan kerajaan. [Video] (2017)

Perak lulus peruntukan RM9 juta bantu pengusaha mikro, peniaga kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

Insentif perniagaan

Program Bimbingan Usahawan SSM galak komuniti perniagaan manfaat SPPP. [Newspaper] (2022)


Program E-Board bantu lonjakan jualan usahawan tempatan lebih 50 peratus. [Newspaper] (2020)


Aura gadis 1.5 juta pengikut di IG. [Newspaper] (2021)

Instant food product

7Days Enterprise: ready to eat food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Instants shawl

Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Institusi Pondok

Keusahawanan sosial dalam kalangan institusi pondok di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan terpinggir. Proceedings of The 6th International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2018). pp. 38-46. (Submitted) (2018)

Institut Keusahawanan Negara Berhad

E-Board lahir 5,000 usahawan kuasai teknik pemasaran digital - Wan Junaidi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Instrumentation solutions

JGE Engineering Sdn Bhd: turnkey engineering solution. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The mediating role of entrepreneurship education on the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurship intention. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 2. pp. 8-15. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)


The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on agro-entrepreneurship education among graduates. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, 14: 62. pp. 343-347. ISSN 2010-4626 (2011)

Interior design

The Pencil Paradise: home and office interior designing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

International brands

Bousgaschantek: local skincare brands. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

International market

Popcornlicious Enterprise: bread popcorn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

International student satisfaction

Predictors of entrepreneurial intention among youths in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 26 (T): 2. 19 -30. ISSN 0128-7702 (2018)


Factors affecting small medium enterprises’ (SMEs) decision to go international. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (2): 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Internationalization of higher education

Predictors of entrepreneurial intention among youths in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 26 (T): 2. 19 -30. ISSN 0128-7702 (2018)


Penggunaan Internet dalam Kalangan Usahawan Wanita: Akses, Kemahiran dan Motivasi. Jurnal Komunikasi, 33 (3). pp. 21-36. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Internet Advertising

Latip, Fuad 15 teknik efektif internet marketing. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585299 (2007)

Internet marketing

Latip, Fuad 15 teknik efektif internet marketing. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585299 (2007)

Intravenous cannulation

MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang cina: the bamboo network. PTS Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9833376924 (2006)

Invisible safety helmet

protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Yayasan Pembangunan Usahahawan Terengganu: bantu usahawan IKS. [Video] (2020)


Khalid, Khairul Anuar Istilah-istilah perniagaan di dalam islam. Prima Iklan Sdn Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789834465902 (2009)

Islamic Entrepreneurs

Nilai dan etika perniagaan dalam islam bagi membentuk usahawan bertakwa. In: Proceeding International Conference on Islamic Leadership-2 (ICIL) 2012: Intellectuality and Leadership of Muslim Scholars in Research, Innovation and Creativity in Asean Region. 2012 ed. Penerbit Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 477-484. ISBN 9789670393483 (2012)

Islamic Marketing

Islamic marketing: promotional campaign in the perspective of Maqasid As-shariah in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (1): 4. pp. 29-39. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

Islamic concept

Sina Spa: islamic spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Islamic enterpreneur

The resilience concept of islamic entrepreneur and the promoting of islamic financing products to credit co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-operatives Studies, 11. pp. 25-44. ISSN 18235387 (2015)

Islamic fashion

N4M Collection: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2008)

Islamic financing product

The resilience concept of islamic entrepreneur and the promoting of islamic financing products to credit co-operatives in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Co-operatives Studies, 11. pp. 25-44. ISSN 18235387 (2015)

Issues and challenges

Malaysian women entrepreneurs: some emerging issues and challenges of entering global market. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8 (12). 1596 -1605. ISSN 2222-6990 (2019)

Italian Style

Gusto’so Pizzeria: pizza restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JES Enterprise Partnership

JES Enterprise Partnership: carrot crisps (snacks). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

JM Bariani House

JM Bariani House sasar pendapatan meningkat RM100 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jabatan Pertanian

Lahir ramai usahawanita. [Newspaper] (2018)

Jabatan Pertanian Negeri

Iktiraf usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2017)


Flexwarm: Smart jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jade Roller Skin Analyser

Jade roller skin analyser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jagung kuning DC93

Usahawan FAMA: ladang jagung Kuala Pilah. [Video] (2020)

Jagung purple 399

Usahawan FAMA: ladang jagung Kuala Pilah. [Video] (2020)


SH craft & creation: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Johor. [Video] (2020)

Jahitan dan fesyen

Pelitup muka bersulam hasil kreativiti Suraya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jamming Service

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jamming Session

Art Brut Music Studio Enterprise: music studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jana pendapatan

Empayar Pro Right bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Japanese food

Sushi Village Cafe: halal sushi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Produk Jasmin7 semakin dikenali. [Newspaper] (2021)

Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd

Jasmine Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd: smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Stylo Store: denim's clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jelly Shoes

Jelly Shoes Passion: footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jenama Do’Zee

Jiwa besar pemilik jenama sabun Do'Zee. [Newspaper] (2019)

Jenama sendiri

'House brand' keluaran pasar raya utama jadi pilihan pengguna. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jenama tempatan

Ketengah jenama PKS Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Jentle Smart Towel Rack

Jentle Home Sdn Bhd: jentle smart towel rack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sarawak Jersey Empire: jersey shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sugoi Outfit: custom design shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wannn Jersey and Sportwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


JMango Sdn Bhd: pickled mango (jeruk mangga). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jewellery Company

D’Ace Jewellery Sdn Bhd: design and making jewellery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Jibby & Co

Bawa pengalaman kulinari Australia ke tanah air. [Newspaper] (2018)

Jihad perniagaan

Meneliti Hubungan Jihad Perniagaan dengan Pencapaian Usahawan Muslim Berjaya di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 44: 11141. pp. 81-91. ISSN 01272713 (2015)


Impact on entrepreneurship towards economic performance in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 2. pp. 11-24. ISSN 2637-030 (In Press) (2018)

Joje Travel Sdn Bhd

Joje Travel Sdn Bhd: travel and outdoor equipment and gears. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jualan tepi jalan

#mausembang: bisnes 'tepi jalan' untung RM30K? - Azri Walter. [Video] (2019)

Junk food

Rezeki tani raises productivity, income of Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2021)

K2 Enterprise: Malay snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aneka Chips: aneka kerepek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Donuts’ Garden: junk foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just Print It

Just print it. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


PMKS catat rugi RM40.7 bilion tahun lalu. [Newspaper] (2021)


Cucian bergerak. [Newspaper] (2020)

KP Fry Enterprise

KP Fry Enterprise: korean spicy chicken. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Buy Malaysian Product campaign helps SMEs during Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)


KPT perkenal modul baharu kursus keusahawanan. Berita Harian Online. (2017)

Kad akses

Smart Access Technology: smart-card. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kaedah SMART

Usahawan lebih mudah mencapai kejayaan dengan sasaran. Paradigma Johor: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 16. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Kajian produk

Empayar 2 anak muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kambing Kampung

Goat Farming Stylo Goat Sdn Bhd: goat breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Karnival usahawan desa

Karnival usahawan desa tawar jualan secara maya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kaunseling bisnes

MEDAC tawar konsultasi percuma kepada usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB)

Perak lulus peruntukan RM9 juta bantu pengusaha mikro, peniaga kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kawalan Tingkah Laku

Niat Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Wanita di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM). Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2): 4. pp. 36-49. ISSN 2600-836X (2019)

Kebajikan pekerja

My Mama utama kebajikan pekerja. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kecenderungan keusahawanan

Pengaruh pengalaman keusahawanan terhadap kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar jurusan perakaunan Kolej Matrikulasi Perak. Jurnal Penyelidikan Dedikasi, 13: 1. pp. 1-23. ISSN 2710-6810 (2017)

Kedai Runcit

PKS mesti rebut peluang pasaran halal dunia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kedai runcit

Kedai runcit Mohd Khairi: usahawan TEKUN Nasional Pekan, Pahang. [Video] (2020)

Kedai tayar

Azan Tyre: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Pahang. [Video] (2017)


Absolut Chocolat: Dari pondok rehat ke kilang. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kek Absolut Chocolat

Fenomena Kek Absolut Chocolat. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kek Batik

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kek Cup Comei

Lulusan PhD pun jual kek cawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kek lapis

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 22 - Bismi Cergas & Thiha Dhuha Enterprise. [Video] (2018)


Ibu dan anak buktikan wanita boleh berjaya dalam dunia keusahawanan. [Video] (2017)

Kelapa sawit

Peranan pemimpin pendapat dalam penyebaran inovasi penanaman kelapa sawit. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 33 (2). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Kelayakan program bantuan

Turun had umur belia dibimbangi jejas usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kelebihan mendaftar perniagaan

Usahawan digalakkan segera daftar perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keli Afrika

Usahawan OKU berjaya. [Newspaper] (2018)


1,000 mililiter madu dihasilkan setiap 2 minggu. [Newspaper] (2016)

Cukuplah makan gaji. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kelulut dan madu kelulut. [Website]

Cari sarang kelulut kurang risiko. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pelaburan madu bertukar pahit. [Newspaper] (2019)

KPLB akan terus bantu pengusaha madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Bermula 30 rumah lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Selamatkan sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan, guru ternakan kelulut. [Newspaper] (2010)

Kelulut jana pendapatan SMK Soi. [Newspaper] (2017)

Ligat curi sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Khasiat 5 kali ganda. [Newspaper] (2015)

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut sumber vitamin c semulajadi terbaik cegah COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Haji Said sambil bela, sambil buat kajian kelulut. [Website]

Merudum! [Newspaper] (2019)

Sahut cabaran rakan ternak kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kelulut bee

Malaysia eyes global honey market with kelulut bee. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kelulut honey industry

Young agropreneur programme assists youth in kelulut honey industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kemahiran baharu

Pusat internet mampu lahir usahawan berdaya maju, sumbang pembangunan sosioekonomi. [Website] (2020)

Kemahiran keusahawanan

Keupayaan Usahawan Bumiputera Melaksanakan Kemahiran Keusahawanan: Satu Kajian Kes. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 12 (1). pp. 61-70. ISSN 0128-7702 (2004)

The factors affecting business growth of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs): the case of Ambang Dorongan Sdn Bhd (ADSB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar

Wow! 66 program utama luar bandar catat kejayaan 95 peratus. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC)

Biz Hall 2020 bantu usahawan terjejas Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi

KPT peruntukkan RM650,000 latih mahasiswa dalam keusahawanan sosial. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kementerian/ Agensi

Keluar dari kaedah konvensional, ketahui insentif untuk transformasi perniagaan anda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kempen beli barangan Malaysia

KBBM lonjak jualan produk BB’s. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keningau Diamond

Keningau Diamond didaftarkan sebagai varieti nanas terbaharu Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keningau Diamond (AC12)

JUNZ : Industri nanas Sabah akan terus dimajukan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kepek Ibu

Kepek Ibu laris di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keperibadian usahawan

Niat Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Wanita di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM). Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2): 4. pp. 36-49. ISSN 2600-836X (2019)


Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Pernah jual 7 tan kerepek sebulan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerepek Ibu Enterprise

Kepek Ibu laris di pasaran. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kerepek peria

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)


Perniagaan santan segar: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Kuala Lumpur. [Video] (2018)

Kerjasama MARDI

MARDI lancar empat produk inovasi makanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerjasama industri

Projek guarana lonjak kemahiran keusahawanan. [Video] (2015)


Md. Jani, Nassrul Hakim 9 naga usahawan. Mustread Sdn. Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789670392318 (2012)

Keropok lekor

Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kertas kerja

Rancangan perniagaan. Working Paper. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Ketupat Mini

Jual sepanjang tahun. [Newspaper] (2021)


20,000 pengusaha Bumiputera raih manfaat PENJANA. [Newspaper] (2020)

Agenda AWANI: sektor keusahawanan, kuasa ekonomi baharu. [Video] (2019)

Dana tambahan RM4.5 bilion untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

Generasi muda disaran ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2014)

Halatuju baharu pembangunan PKS negara. [Video] (2018)

Jana ekonomi negara dengan melahirkan ramai usahawan. [Video] (2016)

KBS rangka pelan strategik - galak belia teroka keusahawanan sosial. [Video] (2018)

KKLW sentiasa utama bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2015)

Kenyataan media: SUPERB salur RM157 juta bantu usahawan belia Bumiputera. [Website] (2020)

Kerajaan komited bantu wanita berjaya dalam keusahawanan-Najib. [Newspaper] (2015)

Keusahawanan Zetty bangunkan jenama Sirruhu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan negara ditingkat hadapi keadaan tak menentu: Tun M. [Newspaper] (2019)

Normal Baharu: bagaimana usahawan dapat memanfaat skim PENJANA. [Video] (2020)

PRIHATIN melegakan PKS, usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Panggilan talian pusat sehenti keusahawanan melonjak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pisang berangan - dapat permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2017)

Program Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE). [Video] (2015)

Program keusahawanan digital e-Usahawan Young Heroes KBS-MDEC 2019. [Video] (2019)

Program keusahawanan lonjak potensi belia. [Newspaper] (2018)

Projek guarana lonjak kemahiran keusahawanan. [Video] (2015)

Pupuk budaya keusahawanan dari sekolah rendah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Rebut peluang dalam bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan MARA perlu berani teroka pasaran baharu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan PKS, Mikro perlu teroka model perniagaan sesuai kebiasaan baharu - Wan Junaidi. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Ziq Bakery Membawa Seni Kek dalam Keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Konsep keusahawanan berteraskan integrasi ilmu naqli dan aqli. In: International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference organized by iCEPS10, 8 November 2014, Carlton Hotel, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2014)

KPT perkenal modul baharu kursus keusahawanan. Berita Harian Online. (2017)

Tambahan RM10 bilion beri peluang PKS terus operasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kompetensi keusahawanan diri dalam kalangan mahasiswa yang mengambil kursus keusahawanan di universiti. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2015 (ICoMM 2015): 34. pp. 372-384. ISSN 978-967-0850-25-2 (2015)

Keusahawanan pilihan utama mendepani pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

CIMB MicroBizReady tingkat kemahiran usahawan B40. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2021)

Program SUPERB terima 1,149 penyertaan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shell buka peluang PKS kembangkan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faktor kritikal kejayaan usahawan dalam perniagaan. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7 (1): 5020. pp. 34-45. ISSN 1823-884x (2012)

12,000 serbu Festival Keusahawanan UiTM 2019. [Newspaper] (2019)

Data keusahawanan digabung pacu pertumbuhan. [Newspaper] (2019)

MEDAC sedia inisiatif keusahawanan kepada graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan bumiputera masih takut kepada persaingan - INSKEN. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

Usahawan pemangkin ekonomi Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2019)

EIH platform keusahawanan, pembelajaran usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Alias, Adnan and Ibrahim, Mohamed Dahlan Keusahawanan Malaysia : Keusahawanan Islam. Prentice-Hall (M) Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya. ISBN 9832473691 (2002)

MyNEPT bantu usahawan perbaiki kelemahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Revolusi industri keusahawanan dalam pendidikan teknologi senibina satu kajian. Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 4 (1). pp. 106-111. ISSN 0128-0821 (2019)

MARA tumpu perkasa 5 industri utama. [Newspaper] (2019)

ETC pusat sehenti bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Tahap keusahawanan dalam gerakan koperasi di Malaysia. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-88. ISSN 1823-4844 (2008)

Enam inisiatif teras MEDAC bantu usahawan PKS, Mikro. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

PERTUNAS harap RM1 bilion untuk usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Mara tawar latihan dalam talian untuk PKS, usahawan sepanjang PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Corp sedia bajet promosi produk RM500,000. Berita Harian Online. (2016)

Penjajahan baharu Revolusi 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perkasa pendidikan keusahawanan hadapi arus IR 4.0. [Newspaper] (2019)

Mara tawar pembangunan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Konsep keusahawanan patriotik bantu harungi pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS kemas kini dokumentasi permudah salur bantuan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ciri-ciri keusahawanan dalam kalangan banduan parol: Ke arah penyediaan Modul Kemahiran Pengurusan Keusahawanan di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia. e-Bangi : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1). pp. 91-105. ISSN 1823-884x (2016)

Pelbagai inisiatif tingkat jumlah usahawan graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

UiTM bekerjasama dengan Shopee, Simplysiti, Xinn Global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan luar bandar perlu ada inisiatif sendiri pastikan perniagaan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Dasar Keusahawanan Negara akan dilancar bulan depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Nasib usahawan PKS terjamin selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan di Malaysia: kesan terhadap aspirasi keusahawanan pelajar. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 10 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0128-7702 (2002)

ILMAN pemacu ke arah usahawan Dai. Jurnal Keputeraan, 5: 4. pp. 91-116. ISSN 2289-2524 (2016)

Ciri-ciri keusahawanan dalam kalangan guru pelatih. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 17. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2600-9021 (2014)

Pengaruh pengalaman keusahawanan terhadap kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar jurusan perakaunan Kolej Matrikulasi Perak. Jurnal Penyelidikan Dedikasi, 13: 1. pp. 1-23. ISSN 2710-6810 (2017)

Program Bimbingan Usahawan SSM galak komuniti perniagaan manfaat SPPP. [Newspaper] (2022)

Mahmood, Rosli and Abu Bakar, Lily Julienti and Mohd Jani, Mohamad Yusop and Bakar, Muhammad Shukri and Deraman, Norita and Zakaria, Norria and Abdullah, Syahrina and Mohd Saad, Rosli and Mustapa, Azrain Nasyrah Prinsip-prinsip asas keusahawanan. Thompson, Singapore. ISBN 9789814195133 (2007)

Program SDSI Nasional capai sasaran. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program SDSI sasar potensi jualan RM20 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

SME Corp anjur Minggu Keusahawanan dan PKS 2019, promosi produk tempatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Md. Jani, Nassrul Hakim 9 naga usahawan. Mustread Sdn. Bhd, Selangor. ISBN 9789670392318 (2012)

80 tahun masih tepati cita rasa rakyat Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Niat Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Wanita di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM). Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2): 4. pp. 36-49. ISSN 2600-836X (2019)

Elemen keusahawanan dalam bidang kulinari. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3 (1). pp. 100-133. ISSN 2504-8562 (2018)

Mohd Makhbul, Zafir and Mohamad Hasun, Fazilah Menjadi usahawan. PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd., Pahang. ISBN 9831921682 (2003)

GEM latih usahawan tembus pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2018)

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. [Newspaper] (2017)

Teroka bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dataran Usahawan bantu siswa-siswi jana pendapatan. Berita Kampus. (2015)

Usahawan kraf di Malaysia: analisa laluan terhadap perhubungan inovasi produk, komitmen perniagaan dan perkembangan perniagaan. The Malaysian National Economic Conference (PERKEM), V1 (2). pp. 208-217. ISSN 2231-962X (2011)

RISDA berjaya lahirkan ramai usahawan tempatan di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2019)

RM30 Juta Bantu Usahawan PKS Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembiayaan mikro PENJANA RM400 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keupayaan komuniti orang asli suku kaum seletar di Johor Bahru melalui keusahawanan berasaskan pelancongan. International Journal of Social Science Research, 1 (2). pp. 9-22. ISSN 2710-6276 (2019)

Kerajaan perkenal Pelan Pemulihan Usahawan dan Koperasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Efforts to make 100 young entrepreneurs yearly in Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kerajaan sedia pelbagai sokongan, bantuan untuk usahawan B40. [Newspaper] (2019)

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang cina: the bamboo network. PTS Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9833376924 (2006)

Melahirkan graduan tekno-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pasaran eksport sumber ekonomi usahawan tempatan yang harus digembleng. Astro AWANI Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2019)

Tak jemu gilap bakat wanita jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kerajaan negeri meterai MoU bersama UiTM Cawangan Sabah bantu perkasa IKS Sabah. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sodri, Ariffin and Sabaruddin, Ahmad Shafee Keusahawanan: rahsia ke puncak kejayaan. Selangor Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, pp. 206-218. ISBN 9832473713 (2002)

Normal Baharu: COVID-19 pemangkin PKS tampil lebih kreatif. [Video] (2020)

211 usahawan sertai U-Boleh. [Newspaper] (2018)

Strategic business improvement plan : A case of HLM Boat Noodle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keusahawanan: impian yang terdaya dicapai. [Newspaper] (2019)

W. M. N., Wan Mohd Nazif and I., Fazilah Sistem akaun praktikal untuk usahawan. PTS Publications, Bentong, Pahang. ISBN 983192794X (2004)

Wan, Mohd Nazif and Ibrahim, Fazilah Formula menjadi usahawan berjaya. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd., Selangor. ISBN 9789833376209 (2007)

Agrobank buka peluang asnaf berniaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Aspirasi Assist bantu usahawan mikro terkesan COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi AIM bantu 373,815 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan Islam

Konsep keusahawanan berteraskan integrasi ilmu naqli dan aqli. In: International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference organized by iCEPS10, 8 November 2014, Carlton Hotel, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2014)

Nilai dan etika perniagaan dalam islam bagi membentuk usahawan bertakwa. In: Proceeding International Conference on Islamic Leadership-2 (ICIL) 2012: Intellectuality and Leadership of Muslim Scholars in Research, Innovation and Creativity in Asean Region. 2012 ed. Penerbit Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 477-484. ISBN 9789670393483 (2012)

Keusahawanan Sosial

Keusahawanan sosial dalam kalangan institusi pondok di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan terpinggir. Proceedings of The 6th International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business (ISEB 2018). pp. 38-46. (Submitted) (2018)

KPT peruntukkan RM650,000 latih mahasiswa dalam keusahawanan sosial. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan belia

YLE2019 memperkasa semangat kepimpinan dan keusahawanan belia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keusahawanan digital

Keusahawanan digital: satu paradigma baru keusahawanan. [Website] (2020)

Keusahawanan nasional

Teks ucapan YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad di majlis pelancaran ‘Dasar Keusahawanan Nasional’. Documentation. Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2019)

Keusahawanan patriotik

Konsep keusahawanan patriotik bantu harungi pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan sosial

KBS rangka pelan strategik - galak belia teroka keusahawanan sosial. [Video] (2018)

Keusahawanan sosial & kelestarian ekonomi. [Video] (2015)

Richiamo Coffee, UiTM perkasa golongan OKU. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keusahawanan teknologi

Pelbagai inisiatif tingkat jumlah usahawan graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan wanita

Kajian pembangunan untuk meningkatkan keusahawanan wanita luar bandar di Sabah, Malaysia. Project Report. KRI International Corp., Sabah. (2004)

Keusahawnan YPU

Yayasan Pembangunan Usahahawan Terengganu: bantu usahawan IKS. [Video] (2020)


Keusahawanan di Malaysia: adakah sudah mencukupi. [Video] (2016)

Keyakinan diri

Fasa ubah hidup jadi luar biasa! [Newspaper] (2022)

Keyless access

ProLock: home security systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd

Keysha's Cookies Sdn Bhd: cookies biscuits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khepok Bites Enterprise

Khepok Bites Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Khidmat nasihat

Biz Hall 2020 bantu usahawan terjejas Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Khidmat nasihat perniagaan

Media Prima Omnia perkenal OmniaUSB bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Khidmat pemasaran bersepadu

Media Prima Omnia perkenal OmniaUSB bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Khidmat penghantaran

Sendayan Biru: "pasarman" sedia berkhidmat. Dewan Ekonomi (11). pp. 55-57. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)


Adilah products: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Kicks Bling Enterprise

Kicks Bling Enterprise: shoes repair shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kilang perabot

Rizam Perabot: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional negeri Kedah. [Video] (2019)

Kindergarten Service

Tadika Didik Murni: kindergarten service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


UiTM bekerjasama dengan Shopee, Simplysiti, Xinn Global. [Newspaper] (2021)


De Burook Company: kitchen appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kitchen appliances

TurboTex.Co: bombastic blender. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Kitchen storage

SMART Ksafe: time-lock container. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klinik pergigian

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Culinarian Knives Pte Ltd: high quality knives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurial Orientation and Effectiveness of Small and Medium Agro-Based Enterprises(SMAEs) in Malaysia – Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Network Strategies. Gading Business and Management Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0128-5599 (2007)

Knowledge sharing

Cara berfikir dan sikap bentuk usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Wujudkan panduan peniaga baharu jadi usahawan cemerlang. [Newspaper] (2019)


Peranan pemimpin pendapat dalam penyebaran inovasi penanaman kelapa sawit. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 33 (2). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Kontrak Label Swasta

Shell Malaysia bantu perkasa PKS tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kool Sdn. Bhd.

Kool Sdn Bhd: frizzy electric toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan wajib jadi ahli koperasi. [Newspaper] (2013)

Tahap keusahawanan dalam gerakan koperasi di Malaysia. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-88. ISSN 1823-4844 (2008)

Koperasi Pembangunan Desa

Tuaran berpotensi kembangkan industri madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Koperasi hawa

Usahawan wanita tubuh koperasi untuk tinggkatkan ekonomi hawa. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2015)


Seminar bicara CEO - kongsi pengalaman usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Siaran media Institut Koperasi Malaysia: keusahawanan koperasi mampu tingkatkan pendapatan B40. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)


Kopi cap tangan: usahawan TEKUN negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Kopi Cap Tangan

Kopi cap tangan: usahawan TEKUN negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Kopi Saigon

Aroma Kopi Saigon. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kos operasi

PKS dakwa kian terdesak dengan peningkatan kos. [Newspaper] (2022)


Produk kecantikan Super Scrub optimis mampu tembusi pasaran Laos. [Newspaper] (2019)

Aura gadis 1.5 juta pengikut di IG. [Newspaper] (2021)

Krabba Hut

Krabba Hut: seafood homemade burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kraf tangan

#AWANIByte: penghasilan kraftangan berkualiti dan pelbagai. [Video] (2019)


SH craft & creation: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Johor. [Video] (2020)

Produk kraftangan Putrajaya capai standard tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kraftangan Sarawak

Hasil jualan kraf tangan Sarawak RM8.2 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)


Jualan kredit? apa tu? [Phamplet] (Unpublished)

Kredit mikro

Dana RM230 juta bantu perkasa usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Krisis Covid-19

Krisis COVID-19, 'wake up call' kepada usahawan tidak berdaftar. [Video] (2020)

Kualiti keusahawanan

Kualiti keusahawanan dalam kalangan usahawan kecil dan sederhana. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 15 (3). pp. 13-27. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)

Kugona Enterprise

Kugona Enterprise: multifunction yoga mat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd

KuicKitchen Sdn Bhd: multifunction electric stove (cooking table). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kuih Bakar

Rahsia kuih bakar sabak ‘rel kereta api’. [Website] (2021)

Kuih bakul

Gadis OKU cipta nama dengan kuih bulan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Kuih siput

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Kuih tradisional

Karipap resipi ibu masuk resort. [Newspaper] (2018)

Kultur tisu nanas

Sabah fokus hasilkan nanas. [Newspaper] (2018)

Kurikulum IPT

Pemerkasaan keusahawanan melalui integrasi kurikulum IPT. [Video] (2021)


Datelicious Milk Sdn Bhd: variety of dates milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kurma milk

SU.SU: kurma milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kursus kemahiran

Usahawan kampung mampu jana pendapatan tinggi dan sumbang kepada ekonomi negara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kursus keusahawanan

Kompetensi keusahawanan diri dalam kalangan mahasiswa yang mengambil kursus keusahawanan di universiti. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Management and Muamalah 2015 (ICoMM 2015): 34. pp. 372-384. ISSN 978-967-0850-25-2 (2015)

LA'FILTER Enterprise

LA'FILTER Sdn Bhd: drinking water straw filters and bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Malay enterpreneurs urged to seize digital economic revolution. [Newspaper] (2018)

LCD screen

Be Space: LCD curtain display. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Turun naik Industri getah, lada, koko di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)


LOBYARD Sdn Bhd: Lobster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Generasi usahawan tani. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lab Shoes Sdn. Bhd.

Lab Shoes Sdn Bhd: lab shoe (smart shoe). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Labels & packaging

Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Labor cost

Mama Sup Utara: productivity of worker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lack of manpower

Qasey Bakery social enterprise: bakery product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ladang Nira Nipah

Nikmati air nira di ladang nipah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ladang ternakan

Ternak lembu, tanam buah naga jana pendapatan lumayan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lady HAIS Enterprise

Lady HAIS Enterprise: local fruit pudding (Fruidin' Splash). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Defood.Co: laksa corner restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lambakan sayuran

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)


Florist Fleur Blossom: selling rose plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lanyss Corporation

Lanyss Corporation: vonny smart stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Memperkukuh jenama Lapaa. [Newspaper] (2020)

Laptop Stand: Face Tracking

Laptop stand: face tracking. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laptop backpack

Lé àl'aise Enterprise: FINUTTA smart backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Larva perosak

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)

Laser cutting

Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Latest Equipment

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Latihan Vokasional (TVET)

Kerajaan fokus bantu usahawan bumiputera untuk seimbangkan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Latihan dan pendidikan keusahawanan

Pelaksanaan pendidikan keusahawanan di Malaysia: kesan terhadap aspirasi keusahawanan pelajar. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 10 (1). pp. 53-61. ISSN 0128-7702 (2002)

Latihan industri

Inisiatif baik promosi AI. [Newspaper] (2020)

Latihan keusahawanan

Lima agensi latih, bantu usahawan kecil jana pendapatan keluarga selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Latihan pembangunan perniagaan.

Kerajaan negeri komited bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)


Queen’s Laundry: dry cleaning and laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Laundry Enterprise: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hype Laundry Cafe: laundry cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Dash: laundry with cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giltter Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Express: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry services

X-pert Laundry Services: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Law enforcement officers

Danial Enterprise Sdn Bhd: safety vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lawn Mower Powered Bicycle

Lush Machinery Sdn Bhd: lawn mower powered bicycle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Layer cake

King Layer Cake Sarawak: layer cake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Le Savon Sdn. Bhd.

Le Savon Sdn Bhd: automatic soap dispenser. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Leadership And Motivational

Leadership and motivational: Air Asia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Learning and Development

Aziz, Khairul Afzan Toolkit usahawan junior. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426964 (2012)

Learning outcome

A review on the relationship between business plan learning outcomes and business plan simulation in entrepreneurial education. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), 8 (2). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2180-3811 (2017)

Lebah Kelulut

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)

Lebah kelulut

Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

N7 – Propolis lebah kelulut – bermanfaat dalam industri kosmetik [12 Mac 2019]. [Video] (2019)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)

insentif yang disediakan MAFI bagi sektor agromakanan. [Website] (Unpublished)

USM perkenal projek transformasi ternak lebah kelulut untuk bantu tingkatkan ekonomi penduduk Besut. [Website]

Pasar 600kg madu kelulut sebulan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hasil madu kelulut hingga 10 kg sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lebah kelulut (Genus Heterotrigona,Family Apidae)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)


Banding Eco Sanctuary Enterprise: outdoor activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (KADA)

44 usahawan KADA terima bantuan niaga. [Newspaper] (2016)

Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM)

Pekebun nanas Moris lega. [Newspaper] (2021)

Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang

HSDV Chicken Enterprise: breeding and selling the chicken product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lembu tenusu

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Lesen penjaja

Pulau Pinang, Selangor kongsi idea dan pengalaman perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Less Attention

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lets’ Shopping App

Lets’ Shopping application. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Library Cafe: librarian concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lilstech Enterprise

LilsTech Enterprise: thermassage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Limited space

Dripping drizzles: home-made bakery and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kerjasama UFORA, Kilafairy bantu golongan terkesan pandemik COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Loafers footwear

Jelly Shoes Passion: footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tteokbokki Jjang: Korean cuisine restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local Market

Gorgeous Coffees: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local businesses

Another MCO will kill more businesses, warns SME Association. [Newspaper] (2021)

Local cuisine

Afro's Kitchen Restaurant: Malay restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship intention in an Open and Distance Learning(ODL) institution in Malaysia. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM), 3 (3). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2289-4489 (2015)

Local food

Rahsia kuih bakar sabak ‘rel kereta api’. [Website] (2021)

Local food cookies

Anello Torta: cookies (kuih cincin). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local fruit

NutriPITAgen Sdn Bhd: dragon fruit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local manufacturers

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local product

Bousgaschantek: local skincare brands. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Local restaurant

Al-Matha'am Syed Corner: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Location tracking

Shoetech Corporation: Smart Detector Shoes (SDS). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Locus of control

Factors that influence UiTM’s undergraduates towards entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Education and Research, 1 (11): 37. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2411-5681 (2013)


TransTech Logistic (M) Sdn Bhd: transport and service (logistic). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on agro-entrepreneurship education among graduates. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service, 14: 62. pp. 343-347. ISSN 2010-4626 (2011)


Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Logo Customization

My Mug Malaysia: ceramic mugs and glasswares. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Meido Kissa Technolounge: hi-tech cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Loveberts: mitarashi dango (sticky rice cakes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Low Service

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Low-cost grooming centre

Go home: pet grooming services on wheel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

LuBook Sdn. Bhd.

LuBook Sdn Bhd: spongy book. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Samsonite Luggage Company: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Samsonite International S.A: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Luggage Product

Smart Travel Company: easy smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Luggage Products

Travelpro company: expandable luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lugshelf Luggage

SmartLug Enterprise: lugshelf luggage (SmartLug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Produk Lunalyra tiga dalam satu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Luxury Handbag

Coach IP Holdings LLC: luxury handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Semangat besar insan 'kecil'. [Newspaper] (2020)

MAHAI Sports Enterprise

MAHAI sports enterprise: digital skipping rope. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)


Pacu usahawan muda Agropreneur. [Newspaper] (2017)


Geran Pembangunan Usahawan tambah inisiatif baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)


Sebahagian besar PKS bermasalah jika PKP dipanjangkan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)


JUNZ : Industri nanas Sabah akan terus dimajukan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Pembelajaran melalui aktiviti perniagaan di kalangan para pelajar MDAB. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences (22). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2600-7568 (2019)


Era digital bantu lonjak jenama Munira. [Newspaper] (2019)

MDEC bantu Orang Asli jadi e-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)


Moratorium, pembiayaan bertindih untuk usahawan TEKUN terkesan banjir. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKS diseru ceburi perniagaan secara digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Sabah lonjak prestasi perniagaan melalui program IBC dan BEP 46. [Newspaper] (Unpublished) (2020)

7 agensi MEDAC meterai MoU bersama PUNB majukan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)


MEDISHOE Sdn Bhd: medical shoes (Medi Shoe 1.0). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Malaysia kekal sebagai destinasi pelaburan pilihan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Kerajaan laksana program keusahawanan untuk belia. [Newspaper] (2017)

MKI Dream Legacy

Motive Bath tembusi Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2021)


MPKN jadikan Malaysia negara keusahawanan unggul. [Newspaper] (2021)

MT4 Bags

MT4 Bags: handbag moding patterns. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kale Gula Resources: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Selangor. [Video] (2020)

Made Yum (MY) Enterprise

Made Yum (MY) Enterprise: bread bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Madrasah Tahfiz Taufiqillah

Suka-suka RM14,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2018)


Madu kelulut berpotensi besar – usahawan wanita ternak 42 sarang. [Video] (2018)

KPLB akan terus bantu pengusaha madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan, guru ternakan kelulut. [Newspaper] (2010)

Madu Kelulut

1,000 mililiter madu dihasilkan setiap 2 minggu. [Newspaper] (2016)

Cukuplah makan gaji. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kerana uniknya kelulut... dulu jurutera kini Aluis bergelar usahawan madu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Cari sarang kelulut kurang risiko. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pelaburan madu bertukar pahit. [Newspaper] (2019)

Bermula 30 rumah lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Selamatkan sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Ligat curi sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Khasiat 5 kali ganda. [Newspaper] (2015)

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut sumber vitamin c semulajadi terbaik cegah COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Harga madu kelulut cecah RM260 sekilogram. [Newspaper] (2020)

Merudum! [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasaran madu lebah kelulut merosot, harga turun - PELEKAT. [Newspaper] (2019)

Sahut cabaran rakan ternak kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Madu Lebah Kelulut

Selamatkan sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Merudum! [Newspaper] (2019)

Madu kelulut

Berita perdana: majukan industri kelulut di Sabah - KPLB sedia RM870,000 untuk pengusaha. [Video] (2020)

Biz Malaysia: perusahaan madu kelulut sarawak. [Video] (2016)

Felda Taib Andak bakal dijadikan hab pengeluaran madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industri madu kelulut berpotensi besar dimajukan di Sarawak - Shabery. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lebih 700 usahawan terlibat industri madu kelulut seluruh negara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Madu kelulut berpotensi besar – usahawan wanita ternak 42 sarang. [Video] (2018)

Madu kelulut jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

#NadiSarawak​: madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Pengusaha madu kelulut MARDI - Nona TV3. [Video] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut jana hingga RM1,500 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

SME: madu kelulut jana pendapatan suri rumah. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Tanam: madu kelulut Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tingkatkan produktiviti madu kelulut untuk pasaran luar. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan tani Sarawak digalak ceburi ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pencuri larikan sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sarang kelulut ubah hidup bekas pekerja kilang. [Newspaper] (2017)

Suka-suka RM14,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Madu kelulut: beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

D'4 Amigos: fresh stingless bee honey. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AHIBS UTM jayakan projek ternakan kelulut modular inovasi bantu B40. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belia Pahang digalak sertai projek madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kelulut jana pendapatan SMK Soi. [Newspaper] (2017)

'Doktor Kelulut' popularkan Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2017)

Projek penternakan kelulut UiTM cawangan Terengganu. Info Usahawan: Usahawan Pemacu Ekonomi Mapan, 15. p. 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2020)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Sabun madu kelulut rezeki lumayan suri rumah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Manis kekal di bibir. [Newspaper] (2017)

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)

Fighting urban poverty: Kelulut entrepreneurship program. [Website]

Madu kelulut asli Abdul Rahman dicari ramai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternak kelulut sumber pendapatan menguntungkan di pedalaman Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Ternak kelulut bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Ibu lumpuh jadi sumber inspirasi. [Newspaper] (2018)

Kelulut lumayan: pengusaha mampu jana pendapatan antara RM200 hingga RM1,000 sehari. [Newspaper] (2016)

Tuaran berpotensi kembangkan industri madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasar 600kg madu kelulut sebulan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Haji Said sambil bela, sambil buat kajian kelulut. [Website]

Hasil madu kelulut hingga 10 kg sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Madu lebah

Menyedari khasiat madu dorong Zaleha jadi pengusaha ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Madu tualang

Pencarian madu tualang. [Video] (2019)

Magnet Shuttlecock (GX Shuttlecock)

Magnet shuttlecock (GX shuttlecock). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Magnetic Dumbbell

Magnetic dumbbell. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


UMK terima geran bangunkan program keusahawanan mahasiswa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Majlis Amanah Rakyat

Sasar lahir 15,000 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)

MARA, Shopee jalin kerjasama pasaran produk usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Majlis Belia Orang Asli (MBOA)

Teroka bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Majlis Kemakmuran Bumiputera (MKB)

Kerajaan komited jayakan agenda bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputera akan dijadikan bangsa usahawan - Muhyiddin. [Newspaper] (2020)

Maju Sdn Bhd

Maju Sdn Bhd: EZ bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Makanan Tradisional

Resipi keluarga turun-temurun. [Newspaper] (2020)

Makanan halal

IMFAN bimbing usahawan kecil peroleh sijil halal. [Video] (2020)

Makanan ringan

Snek jagung Haliza Industries ke Bahrain. [Newspaper] (2018)

Makanan sejuk beku

USNA burger: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Makanan ternakan ruminan

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Makanan tradisi

Nona inspirasi: pengusaha dodol cair. [Video] (2021)

Makanan tradisional

Kempen KPDNHEP bantu usahawan teroka pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2021)


Beauty on the go: multifunctional portable makeup booth. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay Garment

Hauni Boutique and Fashion Enterprise: traditional Malay apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay craft

Seri Kraf: handicraft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay culture

Nazirashah Enterprise: Bahulu Opah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Malay food

Traditional Delight Sdn Bhd: serunding. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Envt Patremony: telur pindang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurship in Malaysia: advantages, current issues, entrepreneurial education, and social entrepreneurship. [Website]

Enhancing young graduates’ intention towards entrepreneurship development in Malaysia. Education + Training, 54 (7). pp. 605-618. ISSN 0040-0912 (2012)

The effect of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on takaful agency’s business performance in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45: 12. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)

Malaysia-Appropriations and expenditures

Kerajaan komited bantu PKS, syarikat pertengahan sektor utama. [Newspaper] (2020)

Malaysian economy

Annual report 2011/2012 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Annual report 2012/2013 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2013)

Annual report 2013/2014 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2014)

Annual report 2014/2015 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2015)

Annual report 2015/2016 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2016)

Annual report 2017/2018 SME Corporation Malaysia. Project Report. National SME Development Council, Kuala Lumpur. (2018)

Malaysian food

Rahsia kuih bakar sabak ‘rel kereta api’. [Website] (2021)

Mamak restaurant

Al-Matha'am Syed Corner: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mamamia Lazatoz

Mamamia Lazatoz: greentea shake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Techno Software Sdn Bhd. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TransTech Logistic (M) Sdn Bhd: transport and service (logistic). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NutriPITAgen Sdn Bhd: dragon fruit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paradise Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kemaman Indah Box Enterprise: box supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berjaya Lintah: supplying leeches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Management and services

Jannatul Akhirah Sdn Bhd: management and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Management strategy

McDonald’s franchise: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Management system

Al-Matha'am Syed Corner: restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Management team

Handphone tie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manga cafe

Manga Cafe: Japanese-style comic cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mango jam

Miss Gurlz Enterprise: mango jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manual filing system

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manual labor

Wanshah Maju Enterprise: coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Premium Scarves Enterprise: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Manufacturing and packaging

Garfieldlicious Shoppe: snacks and chips products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Maqasid As-Shariah

Islamic marketing: promotional campaign in the perspective of Maqasid As-shariah in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (1): 4. pp. 29-39. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

Maqasid syariah

Konsep keusahawanan berteraskan integrasi ilmu naqli dan aqli. In: International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference organized by iCEPS10, 8 November 2014, Carlton Hotel, Shah Alam. (Unpublished) (2014)


Dulu jurutera, kini tauke daging burger. [Newspaper] (2020)

Marine fish

C’Best Enterprise: sea bass breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Banana Milk Delicieuse Enterprise: banana fruits drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Just Clean Enterprise: house cleaning services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NYPA Jaya Enterprise: nypa products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

House of Cake: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Onde-onde: kuih Melaka. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Premium Scarves Enterprise: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Deragona Enterprise: Dragon Fruit Jam. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fragancia: scented soy wax candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Market Segments

DiDi Couture: custom made tailoring. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Market and stores

House of Mushroom Sdn Bhd: fresh mushrooms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Market placement

The Four Fighters Catering: ayam golek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Eleven Bro Printing: clothes design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Steamboat Kitchen Choice of Sarawak: steamboat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Finger Licious Enterprise: Korean and Malay food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Arrayyan hasrat kuasai pasaran produk halal. [Newspaper] (2019)

Yummiz Enterprise: honey marinate sauce. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jie Crochet: accessories business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Marketing Budget

Creative Partners: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Marketing Department

Prince n Princess Bookstore & Coffee House: Bookstore & Coffee House. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Marketing Strategy

Yeop Yunus, Nek Kamal and Abdullah, Haim Hilman Pengurusan peruncitan: konsep, strategi dan kes. Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. ISBN 9833205399 (2005)

Marketing strategy

5 tips untuk membina perniagaan online. [Video] (2021)

Warisan Enterprise Sdn Bhd: salt eggs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

G.Louisha Korean Sling Bag: sling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Flextreme fitness: Gyms. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

U Mobile Setia City Mall: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lurve of Felicidad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sulaman Kreatif Enterprise: traditional clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Baby’s Dream Sdn Bhd: trading of baby’s products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Satay Warisan Sdn Bhd: satay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mas cotek

Ficus Moraceae Enterprise: mas cotek. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Massage chair

SitX Sdn Bhd: health and wellness equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Massage oil

MMGAmazing: marvelous massage gel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matchalicious Cookies

Matchalicious Cookies: flavoured cookies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matlamat besar

Fasa ubah hidup jadi luar biasa! [Newspaper] (2022)

Mawar Shazni Sdn Bhd.

Produk Sapuu bantu tingkat kesihatan kulit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Mayonnaise manufacturing

The Dressings: mayonnaise. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Produk Lunalyra tiga dalam satu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Meamira Sdn Bhd (Hydorlily)

Meamira Sdn Bhd: water bottle (Hydorlily). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meat production

Balung Emas Enterprise: broiler chicken suppliers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


5,000 warong riders. [Newspaper] (2020)

Media Sosial

Penggunaan bisnes online kit dalam khidmat bantu usahawan iks negeri Johor. Penulisan. (Unpublished)

Media entrepreneurship

Usahawan Media: kerjaya kewartawanan masa hadapan. Dewan Masyarakat (2). pp. 53-56. ISSN 0419-0386 (2020)

Media social advertisement

ZH Collection persefahaman kukuhkan perniagaan. Dewan Ekonomi (2). pp. 62-63. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Media sosial

Ejekan kuatkan tekad usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jubah dari Dubai jadi lubuk rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)

Medical check-up

Klinik Dr. Fauziah: healthcare services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Medicine box

94's Healthcare: medi cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Germ-Free Enterprise: medicines. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mee Aniq

Sasar Mee Aniq di pasar raya di Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Memperkasakan usahawan

Agenda awani: ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangkit semula. [Video] (2020)

Menjana pendapatan

Bekas pramugari kini miliki Blossom Scarves. [Newspaper] (2020)

Empayar 2 anak muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Mamz tekad bantu wanita tambah pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Iktiraf usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2017)


Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

Merangsang pelaburan baharu

Kerajaan biaya RM100 juta bantu sektor utama bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)


MZ printing: t-shirt and merchandise printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mereviu produk

Aura gadis 1.5 juta pengikut di IG. [Newspaper] (2021)


Kale Gula Resources: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Selangor. [Video] (2020)

Mesh back system

Deuter Spot GmbH: ventilated backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mesra solat

Sarjana saudagar minyak wangi. [Newspaper] (2019)


Fenomena Kek Absolut Chocolat. [Newspaper] (2019)

Micro Entrepreneur

Public urged to support micro-entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2019)

Micro Global Enterprise

Usahawan Rempeyek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Micro business

Growth challenges of SMEs: empirical evidence in Sabah, Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Micro entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur Development Ministry wants to minimise bureaucracy to propel SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF). [Website] (2015)

Tekun to help 25,000 micro entrepreneurs this year: Chairman. [Newspaper] (2019)

100 entrepreneurs showcase products at SME Week. [Newspaper] (2019)

Micro-enterprise performance

Entrepreneurial leadership, performance, and sustainability of micro-enterprises in Malaysia. Sustainability in SMEs, 10 (5). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2071-1050 (2018)

Microfinance Factors

The influence of financial service factors on entrepreneurial competencies and business success among women entrepreneurs: a case study of Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 7. pp. 72-89. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Mikro kredit

DPMM Kelantan tawar pinjaman sifar riba. [Newspaper] (2021)


Zillicious Enterprise: milkybae (flavored milk). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Milk Production

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennial entrepreneurs

Coaching millennial entrepreneurs in tourism industry: a glimpse of political skill. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

Mini fridge

Doshi box: portable food warmer and mini fridge. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minor Rural Project

5,000 warong riders. [Newspaper] (2020)

Minor invasive procedure

WiLS Sdn Bhd: ultra detector branula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Minuman berkarbonat

Air minuman zeeper: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2019)

Minuman jeli

Berbaloi pinjam wang KWSP bapa. [Newspaper] (2018)

Minuman ringan

Berbaloi pinjam wang KWSP bapa. [Newspaper] (2018)

Minyak pelincir

My FlexiTank sasar jual 200,000 liter minyak pelincir Pertamina. [Newspaper] (2019)

Minyak rambut

#mausembang: bisnes 'tepi jalan' untung RM30K? - Azri Walter. [Video] (2019)


7 agensi MEDAC meterai MoU bersama PUNB majukan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Mobile application

Skate Tech: technote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mobile phone

Gadget world 666: mobile phones accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan OKU dan usahawan bergerak (Mobilepreneur). [Video] (2016)


D'Venus Enterprise: mochi ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Peniaga kecil harap ada bantuan daripada kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Modal perniagaan

Senang ke nak jadi usahawan jutawan? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)


CUBE Enterprise: sweet corn based fast-food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Modern design

Rebel. Co: clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Momentum Internet Sdn Bhd

Momentum Internet sasar 100,000 usahawan digitalisasi perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Al- Amin Jersey Store: sublimation shirt. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Cabaran kepada industri perkapalan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Bank terus bantu PKS hadapi PKP 3.0. [Website] (2021)

Langkah proaktif bantu usahawan PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)


The orientation of handicraft entrepreneurs in Sabah: Their personality characteristics and motivations. In: 2nd Asean Entrepreneurship Conference 2014, 17 May 2014, Shangri – La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang. (Unpublished) (2014)

Motive Bath

Motive Bath tembusi Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2021)


Riders Marketing Sdn Bhd: motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Motorcycle lock

ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Motorcycle services

GABS Motor And Services Company: motorcycle services and dealers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sabah Borneo Racing: motorsports. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mountain hiking product

Gregory Mountain Product: hiking backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


My Mug Malaysia: ceramic mugs and glasswares. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mul Toothbrush

M Company: mul toothbrush. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi Bottle

Multi Bottle Enterprise: Multi Bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi – Function Umbrella

Multi-function umbrella. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-Rice Cooker

Arroz Enterprise: multi-rice cooker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multi-function helmet

THK5 Sdn Bhd: THK5 smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multipurpose Chair

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multipurpose bullets

Bullet Pen: single pen with multipurpose bullets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Multipurpose luggage

All-in-one luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mummy Kitchenware

Mummy Kitchenware: multipurpose kitchen tools. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mumu Style Enterprise

Mumu Style Enterprise: premium modish dustbin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Musang King Roll

Forbidden, inovasi raja buah. [Newspaper] (2019)


House of mushroom: mushroom product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioishii Mushroom Enterprise: fresh oyster mushroom. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Captain Mushroom: vegetarian food outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Music Company

Minor Red Chord: music instruments. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Music studio

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Musical Instrument

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Art Brut Music Studio Enterprise: music studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Musical class

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Musical instrument repair

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Muslim Cemetery

Jannatul Akhirah Sdn Bhd: management and services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Muslim bakery

Sweetlicious bakery: bakery and pastry product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Muslim business

Ciri-ciri akhlak usahawan muslim berjaya dan hubungannya dengan cara pengembangan harta serta matlamat hidup menurut perspektif Al-Qur’an. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 4 (1): 2. pp. 8-17. ISSN 0127-788X (2019)

Muslim entrepreneur

Ciri-ciri akhlak usahawan muslim berjaya dan hubungannya dengan cara pengembangan harta serta matlamat hidup menurut perspektif Al-Qur’an. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 4 (1): 2. pp. 8-17. ISSN 0127-788X (2019)

Meneliti Hubungan Jihad Perniagaan dengan Pencapaian Usahawan Muslim Berjaya di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 44: 11141. pp. 81-91. ISSN 01272713 (2015)

Musuh kelulut

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)


Bejewelled: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Sabah. [Video] (2020)

My Agrosis

Program Malaysian agro entrepreneurial club For university students (MyAgrosis). [Website]

My FlexiTank

My FlexiTank sasar jual 200,000 liter minyak pelincir Pertamina. [Newspaper] (2019)

My Mum's Bakery

Usahawan wanita terus gigih, cekal capai impian. [Newspaper] (2020)


MyAgrosis cetus minat mahasiswa USIM sebagai usahawan. Berita Kampus. (Unpublished) (2016)

MyAssist MSME

PKS perlu berinovasi, cipta idea baru. [Newspaper] (2021)

NAZ Barbershop

NAZ Barbershop: barber shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NAZ Company

NAZ Company: smarteye cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ND Divers

Usahawan mahu kongsi rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)


NFCP mampu bawa usahawan PKS keluar 'kepompong'. [Newspaper] (2018)

NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd

NT Yumzz Sdn Bhd: protein food (instant meals). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tortilla nachos chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Jutawan Enterprise (Kisah Usahawan Nanas Berjaya). [Video] (2020)

Ladang nanas MD2 beri peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk tempatan. [Video] (2019)

Sabah fokus hasilkan nanas. [Newspaper] (2018)

JUNZ : Industri nanas Sabah akan terus dimajukan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Nanas Moris

Pekebun nanas Moris lega. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nano Sweeper

Aneeta: Nano Sweeper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nasi Kukus

My Mama utama kebajikan pekerja. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nasi bajet

Nasi bungkuih RM5. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nasi impit

Sate Kita Cafe: sate and nasi impit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nasi lemak

Nasi bungkuih RM5. [Newspaper] (2021)

National Development Policy

New policy to drive entrepreneurs. New Straits Times. (2019)

National Entrepreneurship Policy

Malaysia a true entrepreneurial nation by 2030. [Newspaper] (2019)

National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030

Entrepreneur Development Ministry wants to minimise bureaucracy to propel SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

National accreditation

22 social enterprises receive government accreditation to boost procurement opportunities for business expansion. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

National policy

The 25TH Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Small and Medium Enterprises Ministerial Meeting (SMEMM). [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Nato Taco

Nato Taco: food cart. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Natural vitamin

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


THK5 Sdn Bhd: THK5 smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Need for achievement

Factors that influence UiTM’s undergraduates towards entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Education and Research, 1 (11): 37. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2411-5681 (2013)

Neese.Co smart security shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Network system

McDonald’s franchise: fast-food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Networking ability

Coaching millennial entrepreneurs in tourism industry: a glimpse of political skill. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)


Entrepreneurial Orientation and Effectiveness of Small and Medium Agro-Based Enterprises(SMAEs) in Malaysia – Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Network Strategies. Gading Business and Management Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0128-5599 (2007)

Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

4 Emerald Physio Clinic: physiotherapy treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

New Business Enterprise - Management

Redefining critical capabilities for business performance of Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 0128-7494 (2010)

Ceburi perniagaan emas. [Newspaper] (2020)

New Product Development

FNF Hash Services: hair cut service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Paiola Organic Corp: organic papaya. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunny Abadi Car Wash Sdn Bhd: snow car wash services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hot Tropico: fresh and frozen coconut milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

New Product Development (NPD)

The dUCk Group Sdn Bhd: handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhythm Co. Ltd: variety of clocks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

New business enterprises

Buddyz Islamic Collection: variety of Muslim attire. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ocobot Enterprise: heated transfer knife. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TechGen Corporation: portable air compressor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Carribean Enterprise: solar phone charger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet remembrance: event planner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Semai Hijau Enterprise: FELCRA palm oil seedling site. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Giants river prawns enterprise: giant river prawns supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Elecpro Enterprise: shake it on torch light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

New invention

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Niat keusahawanan

Niat Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Wanita di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM). Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2): 4. pp. 36-49. ISSN 2600-836X (2019)

Nice Self-Safety Alarm Shoes

Nice company: nice self-safety alarm shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Night reading

Smart Pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nilai Keusahawanan

KPT hasilkan 50,000 usahawan sepanjang 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

Nilai dan etika Islam

Nilai dan etika perniagaan dalam islam bagi membentuk usahawan bertakwa. In: Proceeding International Conference on Islamic Leadership-2 (ICIL) 2012: Intellectuality and Leadership of Muslim Scholars in Research, Innovation and Creativity in Asean Region. 2012 ed. Penerbit Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 477-484. ISBN 9789670393483 (2012)

Nobit Automatic Drink Maker

Buddy Sdn Bhd: nobit automatic drink maker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Non-cognitive dimension

Entrepreneurship behaviour amongst Malaysian university students. Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 18 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0128-7702 (2010)


Strategic business improvement plan : A case of HLM Boat Noodle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Norayu Sdn. Bhd.

Norayu Sdn Bhd: make up in durable pod (BeautyB). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Norma baharu

Peniaga, usahawan masih risau. [Newspaper] (2020)

Normal baharu

Normal Baharu: COVID-19 pemangkin PKS tampil lebih kreatif. [Video] (2020)

Novel Coronavirus

Watsons: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nur Isma Afifi

Sarang kelulut ubah hidup bekas pekerja kilang. [Newspaper] (2017)


Green Botanical Garden: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hellynna Jantriline Nursery: flowering and non-flowering plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wynas Daycare Centre: nursery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nutri-Ganic Farm ; Ayam Kampong

Nutri-Ganic Farm Sdn Bhd: organic chicken supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Nutri-Ganic Farm Sdn Bhd: organic chicken supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nutritional Value

Khazanah Food Enterprise: Malaysian traditional snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nutritious foods

Konsortium My Iqra Solutions (K-MiSs): honey bee product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dio Cafe: cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ONEBusiness VoiceGo

Teknologi memudah perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Obsolete design

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Loves florist: fresh floral decorations. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Odor control

Smart organic bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Office Furniture

Steelcase Inc: office chairs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Office furniture

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oil Supply

Union Ritz (M) Sdn Bhd: oil distributor and mini pump station construction. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Omorfo Cosmetic

Omorfo: Cosmetic company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kekunang : action camera (iluca). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ilmu keusahawanan dalam talian. [Video] (2020)

The Kasots: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online Business

5 tips untuk membina perniagaan online. [Video] (2021)

Online Platforms

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online Retailers

ANAA Mini Kek Batik: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online Services

Team Dunia: tortilla chips. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art drawing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online Shop

Yeppo: facial care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online Stores

Suki Tharwah Enterprise: SThermos (vacuum flask). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online business

SU.SU: kurma milk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bousgaschantek: local skincare brands. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) oatmeal turmeric mask & scrub. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The essentials and challenges of online business among Bumiputera SME entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Research in World Economy, 10 (3). pp. 45-55. ISSN 1923-399X (2019)

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lurve of Felicidad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cucumber bubble mask: beauty products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Online printing system

Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online shopping

Lifebox Delivery: groceries selling. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online shopping apps

Smart Group: smart window. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Online training

MARA offers online training for SMEs, entrepreneurs during MCO period. Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat MARA, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Opal’s Dainties Sdn. Bhd.

Opal’s Dainties Sdn Bhd: bakery and café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Operation management

Go home: pet grooming services on wheel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Operational strategy

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The inspirational and aspirational desires of Ridzuan. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 4. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Opportunity identification

Seizing the opportunity. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 6. pp. 25-28. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Optical product

Mata by Optometrist: optical shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Optical shop

Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oral diagnosis

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Aini: dental specialists. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Orang asli

Lebih 600 usahawan orang asli Balal dilahirkan JAKOA. [Video] (2016)

Orang kurang upaya

Richiamo Coffee, UiTM perkasa golongan OKU. [Newspaper] (2021)

Orang kurang upaya (OKU)

Jual sepanjang tahun. [Newspaper] (2021)

Ordering system

Smart Group: smart window. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


King Charcoal Sdn Bhd: organic bamboo charcoal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic Chicken

Nutri-Ganic Farm Sdn Bhd: organic chicken supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic crop production

BIZ Malaysia - kebun pisang. [Video] (2017)

Organic fertilizer

Smart organic bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic fruits

Paiola Organic Corp: organic papaya. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic pesticides

D'Sebasih: organic pesticides. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organic product

Ensoleillement Company: pharmaceutical and healthcare product (organic sunscreen). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organization sales volume

Piratas Barbershop: MyTurn apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


East Bite: lekorball. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organizational Behaviour

Motivation of Adidas: sports footwear, apparel and accessories. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)


94's Healthcare: medi cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Organizing And Advertising

All-In Agency: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Original Taste

House of Asian Sdn Bhd: asian food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Orthopedic instruments

Anthys (M) Sdn Bhd: medical products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Osprey Kestrel 48

Osprey Packs Inc: backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Flexwarm: Smart jacket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Oyster fungus

Usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)

Oyster mushroom

Usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)


Usahawan digesa rebut peluang optimumkan dana PUNB, MARA. [Newspaper] (2020)

PFS 2021

PFS 2021 galak siswazah ceburi perniagaan francais. [Newspaper] (2021)


Sebahagian besar PKS bermasalah jika PKP dipanjangkan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)


NFCP mampu bawa usahawan PKS keluar 'kepompong'. [Newspaper] (2018)

Asam pedas Rasa Bonda Melaka istimewa. [Newspaper] (2021)

CIMB, Shopmatic bantu PKS wujudkan perniagaan dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

COVID-19: PKS perlu bijak cari peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu radikal tingkat teknologi digitaL. [Newspaper] (2020)

Era digital bantu lonjak jenama Munira. [Newspaper] (2019)

Keusahawanan pilihan utama mendepani pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

DNeX sedia pakej digital khas bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sasar 2,000 rakan niaga MRM Perfumes. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cari Modal. [Newspaper] (2012)

PKS perlu berinovasi, cipta idea baru. [Newspaper] (2021)

37,000 PKS dapat pembiayaan lebih RM15 bilion. [Newspaper] (2021)

BOXO tukar cabang niaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bank Rakyat perkasa usahawan melalui SMEC. [Newspaper] (2021)

PKS (Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana)

Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS mikro

1 Juta Usahawan PKS mikro Dapat Manfaat GKP 4.0. [Newspaper] (2021)


PMKS catat rugi RM40.7 bilion tahun lalu. [Newspaper] (2021)


SKILLEX Sdn Bhd: laptop innovation (PORTOP). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PROSKI Sdn. Bhd.

PROSKI Sdn Bhd: adjustable size shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


PUNB perkenal bantuan pembiayaan PKS Bumiputera, RM200 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUNB, KBS bekerjasama lahir usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)


NYPA Jaya Enterprise: nypa products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adventure Foodie: self-heating MYMeals (traditional foods). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Local handicraft entrepreneur produces dried-leaf paintings. [Newspaper] (2018)

Warisan Art Gallery: art and handicraft product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pakaian seragam

Bekas peguam kini tauke baju sekolah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pakaian terpakai

FF Mercu Niaga Sdn Bhd: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2017)

Pakej Prihatin PKS

PKP: Usahawan mulai positif, ubah strategi perniagaan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi

COVID-19: PKS perlu bijak cari peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pakej ransangan ekonomi amanah ikhtiar & koop sahabat. [Video] (2020)

Palm sugar

Sanny Zeal Enterprise: premium quality palm sugar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Panasonic Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Delizioso Panburger: pancake burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

D'Crave: bolu-bolu balls (pancake balls). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pancake proposals

1,2,3 Pancake Enterprise: pancakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2013)

Panduan mengurus

Mohd Makhbul, Zafir and Mohamad Hasun, Fazilah Menjadi usahawan. PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd., Pahang. ISBN 9831921682 (2003)

Wan, Mohd Nazif and Ibrahim, Fazilah Formula menjadi usahawan berjaya. PTS Professional Publishing Sdn. Bhd., Selangor. ISBN 9789833376209 (2007)

Panel data analysis

Factors affecting working capital management of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)


Elle Cooperation: multi-function umbrella (Parapluie). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Pimiento Spiciezz: chillies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Partnership Agreement

Khazanah Food Enterprise: Malaysian traditional snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Partnership Businesses

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Partnership business

Eleven Bro Printing: clothes design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Blackfisk Enterprise: fishery products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


AgriCOP bantu tingkatkan sosioekonomi golongan tani. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pasaran antarabangsa

SME Bank sasar jualan eksport usahawan PKS meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Ketengah jenama PKS Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pasaran eksport

Usahawan Risda tembusi pasaran eksport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pasaran global

Kraf jahitan negara ke pasaran antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasaran halal

PKS sumbang 41 peratus KDNK tahun depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasaran tempatan

Koras tinjau pasaran Singapura, Indonesia. [Newspaper] (2020)


La Petite Café: French pastries. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet Sprinkles Bakery: bread and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tasty-Licious Donuts: doughnuts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pastry products

GOJESGURL Café: bakery and pastry products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pati asli wangian

Sarjana saudagar minyak wangi. [Newspaper] (2019)

Patron segmentation

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pauh lekor

Pauh Lekor kongsi pendapatan bersama ejen hadapi PKP 2.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pay bills online

"We Care" Apps: hospital and clinic system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan di pedalaman bimbingan MDEC raih jualan RM60,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Peace Young

Peace Young: banana lollipop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pekebun Kecil Perusahaan Getah (Risda)

Usahawan Risda tembusi pasaran eksport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pelaburan madu kelulut

Pelaburan madu bertukar pahit. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA)

Keusahawanan pilihan utama mendepani pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi)

KPT hasilkan 50,000 usahawan sepanjang 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan IPT

Keusahawan cabang kerjaya berpotensi besar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelan Tindakan Perdagangan Nasional (NTBp)

Ketengah jenama PKS Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pelan perniagaan

Rancangan perniagaan. Working Paper. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Pelan rangsangan fiskal

Dana RM40 bilion untuk membantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelan strategik

KBS rangka pelan strategik - galak belia teroka keusahawanan sosial. [Video] (2018)

Pelan tindakan keusahawanan

Keusahawan digital antara fokus kepada pelajar IPT. [Video] (2020)


Ayer Keroh, Alor Gajah dan Jasin bakal dibangunkan bagi pelancongan berasaskan eko, agro. [Newspaper] (2020)


Peniaga kecil harap ada bantuan daripada kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pelaras suhu automatik

Penduduk usaha cendawan tiram guna inovasi IOT. [Newspaper] (2021)

Peluang berniaga

SimplySiti tawar pelajar UiTM peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peluang pekerjaan

Kerajaan prihatin terhadap usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2019)


SweetLAB pemanis alternatif ganti gula putih. [Newspaper] (2021)


Cara berfikir dan sikap bentuk usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lulusan PhD pun jual kek cawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pemasaran produk

FAMA masih relevan bantu usahawan pasar keluaran. [Video] (2018)

Penerimaan produk bumiputera di hypermarket. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-4844 (2010)


Potensi dan Peningkatan Kejayaan Usahawan Wanita di Malaysia. In: Kolokium Penyelidikan Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2015, Jun 2015, Politeknik METRO, Johor Bahru. (Unpublished) (2015)

Pembangunan manusia

Maklumat pembangunan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA). Project Report. Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelarasan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah, Kedah. (2018)

Pembangunan perniagaan

Dapur maya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembangunan sosial

YLE2019 memperkasa semangat kepimpinan dan keusahawanan belia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pembangunan sosio-ekonomi

Kerajaan negeri komited bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembangunan usahawan

Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan: kerajaan Sarawak dicadang sedia bantuan khas bantu usahawan kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembekal dan pengedar beras

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 6 - Capital Route Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Pembiayaan dana

Halatuju baharu pembangunan PKS negara. [Video] (2018)

Pembiayaan ekuiti

Dana RM40 bilion untuk membantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pembiayaan mikro

Pembiayaan mikro PENJANA RM400 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembiayaan pinjaman

Tentang dana kemakmuran bumiputera (DKB). [Website] (2020)

Pembiayaan tenaga lestari

Skim pembiayaan SME Bank terima anugerah, sokong usahawan teroka industri teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pembuatan butik coklat

EXCO harap Pulau Pinang dapat lahir usahawan mahir dalam pembuatan butik coklat dan western coffee roasting. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pembungkusan produk

Produk keluaran bumiputera perlu diperluas. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pemimpin pendapat

Peranan pemimpin pendapat dalam penyebaran inovasi penanaman kelapa sawit. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 33 (2). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Pemulihan perniagaan

PKS dakwa kian terdesak dengan peningkatan kos. [Newspaper] (2022)

Pen with light

Smart Pen. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pencarian madu

Pencarian madu tualang. [Video] (2019)

Pendaftaran perniagaan

39,315 usahawan B40, pelajar daftar perniagaan melalui SPPP. [Video] (2022)

Usahawan wanita tidak terpinggir. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program Bimbingan Usahawan SSM galak komuniti perniagaan manfaat SPPP. [Newspaper] (2022)

Hanya 1.12 peratus perniagaan daftar SSM BizTrust. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pendaftaran usahawan

Krisis COVID-19, 'wake up call' kepada usahawan tidak berdaftar. [Video] (2020)

Pendapatan lumayan

Madu kelulut: beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Pendapatan sampingan

#AWANIByte: penghasilan kraftangan berkualiti dan pelbagai. [Video] (2019)

Pendidikan Teknikal

Kerajaan fokus bantu usahawan bumiputera untuk seimbangkan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pendigitalan perniagaan

Realiti rakyat: nasihat untuk perusahaan kecil dan sederhana ketika PKP. [Video] (2020)

Penerbitan ilmiah

Buku berkaitan pertanian makin popular petunjuk ramai mahu jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)


Aziz, Khairul Afzan Toolkit usahawan junior. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426964 (2012)

Pengeluar minuman

Hydro Coco diedar percuma kepada penerima vaksin. [Newspaper] (2021)


Asam pedas Rasa Bonda Melaka istimewa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pengusaha Kecil Sederhana

PKS mesti rebut peluang pasaran halal dunia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pengusaha PKS

SME: kesediaan belia untuk menjadi usahawan berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Pengusaha arang tradisional

Ejekan kuatkan tekad usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pengusaha keropok keping

Kempen KPDNHEP bantu usahawan teroka pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pengusaha perabot klasik

Dulu peguam, kini pengusaha perabot klasik. [Newspaper] (2019)

Peniaga trak makanan

Semangat besar insan 'kecil'. [Newspaper] (2020)


2021 Budget: Entrepreneurs get help. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peningkatan jumlah permintaan

Harga madu kelulut cecah RM260 sekilogram. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peningkatan kerjaya

Potensi dan Peningkatan Kejayaan Usahawan Wanita di Malaysia. In: Kolokium Penyelidikan Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2015, Jun 2015, Politeknik METRO, Johor Bahru. (Unpublished) (2015)

Penjaja kecil

Peniaga kecil harap ada bantuan daripada kerajaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penjaja luar bandar

Usahawan digalakkan segera daftar perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Soalan lazim Bumiputera Relief Financing (BRF) Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad Bil. 1/2020. Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Penjanaan Kewangan

Dana Agrofood bantu usahawan tani terjejas COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUNB perkenal bantuan pembiayaan PKS Bumiputera, RM200 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

TEKUN Nasional terima 25,140 permohonan skim mikro COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penjimatan kos

Foodpanda mahu perluas 'cloud kitchen' tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penjualan daging tempatan

Kini mampu bersaing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Penternak ikan

Ternakan ikan sangkar, usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Tawau. [Video] (2018)

Penternak itik

Telur itik meningkat ketika Ramadan. [Website] (2021)

Penternak kambing

Juruteknik jadi penternak kambing berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Penternak kelulut

Madu kelulut jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2017)

#NadiSarawak​: madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Tanam: madu kelulut Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tingkatkan produktiviti madu kelulut untuk pasaran luar. [Video] (2019)

Pencuri larikan sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2018)

Cari sarang kelulut kurang risiko. [Newspaper] (2017)

Madu kelulut asli Abdul Rahman dicari ramai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sahut cabaran rakan ternak kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

Pasar 600kg madu kelulut sebulan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Penternak madu kelulut

Berita perdana: majukan industri kelulut di Sabah - KPLB sedia RM870,000 untuk pengusaha. [Video] (2020)

Biz Malaysia: perusahaan madu kelulut sarawak. [Video] (2016)

Industri madu kelulut berpotensi besar dimajukan di Sarawak - Shabery. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Pengusaha madu kelulut MARDI - Nona TV3. [Video] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut jana hingga RM1,500 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)

SME: madu kelulut jana pendapatan suri rumah. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Projek penternakan kelulut UiTM cawangan Terengganu. Info Usahawan: Usahawan Pemacu Ekonomi Mapan, 15. p. 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2020)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Ternak kelulut sumber pendapatan menguntungkan di pedalaman Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Ternak kelulut bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Hasil madu kelulut hingga 10 kg sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Penternak udang

Penternakan udang kara air tawar raih pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2018)

Penternakan air tawar

Usahawan OKU berjaya. [Newspaper] (2018)

Penternakan arnab pedaging

'Permintaan tinggi sehingga bekalan tidak mencukupi'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penternakan ayam telur

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 4 - Teong Choon Poultry Farm Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Penternakan ikan

Penternakan ikan laut sangkar, Mohd Nazri usahawan berjaya di Tanjung Piandang. [Video] (2020)

Penternakan kelulut

Kerana uniknya kelulut... dulu jurutera kini Aluis bergelar usahawan madu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ibu lumpuh jadi sumber inspirasi. [Newspaper] (2018)

Kelulut lumayan: pengusaha mampu jana pendapatan antara RM200 hingga RM1,000 sehari. [Newspaper] (2016)

Penternakan lebah kelulut

'Doktor Kelulut' popularkan Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pasaran madu lebah kelulut merosot, harga turun - PELEKAT. [Newspaper] (2019)

Penyelidikan produk makanan

MARDI lancar empat produk inovasi makanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perabot rumah

Rizam Perabot: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional negeri Kedah. [Video] (2019)

Perak Tengah

Ibu lumpuh jadi sumber inspirasi. [Newspaper] (2018)

Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)

Anda seorang usahawan Bumiputera? [Video] (2019)

Perbelanjaan madrasah

Suka-suka RM14,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2018)


Industrial training programme: what matters most? ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (2): 4. pp. 22-29. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Perdagangan sosial

Kreativiti, inovasi jadi asas perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)


Sasar 2,000 rakan niaga MRM Perfumes. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perindustrian Kecil dan Sederhana

Konsep Kesediaan Keusahawanan Berdasarkan Kajian Kes Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 34 (1): 217. pp. 187-2003. ISSN 2180-0782 (2009)

Peripheral intravenous cannulation

WiLS Sdn Bhd: ultra detector branula. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Perjanjian dagang bebas

MP seru usahawan tempatan rebut peluang tembusi pasaran antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2020)


Sazlees Bridal terus bertahan hadapi tekanan pandemik. [Newspaper] (2021)

Foodpanda mahu perluas 'cloud kitchen' tahun ini. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perkhidmatan cucian

Cucian bergerak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perkhidmatan kredit mikro

Kerajaan negeri komited bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perkhidmatan penyelengaraan

Usahawan muda kopi dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan. [Video] (2019)

Perkongsian pengalaman

Jiwa SME+: RM200 terpaksa dipinjam, berkat usaha, kini usahawan. [Video] (2019)


eUsahawan jana jualan RM668 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)


Cara berfikir dan sikap bentuk usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Peranan penting dan sumbangan sektor perniagaan sentiasa diiktiraf: Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faktor kritikal kejayaan usahawan dalam perniagaan. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7 (1): 5020. pp. 34-45. ISSN 1823-884x (2012)

Pernah jual 7 tan kerepek sebulan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keluar dari kaedah konvensional, ketahui insentif untuk transformasi perniagaan anda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perniagaan Rendang Maman

10 kisah inspirasi, tip daripada usahawan tempatan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perniagaan barang lusuh

Usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Pulau Pinang, (perniagaan barang lusuh). [Video] (2018)

Perniagaan berdaftar

Peniaga nasi lemak Dekk's Mat syukur dapat bantuan [METROTV]. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perniagaan berlesen

Jangan lokek ilmu – Fatimah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita Sarawak disaran dapatkan lesen sesuai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kembangkan industri halal di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perniagaan digital

Tersenarai dalam Forbes, kejayaan buat usahawan muda tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerajaan kaji guna kaedah digital salur bantuan untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perniagaan foodtruck

ETC pusat sehenti bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Perniagaan francais

PFS 2021 galak siswazah ceburi perniagaan francais. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perniagaan mee

Cari Modal. [Newspaper] (2012)

Perniagaan pakaian

Jubah dari Dubai jadi lubuk rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perniagaan pengangkutan

Cabaran kepada industri perkapalan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perniagaan penghantaran

Zoom realisasi idea tiga sekawan berlainan bangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perniagaan spa

Naila lebarkan sayap perniagaan spa kecantikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perniagaan tudung dan koleksi wanita

Keusahawanan Zetty bangunkan jenama Sirruhu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Persatuan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana Malaysia (SAMENTA)

PKS dakwa kian terdesak dengan peningkatan kos. [Newspaper] (2022)

Persatuan Usahawan Kelulut Malaysia

Ligat curi sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Persatuan Usahawan Maju

Sabah reviving economy by assisting entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2020)

Personal capabilities

Personal capabilities and social factor towards entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence of science and technology undergraduate students. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

Personal care products

Unilever: Dove hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Personality characteristics

The orientation of handicraft entrepreneurs in Sabah: Their personality characteristics and motivations. In: 2nd Asean Entrepreneurship Conference 2014, 17 May 2014, Shangri – La Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang. (Unpublished) (2014)


Perlukan pengusaha komited, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pertumbuhan ekonomi Bumiputera

Kerajaan biaya RM100 juta bantu sektor utama bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara

PKS perlu berinovasi, cipta idea baru. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perundangan Islam

Teknik bisnes orang Jepun mengikut perundangan Islam. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 8. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)

Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana

Tukar bungkusan produk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Nurclicx.compasar produk halal. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perusahaan Kecil Sederhana (PKS)

Usahawan Sarawak perlu kreatif depani cabaran geografi, capaian internet. [Newspaper] (2020)

Normal Baharu: COVID-19 pemangkin PKS tampil lebih kreatif. [Video] (2020)

Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana

RM50 juta bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faktor-faktor penyumbang kepada kejayaan dan kegagalan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) bumiputera di Malaysia. E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014): C021. pp. 191-200. ISSN 978-983-3048-92-2 (2014)

Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS)

KPT hasilkan 50,000 usahawan sepanjang 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

MARA tawar latihan dalam talian untuk PKS, usahawan semasa PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

MARA, Petronas Dagangan bantu usahawan PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peranan penting dan sumbangan sektor perniagaan sentiasa diiktiraf: Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu bantuan kemudahan kewangan faedah rendah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perusahaan Sos

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 2 - APS Manja Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Perusahaan agrikultur moden

Teknologi memudah perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perusahaan kecil dan sederhana

PKS digalak teruskan transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

Pembangunan keusahawanan. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Laporan Tahunan PKS 2015/16. SME Corporation Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 116-123. (2016)

Tingkat upaya PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Media Prima Omnia perkenal OmniaUSB bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perusahaan kecil sederhana

Tingkat kesedaran PKS konsep perniagaan francais mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tawar geran RM1 juta. [Newspaper] (2021)

Perusahaan kecil sederhana (PKS)

Kerajaan perkenal Pelan Pemulihan Usahawan dan Koperasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perusahaan kelulut

Sabun madu kelulut rezeki lumayan suri rumah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Perusahaan mikro

Kenyataan Media Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi: Pakej Prihatin PKS. Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Perusahawaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

Perubahan sikap keusahawanan usahawan melayu di Malaysia. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1): 11077. pp. 98-116. ISSN 1823-884x (2014)

Pest control device

Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pesticide sprayer

Great Harvest Sdn Bhd: automatic pesticide sprayer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pet grooming

Go home: pet grooming services on wheel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Phone application

Smart adhesive board blueprint. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photo Memory

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photocopies services

Panda printing Shah Alam: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tiny Winy: usaha sama jurufoto muda. Dewan Ekonomi (3). ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)


Shutterfilm Media: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qysara Studio: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Photography entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship attributes that help to develop photography graduates as entrepreneurs. Idealogy Jurnal: Jurnal Seni & Budaya, 3 (3): 5. pp. 54-59. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)


House of Madre: postpartum services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


JMango Sdn Bhd: pickled mango (jeruk mangga). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Bom Bom Pie Cafe: pies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pimiento Spiciezz

Pimiento Spiciezz: chillies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pinjaman Kewangan

RM100 juta diperuntukkan untuk Skim Pemulihan Perniagaan Tekun. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pinjaman Perniagaan

Kerajaan prihatin terhadap usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pinjaman sifar riba

DPMM Kelantan tawar pinjaman sifar riba. [Newspaper] (2021)

Pisang berangan

Pisang berangan - dapat permintaan tinggi. [Video] (2017)

Pisang nangka

BIZ Malaysia - kebun pisang. [Video] (2017)

Pitaya Plantation

Rimbun Pita Haya Sdn Bhd: dragon fruits. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Siaran media: APEC YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS KICK - OFF ketengahkan potensi usahawan belia. SME Corp. Malaysia, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)


Frocious Licious Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pizza topping

Mafia Donut: doughnut pizza. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plain glass

Selera Malaysia Enterprise: creative drawing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


House of mushroom: mushroom product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hellynna Jantriline Nursery: flowering and non-flowering plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Plastic pollution

Magnify group sdn bhd: lepi Straw. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Platfom e-dagang

Pauh Lekor kongsi pendapatan bersama ejen hadapi PKP 2.0. [Newspaper] (2021)

Platform atas talian

Pendapatan perniagaan francais susut ketara. [Newspaper] (2020)

Platform digital

Kerajaan kaji guna kaedah digital salur bantuan untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Platform global

WSF, TM pupuk juara syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2018)

Platform keusahawanan

SUPERB platform terbaik buat usahawan muda. [Video] (2014)

Platform media sosial

Hasil jualan kraf tangan Sarawak RM8.2 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Platform pemasaran digital

Produk keluaran bumiputera perlu diperluas. [Newspaper] (2020)

Platform pendidikan

Pakej premium RM1.09 sehari. [Newspaper] (2021)

Platform perniagaan

Media Prima Omnia perkenal OmniaUSB bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Platform teknologi digital

Bantu usahawan belia di Belaga. [Newspaper] (2020)


Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Poleko: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Political skill

Coaching millennial entrepreneurs in tourism industry: a glimpse of political skill. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

Pop-Up Luggage

Pop-up luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Popcornlicious Enterprise: bread popcorn. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pops Malaya

Having her sweets and eating it too. [Newspaper] (2021)


Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable Doc Case

Portable Doc Case. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Portable air conditioning

Airpro Sdn Bhd: portable air conditioning. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Portable scanner

Digipro Sdn Bhd: scanny pro. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Posh Cafe

Posh Cafe: dessert cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Digital art portrait. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Postnatal care

Tradisi ibunda confinement services: postnatal care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Postpartum care

Tradisi ibunda confinement services: postnatal care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Potato Squad: jagaimo cream (creamy mashed potato). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 4 - Teong Choon Poultry Farm Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Power saving

Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Powersolarz Sdn. Bhd.

Powersolarz Sdn Bhd: solar power bank (solarz). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pregnant mother

House of Madre: postpartum services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Premium chocolate

Chocolicious: local premium chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prepaid card

Ez Top up: prepaid card shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Preschool programs

Tadika Minda Inovasi: parent learning management system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


H8phone: reducing heat and pressure on headphone. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pressure detection device

Danial Enterprise Sdn Bhd: safety vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prevent back pain

Ergonomic wheelbarrow. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Preventive maintenance

Damai Abadi (Johor) Facility Management Sdn Bhd: maintenance work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2019)


ECO printshop: digital printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Eleven Bro Printing: clothes design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Print House: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pirate Printing and Souvenirs: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Creative Partners: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Top Print-T: printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Printing Services

Expressco print Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aurora Printing and Custom: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Printing company

Amanda printing Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Printing service

MZ printing: t-shirt and merchandise printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Printing services

Amanda printing Sdn Bhd: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aksin graphic Sdn Bhd: offset printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Printing shops

Panda printing Shah Alam: printing shops. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Private Limited Company

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Private Or Public Sector

All-In Agency: event organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Private beach

Dungun Beach and Country Golf Club: resort and golf club. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurial orientation towards business performance: a study on Tunas Mekar participants. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 3. pp. 25-35. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Processing technology

Technology acceptance among fish cracker’s entrepreneurs in the east coast economic region (ECER) Malaysia: a preliminary result. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 136-142. ISSN 2222-6990 (2016)

Product Development

Rezeki tani raises productivity, income of Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Kekunang : action camera (iluca). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easy Scrub Brush Robot (ESBR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

E-Glasses: multifunction of a glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pretenses Industry Sdn Bhd: Bilis sauce (Budu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Electric pulse massage pad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

"We Care" Apps: hospital and clinic system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

H8phone: reducing heat and pressure on headphone. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product Effective

Travelpro company: expandable luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product design

Yosogo Writing Instruments Sdn Bhd: aluminium clipboard. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product development

Inisiatif rakan digital bantu peniaga lonjak perniagaan. [Video] (2021)

ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product feasibility analysis

Todak Culture Sdn Bhd: Gamming Chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Puma: running shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (2018)

Philips: daily collection blender HR2059/90. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Tesco PLC: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Osprey Packs Inc: backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Summit Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd: baby products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Watsons: hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

YETI Holdings Inc: thermos bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Flask: flask bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: steam iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stelux Holdings: men watch. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Unilever: Dove hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sharp Corporation: single-serve blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MR. DIY: handwash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nozomi Marketing Sdn Bhd: sanitary disposal dust bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Coach IP Holdings LLC: luxury handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yosogo Writing Instruments Sdn Bhd: aluminium clipboard. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dripping drizzles: home-made bakery and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The North Face: hiking backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: blender PB-3205. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TurboTex.Co: bombastic blender. [Entrepreneurship Project]

Deuter Spot GmbH: ventilated backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Klean Kanteen: thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The dUCk Group Sdn Bhd: handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

My Mug Malaysia: ceramic mugs and glasswares. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travelpro company: expandable luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hi-Mask: face mask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Reckitt Benckiser: Dettol hand wash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Steelcase Inc: office chairs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fasc, Inc: smart sport shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nike Inc: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ogawa World Bhd: trek treadmill. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Adidas Group: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Lé àl'aise Enterprise: FINUTTA smart backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

American Tourister: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Samsonite Luggage Company: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret Lab.CO: gaming chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Eastman Kodak Company: ring light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brigg & Riley: expandable carry-on luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Great Harvest Sdn Bhd: automatic pesticide sprayer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Crystal Safety Glass (M) Sdn Bhd: tempered glass. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rhythm Co. Ltd: variety of clocks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Gregory Mountain Product: hiking backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Midea: vacuum cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product features

The North Face: hiking backpacks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product labelling and pricing

GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd: product labelling and pricing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Product pitching

MARA Agensi pelaksana RBO@KPLB bantu promosi produk usahawan. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

Product quality

Jaga kualiti produk. [Newspaper] (2018)

Product teaser

Lurve of Felicidad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Production process

Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)

Production rate

Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Productive life

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Productivity of worker

Mama Sup Utara: productivity of worker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Products and services

Triple A Optical Centre: eyewear products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Products in Malaysia

NYPA Jaya Enterprise: nypa products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kawasan di Sungai Anak berpotensi bangunkan tanaman rumbia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk Akie Burger.

Akie Burger sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Produk Hiliran

Kelulut lumayan: pengusaha mampu jana pendapatan antara RM200 hingga RM1,000 sehari. [Newspaper] (2016)

Produk bepang pulut

Remaja 24 tahun jadi usahawan bepang berjaya. [Video] (2014)

Produk bumiputera

Amnelife perkenal minuman tambahan Walid Supreme. [Newspaper] (2019)

Penerimaan produk bumiputera di hypermarket. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-4844 (2010)

Produk dan perkhidmatan

Yaacob, Zulnaidi 12 strategi elak bisnes gagal. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426377 (2010)

Produk halal

Arrayyan hasrat kuasai pasaran produk halal. [Newspaper] (2019)

Nurclicx.compasar produk halal. [Newspaper] (2021)

Produk halal tempatan

Pusat sehenti pasar produk usahawan desa diwujud. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk hiliran

37 usahawan sertai Program Pembangunan Agropreneur Lada. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jutawan Enterprise (Kisah Usahawan Nanas Berjaya). [Video] (2020)

Produk ikan bilis dan belacan

Kisah inspirasi anak yatim piatu tanpa pelajaran. [Video] (2018)

Produk jenama lokal

Ketengahkan produk usahawan, koperasi lokal menerusi platform ‘Pasar Co-op’ KADUN. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk kecantikan

Tak perlu jadi pengasas bisnes untuk berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Produk kreatif

Sampah jadi produk kreatif, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk makanan ringan

Memperkukuh jenama Lapaa. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk makanan tambahan

Jual 10,000 B-Jaga sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Produk minuman

Cari peluang jual kopi ke negara Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Produk penjagaan kesihatan

Mamz tekad bantu wanita tambah pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk penjagaan kulit

Langkah berani pengasas Face & Co. [Newspaper] (2019)

Produk perhiasan

Produk kraftangan Putrajaya capai standard tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk pertanian

Geran untuk anak muda. [Video] (2020)

Produk sejuk beku

Siswazah kembang perniagaan produk sejuk beku. [Newspaper] (2018)

Karipap resipi ibu masuk resort. [Newspaper] (2018)

Produk tempatan

1,800 usahawan PKS sertai Kempen Beli Barangan Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

MINTRED bantu usahawan hasil produk sendiri. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tukar bungkusan produk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keropok Lekor Tok Molor bakal tembusi pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2020)

Produk tradisional

Koras tinjau pasaran Singapura, Indonesia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Profit-sharing concept

Arowana Aquaculture: breeding and marketing of Arowana. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Program 'Satu Rumah 10 Koloni Kelulut'

Belia Pahang digalak sertai projek madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Program Agropreneur Muda

Pacu usahawan muda Agropreneur. [Newspaper] (2017)

Program Eksport Perniagaan (BEP)

SME Bank sasar jualan eksport usahawan PKS meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Program Jalur3

PWS sasar bangunkan 500 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)


Garis panduan program KPT-MEDAC Siswapreneur. Manual. Unit Keusahawanan, KPT, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Program Keusahawan Asnaf

Agrobank buka peluang asnaf berniaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program Keusahawan Komuniti

Program keusahawanan komuniti bantu kumpulan sasaran jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program Keusahawanan

Penanaman hidroponik jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Inisiatif baik promosi AI. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan digalakkan segera daftar perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program Pembangunan Peneroka

Ternak lembu, tanam buah naga jana pendapatan lumayan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program SME

Program SME Incubator Malaysia sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program Subsidi Upah

Suntikan dana permudah PKS. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program Tekun Mobileprenuer

5,000 warong riders. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program bantuan

RM100 juta diperuntukkan untuk Skim Pemulihan Perniagaan Tekun. [Newspaper] (2020)

Set komputer buat usahawan mikro Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program bimbingan

Usahawan bimbingan MARDI. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan kecil ke pentas dunia. [Video] (2017)

Program coaching

INSKEN business coaching – lonjakan pendapatan 288 usahawan, cipta 251 peluang pekerjaan baharu. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Program inisiatif shell

Shell buka peluang PKS kembangkan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program insentif

Usahawan belia disaran mohon geran Agropreneur Muda MARDI. [Video] (2020)

Program keusahawan

Galak pelajar ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Program keusahawanan

Kerajaan laksana program keusahawanan untuk belia. [Newspaper] (2017)

Agenda AWANI: sektor keusahawanan, kuasa ekonomi baharu. [Video] (2019)

Bijak pilih pasaran perniagaan, jamin kejayaan usahawan belia. [Video] (2018)

Buletin AWANI khas: Sabah memilih - keluh kesah peniaga di Sabah. [Video] (2020)

FAMA masih relevan bantu usahawan pasar keluaran. [Video] (2018)

Felda Taib Andak bakal dijadikan hab pengeluaran madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Generasi muda disaran ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2014)

Hab coklat Langkawi dijangka tingkatkan produk koko. [Newspaper] (2020)

Jana ekonomi negara dengan melahirkan ramai usahawan. [Video] (2016)

Kerajaan beri perhatian latih usahawan muda dalam bidang digital. [Video] (2019)

Lebih ramai wanita dalam bidang keusahawanan menjelang 2020. [Newspaper] (2018)

MARA, Petronas Dagangan bantu usahawan PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

MINTRED bantu usahawan hasil produk sendiri. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mengenai SUPERB. [Website]

Normal Baharu: bagaimana usahawan dapat memanfaat skim PENJANA. [Video] (2020)

Perbanyak program keusahawanan tarik belia ceburi bidang perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Program "Generation of New Exporters (GenEX)" tingkat eksport usahawan muda bumiputera negara. [Newspaper] (2016)

Program Pembangunan Usahawan Anak Muda Kota. [Website]

Program SUPERB tawar geran perniagaan RM500,000. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Sabah lonjak prestasi perniagaan melalui program IBC dan BEP 46. [Newspaper] (Unpublished) (2020)

YLE2019 memperkasa semangat kepimpinan dan keusahawanan belia. [Newspaper] (2019)

kursus asas keusahawanan–permulaan penetapan minda usahawan seluruh Malaysia. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Majlis kemakmuran bumiputera platform perkasa ekonomi bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita tidak terpinggir. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program keusahawanan berpotensi jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kembangkan industri halal di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2020)

GPS komited, prihatin bantu rakyat. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program keusahawanan diperluas, bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bumiputera akan dijadikan bangsa usahawan - Muhyiddin. [Newspaper] (2020)

Graduan perlu daftar segera PENJANA KPT-CAP. [Newspaper] (2020)

KPT peruntukkan RM650,000 latih mahasiswa dalam keusahawanan sosial. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kekal kriteria usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Dari mat rempit ke usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bantu usahawan belia di Belaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Transformasi usahawan asnaf menerusi program pembangunan ekonomi, Lembaga Zakat Selangor. Jurnal Ilmi, 9 (1): 2. pp. 15-29. ISSN 2600-7371 (2019)

Bidang ternakan arnab meningkat. [Newspaper] (2020)

EXCO harap Pulau Pinang dapat lahir usahawan mahir dalam pembuatan butik coklat dan western coffee roasting. [Newspaper] (2019)

Kerajaan biaya RM100 juta bantu sektor utama bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Strategi RISDA bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program komuniti

Usahawan mahu kongsi rezeki. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program pendidikan keusahawanan

Lima agensi latih, bantu usahawan kecil jana pendapatan keluarga selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR)

Hydro Coco diedar percuma kepada penerima vaksin. [Newspaper] (2021)

Program teori dan praktikal

MEDAC cadang tubuh universiti koperasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program tunas usahawan belia

400 usahawan TUBE berjaya dilahirkan di Perak. [Newspaper] (2018)

Program usahawan

Belanjawan 2020: landasan ke arah pencapaian sumbangan PKS dalam peningkatan ekonomi negara menjelang 2030. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

IKM anjur program turun padang ke arah kemakmuran bersama-jelajah 20 lokasi. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

INSKEN bantu usahawan tingkatkan pendapatan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

INSKEN business outreach- jelajah 8 negeri untuk bantu usahawan jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Karnival usahawan TEKUN Nasional dibanjiri 2,000 usahawan dan pengunjung. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Kolaborasi strategik MED-MTDC bantu usahawan dalam I4.0 accelerator programme. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Laman usahawan jadi platform ibu tunggal. [Newspaper] (2016)

Lancar dua program, bukti Medac komited dalam pembangunan PKS. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

MED komited memacu perkembangan PKS negara. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

PNS mahu 300 usahawan sertai BIT tahun ini. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2016)

PNS sedia platform bantu usahawan setempat. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penglibatan koperasi dalam program Satu Daerah Satu Industri (SDSI) zon Sabah/Sarawak berjaya catat potensi jualan lebih RM5 juta. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Peranan penting dan sumbangan sektor perniagaan sentiasa diiktiraf: Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program Malaysia Street 2020 sempena Tokyo 2020 siri program: Taste of Malaysia 2020 (ToM 2020), 31 Januari 2020 Tokyo, Japan. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Seminar bicara CEO - kongsi pengalaman usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2019)

Program SUPERB terima 1,149 penyertaan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Risda tembusi pasaran eksport. [Newspaper] (2022)

Aspirasi Assist bantu usahawan mikro terkesan COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Programmable logic controller

Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Project cost budget

Prince n Princess Bookstore & Coffee House: Bookstore & Coffee House. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Projek KEDA

Maklumat pembangunan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA). Project Report. Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelarasan Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah, Kedah. (2018)

Projek aktiviti sekolah

Kelulut jana pendapatan SMK Soi. [Newspaper] (2017)

Projek pengurusan sisa pepejal

Program keusahawanan diperluas, bantu usahawan luar bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Projek pertanian

Buku berkaitan pertanian makin popular petunjuk ramai mahu jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Projek ternakan kelulut

AHIBS UTM jayakan projek ternakan kelulut modular inovasi bantu B40. [Newspaper] (2020)

Projek transformasi

USM perkenal projek transformasi ternak lebah kelulut untuk bantu tingkatkan ekonomi penduduk Besut. [Website]

Prolonged computer usage

Ergobest: smart ergonomic table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Prolongs usage

H8phone: reducing heat and pressure on headphone. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


KBBM lonjak jualan produk BB’s. [Newspaper] (2020)


Creative Partners: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Promotional Campaign

Islamic marketing: promotional campaign in the perspective of Maqasid As-shariah in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (1): 4. pp. 29-39. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)


Yeop Yunus, Nek Kamal and Abdullah, Haim Hilman Pengurusan peruncitan: konsep, strategi dan kes. Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. ISBN 9833205399 (2005)


Meneliti Hubungan Jihad Perniagaan dengan Pencapaian Usahawan Muslim Berjaya di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 44: 11141. pp. 81-91. ISSN 01272713 (2015)


Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

N7 – Propolis lebah kelulut – bermanfaat dalam industri kosmetik [12 Mac 2019]. [Video] (2019)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Proseche Sdn. Bhd.

Proseche Sdn Bhd: signal convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proses pengeluaran

Reputasi industri minyak sawit jadi kebimbangan kepada Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)


True Eyes Sdn Bhd: artificial eyes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Proximity sensor

SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Psikometrik Usahawan

MyNEPT bantu usahawan perbaiki kelemahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Public Relations

Agrobank buka peluang asnaf berniaga. [Newspaper] (2021)

Public Wellbeing Solutions

PWS sasar bangunkan 500 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pusat internet

Pusat internet mampu lahir usahawan berdaya maju, sumbang pembangunan sosioekonomi. [Website] (2020)

Pusat pengumpulan

Perlukan pengusaha komited, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pusat sehenti

Pusat sehenti pasar produk usahawan desa diwujud. [Newspaper] (2020)


Qobotic: smart bin (B-Tech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Quality clothes

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Quality services

Diamond shine laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Quality surveyor

IConstTab: i const tablet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Quewing system

Piratas Barbershop: MyTurn apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Qwerty Tech Sdn. Bhd.

Qwerty Tech Sdn Bhd: ezlock padlock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

R&A Signature

Inovasi baharu wangian gaharu. [Newspaper] (2020)


Turun naik Industri getah, lada, koko di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

RS Sdn. Bhd.

RS Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Racingsories Sdn. Bhd.

Racingsories Sdn Bhd: helmet’s raincoat. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Radio station

Kerjasama Bernama Radio, ManisFM bakal mantapkan usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Raincoat Bag

The Carnation Sdn Bhd: raincoat bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rambai Emas Enterprise

Madu kelulut sumber vitamin c semulajadi terbaik cegah COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Rancangan perniagaan

Rancangan perniagaan. Working Paper. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Raso Photography Studio

Raso Photography Studio: photography service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Penjenamaan semula Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan kepada Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

Recharging Lawn Mower

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd: recharging lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Recording studio

Dungun Music Centre: musical instrument and recording studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Recreation park

X-TREC PARK Co: recreation park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Banding Eco Sanctuary Enterprise: outdoor activities. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2002)

Recyclable materials

Kenyalang Recycling Centre: recycling waste materials. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sampah jadi produk kreatif, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Recycling centre

Kenyalang Recycling Centre: recycling waste materials. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Reduce backpain

Umeko Company: multipurpose chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rekod perniagaan

Ab. Wahab, Ismail Penyediaan rekod kewangan perniagaan kecil & sederhana. Keusahawanan Malaysia . Prentice-Hall (M) Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya. ISBN 983247373X (2002)

Relieve pressure

Electric pulse massage pad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Remote kitchens

Remote kitchens gaining ground. [Newspaper] (2020)


Usahawan Rempeyek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Unique Crispy: traditional food (rempeyek). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Renovation Services

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Repetition of programs

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Reproductive health care

Tradisi ibunda confinement services: postnatal care services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Reputable boutiques

Aatiella Plus Size: special size clothing boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rescue Tools

Secure Fit Co: cutscape tool. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Research and Development (R&D)

Nozomi Marketing Sdn Bhd: sanitary disposal dust bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Research study

Strategic business improvement plan : A case of HLM Boat Noodle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Afro's Kitchen Restaurant: Malay restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Finger Licious Enterprise: Korean and Malay food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Masam Manis Dessert Enterprise: self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Restaurant and hotel

C’Best Enterprise: sea bass breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Restoran Gamelan

Dapur maya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Restoran Serai,

Bawa pengalaman kulinari Australia ke tanah air. [Newspaper] (2018)

Retail Trade

MR D.I.Y terima anugerah kepimpinan pasaran perkakas rumah runcit Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Retail and wholesale

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad: retail and wholesale hypermarket. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dare to be different. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 1. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Vincci Shoes Sdn Bhd: woman shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yeop Yunus, Nek Kamal and Abdullah, Haim Hilman Pengurusan peruncitan: konsep, strategi dan kes. Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. ISBN 9833205399 (2005)

Retina sensor

E-Glasses: multifunction of a glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Revolusi 4.0

Revolusi industri keusahawanan dalam pendidikan teknologi senibina satu kajian. Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 4 (1). pp. 106-111. ISSN 0128-0821 (2019)


Semerah Padi Enterprise: rice. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rice cake

Loveberts: mitarashi dango (sticky rice cakes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

RichWorks International Sdn. Bhd.

Agenda awani: ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangkit semula. [Video] (2020)

Ring light 10”

Eastman Kodak Company: ring light. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ringerz: a keychain ringing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Entrepreneurial orientation towards business performance: a study on Tunas Mekar participants. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 3. pp. 25-35. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Risk-taking propensity

Factors that influence UiTM’s undergraduates towards entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Education and Research, 1 (11): 37. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2411-5681 (2013)


Seizing the opportunity. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 6. pp. 25-28. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Rithra Industries Sdn. Bhd.

Rithra Industries: Rithra food waste recycler. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Riverside Cafe On The Go

WTCKL cadang buka lebih banyak Riverside Cafe On The Go. [Newspaper] (2020)

Robotic brush

Easy Scrub Brush Robot (ESBR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Robotic product

Great Harvest Sdn Bhd: automatic pesticide sprayer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Role of the state

Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements. In: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich University Library, Germany. (Submitted) (2008)

Rose plant

Florist Fleur Blossom: selling rose plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Roti planta

BIZ Malaysia: roti planta. [Video] (2016)

Rubber tree

Rafe’s Sawmill Sdn Bhd: sawmill industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rujukan online

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rumah hasil cendawan tiram

Penduduk usaha cendawan tiram guna inovasi IOT. [Newspaper] (2021)

Rumput silaj

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Rural development

Projek estet mini rumpai laut dan penglibatan komuniti nelayan di daerah Semporna, Sabah. Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS), 1 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 2462-2095 (2016)

Rural entrepreneurs

Skim Pembiayaan Ekonomi Desa (SPED). [Website] (2015)

S.O.S Sdn Bhd

S.O.S Sdn Bhd: the saviour shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Peniaga nasi lemak Dekk's Mat syukur dapat bantuan [METROTV]. [Newspaper] (2020)

SAFRA Star Enterprise

Safra Star Enterprise: energy snack bar (JollyBar). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SBOX- A Smart Medicine Box

SBOX: a smart medicine box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SERUNI Enterprise

Aroma Kopi Saigon. [Newspaper] (2021)


SwimPro: Smart swimsuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hafsah Hashim Speaks. Documentation. SME Corporation Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2012)

Malaysian e-commerce industry continues to flourish, says Commerce.Asia. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM5 million allocated for ‘Anjung Usahawan Kabong’ — Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Having her sweets and eating it too. [Newspaper] (2021)

Factors that contribute to the intention to adopt websites as a marketing communication tool among SMEs in Kedah: a business perspective. Project Report. UiTM Cawangan Kedah, Merbok, Kedah. (Unpublished) (2010)

Systematic operational budgeting: the preliminary study on perception of SMEs entrepreneurs. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 9. pp. 100-108. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

SME Bank

Skim pembiayaan SME Bank terima anugerah, sokong usahawan teroka industri teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Corp

SME Corp sedia bajet promosi produk RM500,000. Berita Harian Online. (2016)

Lahir 12,000 usahawan TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)

Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Relief Program (SRP)

SME Bank terus bantu PKS hadapi PKP 3.0. [Website] (2021)

SME corp

Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME, Malaysia

The essentials and challenges of online business among Bumiputera SME entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Research in World Economy, 10 (3). pp. 45-55. ISSN 1923-399X (2019)


Bank Rakyat perkasa usahawan melalui SMEC. [Newspaper] (2021)


Penjana Tourism Financing (PTF). [Website] (2014)

DNeX sedia pakej digital khas bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Growth challenges of SMEs: empirical evidence in Sabah, Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Exploring the cultural determinants of entrepreneurial success: the case of Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 287-297. ISSN 2313-626X (2017)

Linking two demensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: the moderating effect of government’s role. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2550-1429 (2017)

Buy Malaysian Product campaign helps SMEs during Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Supporting SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

The challenges faced by Malaysian small medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) in export initiatives. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 3. pp. 14-19. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

SMT sports

Usahawan muda menjual kasut & pakaian sukan. [Video] (2019)

SN Automotive Sdn Bhd

SN Automotive Sdn Bhd: smart tron helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SONIDO Sdn Bhd: Silencer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Normal Baharu: COVID-19 pemangkin PKS tampil lebih kreatif. [Video] (2020)


180,000 usahawan bakal manfaatkan SPPP. [Newspaper] (2021)

SR Asia Resources

Jiwa besar pemilik jenama sabun Do'Zee. [Newspaper] (2019)

SS Company

SS Company: fit-it-baby shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan pelajar IPT disaran rebut peluang daftar SSM secara percuma. [Newspaper] (2020)

Topsy turvy year for SMEs. [Newspaper] (2020)

SSM BizTrust

Hanya 1.12 peratus perniagaan daftar SSM BizTrust. [Newspaper] (2020)

SURA Vanilla

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SWOT Analysis

Todak Culture Sdn Bhd: Gamming Chair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Philips: daily collection blender HR2059/90. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2021)

Summit Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd: baby products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hydro Flask: flask bottles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SWOT analysis

U Mobile Setia City Mall: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Produk Sapuu bantu tingkat kesihatan kulit. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sabah Entrepreneur Creation

Sabah reviving economy by assisting entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sabah culture

IN D'vision Sabah "cultural ethnic heritage": food and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2006)

Sabun madu kelulut

Sabun madu kelulut rezeki lumayan suri rumah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Safe Journey Sdn. Bhd.

Safe Journey Sdn Bhd: radiating road convex mirror. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety Products safety alarm devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety alarm safety alarm devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety equipment

protectio: safety helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Safety features

Proton Holdings Berhad: car manufacturers. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)

Asam pedas Rasa Bonda Melaka istimewa. [Newspaper] (2021)


Assessing factors associated to social media adoption among salespeople of environmental services company in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 6. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)


Facil Beauty: facial treatment and eyelash. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2019)

Salted eggs

Telur itik meningkat ketika Ramadan. [Website] (2021)


LAh! Enterprise: sambal penyet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

De Sambal: homemade sambal. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sambal Che' Nor

Sambal Che'Nor tembusi pasaran dunia. [Newspaper] (2021)


Livre Sdn Bhd: hair and skin care (sanihair). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sanity Disposal Dustbin

Nozomi Marketing Sdn Bhd: sanitary disposal dust bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Santan segar

Perniagaan santan segar: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Kuala Lumpur. [Video] (2018)

Sarawak cake

King Layer Cake Sarawak: layer cake. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sarawakian product

Sarawakian entrepreneurs encouraged to do business in the new way. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sasaran perniagaan

Usahawan lebih mudah mencapai kejayaan dengan sasaran. Paradigma Johor: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 16. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)


Satay Warisan Sdn Bhd: satay. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sate Kita Cafe: sate and nasi impit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Satellite technology

Astro Malaysia Holding Berhad: customer service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Satisfaction survey

Service quality and students' satisfaction toward the Academic Affairs Division Services: UiTM Sarawak students' perspectives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Sauce company

LAFS Enterprise: Thai sauce. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sauce manufacturer

Yummiz Enterprise: honey marinate sauce. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Save time

Easy Scrub Brush Robot (ESBR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Scale rule

Kuikuy DSCR: digital scale rule (DSCR). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Scan and record

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Scandinavian style

Ikea Malaysia Sdn Bhd: Scandinavian style furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Nais'aa Scarf Sdn Bhd: variety scarf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Flowyshops: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Premium Scarves Enterprise: scarves. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Scuba services

Brydes do divers: commercial scuba services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2007)


Captain Shrimp: fresh shrimp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seafood Supplier Company

Mud Crab Aquafarm: supplies the high quality of crab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2009)

Seaweed mini estate project

Projek estet mini rumpai laut dan penglibatan komuniti nelayan di daerah Semporna, Sabah. Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies (JOBSTS), 1 (1). pp. 122-138. ISSN 2462-2095 (2016)

Secretarial services

Corporate Secretarial Management: secretarial services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secure Market

ChocoJar Premium Vibes: chocolate dessert in a jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Fasc, Inc: smart sport shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Security alarm

ATSA: anti-theft security alarm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Security features

Samsonite Luggage Company: luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Security systems

ProLock: home security systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sejuk beku

Famous fried chicken: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Selangor. [Video] (2018)

Sektor agromakanan

insentif yang disediakan MAFI bagi sektor agromakanan. [Website] (Unpublished)

Sektor keusahawanan

Agenda AWANI: sektor keusahawanan, kuasa ekonomi baharu. [Video] (2019)

Sektor perikanan daratan

Peruntukan bantu graduan ceburi pertanian akan disedia dalam belanjawan negeri. Borneo Today. (2019)

Sektor peruncitan

Data keusahawanan digabung pacu pertumbuhan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Self defense safety alarm devices. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Self employ

Starting a business in Malaysia. [Video] (2019)

Self service

X-pert Laundry Services: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Laundry Express: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian youth. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2 (5). pp. 33-48. ISSN 0128-1844 (2017)

Factors that influence UiTM’s undergraduates towards entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Education and Research, 1 (11): 37. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2411-5681 (2013)


Role model and university role towards entrepreneurship inclination. Voice of Academia (VOA), 15 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 2682-7840 (2019)

Self-healing glasses

Crystal Safety Glass (M) Sdn Bhd: tempered glass. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


What makes a woman an entrepreneur? In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010, SP Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.. (2010)


Masam Manis Dessert Enterprise: self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Self-service laundry

Squeaky Qlean: 24 hours self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sell skin care product

Nori Norish Spa: facial treatment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sells And Supplies

Shahy Agrotech: fertilized, herbicide and pesticide trading company. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Usahawan MARA: cherita Surischa. [Video] (2020)

Seni Visual & Batik

Bengkel Pemantapan Seni Visual & Batik diharap beri nilai tambah kepada pelajar SPM. [Newspaper] (2019)

Senpai Stylo

PMA Sdn Bhd: two-in-one portable pen (senpai stylo). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sensor Clip

Evenflow: Sensor Clip. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sensor automated faucet

FLOFLOFLO: the ultimate faucet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sensory Monitor Arm

ErgoArm Sdn Bhd: sensory monitor arm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service Company

Gorgeous Coffees: coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service Line

Tadika Didik Murni: kindergarten service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service Management

BCB Self-Service Laundry: laundry service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service for the babies

Hippopo Baby Spa & Wellness: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service improvement

Piratas Barbershop: MyTurn apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Service quality

Service quality and students' satisfaction toward the Academic Affairs Division Services: UiTM Sarawak students' perspectives. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2015)

Services For Office

Office Home Deco Mart Sdn Bhd: retailing office furniture. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Services quality

Paddock Crew Company: car coating services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sha Lin Fashion

Sha Lin Fashion: various design shirts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


G-Clique: food services (Sharecup). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dinamaiya Shawl: high quality shawl. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shazlia Sdn Bhd

Shazlia Sdn Bhd: safer convex. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shell select

Shell Malaysia bantu perkasa PKS tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shipping operation

Cabaran kepada industri perkapalan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shoe brush

The Innovator: smart shoe cleaner machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Nike Inc: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Kasots: shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shopee Malaysia

Malaysian e-commerce industry continues to flourish, says Commerce.Asia. [Newspaper] (2020)


Wasiyyah tawar peluang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shrimp farming

Captain Shrimp: fresh shrimp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


l-Jeans Tech Sdn Bhd: l-jeans box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sijil halal

Kembangkan industri halal di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Silver Nanotechnology

Hi-Mask: face mask. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sim Card

TuneWow: Digi telco shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SimplySiti tawar pelajar UiTM peluang berniaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Single pen

Bullet Pen: single pen with multipurpose bullets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Single tool

Bullet Pen: single pen with multipurpose bullets. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Single-Serve Blender

Sharp Corporation: single-serve blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Siri pengurusan

Rancangan perniagaan. Working Paper. Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


Keusahawanan Zetty bangunkan jenama Sirruhu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sistem sosial

Peranan pemimpin pendapat dalam penyebaran inovasi penanaman kelapa sawit. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 33 (2). pp. 73-88. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)


Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

MEDAC tingkatkan jumlah usahawan graduan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Sasana Niaga gerbang keusahawanan siswa UTeM. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2020)

Siswazah berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan muda pembekal kurma utama di Borneo. [Video] (2018)

Buat duit musim PKP: Pelajar GMI. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

UiTM lancar Pelan Strategik 2025. [Newspaper] (2020)

Duopharma latih siswazah jadi usahawan farmaseutikal. [Newspaper] (2019)


Garis panduan program KPT-MEDAC Siswapreneur. Manual. Unit Keusahawanan, KPT, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

KPT hasilkan 50,000 usahawan sepanjang 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

MEDAC tingkatkan jumlah usahawan graduan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Sasana Niaga gerbang keusahawanan siswa UTeM. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2020)

LiBolt Trading: electrical appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

NZAA Trading: CK Mac Milling Machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Latihan keusahawanan buat 50,000 graduan. [Newspaper] (2018)

S. F. Zas Trading: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Buat duit musim PKP: Pelajar GMI. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

UiTM lancar Pelan Strategik 2025. [Newspaper] (2020)

D’Roi F&B Industries: instant paste and “Bawang Goreng”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Kerajaan komited jadikan Bumiputera bangsa usahawan-PM. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

SM Specialist: burger vending machine (Burger ATM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rozeriya Enterprise: frozen food and beverage (F&B). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

FauNas Enterprise: smart compose machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Drying rack pulley system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Duopharma latih siswazah jadi usahawan farmaseutikal. [Newspaper] (2019)

Siswazah UiTM

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Site construction

Sime Darby Pagoh: industrial training program. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Skill communication

Aman Nasi Kukus Sdn Bhd: food trucks and catering services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skim 1 Pelajar 1 Perniagaan

Usahawan pelajar IPT disaran rebut peluang daftar SSM secara percuma. [Newspaper] (2020)

Skim Pembiayaan BizDana-i

Dana khas RM15j buat syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2020)

Skim bantuan

Sesi temuramah En Bestari dan Astro Awani mengenai SUPERB. [Video] (2014)

Skin Care

Iris Beauty Legacy: skin care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skin care oatmeal turmeric mask & scrub. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skin care product

Royal Beauty Care: health and beauty product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skin healthy

Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)


Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skincare Product

Yeppo: facial care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skincare products

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skincare routine

Beauty Shoppe by Syira: skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Skipping Rope XI

Skipping Rope XI. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sky Diving

Sky Govern Sdn Bhd: skydiving service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sling bag products

G.Louisha Korean Sling Bag: sling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Slope protection

BTS Engineering Sdn Bhd: slope protection work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2015)

Small Business Enterprise - Malaysia

Redefining critical capabilities for business performance of Malaysian Manufacturing SMEs. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 0128-7494 (2010)

Small Medium Enterprise

Factors affecting small medium enterprises’ (SMEs) decision to go international. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (2): 1. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF). [Website] (2015)

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Muslim Food Industries (MFI). [Video] (2019)

Small and medium agro-based enterprises (SMAEs)

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Effectiveness of Small and Medium Agro-Based Enterprises(SMAEs) in Malaysia – Mediating Effect of Knowledge and Network Strategies. Gading Business and Management Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0128-5599 (2007)

Small and medium enterprises

Another MCO will kill more businesses, warns SME Association. [Newspaper] (2021)

Impact of product costing for branding and business support on small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities, 27 (T1): 5. 59 -74. ISSN 0128-7702 (2019)

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Factors affecting working capital management of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Small and medium entreprises (SMEs)

Perubahan sikap keusahawanan usahawan melayu di Malaysia. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1): 11077. pp. 98-116. ISSN 1823-884x (2014)

Small and mid-size enterprise (SME)

Pelan pemulihan bantu PKS, usahawan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs)

1,800 usahawan PKS sertai Kempen Beli Barangan Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 6 - Capital Route Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Mokku Ani Enterprise: keropok lekor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Peaceza Cafe: a restaurant or café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Small business

Manfaat MSME sertai e-dagang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Starting a business in Malaysia. [Video] (2019)

Ez Top up: prepaid card shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

MPKN jadikan Malaysia negara keusahawanan unggul. [Newspaper] (2021)

Aman Shah, Sarimah Hanim Entrepreneurship. 2nd ed. Oxford Fajar Polytechnic Series . Oxford Fajar, Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-6590-52-7 (2010)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies with chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kerajaan komited bantu PKS, syarikat pertengahan sektor utama. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lady's Cupcakes: varieties of cupcakes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Galvez Noodle: laundry services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The role of entrepreneurial competencies as a mediator in the relationship between microfinance and small business growth. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 1 (1). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2289-8298 (2013)

Fafiliss Enterprise: butter stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spicy Bilis: anchovies and chilly. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

From hobbies to business. [Newspaper] (2020)

Strategi RISDA bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Small business - Management

Usahawan Muslim perlu ada ekosistem perniagaan terbaik. [Newspaper] (2020)

Small business-growth

Wujudkan lebih banyak bantuan dana. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belanjawan 2021: DPIA kemuka 10 cadangan bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Small groups

Eco adventura: outdoor activities organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Small medium enterprise

20 SME products to be showcased at S’kan event. [Newspaper] (2019)

Dolly Felt Craft Enterprise: craft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Small medium enterprises

Innovation barriers and risks for food processing SMEs in Malaysia: a logistic regression analysis. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 12 (2): 15. pp. 167-178. ISSN 2180-2491 (2016)

Small scale food industry

Technology acceptance among fish cracker’s entrepreneurs in the east coast economic region (ECER) Malaysia: a preliminary result. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 136-142. ISSN 2222-6990 (2016)

Small to Medium Enterprise Company

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 10 - Jeruk Madu Pak Ali & Chin Fook Keong. [Video] (2018)

Small- to mid-size enterprise (SME)

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 10 - Hacks (M) Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan disaran manfaat pembiayaan PKS Penjana. [Newspaper] (2020)

KBBM lonjak jualan produk BB’s. [Newspaper] (2020)

Smart 2Be (Smart Bin)

Smart 2Be: Smart Bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Auto Roll Sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’

Smart auto roll sejadah ‘Prayer Mat’. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Car Detector

BFF Enterprise: smart car detector. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Diaper Bag

Smart diaper bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Gas Trolley

Smart Gas Trolley. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Glasses

Israk optical: smart glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Grass Cutter

DD Technology Company: smart grass cutter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Hair Machine

Smart hair machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Helmet

Season Spring Sdn Bhd: smart helmet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Kettle's

Smart kettle's. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Luggage

Montech Enterprise: smart luggage (Montech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

American Tourister: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Travel Company: easy smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aish company: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Postbox with Secure System

SmartPost box with secure system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Reader Al-Quran Sensor

Smart reader Al-Quran sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Tech Study Table

Smart Tech: Study Table. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Trolley

Izz Tech Sdn Bhd: smart trolley by using bar code. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart Wall Clock

Smart wall clock. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart bin

Smart organic bin. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart card

Smart Access Technology: smart-card. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart entrepreneurs

Turning Malaysia into techpreneurship. [Newspaper] (2021)

Smart iron

VisionTech Inc: STEON ‘21 smart iron. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart phone application

ProLock: home security systems. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart principle

Smart eco-usb charger water bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart safe

SMART Ksafe: time-lock container. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart shoe cleaner machine

The Innovator: smart shoe cleaner machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart solar fan

Panasonic Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smart-talking app

PlushieBear (A self-heating soft toy). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smartphone Cases

SHAZ Casings Corporation: custom smartphone cases. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SMEs in Malaysia: A growth tonic to economy? [Newspaper] (2016)

Topsy turvy year for SMEs. [Newspaper] (2020)

Smileeey Sdn. Bhd.

Smileeey Sdn Bhd: baby stroller. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Smoothie and blended ice

SipNsavor café: beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


K2 Enterprise: Malay snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Crack: bune’s siau (chicken ball). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AHA! Crepes Sdn Bhd: Japanese snack (crepes). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Donuts’ Garden: junk foods. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snack Producing Industry

Khazanah Food Enterprise: Malaysian traditional snack food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snacks and chips

Garfieldlicious Shoppe: snacks and chips products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Chocojar Bangsawan Enterprise: Chocojar snakcs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sneakers King Sdn. Bhd.

Sneakers King Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Snek berperisa

Snek jagung Haliza Industries ke Bahrain. [Newspaper] (2018)

Social Distancing Robot

Social distancing robot. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social Factor

Personal capabilities and social factor towards entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence of science and technology undergraduate students. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

Social Media

Chocolicious: local premium chocolate. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Digital art drawing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social Media Advertisement

150 participate in entrepreneurship programme. [Newspaper] (2020)

Social astuteness

Coaching millennial entrepreneurs in tourism industry: a glimpse of political skill. Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2550-1429 (2019)

Social medai, restaurant advertising

The effectiveness of restaurant advertisement through social media in Dungun,Terengganu: a content analysis. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Social media

MARA offers online training for SMEs, entrepreneurs during MCO period. Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat MARA, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

TreatsbyTira: dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Assessing factors associated to social media adoption among salespeople of environmental services company in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2): 6. pp. 35-40. ISSN 2637-0301 (2019)

Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Social media advertisement

G.Louisha Korean Sling Bag: sling bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Royal Beauty Care: health and beauty product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Z Golden Legacy lambang kegigihan tauke aiskrim. Dewan Ekonomi (10). pp. 22-24. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Lurve of Felicidad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Cucumber bubble mask: beauty products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Social media marketing

MMGAmazing: marvelous massage gel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

sugarmanisbynana: desserts products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DAG Pillow: bantal hotel DAG. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Choco spring: flowers and gift products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jelly Shoes Passion: footwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zahra beauty skincare: Skincare products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melt Cheezy Bol. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Imaana scarf: hijab products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Little Princess Palace: headband products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chocodictive Jar: choco jars. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aura gadis 1.5 juta pengikut di IG. [Newspaper] (2021)

Social network

Richiamo Coffee, UiTM perkasa golongan OKU. [Newspaper] (2021)

Socioeconomic welfare

The main idea behind social entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Socks product

Rocky socks: socks product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Soft Skills

Pembelajaran melalui aktiviti perniagaan di kalangan para pelajar MDAB. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences (22). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2600-7568 (2019)

Soft drink

GEDE-GANG Sdn Bhd: flavored drink products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Soft toy

PlushieBear (A self-heating soft toy). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Soil investigation

BTS Engineering Sdn Bhd: slope protection work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2015)

Solar Energy

Panasonic Sdn Bhd:. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar Tech

Solar Tech Enterprise: solar appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM)

ASAZ Sdn Bhd: Solar Watch Multipurposes (SPM). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar energy device

Mini Fly Trap (MFT). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solar power

Solar Tech Enterprise: solar appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sole proprietorship business

Auto Vision (AV) Optical Centre: auto focus glasses. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Solution of disability

Kekunang : action camera (iluca). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Song Recording

Art Brut Music Studio Enterprise: music studio. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sonic Mattress

Sonic mattress. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sophisticated Luggage

Brigg & Riley: expandable carry-on luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Adilah products: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Sos cili

Ikon agro: potensi bisnes agro di Sabah. [Video] (2018)

Sos tiram

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)


AgriCOP bantu tingkatkan sosioekonomi golongan tani. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sound pollution

InTunNation Studio: music studio for art event and seminar talk. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Craft O'Borneo: Sabah handicrafts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Seri Kraf: handicraft. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Souvenir shop

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kayu kayangan: laser cutting and engraving services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Soy wax candles

Fragancia: scented soy wax candles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sina Spa: islamic spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Space rental

Food Box: retail space for rent. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Special notebook

Skate Tech: technote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Special services- Malaysia

MEDAC tawar konsultasi percuma kepada usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Iris: glasscole caja. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SmarTacles: smart spectacles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Speedy Paint Machine

Locus Company: speedy paint machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spicy food

LAh! Enterprise: sambal penyet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Spin bantu

TEKUN lancar Spin bantu 10,000 usahawan informal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sport Goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor”

A sport goggle “Rugby Goggle Damage Sensor”. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sport activities

Spot on Sport Enterprise: sport centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sport and entertainment

Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sport shoe

Fasc, Inc: smart sport shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sports Industry

Dio Arena Enterprise: indoor sports arena. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sportswear company

Puma: running shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (2018)


Wannn Jersey and Sportwear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sportwear manufacturer

Adidas Group: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sportwears Company

Pro Evolution Sport (PES) Sdn Bhd: sportswear and equipment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2010)

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd

Ssyuz Automotive Company Sdn Bhd: recharging lawn mower. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stall food

Tok Janggut burger stall: asian taste burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Start-up Intention

Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Behaviour among Undergraduate Students in Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Economics and Business, 2 (4): 22. pp. 1064-1072. ISSN 2615-3726 (2019)

Stationery Company

Yosogo Writing Instruments Sdn Bhd: aluminium clipboard. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Steel Chair

Steelcase Inc: office chairs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stepback Germ

iNSPIRE: handsfree hand sanitizer (stepback germ). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Hurun Taj: instant hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Stevia's Cake Sdn Bhd: cake lapis with stevia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stingless bee

Berita perdana: majukan industri kelulut di Sabah - KPLB sedia RM870,000 untuk pengusaha. [Video] (2020)

Biz Malaysia: perusahaan madu kelulut sarawak. [Video] (2016)

Felda Taib Andak bakal dijadikan hab pengeluaran madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

Industri madu kelulut berpotensi besar dimajukan di Sarawak - Shabery. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kelulut honey industry can reap RM3.03b in annual sales. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Malaysia memilih: madu kelulut sumber rezeki baharu orang kampung. [Video] (2018)

#NadiSarawak​: madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Pengusaha madu kelulut MARDI - Nona TV3. [Video] (2017)

Penternak lebah kelulut jana hingga RM1,500 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

(RTM) Agro journal madu kelulut Min House Camp. [Video] (2013)

SME: madu kelulut jana pendapatan suri rumah. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2019: citra desa bingkisan madu kelulut. [Video] (2019)

Tanam: madu kelulut Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tingkatkan produktiviti madu kelulut untuk pasaran luar. [Video] (2019)

insentif yang disediakan MAFI bagi sektor agromakanan. [Website] (Unpublished)

Usahawan tani Sarawak digalak ceburi ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pencuri larikan sarang kelulut. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sarang kelulut ubah hidup bekas pekerja kilang. [Newspaper] (2017)

Menyedari khasiat madu dorong Zaleha jadi pengusaha ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Cari sarang kelulut kurang risiko. [Newspaper] (2017)

D'4 Amigos: fresh stingless bee honey. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

KPLB akan terus bantu pengusaha madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2019)

AHIBS UTM jayakan projek ternakan kelulut modular inovasi bantu B40. [Newspaper] (2020)

Selamatkan sarang lebah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)

Projek penternakan kelulut UiTM cawangan Terengganu. Info Usahawan: Usahawan Pemacu Ekonomi Mapan, 15. p. 1. ISSN 1823-6421 (2020)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Sabun madu kelulut rezeki lumayan suri rumah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Fighting urban poverty: Kelulut entrepreneurship program. [Website]

Ternak kelulut sumber pendapatan menguntungkan di pedalaman Terengganu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pesara bisnes kelulut. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut sumber vitamin c semulajadi terbaik cegah COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternak kelulut bantu jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Hasil madu kelulut hingga 10 kg sebulan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasaran madu lebah kelulut merosot, harga turun - PELEKAT. [Newspaper] (2019)

Sahut cabaran rakan ternak kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Stingless bee Honey

Haji Said sambil bela, sambil buat kajian kelulut. [Website]

Stingless bee farming

Young agropreneur programme assists youth in kelulut honey industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Stingless bee honey

Madu kelulut jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kelulut jana pendapatan SMK Soi. [Newspaper] (2017)

'Doktor Kelulut' popularkan Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2017)

Issues and challenges for entrepreneur in the stingless bee industry. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2180-2491 (2020)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Madu kelulut asli Abdul Rahman dicari ramai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Stingless bees

Kerana uniknya kelulut... dulu jurutera kini Aluis bergelar usahawan madu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut berpotensi besar – usahawan wanita ternak 42 sarang. [Video] (2018)

Belia Pahang digalak sertai projek madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Isu dan cabaran usahawan dalam industri penternakan lebah kelulut. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 16 (4). pp. 102-116. ISSN 2682-7727 (2020)

Kelulut lumayan: pengusaha mampu jana pendapatan antara RM200 hingga RM1,000 sehari. [Newspaper] (2016)

Stjarna Sdn. Bhd.

Stjarna Sdn Bhd: gel memory foam baby shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Storage space

Icare Medical Resources: health and rehabilitation appliances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Strategi pemasaran

39,315 usahawan B40, pelajar daftar perniagaan melalui SPPP. [Video] (2022)

Program Bijak Usahawan Muda YBR dorong usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Strategi perniagaan

Eskayvie jelajah tujuh negeri bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Strategic Planning

Ceburi perniagaan emas. [Newspaper] (2020)

Strategic entrepreneurship

Dare to be different. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 1. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Straw Hocol Tech

Straw Hocol Tech: water filter. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Student entrepreneur

Lessons from a student entrepreneur. [Newspaper] (2018)

Sustainable entrepreneurial mindset showcase 2020 (sems 3.0) stirred students’ entrepreneurial mindset. [Newspaper] (2020)

Student entrepreneurship

Pembelajaran melalui aktiviti perniagaan di kalangan para pelajar MDAB. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences (22). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2600-7568 (2019)


Universiti perlu pupuk budaya niaga. [Newspaper] (2020)


Being enterprising on campus. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2018)


Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Stylish clothes

Stylo Store: denim's clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Subsidi dan dana

Kerajaan kaji guna kaedah digital salur bantuan untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Succes in business

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang Korea. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585221 (2006)

Succes story

MR D.I.Y terima anugerah kepimpinan pasaran perkakas rumah runcit Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita : penglibatan serta cabaran dalam dunia perniagaan. Jurnal Akademik UiTM Johor. ISSN 1511-9300 (2008)

Success Story

Ikon Agro ternakan ikan sangkar membawa hasil lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Ahmad Zaki, Ismail Formula usahawan berjaya. Utusan Publication, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789676124739 (2011)

Success factors

Critical success factors and challenges of women entrepreneurs in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies, 6 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 2462-1935 (2017)

Exploring the cultural determinants of entrepreneurial success: the case of Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 4 (12). pp. 287-297. ISSN 2313-626X (2017)

Development of rural herbal entrepreneurship in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8 (18). pp. 95-100. ISSN 1833-8119 (2013)

Success story

Biz Malaysia - Usahawan Rempah. [Video] (2017)

Successful entrepreneur

Ciri-ciri akhlak usahawan muslim berjaya dan hubungannya dengan cara pengembangan harta serta matlamat hidup menurut perspektif Al-Qur’an. Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law, 4 (1): 2. pp. 8-17. ISSN 0127-788X (2019)


sugarmanisbynana: desserts products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sunny Food Lab

Forbidden, inovasi raja buah. [Newspaper] (2019)


80 tahun masih tepati cita rasa rakyat Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)


Mimpimika Enterprise: acne products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Submitted)

Sunway Lagoon Theme Park

Bastique Art Enterprise: souvenir and gift shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super Fancy Company: Fancy Remote

Super Fancy Company: fancy remote. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super Scrub Beauty

Produk kecantikan Super Scrub optimis mampu tembusi pasaran Laos. [Newspaper] (2019)

Super Socks

Super socks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Super food

Bermula 30 rumah lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)


Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Supplement Food

Yummy Milk Sdn Bhd: fresh milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supplement consumption

94's Healthcare: medi cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supplement for body

Shaklee: natural vitamin product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supplement products

Probiolicious company: probiotics supplement. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Kemaman Indah Box Enterprise: box supplier. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Berjaya Lintah: supplying leeches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Supply Goat

Goat Farming Stylo Goat Sdn Bhd: goat breeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)

DPMM Kelantan tawar pinjaman sifar riba. [Newspaper] (2021)


Entrepreneurial leadership, performance, and sustainability of micro-enterprises in Malaysia. Sustainability in SMEs, 10 (5). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2071-1050 (2018)

Sustainability strategy

Hoping for a new dawn: a printing business. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 7. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Sustainable Business

Rezeki gubahan Juliana. [Newspaper] (2021)

What entrepreneurs should know when raising funds post-Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

Sweet Jar

Yummy Paradise Sdn Bhd: the sweet jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet corn product

CUBE Enterprise: sweet corn based fast-food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sweet factory

Sweet Factory: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SweetLAB pemanis alternatif ganti gula putih. [Newspaper] (2021)

Swimming class

Hippopo Baby Spa & Wellness: baby spa. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SwimPro: Smart swimsuit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Syarikat agrikultur

Kini mampu bersaing. [Newspaper] (2021)

Syarikat logistik

Zoom realisasi idea tiga sekawan berlainan bangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

Syarikat pemula niaga

WSF, TM pupuk juara syarikat pemula. [Newspaper] (2018)

Syarikat pemula niaga tempatan

Sahut cabaran hasilkan produk aiskrim mesra alam. [Newspaper] (2020)

Synergy Sdn. Bhd.

Synergy Sdn Bhd: Smart Shoe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

System's intelligence

Huckleberry Empire: oriental electronic taekwondo vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Systematic innovation

Hoping for a new dawn: a printing business. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 7. pp. 29-31. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)


MZ printing: t-shirt and merchandise printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Top Print-T: printing service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

T-shirt printing

Forest Printing Enterprise: t-shirt printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ambil masa tiga tahun hasilkan TUNAS. [Newspaper] (2020)


TEKUN lancar Spin bantu 10,000 usahawan informal. [Newspaper] (2020)

TEKUN Nasional terima 25,140 permohonan skim mikro COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM100 juta diperuntukkan untuk Skim Pemulihan Perniagaan Tekun. [Newspaper] (2020)


TEKUN Mart platform mempromosikan produk usahawan Tekun. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)

TEKUN Nasional

Keusahawanan pilihan utama mendepani pasca COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

THINK Osem Sdn Bhd

Pakej premium RM1.09 sehari. [Newspaper] (2021)


Lahir 12,000 usahawan TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)


Ambil masa tiga tahun hasilkan TUNAS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Taekwondo sport

Huckleberry Empire: oriental electronic taekwondo vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


The effect of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions on takaful agency’s business performance in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan, 45: 12. pp. 83-94. ISSN 0127-2713 (2015)


D'Crave: bolu-bolu balls (pancake balls). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Yeppo: facial care products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Talents development

Entrepreneurial leadership: shooting for the stars. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 3. pp. 10-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Taman Lebah Pahang

1,000 mililiter madu dihasilkan setiap 2 minggu. [Newspaper] (2016)

Taman teknologi

Teknology Park Malaysia menguatkan kemahiran usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Tanah sawah

Sawah padi jadi kebun pisang. [Newspaper] (2020)


Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Tanaman Sayuran

SPM: cerita pagi Kedah usahawan tani. [Video] (2020)

Tanaman betik

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tanaman cendawan

Penglibatan orang muda dalam bisnes agro. [Video] (2016)

Tanaman hiliran

SPM: cerita pagi Kedah usahawan tani. [Video] (2020)

Tanaman jagung

Agenda AWANI: pemenang anugerah agropreneur muda Agrobank 2019. [Video] (2019)

Penglibatan orang muda dalam bisnes agro. [Video] (2016)

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tanaman pisang

Sawah padi jadi kebun pisang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tanggungjawab social korporatnya

Richiamo Coffee, UiTM perkasa golongan OKU. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tanggungjawab sosial

AHIBS UTM jayakan projek ternakan kelulut modular inovasi bantu B40. [Newspaper] (2020)

Tapai pulut

Tapai pulut sarimah: usahawan TEKUN negeri Melaka. [Video] (2019)

Tapak berniaga

KL Carnival: bantu usahawan muda berniaga dalam kontena. [Video] (2017)

Target Markets

Prince n Princess Bookstore & Coffee House: Bookstore & Coffee House. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tateh Company

Tateh Industry Company: smart baby sleep technology. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tauke daging burger

Dulu jurutera, kini tauke daging burger. [Newspaper] (2020)


Eco adventura: outdoor activities organizer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Nazirashah Enterprise: Bahulu Opah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technological appliances

GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd: product labelling and pricing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


SANA Enterprise: automatic cat feeder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SaRose Sdn Bhd: portable automatic dishwasher. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Budu Dispenser sdn bhd: budu dispenser machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology Blueprint Football Shoes Sensor

Football shoes sensor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology Blueprint of AllFit Apps

FikryDevelop Sdn Bhd: allfit apps. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology Entrepreneurship

Hi- Jack Technology Sdn Bhd: motorized cylinder jack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology Sensor Net (TechNet)

Technology sensor net (TechNet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology acceptance

Technology acceptance among fish cracker’s entrepreneurs in the east coast economic region (ECER) Malaysia: a preliminary result. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 136-142. ISSN 2222-6990 (2016)

Technology and health

Qobotic: smart bin (B-Tech). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology centric business

Handphone tie. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology implementation

Development of rural herbal entrepreneurship in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8 (18). pp. 95-100. ISSN 1833-8119 (2013)

Technology of Entrepreneurship

Kytty Sdn Bhd: Kytty litter box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technology-based SMEs

The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance: a study of technology-based SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 130. pp. 46-53. ISSN 1877-0428 (2014)


Kerajaan beri perhatian latih usahawan muda dalam bidang digital. [Video] (2019)

Program latihan pembangunan usahawan atas talian. [Video] (2015)

SPM 2019 - Membentuk usahawan digital. [Video] (2019)

Mara tawar pembangunan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan ketinggalan tanpa transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

The effects of factors affecting the acceptance and use of technology on the factors affecting women’s entrepreneurship motivation. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


UMP nurtures the culture of entrepreneurship among staff and students. [Newspaper] (2019)

Mama Sup Utara: productivity of worker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Technopreneurship Programs

MEDAC sedia inisiatif keusahawanan kepada graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)


Turning Malaysia into techpreneurship. [Newspaper] (2021)


Keluar dari kaedah konvensional, ketahui insentif untuk transformasi perniagaan anda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Teknologi IOT

Penduduk usaha cendawan tiram guna inovasi IOT. [Newspaper] (2021)

Teknologi digital

Keusahawanan digital: satu paradigma baru keusahawanan. [Website] (2020)

Teknologi hijau

Skim pembiayaan SME Bank terima anugerah, sokong usahawan teroka industri teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2020)

Teknologi industri

Inisiatif baik promosi AI. [Newspaper] (2020)

Teknologi ‘Bee Modular’

AHIBS UTM jayakan projek ternakan kelulut modular inovasi bantu B40. [Newspaper] (2020)


Bekas peguam kini tauke baju sekolah. [Newspaper] (2018)


TuneWow: Digi telco shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Telco companies

Global Telecommunication Enterprise: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Telephone company

U Mobile Setia City Mall: telecommunications service provider. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Pine Pine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Youths urged to venture into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ternakan ikan talapia

Ikon Agro (Season 1) Ep. 8 - Datuk Yap Evergreen Livestock & Deliam Hj Zainuddin Enterprise. [Video] (2018)

Ternakan lebah kelulut

Menyedari khasiat madu dorong Zaleha jadi pengusaha ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Ternakan lembu pedaging

Ikon Agro (Season 2) Ep. 5 - ternakan Kamran Sdn Bhd. [Video] (2019)

Terung Dayak

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tesla coil

Karrielectro Sdn Bhd: Tesla coil wireless electricity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tetrigona Binghami (Binghami)

Menyedari khasiat madu dorong Zaleha jadi pengusaha ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Textile industry

Creative Design Enterprise: clothing (CLO). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The DotDitty Bag

The DotDitty Sdn Bhd: ditty bag (DotDitty bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Lugg

The Lugg: smart luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Millennials Diskbank

The Millennials Diskbank: power bank. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

The Safe Bag

Melur Sdn Bhd: travel bag (safe bag). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Theory of planned behavior

A study on the relationship between student entrepreneurship intentions using theory of planned behavior of final semester diploma students at UiTM Pahang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thermal fogging machine

J.E.M Company: smart fogger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thermos Bottle

YETI Holdings Inc: thermos bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thermos company

Suki Tharwah Enterprise: SThermos (vacuum flask). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Thermos flask

Pinepine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pine Pine Sdn Bhd: absolute thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Three Brothers Bee Farm

Cukuplah makan gaji. [Newspaper] (2019)

Thrift Shop

Bundle Throne: apparel and clothing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Rafe’s Sawmill Sdn Bhd: sawmill industry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


10 tip penting bina bisnes berjaya. [Newspaper] (2021)

Tips perniagaan

Senang ke nak jadi usahawan jutawan? Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Toast ‘n’ Spread

Ezylife Sdn Bhd: toast ‘n’ spread. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Dr K Sdn Bhd: Dr K toothbrush holder. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Epistylia Ice Cream Entreprise: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tortilla wrap

GWRAP: tortilla wrap. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Touch n' Go cards

APC Sdn Bhd: All purposes casing (APC). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Paradise Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

X-TREC PARK Co: recreation park. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Culture and Tradition Sdn Bhd: heritage or attraction places. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


MediStrap: smart tourniquet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Town planning

Unique Planning & Consults Sdn Bhd: planning and consultation (town and rural area). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Township project

Sime Darby Pagoh: industrial training program. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2018)

Traders and Hawkers

RM5 million allocated for ‘Anjung Usahawan Kabong’ — Naroden. [Newspaper] (2020)

Traditional food

Traditional Delight Sdn Bhd: serunding. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Groovy Tartlet Enterprise: tarts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sabah Ethnic Food Sdn Bhd: Sabahan traditional food restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Envt Patremony: telur pindang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bahulu Ibu: kuih bahulu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rahsia kuih bakar sabak ‘rel kereta api’. [Website] (2021)

Bahkino Restaurant: food and book service concept. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Traditional garment

Sulaman Kreatif Enterprise: traditional clothes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Training for workers

Paddock Crew Company: car coating services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Training kit

Analysis on laundry service: electrical wiring training kit. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Transformasi digital

PKS diseru ceburi perniagaan secara digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Sarawak perlu kreatif depani cabaran geografi, capaian internet. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS digalak teruskan transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Transformasi usahawan

Fasa ubah hidup jadi luar biasa! [Newspaper] (2022)

Translational Research

USM perkenal projek transformasi ternak lebah kelulut untuk bantu tingkatkan ekonomi penduduk Besut. [Website]


TransTech Logistic (M) Sdn Bhd: transport and service (logistic). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Chicken Cube Enterprise: chicken cube. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Trash E-Gone

Trash E-Gone: high technology waste bin (Trash E-Gone). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Paradise Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd: travel agency. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travel agent

D'Sky Blue Travel and Tours Sdn. Bhd: Travel and Tours. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2004)

Travel backpack

Granite Gear: backpack. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travel bag

All-in-one luggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Travellux Iron Machine

LMZ Sdn Bhd: portable travellux iron machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ogawa World Bhd: trek treadmill. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Trend pemasaran

Momentum Internet sasar 100,000 usahawan digitalisasi perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Trending fashion

Little Princess Palace: headband products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Sarang kelulut ubah hidup bekas pekerja kilang. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kelulut honey: a health elixir from stingless bees. [Newspaper] (2016)

Stingless bee honey – the mother medicine. [Newspaper] (2014)

Tritech Company

Tritech Company: motorcycle helmet (stritech helmet). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Troubleshoot problem

Training kit (electrical and pneumatic knowledge). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Tudung Kita Enterprise: cheap hijab. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tukang jahit

ZH Collection persefahaman kukuhkan perniagaan. Dewan Ekonomi (2). pp. 62-63. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Tunas Mekar project

Exploring the ecological assets of Tunas Mekar Project’s graduate entrepreneurs. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15 issue 4, 15 (4). pp. 288-303. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)

Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE)

Program Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE). [Video] (2015)


Kerjasama UFORA, Kilafairy bantu golongan terkesan pandemik COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2021)

UNESCO World Heritage

Frozen Dice Enterprise: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

USNA Homemade Burger

Dulu jurutera, kini tauke daging burger. [Newspaper] (2020)

Udang air tawar

Penternakan udang kara air tawar raih pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2018)

Udang kara

Penternakan udang kara air tawar raih pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2018)

UiTM Student

Innovation, aid continue to spark our entrepreneurship spirit. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2020)


Ladies’ One Stop: women personal wear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Uni-Munch: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Universiti koperasi

MEDAC cadang tubuh universiti koperasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Urban Sophie Iron Board

Urban Sophie: Iron Board. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahasama perniagaan

MARA, Petronas Dagangan bantu usahawan PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)


MARA, Shopee jalin kerjasama pasaran produk usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

17% PKS dijangka pulih dalam tempoh 3 bulan. [Video] (2020)

20,000 pengusaha Bumiputera raih manfaat PENJANA. [Newspaper] (2020)

39,315 usahawan B40, pelajar daftar perniagaan melalui SPPP. [Video] (2022)

AGORA Agropreneur muda MARDI lahirkan ushawan berfikiran kreatif. Pusat Komunikasi Korporat & Kualiti, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2020)

#AWANIByte: penghasilan kraftangan berkualiti dan pelbagai. [Video] (2019)

Anda seorang usahawan Bumiputera? [Video] (2019)

Asam pedas Rasa Bonda Melaka istimewa. [Newspaper] (2021)

Cara berfikir dan sikap bentuk usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Covic-19: MARA sedia Live Biz Talk untuk tingkat ilmu keusahawanan. Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Dana tambahan RM4.5 bilion untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

Dari kosong kini ahli perniagaan wanita berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

Elak lambakan peria, siswazah UITM hasilkan kerepek. [Newspaper] (2021)

Festival Makanan Halal Malaysia-Thailand: peluang usahawan IKS ketengah produk. [Video] (2018)

Garis panduan program KPT-MEDAC Siswapreneur. Manual. Unit Keusahawanan, KPT, Putrajaya, Malaysia. (2020)

Hasil jualan kraf tangan Sarawak RM8.2 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ilmu keusahawanan dalam talian. [Video] (2020)

Intellectual discourse: Memperkasa usahawan Agromakanan melalui teknologi MARDI. Pusat Promosi dan Pembangunan Perniagaan MARDI, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2017)

KKLW sentiasa utama bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2015)

Kerajaan komited bantu wanita berjaya dalam keusahawanan-Najib. [Newspaper] (2015)

Kerjasama Awam-Swasta membawa Agropreneur muda ke tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur. Institut Penyelidikan Dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), Serdang. (Unpublished) (2016)

Kerjasama Bernama Radio, ManisFM bakal mantapkan usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Keusahawanan sosial bukan hanya sasar keuntungan. [Video] (2020)

MAHB perkasa aktiviti peruncit Bumiputera di lapangan terbang. [Newspaper] (2020)

MARA Agensi pelaksana RBO@KPLB bantu promosi produk usahawan. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

MARA offers online training for SMEs, entrepreneurs during MCO period. Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat MARA, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

MARA tawar latihan dalam talian untuk PKS, usahawan semasa PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

MARDI lancar empat produk inovasi makanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mercu aspirasi keusahawan Bumiputera tawar transaksi aplikasi e-Wallet. [Website] (2019)

PKNS gilap potensi usahawan pelajar. [Video] (2018)

PKP: Usahawan mulai positif, ubah strategi perniagaan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)

PKS dan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2020)

PKS perlu laksana pendigitalan sebagai pola pemikiran. [Newspaper] (2018)

PRIHATIN melegakan PKS, usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUNB seeks higher allocation to help entrepreneurs. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Panggilan talian pusat sehenti keusahawanan melonjak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pemulihan ekonomi, inisiatif mengangkat usahawan, produk tempatan. [Video] (2020)

Penjana-Manfaat diterima usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

Peranan UDA pastikan keusahawanan antara agenda utama negara-Wan Junaidi. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Permohonan BRF bagi syarikat Bumiputera terjejas COVID-19 kini dibuka-Noh Omar. Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (BERNAMA), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Program keusahawanan lonjak potensi belia. [Newspaper] (2018)

Projek keusahawanan sasar lahirkan 3,170 usahawan. [Video] (2020)

Pupuk budaya keusahawanan dari sekolah rendah. [Newspaper] (2016)

Pusat internet mampu lahir usahawan berdaya maju, sumbang pembangunan sosioekonomi. [Website] (2020)

Rebut peluang dalam bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2020)

SUPERB 2020: mengajak usahawan bumiputera mencari idea perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Soalan lazim Bumiputera Relief Financing (BRF) Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad Bil. 1/2020. Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan MARA perlu berani teroka pasaran baharu. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan MARDI catat pendapatan RM320 juta. [Website] (Unpublished) (2015)

Usahawan PKS, Mikro perlu teroka model perniagaan sesuai kebiasaan baharu - Wan Junaidi. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan muda pulihkan kandang terbiar, kini berjaya. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan serunding kembangkan perniagaan walau dalam tempoh PKP. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan wanita Sarawak disaran dapatkan lesen sesuai. [Newspaper] (2020)

Buy Malaysia bantu usahawan tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Healthy.Co: chia seed drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Tambahan RM10 bilion beri peluang PKS terus operasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mr.Y Design: attractive packaging. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

DSS Enterprise: diamond sugar stick. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bisnes dalam talian lumayan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Prasarana promosi percuma peniaga kecil di stesen bas, rel. [Newspaper] (2020)

Program SUPERB terima 1,149 penyertaan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Shell buka peluang PKS kembangkan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

‘A’man Plantime: nursery and garden space. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Faktor kritikal kejayaan usahawan dalam perniagaan. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7 (1): 5020. pp. 34-45. ISSN 1823-884x (2012)

Sarang kelulut ubah hidup bekas pekerja kilang. [Newspaper] (2017)

The Nelayan Enterprise: fresh and high-quality seafood. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Data keusahawanan digabung pacu pertumbuhan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Abu Bakar, Sairdan Penyediaan rancangan perniagaan. Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia, ITM, Selangor. ISBN 9839937413 (1998)

Produk kraftangan Putrajaya capai standard tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Latihan keusahawanan buat 50,000 graduan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan bumiputera masih takut kepada persaingan - INSKEN. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2015)

Perbadanan Putrajaya lahirkan ramai usahawan kraftangan. [Newspaper] (2020)

EIH platform keusahawanan, pembelajaran usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Dua program baharu bantu PKS berkembang. [Newspaper] (2020)

MyNEPT bantu usahawan perbaiki kelemahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUNB perkenal bantuan pembiayaan PKS Bumiputera, RM200 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME Corp perkukuh jangkauan digital PKS. [Newspaper] (2019)

Shell Malaysia bantu perkasa PKS tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Madu kelulut: beri pendapatan lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Skizo Studios: graphic design services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

92.1% usahawan susah. [Newspaper] (2020)

MARA tumpu perkasa 5 industri utama. [Newspaper] (2019)

Minuet coffee: coffee shop and cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ETC pusat sehenti bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Wow! 66 program utama luar bandar catat kejayaan 95 peratus. [Newspaper] (2019)

Famfoodie Sdn Bhd: Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

SME: usahawan OKU jana pendapatan ribuan ringgit melalui bakeri. [Video] (2018)

Enam inisiatif teras MEDAC bantu usahawan PKS, Mikro. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Ambil peluang tambah pendapatan dalam tempoh sukar: usahawan MARA. eWarta MARA. (2020)

"Dahulu saya jurutera, kini saya seorang usahawan"-Usahawan MARA. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

Sayor Kitchen: Plant-based food production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Langkah proaktif bantu usahawan PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

PERTUNAS harap RM1 bilion untuk usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Amin Aiskrim: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sampah jadi produk kreatif, inovatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

TEKUN Nasional terima 25,140 permohonan skim mikro COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

The House Of Ice Pop Enterprise: ice pop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GPS komited, prihatin bantu rakyat. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sambal Che'Nor tembusi pasaran dunia. [Newspaper] (2021)

Mara tawar pembangunan usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lahir usahawan produktif. [Newspaper] (2015)

Jadi popular kerana Kak Long Teh Ais. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lulusan PhD pun jual kek cawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan luar bandar perlu ada inisiatif sendiri pastikan perniagaan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2019)

Farm Land: goat’s milk production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Buku berkaitan pertanian makin popular petunjuk ramai mahu jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keropok Lekor Panas Meletop Enterprise: keropok lekor origanu. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dapur Kawah Sdn Bhd: packed instant food rendang. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Icecream: ice cream shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Matrock’s Burger: foodtruck burger. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kesedar Bantu Usahawan Luar Bandar. [Newspaper] (2020)

Nasib usahawan PKS terjamin selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Latip, Fuad 15 teknik efektif internet marketing. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585299 (2007)

PWS sasar bangunkan 500 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Faktor yang mendorong kejayaan usahawan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) MARA di daerah Melaka Tengah. Jurnal Inovasi Perniagaan, 1 (2). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2600-836X (2016)

ILMAN pemacu ke arah usahawan Dai. Jurnal Keputeraan, 5: 4. pp. 91-116. ISSN 2289-2524 (2016)

Mahmood, Rosli and Abu Bakar, Lily Julienti and Mohd Jani, Mohamad Yusop and Bakar, Muhammad Shukri and Deraman, Norita and Zakaria, Norria and Abdullah, Syahrina and Mohd Saad, Rosli and Mustapa, Azrain Nasyrah Prinsip-prinsip asas keusahawanan. Thompson, Singapore. ISBN 9789814195133 (2007)

Program SDSI sasar potensi jualan RM20 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

Shyara's De Apam Balique: various flavour of apam balik. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Transformasi usahawan asnaf menerusi program pembangunan ekonomi, Lembaga Zakat Selangor. Jurnal Ilmi, 9 (1): 2. pp. 15-29. ISSN 2600-7371 (2019)

PKS sumbang 41 peratus KDNK tahun depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

HikariNeko Sdn Bhd: women 's pads (Akaichi Pad). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yesmeanlicious Pastry: bread and pastry shop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zephyr.Co: automatic home diffuser fragrances. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sun Luna Cafe: coffee and beverages. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Secret’s Cake Sdn Bhd: cake cafe. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nuriz Enterprise: fresh homemade roti john. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Naxa Agrotech: hydroponic kit business. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Clay Craft: hand crafted plates. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

GEM latih usahawan tembus pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2018)

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. [Newspaper] (2017)

Illya beads store: tailoring tools and beads. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Mak Teh Beryani Enterprise: frozen beryani food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Jupito’s: the adjustable bag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Twodots Stop Enterprise: fit-to-go box (healthy sandwich box). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Automotive Purveyor: automotive spare parts. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Program E-Board bantu lonjakan jualan usahawan tempatan lebih 50 peratus. [Newspaper] (2020)

Nisa Ice Cream Store: ice cream Malaysia. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ChoiiEdits: professional videos and photos editing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) popiah. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Retro Thrift Sdn Bhd: used women’s and men’s clothing (pre-loved item). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nurclicx.compasar produk halal. [Newspaper] (2021)

RISDA berjaya lahirkan ramai usahawan tempatan di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2019)

OwlFood: online food delivery service. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Fresh Fruit Enterprise: tutti fruity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Meldecieuse Bakery: pastries and bread products. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Millennials Beauty Cosmetics: healthy cosmetics based on natural, organic and herbal ingredients. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Haraz Dairy Milk Mini Mart: dairy product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Koyak Activesport: sportswear. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Kolong hidupkan semangat usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan TEKUN perlu tumpu pengeluaran makanan halal. [Newspaper] (2020)

The Slusshy: home-based dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pembiayaan mikro PENJANA RM400 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kualiti keusahawanan dalam kalangan usahawan kecil dan sederhana. GEOGRAFIA Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 15 (3). pp. 13-27. ISSN 2682-7727 (2019)

Naila lebarkan sayap perniagaan spa kecantikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

10,000 peniaga di jangka sertai platform Alibaba. [Newspaper] (2017)

INSKEN komited memperkasa usahawan tempatan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Skim pembiayaan SME Bank terima anugerah, sokong usahawan teroka industri teknologi hijau. [Newspaper] (2020)

Two Hundred Percent: Custom shirts and printing design. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VaseLamp Pottery Sdn Bhd: multifunctional vaselamp. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

AynaRosé.co: therapy lip balm. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Grill and Toast Restaurant: traditional food and self-service restaurant. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pemasaran secara digital lebih dekat kepada pelangan: MARA in Fashion (MIF). e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

Peniaga, usahawan masih risau. [Newspaper] (2020)

Natural By Nature Bundle: bundle store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Melahirkan graduan tekno-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pasaran eksport sumber ekonomi usahawan tempatan yang harus digembleng. Astro AWANI Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2019)

Tak jemu gilap bakat wanita jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

PKS mesti rebut peluang pasaran halal dunia. [Newspaper] (2020)

211 usahawan sertai U-Boleh. [Newspaper] (2018)

Asas usahawan IPT. My Metro. (2017)

Kisma Enterprise: dried fruit jams (dates and raisins). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Karipap resipi ibu masuk resort. [Newspaper] (2018)

Iktiraf usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2017)

Keusahawanan: impian yang terdaya dicapai. [Newspaper] (2019)

Print Pantas: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Pulau Pinang, Selangor kongsi idea dan pengalaman perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lima agensi latih, bantu usahawan kecil jana pendapatan keluarga selepas PKP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Yaacob, Zulnaidi 12 strategi elak bisnes gagal. Mustread Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675426377 (2010)

Nikmati air nira di ladang nipah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Drive-By Mochi’s: bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Aspirasi Assist bantu usahawan mikro terkesan COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerajaan kaji guna kaedah digital salur bantuan untuk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu bantuan kemudahan kewangan faedah rendah. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu miliki pengetahuan IT. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi AIM bantu 373,815 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Peluang terbuka PKS teroka pasaran China. Berita Harian Online. pp. 1-3. (2020)

SZ Frozen Food: frozen food product. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Memperkasa program keusahawanan seni kreatif. [Newspaper] (2020)

Beautiful blossoms: fresh floral (flower shop). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Usahawan asnaf

Transformasi usahawan asnaf menerusi program pembangunan ekonomi, Lembaga Zakat Selangor. Jurnal Ilmi, 9 (1): 2. pp. 15-29. ISSN 2600-7371 (2019)

Usahawan Batik

Bengkel Pemantapan Seni Visual & Batik diharap beri nilai tambah kepada pelajar SPM. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan Bumiputera

MARA, Shopee jalin kerjasama pasaran produk usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Entrepreneur Premises Complex. [Website] (2020)

Jana niaga: bantuan usahawan terjejas akibat pandemik covid-19. [Website] (2020)

Kenyataan media: SUPERB salur RM157 juta bantu usahawan belia Bumiputera. [Website] (2020)

Kerjasama Bernama Radio, ManisFM bakal mantapkan usahawan bumiputera. [Video] (2020)

MAHB perkasa aktiviti peruncit Bumiputera di lapangan terbang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penjana Tourism Financing (PTF). [Website] (2014)

SME Bank terus bantu PKS hadapi PKP 3.0. [Website] (2021)

SME Go. [Website] (2015)

SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF). [Website] (2015)

SUPERB 2020: mengajak usahawan bumiputera mencari idea perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Skim Pembiayaan Ekonomi Desa (SPED). [Website] (2015)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi. [Website] (2020)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi oleh sme bank bantu tingkatkan perniagaan usahawan mikro dan kecil. [Website] (2021)

Snek jagung Haliza Industries ke Bahrain. [Newspaper] (2018)

Tentang dana kemakmuran bumiputera (DKB). [Website] (2020)

Majlis kemakmuran bumiputera platform perkasa ekonomi bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bekas peguam kini tauke baju sekolah. [Newspaper] (2018)

Bumiputera akan dijadikan bangsa usahawan - Muhyiddin. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keupayaan Usahawan Bumiputera Melaksanakan Kemahiran Keusahawanan: Satu Kajian Kes. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 12 (1). pp. 61-70. ISSN 0128-7702 (2004)

Faktor-faktor penyumbang kepada kejayaan dan kegagalan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) bumiputera di Malaysia. E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014): C021. pp. 191-200. ISSN 978-983-3048-92-2 (2014)

Usahawan Graduan

MEDAC cadang tubuh universiti koperasi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan IKS

Penggunaan bisnes online kit dalam khidmat bantu usahawan iks negeri Johor. Penulisan. (Unpublished)

Usahawan IPTA

Keusahawanan sosial & kelestarian ekonomi. [Video] (2015)

Usahawan Industri Asas Tani (IAT)

Bimbing usahawan NBME. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana

Kerajaan negeri meterai MoU bersama UiTM Cawangan Sabah bantu perkasa IKS Sabah. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan Kecil dan sederhana

Inisiatif baik promosi AI. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Kongsimakan

Lahir usahawan produktif. [Newspaper] (2015)

Usahawan Kraf

Perbadanan Putrajaya lahirkan ramai usahawan kraftangan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan kraf di Malaysia: analisa laluan terhadap perhubungan inovasi produk, komitmen perniagaan dan perkembangan perniagaan. The Malaysian National Economic Conference (PERKEM), V1 (2). pp. 208-217. ISSN 2231-962X (2011)

Usahawan Mikro

Warong Rider bantu penjaja, peniaga kecil tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Muda

Peluang terbuka PKS teroka pasaran China. Berita Harian Online. pp. 1-3. (2020)

Usahawan Muslim

Meneliti Hubungan Jihad Perniagaan dengan Pencapaian Usahawan Muslim Berjaya di Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 44: 11141. pp. 81-91. ISSN 01272713 (2015)

Usahawan Negeri Perlis

Raja Muda Perlis gesa golongan muda ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2013)

Usahawan OKU

Status OKU bukan halangan jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Original Equipment Manufacturing

MINTRED bantu usahawan hasil produk sendiri. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan PKS

Niaga awani: bagaimana keperluan usahawan dipenuhi. [Video] (2020)

SME Bank terus bantu PKS hadapi PKP 3.0. [Website] (2021)

RM50 juta bantu PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

SME: usahawan tempe, jana pendapatan ratusan ribu ringgit. [Video] (2018)

Produk kerepek dari Banting masyhur. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan PKS dan mikro

Biz Hall 2020 bantu usahawan terjejas Covid-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan Siswa

Dua siswa cacat pendengaran juara Pertandingan Usahawan Inovasi. Bernama News. (2017)

Kerajaan negeri meterai MoU bersama UiTM Cawangan Sabah bantu perkasa IKS Sabah. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan Social Biz (OmniaUSB)

Media Prima Omnia perkenal OmniaUSB bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan Tani

Dana Agrofood bantu usahawan tani terjejas COVID-19. [Newspaper] (2020)

Generasi usahawan tani. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan aiskrim

Z Golden Legacy lambang kegigihan tauke aiskrim. Dewan Ekonomi (10). pp. 22-24. ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Usahawan baharu

Sasar lahir 15,000 usahawan baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan belia

Program SUPERB tawar geran perniagaan RM500,000. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belia Pahang digalak sertai projek madu kelulut. [Newspaper] (2016)

Usahawan beras

Biz Malaysia: usahawan muda beras. [Video] (2016)

Usahawan berdaftar

Yayasan Pembangunan Usahahawan Terengganu: bantu usahawan IKS. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan bertakwa

Nilai dan etika perniagaan dalam islam bagi membentuk usahawan bertakwa. In: Proceeding International Conference on Islamic Leadership-2 (ICIL) 2012: Intellectuality and Leadership of Muslim Scholars in Research, Innovation and Creativity in Asean Region. 2012 ed. Penerbit Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 477-484. ISBN 9789670393483 (2012)

Usahawan bumiputera

400 usahawan TUBE berjaya dilahirkan di Perak. [Newspaper] (2018)

Adilah products: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Agenda awani: ke arah memperkasa usahawan bangkit semula. [Video] (2020)

Air minuman zeeper: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2019)

Azan Tyre: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Pahang. [Video] (2017)

BIZ Malaysia: roti planta. [Video] (2016)

Bahulu & kek kak long: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Selangor. [Video] (2020)

Eskayvie jelajah tujuh negeri bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2022)

FF Mercu Niaga Sdn Bhd: usahawan TEKUN negeri Perak. [Video] (2017)

Famous fried chicken: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Selangor. [Video] (2018)

Ibu dan anak buktikan wanita boleh berjaya dalam dunia keusahawanan. [Video] (2017)

Kale Gula Resources: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Selangor. [Video] (2020)

Kedai runcit Mohd Khairi: usahawan TEKUN Nasional Pekan, Pahang. [Video] (2020)

Kopi cap tangan: usahawan TEKUN negeri Kelantan. [Video] (2020)

Lebih 600 usahawan orang asli Balal dilahirkan JAKOA. [Video] (2016)

Penerimaan produk bumiputera di hypermarket. Monograf Penyelidikan. pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-4844 (2010)

Perniagaan santan segar: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Kuala Lumpur. [Video] (2018)

Rizam Perabot: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional negeri Kedah. [Video] (2019)

SH craft & creation: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Johor. [Video] (2020)

Saad Capal: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Perlis. [Video] (2018)

Sinar Syukrawie Enterprise: usahawan cendawan tiram kelabu. [Video] (2018)

Tapai pulut sarimah: usahawan TEKUN negeri Melaka. [Video] (2019)

USNA burger: usahawan berjaya TEKUN Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan FAMA: ladang jagung Kuala Pilah. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan MARA: cherita Surischa. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan digesa rebut peluang optimumkan dana PUNB, MARA. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan muda menjual kasut & pakaian sukan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan muda pembekal kurma utama di Borneo. [Video] (2018)

Kerajaan fokus bantu usahawan bumiputera untuk seimbangkan ekonomi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Wujudkan panduan peniaga baharu jadi usahawan cemerlang. [Newspaper] (2019)

Perubahan sikap keusahawanan usahawan melayu di Malaysia. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 11 (1): 11077. pp. 98-116. ISSN 1823-884x (2014)

Produk keluaran bumiputera perlu diperluas. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pasar 600kg madu kelulut sebulan. [Newspaper] (2022)

Dana RM230 juta bantu perkasa usahawan Bumiputera. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan burger

Akie Burger sasar 200 usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan coklat

EXCO harap Pulau Pinang dapat lahir usahawan mahir dalam pembuatan butik coklat dan western coffee roasting. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan desa

Kampung Pilah Tengah hab usahawan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan digital

Keusahawan digital antara fokus kepada pelajar IPT. [Video] (2020)

Normal Baharu: bagaimana usahawan dapat memanfaat skim PENJANA. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan Sarawak perlu kreatif depani cabaran geografi, capaian internet. [Newspaper] (2020)

YLE2019 memperkasa semangat kepimpinan dan keusahawanan belia. [Newspaper] (2019)

TMC lahirkan usahawan digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

MP seru usahawan tempatan rebut peluang tembusi pasaran antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan graduan

Pelbagai inisiatif tingkat jumlah usahawan graduan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan huluan dan hiliran

37 usahawan sertai Program Pembangunan Agropreneur Lada. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan industri kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

Kerajaan komited bantu PKS, syarikat pertengahan sektor utama. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan informal

TEKUN lancar Spin bantu 10,000 usahawan informal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan jalanan

Peniaga jalanan: penangan pandemik Covid-19. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship, 5. p. 14. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Usahawan jepun

Teknik bisnes orang Jepun mengikut perundangan Islam. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 8. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)

Usahawan kampung

Usahawan kampung mampu jana pendapatan tinggi dan sumbang kepada ekonomi negara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan kecil

IMFAN bimbing usahawan kecil peroleh sijil halal. [Video] (2020)

Realiti rakyat: nasihat untuk perusahaan kecil dan sederhana ketika PKP. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan kecil ke pentas dunia. [Video] (2017)

Peniaga jalanan: penangan pandemik Covid-19. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship, 5. p. 14. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Usahawan kecil Bumiputera

Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan: kerajaan Sarawak dicadang sedia bantuan khas bantu usahawan kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan kecil dan sederhana

Ketengahkan produk usahawan, koperasi lokal menerusi platform ‘Pasar Co-op’ KADUN. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan komersil

Jana ekonomi negara dengan melahirkan ramai usahawan. [Video] (2016)

Usahawan kopi

Usahawan muda kopi dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan kosmetik

SPM: bingkisan kejayaan usahawan muda. [Video] (2015)

Usahawan luar bandar

Karnival usahawan desa tawar jualan secara maya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sasar Mee Aniq di pasar raya di Sabah. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan madu

Kelulut dan madu kelulut. [Website]

Kerana uniknya kelulut... dulu jurutera kini Aluis bergelar usahawan madu. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lebih 700 usahawan terlibat industri madu kelulut seluruh negara. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan tani Sarawak digalak ceburi ternakan lebah kelulut. [Newspaper] (2017)

Usahawan madu kelulut

Haji Said sambil bela, sambil buat kajian kelulut. [Website]

Usahawan mahasiswa

Projek guarana lonjak kemahiran keusahawanan. [Video] (2015)

Usahawan media

Usahawan Media: kerjaya kewartawanan masa hadapan. Dewan Masyarakat (2). pp. 53-56. ISSN 0419-0386 (2020)

Usahawan mikro

BSN micro/i kredit prihatin bantu gerakkan perniagaan. [Video] (2020)

Halatuju baharu pembangunan PKS negara. [Video] (2018)

Ikon agro: rajin dan usaha - bukti kejayaan usahawan mikro. [Video] (2019)

Jana niaga: bantuan usahawan terjejas akibat pandemik covid-19. [Website] (2020)

Kempen KPDNHEP bantu usahawan teroka pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2021)

Krisis COVID-19, 'wake up call' kepada usahawan tidak berdaftar. [Video] (2020)

Moratorium, pembiayaan bertindih untuk usahawan TEKUN terkesan banjir. [Newspaper] (2021)

PNS sedia platform bantu usahawan setempat. [Newspaper] (2020)

Realiti rakyat: nasihat untuk perusahaan kecil dan sederhana ketika PKP. [Video] (2020)

Sasar bantu 3,500 usahawan mikro. [Newspaper] (2020)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi. [Website] (2020)

Skim pembiayaan lestari bumi oleh sme bank bantu tingkatkan perniagaan usahawan mikro dan kecil. [Website] (2021)

Pembiayaan mikro lonjak PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

GKP suntik modal bantu pusingan perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Perak lulus peruntukan RM9 juta bantu pengusaha mikro, peniaga kecil. [Newspaper] (2020)

RM100 juta diperuntukkan untuk Skim Pemulihan Perniagaan Tekun. [Newspaper] (2020)

Pelan pemulihan bantu PKS, usahawan bertahan. [Newspaper] (2020)

DPMM Kelantan tawar pinjaman sifar riba. [Newspaper] (2021)

Dana RM40 bilion untuk membantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Keropok Lekor Tok Molor bakal tembusi pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2020)

Set komputer buat usahawan mikro Pulau Pinang. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan muda

Agenda AWANI: pemenang anugerah agropreneur muda Agrobank 2019. [Video] (2019)

Bijak pilih pasaran perniagaan, jamin kejayaan usahawan belia. [Video] (2018)

Biz Malaysia: usahawan muda beras. [Video] (2016)

Galak pelajar ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Galak siswazah berniaga. [Newspaper] (2013)

Generasi muda dijangka tinggalkan pekerjaan, lebih berminat dalam keusahawanan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Generasi muda disaran ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2014)

Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

Geran untuk anak muda. [Video] (2020)

Intellectual discourse: Memperkasa usahawan Agromakanan melalui teknologi MARDI. Pusat Promosi dan Pembangunan Perniagaan MARDI, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2017)

KL Carnival: bantu usahawan muda berniaga dalam kontena. [Video] (2017)

Kerajaan beri perhatian latih usahawan muda dalam bidang digital. [Video] (2019)

Kisah inspirasi anak yatim piatu tanpa pelajaran. [Video] (2018)

Penglibatan orang muda dalam bisnes agro. [Video] (2016)

Perbanyak program keusahawanan tarik belia ceburi bidang perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Potret kejayaan Usahawan Belia Tani lepasan PLKPK BLKP: Muhamad Ridwan bin Muhamad. [Video] (2018)

Program Pembangunan Usahawan Anak Muda Kota. [Website]

Rebut geran pertanian, penternakan disediakan kerajaan. [Video] (2017)

Remaja 24 tahun jadi usahawan bepang berjaya. [Video] (2014)

SME: kesediaan belia untuk menjadi usahawan berjaya. [Video] (2018)

SME: usahawan muda jual ikan laga RM6,000. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2017 - Sembang pagi: YES, usahawan muda. [Video] (2017)

SPM 2017 - Usahawan muda Kolej Komuniti : Sijil Terapi Kecantikan dan spa. [Video] (2017)

SPM: bingkisan kejayaan usahawan muda. [Video] (2015)

SPM: cerita pagi Kedah usahawan tani. [Video] (2020)

SUPERB platform terbaik buat usahawan muda. [Video] (2014)

Sesi temuramah En Bestari dan Astro Awani mengenai SUPERB. [Video] (2014)

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Tersenarai dalam Forbes, kejayaan buat usahawan muda tempatan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan belia disaran mohon geran Agropreneur Muda MARDI. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Pulau Pinang, (perniagaan barang lusuh). [Video] (2018)

Usahawan muda kopi dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan muda pulihkan kandang terbiar, kini berjaya. [Video] (2020)

#mausembang: bisnes 'tepi jalan' untung RM30K? - Azri Walter. [Video] (2019)

Cabaran dan sikap usahawan dalam Skim Belia Tani. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 3. pp. 88-110. (2010)

Program Bijak Usahawan Muda YBR dorong usahawan berjaya. [Newspaper] (2022)

Jutawan ternakan tumpah ilmu kepada anak muda. [Newspaper] (2016)

Youth entrepreneurship characteristics and challenges faced by youth entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 5. pp. 1-38. ISSN 2180-1649 (2011)

Kerajaan komited jadikan Bumiputera bangsa usahawan-PM. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Graduan perlu daftar segera PENJANA KPT-CAP. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kekal kriteria usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

'Permintaan tinggi sehingga bekalan tidak mencukupi'. [Newspaper] (2020)

Bizmart Books & Such UITMCK perintis inkubator usahawan muda mahasiswa. Paradigma Johor : Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. pp. 20-21. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Seng, Ann Wan Rahsia bisnes orang Korea. PTS Professional Publishing, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9833585221 (2006)

Program keusahawanan komuniti bantu kumpulan sasaran jana pendapatan. [Newspaper] (2019)

eUsahawan jana jualan RM668 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan muda tempatan

GEM latih usahawan tembus pasaran global. [Newspaper] (2018)

Usahawan muslim

Usahawan Muslim perlu ada ekosistem perniagaan terbaik. [Newspaper] (2020)

Belia dan keusahawanan. Paradigma Johor 2020: Malaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 4. p. 6. ISSN 2682-7824 (2020)

Usahawan nanas

Industri tanaman nanas komersial. [Video] (2020)

Jutawan Enterprise (Kisah Usahawan Nanas Berjaya). [Video] (2020)

Keningau Diamond didaftarkan sebagai varieti nanas terbaharu Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Nanas dilihat berpotensi jadi produk kesihatan., Sabah. (Unpublished) (2020)

Usahawan pelajar

Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

KPT hasilkan 50,000 usahawan sepanjang 2020. [Newspaper] (2021)

MEDAC tingkatkan jumlah usahawan graduan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Sasana Niaga gerbang keusahawanan siswa UTeM. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka. (Unpublished) (2020)

Buat duit musim PKP: Pelajar GMI. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

PKP: Pelajar tekad kembangkan perniagaan ketupat palas sejuk beku. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan pelajar IPT disaran rebut peluang daftar SSM secara percuma. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerajaan komited jadikan Bumiputera bangsa usahawan-PM. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Duopharma latih siswazah jadi usahawan farmaseutikal. [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan prafrancaisi

PNS mahu 300 usahawan sertai BIT tahun ini. [Newspaper] (In Press) (2016)

Usahawan susu

Graduan kejuruteraan mekanikal kini usahawan susu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Usahawan tani

UiTM Pahang sedia 20 hektar tanah untuk program skim latihan aperantis tani. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan tani dan penternak

Mikro kredit untuk usahawan tani, penternak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan tani muda

Iktiraf usahawan tani muda. [Newspaper] (2017)

Usahawan tebu

Dari mat rempit ke usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan teknologi

Teknology Park Malaysia menguatkan kemahiran usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Usahawan tempatan

Bejewelled: usahawan TEKUN Nasional negeri Sabah. [Video] (2020)

Buletin AWANI khas: Sabah memilih - keluh kesah peniaga di Sabah. [Video] (2020)

Niaga awani: bagaimana keperluan usahawan dipenuhi. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan bimbingan MARDI. [Video] (2018)

Momentum Internet sasar 100,000 usahawan digitalisasi perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2021)

RISDA berjaya lahirkan ramai usahawan tempatan di Sarawak. [Newspaper] (2019)

Pasaran eksport sumber ekonomi usahawan tempatan yang harus digembleng. Astro AWANI Network Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2019)

Usahawan ternak

Status OKU bukan halangan jadi usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita

Jangan lokek ilmu – Fatimah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lebih ramai wanita dalam bidang keusahawanan menjelang 2020. [Newspaper] (2018)

Madu kelulut berpotensi besar – usahawan wanita ternak 42 sarang. [Video] (2018)

Nona inspirasi: pengusaha dodol cair. [Video] (2021)

Ternakan ikan sangkar, usahawan berjaya TEKUN Nasional Tawau. [Video] (2018)

Wanita inspirasiku (WINS). [Newspaper] (2019)

Usahawan wanita tidak terpinggir. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan tak boleh mengalah. [Newspaper] (2020)

Berbaloi pinjam wang KWSP bapa. [Newspaper] (2018)

Mensarjanakan usahawan PKS. Paradigma Johor : Mlaaysian Academy of SME and Entrepreneurship Development, 5. p. 12. ISSN 2682-7824 (2021)

Pelitup muka bersulam hasil kreativiti Suraya. [Newspaper] (2020)

PUWas bantu usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2020)

KPMHEP komited sokong usaha perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2017)

Kerajaan prihatin terhadap usahawan wanita. [Newspaper] (2019)

Lahir ramai usahawanita. [Newspaper] (2018)

Niat Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Wanita di Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM). Journal of Business Innovation, 4 (2): 4. pp. 36-49. ISSN 2600-836X (2019)

Potensi dan Peningkatan Kejayaan Usahawan Wanita di Malaysia. In: Kolokium Penyelidikan Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2015, Jun 2015, Politeknik METRO, Johor Bahru. (Unpublished) (2015)

Penggunaan Internet dalam Kalangan Usahawan Wanita: Akses, Kemahiran dan Motivasi. Jurnal Komunikasi, 33 (3). pp. 21-36. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

Pembiayaan mikro PENJANA RM400 juta. [Newspaper] (2020)

Naila lebarkan sayap perniagaan spa kecantikan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Faktor mempengaruhi prestasi usahawan wanita dalam koperasi. Malaysian Journal of Co-oprerative Studies, 15. pp. 47-65. ISSN 2600-7290 (2019)

Wanita Jana Rezeki, platform usahawan wanita kembang perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan wanita terus gigih, cekal capai impian. [Newspaper] (2020)

V'ANETA Enterprise

V' aneta Enterprise: duvet production. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

VG Pasta Production

VG Pasta Production: vegetables pasta. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vacuum bag

Mafalisha: IvVLuggage. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vacuum product

Midea: vacuum cleaner. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Value Of Flower

Gourmet Flower Sdn Bhd: ginger bud. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


JGE Engineering Sdn Bhd: turnkey engineering solution. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vanilla Dried

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vanilla Partnership

Sura Vanilla Partnership: vanilla dried. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Varieti nenas

Keningau Diamond didaftarkan sebagai varieti nanas terbaharu Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2019)

Various Speed

Pensonic Holdings Berhad: blender PB-3205. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Riders Marketing Sdn Bhd: motorcycles. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vending machine

VMac Drink: vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Aksin graphic Sdn Bhd: offset printing. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Versatile and efficient

Yairley: magic bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Vicone: partnership. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Victory Yaya

Gadis OKU cipta nama dengan kuih bulan. [Newspaper] (2018)


Qysara Studio: photography services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

The inspirational and aspirational desires of Ridzuan. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 4. pp. 15-18. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Virtual kitchen

Dapur maya. [Newspaper] (2020)

Vis Technology

IDZ Fortis Sdn Bhd: the great camera vision (TGVision). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Visual art

“Five plus two” skills set and success of young art entrepreneurs: a case study of seven visual artists. Idealogy, 3 (3): 24. pp. 247-260. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)

Visual media player

Be Space: LCD curtain display. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Vivid Sdn. Bhd.

Vivid Sdn Bhd: intelligent shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voice Mind

Voice Mind (wire-free headphones). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Voice command

Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WIT Technology

WIT Technology: eye c u cctv. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

WJKBIN, The Waste Sorting Machine

WJKBin, the waste sorting machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


WTCKL cadang buka lebih banyak Riverside Cafe On The Go. [Newspaper] (2020)

Wallet with sensor

Audiz Technology Sdn Bhd: audiz smart wallet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wallpaper Design

Fae Stickjoy & Deco: wallpaper. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wanita luar bandar

Kajian pembangunan untuk meningkatkan keusahawanan wanita luar bandar di Sabah, Malaysia. Project Report. KRI International Corp., Sabah. (2004)

Warisan keluarga

Nona inspirasi: pengusaha dodol cair. [Video] (2021)

Washing Machine

EasyWash Sdn Bhd: portable washing machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Washing machines

Fikri & Hanis Enterprise: dhoby box. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Laundry Express: self-service laundry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wasilah dakwah

ILMAN pemacu ke arah usahawan Dai. Jurnal Keputeraan, 5: 4. pp. 91-116. ISSN 2289-2524 (2016)


Rhythm Co. Ltd: variety of clocks. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Water bottle

Klean Kanteen: thermos. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yairley: magic bottle. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Ilmu keusahawanan dalam talian. [Video] (2020)

Wedding ceremonies

Catering xpert: catering. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Western dishes

Banasfha Cafe: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Western food

Drift Western Food Truck: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Brainy Dolls Sdn Bhd: western food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Smart wheelchair. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Keusahawanan sosial & kelestarian ekonomi. [Video] (2015)

Wingardium Leviosa Wand

Wingardium Leviosa Wand: magical wand. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wireless Portable Charger 3 in 1

Gijutsu Tech Sdn Bhd: wireless portable charger 3 in 1. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wireless charging phone

Girls Friend: special intelligent handbag. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wireless electricity

Karrielectro Sdn Bhd: Tesla coil wireless electricity. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wireless hands-free technology

Danial Enterprise Sdn Bhd: safety vest. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wireless massage pad

Electric pulse massage pad. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Wise Outlet

Smartlet Sdn Bhd: wise outlet. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


LynnBizz: woman apparel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Woman entrepreneurs

Hotel owner attributes her success to her mother. [Newspaper] (2022)


Crownista Boutique: hijabs. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Women Entrepreneurs

The influence of financial service factors on entrepreneurial competencies and business success among women entrepreneurs: a case study of Sahabat Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 7. pp. 72-89. ISSN 2637-0301 (2018)

Women entrepreneur

Rezeki tani raises productivity, income of Sabah entrepreneurs. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysian women entrepreneurs: some emerging issues and challenges of entering global market. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8 (12). 1596 -1605. ISSN 2222-6990 (2019)

Teguh Bestari Enterprise: drain manufacturer. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Women entrepreneurs

Critical success factors and challenges of women entrepreneurs in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies, 6 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 2462-1935 (2017)

The critical success factors of business growth among women entrepreneurs in Malaysia: a qualitative approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 11 (9). pp. 1445-1459. ISSN 2222-6990 (2021)

Women entrepreneurs get financial aid via Mara programme. [Newspaper] (2020)

2021 Budget: Entrepreneurs get help. [Newspaper] (2020)

Theorising a framework of factors influencing performance of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 3 (2). ISSN 1176-8592 (2007)

Women entrepreneurship

What makes a woman an entrepreneur? In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010, SP Inn Hotel, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.. (2010)

Women-owned businesses

Theorising a framework of factors influencing performance of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 3 (2). ISSN 1176-8592 (2007)

Work culture

7 high performance culture that helps organisations. New Straits Times. (2020)

Working capital

Penjana Tourism Financing (PTF). [Website] (2014)

Working capital management.

Factors affecting working capital management of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6 (1): 1. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Working environment

Damai Abadi (Johor) Facility Management Sdn Bhd: maintenance work. Documentation. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Johor. (Unpublished) (2019)


Sarjana Auto Garage: car workshop. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


HillMe Watch Sdn Bhd: wristwatches. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

XIN Enterprise

XIN Enterprise: MyVenders. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yello Skincare oatmeal turmeric mask & scrub. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yogurt drink

HAUSBABE Beverage & Co.: yogurt flavoured drink. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Young entrepreneurs

Siaran media: APEC YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS KICK - OFF ketengahkan potensi usahawan belia. SME Corp. Malaysia, Malaysia. (Unpublished) (2020)

Young Entrepreneur

Ikon Agro ternakan ikan sangkar membawa hasil lumayan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan durian tanpa kulit bagi kepuasan pelanggan. [Video] (2019)

FlyFlow Pump: budu pump booster. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Auto Tech Enterprise: semi auto trash can compactor. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Swift De’Velvet: boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

POSH: self-stirring and non-tippable mug (THATmug). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Ingenious.Ly Sdn Bhd: honey sleek pump. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished) (2020)

Kajian faktor penglibatan belia dalam keusahawanan. In: 3rd International Conference of Management and Muamalah 2016. 3 ed. International Conference of Management and Muamalah . Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Kajang, pp. 172-181. ISBN 9789670850610 (2016)

Tiny Winy: usaha sama jurufoto muda. Dewan Ekonomi (3). ISSN 0128-8520 (2018)

Young agropreneur

Young agropreneur programme assists youth in kelulut honey industry. [Newspaper] (2019)

Young company

Entrepreneurial leadership: shooting for the stars. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 3. pp. 10-14. ISSN 2637-0301 (2020)

Young entrepreneur

Issues and Challenges among Young Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19 (3). pp. 80-84. ISSN 2278-487X (2017)

Young graduate artists

“Five plus two” skills set and success of young art entrepreneurs: a case study of seven visual artists. Idealogy, 3 (3): 24. pp. 247-260. ISSN 2550-214X (2018)

Youngest learners

Tadika Minda Inovasi: parent learning management system. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Cabaran dan sikap usahawan dalam Skim Belia Tani. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 3. pp. 88-110. (2010)


Dedah siswa aspek keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2016)

Kerajaan laksana program keusahawanan untuk belia. [Newspaper] (2017)

Raja Muda Perlis gesa golongan muda ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Newspaper] (2013)

400 usahawan TUBE berjaya dilahirkan di Perak. [Newspaper] (2018)

AGORA Agropreneur muda MARDI lahirkan ushawan berfikiran kreatif. Pusat Komunikasi Korporat & Kualiti, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2020)

Agenda AWANI: pemenang anugerah agropreneur muda Agrobank 2019. [Video] (2019)

Bijak pilih pasaran perniagaan, jamin kejayaan usahawan belia. [Video] (2018)

Biz Malaysia: usahawan muda beras. [Video] (2016)

Galak pelajar ceburi bidang keusahawanan. [Video] (2018)

Geran bantuan kerajaan 'talian hayat' agropreneur muda cipta kejayaan. [Website] (2020)

Geran untuk anak muda. [Video] (2020)

Intellectual discourse: Memperkasa usahawan Agromakanan melalui teknologi MARDI. Pusat Promosi dan Pembangunan Perniagaan MARDI, Serdang. (Unpublished) (2017)

KL Carnival: bantu usahawan muda berniaga dalam kontena. [Video] (2017)

Kerajaan beri perhatian latih usahawan muda dalam bidang digital. [Video] (2019)

Kerjasama Awam-Swasta membawa Agropreneur muda ke tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur. Institut Penyelidikan Dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), Serdang. (Unpublished) (2016)

Kisah inspirasi anak yatim piatu tanpa pelajaran. [Video] (2018)

Mengenai SUPERB. [Website]

PKNS gilap potensi usahawan pelajar. [Video] (2018)

Penglibatan orang muda dalam bisnes agro. [Video] (2016)

Potret kejayaan Usahawan Belia Tani lepasan PLKPK BLKP: Muhamad Ridwan bin Muhamad. [Video] (2018)

Program "Generation of New Exporters (GenEX)" tingkat eksport usahawan muda bumiputera negara. [Newspaper] (2016)

Program Malaysian agro entrepreneurial club For university students (MyAgrosis). [Website]

Program Pembangunan Usahawan Anak Muda Kota. [Website]

Program SUPERB tawar geran perniagaan RM500,000. [Newspaper] (2020)

Rebut geran pertanian, penternakan disediakan kerajaan. [Video] (2017)

Remaja 24 tahun jadi usahawan bepang berjaya. [Video] (2014)

Remaja Istimewa MRSM jual roti bantu ibu. [Website] (Unpublished) (2020)

SME Corp sasar 12,000 usahawan belia melalui TUBE. [Newspaper] (2017)

SME: kesediaan belia untuk menjadi usahawan berjaya. [Video] (2018)

SME: usahawan muda jual ikan laga RM6,000. [Video] (2018)

SPM 2017 - Sembang pagi: YES, usahawan muda. [Video] (2017)

SPM 2017 - Usahawan muda Kolej Komuniti : Sijil Terapi Kecantikan dan spa. [Video] (2017)

SPM: bingkisan kejayaan usahawan muda. [Video] (2015)

SPM: cerita pagi Kedah usahawan tani. [Video] (2020)

SUPERB platform terbaik buat usahawan muda. [Video] (2014)

Sesi temuramah En Bestari dan Astro Awani mengenai SUPERB. [Video] (2014)

Siswazah berjaya. [Video] (2018)

Tanam: usahawan muda pertanian Sarawak. [Video] (2018)

Usahawan MARDI catat pendapatan RM320 juta. [Website] (Unpublished) (2015)

Usahawan belia disaran mohon geran Agropreneur Muda MARDI. [Video] (2020)

Usahawan muda kopi dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan muda menjual kasut & pakaian sukan. [Video] (2019)

Usahawan muda pembekal kurma utama di Borneo. [Video] (2018)

Latihan keusahawanan buat 50,000 graduan. [Newspaper] (2018)

Buat duit musim PKP: Pelajar GMI. e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

PKP: Pelajar tekad kembangkan perniagaan ketupat palas sejuk beku. [Video] (2020)

Turun had umur belia dibimbangi jejas usahawan muda. [Newspaper] (2019)

Youth entrepreneurship characteristics and challenges faced by youth entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 5. pp. 1-38. ISSN 2180-1649 (2011)

UiTM lancar Pelan Strategik 2025. [Newspaper] (2020)

Kerajaan komited jadikan Bumiputera bangsa usahawan-PM. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Peruntukan RM20 juta laksanakan TUBE tahun depan. [Newspaper] (2019)

Melahirkan belia usahawan atasi pengangguran. BH Online. (2017)

Usahawan TEKUN perlu tumpu pengeluaran makanan halal. [Newspaper] (2020)

Mikro kredit untuk usahawan tani, penternak. [Newspaper] (2020)

Increasing competitiveness via branding. The Star: News. (2019)


Program YPGO usaha SSM pupuk minat belia ceburi perniagaan. [Newspaper] (2018)


Generasi muda dijangka tinggalkan pekerjaan, lebih berminat dalam keusahawanan. Astro AWANI Network Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished) (2020)

Your Kahu

Your Safety Resources: handy safety kit (Your Kahu). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Youth Entrepreneur

Cabaran yang dihadapi di kalangan usahawan AIM di Daerah Tuaran: Pusat Nurul Bakti. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Proceedings of International Conference on Economics 2017. 2017 ed. International Conference on Economics . Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, pp. 470-479. ISBN 9789670521992 (2017)

Youth academy

Futstylo: sport and entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Youth entrepreneur

Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian youth. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2 (5). pp. 33-48. ISSN 0128-1844 (2017)

Youth's socio-economy

Youths urged to venture into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2020)

Yummy Cafe Sdn. Bhd.

Yummy Cafe Sdn Bhd: Japanese milk bread and caramel coffee. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ZR Company

ZR company: helmet wiper (WIMET). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Zamzam Shoes Sdn. Bhd

Zamzam Shoes Sdn Bhd: intelligence shoes. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

aktiviti jualan

Usahawan mikro lega dapat dana, bantuan di bawah pakej PRIHATIN. [Newspaper] (2020)


Unregistered women entrepreneurs to be identified. [Newspaper] (2020)

business proposal

CMZ Habanero Enterprise: red savina habanero chilli. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


MOON CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: chocolates café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Impact on entrepreneurship towards economic performance in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 2. pp. 11-24. ISSN 2637-030 (In Press) (2018)


MOON CAFÉ Sdn Bhd: chocolates café. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

creative and innovative

Artisan Sabah membangunkan inovasi toolkit seni cungkilan kayu. [Video] (2018)

Selfie Station sedia ruang menarik untuk swafoto. [Newspaper] (2020)


ChocoJar Premium Vibes: chocolate dessert in a jar. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Women online entrepreneurship and social environment in Malaysia: some preliminary findings. e-Bangi : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10 (2). pp. 10-21. ISSN 1823-884x (2015)

Bantu usahawan belia di Belaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Lessons from a student entrepreneur. [Newspaper] (2018)

Supporting SME growth. [Newspaper] (2020)

e-commerce technology

150 participate in entrepreneurship programme. [Newspaper] (2020)


CIMB, Shopmatic bantu PKS wujudkan perniagaan dalam talian. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS diseru ceburi perniagaan secara digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu laksana pendigitalan sebagai pola pemikiran. [Newspaper] (2018)

Pendapatan perniagaan francais susut ketara. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sarawakian entrepreneurs encouraged to do business in the new way. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan di pedalaman bimbingan MDEC raih jualan RM60,000 sebulan. [Newspaper] (2021)

Desamall platform usahawan luar bandar pasar produk. Utusan Borneo Online. (2020)

Seminar pengurusan sumber berasaskan komuniti semasa Covid-19 platform bicara pemantapan upaya masyarakat menghadapi norma baharu. [Newspaper] (2021)

Bantu usahawan belia di Belaga. [Newspaper] (2020)

Usahawan ketinggalan tanpa transformasi digital. [Newspaper] (2020)

Penggunaan Internet dalam Kalangan Usahawan Wanita: Akses, Kemahiran dan Motivasi. Jurnal Komunikasi, 33 (3). pp. 21-36. ISSN 2289-1528 (2017)

10,000 peniaga di jangka sertai platform Alibaba. [Newspaper] (2017)

Pemasaran secara digital lebih dekat kepada pelangan: MARA in Fashion (MIF). e-Warta MARA. (Unpublished) (2020)

Hanya 1.12 peratus perniagaan daftar SSM BizTrust. [Newspaper] (2020)

PKS perlu miliki pengetahuan IT. [Newspaper] (2019)


MDEC bantu Orang Asli jadi e-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

eCommerce service

DHause e-commerce platform helps local businesses thrive. [Newspaper] (2021)


Kerajaan beri perhatian latih usahawan muda dalam bidang digital. [Video] (2019)

Penggunaan bisnes online kit dalam khidmat bantu usahawan iks negeri Johor. Penulisan. (Unpublished)

eUsahawan jana jualan RM668 juta. [Newspaper] (2019)

economic growth,

Impact on entrepreneurship towards economic performance in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 2. pp. 11-24. ISSN 2637-030 (In Press) (2018)


Entrepreneurship education in malaysia: a critical review. Journal of Technology Management and Business, 2 (2): 1162. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-7224 (2015)

ekonomi global

Malaysia kekal sebagai destinasi pelaburan pilihan. [Newspaper] (2020)

ekosistem keusahawanan

Ekosistem dan Daya Saing Keusahawanan di Malaysia. In: Seminar Ketahanan Nasional ke-6 2015, December 2015, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (2015)


Kini mampu bersaing. [Newspaper] (2021)


SMEs must get cash soon. The Star. (2020)

Ex-soldiers show interest in Kelulut. [Newspaper] (2015)

Sebahagian besar PKS bermasalah jika PKP dipanjangkan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)


Unregistered women entrepreneurs to be identified. [Newspaper] (2020)


MaiDah Enterprise: design an application services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

ProBlend & Co.: portable blender. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Sushi Enterprise: Malaysian sushi. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Sushi Bae Enterprise: sushi meals, beverages and dessert. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Senhora Hermosa Bakery: cakes and pastry. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Amaryllis Couture: Dressmaker. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Dream ‘n’ Go Enterprise: health care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Hijabista Boutique: a boutique. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Impact on entrepreneurship towards economic performance in Malaysia. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1): 2. pp. 11-24. ISSN 2637-030 (In Press) (2018)

Women online entrepreneurship and social environment in Malaysia: some preliminary findings. e-Bangi : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10 (2). pp. 10-21. ISSN 1823-884x (2015)

Hibriyah Unisex Hair Saloon Enterprise: Unisex Hair Salon. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Delizioso Caffè Da Dessert: Pudding ice cream. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Solemate.Co ‘Your one-stop retail shoe store’: shoe retail store. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

PS Enterprise: Wifey Material Tool. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Yummy Lunch Box Enterprise: door-to-door lunch convenience delivery services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Catzonia: cat hotel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Easylicious Enterprise: food and give services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Selera Malaysia Enterprise: lunch box in vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Nur Qausar Enterprise: coffee truck (coffees and deserts). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Merak Relaxing Centre (MRC): relaxing centre services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Edu Tech Sdn Bhd: 3D puzzle (Education Toys For Child’s Development). [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Last Minute enterprise: printing services. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Shibusa.Co: hoodies. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ida Bakery: frozen food. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bim Enterprise: Bimtube Hotel. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Bubble Boom Enterprise: laundry services and vending machine. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Beauty Lia Entreprise: beauty and care. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Rifa Florist Shop: flowers and ornamental plants. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

TruckXGaming Enterprise: entertainment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Ethlix Sport Centre Enterprise: sport centre. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

Euphoria Cafe Enterprise: Cake And Bakery. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

eyeHelp Enterprise

eyeHelp Enterprise: iSee cane. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


g4rment: producing and selling plus size garment. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

higher learning institution

Entrepreneurship education in malaysia: a critical review. Journal of Technology Management and Business, 2 (2): 1162. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2289-7224 (2015)

industri madu

Pembangunan industri madu. [Website]

kadar sewa

Suntikan dana permudah PKS. [Newspaper] (2021)

kedai makan

Bantuan GKP, BPN kembangkan perniagaan usahawan biskut. [Newspaper] (2021)


MARA saran usahawan manfaatkan pembiayaan PKS PENJANA. [Newspaper] (2020)

Ekosistem dan Daya Saing Keusahawanan di Malaysia. In: Seminar Ketahanan Nasional ke-6 2015, December 2015, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (2015)

UiTM Pahang sedia 20 hektar tanah untuk program skim latihan aperantis tani. [Newspaper] (2020)

Konsep Kesediaan Keusahawanan Berdasarkan Kajian Kes Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 34 (1): 217. pp. 187-2003. ISSN 2180-0782 (2009)

Kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di negeri Terengganu. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 41 (1): 14045. pp. 87-98. ISSN 2180-0782 (2016)

kraf jahitan

Kraf jahitan negara ke pasaran antarabangsa. [Newspaper] (2019)

lebah kelulut

MOA perkasa industri lebah negara. [Newspaper] (2019)

madu kelulut

Kelulut dan madu kelulut. [Website]

Ex-soldiers show interest in Kelulut. [Newspaper] (2015)

negara Asia Tenggara

Cari peluang jual kopi ke negara Asia Tenggara. [Newspaper] (2019)

pasaran antarabangsa

Tukar bungkusan produk PKS. [Newspaper] (2020)

pembangunan ekonomi

Ekosistem dan Daya Saing Keusahawanan di Malaysia. In: Seminar Ketahanan Nasional ke-6 2015, December 2015, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (2015)

pencuci mulut sejuk beku

Sahut cabaran hasilkan produk aiskrim mesra alam. [Newspaper] (2020)


Bantuan GKP, BPN kembangkan perniagaan usahawan biskut. [Newspaper] (2021)

pendidikan keusahawanan

Konsep Kesediaan Keusahawanan Berdasarkan Kajian Kes Usahawan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 34 (1): 217. pp. 187-2003. ISSN 2180-0782 (2009)

Kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di negeri Terengganu. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 41 (1): 14045. pp. 87-98. ISSN 2180-0782 (2016)

peniaga-peniaga kecil

Pulau Pinang, Selangor kongsi idea dan pengalaman perkasa usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

penternak madu kelulut

Ex-soldiers show interest in Kelulut. [Newspaper] (2015)


Bantuan GKP, BPN kembangkan perniagaan usahawan biskut. [Newspaper] (2021)

Malaysia kekal sebagai destinasi pelaburan pilihan. [Newspaper] (2020)

Selfie Station sedia ruang menarik untuk swafoto. [Newspaper] (2020)

perusahaan kecil dan sederhana

Suntikan dana permudah PKS. [Newspaper] (2021)

perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS)

SME Bank sasar jualan eksport usahawan PKS meningkat. [Newspaper] (2022)

Usahawan mikro lega dapat dana, bantuan di bawah pakej PRIHATIN. [Newspaper] (2020)

Sebahagian besar PKS bermasalah jika PKP dipanjangkan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)

platform e-dagang

Strategi RISDA bantu usahawan. [Newspaper] (2020)

prestasi usahawan

Faktor mempengaruhi prestasi usahawan wanita dalam koperasi. Malaysian Journal of Co-oprerative Studies, 15. pp. 47-65. ISSN 2600-7290 (2019)

produk hiliran

Hab coklat Langkawi dijangka tingkatkan produk koko. [Newspaper] (2020)

produk tempatan

Sahut cabaran hasilkan produk aiskrim mesra alam. [Newspaper] (2020)

rangsangan ekonomi

Turun naik Industri getah, lada, koko di Malaysia. [Newspaper] (2020)

small business

SMEs must get cash soon. The Star. (2020)

small medium business

Getting students to deep dive into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2018)

small medium enterprise

SMEs must get cash soon. The Star. (2020)

Sebahagian besar PKS bermasalah jika PKP dipanjangkan. Berita Harian Online. (2020)

social media promotion

Puncak Bumi Utama Sdn Bhd: couch bookshelf. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

stingless bee

Ex-soldiers show interest in Kelulut. [Newspaper] (2015)


Melahirkan graduan tekno-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)


IPT digesa lahirkan banyak graduan mencipta, bukan hanya pencari kerja. [Newspaper] (2019)

MARA saran usahawan manfaatkan pembiayaan PKS PENJANA. [Newspaper] (2020)

Selfie Station sedia ruang menarik untuk swafoto. [Newspaper] (2020)

Keusahawanan siswa. [Newspaper] (2018)

usahawan TEKUN

Moratorium, pembiayaan bertindih untuk usahawan TEKUN terkesan banjir. [Newspaper] (2021)

usahawan digital

Bagaimana hendak jadi usahawan digital? [Video] (2020)

MDEC bantu Orang Asli jadi e-usahawan. [Newspaper] (2018)

usahawan mikro

Usahawan mikro lega dapat dana, bantuan di bawah pakej PRIHATIN. [Newspaper] (2020)

usahawan muda

Sukses: Usahawan pelajar istimewa Kolej Komuniti Arau & kisah minyak bidara Kolej Batu Gajah. [Video] (2019)

Kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di negeri Terengganu. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 41 (1): 14045. pp. 87-98. ISSN 2180-0782 (2016)

usahawan pelajar

Sukses: Usahawan pelajar istimewa Kolej Komuniti Arau & kisah minyak bidara Kolej Batu Gajah. [Video] (2019)

women entrepreneurship

The roles and challenges of women entrepreneurship in the K-Economy. In: ICOPS 2010 : International Conference on Public Polices & Social Sciences : E-Proceedings, 26 to 27 May 2010. (2010)

young entrepreneur

Medac fokus tarik belia sertai pertanian moden berteknologi tinggi. [Newspaper] (2020)

Getting students to deep dive into entrepreneurship. [Newspaper] (2018)


Sukses: Usahawan pelajar istimewa Kolej Komuniti Arau & kisah minyak bidara Kolej Batu Gajah. [Video] (2019)

‘Read To Me’

Read To Me: audiobook. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 02:38:18 2025 +08.